general instructions: 100. 90 minutes. section name … keys/nursing...

Post on 15-Jul-2018






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General Instructions: • Total Questions in the Test are 100. • Total Test Duration is 90 Minutes. • You can submit your test whenever you have completed. However, if the test time elapses the system will automatically submit your test. • Do not close any Window directly when you are taking the test. Below is the list of section names and number of questions,

Section Name Number of questions Professional Knowledge 60

General Knowledge and Aptitude 40 NAVIGATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS:  • Select the best answer for each question. Then click “Next” button to move to the Next Question. • Click on “Previous” button to move to the Previous Question. • You can Bookmark any number of Questions by clicking on “Mark” button; vice versa you can remove the Bookmark. • You can change your response for any question before submitting the test by marking the new response (Radio Button). You can clear your response for any question by using the “Clear” button to mark the Question unanswered. • Every time you select an option or a particular question, following changes can be seen on screen  Attempted questions will be displayed in “GREEN” color, Questions that are not attempted will be displayed in “WHITE’’ color,  Question that are attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “BLUE” color with a tag.  Questions which are not attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “ORANGE” color.  • After completion of your test, click “End Test” button to submit the test. Submit button will be visible ONLY in the “Last Question”. • Your “Test Summary” will be displayed once you clicked on “End Test”.  • Keep a watch on the “Clock” on the Top Right Hand Corner of the Exam Window for Time Remaining. • Click “Start Exam” button below to start the test. 

Set Id : 25300_6


Nursing Midwifery Tutor, Nodal Center Kota

Section 1 - Professional Knowledge

1) Medical management for increased intracranial pressure include

A) Administer mannitol

B) Administer half strength saline

C) Administer plasma volume expanders

D) Reduce the number of breaths in ventilator

2) “Five clean Practices” under strategies for elimination of neonatal tetanus includes all except

A) Clean surface of delivery

B) Clean hands of the attendant

C) New blade for cord cutting

D) Clean airways

3) The expanded form of ESR is

A) Electrolyte Sedimentation Rate

B) Enzyme Synthesis Rate

C) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

D) Erythrocyte Synthesis Rate

4) Isometric exercise is

A) Dynamic

B) Passive Exercise

C) Isotonic

D) Done in static position

5) Bagassosis is an occupational disease of the lung caused by an inhalation of

A) Cotton

B) Jute

C) Sugarcane dust

D) Coal

6) Worm that is transmitted through meat is

A) Hookworm

B) Tapeworm

C) Pinworm

D) Roundworm

7) Drug used in the treatment of pediatric AIDS

A) Procaine penicillin

B) Nevirapine

C) Azithromycin

D) Acyclovir

8) Active ingredient of Cidex is

A) Formadehyde

B) Dettol

C) Savlon

D) Glutaraldehyde

9) Diluent used for BCG vaccine is

A) Distilled water

B) Normal saline

C) Dextrose solution

D) Ringer lactate

10) Which is not a dry cold application

A) Ice pack

B) Ice bag

C) Cold compressions

D) Ice cradle

11) The first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine is to be given to a baby

A) At 6 weeks

B) At 10 weeks

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C) At birth

D) At 8 week

12) The burn assessment is done by the rule of

A) 6

B) 5

C) 9

D) 11

13) Germination of seeds increases

A) Digestive enzymes

B) Vitamin C

C) Vitamin B1

D) Both A and B

14) The causative organism of dengue fever is

A) Enteric Virus

B) Arbovirus

C) Variola virus

D) Influenza virus

15) Cholera is caused by a

A) Retrovirus

B) Viron

C) Bacteria and virus

D) Bacteria

16) Pituitary Gland releases all but which of the following hormone

A) Thyroid stimulating hormone

B) Prolactin

C) Adrenocorticotropic hormone

D) Cortisol

17) As a routine, all new born are given an intra muscular dose of Vitamin

A) A

B) B

C) C

D) K

18) When helping a stroke patient nurse should assist

A) On weak side

B) On strong side

C) From behind

D) From back

19) Pulse Pressure is

A) Difference between Systolic and Diastolic Pressure

B) Diastolic Pressure

C) Difference between Aortic and Systolic Pressure

D) Systolic Pressure

20) Immunity means

A) Antibodies and antigens reaction

B) Transfer of maternal antibodies across the placenta

C) Level of resistance of a person to a particular disease

D) Acquired immunity by immunization

21) This nutrient is needed for a healthy immune system and strong connective tissue

