
Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Gestation. Juan José Llanos Camilo González 10R. Definition. “Gestation is the carrying of an embryo or fetus inside a female viviparous animal . Mammals during pregnancy can have one or more gestations at the same time ((multiple gestations) .” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Juan José LlanosCamilo González


Definition “Gestation is the carrying of an embryo or fetus inside a female viviparous animal. Mammals during pregnancy can have one or more gestations at the same time ((multiple gestations).”

Sickness. Changing tastes: they may not support

alcohol or coffee. Preference for certain foods. Change in the breasts may feel tingly. Need to urinate more often. Fatigue at any time of day you may feel dizzy. Increased vaginal discharge. Unpredictable changes of the emotions. Excess salivation.

Pregnancy Symptoms

This first week is the actual menstrual cycle.

Things that should be done: Avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products. Talk to your doctor about any drugs you are

taking. Maintain a diet that contains an adequate

amount of vitamins, especially folic acid.

Week 1

This is when the egg gets fertilized. Although you cant actually know, at this right moment is when the sex from your baby is determine.

Week 2

Now, you´re officially pregnant. Then, the cells start to divide into lots and lots of cells creating, with an addition of fluid, a tiny ball named blastocyst.

At last, the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium.

Week 3

At this time, the embryo consist on two layers of cells, the epiblast and the hypoblast that will develop the organs.

Two other structures that develop at this time are the amnion (protects the embryo) and the yolk sac (production of blood).

Week 4

At this time, the embryo starts to take a new form .

The neural tube (future spinal cord) will begin to grow. Also, the heart and placenta development starts.

Week 5

Nervous system, optic vesicles (eyes) and ears start developing.

Around this time, heart beating starts. Also, digestive system, respiratory system, arms and legs start forming.

Week 6

The umbilical cord forms. Other organs continue to form.

Week 7

Fingers, toes and genitals start forming. The arm structure is much more visible now

(elbow and wrist).

Week 8

The baby starts to develop more his head. The digestive system and reproductive

features continue to develop. Muscles also start to develop through this


Week 9

All vital organs are now formed and start to work.

Finger and toes finish forming. Tooth buds take form. If its a male, testosterone starts to produce.

Since this moment, the baby is consider a fetus and not an embryo.

Week 10

Baby start to grow in terms of size and blood vessels increase there size and number.

Facial development continues as we can specially see at the ears.

Week 11

Brain continues to develop. Toe and finger nails start to form. The baby´s kidneys start to function.

Week 12

The placenta has developed and is providing your baby with oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal. It also produces hormones.

Week 13

Some fine hairs develop through the baby´s face.

Genitals are now fully formed. Also, the thyroid gland matures and

hormones start to produce.

Week 14

The skin continues to develop. Hair growth continues and the ears continue

to move to there position. The skeleton and muscles continue to form

and the baby starts moving head, mouth, arms, etc.

Week 15

Weight and length increases. Development of facial muscles occurs. Now the baby is able to hold his head erect.

Week 16

Growth continues. Placenta grows to accommodate the baby.

It now contains thousands of blood vessels that transport nutrients and oxygen.

Week 17

Ears get to their final position. Eyes develop and now they face forward. From week on, bones start to harden, or


Week 18

The baby gets covered with a white, waxy substance called vernix caseosa, which helps prevent delicate skin from getting scratched.

Fat would be develop so that the baby is warm when it gets born.

Week 19

The baby has grown a lot since it was a cell. Its now 312 grams and it measures 16cm.

Baby skin starts to get thicker.

Week 20

Week 21 The intestines have developed enough that small

amounts of sugar can be absorbed from the fluid that has been swallowed. But still almost all of the baby's nourishment comes from his mother through the placenta.

All the blood cells have been produced by the liver and the spleen, but now the bone marrow spaces are developed enough to contribute to cell formation as well.

Week 22 Taste buds have started to form in the tongue. Brain and nerve endings are formed enough so that the

baby can now feel touch. The baby can experiment with this recently found sense by

sucking his thumb and moving other parts of the body. Reproductive system is developing in boys testes are

descending from the abdomen, and in girls the uterus and ovaries are in place and vagina is already developed.

Week 23 Although fat is beginning to accumulate in

your baby's body, skin still hangs very loose. He has some wrinkles due to the missing of fat.

Baby daily routine includes moving toes, arms and legs, that may cause mothers feel more strength in baby's movements

Week 24 Because of the inner ear development the

baby knows if he is upside down or right-side up.

Although baby is receiving oxygen from the placenta, he is already developing his lungs.

Week 25 The baby's heating is constantly developing

to the point that at this stage he can hear his mother.

The baby has resting and alert periods.

Week 26 Eyes of the baby can soon open and start to

blink. Baby at this stage will weigh about 900


Week 27 The baby at this week will look very

similar of how it is going to be born except a little smaller and thinner.

If baby is born at this stage it has very good chances of surviving.

Baby may start to recognize mothers and fathers voice.

Week 28 Baby weights about 1kg he will measure

about 25cm from his crown to his buttocks.

Week 29 Baby will now give hard jabs and kicks, this

in some cases can leave his mother without breath.

Baby should move a minimum of 10 times in an hour.

Week 30 Baby now weighs 1,4 kg and measure

about 27cm from crown to buttocks. The baby continues to grow weight and

layers of fat. Preparing for respiration after birth, the

baby will try to copy, his mothers breathing movements.

Week 31 At this stage the baby is already urinating

into the amniotic fluid. Also the baby is swallowing amniotic fluid.

Week 32 Eyebrows, eyelashes and hair are very

evident on the baby. It weights about 1,8kg and measures 29 cm

from crown to buttocks. They are excellent chances of survival if the

baby its delivered now.

Week 33 The creature is now able to listen, feel and

even see a little bit. The baby's eyes can detect light.

Lungs are almost fully mature. Fat will continue to be deposited on the

baby's body for warmth and protection

Week 34 Most of the babies will be ready for delivery. Baby weighs about 2,25 kg and measure 32

cm of length from crown to buttocks.

Week 35 Baby weighs about 2,4 kg, and this week

your baby starts to gain weight rapidly. About 220- 340 grams per week.

Because of the increasing size the baby will now be cramped into the uterus and that’s why movements may decrease.

Week 36 Baby weights about 2,7kg . There is fat on the baby's cheeks and there

are no more wrinkles.

Week 37 The baby is already fully developed. But the

baby is still growing at a rate of 14 grams a day. In general boys weight more than girls at birth.

Week 38 The creature weights about 2,9kg and

measures 34 cm from crown to buttocks. Fat is still accumulating, but growth is

slower now.

Week 39 “False labour” contarctions can be present

they are as strong as true ones but dont increase in frequency as real ones do.

Week 40 The baby is finally born. He weights about 3,3kg and measures. He may have skin variations like: dry

patches, skin decolorations, but all these are normal things.

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