general · 2020. 11. 23. · general sy joshua became director of youth at st john cymru- wales on...

Post on 03-Feb-2021






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  • General

    SY JOSHUA became director of youth at St John Cymru-

    Wales on February 1.

    Mr Joshua, 42, from Barry Island, has one aim – to let

    everyone know about the work the charity does.

    He took over the post on February 1 and his first duty

    was to open the St John National Youth Awards, which

    honoured the hard work of its more than 2,000 members

    who are under the age of 18.

    The married father-of-two joined St John Cymru-Wales from Swansea YMCA, where he was

    operations manager.

    He is a graduate in sociology, history and politics, he also has degrees in social work and youth and

    community work, and a Masters in charity management.

    “Although it’s early days, I am looking in the first instance at ways to grow youth membership and

    improve quality,” he said.

    “There has been some fantastic work already done here – the Youth Awards showed that we have

    an incredibly strong base to start from, and dedicated staff who give everything week-in week-out to

    make sure our youngsters can achieve their potential.

    “We all want to give young people a strong foundation to enable them to develop their skills as they

    go through the transition into adulthood.

    “In my first few days I have been constantly amazed at all the work we do here – many people don’t

    realise, looking from the outside, what St John Cymru-Wales Youth actually does.

    “They don’t see the dedication of the volunteers, the training we give, the joy the young people get

    from what we offer – it’s absolutely astounding for someone looking at the organisation as a whole.

    “If I can let more people know about this, get more young people involved in learning lifesaving skills

    and leave a lasting legacy in the long term – I will consider that a job well done.”

    To find out more about the opportunities for youngsters on offer at St John Cymru-Wales, visit

  • Diary marker: Trustees’ Week 2015 announced

    Trustees' Week is an annual event that showcases the great work that trustees do, and highlights opportunities to get involved and make a difference.

    It has been announced that this year Trustees' Week will take place from 2-8 November. We'll keep you posted about plans for the week in the coming months, but for now you can get the date in your diary and look forward to finding out more.

    Dyddiad i’r dyddiadur: Cyhoeddi Wythnos Ymddiriedolwyr 2015

    Mae Wythnos Ymddiriedolwyr yn achlysur blynyddol i dynnu sylw at y gwaith ardderchog y mae ymddiriedolwyr yn ei wneud ac i amlygu cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan a gwneud gwahaniaeth.

    Cyhoeddwyd y bydd Wythnos Ymddiriedolwyr eleni yn cael ei chynnal rhwng 2 a 8 Tachwedd.

    Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi am gynlluniau'r wythnos yn y misoedd i ddod, ond am y tro gallwch

    nodi'r dyddiad yn eich dyddiadur ac edrych ymlaen at gael gwybod mwy.

    Y Comisiwn Etholiadol / The Electoral Commission

    Please see our 14th campaigner update on the rules on non-party campaigning. This update provides

    a reminder about pre-poll reporting and details of the review into the Lobbying Act and non-party


    Gweler diweddariad rhif 14 i ymgyrchwyr ar y rheolau ar ymgyrchu i’r rheini nad ydynt yn bleidiau .

    Mae’r diweddariad hwn yn cynnwys nodyn atgoffa ar cyn y bledlais a manylion adolygaid y Ddefddf

    Lobïo ag ymgyrchu i’r rhai nad ydynt yn bleidiau.

    Y Comisiwn Etholiadol / The Electoral Commission

    Swyddfa Cymru / Wales Office

    Tŷ’r Cwmnïau / Companies House

    Ffordd y Goron / Crown Way

    Caerdydd / Cardiff CF14 3UZ

    Ffôn / Tel: 029 2034 6804 / /

  • Welsh Poetry Competition 2015

    The ninth annual Welsh Poetry Competition is open for applications. The aim of the competition is to encourage and reward the abundance of creative writing talent that exists in Wales but struggles for recognition.

    The prizes break down as follows:

    First prize: £400 Second prize: £200 and Third prize: £100

    Budding writers and published authors are invited to submit a poem, in English, of less than 50 lines in length. The organisers wish to inspire entrants to capture life in the present day. The Welsh writer and poet Sally Spedding will judge the 2015 competition. The deadline for entries is Sunday 31 May 2015. Further details are available from:

    Cystadleuaeth Barddoniaeth Saesneg Cymru 2015

    Mae'r nawfed Gystadleuaeth Barddoniaeth Saesneg Cymru bellach yn cymryd ceisiadau. Nod y gystadleuaeth yw annog a gwobrwyo'r doniau ysgrifennu creadigol lu sy'n bodoli yng Nghymru ond sy'n cael trafferth cael eu cydnabod.

    Dyma'r gwobrau sydd ar gael:

    Y wobr gyntaf: £400 Yr ail wobr: £200 Y drydedd wobr: £100

    Gwahoddir egin feirdd, yn ogystal ag awduron sydd eisoes wedi cyhoeddi gwaith, i gyflwyno cerdd, yn Saesneg, ac ynddi lai na 50 llinell. Dymuniad y trefnwyr yw ysbrydoli ymgeiswyr i gyfleu bywyd yn yr oes hon. Yr awdures a'r bardd o Gymru Sally Spedding fydd yn beirniadu cystadleuaeth 2015. Y dyddiad cau i ymgeisio yw dydd Sul 31 Mai 2015. Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

  • Victims of Domestic Abuse - Struggling for Support?

    Changes to legal aid have affected the support that 6 in 10 advisers helping victims of domestic

    abuse can provide, finds new research from Citizens Advice.

    The survey of over 300 Citizens Advice Bureaux advisers finds:

    Almost 1 in 4 of advisers who responded cite issues with gathering evidence as a major barrier to resolving issues in domestic abuse cases

    A third of all advisers report fewer victims of domestic abuse proceed with legal action because of the legal aid changes

    A fifth of advisers saying the legal aid changes are a barrier find victims are unable to afford the necessary financial contributions when they are offered legal aid, and 1 in 5 also reported more domestic abuse victims self-representing.

    Professor Donaldson’s report

    Professor Donaldson’s report into the curriculum and assessment arrangements from Foundation Phase to Key Stage 4. Links to the report:




    Final report from the National Assembly’s Children and Young People Committee Inquiry into educational outcomes for children on low incomes. The background to this inquiry is here - and

    Resource Efficient Wales - On 21st October 2014, Minister for Natural Resources Carl Sargeant

    launched Resource Efficient Wales. Resource Efficient Wales provides a single point of contact for

    information on resource efficiency and is based in the Welsh Government office in Nantgarw. The

    team provides access to information on: using energy more efficiently, generating renewable

    energy, using water more efficiently, reducing the generation of all forms of material waste, market

    development, training and accreditation for suppliers in resource efficiency markets. Individuals can

    call 0300 123 2020 between 9:00am and 5:00pm, go to the website

    efficient or e-mail ResourceEfficientWales@Wales.GSI.Gov.UK.