A) Fiber

B) Vitamin K

C) Vitamin C

D) Fluoride

22) Keratomalacia is

A) Toad skin

B) Phernoderma

C) Corneal disease due to deficiency of Vitamin A

D) Weak bones due to deficiency of Calcium

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23) Megaloblastic anemia is due to the deficiency of

A) Iron

B) Thiamine

C) Acetic acid

D) Vit. B12 and Folic acid

24) Intramuscular injection is given at

A) 450

B) 150

C) 900

D) 600

25) Nurse giving oxygen therapy should know that it has to be humidified because

A) Oxygen is a hot gas and it may burn trachea

B) Oxygen is a dry gas and thickens the mucus

C) Humidification cleans the gases of bacteria

D) Absorption of oxygen improves

26) Poliomyelitis is transmitted through

A) Water

B) Air

C) Blood

D) Vectors

27) Multi Drug therapy (MDT) is treatment for


B) Leprosy


D) All of above

28) Assessment includes

A) Taking blood pressure

B) Determine level of comfort

C) Counting respiratory rate

D) All of the above

29) Long arm cast type of plaster cast is used in the treatment of

A) Fracture of the carpal and metacarpal bones

B) Fracture of radius and ulna bones

C) Fracture of metatarsal bones

D) Fracture of tibia and fibula bones

30) The most common side effect of IUCD insertion is

A) Bleeding

B) Pain

C) Pelvic Infection

D) Ectopic Pregnancy

31) Which of the following positions should be given by the nurse to a patient with multiple injuries of face and neck

A) Supine

B) Semiprone position

C) Fowler’s position

D) Knee chest position

32) Hepatitis virus that spreads by fecal-oral route

A) Hepatitis A

B) Hepatitis B

C) Hepatitis C

D) Hepatitis D

33) Following is included in daily meals to supplement the protein

A) Vegetables

B) Daal

C) Potatoes

D) Ghee

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34) Which guideline a nurse has to follow while caring for pressure sore

A) Wound must remain moist

B) Tight packing of the wound

C) Dressing to dry before removal

D) Plastic sheet type of dressing for cover

35) The important clinical parameter for assessing the degree of hypoxia at birth

A) Respiratory rate

B) Colour of skin

C) Heart rate

D) Muscle tone

36) Hemophilia A is

A) Christmas disease

B) Factor VIII deficiency

C) Factor IX deficiency

D) Von Willebrand disease

37) Floating tip of the iceberg represents

A) Clinical cases

B) Apparent cases

C) Latent cases

D) Undiagnosed cases

38) Mastication is -----------------------

A) Digestion

B) Absorption

C) Assimilation

D) Chewing

39) Cardinal signs of inflammation are all except

A) Pain

B) Redness

C) Swelling

D) Hypothermia

40) Spinal Anesthesia is given at

A) L2-L4

B) L3-L4

C) L5-L6

D) L1-L2

41) Undescended testes is called

A) Cryptorchidism

B) Inguinal Hernia

C) Unbilical Hernia

D) Hydrocele

42) Old Man’s appearance is seen in children in

A) Fever

B) Marasmus

C) Jaundice

D) Encephalopathy

43) Which of the following danger signs should be informed immediately during the antepartum period


A) Blurred vision

B) Nasal stuffiness

C) Breast tenderness

D) Constipation

44) Which of the following virus is rarely transmitted through parenteral route

A) Hepatitis A

B) Hepatitis B

C) Hepatitis C

D) None of the above

45) Maternal Mortality Rate is

A) the rate of maternal deaths per 100 live births

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B) a ratio

C) not significant in India

D) Number of maternal deaths during pregnancy

46) The Indian Mental Health Act was passed during the year

A) 1992

B) 1987

C) 1947

D) 1942

47) Inventory is

A) The list of medicines at drug store

B) The list of material ordered

C) The list of materials available in the store

D) The list of materials required in the store

48) What care should be taken on priority basis for oral hygiene of an unconscious patient

