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Genetic dissection of the phosphoinositide cycle in DrosophilaphotoreceptorsChe-Hsiung Liu1, Murali K. Bollepalli1, Samuel V. Long1, Sabrina Asteriti1, Julie Tan2,3, Julie A. Brill2,3 andRoger C. Hardie1,*

ABSTRACTPhototransduction in Drosophila is mediated by phospholipaseC-dependent hydrolysis of PIP2, and is an important model forphosphoinositide signalling. Although generally assumed to operateby generic machinery conserved from yeast to mammals, some keyelements of the phosphoinositide cycle have yet to be identified inDrosophila photoreceptors. Here, we used transgenic flies expressingfluorescently tagged probes (P4M and TbR332H), which allow in vivoquantitative measurements of PI4P and PIP2 dynamics inphotoreceptors of intact living flies. Using mutants and RNAinterference for candidate genes potentially involved inphosphoinositide turnover, we identified Drosophila PI4KIIIα(CG10260) as the PI4-kinase responsible for PI4P synthesis in thephotoreceptor membrane.Our results also indicate that PI4KIIIα activityrequires rbo (the Drosophila orthologue of Efr3) and CG8325(orthologue of YPP1), both of which are implicated as scaffoldingproteins necessary for PI4KIIIα activity in yeast and mammals.However, our evidence indicates that the recently reported centralrole of dPIP5K59B (CG3682) in PIP2 synthesis in the rhabdomeresshould be re-evaluated; although PIP2 resynthesis was suppressed byRNAi directed against dPIP5K59B, little or no defect was detected in areportedly null mutant (dPIP5K18).

KEY WORDS: PIP2, PI4-kinase, PIP5-kinase, Phototransduction,TTC7

INTRODUCTIONPhosphoinositides such as PtdIns(4,5)P2 (PIP2) are ubiquitous andvital regulators of numerous cellular functions (Balla, 2013; Di Paoloand De Camilli, 2006; Hilgemann et al., 2001; Payrastre et al., 2001;Rohacs, 2009; Yin and Janmey, 2003), and their metabolism playsvital roles in most cells. In Drosophila photoreceptors, the lightresponse is mediated by a G-protein-coupled phospholipase C(PLC) cascade (Hardie, 2012; Hardie and Juusola, 2015; Katzand Minke, 2009; Montell, 2012; Yau and Hardie, 2009). Here,hydrolysis of PIP2 by PLC results in activation of two Ca2+-permeable cation channels, transient receptor potential (TRP) andTRP-like (TRPL), which mediate the electrical response to light(Hardie and Minke, 1992; Montell and Rubin, 1989; Phillips et al.,

1992). Along with other core components of the transductioncascade, rhodopsin, PLC and the channels are localised in a stack ofplasma membrane microvilli forming the light-guiding rhabdomere.Light-activated PLC activity in the photoreceptors is extremelypowerful, capable of depleting the entire PIP2 pool in the microvillarmembrane within ∼1 s, if not controlled by rapid Ca2+ and PKC-dependent negative feedback (Gu et al., 2005; Hardie et al., 2004,2015, 2001). Appropriate and timely replenishment of PIP2 isessential not only for maintained visual signalling but also for cellintegrity, and photoreceptors undergo degeneration in mutants wherePIP2 levels cannot be maintained (Sengupta et al., 2013). Althoughspecialised for vision, the phosphoinositide cycle in the Drosophilaeye appears to operate via canonical machinery conserved from yeastto mammals. Because of their experimental accessibility and decadesof intensive study, Drosophila photoreceptors have long representedan important genetic model for this ubiquitous pathway(Balakrishnan et al., 2015; Hardie, 2012; Hardie and Juusola,2015; Katz and Minke, 2009; Montell, 2012; Raghu et al., 2012).

Many of the genes for enzymes and other proteins involved inphosphoinositide turnover in Drosophila photoreceptors have been atleast putatively identified. However, certain elements, such as thekinases required for PtdIns(4)P (PI4P) and PIP2 synthesis remain to beidentified, and for some of the others there is limited direct evidencedemonstrating their involvement in phosphoinositide metabolismin situ. The tools most widely used to monitor phosphoinositideturnover in living cells are fluorescently tagged phosphoinositidebinding peptides, which rapidly translocate to and from membranesdepending on the concentration of their target lipid (Stauffer et al.,1998; Várnai and Balla, 1998; Várnai et al., 2017). Recently, weadapted this methodology to the fly retina (Hardie et al., 2015). Aftertesting several probes, we selected TbR332H, a mutant variant of thepleckstrin homology (PH) domain from the Tubby protein (Hugheset al., 2007;Quinnet al., 2008) as themost reliable probe forPIP2 in thephotoreceptors, whilst the P4M domain of Legionella SidM(Hammond et al., 2014) was chosen for PI4P. Importantly, theprobes can be quantitatively imaged in the rhabdomeres of intact livingflies, allowing completely non-invasive measurements of thissubcellular compartment to be made in vivo over many hours.

In the present study, we used these probes, in combination withelectrophysiological approaches, to screen candidate genes that mightbe involved in phosphoinositide turnover in photoreceptors, using acombination of mutants and RNA interference.We identify PI4KIIIαas the kinase isoform responsible for PI4P synthesis in the microvilli.Our results also indicate that to function, PI4KIIIα requires theadditional involvement of orthologues of two genes (Efr3 and YPP1),that have been implicated in PI4KIIIα activity in yeast and mammals(Baird et al., 2008; Chung et al., 2015; Nakatsu et al., 2012). Ourresults also support the identification of two elements previouslyimplicated by other evidence, namely CDP-diaglycerol synthase andPI-synthase. However, our evidence raises questions about theReceived 19 December 2017; Accepted 16 March 2018

1Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, CambridgeUniversity, Downing St, Cambridge CB2 3EG, United Kingdom. 2Program in CellBiology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Peter Gilgan Centre for Research andLearning, 686 Bay Street, Room 15.9716, Toronto, ON M5G 0A4, Canada.3Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Room 4396, MedicalSciences Building, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON M5S 1A8, Canada.

*Author for correspondence (

R.C.H., 0000-0001-5531-3264


© 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




recently reported central role of dPIP5K59B (CG3682) in PIP2synthesis in the rhabdomeres (Chakrabarti et al., 2015).

