general chemistry

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General Chemistry. Bell Ringers. Bell Ringer. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


General Chemistry

Bell Ringers

Bell Ringer

• Pick Up Your Copy of the Syllabus and briefly scan it. You will need to be ready to discuss 3 Questions OR Comments you have written down. At this time your Bell Ringer will be written on scratch paper or in the margin of your syllabus. You will not be turning them in for a grade but are expected to share our 3 items as part of class discussion.

Bell Ringer

Today is the District Pretest. You will need to pick up an LXR sheet and begin filling in the following information IN PENCIL

Name: Period:Class: Honors ChemistryTest: District Chemistry PretestInstructor: Mrs. SengerIdentification Number: Write and BubbleC1 Bubble your period # Example: 2, 3, or 4C2 is my teacher code: 6L

Bell Ringer

Our First Learning Log Entry! Have your composition note book open to first page to begin Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General Chemistry

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Example: BR 9/9

3-4 Section 1.1

Describe the classification of matter for water and for oxygen. You might find the image above helpful as well as the flow

diagram on page 42 of your book.

Measurements Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs (NOT the same as Learning Log)Begin your log for the Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements


Bell Ringer

Have your Lab Notebooks out for a quick check to make sure you are ready to continue with

data collection.

Bell Ringer

Paul tells his friend that the sun rising in the east and setting in the west is a theory. Julie tells him that he his wrong.

Defend Julie’s reasoning for stating that Paul’s statement is false.

Copy the Flow Chart Below into your 9/15 Bell Ringer Entry. Answer: What classification

of matter is table salt (NaCl)?Classification of Matter

Learning Log Exit Question

Before you leave today, write one question you could ask about the content we studied today. The question should be either short answer and can begin with words like explain, predict, evaluate, or compare. Avoid questions that simply ask for a list.

Write them on a sheet of paper to be handed in as you leave the classroom.

Bell Ringer

Pick up your Exit Question from yesterday.

Trade your question with the partner at your table. If your partner is absent then find another person that is solo to switch with.

Solve their question in your learning log for today’s Bell Ringer

Properties of Matter

Classify each of the properties below as either a Chemical or Physical Property and discuss the your logic in

identifying which property they belong to.Substitute Here…Did not use this slide

a.A. A chemical changeB. Cannot determine without

additional informationC. Neither a physical nor a

chemical changeD. A physical change

b.A. A chemical changeB. Cannot determine without

additional information

C. Neither a physical nor a chemical change

D. A physical change

c.A. A chemical changeB. Cannot determine without additional

informationC. Neither a physical nor a chemical

changeD. A physical change

Describe the classification of matter for water and for oxygen. You might find the image above helpful as well as the flow diagram from our Bell Ringer on

Sept 15th or page 42 of our book.

Chapter 1 Quiz

• Chapter 1 Learning Logs are due…Place in the basket for grading

• You will be taking the team test found on page 47 as a review for this chapter. Please have a piece of paper out ready to participate when I give you your Clock Partner for today.

Separation of a Mixture Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs Make the entry in the Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements

Lab3 Separation of a Mixture

Bell Ringer

You will be continuing your lab on Separation of Mixtures. BEFORE you can begin, your lab must be checked to ensure that it has the following parts: Questioning:Predicting:Procedure:Safety:

Bell Ringer

This is your final day of the Separation of Mixtures Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab write ups. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results:Discussion of Results:Additional Questions:

Bell Ringer

Make a T-ChartOn the left side write any sample from below that is a pure substance. On the right side write any sample that is a mixture.

Blood, Banana Split, Granite, Air, Water, Tap Water, Sugar, Peanut Butter, Copper, Carbon

Monoxide and Gatorade

Bell Ringer

Write one complete sentence with a WHY you think that way…

What element makes up half the Earth’s crust, oceans and atmosphere? This element is also the most abundant element in the human body.

No peeky in the book for answers…or Siri or other Siri wantabe

Bell Ringer

Write the chemical names for:FeAuK

Write the chemical symbols for:LeadSilverCalcium

Bell Ringer

We know that for every water molecule there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

Which of Dalton’s Theory rules does this apply to? Don’t just tell write the number.