A) Thoroughly cleaning oral surfaces

B) Preventing aspiration

C) Controlling mouth odour

D) Applying local antiseptic

49) In a patient already suffering from a disease, a new infection set up from another source or host is known as

A) Sepsis

B) Cross infection

C) Iatrogenic Infection

D) Contamination

50) If the LMP is January 31 the expected date of delivery (EDD) is

A) Oct 7

B) Oct 24

C) Nov 7

D) Nov 8

51) What is meant by failure to thrive

A) Child is unable to drink

B) Child is unable to walk

C) Rate of weight gain is sluggish

D) Rate of length gain is sluggish

52) Maximum amount of Vitamin D is present in which of the following

A) Milks

B) Eggs

C) Fish fat

D) Cod liver oil

53) Sperm count less than 20 million/mL

A) Aspermia

B) Oligospermia

C) Azoospermia

D) Asthenospermia

54) What is the colour coding of bag in hospitals to dispose off human anatomical waste such as body part

A) Yellow

B) Black

C) Red

D) Blue

55) Staining technique used in RNTCP

A) Zeihl Nielson stain

B) Gram stain

C) Giemsa stain


56) Which of the following anti tuberculosis drug is not given in Pregnancy

A) Streptomycin


C) Ethambutol

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D) Rifampicin

57) Pregnancy test is based on estimation of hormone named


B) Progesterone



58) The equipment used in examination of ear is

A) Laryngoscope

B) Otoscope

C) Proctoscope

D) Endoscope

59) Measles is infectious during

A) After 4 days of rash

B) 4 days before onset of rash until 5 days thereafter

C) Through out disease

D) Only in incubation periods

60) The solution used to disinfect the bed linen of HIV infected patient

A) Dettol

B) Cidex

C) Savlon

D) Sodium hypochlorite

Set Id : 25300_6


Section 2 - General Knowledge and Aptitude

61) The reduction of insulin leads to

bUlwfyu dh deh ls D;k gksrk gSA

A) Arthritis


B) Diabetes


C) Heart Diseases

gn; jksx

D) Migraine


62) Severe joint pain is associated with which of the following

tksM+ksa esa rst nnZ fdl ls lEcfU/kr gSA

A) Malaria


B) Flu


C) Chikungunya


D) Dengue


63) Exposure to sun without appropriate protection may cause

fcuk mfpr cpko ds lw;Z dh jks’kuh dh vf/kdrk esa jgus ls gks

ldrk gS

A) Skin Cancer

Ropk dk dSalj

B) Blood Cancer

[kqu dk dSalj

C) Bone Cancer

gfÏ;ksa dk dSalj

D) Mouth Cancer

eqag dk dSalj

64) March 8 is celebrated as

ekpZ 8 euk;k tkrk gS

A) Rajasthan Day

jktLFkku fnol ds #i esa

B) World Women’s Day

fo’o efgyk fnol ds #i esa

C) WHO day

MCY;w-,p-vks- fnol ds #i esa

D) UN Day

;w-,u- fnol ds #i esa

65) White revolution is associated with which of following production in India

Hkkjr essa lQsn Økafr fuEu esa ls fdl pht+ ds mRiknu ls

lEcfU/kr gS

A) Wheat


B) White cement

lQsn lhesUV

C) Milk


D) Soyabean


Set Id : 25300_6


66) Which part of the eye is transplanted from the eyes that are donated

nku dh xbZ vka[kksa dk dkSu lk Hkkx izR;kjksfir fd;k tkrk gSA

A) Retina


B) Cornea


C) Entire eyeball

iwjh vkW[k

D) Iris


67) India’s first underwater tunnel is to be set up in which state?

