gentlemen robots

Post on 16-Sep-2015






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The story of Gentlemen Robots, Time3up original game.


Many centuries after the fall of man, the world has become a desolate place. Devoid of life, the planet has become a barren wasteland, where the only inhabitants were the machines left behind. The machines, with no one left to serve, built a society that they could live in. In the year 5420 A.H. (After Humanity), what remained of humanitys ancient civilization has been engulfed by the robotic city of Epsilon-tropolis. Although the existence of man has never been truly forgotten, humanity and their distant past has quickly become myth and legend.

Without mans influence, the machines were able to grow and build their own society in their image. Based on the most sophisticated aspects of human society, robots had created the perfect world of lavish sophistication and class.This ultimately led to a long time of peace, but it was about to come to an end.

A virus began to spread amongst the population of Epsilon-tropolis, making the inhabitants malfunction. This led to rioting in the streets, robots attacking innocent baby robots, and rude and obnoxious behavior. The virus raged on, until finally the great city of Epsilon-tropolis had become a warzone between what was left of the sophisticated robots and the infected robots.

Dr. Whoszamawhatsit, robot genius, builds a group of robots to combat the virus. These robots would represent the apex of sophistication in Epsilon-tropolis. The robots were called the sophisticated automations or Gentlemen Robots. They were tasked with finding out the virus origin, and kicking the bolts out of all the infected that stood in their way. Above all, they would attempt to re-educate the infected citizens of Epsilon-tropolis in the ways of being upstanding machines of refined dignity.

Tutorial Level (Training Room)

Analyzing surroundings. Doctor, we are ready to commence your training exercise. Simones monocle shot out a bright red laser that pierced through the darkness of the room, moving up and down; scanning the entire area.Doctor, what exercises will ensue throughout this training module? asked Pierce.Good of you to ask, Pierce. You and Simone are going to be put through a series of tests to check for any inconsistencies in your programming. Pass the test, and you may proceed to the city, where your first mission awaits you. the Doctor responded.

Must we be put through these tests? We are in primo condition, and ready to face any infectado that dare challenge us! Simone roared boorishly.

Come now, old chap. I feel we could learn a thing or two from the good Doctor. You may proceed when ready, good sir. Pierce bowed graciously. First, we are going to check your motor functions. Use the (arrow keys) to move left and right. Good. Now, make your way over to the highlighted area. Next, we are going to see if your hydraulic joints are in working order. Using the (space bar), jump your way up to the platform. Okay, your movement has been analyzed. Time to work on your combat functions. While on your mission, you will encounter enemies that can be attacked with two type of weapons: Melee and Ranged. Press the (d) key to attack enemies closest to you and the (s) key to attack ranged enemies. Finally, along your journey, you will come across certain special weapons that can be used to rain destruction down upon your enemies. Press the (a) key to pick up any special weapons and use these to help you in your quest. Looks like your programming and systems are in working order. One last test; Make your way to the end of the training room using all the training you have learned. the Doctor monologued.

The two gentlemen robots make their way through the training room, fighting off training bots and dodging obstacles thrown at them. As they reach the final chamber, the door slams shut behind them, nearly cutting Pierce in half.

A little too close for comfort, eh amigo? quipped Simone Enrique, pulling Pierce away from the falling door.Indeed. Nearly had myself a free shave, my good bot. Pierce chuckled.

Dr. Whozamawhatsits voice boomed over the PA system, Not so fast, gentlemen. You have yet to conquer your last obstacle. My second greatest invention: the POTATOBOT! Faster, Potatobot! Kill! Kill!

The ground begins to shake as a platform rises up, revealing their opponent. The Potatobot looked quite ordinary (as robots go), with the exception of a potato in his chest cavity. His chest cavity closes, and his eyes and antenna glow a lucid sea green.

{His main attack in friend mode is running after the Gentlemen Robots in a gangling and uncoordinated fashion and attempting to hug them very tightly. (This drains minor health). After several unsuccessful passes, he pauses, winded. He doubles over and exposes his potato, allowing the player to momentarily inflict massive damage. When he reaches half health, his eyes and antenna turn red. He curls into himself and is shrouded in a cloud of steam. His smile changes to a frown and his eyebrows turn angry. His chest cavity pops open with a microwave-esque ding and in it is a baked potato. His chest cavity stays open during the second stage, allowing the players to continually score critical hits. However, he also pursues the players with reckless abandon. His attack is now swinging at the players. (This does massive damage)}

The Potatobot turns to the Gentleman Robots and stretches out his arms.FRIENDS! HUG FOR POTATOBOT! the bot laughs oafishly as he begins to plod after them.

We are not friends, my dear boy. I would never associate myself with such a clodding collection of carbohydrates. Now have at you! Pierce said, brandishing his sword.

This shouldnt take too long! You will rue the day you took on Simone Enrique! said Simone, his name echoing in the background. (Enrique~)

After the battle, the Potatobot explodes into french fries with a deathcry of POTATOOOOO!

Well that did not take too long, what's next Doctore? Simone queried.

A ripping good row, my dear Doctor. However, I think its time for us to move along. Pierce added.

After the battle, the Doctor enters the room through a secret door with a look of despair.

My creation...Yes...well...good job boys. You seem ready to move on to bigger and badder things. Now as you know, the dangerous virus has spread throughout our beloved city of Epsilon-tropolis. I am sending you two into the city to uncover the origin of this virus. You must find and educate any who seem to be malfunctioning on your way to finding the manufacturer of this blight. But before you go, I have a surprise for you two. said the Doctor as he gestured to the door he came through.

The Doctor led the robots down a corridor to a large steel door.

Simone, if you would please get the doors for me. said the Doctor, gesturing.

Certainly senor. Simone replied.

The doors opened to reveals a large open area filled with unique gadgets and computers. There was a giant tv at the center of the room showing a birds eye view of the city of Epsilon-tropolis. The Doctor took them on a tour of the area, taking them through each room.

Welcome to the Lounge. This will be your central hub for conducting missions throughout the city. The giant monitor here will be where you will gather intel on the area you will be entering. This fine gentlemen to your left is the magnificent Christofer Walkgear. He will be supplying the resources for each mission. The Doctor motioned to a strange looking robot. are you...doing? Christopher said brokenly.

Why are you talking like that? Simone asked the robot.

Before...the outbreak...I accomplished auctioneer. But...since it hit I...started talking all...weird. Walkgear replied.

Now, now Simone, Its not very nice to question how a fellow robot speaks. Continue, Mr. Walkgear. Pierce said politely. the good can me..for any.. supplies...and need Christopher continued.

Yes. Now one more important thing you should remember before you get going. Though many of the citizens of the city are infected with the virus, you may have the chance to reprogram their functions and upload your immunity file to an infected robot. But only if they have an expansion slot to accept the upgrade. While you should try to save those whom you can, remember that most are beyond hope and must be...put down. the Doctor concluded somberly.

We will try to take minimal pleasure in it, I assure you. replied Pierce.

So let us begin, boys! The Doctor said fervently as he moved towards the bank of monitors in front of him.

World 1: 1-1The outbreak started at the Central Processing Unit tower downtown, and rapidly spread to all districts. said the Doctor, typing code into the giant monitor. What made us immune, Doctor? asked Pierce.

Simple, my boy. You were created after the virus struck, with your consciousness tied to an independent host tower off the main grid. When the virus struck, almost all robots were instantly infected. the Doctor expositioned.

So why were you spared as well, Doctore? asked Simone.

That, my boy, is a tale for another time. Now the first area you're heading into is the city streets: a very hostile and crowded district. Each district is being run by various figureheads. Re-program them, and youll save that district. continued the Doctor.Christofer walked in, carrying two ordinary looking umbrellas. guys...I got something...for you to the field...of battle. he stuttered.

Whats this Mr. Walkgear, an umbrella? asked Pierce.

There's that...then meets... the eye. replied Christofer. Christofer is right, gentlemen. The umbrella acts as a shield against ranged objects. As well as a fancy way to glide around. The Doctor said, waving around the umbrella.Simone Enrique (Enrique~) loves gadgets. exclaimed Simone. Yes, this should do quite well. smiled Pierce.

Good, now lets get going. To your right is a tea kettle cannon. I fashioned it from the remnants of an amusement park ride down in the human ruins. It can launch you anywhere in the city. Now, into the tea kettle cannon and lets get the mission started! The Doctor said, not taking his eyes off the screen.The gentlemen robots hopped into the cannon. The cannon turned and fired a teabag into the air, far into the market district of the city. The teabag crashed into the city square, hitting the ground with a wet squish followed by metallic thunk. A magnificent Victorian-looking city with buildings trimmed with chrome. The streets were made out of metallic bricks lining the roads and walkways of the city. The two robots crawled out of the teabag and began scanning the area for traces of the virus. Scanning the area now, Senor Duncan. I see loads of infectados waiting to be blown to bolts! Said Simone.

Well, my dear boy, we should get this elegant dance started! said Duncan as he began walking down the street.Before the two could get very far, they were attacked by a group of ruffians.

Where are you two blokes off to, eh? said one of ruffians, pointing his pistol at Simone.Now, now my dear amigos. Is that any way to address a bot you just met? Simone said, looking very bored.

It seems the virus is worse than we thought. Shall we teach these chaps a lesson in manners, Simone? Asked Pierce.