Explain why it fits that rule.

Bell Ringer

Complete the chart below:

Element # Protons # Neutrons # Electrons Mass #

Ca 20 40

Li 4 7

N 7 7

C-14 14

Cl-1 18

Al+3 14

Bell Ringer

Convert 35 hours to seconds and show all work!

Bell Ringer

Label the provided Periodic Table with the titles: Alkali, Alkaline Earth, Transition, Halogen, Nobel

Gas, Lanthanides and Actinides. Use page 69 as reference if needed.

Next, mark your metalloids (semiconductors) in their distinct stair step pattern.

Bell Ringer

Copy and Complete the Chart Below into your Learning Log. Feel free to use Section 3.5 for

reference if needed.Term What Particle Changes?

Elemental Transmutation



Electron is Lost


Bell Ringer

Your Learning Log for Chapter 3 is due tomorrow! Please take 3 minutes to refer to the Document Camera image and double check that

your log is complete.

If you are missing ANY of these items…Get them fixed tonight to earn full credit!!!

Bell Ringer

If you were provided with A Z

What would A, Z and X stand for?

Bell Ringer

You will need this whole period to take the Chapters 1,2 & 3 Exam…

You may use scratch paper if needed or a calculator but NOT a cell phone.

Please pick up your remote and be ready to begin. Good Luck!!!

Percentage of Water Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs Make the entry in the Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements

Lab3-5 Separation of a Mixture6-9 Percentage of Water

Bell Ringer

You will be continuing your lab on Percentage of Water. BEFORE you can begin, your lab must be checked to ensure that it has the following parts: Questioning:Predicting:Procedure:Safety:

Bell Ringer

This is your final day of the Percentage of Water Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab write ups. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results:Discussion of Results:Additional Questions:

Bell RingerIdentify each of the following compounds as Ionic (metal and a nonmetal) or Covalent (nonmetal and nonmetal).

Then put a * next to any that are Ionic with a transition metal.





Bell Ringer

These three compounds below are not “happy.” Adjust their transcripts to make their charges balance:



SnFl named tin (II) fluoride

Bell RingerNotice that the following are polyatomic ions.

You will want to refer to page 109 for our chart.

Name the following:Na2SO3



Write the formula for the following:Cobalt (II) perchlorate Calcium hydroxide Sodium Phosphate Potassium permanganatePotassium chlorateAmmonium Dichromate Copper (II) nitrite

Bell RingerNotice that the following are polyatomic ions.

You will want to refer to page 109 for our chart.

Name the following:Na2SO3 Sodium sulfite

Fe(NO3)3 Iron (III) nitrate

Na2SO4 Sodium sulfate

Write the formula for the following:Cobalt (II) perchlorate Co(ClO4)2

Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2

Sodium Phosphate Na3PO4

Potassium permanganate KMnO4

Potassium chlorate KClO3

Ammonium Dichromate (NH4)2Cr2O7

Copper (II) nitrite Cu(NO2)2

Bell Ringer

What is the name of the following acids?HClO4


Bell Ringer

What is the name of the following acids?HClO4

Note the name of ClO4 is perchlorate from our polyatomic ion chart. You would change the name to –ic and add acid so…perchloric acid

HClO2 Note the name of ClO2 is chlorite on our polyatomic ion chart. You would change the ending to –ous and add acid so…chlorous acid

Flame Test Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs Make the entry in the Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements

Lab3-5 Separation of a Mixture7-9 Percentage of Water11-15 Flame Test Lab

Bell Ringer

You will be continuing your lab on Flame Tests. BEFORE you can begin, your lab must be checked to ensure that it has the following parts: Questioning:Predicting:Procedure:Safety:

Bell Ringer

This is your final day of the Flame Test Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab write ups. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results:Discussion of Results:Additional Questions:

Bell Ringer

Preform the calculation below and be prepared to share your answer.

3.56 x 95.7 =


Bell Ringer

Preform the calculation below and be prepared to share your answer.