Hkkjr dh izFke ikuh ds vUnj dh Vuy fdl jkT; esa cukbZ


A) Maharashtra


B) Tamilnadu


C) Karnataka


D) Andhra Pradesh

vkU/kzk izns’k

68) National Nutrition Policy was adopted by Government of India in

Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk jk"Vªh; iks"k.k uhfr dc viukbZ xbZ Fkh

A) 1975

B) 1990

C) 1993

D) 1999

69) Who won Wimbledon women's Doubles title 2015?

foEcyMu efgyk Mcyl~ 2015 dk f[krkc fdlus thrkA

A) Sania Mirza - Martina Hingis

lkfu;k fetkZ& ekfVZuk fgafxl

B) Ekaterina Makarova - Elena Vesnina

,dkrfjuk ekdkjksok&,fyuk oslfuuk

C) Sania Mirza - Elena Vesnina

lkfu;k fetkZ& ,fyuk oslfuuk

D) Sania Mirza - Cara Black

lkfu;k fetkZ& dkjk Cysd

70) Which is the official language of Rajasthan?

jktLFkku dh vf/kdkfjd Hkk"kk dkSulh gS

A) Marwari


B) Hindi


C) Jaipuri


D) Rajasthani


71) The Millennium Development Goal 6 was associated with

feysfu;e MoyiesaV xksy 6 fdl laca/k es Fkk

A) Reduce Child Mortality

f’k’kq eR̀;q nj ?kVkus ls

B) To improve Maternal health

ekr` LokLF; esa lq/kkj ls

Set Id : 25300_6


C) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases

,pvkbZoh@,M~l] eysfj;k ,oa vU; chekfj;ksa ls yMus ls

D) Develop a Global Partnership for Development

fodkl ds fy, vUrZjk"Vªh; lgHkkfxrk cukus ls

72) First country to start Family Planning programme?

ifjokj fu;kstu dk;Zdze 'kq: djus okyk izFke ns’k gS

A) India


B) China


C) Pakistan


D) Japan


73) District level authority of health department is

LokLF; foHkkx ds ftyk Lrj ds vf/kdkjh gSA



B) Joint Director

la;qDr funs’kd


lh,e & ,pvks



74) The national program - RNTCP is related to which disease

jk"Vªh; dk;Zdze vkj,UkVhlhih fdl chekjh ls lECfU/kr gS A

A) Neonatal Tetanus

U;wusVy VsVusl

B) Measles


C) T.B.



,p vkbZ oh

75) The primary health Centre is managed by

izkFkfed LokLF; dsUnz dks dkSu lapkfyr djrk gS

A) Health Inspector

gSYFk baLisDVj



C) Medical officer

esfMdy vkWfQlj



76) Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of which vitamin

LdohZ fdl foVkfeu dh deh ls gksrh gS

A) Vitamin B

foVkfeu ch

B) Vitamin C

foVkfeu lh

C) Vitamin D

Set Id : 25300_6


foVkfeu Mh

D) Vitamin A

foVkfeu ,

77) Prime Minister released the digital version of ……………..on 31st August 2015

iz/kkuea=h us 31 vxLr 2015 dks ------------------------------------dk fMthVy

laLdj.k tkjh fd;kA

A) Ramayan


B) Mahabharat


C) Geeta


D) Ramcharitmanas

jkepfjr ekul

78) Monsoon branch which enters foremost in the State of Rajasthan?