RESULTSUsing GFP-tagged lipid probes to monitor phosphoinositideturnover in vivoTomonitor PIP2 and PI4P depletion and resynthesis in vivo, we usedflies expressing specific PIP2 and PI4P fluorescently tagged probes(TbR323H-YFP and P4M-GFP) in the major photoreceptor class (R1-R6) using the promoter for the opsin (Rh1) expressed in these cells(Hardie et al., 2015). As previously described (Hammond et al.,2014; Hardie et al., 2015; Hughes et al., 2007), these probes appearto be specific for PIP2 (as opposed to InsP3) and PI4P (as opposedto PIP2) respectively, unlike other probes sometimes used formonitoring PIP2 (e.g. PH domain of PLCδ) or PI4P (e.g. PH-domains from FAPP1, OSH1 and OSH2). In otherwise wild-type

flies, these probes indicate that both PIP2 and PI4P are depleted inthe rhabdomeres by the blue excitation light with approximatelyexponential time courses of∼7 s for PIP2 (using TbR332H) and∼12 sfor PIP (using P4M). Such stimulation also results in saturating,persistent activation of the transduction cascade, causing aprolonged depolarizing afterpotential (PDA) due to conversion ofthe majority (70%) of rhodopsin (R) to the active metarhodopsin(M) state (for a review, see Hardie, 1985) and PIP2 remains depleteduntil M is photoreisomerised to R by long wavelength light (Hardieet al., 2015). Following rapid (∼2 s) photoreisomerisation ofM to R,recovery of the respective probes to the microvillar membrane(reflecting resynthesis of PI4P and PIP2) can be monitored in vivo byrecovery of fluorescence of the deep pseudopupil (DPP) incompletely intact animals as a function of time in the dark(Fig. 1). Such recordings yield half times (t½) of recovery of ∼10 sfor PI4P and ∼40 s for PIP2 in otherwise wild-type flies.

Fig. 1. PIP2 and PI4P recovery time courses in control flies. (A) TbR332H YFP fluorescence in response to a 30 s blue excitation light measured fromrhabdomere patterns in the DPP of otherwise wild-type fly. In a fully dark-adapted fly (red trace) fluorescence decays over ∼20 s as PIP2 is depleted and theTbR332H probe translocates out of the rhabdomere. After M to R reconversion by red (R) light and variable periods in the dark: (Δt=10-200 s), the blue excitationwas repeated and the return of the probe to the rhabdomeres (reflecting PIP2 resynthesis) monitored from the instantaneous fluorescence (arrows). (B) Similarprotocol from a fly expressing one copy of GMR-Gal4 and UAS-wRNAi (GMRw control for RNAi experiments). (C,D) Similar traces from flies expressingthe PI4P-specific P4M-GFP probe on wild-type (C) and GMRw (D) backgrounds. (E,F) Normalised time course of recovery from traces as in A-D aftervarying times in the dark. (E) PIP2 monitored with TbR332H; mean±s.e.m.; wt, n=17; GMRw, n=27. (F) PI4P monitored with P4M (n=9). (G,H) Time for 50%recovery (t½) for TbR332H (G) and P4M (H) probes (from time course data as in E and F). For both PIP2 (TbR332H) and PI4P (P4M). There were distinct effects onkinetics of depletion and recovery attributable to GMR-Gal4 expression, emphasising the need for GMR-Gal4 controls for UAS-RNAi experiments. (I) Thecanonical phosphoinositide cycle with identified and candidate genes indicated.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




Because mutations in many of the genes we investigated are lethalat the organismal or cell level, in many cases we resorted to RNAiknockdown using fly stocks from the Vienna Drosophila ResourceCenter (VDRC). The UAS-RNAi constructs in these flies must bedriven by the Gal4-UAS system (Brand and Perrimon, 1993). Inorder to achieve strong and selective RNAi knockdown in the eye,we crossed the UAS-RNAi lines to GMRGal4 flies in which Gal4expression is driven by the GMR (glass multiple repeats) promoter,which is strongly expressed in all cells of the developing eye (Hayet al., 1997). These flies also expressed a UAS-RNAi construct forthe white (w) gene (GMRGal4, w-UAS-RNAi, referred to here asGMRw), which results in virtually white-eyed flies (Kalidas andSmith, 2002), hence maximizing reporter fluorescence. Recently,we reported that expression of one copy of GMRGal4 induces anumber of subtle phenotypes by itself, including a ∼2- to 3-foldreduction in sensitivity, shorter ommatidia and a ∼30% reduction inarea of microvillar membrane (Bollepalli et al., 2017). Since PIP2turnover had not been investigated in GMRGal4 flies, we firstcharacterised PI4P and PIP2 turnover in controlGMRw/+ flies usingP4M and TbR332H probes. Although behaviour was broadly similar,the half-times for resynthesis of both PI4P (t½=∼25 s cf. ∼10 s incontrol) and PIP2 (t½=∼60 s cf. ∼40 s in control) were slightly,but significantly (P<0.0001), longer than values in wild-typebackgrounds (Fig. 1). The kinetics of PI4P depletion in particularwas also noticeably faster (Fig. 1D).As additional controls, we also separately tested all RNAi lines

with apparent phenotypes in PIP2 and/or PI4P resynthesis bycrossing them into otherwise wild-type TbR332H and P4Mbackgrounds (without GMRGal4), but in this case none showedany significant differences to the wild-type controls (Fig. S1). Theeffectiveness of UAS-RNAi knockdown driven by GMRGal4 wasvalidated by qRT-PCR on retinal tissue dissected from freeze-driedheads in critical lines showing significant phenotypes (Fig. S2 andsee Materials and Methods).

Genetic dissection of PI turnoverDrosophila contains identified and candidate genes for all of therespective elements of the canonical PI cycle (Fig. 1I). Of these, wepreviously showed that both PI4P and PIP2 synthesis were severelycompromised in mutants of PITP (rdgB) and DAG kinase (rdgA),providing in vivo evidence for their essential role in the cycle,whereas, as expected, PIP2 hydrolysis (depletion) is prevented innorpA mutants lacking PLC (Hardie et al., 2015). The primary aimof this study was to test the involvement of the remaining candidategenes using specific PI4P and PIP2 probes and thereby provide amore comprehensive overview of the phosphoinositide cyclemachinery in the photoreceptors.

PI4-kinaseThe Drosophila genome contains three putative PI4-kinase genes:PI4KIIα (CG2929), PI4KIIIβ ( fwd=CG7004) and PI4KIIIα(CG10260), and limited evidence has implicated all three indevelopment and/or degeneration in Drosophila retina (Forrestet al., 2013; Raghu et al., 2009). Which isoform is responsible formaintaining the PI4P pool required for phototransduction in themicrovillar (plasmamembrane) rhabdomeres is not known; however,we suspected PI4KIIIα, because in other organisms and tissues it hasbeen implicated in synthesis of PI4P at the plasmamembranewhereasPI4KIIα and IIIβ have been implicated on endomembranes (Ballaet al., 2008; Burgess et al., 2012; Polevoy et al., 2009; Tan et al.,2014). Of the three kinases, PI4KIIIα is also the isoform enrichedmost strongly in the eye (7-fold enriched,

Because a null mutation (PI4KIIIαΔ123) is lethal, we first tried togenerate PI4KIIIα null whole-eye mosaics using the FLP-FRTmethod (Stowers and Schwarz, 1999); however, this resulted infailure of eyes to develop, indicating the mutation was also cell lethalin the developing eye.We also investigated PI4P and PIP2 resynthesisin PI4KIIIαΔ123 heterozygotes generated by crossing PI4KIIIαΔ123/FM7 flies to flies expressing either P4M or TbR332H probes (Fig. S3).PIP2 resynthesis time courses measured in PI4KIIIα/+ heterozygotesusing the TbR332H probe were indistinguishable from controls(whether the parent TbR332H line or FM7/+ siblings). PI4Presynthesis measured using P4M-GFP in PI4KIIIα/+ heterozygotesappeared to be marginally slower than that in sibling controls(t½=11.3 s cf. 9.8 s in controls), but, although significant (P=0.01),because the difference was so small, we could not exclude this beingdue to other differences in genetic background.