  • Training

    Training Course 6-9 May 2015 | Arnhem, Netherlands

    The essence of coaching

    A 3-days training for youth workers and EVS mentors who are involved in Erasmus+ Youth non-

    formal education projects.

    Organizer: Dutch NA Erasmus+ Youth (National Agency)

    Application deadline: 9 March 2015

    More details at:

    Global Education Manual

    Manual based on years of experience in global education sector. It includes besides the project

    results, details and information about global citizenship and global education as well a detailed

    curriculum for developing basic Global Citizenship Competencies

    This tool addresses: Intercultural Learning, Environment

    More details:

  • Forum Theatre Training Week INFO

    Monday 23rd March - Friday 27th March 2015

    Held at: North Wales TBC

    Led by: Iwan Brioc, renowned Forum Theatre practitioner and trainer

    Throughout this intensive week long course, participants will investigate the theory and practice of

    Forum Theatre. A number of simple games and exercises centred on trust, confidence and group

    integration will be introduced enabling participants to possibly shadow, or lead paid workshop

    sessions, with support, for Community Music Wales upcoming funded project in partnership with

    GISDA & CAIS, or deliver FT within their own group or communities.

    Participants will look at how to devise a Forum Theatre piece and how to conduct a public Forum

    session. The week will culminate with a performance of the Forum Theatre pieces devised by the

    group to an invited audience of friends. Reference will also be made to Legislative Theatre practice.

    Legislative Theatre is a method in which Forum Theatre is used as a basis for the formulation of

    policy, rules or legislation, in any body from school to government.

    Who is it for?

    Anyone interested in using theatre as a tool for debate and social change with communities; theatre

    practitioners, social activists, teachers, community workers, youth works. No experience necessary.

    Cost :

    £50 / £30 concessions – N.B. This specialist training is funded, and would normally cost £450

    Places are limited, fill out an application form, which can be requested from

    Iwan Brioc – Trainer:

    Iwan Brioc is one of the most experienced Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners, having utilised the

    techniques (which include Forum Theatre, Rainbow of Desires, and Image Theatre) with diverse

    communities to create dynamic platforms for personal, institutional and social change. He is Artistic

    Director of Theatr Cynefin, the Wales based company that has pioneered Sensory Labyrinth Theatre

    and is Director of Research and Practice for the international network, The Republic of the

    Imagination which acts as a meeting point for the development of Context Oriented Theatre. He is

    from Cardiff and is bi-lingual.

    If you are interested in GISDA’s Forum Theatre work please contact

  • Wythnos Hyfforddiant Theatr Fforwm GWYBODAETH

    Dydd Llun 23 Mawrth - Gwener 27 Mawrth 2015

    Cynhelir yn: Gogledd Cymru – i’w gadarnhau

    Dan arweiniad: Iwan Brioc, ymarferydd a hyfforddwr Theatr Fforwm adnabyddus

    Drwy gydol y cwrs dwys hwn a fydd yn para wythnos, bydd y cyfranogwyr yn archwilio theori ac ymarfer Theatr

    Fforwm. Cyflwynir nifer o gemau ac ymarferion syml sy’n canolbwyntio ar ymddiriedaeth, hyder ac

    integreiddio grŵp, gan ganiatáu i’r cyfranogwyr gysgodi, neu arwain sesiynau gweithdy taledig efallai, gyda

    chymorth, ar gyfer prosiect Cerddoriaeth Gymunedol Cymru yn fuan, mewn partneriaeth â GISDA a CAIS, neu i

    gyflwyno Theatr Fforwm o fewn eu grŵp neu eu cymunedau eu hunain.

    Bydd y cyfranogwyr yn edrych ar sut i ddyfeisio darn Theatr Fforwm a sut i gynnal sesiwn Fforwm gyhoeddus.

    Fel uchafbwynt i’r wythnos cyflwynir perfformiad o ddarnau Theatr Fforwm a ddyfeisiwyd gan y grŵp o flaen

    cynulleidfa o gyfeillion a wahoddwyd yn arbennig. Bydd cyfeiriad hefyd at ymarfer Theatr Ddeddfwriaethol.

    Mae Theatr Ddeddfwriaethol yn ddull ble defnyddir Theatr Fforwm fel sylfaen ar gyfer trefnu polisi, rheolau

    neu ddeddfwriaeth, mewn unrhyw sefydliad - o ysgol i’r llywodraeth.

    Ar gyfer pwy mae’r hyfforddiant?

    Unrhyw un sy’n ymddiddori yn y defnydd o’r theatr fel offeryn ar gyfer trafodaeth a newid cymdeithasol gyda

    chymunedau; ymarferwyr theatr, gweithredwyr cymdeithasol, athrawon, gweithwyr cymunedol, gwaith

    ieuenctid. Nid oes rhaid cael unrhyw brofiad.

    Cost :

    £50 / £30 gostyngiadau – D.S. Mae’r hyfforddiant arbenigol hwn yn cael ei ariannu, ac fel arfer byddai’n costio


    Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig. Cwblhewch ffurflen gais a gellir gwneud cais am ffurflen drwy gysylltu ag

    Iwan Brioc – Hyfforddwr:

    Mae Iwan Brioc yn un o’r ymarferwyr mwyaf profiadol ym maes Theatr y Gorthrymedig, gan ei fod wedi

    defnyddio’r technegau hyn (sy’n cynnwys Theatr Fforwm, Rainbow of Desires, a Theatr Delweddau) gyda

    chymunedau amrywiol i greu llwyfannau deinamig ar gyfer newidiadau personol, sefydliadol a chymdeithasol.

    Ef yw Cyfarwyddwr Artistig Theatr Cynefin, y cwmni o Gymru sydd wedi chwarae rhan arloesol gyda Theatr

    Labyrinth Synhwyraidd, ac ef yw Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil ac Ymarfer y rhwydwaith rhyngwladol, Gweriniaeth y

    Dychymyg, sy’n gweithredu fel pwynt cyfarfod ar gyfer datblygu Theatr Cyd-Destun (Context Oriented

    Theatre). Daw Iwan o Gaerdydd ac mae’n ddwyieithog.

    Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwaith Theatr Fforwm GISDA , cysylltwch â

  • Testun Cymraeg isod – Welsh text below

    Drinking for two? Alcohol and pregnancy

    21 September 2015

    Radisson Blu Hotel, central Cardiff

    Hosted by Alcohol Concern Cymru

    Few topics in the fields of alcohol policy and practice give rise to more debate than drinking during

    pregnancy. How much is it safe to drink? What exactly are the risks to foetus? What’s the best way

    to discuss drinking with parents who may already feel overburdened with advice?

    All these questions and more will be under the microscope at our 2015 conference in Cardiff.

    Speakers will include Chief Medical Officer for Wales, Dr Ruth Hussey OBE; Dr Lesley Smith of Oxford

    Brookes University on the challenge of assessing drinking during pregnancy; Dr Therese Dowswell

    from Liverpool University on interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in pregnancy; and Dr Ellie

    Lee of Kent University and Spiked Online, arguing against over-policing pregnancy.

    They’ll also be chance to take part in workshops looking at alcohol and drinking from the

    perspectives of parents and midwives, and how to engage with mothers with an established drink

    problem, amongst other issues.

    Download the conference agenda to find out what’s going on during the day

    Book your places here at our special early bird rate.

  • Diota i ddau? Alcohol a beichiogrwydd

    21 Medi 2015

    Gwesty Radisson Blu, canol Caerdydd

    Cynhadledd Alcohol Concern Cymru

    Prin yw’r pynciau ym meysydd polisi ac ymarfer alcohol sy’n creu cymaint o ddadlau ag yfed yn ystod

    beichiogrwydd. Faint sy’n ddiogel? Beth yn union yw’r peryglon i’r ffetws? Beth yw’r ffordd orau i

    drafod alcohol gyda rhieni sydd eisoes wedi’u beichio â llwyth o gynghorion?

    Byddwn ni’n ceisio atebion i’r cwestiynau hyn oll a rhagor yn ein cynhadledd eleni yng Nghaerdydd.

    Mae’r siaradwyr gwâdd yn cynnwys Prif Swyddog Meddygol Cymru, Dr Ruth Hussey OBE; Dr Lesley

    Smith o Brifysgol Brookes Rhydychen ar anhawster asesu faint y mae merched beichiog yn ei yfed; Dr

    Therese Dowswell o Brifysgol Lerpwl ar ddulliau i liehau yfed yn ystod beichiogrwydd; a Dr Ellie Lee o

    Brifysgol Caint, sy’n dadlau yn erbyn plismona beichiogrwydd yn ormodol.

    Bydd hefyd weithdai yn ystyried alcohol o safbwyntiau rhieni a bydwragedd, a sut i ymgysyllyu â

    mamau gyda phroblem yfed barhaol, ymhlith pynciau eraill.

    Darllenwch agenda’r gynhadledd yma i weld beth sydd ar y gweill

    Cadwch eich llefydd yma, gan gynnwys pris arbennig am archebu’n gynnar.

    Summer School 2015 - applications now open!

    Academi Wales are delighted to announce the 10th Annual Wales Public Service Summer School to be held at University of Wales, Trinity St David, Lampeter on 22-26 June 2015.

    Wales Public Service Summer School is an immersive residential learning programme where approximately 250 people from across the public and third sector in Wales come together each year. The over arching theme for Summer School this year is "Leading the Way - Creating Positive Organisations". Target audience Summer School is aimed at senior managers and leaders from across the public and third sector in Wales, who influence and shape the delivery of our services and who are engaged in leading change. Date: 22-26 June 2015 How to apply: For more information about the event, including speaker biographies and an application form, please visit For any other questions about the event, please contact

  • Ysgol Haf 2015 - gallwch ymgeisio nawr!

    Mae'n bleser mawr gan Academi Wales Gyhoeddi 10fed Ysgol Haf flynyddol Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus Cymru i'w chynnal ym Mhrifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant, Llanbedr Pont Steffan ar y 22-26 Mehefin 2015.

    Mae Ysgol Haf Gwasanaeth Cyhoeddus Cymru yn rhaglen ddysgu breswyl pryd y bydd tua 250 o bobl o bob rhan o'r sector cyhoeddus a'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru yn dod ynghyd bob blwyddyn. Thema drosfwaol yr Ysgol Haf eleni yw "Arwain y Ffordd - Creu Sefydliadau Positif". Y gynulleidfa darged Mae'r ysgol haf wedi'i hanelu at uwch-reolwyr ac arweinwyr o bob rhan o'r sector cyhoeddus a'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru, y rheini dylanwadu ac yn llunio'r modd y darperir ein gwasanaethau, ac sy'n ymwneud ag arwain newidiadau.

    Dyddiad: 22-26 Mehefin 2015 Sut i wneud cais: Am ragor o wybodaeth am y digwyddiad, gan gynnwys bywgraffiadau'r siaradwyr a ffurflen gais, ewch i Ar gyfer unrhyw gwestiynau eraill am y digwyddiad, cysylltwch â


    We are delighted to announce the launch of new, first of their kind, higher level qualifications for the

    craft, design and cultural heritage sectors.

    We have developed these qualifications in partnership with Creative & Cultural Skills, Wales.

    In order to help us promote these qualifications, we need your help.

    Attached is a marketing pack which includes the following:

    copy for your website / eshot / newsletter; and

    A4 posters in Welsh and English which you can print off and put up on internal noticeboards.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email (

  • Money for Life Qualifications

    These fully-funded, accredited qualifications enable those working or volunteering in the public or

    not-for-profit sectors to equip their learners and clients with money management skills.

    · Teach Others (classroom-based) Teach Others is a two-day course (two weeks apart), plus a written assignment, which focuses on how to deliver financial capability sessions. Learners will gain the confidence and skills to facilitate successful workshops and short learning programmes to those they work with. Teach Others is a nationally recognised Level 3 OCN qualification.

    · Money Mentors (classroom-based) Money Mentors is a two-day course (one week apart), plus a written assignment, which focuses on how to give one-to-one money management support. Learners will improve their confidence when communicating with people and develop the skills and knowledge to be an effective mentor. Money Mentors is a nationally recognised Level 2 OCN qualification.

    · Teach Me (online) Teach Me is a series of topics designed to improve knowledge of money management. The resources are free to access and open to all. There is also the opportunity to gain an OCN (level 3) qualification by completing a series of questions and assignments based on the topics.

