genesis 1 11 · exodus 20:8, 11 ... (from chuck missler’s commentary on genesis) noahnoah...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Division of the BooksDivision of the Books

Genesis – Deuteronomy  PentateuchGenesis  Deuteronomy  Pentateuch Joshua – Esther  Historical Job  Song of Solomon Poetry Job – Song of Solomon Poetry Isaiah – Malachi Prophets

Matthew – John Gospels Acts Historical Romans – Jude Letters Revelation Prophecy

ow We Got the ibleow We Got the ibleow We Got the ibleow We Got the ible

A Time Line of Key Events in the History of the Bible

The Panorama of HistoryThe Panorama of History



Genesis Rest of OT NT

6,000 Years?

400 yrs

Genesis Chapters 1-11 Rest of the Bible

GenesisGenesisGenesis 1, 2 CreationG i 3 F ll f MGenesis 3 Fall of ManGenesis 6-9 The FloodGenesis 10 11 Nations

4 Events

Genesis 10-11 Nations

Who Made God?Who Made God?

Psalm 90:2 Psalm 90:2  Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world  ever You had formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. God. 

Comparison of the 6 Days of Creation

Day 1 Light Day 4 Sun, Moon, Stars

Day 2 Air & Sea Day 5 Birds & Fish

Day 3 Land & Plants Day 6 Animals & Man

W k f Di i i W k f Ad iWork of Division Work of Adorning

CreationCreation Exodus 20:8, 11  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.  For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the L bl d  h  S bb h d   d h ll d LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 

The FallThe Fall

R     Romans 5:12  Therefore, just as through one man sin 

d h ld d d h h hentered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all i dsinned—

Average Age Before TheBefore The

Flood 912 Years


After The Flood The Average Age

DroppedDropped Significantly

Adam Was Alive At The SameAt The Same

Time As Noah’s Father

Noah Was Alive At The Same

Time As AbrahamTime As Abraham

Jacob Could HaveJacob Could Have Received 3rd Hand Wh t H d IWhat Happened In

The Garden Of Eden


H b   6  Hebrews 11:5–6  By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did 

d h d f d bnot see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken h  h d thi  t ti  th t h   l d G d  he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please Him  for he who comes to God must believe Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him  who diligently seek Him. 

Genealogy of Genesis 5AdamSeth

Man (is)Appointed


MortalSorrow; (but)The Blessed GodMahalalel


The Blessed GodShall come downTeaching


His death shall bringThe DespairingComfort RestNoah Comfort, Rest

(From Chuck Missler’s Commentary on Genesis)

Noah’s ArkNoah s Ark300 Cubits x (18 inches) = 450 feet

Noah’s ark compared to TitanicNoah’s ark compared to Titanic

882 ft long

Noah’s ark compared to TitanicNoah’s ark compared to Titanic

75’ wide

882 ft long

45’ 45’

450’ long

Holt ModernEarth Science,

1983,p 207p. 207

The FloodThe Flood

P l   6 8 NLT Psalm 104:6–8 NLT You clothed the earth with floods of water, 

h d hwater that covered even the mountains. At your command, the water fled; at the sound f   th d  it h i d   M t i  of your thunder, it hurried away. Mountains 

rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed  decreed. 

Fossilized Fish Swallowing Another

l l ( k)Flood legend one (red book)

Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish

This Chinese story records that Fuhirecords that Fuhi,

his wife, three sons and three daughtersand three daughters

escaped a great flood He and hisflood. He and his family were the

only peopleonly peoplealive on earth.

After the great floodAfter the great flood they repopulated

th ldthe world.Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish

l l h ( k)l l h ( k)Toltec Indians Of Ancient Mexico

Flood legend three (red book)Flood legend three (red book)The first world that lasted 1,716 years was , ydestroyed by a great flood that covered evenflood that covered even the highest mountains. Th f th t i dThe few that survived built a great tower to protect them from another flood.Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish

The FloodThe Flood

L k   6   Luke 17:26–27  And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be 

l h d f h S f halso in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were i  i   i   til th  d  th t N h given in marriage, until the day that Noah 

entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all  destroyed them all. 

From Creation Ex Nihilo Feb. 2000, p. 22

Merrill Earth Science1993 p. 343p

The melting ice made the oceans deeper, wider (causing the continental shelf) and colder.

The melting ice made the oceans deeper, wider (causing the continental shelf) and colder.

Prentice Hall Earth Science 1989, p.271Prentice Hall Earth Science 1989, p.271

( g )( g )

Post Post flood beachflood beach

Average less than 150 feet deepAverage less than 150 feet deep

Ed f l dEd f l dEdge of land bridge with lower water

Edge of land bridge with lower waterlower water

levels. People came to America from

lower water levels.

People came to America fromAmerica from

both sides.America from

both sides.

Lower water levels meant all

Lower water levels meant alllevels meant all the continents

were connected

levels meant all the continents

were connected for the first few hundred years after the flood

for the first few hundred years after the floodafter the flood.

Populations spread out

after the flood. Populations spread out p

across the globe and became “trapped” on

pacross the globe

and became “trapped” ontrapped on

their continents by the rising

trapped on their continents

by the rising y gwater.

y gwater.


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