We therefore used RNA interference with UAS-RNAi constructsdriven by GMRGal4 (Fig. 2). RNAi knockdown of either PI4KIIIβ( fwd) or PI4KIIα had no detectable influence on the time course ofeither PI4P or PIP2 resynthesis, with the respective probes recoveringwith half times of ∼30 s (P4M) and ∼50 s (TbR332H), which wereindistinguishable fromGMRw controls. However, RNAi knockdownof PI4KIIIα (reducing transcript levels to ∼8%, see Fig. S2),profoundly delayed recovery of both PI4P and PIP2 (t½=∼500 s),suggesting that PI4KIIIα is indeed the main isoform responsible forPI4P synthesis in the rhabdomeres. This also appears to be the PI4Ppool required for phototransduction because slow recovery of theprobes was mirrored by a similarly slow recovery of the electricalresponse to light (ERG) after PI4P and PIP2 depletion induced by 30 sintense blue illumination. In fully dark-adapted flies, the response tolight was relatively normal, with only a minor reduction in ERGamplitude and sensitivity and reduced synaptic ‘on’ and ‘off’transients compared with controls (Fig. 3).

We were concerned that PI4KIIIα knockdown might haveadversely affected development of the eye; however, there wereno obvious structural differences compared with GMRw/+ controls:facet patterns showed only occasional minor irregularities, whichcan also be seen in GMRw/+ eyes. In terms of photoreceptorstructure, dissociated ommatidia prepared for whole-cell recordingswere of similar appearance to those from GMRw/+ controls, andwhole-cell capacitances (a sensitive measure of microvillar surfacearea) were indistinguishable from those in GMRw/+ controls(Fig. S4E). Macroscopic light-induced currents had normal kineticsand at most only slightly (but not significantly) reduced amplitudescompared with GMRw/+ controls – although both were reduced,and more variable compared with the wild type (Fig. S4A,B), aspreviously reported for GMRGal4 flies (Bollepalli et al., 2017).Single-photon responses (quantum bumps) also had normalwaveforms, albeit slightly reduced in amplitude (Fig. S4C,D).These results indicate that the photoreceptors and the basicmolecular components of the transduction cascade wereessentially intact.

Rolling blackoutMembrane localization and function of PI4KIIIα in yeast andmammals is reported to depend upon association with accessoryscaffolding proteins including Efr3, YPP1 and Sfk1 (Baird et al.,2008; Chung et al., 2015; Nakatsu et al., 2012). Interestingly, theDrosophila orthologue of Efr3 is rolling black out (rbo), which wasoriginally suggested to be a DAG lipase by sequence homology of aputative lipase domain (Huang et al., 2004). However, RBO proteinhas recently been reported to co-immunoprecipitate with PI4KIIIαin Drosophila, and has been suggested to be important in


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




controlling PI4P levels in neurons (Zhang et al., 2017). Null rbomutations are lethal, but a temperature-sensitive allele (rbots) wasreported to have use-dependent defects in the ERG – namely a

profound loss of sensitivity to light following bright illumination(Huang et al., 2004). In view of the identification of Efr3 as ascaffolding protein for PI4KIIIα, we asked whether this use-

Fig. 3. ERG recordings. (A) ERG responses to 1 s flashes of increasing intensity in GMRw×UAS-PI4KIIIα-RNAi flies (n=5) and GMRw controls (n=8).(B) Resulting response intensity functions (mean±s.e.m.). Maximum intensity (100) was equivalent to ∼107 effectively absorbed photons/s. (C) ERG fromPI4KIIIα-RNAi fly exposed to PIP2-depleting stimulus (30 s saturating blue excitation followed by 5 s red light to photoreisomeriseM to R). Repeated brief (250 ms)dim red test flashes monitored loss and recovery of sensitivity. Inset shows similar protocol in a GMRw/+ control fly. (D) Normalised time course of recoveryfollowing PIP2-depleting stimuli from PI4KIIIα-RNAi flies and also from YPP1-RNAi, cdsKK-RNAi, rbo-RNAi, rbots at 37°C (n=4-10 flies as indicated) as well asrbots at 22°C, GMRw and RNAi parent controls (n=6 each).

Fig. 2. PIP2 and PI4P recovery timecourses in RNAi flies. (A,C) Timecourses of TbR332H (A) and P4M (C)recovery in flies expressing RNAiconstructs for various candidategenes under control of GMR-Gal4(mean±s.e.m.). (B,D) Time to 50%recovery (t½) for resynthesis of bothPI4P (P4M) and PIP2 (TbR332H) weresubstantially and significantly slowedin flies expressing UAS-RNAiconstructs directed against PI4KIIIα,rbo, YPP1, dPIP5K, dPIS and cds(P<0.0001, one-way ANOVA,Dunnett’s multiple comparison test).P4M data for cdsKK not shown as therewas no detectable recovery. RNAidirected at other candidate PI4-kinases ( fwd and PI4KIIα) or either flyhomologue of TMEM150A (CG4025and CG7790 data pooled) had little orno effect. Flies were progeny ofcrosses between TbR332H;GMRw orP4M;GMRw and the respectiveVDRC RNAi lines or the progenitorcontrol (KK).


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




dependent loss of sensitivity might reflect loss of PI4KIIIα functionand hence failure to resynthesise PI4P and PIP2.To address this, we expressed TbR332H and P4M probes in rbots

mutants and made measurements at permissive (21-23°C) andrestrictive temperatures (∼37°C). We first compared dark-adaptedfluorescence intensities of the reporters at 37°C and 22°C in wild-type backgrounds and found that fluorescence at 37°C was slightlydecreased (to ∼80% of the level at 22°C) for both probes, consistentwith the known temperature dependence of GFP fluorescence(Zhang et al., 2009). For controls, we then investigated thetemperature dependence of PIP2 and PI4P turnover in a wild-typebackground. As might be expected, both PIP2 and PI4P depletionand resynthesis were accelerated at higher temperatures in wild-typeflies (Fig. 4). Thus, translocation of TbR332H out of the rhabdomereduring blue excitation (reflecting PIP2 depletion), had a timeconstant of ∼2 s at 37°C, compared with ∼7 s at room temperature(Fig. 4A). Resynthesis was also accelerated with half-times offluorescence recovery of ∼20 s at 37°C and ∼40 s at room

temperature (Fig. 4D). Depletion and resynthesis of PI4P asmonitored by P4M were similarly accelerated (Fig. 4C,E).Judging from the Fmax/Fmin ratios, the absolute dark-adapted levelof both PIP2 and PI4P at 37°C appeared to be little affected (∼95%of levels at 22°C).