    When and where?

    Teach Others and Money Mentors run throughout the academic year (September 2014 – June 2015)

    in locations across the country. When you apply, you will be asked for your preferred location and

    then offered a place at the next available course in your area. Alternatively, if you have 10-14

    people at your organisation who are interested in Teach Others and/or Money Mentors, we could

    potentially run an in-house course at your organisation.

    Visit the Money for Life website

    Apply here

  • Accessible Wales

    Disability Awareness Training

    Wednesday 15th April 2015

    Cwmaman Institute

    Two Half Day Training Courses 10:00am-1:00pm and


    The Topics Covered Include:

    - Understanding more about disability - Good Customer Service, including practical demonstrations - Practical demonstrations of Access & Customer Service Issues The Right thing to say

    at work; to understand is to get it right!

    15 spaces available on each course, £30 per person, tea and coffee will be provided.

    Certificates will be provided to all delegates upon completion of the course.

    Would you like your staff trained at your venue...we can come to you!

    To book a place, or enquire contact:

    Call:01685 801492 Email:

    Access Wales provides additional courses , and places can be paid for on the day or in advance.

    Call for 2 trainers

    SALTO Participation is looking for 2 experienced trainers for a Long-term Training Course on Transnational Youth Initiatives (Erasmus+ Key Action 2) and (social) entrepreneurship to take place in Budapest from 08 November to 13 November 2015 and in Italy in March 2016 (dates to be confirmed).

    Are you experienced in training and/or coaching groups of young people? Do you have knowledge about or experience in social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning? Do you have experience within Youth in Action/Erasmus+ Youth more specifically within KA2 Transnational Youth Initiatives or former Action 1.2?

    Find out more about the other selection criteria and the training course here.

    Application deadline: 10 April 2015

  • Seminar / Conference 12-16 May 2015 | La Rochelle, France

    Youthpass learning agora

    SALTO T&C RC, together with the French and the German NA for E+: YiA is looking for youth worker,

    researcher, trainer, facilitator of learning, university teaching staff… - for a seminar on the optimal

    conditions for the creation of centres of learning.

    Organizer: French National Agency (National Agency)

    This activity is for participants from: YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES

    Application deadline: 16 March 2015

    Seminar / Conference 23-26 June 2015 | Le chambon (Poitou Charentes), France

    EVS Mentor Seminar/Formation Tuteurs 23-26 juin 2015

    French speaking seminar on EVS mentoring.

    Organizer: Agence Française Erasmus + Jeunesse & Sport (National Agency)

    This activity is for participants from: YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES

    Application deadline: 25 April 2015

    Study Visit 15-18 June 2015 | Turkey

    PBA: Jump in EVS EuroMed

    Since the 2014, the accreditation process has been started in the South Mediterranean countries.

    This process aims to bring more impetus to the EVS in these countries and to strength the quality in

    the projects. The PBA aims to create new partnerships!

    Organizer: Turkish NA (National Agency)


    Application deadline: 17 April 2015

    The short link for this training offer is:

  • Awards

    2015 Leading Wales Awards/ Gwobrau Arwain Cymru 2015

    Essential guidance to help you with your nomination

    Click here to access nomination documents

    The questions encompass an approach to assessing leadership that covers elements of both

    transactional and transformational leadership

    The deadline for submission of nominations in all categories is Friday 13th March 2015 at


    Nominators need to know their nominee well so that they can answer the questions fully

    Arrange a date to sit down with your nominee early on to draft the nomination document

    The submission is not onerous, but the thinking and drafting does need to be “diarised” to

    ensure good completion well ahead of the closing date

    Keep your answers evidence based and relevant to the question you are answering

    You are welcome to answer in point form rather than in paragraphs

    Answer all questions

    If at any time you have any questions please contact Barbara Chidgey via or on 07989385114

    “FAQs” are at

    Ensure that your nominee is available for Judging on Friday May 1st 2015. This is the day on

    which judging of the short listed finalists for all categories takes place and no alternative

    dates are available

    We look forward to receiving your nomination of someone that you know whose leadership is

    making a real difference in Wales.

  • Canllawiau hanfodol i'ch helpu â'ch enwebiad ar gyfer Gwobrau Arwain Cymru 2015

    Cliciwch yma i gyrchu'r dogfennau enwebu.

    Mae'r cwestiynau'n cwmpasu dull o asesu arweinyddiaeth sy'n cynnwys elfennau o arweinyddiaeth

    drafodaethol a thrawsnewidiol.

    Y dyddiad olaf i gyflwyno enwebiadau ym mhob categori yw dydd Gwener 13ain Mawrth

    2015 am 17:00

    Mae angen i enwebwyr adnabod eu henwebai yn dda er mwyn gallu ateb y cwestiynau yn


    Trefnwch ddyddiad i eistedd i lawr gyda'ch enwebai yn gynnar i ddrafftio'r ddogfen enwebu

    Nid yw'r cyflwyniad yn feichus, ond mae angen neilltuo amser "yn y dyddiadur" ar gyfer y

    meddwl a’r drafftio i sicrhau ei fod yn cael ei gyflwyno ymhell cyn y dyddiad cau

    Sicrhewch fod sail dystiolaeth i'ch atebion a'u bod yn berthnasol i'r cwestiwn rydych yn ei


    Mae croeso i chi ateb ar ffurf pwyntiau yn hytrach na pharagraffau

    Atebwch bob cwestiwn

    Ar unrhyw adeg, os bydd gennych chi unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â Barbara Chidgey trwy neu 07989385114

    Mae yna “Cwestiynau a Ofynnir yn Aml” yn Dylech sicrhau bod eich enwebai ar

    gael ar gyfer Dyfarnu ar ddydd Gwener 1af 2015. Dyma'r diwrnod pan ddyfernir y sawl sy'n

    cyrraedd y rhestr fer ar gyfer yr holl gategorïau ac nid oes unrhyw ddyddiadau eraill ar gael

    Edrychwn ymlaen at dderbyn eich enwebiad ar gyfer rhywun yr ydych chi'n gwybod bod ei

    (h)arweinyddiaeth yn gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn yng Nghymru.

  • Awards celebrate Welsh volunteering at its best

    WCVA’s Wales Volunteer of the Year Awards are now open for nominations.