jktLFkku es lcls igys ekulwu dh dkSu lh 'kk[kk dk izos’k

gksrk gSA

A) Arabian Sea Branch

vjc lkxj 'kk[kk

B) Bay of Bengal Branch

caxky dh [kkMh 'kk[kk

C) Indian Ocean Branch

fgUnegklkxj 'kk[kk

D) Both Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Branch

nksuksa vjc lkxj rFkk caxky dh [kkMh 'kk[kk

79) When should one drink ORS

fdlh dks vksvkj,l dc ihuk pkfg,

A) During fever

tc cq[kkj gks

B) During Diarrhea

nLr ds nkSjku

C) When thirsty

tc I;kl yxs

D) During high Blood Pressure

tc mPp jDrpki gks

80) What is BCC

chlhlh dk iwjk uke D;k gS\

A) Behaviour Control Committee

fcgsfo;j dUVªksy desVh

B) Behaviour Change of Community

fcgsfo;j psUt vkWQ dE;wfuVh

C) Behaviour Change Communication

fcgsfo;j psUt dE;wfuds’ku

D) Behaviour Channels of Communication

-fcgsfo;j pSuYl vkWQ dE;wfuds’ku

81) IYCF (Infant and young child feeding) is related to which of the following

vkbZ-okbZ-lh-,Q-(bUQsUV ,.M ;ax pkbYM+ fQfM+ax) fuEu esa ls

fdl ls lEcfU/kr gSA

A) Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth

tUe ds ,d ?k.Vs ds Hkhrj Lruiku 'kq: djuk

Set Id : 25300_6


B) Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months

tUe ls N% ekg rd dsoy Lruiku djuk

C) Complementary feeding starting on completion of 6 months of age

N% ekg iwjs gksus ij iwjd vkgkj 'kq: djuk

D) All the above

mijksDr lHkh

82) How many high priority districts are there in Rajasthan under RMNCH+A

jktLFkku esa RMNCH+A ds vUrZxr fdrus mPp izkFkfedrk

okys ftys gSa

A) 33

B) 15

C) 10

D) 7

83) IUCD is not a good method for a woman

vkbZ;wlhMh ml efgyk ds fy, vPNk lk/ku ugha gS

A) Who had her last delivery by cesarean operation

ftldk vkf[kjh izlo vkWijs’ku }kjk gqvk gks

B) Who wants to delay sterilization operation for few years

tks ulcUnh dk vkWijs’ku dqN lky ckn djokuk pkgrh gks

C) Whose husband has many sexual partners

ftlds ifr ds dbZ ;kSu lkFkh gksa

D) All of the above

mijksDr lHkh

84) Newborn Care Corners (NBCCs) have been established at

U;w cksuZ ds;j dkWuZj dgka cuk;s x;s gSa

A) All Sub Centers

lHkh mi LokLF; dsUnzksa ij

B) All Primary Health Centers

lHkh izkjafHkd LokLF; dsUnzks ij

C) All Community Health Centers

lHkh lkeqnkf;d LokLF; dsUnzks ij

D) All Delivery Points

lHkh fMyhojh ikbUVl ij

85) How many doses of Tablet/Syrup of de-worming can be given to a child

cPps dks d`fe uk’ku dh nok@lhji dh fdruh ckj [kqjkd ns

ldrs gSa

A) Once in a month

eghus esa ,d ckj

B) Twice in six month

N% eghus esa nks ckj

C) Once in a year

lky esa ,d ckj

D) Twice in a year

lky esa nks ckj

86) Which one of the following is a traditional method of rain-water harvesting in Rajasthan?

fuEu es ls jktLFkku esa o"kkZ ds ikuh ds lap; dk ijEijkxr

rjhdk dkSulk gS

A) Tank


Set Id : 25300_6


B) Well


C) Pond


D) Taanka


87) The Section 4 of COTPA is related to

COTPA dh /kkjk 4 fdlls lEcfU/kr gS \

A) Warnings at selling points of tobacco products

rEckdw mRiknksa ds fodz; dsUnzksa ij psrkouh

B) Sale of tobacco products within 200 meters of educational institutes

f’k{kk laLFkkuksa ds 200 ehVj ds nk;js esa rEckdw mRiknksa dh


C) Smoke free public places

/kweziku jfgr lkoZtfud LFkku

D) Advertisement of Tobacco products

rEckdw mRiknksa ds foKkiu ls lEcfU/kr

88) Diet given in a Malnutrition Treatment Centre is called

dqiks"k.k mipkj dsUnz ij fn;s tkus okys Hkkstu dks dgrs gSa

A) H75 and H100

H75 vkSj H100

B) F75 and F100

F75 vkSj F100

C) Diet 75 and Diet 100

Diet 75 vkSj Diet 100

D) None of the above

mijksDr es ls dksbZ ugha

89) Which food nutrient is required more in pregnant woman in India

Hkkjr esa xHkZorh efgyk dks fdl [kk| rRo dh lcls T;knk

t:jr gksrh gS

A) Iron


B) Calcium


C) Potassium


D) Zinc


90) Iron Sucrose is given to

vk;ju lqdzksl fdu efgykvksa dks fn;k tkrk gS

A) All women

lHkh efgykvksa dks

B) All anemic women

lHkh ,fufed efgykvksa dks

C) Pregnant women who are highly anemic

mu xHkZorh efgykvksa dks tks cgqr vf/kd ,fufed gSa A

D) Lactating mothers who are anemic

mu /kk=h ekrkvksa dks tks ,fufed gSa

91) Rashtriya Bal Swathya Karyakram considers children of the following age group