In rbots mutants, depletion and recovery time courses of PI4Pand PIP2 at 22°C determined using P4M and TbR332H probeswere similar to those measured in a wild-type background,although P4M recovery in particular was slightly but significantlyslower (Fig. 4F). However, when flies were exposed to therestrictive temperature, behaviour was profoundly altered (Fig. 4).Fluorescence of the P4M probe declined rapidly in the dark uponraising the temperature to 37°C and within 3 min of activating theheating coil was already reduced to less than 10% of control levels.With shorter heating periods (90 s to 2 min), more residual P4Mfluorescence remained, which then decayed to baseline with asimilarly accelerated time course to wild-type controls at 37°C,suggesting that PLC activity was normal. However, thereafter, no

Fig. 4. PIP2 and PI4P resynthesis in rbots mutants is blocked at 37°C. (A-C) Representative fluorescence traces from wild type (A) and rbots mutantsexpressing TbR332H to monitor PIP2 (B) and P4M to monitor PI4P (C). Red traces are from initial dark-adapted state and the remaining traces after differenttimes in the dark following depletion (5-200 s as indicated). Top series of traces at room temperature (22°C), bottom traces after warming to 37°C for 3 min.In wild type (A), both depletion and recovery were markedly accelerated at 37°C whereas in rbots (B), TbR332H depletion was similarly accelerated at 37°C (redtraces), but the apparent partial recovery now showed an increase during blue excitation rather than decay. (C) Most P4M fluorescence was lost during the 3 minwarming period in the dark, and thereafter no recovery could be detected. The lower traces (A-C measured at 37°C) have been corrected (i.e. increased)for the 20% reduction in GFP fluorescence at 37°C. (D,E) Averaged recovery time courses for TbR332H and P4M from data as in A-C normalised to peakfluorescence. Graphs show the mean±s.e.m. from n=8-14 flies per plot. (F) Time to 50% recovery (t½) for TbR332H (PIP2) and P4M (PI4P) from plots for each fly.Note acceleration of recovery of both in wild-type at 37°C and slower recovery for P4 M in rbots compared with wild type at the permissive temperature (22°C).t½ data for rbots at 37°C not shown because no flies recovered sufficient fluorescence.


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




recovery of fluorescence could be detected in the dark (after theusual M>R reconverting red light) and in most cases, fluorescencedecreased even further (Fig. 4C,E). This indicates that resynthesis ofPI4P in the microvilli is blocked at the restrictive temperature inrbots, consistent with the notion that RBO (Efr3) is an essentialco-factor for PI4KIIIα function.PIP2 measured using the TbR332H probe behaved in a broadly

similar fashion, but with some interesting differences. Firstly, PIP2(TbR332H fluorescence) remained at >50% of the original roomtemperature levels in the rhabdomeres of rbots eyes for at least 5 minat the restrictive temperature in the dark. PIP2 was then depleted byblue excitation as in wild-type controls, with a similar accelerationin time course (Fig. 4B), again confirming that PLC activity wasintact in rbots at the restrictive temperature. After this initialexposure to blue excitation, there was usually a modest (∼25%)recovery of fluorescent probe in the dark over ∼200 s (Fig. 4B,D).However, in marked contrast to recovery in control conditions,rather than inducing the usual decay of any recovered fluorescence,blue excitation now resulted in a slight increase in fluorescence witheach repeated exposure (Fig. 4B), with an exponential time constantsimilar to but slightly slower than the initial depletion (3.0±0.3 s,n=11). Whilst the slight recovery of fluorescence might be taken toindicate partial resynthesis of PIP2, this would presumably have tocome from a source other than PI4P (at least distinct from any pooldetected by P4M), whilst the paradoxical increase induced by eachlight exposure seems hard to explain. An alternative interpretation isthat PIP2 in the rhabdomere remained unreplenished like PI4P, butafter the initial depletion of PIP2 in the rhabdomere by the firstepisode of blue excitation, each subsequent episode now results indepletion of PIP2 from plasma membrane outside the microvilli.This could then result in redistribution of some of the probe back tothe microvilli, because the probe is expected to report the relativedifference in PIP2 levels between competing sinks (i.e. therhabdomere and the rest of the plasma membrane). On return toroom temperature, turnover of both PI4P and PIP2 remained blockedfor at least 30 min, but eventually recovered after a couple of hours.We also investigated both PI4P and PIP2 resynthesis with P4M andTbR332H probes at room temperature following rbo RNAiknockdown. Here, we found a very pronounced and significantslowing of both PI4P and PIP2 resynthesis (t½=248 s for P4M andt½=173 s for TbR332H; Fig. 2).As with PI4KIIIα knockdown, the slow or absent recovery of the

probes in rbots and rbo RNAi backgrounds was mirrored by veryslow and limited recovery of sensitivity following brightillumination, as measured in the ERG (Fig. 3D). Indeed in rbots,the majority of flies (9/12) showed no detectable recovery ofsensitivity for at least 10 min following PIP2 depletion at 37°C.

YPP1 (TTC7)In yeast and mammals, a second protein (YPP1 in yeast, TTC7 inmammals) is also involved in the scaffolding complex required forPI4KIIIα function (Wu et al., 2014). There appears to be just oneorthologue of YPP1 in Drosophila, annotated as CG8325, but withno reported function. According to Fly Atlas (, CG8325is relatively enriched (∼3-fold) in both eye and brain tissue. Mutantsof CG8325 [l(2)k14710] are lethal, therefore we sought evidence forits role by RNA interference using GMRGal4 to drive UAS-YPP1-RNAi in flies expressing P4M and TbR332H. As shown in Fig. 2B,D,resynthesis of both PI4P and PIP2 was severely compromised in theseflies. Again, this slow recovery was mirrored in a prolonged loss andslow recovery of sensitivity of the light response after bright lightadaptation, as measured in the ERG (Fig. 3).

Sfk1 (TMEM150A)Recently, a third regulator of the PI4KIIIα complex was reported,namely Sfk1 (yeast) and its homologue TMEM150A in mammals,which was reported to be required for association of YPP1 with theEfr3/PI4KIIIα complex (Chung et al., 2015). The most closelyhomologous genes in Drosophila are CG4025 (∼30% amino acididentity to TMEM150A) and CG7990 (∼20% identity), both ofwhich are enriched in eye and brain tissue ( However,using two independent RNAi lines for each gene, we found noobvious effect of either on PI4P or PIP2 resynthesis (Fig. 2B,D).

CDP-diglyceride synthase (cds)Drosophila cdsAwas the first eukaryotic CDP-diglyceride synthaseto be cloned and the sole representative in the Drosophila genome.It is highly enriched in the retina and has been implicated in thephotoreceptor phosphoinositide cycle on the basis that sensitivity tolight in the hypomorphic cdsA1mutant cannot be maintained duringand following prolonged exposure to light (Wu et al., 1995). Inaddition, more direct evidence for cdsA in microvillar PIP2resynthesis came from whole-cell recordings from dissociatedphotoreceptors in cdsA1 mutants using a genetically targetedelectrophysiological PIP2 biosensor, Kir2.1 (Hardie et al., 2002).To test the requirement of cdsA for phosphoinositide recyclingin vivowe used two independent cdsARNAi lines crossed toGMRwflies expressing P4M and TbR332H probes. In one line (cdsKK) PI4Precovery was undetectable, whilst recovery of PIP2 was extremelyslow (t½=∼800 s, Fig. 2). Sensitivity to light and recovery from lightadaptation were also greatly compromised in ERG recordings(Fig. 3). In the second line (cdsGD), PIP2 recovered to ∼50% oforiginal levels relatively quickly (within ∼2 min), but then took afurther ∼10 min to recover to pre-depletion levels, but little or noeffect was seen on PI4P recovery times. In these flies, sensitivity tolight and recovery from light adaptation in ERG recordings were atmost only slightly impaired compared with controls, which is to beexpected since 50% PIP2 levels are sufficient to mediate near-maximal activation of TRP channels (Hardie et al., 2015).