    The Wales Volunteer of the Year Awards recognises some of Wales's hardest-working volunteers and is inviting nominations in six categories:

    adult (age 25 and over) young volunteer (under 25 years), supported by GwirVol 'green' volunteer, supported by Environment Wales trustees groups international

    Hundreds of people and groups across the country have been awarded a Volunteer of the Year trophy since 2004, with almost 1,500 people nominated receiving a certificate of commendation.

    Closing dates for nominations is 10 April and more information is available here.

    Gwobrau’n dathlu gwirfoddoli ar ei orau

    Mae Gwborau Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn Cymru ar agor ar gyfer enwebiadau.

    Mae Gwborau Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn Cymru yn gwobrwyo cyfraniadau anhunanol unigolion ac grwpiau mewn chwe chategori:

    oedolyn (25 oed a hyˆn) gwirfoddolwr ifanc (o dan 25 oed), cefnogir gan GwirVol gwirfoddolwyr 'gwyrdd', cefnogir gan Amgylchedd Cymru ymddiriedolwyr grwpiau rhyngwladol

    Mae cannoedd o bobl a grwpiau ar hyd a lled y wlad wedi ennill tlws Gwirfoddolwr y Flwyddyn ers 2004, ac mae bron i 1,500 o bobl a enwebwyd wedi cael tystysgrif canmoliaeth.

    Y dyddiad cau yw Ddydd Gwener 10 Ebrill. Ceir rhagor o fanylion yma.

  • Events


    The Youth Work in Wales Marketing Group exists to initiate, develop, provide and contribute to

    opportunities that promote positive images of work with young people and effectively communicate

    the principles and purposes of youth work in Wales.

    Membership of the Marketing Group includes representatives from the Wales Principal Youth

    Officers’ Group (PYOG), Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS) and the Welsh Local

    Government Association (WLGA).

    We would like to remind all youth work related organisations in Wales that Youth Work Week is

    23rd-30th June each year and we would like Youth Work in Wales to prioritise this week and to

    publicise events locally, regionally and nationally.

    The Marketing Group is currently considering ideas to assist in the promotion of Youth Work Week.

    We intend to keep you informed of developments and how to help with the promotion of youth

    work services in due course.


    Mae Grŵp Marchnata Gwaith Ieuenctid yng Nghymru yn bodoli i symbylu, datblygu, darparu a

    chyfrannu at gyfleoedd sy’n hyrwyddo delweddau cadarnhaol o waith gyda phobl ifanc a

    chyfathrebu egwyddorion a dibenion gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru.

    Mae aelodau’r Grŵp Marchnata yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o Grŵp Prif Swyddogion Ieuenctid Cymru

    (PYOG), Cyngor Cymreig y Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid Gwirfoddol (CWVYS) a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth

    Leol Cymru (WLGA).

    Hoffem atgoffa’r sefydliadau sy’n gweithio ym maes gwaith ieuenctid yng Nghymru y cynhelir

    Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid o’r 23ain i’r 30ain o Fehefin bob blwyddyn a hoffem i Waith Ieuenctid yng

    Nghymru flaenoriaethu’r wythnos hon i hyrwyddo digwyddiadau yn lleol, yn rhanbarthol ac yn


    Mae’r Grŵp Marchnata wrthi’n ystyried syniadau sut i hyrwyddo Wythnos Gwaith Ieuenctid.

    Rydym yn bwriadu rhoi gwybod i chi am ddatblygiadau a sut i helpu gyda hyrwyddo gwasanaethau

    gwaith ieuenctid maes o law.

  • The Language of Volunteering

    This year’s volunteering conference will take place in the splendour of Glasdir conference centre in Llanrwst and we hope that if you are a volunteer programme manager, volunteer coordinator, or you promote and support volunteering in some other way, you will be able to join us for the day on Thursday 9 July 2015.

    The conference will take a look at some widely different types and contexts of volunteering. We shall consider the links with wellbeing; the growing research and policy interest in this and the growing importance of being able to evidence the benefits of volunteering in terms of wellbeing. Why else would you, in retirement, get involved in helping out at your local hospital other than because it feels good to do so? As well as an inspiring line up of main speakers, there will be a choice of workshops on topics including communication and conflict involving volunteers, how we 'sell' volunteering to reach different audiences and working with DWP locally through local Job Centres to enable positive volunteering for those who are seeking employment. Booking information will be uploaded to the WCVA website soon. Meanwhile you can register your interest by emailing so that booking details can be sent to you when they are available.

    Iaith Gwirfoddoli

    Cynhelir y gynhadledd wirfoddoli eleni yng nghanolfan gynadledda fendigedig Glasdir yn Llanrwst a gobeithio, os ydych yn rheoli rhaglen gwirfoddoli, yn cydlynu gwirfoddolwyr, neu’n hyrwyddo a chefnogi gwirfoddoli mewn unrhyw ffordd, y gallwch ymuno â ni am y diwrnod ar ddydd Iau 9fed Gorffennaf 2015.

    Bydd y gynhadledd yn cymryd golwg ar fathau a chyd-destunau gwirfoddoli gwahanol iawn. Byddwn yn ystyried y cysylltiadau â lles; yr ymchwil a'r diddordeb cynyddol o ran polisi yn y pwnc a phwysigrwydd cynyddol y gallu i brofi buddion gwirfoddoli i wella lles. Pam arall fyddech chi, wedi ymddeol, yn dewis rhoi help llaw yn eich ysbyty lleol heblaw am y ffaith bod gwneud hynny'n teimlo'n dda? Yn ogystal â chasgliad o brif siaradwyr sy'n siwr o ysbrydoli, fe fydd yna hefyd ddewis o weithdai ar bynciau megis cyfathrebu a gwrthdaro sy'n cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr, y ffordd rydym yn 'gwerthu' gwirfoddoli i gyrraedd gwahanol gynulleidfaoedd a gweithio gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn lleol drwy Ganolfannau Gwaith lleol i sicrhau profiad gwirfoddoli positif i'r rheini sy'n chwilio am waith. Bydd gwybodaeth archebu ar wefan WCVA yn fuan. Yn y cyfamser gallwch gofrestru eich diddordeb drwy ebostio er mwyn i ni anfon y manylion archebu atoch chi unwaith maent ar gael.

  • Us Girls! Rocks

    Get together with the girls!!!

    Saturday 9th May


    Newport Centre, NP20 1UH

    A range of free sporting activities on offer, discounted beauty treatments & the opportunity to win

    goodie bags and prizes.


    Females only, no men aloud!