A) 0-18 years 0-18 o"kZ

B) 0-19 years 0-19 o"kZ

Set Id : 25300_6


C) 1-18 years 1-18 o"kZ

D) 1-19 years 1-19 o"kZ

92) HBNC+ Program covers the child till age of

,pch,ulh + dk;Zdze fdl mez rd ds cPpksa ds fy, gS

A) 2 Months

2 eghus

B) 6 Month

6 eghus

C) 1 Year

1 o"kZ

D) 5 Year

5 o"kZ

93) Which females get services at Anganwadi Center

vkaxuokMh dsUnz ij fdu efgykvksa dks lsok feyrh gS

A) All pregnant women

lHkh xHkZorh efgykvksasa dks

B) All lactating mothers

lHkh /kk=h ekrkvksa dks

C) All pregnant and lactating mothers

lHkh xHkZorh o /kk=h ekrkvksa dks

D) Aged women

o`) vkSjrksa dks

94) Which of the following district of Rajasthan shares its border with maximum districts?

fuEu esa ls jktLFkku ds dkSu ls ftys dh lhek,a lcls T;knk

ftyksa ls yxrh gSA

A) Jaipur


B) Pali


C) Jalore


D) Ajmer


95) What is the measure of health status of children in the community

leqnk; esa cPpksa ds LokLF; Lrj dks ukius dk ekud gksrk gS








vkbZ-,e- vkj

96) Under the Mukhymantri Shubhlaxmi Yojana the benefit is given in how many installments

eq[;ea=h 'kqHky{eh ;kstuk ds vUrZxr dqy fdruh fd’rksa esa ykHk

fn;k tkrk gS

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 5

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97) How many Ante Natal Checkup of pregnant woman should be done during her pregnancy period

xHkZorh efgyk dh xHkkZoLFkk ds nkSjku fdruh izlo iwoZ tkaps

gksuh pkfg, A

A) 5


B) 4


C) 2


D) 1


98) Recently the data of which phase of NFHS has been made available

gky gh esa NFHS ds dkSu ls pj.k ds vkadM+s izkIr gq, gSSa

A) First


B) Second


C) Third


D) Fourth


99) Rajasthan state tourism department is located at

jktLFkku jkT; i;ZVu foHkkx dgk¡ ij fLFkr gSA

A) Jaipur


B) Udaipur


C) Jodhpur


D) Ajmer


100) On a fixed day services for women and child health care are provided at the Anganwadi Kendra. This day is called

vkaxuokM+h dsUnz esa ,d fuf’pr fnu ij efgyk vkSj cky LokLF;

dh ns[kHkky ds fy, lsok,a nh tkrh gSaA ;s fnu dgykrk gS

A) Arogya health camp

vkjksX; LokLF; dSEi

B) Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition day

ekr`&f’k’kq LokLF; ,oa iks"k.k fnol

C) Swasthya Divas

LokLF; fnol

D) Poshahar Divas

iks"kkgkj fnol

Set Id : 25300_6


Answer Key

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. C

12. C

13. D

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. D

18. A

19. A

20. C

21. C

22. C

23. D

24. C

25. B

26. A

27. D

28. D

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. A

33. B

34. C

35. B

36. B

37. A

38. D

39. D

40. B

41. A

42. B

43. A

44. A

45. B

46. B

47. C

48. B

49. B

50. C

51. C

52. D

53. B

54. A

55. A

56. A

57. C

58. B

59. B

60. D

61. B

62. C

63. A

64. B

65. C

66. B

67. D

68. C

69. A

70. B

71. C

72. A

73. C

74. C

75. C

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