PI synthasedPIS is the only recognisable homologue of mammalianPI-synthase in the Drosophila genome, and has been reported tofunction as a PI-synthase when heterologously expressed inHEK293 cells (Wang and Montell, 2006). It is expressed inphotoreceptors and mutants have visual phenotypes, including slowrecovery of the light response following light adaptation, and henceit is a prime candidate for the PI-synthase in the photoreceptor PIcycle (Wang and Montell, 2006). Because null dpismutants are celllethal, in order to test the requirement of dPIS for PI synthesisin vivo, we again used RNA interference. Resynthesis of both PI4Pand PIP2 in dpis-RNAi flies were very substantially slowed(t½=250-400 s; Fig. 2B,D), supporting the essential role for dPISin the photoreceptor phosphoinositide cycle, as previously proposed(Wang and Montell, 2006).

PIP5-kinaseIn the canonical phosphoinositide cycle (Fig. 1I), the final step inthe resynthesis of PIP2 is conversion of PI4P to PIP2 via PIP5-kinase. The Drosophila genome contains genes for two putativePIP5K isoforms: skittles (sktl) and dPIP5K59B (CG3682, shortenedhereafter to dPIP5K). Both are expressed in the eye, and dPIP5K atleast has been reported to immunolocalise to the rhabdomere(Chakrabarti et al., 2015). Severe or null mutations of both genes areorganismal lethal or semi-lethal. Null sktl mutations are also cell


RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




lethal, but it is possible to generate viable whole-eye mosaics of areportedly null dPIP5K mutant (dPIP5K18) using the FLP-FRTmethod (Chakrabarti et al., 2015). Using such mosaics, Chakrabartiet al. (2015) recently reported defects in the electrical light responseas well as PIP2 resynthesis and concluded that dPIP5K is the mainkinase responsible for the synthesis of PIP2 required forphototransduction in the rhabdomeres. However, technical issues(Hardie et al., 2015 and see Discussion) led us to question some oftheir findings. We therefore re-examined PIP2 resynthesis indPIP5K18 eye mosaics using flies provided by the authors of theChakrabarti et al. (2015) study, confirming their genotype by theeffective absence (<1%) of dPIP5K mRNA in dissected retinaeusing qRT-PCR (Fig. S2C).In marked contrast to Chakrabarti et al. (2015), when we

monitored PIP2 in dPIP5K18 mosaic eyes using TbR332H, we foundrobust PIP2 resynthesis with only a slight slowing of the time courseof recovery, which was significant with respect to that in the wildtype (t½=∼49 s and 38 s, respectively; P=0.0002), but not withrespect to sibling heterozygote controls (t½=44 s, P=0.06; Fig. 5).Chakrabarti et al. (2015) also reported that overexpression ofdPIP5K driven by Rh1Gal4 resulted in a marked acceleration ofPIP2 resynthesis; however, when we measured PIP2 resynthesisusing TbR332H in the same overexpressing flies, we found the timecourse slightly slower, although statistically indistinguishable,compared with that in controls (P=0.14, Fig. 5B,C).Chakrabarti et al. (2015) also reported a ‘profound’ impairment

of the photoreceptor response as inferred from ERG recordings indPIP5K18 eye mosaic mutants. We confirmed a similar reduction inERG amplitudes (Fig. 6); however, the most conspicuous aspect ofthe dPIP5K18 phenotype (also noted by Chakrabarti et al., 2015)was the complete lack of the synaptic ‘on’ and ‘off’ transients,which derive from postsynaptic interneurons (large monopolar cellsor LMCs). Recently, another mutant defective in synaptictransmission (hdc, which lacks the photoreceptor neurotransmitterhistamine) was found to have similarly reduced ERG amplitudes(Fig. 6), suggesting that synaptic feedback from interneurons tophotoreceptors normally contributes to the photoreceptorcomponent of the ERG (Dau et al., 2016). Therefore, from theseresults, it is not clear whether there is in fact any defect at the level ofphototransduction. To investigate this directly, we examineddPIP5K18 mutant photoreceptors using whole-cell recordings oflight-induced currents from dissociated ommatidia (Fig. 7).

Morphologically, the mutant ommatidia appeared normal inappearance, and their capacitances (a sensitive measure ofmicrovillar membrane area) were indistinguishable from wild-type(64±8 pF and 63±5 pF, respectively; n=10-13 cells). Importantly,we failed to detect any phenotype at all in the responses to light:absolute sensitivity, responses to single photons, brief flashes and1 s steps of increasing intensity were all indistinguishable from thewild type, or dPIP5K18/+ sibling heterozygote controls (Fig. 7).These results indicate that dPIP5K18 mutants have no detectabledefects in phototransduction and at most, marginal defects in PIP2synthesis in the rhabdomere. By contrast, the complete lack ofsynaptic transients in the ERG suggests that dPIP5K18mutants maybe defective in PIP2 synthesis at synaptic terminals where PIP2 isbelieved to be critical for normal vesicular exo- and endocytosis,and interacts with key synaptic proteins such as synaptotagmin(Di Paolo et al., 2004; Lauwers et al., 2016; Park et al., 2015).

The dPIP5K18 mutant was generated by a targeted ‘insertion of aselection marker (Pw+) flanked by multiple stop codons within thegene such that the kinase domain of dPIP5Kwas disrupted’ and lackof protein was confirmed by western blotting (Chakrabarti et al.,2015). Nevertheless, we also proceeded to measure PIP2 resynthesisusing UAS-dPIP5K-RNAi (VDRC line 108104KK). Surprisingly,despite the virtual lack of effect of the dPIP5K18 mutation, PIP2resynthesis measured using TbR332H was in fact markedly slower inUAS-dPIP5K-RNAi flies crossed to GMRw (t½=430 s, Fig. 2A,B).This effect seemed to be specific for PIP2 as PI4P resynthesismeasured using P4M was relatively little affected (Fig. 2C,D). Thissuggests either that the dPIP5K18 mutant was not null as reported(Chakrabarti et al., 2015) or that UAS-dPIP5K-RNAi hadinfluenced PIP2 resynthesis by off-target effects.