3.56 x 95.7 = 340.692 WRONG341

45.8936+162.03 217.9236 WRONG 217.92

Bell Ringer

How many significant digits?201 210 2.10 0.210 0.0210 2100.

Bell Ringer

How many significant digits?201 3210 22.10 30.210 30.0210 32100. 4

Bell Ringer

Write the following in Scientific Notation:3 400 000 6 700 0.000 008 4

Write the following in long form:8.97 x 105 3.4 x 10-4

9 x 106

Bell Ringer

Write the following in Scientific Notation:3 400 000 3.4 x 106

6 700 6.7 x 103

0.000 008 4 8.4 x 10-6

Write the following in long form:8.97 x 105 897 0003.4 x 10-4 0.000 349 x 106 9 000 000

What is the correct unit for the answer to the problem below?

quark passel2 goober parsec speck=

goober speck passel quark2 passel

Bell Ringer

Given the following, convert one fizzle to frizzles.

3 swizzles = 7 twizzles1 fizzle = 2 drizzles

2 twizzles = 14 sizzles1 swizzles = 20 frizzles

8 drizzles = 6 sizzles

Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer

Convert 65 mi/hr to in/min

Bell Ringer

Calculate the number of kilometers (km) there are in 1.549 micrometers (μm).

Bell Ringer

Today we are practicing conversions using the Writing Across the Curriculum Rubric.

Please pick up the Bell Ringer Sheet and begin writing your MINIMUM 5 sentence paragraph

into your Learning Log.

Bell Ringer

You have been working at a fast food restaurant for the past 35 years wrapping hamburgers. Each hour you

wrap 184 hamburgers. You work 8 hours per day. You work 5 days a week. You get paid every 2 weeks with a

salary of $840.34. How many hamburgers will you have to wrap to make your first one million dollars?

When we are finished, TURN IN YOUR LEARNING LOG!Due Today!!!

Bell Ringer

You will need this whole period to take the Chapters 4 & 5 Exam…

You may use scratch paper if needed or a calculator but NOT a cell phone.

Please pick up your remote and be ready to begin. Good Luck!!!

Bell Ringer

A teacher has 3 students with the following test grades:Student A: 80,90,90,90,100Student B: 80,80,80,90,100Student C: 80,90,100,100,100

Is it fair to say that the average of 80,90,& 100 is 90% so every student should have a 90%? Defend your anwer.

Bell Ringer

What contains more atoms: 2.51 grams of Nickel or 3.42 grams of Aluminum?

Hint: First you have to figure out who has the most moles…then use the conversion equivalent

to change moles to atoms.

Bell Ringer

Which has a higher Molar Mass? CaOH or BF3

What percentage of mass does Oxygen make up in the formula CaOH?

Bell Ringer

Aluminum oxide commonly forms in nature. IF you have 4.151 grams of Al

and 3.692 grams of O react, what is the empirical formula for the compound?

Bell Ringer

Juglone has the formula C10H6O3. What is the molar mass of juglone? If you have 2.41 grams

of pure juglone, how many moles does that represent?

Bell Ringer

A white powder is analyzed and found to have the empirical formula of P2O5. The compound

has a molar mass of 283.88 g/mol. What is the compound’s molecular formula?

Hint: n = molar mass Empirical formula mass

Ba,Ca, & Mg Cation Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs Make the entry in the Table of Contents Day 1/4

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements

Lab3-5 Separation of a Mixture7-9 % of Water11-15 Flame Test Lab17-21 Ba, Ca, & Mg Cation Lab

Bell Ringer Day 2/4

You will be continuing your lab on Ba, Ca & Mg Cations. BEFORE you can begin, your lab must be checked to ensure that it has the following parts: Questioning:Predicting: (note: first test is to set a base…Unknown Day is your prediction)Procedure:Safety:

Bell Ringer Day 3/4

This is your UNKNOWN day of the Ba, Ca, & Mg Cations Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab write ups. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results:Discussion of Results:Additional Questions:

What is solubility?Define precipitants?