Now see ir, you two aint teachin no one nothin. Not when we got our pistols pointed at ya. grunted one of the thugs.

We shall see. But before we begin, I, being the gentleman that I am, will give you one chance to drop your weapons and submit to reprogramming. Pierce said politely, offering his hand to the ruffian.

No way, you two arent goi- the misfit began.

Before the hooligan could finish, Simone and Pierce had the whole group on the ground and disassembled.

Such a waste, Simone said, shaking his head.

Indeed, replied Pierce But such is the price of crude and boorish behavior. Lets move on, shall we?.

The duo moved further along the brick-lined streets, battling any malfunctioning robots in their way. Suddenly, they heard the unmistakable scream of someone being attacked. They ran to the noise, finding a Epsilon-tropolis citizen being set upon by a bat-like robot. The bat-robot had an X across its black metallic chest and was very well toned.

The robot was attacking a strange looking citizen. Its outer shell seemed to hang off the main part of the robots body. The shell itself did not seem to be made out of any metal the gentlemen robots have ever seen. It looked more like cardboard than metal.

The bat-like robot screeched when the Gentlemen robots approached.

Who is this? More wrongdoers come to pick a fight with the sword of justice. Have at me evil villains the batbot roared.

The robot charged between Simone and Pierce, knocking them down. He then retreated to the other end of the street.

Ah, the citizen of Epsilon-Tropolis seem to be in the best of moods today, eh amigo? Simone said, dusting himself off.

That confused chap seems to believe we were doing some wrong against the city Pierce replied.

Pierce reached out his hand to the odd looking robot and helped him to his feet. The robots hand was very soft and squishy and bent under the pressure of Pierces grip.

Thank you, sirs, for your assistance. It seems that super hero robot has gone rogue. The cardboard box bot said, holding out his hand to shake the gentlemen robots. Forgive me, my name is Stevebot. I was wandering down the street when the that maniac caught me off-guard.

Pierce Duncan said Pierce, taking off his top hat momentarily. Simone Enrique (Enrique) Simone said, shaking Stevebots hand.

Did you guys hear that strange echo? asked Stevebot.

The gentlemen robots exchanged clueless looks with each other.

What echo are you speaking of my good man? Pierce asked, with a blank look upon his face.

Huh, I guess it was nothing. Stevebot replied, looking more confused than before.

So superhero bot you say? asked Simone.

Yes, a super hero bot. replied Stevebot. I believe that specific model is 00z420P90X-00 or X-man as I believe he would prefer to be called.

What exactly is this X-Man designed to do? asked a confused looking Pierce.

Essentially, X-man was created to keep the peace and bring justice to any who would cause harm to this city. Explained Stevebot.

It looks like even super hero bots are affected by the virus. whispered Pierce as he turned his back to Stevebot.

Yes, we should hurry before X-man causes any more trouble. Simone replied.

Thank you my good man for the information, but we mustn't dawdle any longer. We have some important business in the city we must attend to. Explained Pierce.

Stevebot nodded, his cardboard head bobbled all over until he fixed it back in place.

Y-yes. acknowledged Stevebot, still adjusting his head piece. I too have business in the city. Until we meet again, my friends.

The robots parted in opposite directions. The Gentlemen robots went down the crowded street, tracking X-mans trail of destruction. When they finally caught up to him, he was helping a few ruffians graffiti the wall of a theater.

Looks like our little amigo has been busy. Simone said, shaking his head.

X-man turned, enraged. He pointed at the gentleman robots, and the other ruffians who were spray painting turned to see what he was gesturing towards.

Again the scourge of evil lashes at the the heros foot! This city needs a dark superhero. Someone who isnt afraid to do what's good, no matter what the people think of him! X-man said, full of hubris.What are you talking about? Simone shouted.

Grr, I dont have to explain myself to low lifes such as you two. Said X-man as he lumbered away from them.

Simone and Pierce quickly dispatched the few ruffians X-man left to eliminate them. They ran down a narrow side street, coming upon an old rusted Volkswagen Type II van. The door opened and a tall, lanky robot emerged from the vehicle. His eyes crackled with electricity, and his attire was something out of the 60s. Simone and Pierce both drew their swords.

Woah, hey chill man. No need to harsh my mellow brobot. Whats with the groovy swords? the laid back robot asked sanguinely.

Pierce and Simone looked at each other, then back at the robot, who was now fascinated by a fly buzzing around.

I am Pierce Duncan, and this is my companion Simone Enrique (~Enrique). We are the gentleman robots, here to attempt to reprogram any citizens who can be saved from the virus. Pierce said heroically.

The hippie-bot looked at the two with a mellow expression.Right on, man. Fight the power! Those fascists keep trying to cramp my style. Thats why I hide out here, just making my oil-dye shirts. You guys want one? Theyre real rad. the robot said, bobbing his head.

As incredibly dashing as it would make me look, hese, I must decline. But you mentioned they were oil-dye? We thought oil was all used up! Simone queried.Well us old bots run on oil. More natural, man. Can you dig it? Not like this electricity all these new bots are juiced with. I stockpiled a bunch in my van back in 5369. Traded some dude a necklace I made of gears for a few barrels. And then I gave some ladybot a poem I wrote for a few more. And it just continued like that. Cuz I saw the future, man. I knew wed all be slaves to the power of electricity. the eccentric robot diatribed.Well wed love to procure some, but we dont run on synthetic oil. said Pierce.The hippie shook his head. Nah, you arent picking up what Im laying down, my man. This here is pure oil. None of that synthetic stuff. Its the real deal.That oil would benefit us greatly. Can we buy some from you? Simone asked.

The mellow robot put his hand out. Put your money away, man. I have no need for that stuff. Its all free, share the love. See me later on, I may even have a full oil can to spare here and there. Those thingsll really give you a trip.

The hippie bot fills Pierce and Simones tanks..

Now go fight the power, man. Rage against the machines! Im gonna go chill out, maybe listen to some Lead Gearpin. said the robot, his eyes half-closing.

The gentle robot walked back in his van, flashing a peace symbol before calling out Ill see you groovy cats again soon! and closing the door. Psychedelic rock can be heard from inside the van.

Well, he was certainly...enlightened. Pierce chuckled.

Si, my friend. And so shines a good deed in a weary world. Simone said.

The two gentlemen robots made their way down the alley. It opened abruptly into a large plaza.

X-man threw a group of protein bombs behind Pierce and Simone, blocking the path from whence they came. He then faced the two robots in a death stare as he began reciting his heroic declaration.

When there is justice to be done, I will always be there. When evil is afoot, i will cut it down. When innocence is in peril, I will come to their res- he said, before being cut off.

I am so sorry to interrupt, my good man. But who are you talking to? My friend and I are neither evil, nor do we plan to do any harm to the innocent. On the contrary, we want to help the- said Pierce, before being silenced in turn.

LIES! X-man cut Pierce off. I cannot stand by as you spread your misleading words upon my city. I am X-man. You killed my minions. Prepare to die!

Well, I saw this coming. said Simone drawing his sword as X-man came charging down the plaza.

{X-man has two main attacks: charging at his opponents on the ground (knocks gentlemen robot off their feet), and throwing protein bombs at them from far away (staggers with every hit). He will begin by charging back and forth, attempting to throw the player off his feet before following up with his ranged attacks. (Both deal moderate damage) During this phase, he is invulnerable to ranged weapons. After missing the gentlemen robots (or hitting them 3 times) he will then charge up an X beam. 4 laser beams will shoot out across the screen, telegraphing to the player where the blasts will hit. The charge takes 3 seconds before being unleashed. After each X-Beam, X-man must cool down for a few seconds, leaving him vulnerable to all attacks.}

When the battle was over, X-man lay defeated on the ground, steam was hissing out of the X across his chest. Pierce and Simone stood over X-man. Both of them were still on guard, pointing their pistols at him.

Well, go on! cried X-man. You have bested this citys only hope for truth and justice..get it over with you evil scum.

The gentlemen robots glanced at each other, both contemplated what they should do with the super hero.

Eh, he doesnt seem too bad mi amigo. You get used to all the truth, justice, and evil stuff dont you think? asked Simone.

True, my fellow gentleman. replied Pierce, but that does not mean we can just let him go.

Just as the robots were getting into a bind, Dr. Whozamawhatsit chimed in through their comm links. Listen here, boys. Remember what I explained earlier? You can easily reprogram most larger robots you encounter with the virus and turn them back to normal. Just merge your circuits with theirs and presto, you upload the immunity file in your memory board to that specific robot. the Doctor reminded them.

Excellent Doctor. This makes things quite easier, wouldnt you agree Simone? queried Pierce.

Yes, I will go upload the file now. Simone said.

After the upload was complete, X-man jumped up in a flash, almost knocking the gentlemen robot on their hindquarters.

At last, the torment is over! shouted X-Man, who began stretching and running in place. I cant thank you enough my fellow crime fighters, you cant imagine the things Ive done. I must make things right, I will not allow anymore denizens of my city to suffer any longer. Goodbye my heroic friends, until the day our courageous souls meet again.

With a quick charging flash, X-man left the plaza, leaving the Gentlemen robots alone.

Well, Id call that mission accomplished, if I do say so myself. said Simone cheerfully.

Quite right my affable friend, time to head back to the Lounge. acknowledged Pierce, already signaling their comm link.