The second PIP5K gene in Drosophila is sktl (skittles). Severealleles, such as sktlΔ1-1 or sktlΔ20 are lethal (Hassan et al., 1998) andattempts to generate whole-eye mosaics with sktlΔ1-1 resulted infailure of eyes to develop, indicating it is cell lethal in the developingeye (see also Chakrabarti et al., 2015). Trans-heterozygotes (sktlΔ1-1/sktlΔ20) are viable, with eyes of normal appearance, but when weexpressed TbR332H in sktlΔ1-1/sktlΔ20 trans-heterozygotes, the timecourse of PIP2 resynthesis was not obviously affected (Fig. S3E).Similarly, we found no obvious slowing of resynthesis in single ordouble heterozygotes of dPIP5K and sktlΔ1-1 (Fig. S3). Finally, wemeasured PIP2 resynthesis time courses in UAS-sktl RNAi flies(crossed toGMRw) and found a slight slowing with respect toGMRw

Fig. 5. In vivo PIP2 dynamics are barely affected in dPIP5K mutant or overexpressing eyes. (A) Normalised PIP2 resynthesis time courses measured withTbR332H probe from mosaic dPIP5K18 mutant eyes (mean±s.e.m.; n=23 flies), compared with heterozygote siblings (n=23) and wild-type controls recorded onsame days (n=13). (B) Recovery time course from flies overexpressing dPIP5K (oe) (driven by Rh1Gal4 n=10) compared with sibling controls (non-Rh1Gal4 F1from same cross) or Rh1Gal4;TbR332H parent controls pooled (n=7). (C) Summary of time to 50% recovery (t½) of PIP2 (i.e. TbR332H-YFP fluorescence) indPIP5K18 mosaics and overexpressing flies. On average, PIP2 resynthesis time courses in dPIP5K18 mosaic eyes were slightly slower than in controls, but datashowed considerable overlap, reaching statistical significance only with respect to wild type, but not sibling heterozygote controls. ns, not significant.


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controls (t½=88 s and 67 s, respectively), which was significant on adirect t-test, but not on a one-way ANOVA comparing all the RNAilines (Fig. S3F). However, uniquely amongst the RNAi lines wetested, qRT-PCR of dissected retina revealed no significantknockdown of sktl mRNA in these flies (Fig. S2). In the absenceof data from true null alleles or a validated RNAi line, we are reluctantto draw any conclusions from these results, leaving open thepossibility that sktl may contribute to PIP2 synthesis in therhabdomeres.

DISCUSSIONWe have developed transgenic flies and methodology that allowquantitative measurements of phosphoinositide turnover in themicrovillar rhabdomeres of completely intact living flies (Hardieet al., 2015). In the present study, we used this approach to screenfor candidate genes that might be involved in maintainingphosphoinositide levels in the rhabdomeres. Because little isknown about them in the Drosophila eye, much of our studyconcentrated upon the kinases presumed to be responsible forsynthesis of PI4P and PIP2 (PI4-kinase and PIP5-kinase).The PI4-kinase required for phototransduction had not previously

been identified inDrosophila photoreceptors, although PI4KIIα hasbeen implicated in rhabdomere biogenesis (Raghu et al., 2009),whilst downregulation of either PI4KIIIβ ( fwd) or PI4KIIIα byRNAi partially rescued retinal degeneration caused by upregulationof PI4P (Forrest et al., 2013). However, PI4KIIIα has consistentlybeen identified as the isoform associated with plasma membranePI4P pools (Balla et al., 2008; Balla, 2013; Tan and Brill, 2014) andour evidence now strongly supports the identification of PI4KIIIα asthe isoform responsible for maintaining the ‘phototransductionpool’ of PI4P in the rhabdomeres. Firstly, using RNAi, we found amarked slowing of both PI4P and PIP2 resynthesis followingPI4KIIIα knockdown, whereas RNAi directed against the other twocandidates had no effect. This slowing down of PI4P and PIP2resynthesis was mirrored in a similarly slow recovery of the lightresponse following bright illumination. Secondly, PI4KIIIα activityin both yeast and mammals has recently been found to be criticallydependent upon a scaffolding complex including Efr3 and YPP1(TTC7 in mammals), and mutant and/or RNAi knockdown of the

respectiveDrosophila orthologues of both these genes was found tohave very similar effects in blocking or profoundly slowing PI4Pand PIP2 resynthesis and recovery of light sensitivity.

The Drosophila orthologue of Efr3 is rolling black out (rbo, alsoreferred to as stmA). Previously, it was found that the temperature-sensitive rbots mutant showed a complete loss of light responsefollowing bright illumination (Huang et al., 2004) and an acuteblockade of synaptic transmission (Huang et al., 2006), but at thattime the only homology noted was to DAG lipase, whilst in vitrobiochemistry on whole heads appeared to show an accumulation ofPIP2, leading the authors to suggest that RBO lipase activity wassomehow required for PLC function. By contrast, our results usingboth rbots mutants and rbo RNAi indicated that PLC activity (aswitnessed by the initial rapid translocation of both TbR332H andP4M probes) was normal at the restrictive temperature, but PI4P(and consequently PIP2) failed to be resynthesised, stronglysupporting a role in PI4KIIIα function. A similar block of bothPI4P and PIP2 resynthesis was obtained following RNAiknockdown of the Drosophila YPP1 orthologue (CG8325). Inyeast and mammals, yet another regulator of the PI4KIIIα complexhas been reported (Sfk1, or TMEM150A in mammals). In contrastto rbo and YPP1 the Drosophila genome does not contain anobvious orthologue of this protein, and RNAi knockdown of thetwo most closely related genes, with 20% (CG7790) or 30%(CG4025) amino acid identity, respectively, had no obvious effect.However, little can be concluded from this negative result and we donot, for example, exclude the possibility that both can contribute in aredundant manner. However, overall, our evidence supports theexistence of a PI4KIIIα-Efr3-YPP1 complex in flies and indicatesthat it is essential for both PI4P and downstream PIP2 synthesis inthe microvillar membrane. Because null mutations of all three genesare lethal in the fly, this complex can also be expected to be of morewidespread function.

The situation with PIP5-kinase is less clear. Recently,Chakrabarti et al. (2015) concluded that dPIP5K was the keykinase required for synthesis of PIP2 required for phototransduction.They showed that dPIP5K immunolocalised to the rhabdomeres andreported a severe defect in PIP2 resynthesis measured with afluorescent probe (PLCδ-PH-GFP) in dPIP5K18mutants. However,

Fig. 6. ERG recordings from dPIP5K18 mosaics.(A,B) Representative electroretinogram (ERG) responses to 1 sflashes (indicated by bars) of increasing intensity from dPIP5K18

mosaic eyes and dPIP5K18/+ sibling controls from the samecross. (C) V/log I function (ERG amplitudes at end of 1 s flash;mean±s.e.m.; n=12); amplitudes were slightly reduced andsensitivity (intensity required to elicit 50% Vmax response) ∼3-fold reduced in mosaics, but the most conspicuous phenotypewas the lack of ‘on’ and ‘off’ transients, indicating that synaptictransmission was blocked. (D) ERG V/log I functions from hdcmutants, which also lack synaptic transmission (data replottedfrom Dau et al., 2016), showed a similar reduction in amplitudeand sensitivity compared with wild-type controls; however, thisdifference can be attributed to the lack of synaptic feedback tothe photoreceptors. Maximum intensity (100) was equivalent to∼107 effective photons/s.