Bell Ringer Day 4/4

This is your final day of the Ba, Ca, & Mg Cations Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab write ups. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results:Discussion of Results:Additional Questions:

What is solubility?Define precipitants?

Bell RingerMake a T Chart. On the left side title it “Chemical Change” and the the right side title it “Physical Change”

Classify the following in the T-Chart under their appropriate headings:Paper BurnsNecklace TarnishesGlass BreaksRock is ground into PowderBumper RustsHydrogen Peroxide bubblesIce MeltsPop Rock Candy fizzes in mouthDead Bird Rots

Bell Ringer

Compose the balanced chemical equation for the reaction below. Label the reactant and product sides of your equation:

Solid Mercury (II) oxide decomposes to form gaseous carbon dioxide and gaseous oxygen.

Bell Ringer

Compare and contrast Coefficients, Superscripts and Subscripts.

Hint: This may include what do they stand for or what do they tell us in the chemical equation…

Bell Ringer

Solid potassium reacts with liquid water to form gaseous hydrogen and potassium hydroxide that

dissolves in water.

Translate this word description into a balanced chemical equation.

Bell Ringer

You will need this whole period to take the Chapters 6 & 7 Exam…

You may use scratch paper if needed or a calculator but NOT a cell phone.

Please pick up your remote and be ready to begin. Good Luck!!!

Bell Ringer

Turn to page 245 of your book to view the solubility rules.

Classify the following as soluble or insoluble.BaCrO4




Bell Ringer

Is the following statement True or False? Defend your answer.

“Metal and nonmetal reactions are always oxidation-reduction reactions.”

Hint: Look up oxidation and reduction and determine what they might have in common

with metals and nonmetals.

Bell Ringer

Classify the following reactions as synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement or combustion reactions.

S8 + O2 SO2

BaCl2 + Na2SO4 BaSO4 + NaCl

C2H2 + O2 CO2 + H2O

AlN Al + N2

Fe2O3 + Al Al2O3 + Fe

Bell Ringer

+HNO3 (aq) + KOH (aq) H2O (?) + KNO3 (?)

Use your solubility rules on page 245 to determine the solubility of the products for the

equation above.

Bell Ringer

What do the following have in common?

Bell Ringer

2 Na (s) + Cl2 (g) 2NaCl

A student says that the Na is being oxidized. Is this student correct or incorrect?

Defend your answer.

Bell Ringer

I am making Holiday Cookies and my recipe calls for 4 cups of flour and 3 cups of sugar to make one batch. I have 9 cups of flour and 6 cups of

sugar left. How many batches can I make before I run out of an ingredient? Which ingredient

runs out first?

Bell Ringer

N2 (g) + H2 (g) NH3 (g)

“You need 3 moles of H2 for every 2 moles of N2” is incorrect. Balance the equation and rewrite the statement so that it is true.

If I have 1.35 moles of H2 and N2 gas in surplus, how many moles of NH3 can I make?

Bell Ringer

Aluminum in a powdered form will react with iodine to produce AlI3. The balanced chemical

equation is below. If a student concludes that it will take 495 grams I2 to completely react with

35.0 grams Al, are they correct? 2Al (s) + 3I2 (s) 2AlI3 (s)

Be careful!!! I2 is not just the mass of I alone!

Bell Ringer

You have 25.0 kg (convert!) of N2 gas and 5.00 kg (convert!) of H2 gas. When mixed they form ammonia. Calculate the amount of ammonia we are able to produce in grams.

N2 (g) + H2 (g) NH3 (g)

Things to consider…Is the equation balanced? How many moles is each of the reactants? How will run out first? Did I remember to convert one final time to change moles of ammonia to grams?

Bell Ringer

Flip back to your bell ringer from Dec 19th before the break. You have calculated the theoretical

yield. If our actual yield was to collect 27.2 kg of NH3 what is my % yield?

Bell Ringer

Methanol is produced from carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas. If you have 6.85 x 104 g of CO gas and 9.20 x 103 of hydrogen gas, calculate the

theoretical yield of methanol. What is the % yield if the experiment

collected 3.29 x104 grams?