Doctor, we are ready for pick up whenever you are. he spoke into the communicator.

World 1:1-2

The Gentlemen robots arrive back at the Lounge, where they were immediately greeted by an exhausted looking Dr. Whozamawhatsit. He was holding a transparent looking tablet and typing very quickly with one hand. Boys! We have a kerfuffle. panted the Doctor, attempting to balance on his two wheels.

Calm down sir. What seems to be the problem? inquired Pierce Duncan.

We have multiple hostile robots located in an abandoned theater in the market district. the Doctor lamented.

I assume you want us to; how do you say, investigate? asked Simone. Such a tedious task for robots of such .

Not when the entire theater is crawling with infected robots. It could be a forward base for whomever is spreading the virus. The Doctor explained.

It is fine, my good Doctor . We will nose around the theater and report back what we find. Pierce reassured. Isnt that right, SImone?

Yes, yes. Shall we get going? The suave robot said, already walking to the launch platform.

Dont forget to restock your supplies with Walkgear! shouted the Doctor.

The duo launched back into the city and landed near the theater. The theater was located in the market district, and the district was as busy as ever.

Who would have guessed a virus base could be located in such an eye sore of a building? proclaimed Simone.

The more inconspicuous the location, the better. Dont you think, my finely dressed fellow? Its not beneficial to hang a shingle when youre an evil mastermind. Pierce said, looking at the buildings surroundings. Shall we head in?

Lo que. said Simone.

The two head into the ominously dark theater. The place was completely run down and filled with dust. From far away, they could see the stage. It looked much newer in comparison to the rest of the building.

Looks abandado to me amigo, shall we get going? Simone sighed, already heading out of the theater.

Suddenly, a group of ruffians attacked, jumping down from the second level. The gentlemen robots fought their way to the stage, as that was where the hostiles seemed to be coming from. They could hear subtle organ music playing, and a faint echo of laughter throughout the theater.

The laughter seemed to get louder as they fought their way to the stage. As they got closer, they noticed a familiar figure sitting in one of the front rows. It was the laid back hippie bot they encountered before. He was snapping his fingers to the music. Pierce tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped.

Woah! Oh hey, guys. Sorry to tweak out on you like that. I thought you were one of those infected dudes. he said.

Pierce looked at him with incredulousness.

Are you mad?! he whispered.

Im never mad. Thats negative energy. Why do you ask? the hippie bot responded.

No, I mean are you insane?! This place is crawling with infected! Pierce continued.

I know, but I couldnt resist the call of the music, man. Music is what its all about, you feel me? I was at this totally far out music festival before the outbreak struck, and... the robot began, before Simone cut him off.That is very interesting, senor. But we need to bring the mastermind of this area to justice. Do you perchance have any more of that oil on you? he interrupted.Of course, brobot. I always carry a secret stash. It keeps me running when Im away from home, but I can spare some. he said as the tall, lanky robot reached into his chest cavity and pulled out two cans of oil, giving it to the gentleman robots. That should top off your tanks. he continued as he filled up their dip sticks. Now go fight the power. Just dont keep that groovy cat from jammin, I dig his beat. he finished, going back to his trance like state, snapping his fingers to the beat.

Pierce and Simone thanked him and approached the stage. Finally, the music stopped, and a dark figure appeared before them atop the theaters stage.

Why so silent, good monsieur's? Are you not here to hear my music? whispered the dark figure. Lights flickered, illuminating the stage, and the figure standing in the center.

The figure turned out to be a caped robot with a scruffy orange beard. His face was full of passion for the music that he spoke of.

The music I have lost, the music that I wish to hear once more. whispered the robot.Who are you, good sir? What are you doing in such a humble theater? interrogated Pierce. He doesnt seem too friendly amigo maybe we should watch what we say whispered Simone to his partner.

Who am I!? WHO am I!? I am the infamous Malware of the Opera! He screamed. The lights grew brighter, partially blinding the gentlemen robots. You must hear my music for me! LET THE OPERA BEGIN!

With those words, the Malware of the Opera jumped up to the catwalk of the stage. He moved higher, to where his organ was located and began to play.

Ay dios mios, not again, sighed Simone.

(Malware of the Opera begins by playing the organ atop the catwalk of the theater stage. (boss room) While playing the organ, the room shakes and sand bags begin to fall down from the ceiling (this causes moderate damage). Malware then moves to the catwalk, pulling ropes for curtains to fall on the player (stunning and dealing moderate damage). To get opera bot down from the catwalk, the player will have to turn on the lights on the ceiling, using three switches on the stage that can be turned off and on using a melee attack. When Malware falls to the ground, he becomes stunned for approximately 5 seconds, leaving him open for melee and range attack.)

The Malware of the Opera fell to the stage floor, broken organ pieces laid on his body. Simone inspected Malware for a bit and began uploading his immunity file to the unconscious robot. When the upload was complete the Malware of the Opera stood up and dusted himself off.

My darling music. he whispered to himself.

Did you reprogram him correctly, Simone? asked Pierce.

Si, it seems that he is always talking about his music, no comprende. responded Simone.

My music.. Malware kepted saying. I HAVE FOUND YOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY DARLING! The screeching yell of excitement nearly knocked the gentlemen robots to the ground.

YOU TWO! screamed the Malware of the Opera, who had now directed his attention to the duo.

Oh, boy I think we made him ang- Pierce was cut off by a huge hug from the Malware of the Opera.Thank you! Thank you so much friends, you have found my music. I lost her recently, and felt so much rage for those that took her. How can I thank you? asked Malware.

I know! Come friends, hear my music and I. Malware walked up to the half-broken organ and began playing beautiful music.

Well, this turned out pretty bueno, eh hermano. Simone said, sitting down and kicking his feet up.

Yes, you're quite right , we will report our findings to the Doctor after the show.

The two listened to the Malware of the Opera play into the night.

World 1: 1-3The next morning (after a long night at the opera), the duo returned to the Lounge to find Dr. Whozamawhatsit rolling around the headquarters like crazy.

Let me guess. We have another problemo, si Doctore? Simone asked, already heading to the launch pad.

This time we have a large disturbance creating havoc throughout the city rooftops. the Doctor informed the duo.How substantial is this disturbance, Doctor? asked Pierce.

It might be a bit much for you to handle, but I have faith that you two will make me proud. said the Doctor encouragingly.

The Doctor left at those words, leaving a stunned Pierce standing alone in the room.Are we going, amigo?! Shouted Simone from across the room, already strapped into the launch kettle.

Pierce rushed over, strapping himself in and pushing the ignition. The cannon fired, sending the duo careening onto a city rooftop some distance away. When the automatons got out, they could see destruction across many of the cities rooftops. The destroyed buildings seemed to create a path that the robots could follow to whatever had caused the mayhem.

The rooftops were very unsteady, the wind blowing atop the buildings threatened to throw the gentlemen robots down to the streets below.

This is a bit shady amigo. The rooftops seem very unstable what with all the destruction. Shouted Simone, attempting to speak over the roaring winds.

Yes, I know. Make sure to keep a sure footing, my friend, or its game over. Pierce shouted back.

The pair made made their way across the rooftops until they came upon what appeared to be a metallic teepee on one of the roofs. As they approached for a closer look, a gust of wind blew them inside. Standing up and dusting themselves off, they found themselves in a very strange place. Pillows covered the floor and walls, and incense was burning in the center of the room. Laying on the pillows was the tall, skinny robot they had met times before. He serenely opened his eyes, an understated reaction to the clamor.

Hey guys, good of you to blow through. he chuckled lazily. You want to hang around my rooftop penthouse pad for a spell?

Pierce spoke up. Not to be rude, my good bot, but this is a metal teepee on a crumbling rooftop in the middle of a war torn city. These things do not a penthouse suite make.

The tall robot laughed in the same tone. I got a roof over my head and soft pillows under my butt. I envy no bot. I could go on, but I know you guys are here for my oil.Simone finally spoke, visibly embarrassed. We dont want to seem you say...bogarts, my amigo.

The hippie waived the claim off with his hand. Its all good, man. I dig what youre doing. Its up to you guys to save this city. Ill play my part when and where Im meant to. Im not the hero of this tale. Go on, fill up your tanks. What good is your oil if you dont use it? Youre welcome around my pads any time. he closed his eyes again. Im just gonna dream about what purple tastes like.

The robots replenished their oil. As they left, Pierce looked back, softly whispering thank you. The hippie bot lazily held up a peace symbol in response.

Back out on the harsh rooftops, they finally found what was causing all the chaos. A giant mechanical gorilla.

What that...amigo, Simone asked, trying to stay up on his feet.

I believe that is a bloody gorilla my dear friend. replied Pierce And a big one at that!

The gorilla let out a large roar that echoed across the city. RAWR IM A GORILLA!

I dont think he is very friendly hermano, maybe we should- started Simone.

Before Simone could finish, the Gorilla pounded his chest, nearly throwing the two robots down to the streets below.

(King Kog (stage 1) attack pattern begins by pound his chest, which shakes the roof, staggering the player from moving forward. He immediately jumps up in the air and attempts to land on the player (dealing moderate/massive damage) moderate if the player is in the vicinity of king kogs shadow, massive if its a direct hit. King Kog is vulnerable to both range and melee but has high hp. King kog (Stage 2) goes into a rampage after he gets down to half health and begins waving his arms over his head. He still begins by pounding his chest but then tries to grab the player and throw him against the ground (deals Massive damage). When the player finally defeats king kog he falls from the rooftop to the ground)

The battle ended with the gorilla falling to the streets below, destroyed.