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even their wild-type recovery times (∼3-4 min) were much slowerthan should be the case with this probe (∼20 s, see Hardie et al.,2015). This suggests that their measurements were compromised,most likely by failure to rapidly reconvert M to R after blueexcitation, so that, in effect, they may have been measuring the rateof M to R photoreisomerisation by continuous red light rather thanPIP2 synthesis (see Hardie et al., 2015 for further discussion). Usingthe TbR332H probe, and ensuring rapid M to R photoreisomerisation,our results reveal only a very minor slowing of PIP2 resynthesis inthe same dPIP5K18 mutants. Chakrabarti et al. (2015) also reported‘profound’ defects in ERG recordings from dPIP5K18 mutants.However, although we confirmed the same ERG phenotype, weattribute this to a defect in synaptic transmission and photoreceptorlight responses were quantitatively indistinguishable from controlswhen studied using more direct whole-cell recording techniques.Surprisingly, despite the virtual lack of effect of the dPIP5K18

mutation, dPIP5K-RNAi did result in a very pronounced slowing ofPIP2 resynthesis. This discrepancy is perplexing and would seem to

imply either that dPIP5K-RNAi had unanticipated off-target effects(although this did not appear to include sktl mRNA; Fig. S2B), orthat the dPIP5K18 mutation was not null. dPIP5K has multipletranscripts and, although our qRT-PCR primers should havedetected all the transcripts reported in the databases (,the existence of an unrecognised transcript that was not eliminatedby the mutation cannot be excluded. Another possibility would becompensatory upregulation of alternative gene(s) in the dPIP5K18

mutant, but not in dPIP5K-RNAi flies, although again, this did notappear to include sktl (Fig. S2C).

In conclusion, identification of the PIP-kinase responsible for thesynthesis of PIP2 required for phototransduction still requires furtherinvestigation. Because of the RNAi effects reported here, dPIP5K(CG3682) still remains a viable candidate; but only, it would seem,on the assumption that dPIP5K18 is not a null mutant. Because wewere unable to generate viable sktl null mutants, and because sktlRNAi failed to suppress mRNA (Fig. S2), we cannot exclude a rolefor sktl, and one possibility is that PIP2 synthesis may be mediated

Fig. 7. Whole-cell recordings fromphotoreceptors from dPIP5K18 mosaic eyes.Whole-cell recordings from dissociated ommatidiafrom dPIP5K18 mosaic eyes (blue) and controls(dPIP5K18/+ and wild type, recorded over the sametime period pooled). (A) Responses to 1 ms flashes(arrow) containing ∼30 effective photons (means ofresponses from 10 flies) were virtually identical.(B) Peak amplitudes (P=0.73, two-tailed unpairedt-test) and time-to-peak (P=0.28) of responses werestatistically indistinguishable. Red symbols are datafrom rare homozygote ‘escapers’. (C) Averagedquantum bumps (each is the average of 200-250bumps from 4-5 cells, aligned by rising phase) indPIP5K18 and control were again nearly identical.(D) Quantum efficiency and bump amplitudes (eachpoint from a different cell) were statisticallyindistinguishable (P=0.47 and P=0.54, respectively).Red symbols are data from homozygote escapers.(E) Responses to 1 s flashes of light of increasingintensity. Mean±s.e.m. plotted in F for peak (above)and plateau (below, last 200 ms of response) wereindistinguishable. dPIP5K18, n=5; control, n=7 cells.


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by both dPIP5K and sktl in a redundant manner. In principle, PIP2could also be synthesised from PI5P via PI5P 4-kinase (dPIP4K).However, synthesis via this route would be difficult to reconcilewith the requirement for PI4-kinase (and hence PI4P) for PIP2synthesis indicated in the present study. Furthermore, null mutantsof dPIP4K have essentially normal light responses (Chakrabartiet al., 2015).We also tested two further genes previously strongly implicated

in the PI cycle, namely cdsA and dPIS: in both cases, we confirmeda marked slowing of PI4P and PIP2 resynthesis following RNAiknockdown. Together with previous results (e.g. Hardie et al.,2015), and with the exception of the uncertainty over PIP5-kinase,the forward PI cycle in fly photoreceptors (Fig. 1I) can now beconfidently populated with specific genes. However, some reversesteps, in particular PIP2 and PIP phosphatases, which are likely to beimportant in determining absolute PI4P and PIP2 levels, remain tobe identified. Finally, we emphasise that in vivo measurementsusing TbR332H and P4M are, in principle, simple and routine toperform and should lend themselves to further investigations aimedat identifying and characterising the molecular and cellularmachinery underlying this important and ubiquitous pathway.

MATERIALS AND METHODSFliesDrosophila melanogaster were reared in the dark at 25°C on standard(cornmeal/agar/yeast/glucose) diet. All flies were on white-eyed (w1118)background, but in most cases with one or more Pw+ transfection markertransgenes, resulting in eyes with an orange colour that varied slightlyaccording to the line in question. Stocks used are listed in Table S1. Tomonitor phosphoinositide levels in the rhabdomeres, we used fliesexpressing the PIP2-specific probe TbR332H (eYFP tagged), and the PI4P-specific probe P4M (eGFP tagged) in their photoreceptors under control ofthe rhodopsin (ninaE) promoter (Hardie et al., 2015). For RNA interference,UAS-RNAi constructs in VDRC lines (Table S1) were driven by crossing toflies expressing TbR332H or P4M (on the second chromosome) andGMRGal4 on the third chromosome, together with w-UAS-RNAi tosuppress expression of the w gene (combination referred to as GMRw), thusgenerating flies with very pale orange eye colour. The resulting F1 progenyused for experiments therefore had one copy of GMRw, one copy of therespective UAS-RNAi construct and one copy of TbR332H or P4M. Controlsincluded flies expressing reporters with just one copy ofGMRw but no otherRNAi construct and also flies expressing one copy of the UAS-RNAiconstruct (but not GMRw).

The dPIP5K18 mutant and dPIP5K overexpressing line were kindlyprovided by the authors of the Chakrabarti et al. (2015) study. In the absenceof information on the precise location of the disrupting insert, we checkedthe genotype of dPIP5K18 by qRT-PCR of mosaic retinae, and found thatthey contained only trace (0.8%) levels of dPIP5K mRNA attributable tocontaminating tissue in the dissected retinae (Fig. S2C). In addition, asreported, dPIP5K18 mutants were homozygous lethal/semi-lethal andretained the Pw+ selection marker, whilst mosaic retinae reproduced theERG phenotype reported by Chakrabarti et al. (2015).

Live imaging of the deep pseudopupil and calibrationFluorescence from the DPP of intact flies was measured as previouslydescribed (Hardie et al., 2015). Briefly, flies were fixed with low meltingpoint wax in truncated pipette tips, mounted on a micromanipulator andobserved with a 20×/0.35 NA Fluor objective on a Nikon invertedmicroscope (Nikon, Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK). The DPP was croppedvia a rectangular diaphragm and fluorescence intensity measured using aphotomultiplier tube (Cairn Research Ltd, Faversham, UK) collectingfluorescence excited by a blue (470 nm peak) ultrabright LED (CairnResearch) and imaged via 515 nm dichroic and OG515 longpass filters.Fluorescence signals were sampled at ≥100 Hz and analysed usingpClamp10 software (Molecular Devices, CA USA). Unless otherwisestated, data were normalised between Fmax (from ‘naïve’ dark-adapted flies

or maximum fluorescence after recovery, whichever was greatest) and Fmin

(minimum fluorescence after depletion by blue excitation). Photo-reisomerisation of M to R was achieved by long wavelength lightdelivered by an ultrabright orange/red LED (640 nm; Thorlabs, Ely, UK)via the microscope eyepiece for 2-4 s. In some genotypes, there wassufficient expression of thew gene for there to be significant contribution ofthe intracellular pupil pigment to the recorded signals. When activated, thisrapidly migrates towards the rhabdomeres, causing a rapid (τ=∼1-2 s)decrease in fluorescence. Where this was a potential problem, immediatelybefore each episode of blue excitation, the eye was stimulated for 5-7 s withgreen (540 nm) light of just sufficient intensity to fully activate the pupil(and hence nullify any differential effect on the fluorescence), butinsufficient to cause any significant PIP2 or PI4P depletion. Surprisingly,flies showing a significant pupil effect included those on a GMRwbackground, despite having only a very pale orange eye colour.