    To register your place FREE for the event see link below:

    For more information:

    Tel: 01633 671801


    Refugee Week Wales 2015

    This year the Wales Refugee Council is looking forward to an exciting and creative refugee week

    from 13th-21st June. We will be working with arts partners Oriel Learning Centre in Wrexham, Wales

    Millennium Centre in Cardiff and Riverfront in Newport to hold street parties that celebrate the

    contribution of refugees to Wales. Our regional steering groups in Wrexham, Newport and Cardiff

    will bring together refugee community organisations and arts institutions to develop a creative

    programme for the events. If you would like to get involved in the regional steering groups then

    please get in touch.


    Event to be held at the following time, date and location:

    Wednesday, 22 April 2015 from 10:00 to 12:30 (BST)

    Sport Wales National Centre

    Sophia Gardens

    CF11 9SW Cardiff

    United Kingdom

  • WCVA’s Volunteering Conference returns in 2015 on Thursday 9 July in Glasdir, Llanrwst. This

    year’s theme; ‘The Language of Volunteering’.

    This year's volunteering conference takes as its theme 'the language of volunteering'. What does volunteering mean to you? And when is volunteering not volunteering?

    If you are getting work experience, or doing a community placement for the Welsh Baccalaureate; if you are involved in social action or you chair a committee, are you volunteering? If you are released by your employer to do a day of volunteering, and are paid your usual wage, are you volunteering?

    The conference will take a look at some widely different types and contexts of volunteering. We shall consider the links with wellbeing; the growing research and policy interest in the topic and the growing importance of being able to evidence the benefits of volunteering in terms of wellbeing. Why else would you, in retirement, get involved in helping out at your local hospital other than because it feels good to do so?

    Since volunteering means different things to different people and there are many different reasons for doing it, it follows that we need to be skilful and strategic in the way we promote messages about volunteering to our communities. Clearly one message won't do for everyone.

    To register your interest in the conference and receive the full conference programme as soon as it's released please email

    Mae Cynhadledd Wirfoddoli WCVA yn 2015 yn dychwelyd ddydd Iau 9 Gorffennaf, yn Glasdir, Llanrwst. Y thema eleni yw ‘Iaith Gwirfoddoli’.

    Thema'r gynhadledd wirfoddoli eleni yw 'iaith gwirfoddoli'. Beth mae gwirfoddoli yn ei olygu i chi? A phryd nad yw gwirfoddoli yn wirfoddoli?

    Os ydych yn cael profiad gwaith, neu'n gwneud lleoliad yn y gymuned ar gyfer Bagloriaeth Cymru; os ydych yn rhan o weithredu cymdeithasol neu'n cadeirio pwyllgor, a ydych yn gwirfoddoli? Os yw'ch cyflogwr yn eich rhyddhau i wneud diwrnod o wirfoddoli, ac rydych yn cael eich cyflog arferol, a ydych yn gwirfoddoli?

    Bydd y gynhadledd yn cymryd golwg ar fathau a chyd-destunau gwirfoddoli gwahanol iawn. Byddwn yn ystyried y cysylltiadau â lles; yr ymchwil a'r diddordeb cynyddol o ran polisi yn y pwnc a phwysigrwydd cynyddol y gallu i brofi buddion gwirfoddoli i wella lles. Pam arall fyddech chi, wedi ymddeol, yn dewis rhoi help llaw yn eich ysbyty lleol heblaw am y ffaith bod gwneud hynny'n teimlo'n dda?

    Gan fod gwirfoddoli yn golygu gwahanol bethau i wahanol bobl ac mae yna sawl rheswm gwahanol dros wirfoddoli, mae'n dilyn bod angen i ni fod yn fedrus ac yn strategol yn y ffordd rydym yn cyfleu negeseuon ynglŷn â gwirfoddoli i'n cymunedau. Mae'n amlwg na wnâi'r un neges y tro i bawb.

    I gofrestru'ch diddordeb yn y gynhadledd a chael y rhaglen lawn cyn gynted ag y mae ar gael, anfonwch ebost i

  • Funding

    Queen's Award for Voluntary Service

    The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the anniversary of the Queen's coronation. It is the MBE for volunteer groups.

    Any group doing volunteer work that provides a social, economic or environmental service to the local community can be nominated for the award. Each group is assessed on the benefit it brings to the local community and its standing within that community. Take a look at the guidance notes for further conditions and information.

    Rank Foundation: Supporting young people

    The Rank Foundation has grants available for organisations delivering projects to encourage and

    develop leadership amongst young people; support disadvantaged young people and those frail or

    lonely through old age or disability; promote the understanding of the values, traditions and

    practices of the Christian faith, from a perspective that respects those of all faiths and those of none.

    They also have a small grants programme for organisations with a turnover of less than £1m. There

    are no deadlines for this nationwide funding

    Grow For It

    Funding opportunity.

    Led by young people for young people.

    Apply by 2 April & get up to £400

  • Orchard Windfalls

    The Tree Council is offering funding through its Orchard Windfalls initiative to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned orchard planting projects during National Tree Week. Schools and community groups which are charities or other not for profit organisations in the UK are eligible to apply for funds to support projects where the total tree planting costs are between £100 and £700. In order to be eligible for the Orchard Windfalls Fund, applicants must meet the following criteria:

    Children under the age of 16 must be actively involved in the planting process. Planting must take place on publicly accessible land, usually in public or charity ownership. The school or community group must be able to raise 25% of planting costs. Apple and pear trees on selected root stocks are the only trees eligible for funding. Planting must take place during National Tree Week 2015.

    Eligible costs include the cost of the trees and any reasonable cost of necessary supports and aids: stakes, ties, guards, fertiliser, mulch and soil amelioration (where conditions make this appropriate). The project costs should total at least £100 in order for the application to be considered.

    National Tree Week takes place during the week of 28 November to 6 December 2015. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2015. Further details are available from:

    Mae'r Cyngor Coed yn cynnig cyllid drwy ei gynllun Orchard Windfalls i gynorthwyo ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol sy'n bwriadu cynnal prosiectau sydd wedi'u cynllunio'n dda i blannu perllannau yn ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol y Goeden. Mae ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol sy'n elusennau neu'n fudiadau dielw o fath arall yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn gymwys i ymgeisio am arian i gefnogi prosiectau lle mae cyfanswm costau plannu'r coed rhwng £100 a £700. Er mwyn bod yn gymwys ar gyfer Cronfa Orchard Windfalls, rhaid i ymgeiswyr ateb y meini prawf canlynol:

    Rhaid i blant dan 16 oed fod yn rhan ymarferol o'r broses blannu. Rhaid i'r plannu fod ar dir sy'n agored i'r cyhoedd, fel arfer dan berchnogaeth gyhoeddus

    neu elusennol. Rhaid i'r ysgol neu'r grŵp cymunedol allu codi 25% o'r costau plannu. Coed afalau a gellyg ar wreiddgyffion dethol yw'r unig goed sy'n gymwys am gyllid. Rhaid i'r plannu ddigwydd yn ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol y Goeden 2015.