Twas beauty that killed the beast. affirmed Pierce, looking down from the roof.

Yes, Simone Enrique (Enrique) is quite beautiful if I do say so myself. gloated Simone.

I was talking about me my good friend.

No,no,no,no,no it is Simone Enrique (Enrique). protested Simone.

I will not have this childish conversation with you. said Pierce as he called the Doctor on the comm link. Doctor we are ready for pick up.

It is definitely me.. whispered Pierce

World 2:2-1When the gentlemen robots got back to the Lounge, they were greeted by Chrisofer Walkgear.

Hey...boys...Ive show you...Its a...handy...little item. Walkgear handed the new item to the two gentlemen robots.

What is it Senor Walkgear? asked a perplexed Simone Enrique.

Its...a...magnet gun. Walkgear said.

Doctor Whozamawhatsit rolled in behind Christofer, holding his tablet as usual.Walkgears new invention makes it very easy to get to places you could not reach before. You can also use it to bring enemies closer to you. Its quite handy in a tight spot. said the Doctor, still typing on his tablet. You're going to need it on your next mission, boys. Also, I heard you were able to reprogram 2 of the 3 main infected causing problems in the last district. Congratulations! It is...unfortunate you had to shut down the third, but such is the price of progress I suppose.

What else is new? said Simone, rolling his mechanical eyes.

What is the mission, Doctor Whozamawhatsit? asked Pierce.

The Doctor guided the boys to the monitor screen. A faint glowing light pinged from the robot factory.

You're headed to a Robot Factory. The Doctor said, pointing at the screen. The citizens of Epsilon-troplis have been noticing signs of the virus and have checked themselves into the factory to seek treatment.

Let me guess, the whole factory has become infected, and now we must go and check it out. said Simone .Well, yes, exactly what I had in mind... the Doctor begain.

Its ok Doctor, I think we understand the situation. Away we go, Simone. uttered Pierce.

The pair landed near the outskirts of the robot factory. What was supposed to be a busy and bustling factory was almost as abandoned as the theater in the market district. This doesnt look too good amigo, remember last time everything was all abandoned and quiety? Simone reminded Pierce.

Yes, you're quite right. I do not like it very much, but we have to at least head inside. Pierce said as they walked up to the factory door.

Before the two robots could open the door, Stevebot came out running with another woman right behind him.

Oh hello boys. panted Stevebot. I was just about to help this young miss find her way home when we were attacked by a group of nurse mechanics.

Oh, where are my manners. This is Pennelope Sprocket. Stevebot introduced the young woman standing next to him. Pennelope, this is Pierce Duncan and Simone Enrique(~Enrique~). There it is again! What in gods name is that echo I hear coming from you Simone?

Im still not sure what you're talking about Senor, but it is very nice to meet you, senorita. said Simone, kissing the womans hand.

And I, too, young miss. Pierce said, following with a bow.

The young lady nodded very nervously and seemed hesitant to talk to either of them.

Y-yes well we must get goi- Steve bot was cut off a group of nurse mechanics that sent the group scattering.

Looks like we're not alone, amigo. Simone said, fighting off a few enemies.

Yes, but where did Stevebot and Pennelope go? asked Pierce.

I think they ran into the robot factory. Let us follow, eh? Simone replied.

The two robots moved their way through the factory, which was now crawling with virus infected patients that seemed to crawl from every angle. Rows upon rows of dark, empty rooms passed by. As they rounded a corner, they noticed, however, that one had a light on. They ran in, swords drawn, only to be met by the sanguine hippie bot yet again. He was sitting on a bed, staring at a broken tv. He looked at them cheerfully.

Hey guys, whats good? he said as he bobbed his head.

Pierce raised an eyebrow. I know you seem to be a very...laid back individual. But what possible reason could you have for being here? This is a hospital for mentally ill robots.

Im mad, youre mad. Were all mad here. said the brobot.

And youre very enigmatic, my good chum. Say, could we perchance trouble you for some more oil? said Pierce.

You know Ill always hook my boys up. the hippie bot said, reaching under the mattress to pull out two small personal oil containers. That should top you off. He proceeded to turn his attention back to the tv, which was broken. Taped to it was a picture of Robot Ray-Gun, a president of Epsilontropolis in 5380. Man, that cat cracks me up. He wanted to ban natural oil and force us all to that synthetic stuff. the robot said, stretching his long legs. You guys wanna stay? We can chill out and watch movies. he queried.

Pierce and Simone both graciously declined, leaving the robot to his broken television.

They wandered their way into what seemed like a padded room and the door closed behind them.

Whew, too many. Is there a way out of here, Simone? Pierce asked.Hold on, scanning now amigo. said Simone.

Simone had just begun scanning the area when they heard a deranged voice coming from the other end of the room.

Hola, is anyone there? called out Simone.

They moved closer and saw Pennelope strapped in a straight jacket mumbling to herself.

Pennelope? Pennelope is that you? Pierce said, approaching slowly.

The woman did not move or make a sound at the sight of the two robots. The pair edged closer, trying to see if they could assist the young lady. Suddenly, Pennelope let out a loud screech and starting bouncing up and down off the padded walls, nearly hitting the gentlemen robots.

Pennelope stop! commanded Pierce.

But the berserk robot didnt answer, continuing to bounce up and down, this time making it clear that she was out to attack the two robots.

We have no choice hermano, we are going to have to subdue her. said Simone somberly.

{Pennelope Sprocket: Floats around the stage (padded room) and bounces around. She has three bands in her straight jacket, and as you deals damage they break. After the 1st one breaks, her attack pattern gets faster. After the 2nd, she starts using her jets to propel herself into you. Finally, after the 3rd one she goes even faster, combining propulsion with random radical bouncing.}

When the battle ended, Pennelope fell to the floor, and her jet boots puffed out smoke. Simone walked over and uploaded the immunity file to her hard drive. Just then, Stevebot walked in casually through the door the gentlemen robot had closed.

Ah there she is, Thank you gentlemen for finding her for me. said Stevebot.

Yes, she wasnt feeling too well when we found her, but she should be good now that we gave her something to help her calm down. said Simone.

WHAT! Stevebot screamed. I mean...*cough* .. I mean what a relief to see her all fine and dandy. Could you two send her on her way for me?

Stevebot left the room through the same door, shutting it loudly behind him.

That was quite odd, dont you think? Simone said, helping Pennelope up. Yes quite, but we better get her home, call the Doctor will you. asked Pierce.

Si. Eh Doctore, we are ready for pick up with one extra. Simone called through the comm link.

Sorry boys, it seems like your work isnt done. I will send Walkgear to collect Pennelope but you have to head to the Assembly Line Wing of the robot factory. It looks like the virus-infected ruffians have taken over the facility and are creating robots already implanted with the virus. We have to stop them before they do any more harm. the Doctor said over the static ridden communicator.

We are on it Doctor, we will escort Pennelope and then head to the Assembly Line. confirmed Pierce.

World 2:2-2

When the gentlemen robots arrived at the assembly line, they were immediately attacked by ruffians.

They will never lear- Simone began, before being staggered by the ground moving quickly beneath them.

Looks like we're going to have to follow these moving conveyor belts into the factory. This could get a bit complicated my good boy. said Pierce, finding his balance and moving along the shifting surface.

They followed the assembly lines conveyor belts fighting off any ruffians who dared attack them.

These conveyor belts are making me dizzy, amigo. Maybe we could just jump off and walk. Simone uttered to Pierce, who was moving forward quickly.

Wherever these conveyor belts lead must be where the mastermind behind this operation is located. We should keep going. Pierce responded.

Ugh, ok. sighed Simone.

The robots moved deeper and deeper into the winding assembly line, fighting off ruffians. Suddenly, Pierce spied a familiar face off on an isolated conveyor belt up near the ceiling. He motioned to Simone, and they clamored up to where Hippie Bot was, sitting on a slowly moving conveyor belt and laughing.

Hey, buddies! Didnt expect to see you here! Still sticking it to the man, I hope. he said, slowly moving back and forth. Im just chillin here. I like feeling the motion of the conveyor belts, its soothing. Plus the vibrations feel real groovy. Its like a warm blanket, except for my butt. he laughed lightheartedly.

Pierce smiled, happy to see him. And do you happen to have any oil on you?

The Hippie bot shook his head. Nah, man. Left it all at home. He paused at the look of horror on the gentleman robots faces. Ahhh I got you! I always have some of the good stuff to spare for my two freedom fighters, man! the lanky robot said, laughing at his own joke. He tossed them both small oil cans. Now go fulfil your destiny. Im gonna get back to my important affairs. he said, plopping back down onto the slowly moving conveyor belt and giggling.

The two robots thanked him before jumping back down to the lower conveyor belt. The continued to ride it until it dropped them down onto another part of the assembly line.

Where are we now? Simone asked.

Exactly where I want you to be. said a elegant but unsettling voice.

The gentlemen robots looked up and saw a stocky woman standing atop a broken conveyor belt. In place of traditional hands, the woman had large knitting needles. They looked capable of piercing through solid steel.

Hello boys, he told me I could find you here. said the large woman.

Who exactly is he? asked Simone.

NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, YOU NAUGHTY BOY! The woman roared. She took a second to compose herself, then continued to speak. I am here to teach you two a lesson: you cant just go and hurt my darling robots.

So it is you who is behind all this disorder. Pierce shouted.

Well...partially. I am the Midwife of this facility! She laughed as she caressed one of her needles with the other. Shall we begin boys? I have many robots to attend to, and I dont have much time for you in my schedule.

She jumped down, and as she did, the ground beneath the gentlemen robots began to move.

Well you asked for it, amigo. We found the person behind all this. said Simone.

Looks like it. Shall we? Pierce said beckoning, the Midwife closer.

{The Midwifes primary attack is using her grappling hook sewing needles to swing from platform to platform and try to grab the Gentleman Robots. Upon success, she throws them, causing minimal damage. (The Gentleman Robots are keeping pace with a treadmill the entire time during this boss fight). Her secondary attack will be stabbing smaller ruffians through the stomach and throwing them at the Gentleman Robots. They explode upon impact, causing massive damage. Her second stage is slowly lumbering after the players, attempting to stab them.}

The battle ended with the Midwife falling from her grappling hook and destroying the conveyor belt that the gentlemen robots were running on. The Midwife continued to struggle, even as Simone uploaded the immunity file to her memory. When he finished, the Midwife stopped her struggling and got up off the floor. Oh, Im so sorry my dears, did I hurt you? asked the Midwife, whose voice seemed much more friendly. Oh that must hurt. Ask she pointed her needle to the scratch on Simones arm.

No, no Senora I am quite alright. lied Simone.

Oh I feel so guilty you boys went through all that trouble just for me. she said kindly.

Its ok, madam, we were happy to help. But if you could remember who sent you to stop us, that would be wonderful. Pierce said politely.

Oh, Im afraid I cant remember for the life of me, my dears. Im not sure why, Im sorry I couldn't be any help. said the Midwife sadly.

That is fine, I did not expect you to remember, but we had to be sure. explained Pierce.

Well boys, I must excuse myself. That virus that took over my systems really did a number on my harddrive. I think I will go sit down. The Midwife said, walking slowly out of the room.

Looks like another mission complete, amigo. Hopefully we get a break this time. said Simone.

Let me check on the Doctor before we go. said Pierce, chiming in on the comm link to contact the Doctor.

Oh hello, boys, the Doctors voice came through the comm link. Good job at the Assembly line. However, there is one more thing I must ask you to investigate before you come back.

Ugh, why didnt I see this coming? groaned Simone.

Where are we headed to next Doctor? requested Pierce.

Just head on outside boys, you will see a junkyard where all the scraps of the factory go to be collected and recycled. I received word from Walkgear that he spotted ruffians recycling their fallen comrades parts and making hulking abominations with them. the Doctor expositioned.

That doesnt sound to fun, Doctore. But the Sofisticatdo Automatons are on it. Simone said proudly. At least there wont be conveyor belts this time.

They disconnected the comm link and began heading to the junkyard.Hopefully we can go home after this one. murmured Simone.

World 2:2-3The robots landed in the middle of the junkyard and began scanning the area for hostiles. The junkyard was filled to the point of overflowing. Bundles of scraps and electronic wires littered the land like snow on a mountain side.

Looks like we have company, said Simone, unhooking his monocle as he spotted a new type of ruffian.

The ruffian was much bigger than any other hostile they had seen thus far, but moved very slow, letting the gentlemen robots get around it and attack.Looks like the Doctor was right, said Pierce. We are going to have to be very careful, these new enemies could pose a huge threat.

The duo headed further into the junkyard, fighting off the new type of enemy as well as their larger brothers. The junk robots seemed to be crawling out of the scrap, endless in number, attempting to block the gentlemen robots path. The new enemies retreated after a few of their fellow comrades fell and began molding together. They first began shaping the legs of the large figure and eventually the torso, until finally they finished, and the final creation resembled the gentlemen robots in scrap form.

They created a doppelganger. I must say it looks quite dashing. admired Pierce.

More like a Junkle...ganger, eh amigo, haha. Simone joked.

Yes quite... respond Pierce.

The figure roared and moved towards the robots, scrap falling off it with every step. As it neared the pair, they began to realize just how large the scale of the robot they were dealing with was.

Uh, I think we should run, my charming good chap. Pierce said, backing up.

I agree, hermano. Simone said as the Junkleganger stomped forward.

The gentlemen robots ran until they reached a open area of the junkyard where they had more room to outmaneuver the giant abomination. The gargantuan creature blocked their path, awaiting the gentlemen robots move.

Suddenly, Hippiebots van drove into the junkyard, parking itself right outside of the area.Hey brobots! Just getting back from a real trip. A bunch of my crew and I wandered down into the sewers. We saw stuff man, you dont even know...but anyway, whats up?. he said, apparently oblivious to the hulking automaton on the other side of the area.

Pierce pointed to the massive creature, and Hippie bot looked out the window of his van, his mouth dropping open.

Woaaaaaah. Hes a big dude. You guys are gonna need some oil, like pronto. Here ya go! said the Hippie bot, tossing out a couple of small oils cans. Im gonna peace out, that big dude bums my apex, man. But you guys let me know when you kick his bolts, Id love to see it.

The gentlemen robots fill up on the oil the Hippie bot gives them, and go off to fight the large stationary gentlemen robot waiting on the other end of the field. The Hippie bot drives off screen.I think this is enough room to take on this large fellow, declared Pierce.

If you say so amigo, I dont think there is enough room in this whole junkyard for this thing. Shall we begin? asked Simone.

{Junkleganger is a large robot that resembles the Gentlemen Robots. He uses a giant crane to try and capture the players and holds them in place while he shoots molten slag at them (Which deals Moderate Damage). Every time he loses a quarter of his life, he produces one Junkbot while he falls back. The gentleman robots must defeat this Junkbot before they can damage the Junkleganger again. He does this four times. The junkbot is a basic ruffian (Deals minimal damage)}

When they defeated Junkleganger, it dropped into a thousand bits of scrap that scattered the area, building a hill of steaming junk in the center of the field.

Well I think we eh...trashed him, huh amigo. jested Simone.

...Yes... lets just go home. Pierce said, connecting to the Doctor via the comm link.

All things are good, Doctor. We are ready for extraction. notified Pierce.The Doctors voice came through panicked. Bad news, boys. The hot air balloon has a hole in it. I should have it fixed soon, but it looks like youre on your own this time.

Great, what are we supposed to do now? said Simone exasperated.Suddenly, Hippie bots van rolled up next to them. The skinny robot looked out the window at the steaming pile of junk that once was the Junkleganger, whistling.

Man, you sure kicked the *scrap* outta him, huh? said the Hippie bot.

Pierce laughed. You see, my brother, *that* is how you make a good pun. he said, turning to Simone.

Mine was better. said Simone softly.

Hey, you guys need a ride? I got plenty of room in the back of my van, as long as you guys dont mind shag carpeting. said the Hippie bot, opening the back doors.

The gentleman robots piled in and shut the door. The camera pans out and the van pulls away at an incredibly slow speed. The vans speed increases slightly as it slowly rolls off screen.

World 3:3-1The gentleman robots arrived back at the Lounge, where they were to receive their next mission. Dr. Whozama Whatsit met them at the launch pad.There you are! Its almost nightfall. Where were you two?, said the Doctor, frazzled. Sorry Doctore, the Hippie bot is a very slow driver, you know? Explained SimoneThe Doctor reached into his pocket, handing the two of them the passes. Two VIP passes for the biggest Masquerade ball to come to Epsilon-tropilis in a while.

My word, Doctore. You have outdone yourself this time, if I do say so myself. Time for some R&R. stated Simone, taking one of the tickets.

There is a catch, is there not, Doctor? asked Pierce.

The Doctor cleared his throat before speaking again.

Well, you caught me Pierce. stated the Doctor. This ball is very important to the city. With virus outbreak and all, I am 95% sure that there will be infected people attending. Your job is to make sure tonights events go by smoothly.

Great, and here I thought we might actually have a break. whined Simone.

Come on, my dear old chap, it could be fun. Shall we go? asked Pierce, heading for the cannon.

Wait...a moment! shouted Christofer Walkgear, chasing after them.

I got...another...gadget...for you. He said, handing them a metallic looking sphere.

What does it do? asked Pierce.

It temporarily....shocks...some Use it...wisely. Walkgear said.

The two gentlemen robots strapped themselves into the cannon, launching themselves into the night sky.

The robots crashed in an alley, getting up and dusting themselves off. Walking around to the front, they realized they had arrived at a magnificent building brimming with people dressed up and all wearing masks. Inside the building were many small corridors that all lead out into a large open dance room. As they made their way inside, they were greeted by Stevebot.Oh, you two again. started Stevebot. I-I m-mean boys! Its so nice to see you two again!

Yes, its quite a pleasure. acknowledged Pierce. Simone nodded back in agreement.

Stevebot took a sip of his drink. He did not drink like ordinary robots, instead he lifted his head piece slightly to draw in the fluid, which appeared to be milk.

What's your poison? asked Pierce, toward the white liquid.

Oh this? Just something they threw together at the bar. Strong stuff, really. replied Stevebot.

May I have a sip? I am very thirsty, and would love some aged fermented oil. Simone asked.