Bell Ringer

You will need this whole period to take the Chapters 6 & 7 Exam…

You may use scratch paper if needed or a calculator but NOT a cell phone.

Please pick up your remote and be ready to begin. Good Luck!!!

Bell Ringer

Compare and contrast Temperature and Heat in no less than a 5 sentence paragraph.

Topic SentenceCommentaryCommentaryCommentaryConclusion Sentence

Bell Ringer

A little kid is at the top of a slide and has 1000 Joules of Potential Energy. After getting to the

bottom of the slide they only have 900 Joules of Kinetic Energy. It appears that 100 J has been

lost. Explain how this does not violate the law of conservation of energy.

Bell Ringer

Complete the following diagram in your Learning Log:

3 Things a Student Should Make Sure They

Do When Speaking

3 Things That Make a Poster Nice

3 Things My Group Will Try to Avoid

1 Way to Go Above and Beyond to Make

Everyone Think Ours Was the BEST!

Our Group Presentation

Bell Ringer

Where does the Ducky represent its highest and lowest kinetic energy?

How does this relate to the Duck’s highest and lowest potential energy?

Bell Ringer

Pull ups diapers marketed a diaper that became cold when the urine reacted with a chemical in

the lining. The idea was that little kids would start using the toilet because they didn’t like

their privates cold. Instead, kids took the diapers off and peed on the floor in secret. They didn’t

succeed in the market. Were scientists trying to fool children with an

exothermic or endothermic reactions?

Bell Ringer

You have a 2.1 gram sample of a metal that appears to be gold. It requires 6.2 J of energy to change its temperature from 23 degrees C to 45.7 degrees C. Is the metal pure gold?

Hint: Find the temperature change and use to solve for specific heat. Specific heat of gold is 0.13 J/gC

Bell Ringer

When 1 mol of methane is burned at constant pressure, 910 kJ of energy is released as heat. Calculate the H for a process in which a 6.1 g sample of methane is burned at constant pressure.

Hint: Convert grams to moles for CH4. Your relationship is 1 mol = 910 kJ…use this relationship to calculate the heat change for your moles calculated.

Bell Ringer

Use the word Enthalpy to explain one of the following:1) A dead squirrel is decomposing2) A fart can be smelled by your neighbors3) Your cup of coffee cools off

Group IA and IIA Cation (Ba,Ca,Mg) Lab Day!

Have your Composition Notebook out for Labs Make the entry in the Table of Contents

Name 1Period #General ChemistryLab Book

Page Content1 Table of Contents2 Measurements

Lab3-5 Separation of a Mixture7-9 Percentage of Water11-15 Flame Test Lab

17-19 Group IA & IIA Cations

Bell Ringer

You will be continuing your lab on Group IA & IIA Cation identification. BEFORE you can begin, your lab must be checked to ensure that it has the following parts: Questioning:Predicting: Concerning your unknownProcedure: (check for variables)Safety:

Bell Ringer

This is your Unknown Identification portion of the lab on Group IA & IIA Cations. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results: Qualitative!!!Discussion of Results:Additional Questions: COMPLETE SENTENCES

Bell Ringer

This is your final day of the lab on Group IA & IIA Cations Lab. Be seated and ready for attendance before finishing your lab. Remember that your final sections should have the following parts: Data & Observations:Calculations & Results: Qualitative!!!Discussion of Results:Additional Questions: COMPLETE SENTENCES

Bell Ringer

Pick up your remotes. Today is Review Day!!! for you final exam.

Bell Ringer

Periods 1-6 Pick Up your Remotes to Continue Reviewing for Final…

Period 7: Final Exam Day

Bell Ringer

Periods 1,3,5

Pick up your remotes.

Have out scratch paper, a calculator (no cell phones), and Periodic Tables.

Bell Ringer

Periods 2,4,6

Pick up your remotes.

Have out scratch paper, a calculator (no cell phones), and Periodic Tables.

Bell Ringer

The lightening ball is a fun device that Americans can buy and enjoy in their homes. What makes the purplish pink lightning bolts that jump from the center to the outside glass?

Hint: Think about the flame test lab

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