    Ymysg y costau cymwys y mae cost y coed ac unrhyw gost resymol cynalyddion a chymhorthion angenrheidiol: polion, rhwymynnau, gardiau, gwrtaith a gwaith gwella'r pridd (pan fo amodau'n gwneud hyn yn briodol). Dylai costau'r prosiect fod o leiaf £100 er mwyn i'r cais gael ei ystyried. Cynhelir Wythnos Genedlaethol y Goeden rhwng 28 Tachwedd a 6 Rhagfyr 2015. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 31 Mawrth 2015. Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

  • Triangle Trust 1949 fund open to UK organisations working with Carers

    The Triangle Trust provides Development Grants to specialist community and voluntary organisations working with carers or the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders within the UK. There are two application rounds each year which focus on one specific area.

    Grants are available for up to £40,000 or 50 per cent of current annual income, whichever is lowest, per year for three years. The amount requested each year is expected to taper down as applicants develop other sustainable income streams. Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies that are working within the UK and have a UK office are eligible to apply. Applications for organisations working with carers are now being accepted with a deadline of 30 April 2015 (12 noon). An application round for organisations with the primary purpose of supporting the rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders will open early in September 2015 with a deadline of 5 November 2015 (noon). Further details are available from:

    Cronfa Ymddiriedolaeth Triangle 1949 yn agor i fudiadau sy'n gweithio gyda Gofalwyr

    Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Triangle yn darparu Grantiau Datblygu i fudiadau cymunedol a gwirfoddol arbenigol sy'n gweithio gyda gofalwyr neu gydag adsefydlu troseddwyr neu gyn-droseddwyr yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Mae dwy rownd ymgeisio bob blwyddyn sy'n canolbwyntio ar un maes penodol. Mae grantiau gwerth hyd at £40,000 ar gael neu 50 y cant o'r incwm blynyddol presennol, pa bynnag un sydd isaf, y flwyddyn am dair blynedd. Disgwylir i'r swm y gofynnir amdano leihau'n raddol wrth i ymgeiswyr ddatblygu ffrydiau incwm eraill cynaliadwy. Mae elusennau cofrestredig, mentrau cymdeithasol di-elw a chwmnïau buddiannau cymunedol sy'n gweithio yn y Deyrnas Unedig ac sydd â swyddfa yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn gymwys i ymgeisio. Mae ceisiadau gan fudiadau sy'n gweithio gyda gofalwyr yn cael eu cymryd nawr a'r dyddiad cau yw 30 Ebrill 2015 (12 o'r gloch canol dydd). Bydd rownd ymgeisio ar gyfer mudiadau sy'n bennaf yn cefnogi adsefydlu troseddwyr a chyn-droseddwyr yn agor tua dechrau mis Medi 2015 a'r dyddiad cau hwnnw fydd 5 Tachwedd 2015(12 o'r gloch canol dydd). Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

  • Aviva Community Fund opening soon

    The Aviva Community Fund will open on Tuesday 24 March 2015.

    It offers support and funding to causes close to your heart in the following areas:

    Health, disability and wellbeing Supporting the younger generation Supporting the older generation Community support

    Put forward a project idea that will improve your community and it could receive funding of up to £25,000. Getting through to the finals depends on gathering votes, so spread the word. The deadline for applications is 24 April. Visit the website for more information.

    Cronfa Gymunedol Aviva yn agor yn fuan

    Bydd Cronfa Gymunedol Aviva yn agor ddydd Mawrth 24 Mawrth 2015.

    Mae'n cynnig cymorth a chyllid ar gyfer achosion sy'n agos at eich calon yn y meysydd canlynol:

    Iechyd, anableddau a lles Cefnogi'r genhedlaeth iau Cefnogi'r genhedlaeth hŷn Cymorth cymunedol

    Cynigiwch syniad am brosiect a fydd yn gwella'ch cymuned a gallech gael cyllid gwerth hyd at £25,000. Mae cyrraedd y rowndiau terfynol yn dibynnu ar gasglu pleidleisiau, felly, lledaenwch y neges. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 24 Ebrill. Ewch ar y wefan i gael gwybod mwy.

  • Jewson - Building Better Communities Competition

    The vote-based competition is aimed at transforming spaces and places in need of a little love and attention across the UK.

    Regional winners will get support of £1,000 and £5,000. One project will win the main £50,000


    The awards are to be used to help pay for the cost of building materials and labour and can be spent

    on anything from a new roof for the local village hall, a sensory garden, a community festival or a

    coat of paint for a neglected public facility.

    The deadline for entries is 12 April 2015.

    Further details are available from:

    Jewson – Cystadleuaeth Adeiladu Cymunedau Gwell

    Mae'r gystadleuaeth hon wedi'i seilio ar bleidleisiau a'i nod yw gweddnewid lleoedd sydd angen ychydig o ofal a sylw ledled y Deyrnas Unedig.

    Bydd enillwyr rhanbarthol yn cael cymorth gwerth £1,000 a £5,000. Bydd un prosiect yn ennill y brif wobr, sef £50,000. Rhaid defnyddio'r gwobrau i helpu i dalu am gost deunyddiau a llafur adeiladu a gellir eu gwario ar unrhyw beth megis to newydd ar y neuadd bentref leol, gardd synhwyraidd, gŵyl gymunedol neu haen o baent mewn cyfleuster cyhoeddus sydd wedi'i esgeuluso. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 12 Ebrill 2015. Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

    BFI announces changes to the Film Festival Fund

    The Film Festival Fund is aimed at supporting a broad range of audience facing film festivals, from

    community provision to sustaining the ambition and reach of those which are of UK or international


    Y Sefydliad Ffilm Prydeinig yn cyhoeddi newidiadau yn y Gronfa Gwyliau Ffilm

    Nod y Gronfa Gwyliau Ffilm yw cefnogi ystod eang o wyliau ffilm ar gyfer y gynulleidfa, o

    ddarpariaeth gymunedol i gynnal dyhead a chyrhaeddiad y rheini sydd o bwysigrwydd cenedlaethol

    neu ryngwladol.