W-what!? N-no, no, um Im sorry boys but i must get going. Good to see you two again. Stevebot hurried into the ball, not looking back at the gentlemen robots.

I think that was milk he was drinking, my friend. said Pierce to Simone.

What? Come on, amigo. Robots cant drink milk. It would mess up their systems. Lets get going, I am looking forward to this ball. He said, moving his way through the crowd to the doorway.

Before they could make their way inside, they were stopped by a few well dressed ruffians and a man who looked to be their boss.

Whoa, hold on there, you couple of cute-rates. said the leader. This joint here is my swinging club, okay baby? And I say youre not invited, jack.

And who are you, my dear fellow? Pierce questioned.

Me? Me! Why Im the fattest cat in town baby, Donnie Diamonds the name. Stopping hood rats like you is the game. Get em, boys. said Donnie with unnecessary flare.

At those words, his ruffian friends attacked the gentlemen robots, while Donnie retreated into the ball.

The Gentlemen robots quickly dispatched of the ruffians and headed into the ballroom. The corridors of the building were extensive and filled with people, who quickly moved out of the way of the gentlemen robots. The robots made their way through the maze-like corridors until Simone stopped suddenly.

Im sorry, hermano. I am too parched to continue. I really needed that drink. he said, panting.

Pierce looked around, spotting a bar at the end of the room. Come with me, good chap. Well find you some liquid libations to slake your thirst.

Pierce and Simone approached the bar, ringing the bell to summon the bartender. Almost immediately, Hippie Bot popped up from behind the counter, polishing a glass.

Whoa brobots, far out man! Hippie Bot started. Fancy meeting you two here! You guys want some of my all natural oil? Or would you rather swill down some of that synthetic slime Im forced to serve to these corporate fascists? He paused briefly .Im sorry, that wasnt cool of me to put that negative energy out there. I just get so razzed when I see people putting unnatural junk in their systems. But its their bag, I guess. Dont worry, I snuck in some of the good stuff. I had a feeling Id run into you guys.

Hippie Bot passed them both small flasks of oil. Slinte! he said, before turning back to his wall of glasses. Now if you gents will excuse me, Ive got lots of glass to polish. I love glass.

Simone and Pierce drank from the flasks, refilling their dipsticks.

Ah! Much better, my friend. Now I can take on whatever challenges await us! said Simone vigorously.

Let us make haste, then. Pierce agreed. The gentlemen robots made their way to the dance floor, where Donnie Diamonds was waiting for them.

Well, I didnt expect two cats like you to create such a killer-diller, but I aint about to take no jive in my jumping joint. said Donnie Diamonds, straightening out his outfit. Lets start this jitterbug, I warn you though baby, Im a high stepping rug cutter on the dance floor.

Amigo, I dont really understand what language he is speaking. Simone said to Pierce.You know Simone, Im not quite sure myself. Pierce replied.

{Donnie Diamonds attacks with his rocket propelled fists that fire at the player. Whether the fist misses or hits, it returns, attempting to hit the player again until it reattaches to Donnie Diamonds. (This deals minimum damage). After this attack, Donnie Diamond starts to throw bottles of synthetic oil in an arch that do splash damage to the player (Direct hit is moderate damage, indirect hit is minimum damage) After half health, he starts to use his tie as a weapon (minimum damage with each hit)}

When the battle was over, Donnie Diamonds was laid out across the floor. Simone immediately uploaded the immunity file to Donnie Diamonds, who shot back up.

Whoa, thanks you cool cats, cant tell you how much Ive been feeling under the weather with all this virus jive going on. thanked Donnie.

No problem, my well dressed man. replied Pierce.

Si, we are just doing our job. Simone said.

I think Ill cop a nod if you dont mind. Oh, and if you dont mind baby could you two cats help out my partner in crime, Robin Ruby. Im pretty sure shes at the speakeasy joint rattling up some ruffians. informed Donnie before leaving the dance hall.

Well, looks like we have a new destination amigo. Shall I inform the Doctor? asked Simone.

Yes, if you would, please. replied Pierce.

Eh, hola, Simone said through the comm link. Senor Doctore, we are headed to a new location thought to be a ruffian hideout, shall we proceed?

Yes, Simone sounds like a good plan. If you boys need anything from the Lounge, dont be afraid to head on back. reminded the Doctor.

Si Doctore will do, gentlemen robost out. acknowledged Simone.

Well looks like its time to go. Pierce said, heading out of the ballroom.

World 3:3-2 The gentlemen robots left the ballroom and made their way to the speakeasy.. When they got there, it looked like an ordinary building. Nothing in particular stood out that would make them think it was a ruffian base.

Uh, are you sure this i thse right location, amigo? asked Simone.

Yes, I am quite sure. Lets head on in. replied Pierce.

When they went inside, they were surprised to see a huge room overflowing with ruffians. The whole place went quiet as the gentlemen robots appeared. Hundreds of blank stares went across the room, all directed at the two well-dressed robots.

Whats going on here? said a high pitched voice somewhere in the crowd.

A very short woman walked through the crowd. She was wearing a red dress and looked harmless compared to the ruffians around her.

Now that is a little robot, amigo. declared Simone.

Now now Simone, let us not poke fun at our hostess. Pierce replied. Who are you, my dear?

The names Robin. Robin Ruby. You two look lost. Maybe my boys here can help you find your way? said Robin seductively.

Come now senorita, we have come to help you. Simone informed.

Ha! Like I need help from the likes of you. Donnie sent you, didnt he? What did you do to him?! Robin questioned, panicked.

We helped him and in turn he asked us to help you. Now I know you're a smart young lady. If you would kindly come with us, we would be appreciative. said Pierce, holding his hand out for Robin Ruby.

Yea.. no. I think Im fine where I am. Boys, teach these brats a lesson. Ill be in the back. said Robin, turning around and heading through the back door of the lounge.

Suddenly, the whole speakeasy got up and attacked the gentlemen robots. Simone and Pierce made their way through the bar, fighting ruffians and dodging thrown chairs and bottles. Suddenly, an explosive thrown by one of the ruffians caused them both to dive behind a nearby upturned table. As they attempted to look at each other, they found themselves both staring at either side of Hippie Bots face.

Boy am I glad to catch you cats here. he said, mildly shaken. This joint was jumpin a few minutes ago, then you two showed up and bam, harsh city. Totally threw off my groove, man. Id love to stay and chat with you two, but Im gonna peace out. This scene is way too heavy for me.

With that, he quickly took out two oil cans from his chest, giving them to the gentleman robots. He then proceeded to quickly run out the nearby door labeled In Case of Fuzz.

I guess I was wrong. It appears he *can* get shaken. said Pierce, laughing. As they dispatched the last of the ruffians, they moved out of the main room and found themselves in private open bar. Towards the back, Robin Ruby was sitting, enjoying a drink.Ugh, cant a girl have some peace and quiet? yelled Robin. Looks like Im going to have to take care of you two myself.

Senorita, be reasonable. Neither of us want to harm a hair on your pretty little head. replied Simone.

Hes right, we just want to talk. corroborated Pierce.You can talk all you want. Ill just be shooting you while you do so. Robin said.

She began pointing her index fingers at the gentlemen robots. She paused for a moment, then let out a short, high pitched laugh.

Ha, dodge this boys! Robin commanded. As she said that, her fingers started shooting out metallic grape-like projectiles.

I dont think she is willing to negotiate, Simone. Pierce declared.Si, but I refuse to hit one so shor-. Simone began.

Just then, a grape bullet pierced Simones hat, creating a hole on both sides.

Ok now I am ready. Nobody destroys Simone Enriques(~Enrique~) hat and lives. decried Simone.

{RobinRuby: Shoots grapes through her fingers (minimal damage). She does this attack for about 10 seconds, then backs up and starts charging for about 3 seconds (she can be easily attacked during this time). After her charge, she unleashes a wave of grapes that follow the player around the screen, trying to hit them (does moderate damage, because of how short she is, she is very difficult to hit.}

After the battle, Robin Ruby retracted her grape guns and fell to the floor. Simone uploaded the immunity file and helped Robin up to her feet.

Up you go now, little senorita. Simone said.

Thank you, you two. I dont know what came over me, Im usually quite polite. Robin said, mildly embarrassed.

Yes, it was the virus. But dont worry, you should be fine from now on. Pierce informed her.

Yes, Donnie and I cant thank you enough. I think Ill go check up on him. Robin said. Pierce picked up the communicator to inform the Doctor, but was cut short by a loud celebration coming from the city outside.

We better check the streets, amigo. Sounds like a huge celebration is going on. Simone said, pointing out the obvious.Agreed lets go. confirmed Pierce.

World 3:3-3The robots headed onto the streets that were packed full of the citizens of Epsilon-tropolis. They were all celebrating Party Gras. Fireworks were in the sky and confetti was in the air. In the center of the crowd, upon colorful parade float stood a large man dressed in a suit with a large bow tie and crown on his head.

He looks important, does he not Simone? Pierce asked.

Si, I wonder who he is. replied Simone.

The large man projected his voice so all could hear.

Hello everyone! The King of Party Gras welcomes you! The man shouted. Before I begin, I would like to introduce two very special people.

Some of the crowd seemed confused, and the rest were too busy partying to pay any attention.

The two I speak of are the Gentlemen robots! Pierce Duncan and Simone Enrique (~Enrique~). The crowd looked around to see who he was talking about. Where are they? I know they are here.

