general epistles. hebrews through jude to a general audience longest to shortest

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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General Epistles

General Epistles

Hebrews through Jude

To a general audience

Longest to shortest


Author: ?

Date: before 70 AD

Written to: Jewish Christians (Rome?)

Theme: The superiority of Jesus Christ

The Superiority of Christ

Over OT prophets (1:1-3a)

Over angels (1:3b – 2:18)

Over Moses (3:1-19)

Over Joshua (4:1-16)

Superiority over Aaron

Christ is eternal

Christ is sinless

Christ made a once-for-all sacrifice

Christ mediates a new covenant

Model of Temple in Jerusalem

Hebrews 11

Heroes of the Faith

Abel Joseph Samson

Enoch Moses Jephthah

Noah Israelites David

Abraham Rahab Samuel

Isaac Gideon Prophets

Jacob Barak Others


Author: James, brother of Jesus

Date: before 62 AD

Written to: Jewish community outside Palestine

Theme: Practical Instructions

Practical Instruction

Trials and temptationsFavoritism forbiddenTaming the tongueWisdomSubmission to GodWealthPatiencePrayer

Faith and DeedsJames 2:24 vs. Ephesians 2:8-9

James addressed the error that faith is mere assent to doctrinal truth; his answer was that genuine faith involves action

Paul addressed the error that salvation is earned by human merit; his answer was that salvation is by grace through faith

1 Peter

Author: Peter (apostle)

Date: ~ 64 AD

Written from: Rome?

Written to: believers in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia

Theme: Encouragement in times of persecution

Recipients of 1 Peter

Regions of Ancient Turkey; although

Asia is not labeled on the map, it, too,

was located in Turkey—in the

southwest on the Mediterranean


Encouragement in Times of Persecution

Trials to prove faith genuineBe holy—living stones being built into a spiritual houseSubmit to human authority to silence the talk of the foolishChrist suffered for us—an example to followRepay evil with blessingDo not be surprised at sufferingResist the devil, a roaring lionGod will restore you after you have suffered

2 Peter

Author: Peter

Date: ~ 64 AD

Written from: Rome?

Theme: Warning against false teaching

Warning Against False Teaching

Eyewitnesses to the truth

Prophets spoke from God, carried along by the Holy Spirit

There will be false teachers

The day of the Lord will come

Be on your guard; grow in grace and knowledge

1 John

Author: John (apostle)

Written to: Believers around Ephesus?

Date: Late 1st century

Theme: Genuine Christian teaching (countering false teaching)

Genuine Christian Teaching

Righteous living

Love for other believers

Belief in Jesus as the Christ; as the Son of God and human at the same time

2 John

Author: John (“the elder”)

Written to: The chosen lady and her children

Date: Late 1st century

Theme: Christian truth and love

Christian Truth and Love

The truth lives in us

Love one another

Do not host false teachers

3 John

Author: John (“the elder”)

Written to: Gaius

Date: Late 1st century

Theme: Christian hospitality

Christian Hospitality

Gaius commended for hospitality

Diotrephes condemned for failure in hospitality


Author: Jude (brother of James, Jesus)

Written from: Palestine?

Date: ?

Theme: Warning—false teachers

Much in common with 2 Peter

Warning—False Teachers

False teachers slipped in

Character of false teachers

Resistance against false teachers

God is able to keep us from falling

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