get to know: language i/o

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Maybe you already know about our product suite that fits into both Salesforce and Oracle RightNow CRM platforms, but you may not know the women behind the product. Here's our story.


Get to know: Language I/OCreators of LinguistNow product suite for Oracle-RightNow and Salesforce CRM


Heather ShoemakerManaging Partner

Kaarina KvaavikManaging Partner

Management Team

Lucia KashBusiness Development Manager

Jennifer EmgeSocial Media Director

Heather Shoemaker – Managing Partner

Favorite Quote: "It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." - Ursula K. Le Guin

The Real Heather: I have a potters wheel in our barn loft at home where my daughters and I throw pots and fire them in a 1950's-era kiln. We have lots of fun, except we're not very good at getting the air bubbles out of the clay so about 50% of our pots explode during the bisque firing. I enjoy reading science fiction, fantasy and post-war British authors. I like corn mazes and dressing up for Halloween in my elf ears. I wouldn't mind having REAL elf ears. I love taking long walks in windy cities when the sun is shining. I ADORE eating good food.

Best Part of the Job: The excitement of starting something new with people I like to work with. 

Dream Coffee Get-Together With: First, we would have herbal tea, because I'm off caffeine. Secondly,  it would have to be the author of my favorite quote - Ursula K. Le Guin, also one of my favorite authors.

“about 50% of our pots

explode during the

bisque firing”

Kaarina Kvaavik – Managing Partner

Best Part of the Job: I’m very passionate about what we do, and I thoroughly enjoy letting that passion show when I interact with our own team, clients, partners and prospects. Working with people that I really like and respect is such a treat and it makes every day fun and exciting.  To be able to solve complex problem with simple solutions – well, that just makes my day!

Dream Moment(s): My dream moment would be to be on stage, singing with

Phil Lynott (lead singer in Thin Lizzie - RIP) or Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac). I’d would

also love another chance to hang out with my dad and get his very sound advice, and laugh

until tears stream down our faces. And, let’s not forget about talking to Douglas Adams and getting the real scoop on “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” – one of the funniest books ever written.

Life Outside of Work: My day-to-day work is 100% business so when I’m “off duty” I really enjoy bringing in the other half of my brain doing some creative stuff. Mind you, my 5-year old draws and paints much better than I do so

my creativity focuses on cooking, making silver jewelry and getting my hands dirty in the garden. Going back some years now (wink, wink) I used to sing in a band. I’m no longer in a band but I often pretend to be, singing loudly while I cook in the kitchen. My family is very important to me and I often schedule crazy flights just so that I can be with

them as much as possible.

Favorite Quote: My dad always used to say “There is a linear relationship between pain and learning.” I don’t know who said that originally (maybe it was my dad) but it’s something I often repeat when I’m going through some tough

times. The harder it gets, the more you learn!

I’m no longer in a band but I

often pretend to


Lucia Kash – Business Development Manager

Best Part of the Job: The chance I have to create something meaningful.

Hobbies and Interests: Tennis, skiing, watching the Red Sox beat the Yankees, and the Patriots going for another Superbowl.  I like languages, in fact, I speak 4 or 5 depending on whom I am with and where I am. 

Person I Admire: Richard Branson, he loves and lives life while creating an awesome empire, listening to people and giving them what they wanted.  Simple, but powerful. He still behaves like a simple and humble bloke, just having fun.

Favorite Quote: “Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage” ~Napoleon Hill

“I like languages, in

fact, I speak 4 or 5”

Jennifer Emge – Social Media Director

Best Part of the Job: Adding creativity to a market that’s often viewed asall business all the time.

Life Outside Work: I don’t go anywhere without a camera (I’ve started my own photography business). I love sports (football and baseball the most). Getting lost on road trips is one of my favorite past times. I recently became a certified open water diver, have run in five half-marathons, and love challenging myself physically and mentally. I’m a proud military wife, going anywhere the Navy sends us.

Dream Coffee Date: Zac Brown. I know it’s not profound, like Mother Teresa or Jesus, but his music makes me happy, and his lyrics are incredibly well-written. We need to chat.

Life Motto: “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” ~John Wooden

“I know it’s not

profound, like Mother Teresa or Jesus…”

Why We Are Credible: Experience and Passion

Heather Shoemaker Architected and helped build our LinguistNow Add-Ins to the RightNow CX platform Years of experience in software development, internationalization, SaaS, globalization,

integration, and product development

Kaarina Kvaavik More than 20 years experience in the high-tech industry. Specialties: Translation, Internationalization, Localization, International Sales & Marketing,

Project and Product Management

Lucia Kash Experience in consulting, localization, globalization and international business Speaks English, German, French, Dutch and Italian

Jennifer Emge Started her career in translation, then moved over to consumer insight to discover what

people really want, and landed in social media Bachelor’s degree in Spanish

All work and no play? No way!

- Dreamforce by Salesforce- Oracle OpenWorld- Localization


What is LinguistNow, our product suite, all about?

LinguistNow Help:

Automates the human translation process of your FAQ content inside RightNow and Salesforce.


LinguistNow Response:

Leverages human linguists as well as machine translation technology to allow your help desk to respond to support questions inside RightNow and Salesforce from anywhere in the world.


THANK YOU!(Chat soon?)

Sales: +1 (781) 990-1282

Customer Service: +1 (307) 421-0466


Twitter: @linguistnow and @languageio


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