A spot light shone on the crowd from atop rooftops of one of the buildings. It found the two gentleman robots, isolating them from the rest of the crowd.

Ah there they are, bring them to me, boys. declared the King.

As the King of Party Gras said this, a few ruffians came out from below the float. They began wreaking havoc on the non-infected denizens in the crowd, causing quite a commotion.

Looks like that man is infected with the virus. said Simone.

And knows who we are, we better question him. He may know who is behind this whole blight upon the city. declared Pierce.

The ruffians were quickly upon the gentlemen robots and attempting to apprehend them. The gentlemen robots refused to go down, pushing their way through the crowd to reach the King of Party Gras's large parade float. As they neared, they heard a familiar voice cry out.

Show me your sprockets, dudes! said the mellow voice.

They looked up, and there on a second floor balcony was Hippie Bot, a large collection of timing belts around his neck.

Pierce called up How did you get caught up in all this?.

No time to explain, broseph. Just take these! he said, throwing down two oil cans to the pair. Now waste this King of Buzzkills!

They both filled their tanks just as they finally got to the float the King of Party Gra stood on. There was a group of ruffians by his side.

Now, now boys. Theres no reason we cant be civilized. said the King with a smug look upon his face. Lets talk things out, shall we?

Who sent you? asked Pierce bluntly.

Who sent me? Why the great liberator of course! exclaimed the King. He has given all robots the gift of imperfection, and it feels good!

Why would this liberator want robots to be imperfect, thats loco. replied Simone.

Its quite simple really. See the liberator is very old, and comes from a time when things were a bit simpler a bit more; what's the word? Humanistic. The king let out a belting laugh as he said the word. But you see boys, the liberator cant have you two prancing about, ruining his plans and reprogramming all his precious robots. So it looks like Im gonna have to take care of you two. Dont worry it wont hurt, at least not for long! The King of Party Gra said, commanding his ruffians to attack the gentlemen robots.

Oh boy amigo, here we go again. cried Simone.

{King of Party Gra: The king starts attacking by throwing multiple beads at the player (3 or 4 at a time (deals minimum damage). After he does this twice ,he sends out 4 ruffians for the 4player to fight. He does this until he goes down to half health, at which point he goes in Party mode. His crown starts shoot lasers like a disco ball, spinning constantly. If the player comes in contact with this, it deals (minimal damage). He does this while throwing beads on the ground. If the player lands on them, it slides them across the ground to the king, where his crown does damage (dealing moderate damage)}

The battle ended and the King of Party Gra exploded into a thousand pieces of confetti. What was left were two skinny legs standing in the middle of the float.

Well that was a blast, eh, amigo? said Simone, laughing at his own joke.

Hehe, yes a blast indeed. See, thats a good pun. responded Pierce. Look there! The Kings legs, we should bring them to the Doctor for analysis.

Good idea. I will call for extraction now. said Simone. Simone to Doctore, we are ready for pick up. And we have something youll want to take a look at.

World 4:4-1Good job once again, boys. The Doctor greeted the gentlemen robots as they got back to the Lounge. What have you got there? A pair of legs? Let me analyze them.

The duo handed him the legs and went off to relax. They spotted the van of Hippie Bot, and went to see what was going on. Hippie Bot stepped out of the van and greeted the robots.

Hey brobots! Walkgear brought me back to this radical zen den you got going on. I can dig it! Its got good Fung Shoo-ee. But since Im here, Ill give you two some oil for your next adventure. I think Im gonna take a break from traveling for a bit, I partied a little too hard at Party Gras. he monologued before reaching into his chest and handing the gentleman robots two personal oil cans. You guys got pretty big dipsticks now, so Im really running low. But you gotta spread the love, or itll never come back to you, dig?

Before the robots could reply, Dr. Whozamawhatsit walked over on his brand new pair of legs.

Check it out boys, these legs are almost identical to the ones I used to have! They work perfectly. I cant thank you two enough, youve given me part of my life back I thought lost forever. said the Doctor, beaming.

How exactly did you lose your legs, if you dont mind me asking Doctor? inquired Pierce.

That is a story for another day, my boy. For now, I have a very interesting place I am sending you two? the Doctor explained. The ancient human ruins, located deep underneath Epsilon-Tropolis. Thanks to the information the King of Party Gras gave, I have reason to believe that whoever this liberator is could still be there.

Sounds like a good idea to me. Simone, you ready? Simone? Pierce asked, looking around for the silent robot.

Simone was in sleep mode, laying on one of the couches of the Lounge. Pierce went over and knocked him in the head.

Ay, seorita tienes mi corazn! Simone shouted, waking up.

Simone straightened himself up and followed Pierce to the launch pad.

I was having such a wonderful dream, amigo. Did you have to wake me? he asked as the launch door closed.

The launch pod landed inside a dark tunnel, lit by buzzing fluorescent bulbs. The tunnel was an old subway, once used by humans to go places. The robots walked down the stairs to reach the tunnel and spotted Stevebot staring at a poster on the wall.Hola! Hola Stevebot! Simone attempted to greet Stevebot. Hello! anybody there?

Pierce cleared his throat very loudly, and finally gained the attention of Stevebot.

What? What are you two doing her- I mean hello again boys. Fancy meeting you here. Stevebot said nervously.

What is that you are looking at, Senor? Simone asked as he began reading the poster. Cryogenic Freezing, preserve your body today for a better future tomorrow.

Interesting, replied Pierce. Looks like the humans froze themselves so they could live in the future, well obviously it didnt work, since there are no humans around now.

Stevebot laughed, Yes, what a silly idea the humans had, freezing themselves. Well it was nice chatting with you two again, but I have business elsewhere. Ill see you later.

Stevebot disappeared up the stairs of the tunnel, leaving the gentlemen robots once again confused. That bot seems to show up everywhere we go, he is very interesting. Pierce said, still staring at the poster.

Come now, amigo, we mustn't trouble ourselves with weird robots, at least hes not infected. replied Simone, scanning the tunnel.

Suddenly, they heard a jittery laugh coming from deep within the tunnel. They went to investigate and found a group of ruffians, who attacked them on sight. They fought their way through the dark tunnel, which echoed with every sound the robots made. They reached another subway stop, where they saw a robot speaking to himself.

What's that noise? Nothing. NOTHING! Stop making so much racket, they will find us! What? Im telling you they heard us come down this way. NO! NO! NO! Shhh! Stop being so paranoid you dimwitted android! said the clearly disturbed robot.

The gentlemen robots looked perplexed, and were not sure what to make of this new and crazy robot.

Eh, hola. started Simone.

Whos that! Did you hear something? No I didnt say anything. Then who's talking? Strangers? Stranger!? Here! They found us, what should we do! What should we do! SHUTUP! said the demented robot.

Maybe we should just leave this one alone, Simone. I dont think he is infected...just crazy. Pierce said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Crazy! CRAZY! We are NOT crazy! Ill show you crazy! Lets get them! OK! Stop talking to me and attack! yelled the crazed robot loudly.

The paranoid android attacked, lighting up his body with electricity and charging at the gentlemen robots.

{Paranoid Android: Starts out by jumping up in the air and trying to land on the player, dealing electric splash damage (moderate damage). He then has to recharge, leaving him vulnerable to attack. After, he begins to dash back and forth on the ground, creating a electric current that can damage the player ( dealing moderate damage). He does this until he gets lowered to half health. After which, he starts glowing red and starts to combine both attacks before he recharges once again.}

The gentlemen robots were able to defeat the paranoid android and uploaded the immunity file to its memory bank. The paranoid android stopped jittering and began talking to himself again.

What happened? I dont know you ask them! YOU ask them! Fine! What happened? asked the paranoid android.

Uh, well you were infected by a virus, but we helped you out. replied Simone.

Virus they said. A VIRUS!? They found us again! No, stop being paranoid. But. BUT! Actually, maybe we should go, ok? OK! said the disturbed robot.

The paranoid android ran past the gentlemen robots to the dark tunnel behind them.

Are you sure he was infected, my brother? He still seems a little crazy to me. Simone said, bemused.

The immunity cures the virus, not crazy. replied Pierce. Shall we exit these halls? Id hate to stick around long enough to find out what else haunts these shadows.

World 4:4-2

The robots walked up the subway stairs and crossed an old empty street into a building with the words Radio City Music hall written on it. The music hall seemed to have been kept in good shape. They could hear very loud music coming from the stage. When they looked down from the seats above, they could see three people playing music, with ruffians cheering them on as their audience. The music came to an abrupt stop, and everyone in the music hall turned around to see why the band stopped playing.

Get them! said the singer of the band to the audience. The music started playing again, and the ruffians turned to chase after the gentlemen robots.

Looks like the concert is over, amigo! shouted Simone, attempting to make himself heard above the loud music.

Simone and Pierce fought their way down the stage. The music seemed to follow the every movement of the gentlemen robots, and the music hall changed depending on the beat of the drums. As they fought their way to the stage, they noticed a familiar head sitting in a lone seat towards the front. Pierce tapped the robot on the shoulder.

Oh hey, funny meeting you two here! said Hippie Bot. I figured Id catch a free show, but these brobots are much less chill than I thought. I think Im gonna avoid these big shows from now on, too many people.

Pierce looked around at the completely empty concert hall before speaking.