Fly rhodopsin (R) absorbs maximally at 480 nm, and the metarhodopsinstate (M) at ∼570 nm. The two states are thermostable, photo-interconvertible and exist in a photoequilibrium determined by theirphotosensitivity spectra and the spectral content of illumination (Minke andKirschfeld, 1979). Photoequilibration was achieved within <100 ms for theblue excitation LED (generating ∼70%M, 30% R) and ∼2 s for the orange/red LED (generating ∼1-2% M, 98-99% R).

ElectrophysiologyElectroretinograms (ERGs) were recorded as described previously (e.g.Satoh et al., 2010) from flies immobilised as for optical recordings with lowmelting point wax in truncated pipette tips. Recordings were made using aDAM60 amplifier (World Precision Instruments, Hitchin, UK) with lowresistance (∼10 MΩ) glass microelectrodes filled with fly Ringer (140 mMNaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1.5 mM CaCl2, 4 mM MgCl2, 25 mM proline, 5 mMalanine) inserted into the eye, with a similar electrode inserted into the headcapsule near the ocelli as reference. Stimulation was via an ultrabright redLED (640 nm) or white power LED filtered with broadband Schott filterspresented at a distance of ∼5 mm from the eye via a liquid-filled light guide.Whole-cell patch clamp recordings from photoreceptors in dissociatedommatidia were made as previously described (Hardie et al., 2001; Katzet al., 2017) using 10-15 MΩ patch pipettes containing 140 mM potassiumgluconate, 4 mMMg-ATP, 1 mM NAD, 0.4 mM Na-GTP and 10 mM TESwith the bath solution described above (chemicals from Sigma-Aldrich,Gillingham, UK). Illumination, via a green (520 nm) LED was calibrated ineffectively absorbed photons by counting quantum bumps (Hendersonet al., 2000).

Heating coilFor ERG and in vivo fluorescence measurements at 37°C, the tip of theplastic pipette containing the mounted fly was inserted into a coil ofnichrome resistance wire connected to an Iso-Tech 303DD DC powersupply (RS Components, Corby, UK) and constant current applied until thedesired temperature was reached. Temperature calibration was performedusing a thermistor probe of similar size (1 mm diameter) to a fly, insertedinto the same truncated plastic pipette tip used for ERG or DPPimaging. After activating the heating coil with the appropriate current, thedesired temperature of 37°C was reached within ∼90-120 s. Unlessotherwise stated, fluorescent measurements were started 3 min afteractivating the coil.

qRT-PCR validationPreparations of nearly pure Drosophila retinal tissue were collected aspreviously described (Matsumoto et al., 1982; Raghu et al., 2000). Briefly,whole flies were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and dehydrated in pre-chilledacetone at −20°C for 4 days. The acetone was then drained off and retinaewere cleanly separated at the level of the basement membrane using forcepsand a flattened insect pin. Total RNA was extracted by RNeasy Plus Microkit (Qiagen, Manchester, UK) from 20-30 retinae per sample, collected asdescribed above and homogenized by a tissueLyser (Qiagen) with the bufferprovided from RNeasy kit and 8 1 mm zirconia beads (Thistle) three timesfor 50 s. Samples were then transferred to a Qiashredder (Qiagen) to removethe debris, and total RNA extracted according to the manufacturer’s


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instructions. The nucleic acid preparations were quantified by absorbancemeasurements at 260 nm using a NanoDrop instrument. Quantitative realtime qRT-PCR was performed by One-Step SYBR PrimeScript RT-PCRKit II (Perfect Real Time; Takara, cat. no. RR086A) and ABI 7500 fastinstrument (Applied Biosystems, Warrington, UK) using primers: Ef1a48Dforward: 5′-TCCTCCGAGCCACCATACAG-3′; Ef1a48D reverse: 5′-GTCTTGCCGTCAGCGTTACC-3′ (used for internal control). For eachrespective RNAi line, the primers used were as follows: rbo forward:5′-ATAGATAAGTTGGCGCTGGG-3′; rbo reverse: 5′-GGGTGATCGG-TCTGGTTAAG-3′; YPP1 forward: 5′-AGGAAAAGCACTCAGACACC-3′; YPP1 reverse: 5′-TTCACTCAGAGCCTGTTCAAC-3′; dPIP5Kforward: 5′-AGATACCCTCCCCGCTTAA-3′; dPIP5K reverse: 5′-TGG-TGAATCTTGCCACTGC-3′; sktl forward: 5′-CCTCTAGCAAACTATT-CCCTCG-3′; sktl reverse: 5′-TCCAGCGGTTCATTCTCATC-3′; PI4KIIIαforward: 5′-CAGTATGCCGTAAAGACCCTC-3′; PI4KIIIα reverse:5′-GTGTGCCACTATCTGCGAC-3′.

StatisticsStatistical tests (two-tailed unpaired t-tests or one-way ANOVAs with post-tests as specified in text and/or figure legends) were performed in GraphPadPrism5. All errors are expressed as s.e.m.

AcknowledgementsWeare grateful to Dr Armin Huber (HohenheimUni, Stuttgart, Germany), Dr PadinjatRaghu (NCBS, Bangalore, India) and the Vienna Drosophila Resource Center(VDRC) for providing flies.

Competing interestsThe authors declare no competing or financial interests.

Author contributionsConceptualization: R.C.H.; Methodology: C.-H.L., M.K.B., R.C.H.; Validation:C.-H.L.; Formal analysis: M.K.B., S.A., R.C.H.; Investigation: C.-H.L., M.K.B., S.V.L.,S.A., J.T., J.A.B., R.C.H.; Resources: J.T., J.A.B., R.C.H.; Writing - original draft:R.C.H.; Writing - review & editing: C.-H.L., M.K.B., S.A., J.A.B., R.C.H.; Supervision:R.C.H.; Project administration: R.C.H.; Funding acquisition: J.A.B., R.C.H.

FundingThis project received funding from the Biotechnology and Biological SciencesResearch Council (BBSRC; Grants BB/G0092531/1 and BB/M007006/1 to C.H.,M.K.B., C.-H.L.), European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and InnovationProgramme (658818-FLYghtCaRe to R.C.H.), Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch (MOP#81187 to J.A.B.), The Cancer Research Society (#11202 and#16121 to J.A.B.) and a SickKids Restracomp scholarship (J.T.). Deposited in PMCfor release after 6 months.

Supplementary informationSupplementary information available online at

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RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Cell Science (2018) 131, jcs214478. doi:10.1242/jcs.214478




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