Err...right. We seem to be in a bit of a bind, my dear bot. Would you be able to spare some oil? he said pleadingly.

Always happy to oblige. My stash is running low, you guys seem to be taking up much more oil than you used to. But I cant be stingy. You never know when you two may return the favor. Here ya go! the laid back robot responded, reaching under the seat and pulling out two oil cans. Now go make sure these guys dont get an encore!

When they finally reached the stage, the three band members were waiting. The singer looked like a samurai with his katana being used as a microphone. The drummer carried two blue glowing drum sticks, and was tapping his feet on the ground. The largest of the three, the Dj, had two turn tables on his chest and was gripping a small jukebox in one hand.

Hello, Epsilon-Troplis! Shouted the singer. We are Frost, Burn, and Shock! And we are here to rock your world!

Shock clicked a button on his chest to simulate the sound of a large crowd. Frost began tapping his foot louder and started a bass beat while the singer was talking.

Thank you for coming out tonight! Its been awhile since we made our way to Epsilon-Troplis! The beat of the music came louder as the screams of the simulated audience rose. ARE YOU READY! shouted the singer, and the simulated audience shouted back. I SAID ARE YOUU REAADDYY!

The whole stage erupted in screams as Frost started playing his drums and Burn unsheathed his microphone katana.

I think they are going to attack, ese. shouted Simone.

Yes, I dont think I enjoy this type of music, my friend. replied Pierce.

Burn launched into the air and swung his sword toward the gentlemen robots while the music began to pick up.

{Frost, Burn, Shock (boss battle). The boss health bar is separated into 4 parts. The player starts by fighting Burn, who swipes his sword multiple times across the field. The sword glows with a musical note aura. If the aura hits the player, it deals minimal damage. If the sword and aura hits the player, it deals moderate damage. After 1/4 of his health is depleted, Shock replaces Burn, who throws jukeboxes that explode on impact, creating an electric shock. This stuns the player, causing minimal damage. Once another 1/4 is depleted, Frost replaces Shock, Frost frequently taps his foot, which causes a shock wave that staggers the players. While doing this, he throws drum sticks which deal minimal damage. When the health is down to the last , all three robots attack at the same time. }

When the battle was over, the band was defeated and the music stopped playing. The gentlemen robots uploaded the immunity file to the band, who slowly rose back to their feet. Burn was the first to speak.

Thanks, gentlemen bros, started the lead singer. We came into town for a show, and we found ourselves here at an ancient music hall. Isnt that right boys? asked Burn to the rest of the group. Shock responded by hitting a button that simulated a voice agreeing with Burn. Frost spoke in a very abstract manner.

To go with the drift of things, to yield with a grace to reason, and bow and accept the end meaning. Frost said.

What? said the two gentlemen robots in unison.

Shock pressed another button which simulated laughter.

Oh sorry, please excuse Frost. He likes to talk in riddles and poems. Basically we are all very thankful for your help, but if you dont mind we have to continue practicing. Well catch you guys later. said Burn.

Shock waved goodbye, pressing a button that simulated a voice saying bye. Frost left the gentlemen robots with another confusing saying.

But tis not true that thus I dwelt aloof, for the wood wakes, and you are here for proof. Frost said.

The band left the music hall, leaving the gentlemen robot looking more confused than ever before.Pierce? Simone said, a blank look upon his face.

Yes, Simone? responded Pierce.

What just happened? Simone asked.

I am not quite sure my friend, I am not quite sure. Pierce said.

The two gentlemen robots called in for extraction and left the empty music hall for the Lounge.

World 4:4-3The gentlemen robots came back to the Lounge to find it in shambles, with Christofer Walkgear lying on the floor. They ran from the launch pad to help him to his feet.

What happened here? questioned Pierce ,holding Walkgear and bringing him to an empty chair. have to...stop him. Walkgear said, he fainted shortly after.

The legs we gave the Doctor. Simone began. How could we be so stupid, amigo?

There is no time to point blame, my friend. We must find out where the Doctor went, before its too late. ordered Pierce. The kettles launch log should show where he headed off to.

Good thinking. Simone said, running over to the computer. It looks like the launch kettles coordinates place the landing at a place called the Natural History Museum back at the ancient human ruins.

That is where we are headed, my good man. Let us go before the Doctor does something he will regret. Pierce replied.

The gentlemen robots ran onto the launch pad and fired it in the direction of the ancient human ruins.

They landed at the museum and ran inside to search for the Doctor. They found the place filled with ruffians using it as a sleep mode shelter. The museum was also guarded by robot dinosaurs, used before as animatronics in the past world. The gentlemen robots quickly moved through the museum, fending off ruffians and dinosaurs alike in an attempt to locate the Doctor. They finally found him, carving the words Free will for all robots into a museum wall.

The pair approached the Doctor with caution, attempting not to spook him.

Doctor? Pierce said softly. Doctor, its me Pierce, are you okay?

The Doctor composed himself and stopped writing.

Ah, boys. There you are. I was just trying...well actually I dont remember what I was trying to do...Its a funny thing...I can comprehend many different calculations and formulas, and yet a small little virus can throw me into looney land. the Doctor said, letting out a loud laugh.

Doctore, amigo, its fine. We can help you, just let me upload the antivirus to you and everything will go back to normal. Simone said, inching his way towards the Doctor.

Dont touch me, you bumbling buffoon. I have never felt better! Why, I think this virus has finally opened my eyes. Instead of stopping it, I should improve its functionality. Yes! Its perfect! the Doctor yelled.

Doctor, you are not thinking straight. Please let us help you. responded Pierce.

You two! My greatest inventions. Youd dare try to stop me? Well I cant have that. The creator now must destroy the created. It has been a pleasure, boys! So sorry it had to end like this. the Doctor said robotically.

The Doctor threw a emp grenade, stunning the gentlemen robots.

Doctore, dont do this! cried Simone.

Its no use, Simone. We have to try and disable him. Pierce yelled.

{The Doctor starts out by sending exploding dummy bots at the player which explode on contact. (Dealing Moderate damage). He also throws two emp gernades at the same time, attempting to stagger the gentlemen robots. When he gets down to half health, his legs break and he has to revert back to his wheels. In wheel mode, he charges at the gentlemen robot very fast, throwing emp gernades in the path he charges (grenades deal minimal damage, charge deals moderate damage.)The battle was over, and the Doctor was disabled on the floor. The robots quickly attempted to uploaded the antivirus to the Doctors memory core, but everytime Simone plugged himself in he was blocked by firewall. A dark and hideous laugh echoed through the room.

Oh, Im sorry boys. I am afraid thats not going to work this time around. giggled a dark figure standing at the entrance of the room. The figure walked into the light, revealing his cardboard box shell.

Stevebot! Thank goodness youve come! The Doctor is hurt, and he needs our help. Please, call...well, call a doctor! Simone declared.

Oh I know, Id say the Doctor has only a few minutes left until the more advanced form of the virus I planted in him ultimately destroys him. said Stevebot with glee.

I thought there was something off about you. The milk, the cardboard. That poster on the subway. Pierce uttered.

What a smart little robot you are, Pierce. Stevebot straightened his helmet piece. I am, as you probably have already assumed, human. I was cryogenically frozen a few thousand years ago. Back then, robots were just mere tools to do the bidding of humans. It was much simpler time, where everything wasnt so...PERFECT! Stevebot barked the last word.

So you created the virus because Epsilon-Tropolis is perfect! Pierce shouted.

Well you put it very simply, but overall yes. I want a world where there is free will, free from programming, a place where robots can live to do what they want. This new future I awoke to was too perfect. I wanted the past *I* remember. The past *I* was used to. Where robots were young and made mistakes. said Stevebot.

We all must grow up sometime! Dont you see what that world will be once you do that? Epsilon-Tropolis is in chaos! Simone snapped.

It wont be for long, once the virus has fully spread I will control the robots, the robots will live free but under my guidance. It will be as it used to, back in my time. But enough talk boys, I really must be going. The Doctor doesnt look too good you should check up on him. Steve bot giggled.

When the duo turned to the Doctor, they looked back to see Stevebot had disappeared. The Doctor regained consciousness, but could only whisper his final words.

Doctor, hold on! Well get you out of this. Simone, call Walkgear for extraction, NOW! Pierce said, oil tears staining his chassis.Its fine, boys, you did what had to be done. Its too late for me...stop Stevebot....the virus.....tower...go where it all began. The Doctors systems shut down, and the whole room went silent.

Lets go, hermano. We need to leave him. Simone said, putting a hand on Pierces shoulder.

NO. No, Im not leaving without him. said Pierce, cradling the Doctors body in his arms. Ill walk back if I have to, but Im not leaving him here.

There is nothing you can do, hes gone hese. Simone said somberly.

I dont CARE. Hes coming WITH US. said Pierce, carrying the remains of the Doctor to the extraction point. Lets go see just how fragile human bodies really are.

World 5:5-1The gentlemen robots brought the Doctors body back the Lounge, where Christofer Walkgear attempted to take it from Pierce. The crying robot originally put up a fight, until Simone pulled him back.

I...will ...take it...from here... he said, taking the Doctor.

We have to find out the location of Stevebots lair. Pierce told Christofer and Simone.

He mentioned something about a tower, there are many towers in the city. Which one could he mean? Simone questioned.

The only...tower...that could...spread...the virus...this

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