    Spirit of 2012 - Spirit of Achievement Arts and Culture Challenge Fund

    Spirit of 2012 aims to ensure that the spirit that radiated from the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics Games is felt across the UK.

    The Spirit of Achievement Arts and Culture Challenge Fund is available for the creation of opportunities to enable disabled people to participate in arts and cultural activities, individually and with their families. Charities, voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, community interest companies, statutory bodies and private companies in the UK are eligible to apply for grants of between £100,000 and £250,000. The deadline for applications is 20 April 2015 (9am). Further details are available from:

    Ysbryd 2012 - Cronfa Her Celfyddydau a Diwylliant Ysbryd Llwyddo

    Nod Ysbryd 2012 yw sicrhau y teimlir yr ysbryd a ddisgleiriodd o Gemau Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd Llundain 2012 ar hyd a lled y Deyrnas Unedig.

    Mae Cronfa Her Celfyddydau a Diwylliant Ysbryd Llwyddo ar gael er mwyn creu cyfleoedd i alluogi pobl anabl i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau celfyddydol a diwylliannol, ar eu pen eu hunain a chyda'u teuluoedd. Mae elusennau, mudiadau gwirfoddol a chymunedol, mentrau cymdeithasol, cwmnïau buddiannau cymunedol, cyrff statudol a chwmnïau preifat yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn gymwys i ymgeisio am grantiau gwerth rhwng £100,000 a £250,000. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 20 Ebrill 2015 (9 y bore). Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

  • Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards

    The Awards aim to recognise and support social enterprises and Community Interest Companies in the UK that are working to grow their business and improve their local community.

    The following Awards are available:

    Growth Award - a prize of up to £10,000 to support UK registered charities and community groups looking to increase trading.

    Catalyst Award - a prize of £10,000 to social enterprises, CICs, limited companies with an asset lock and co-operatives that are looking to grow their business.

    The Awards are open to applications with a deadline of 10 April 2015. Further details are available from:

    Gwobrau Datblygu Mentrau Cymdeithasol Santander

    Nod y Gwobrau yw cydnabod a chefnogi mentrau cymdeithasol a Chwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol yn y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n gweithio i dyfu eu busnes a gwella eu cymuned leol.

    Mae'r Gwobrau canlynol ar gael:

    Gwobr Twf - gwerth hyd at £10,000 i gefnogi elusennau cofrestredig a grwpiau cymunedol yn y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n gobeithio masnachu yn fwy.

    Gwobr Catalydd - gwerth hyd at £10,000 i fentrau cymdeithasol, Cwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol a chwmnïau cyfyngedig â chlo ased a chydweithfeydd sy'n gobeithio tyfu eu busnes.

    Mae'r Gwobrau yn agored i geisiadau a'r dyddiad cau yw 10 Ebrill 2015.

    Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

    Ambition Giving – grants for young people in the community

    Deadline: 30 April, 31 July & 30 October 2015

    Ambition Giving offers grants of up to £2,000 to groups or individuals delivering activities for young people in their community.

    There are three overarching outcomes for the programmes:

    Improved educational attainment Improved health Increased employability for the future

    For more information, please visit

    - See more at:


  • Guidance published for Erasmus+ Key Action 2 applications

    Guides for UK applicants are now available to download for Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships in the fields of higher education (HE), vocational education and training (VET), schools, and adult education.

    These guides contain detailed information on completing and submitting the application eForm for strategic partnerships projects. The deadline for Key Action 2 applications for HE, VET, schools, and adult education is 31 March 2015 at 11am (UK time).

    Mae canllawiau i ymgeiswyr yn y Deyrnas Unedig bellach ar gael i’w lawrlwytho

    Mae canllawiau i ymgeiswyr yn y Deyrnas Unedig bellach ar gael i'w lawrlwytho ar gyfer Partneriaethau Strategol Cam Gweithredu Allweddol 2 ym meysydd addysg uwch, addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol, ysgolion, ac addysg oedolion.

    Mae'r canllawiau hyn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth fanwl am lenwi a chyflwyno'r eFfurflen ar gyfer prosiectau partneriaethau strategol. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau Cam Gweithredu Allweddol 2 ar gyfer addysg uwch, addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol, ysgolion, ac addysg oedolion yw 31 Mawrth 2015 am 11 y bore (amser y Deyrnas Unedig).

    Funding to support new social services legislation

    £14 million of funding has been made available to support the implementation of the Social Services

    and Wellbeing (Wales) Act.


    Cyllid i gefnogi'r ddeddf gwasanaethau cymdeithasol newydd

    Mae £14 miliwn o gyllid wedi’i gyhoeddi er mwyn helpu i roi Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a

    Llesiant (Cymru) ar waith.



    Some good news as spring is almost here; you can apply to the Woodland Trust for a pack of

    free trees to plant in your area if you are a community project or school. The Woodland

    Trust has 4,500 tree packs to give away over the next few months.

    You can even get advice and tips on what to do with the trees: they have a volunteer team

    of Woodland Creation Champions to offer advice on planting and plans.

    For more information and to apply for a pack, go to


    Grow Wild – Funding Opportunity for Youth Groups

    Groups of young people can apply for £400 to do something creative and the organisation that

    works with the group receives £100 for administration.

    UK Armed Forces Day Grant

    Since 2009, Armed Forces Day has been marked annually with events large and small throughout the UK. In support of this event, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) is providing funding to help organisations and individuals in the UK host an Armed Forces Day event this summer.

    Last year, events took place in all parts of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They

    included Armed Forces Day tea parties, parades, big band concerts, civil war military re-enactments

    and live and static demonstrations.

    Local councils, organisations, schools, ex-service organisations and individuals in the UK are eligible

    to apply for funding of a maximum £10,000 (providing the MoD accounts for no more than 50 per

    cent of the project costs).

    Events must occur a week either side of the National Armed Forces Day. This year the celebrations

    will fall on Saturday 27 June 2015, when a major national event will be held in Guildford, Surrey.

    The deadline for applications is 27 March 2015.

    Further details are available from:


  • Grant Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog

    Ers 2009, mae Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog wedi'i nodi bob blwyddyn drwy ddigwyddiadau mawr a bach ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. I gefnogi'r achlysur, mae'r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn yn cynnig cyllid I gynorthwyo mudiadau ac unigolion yn y Deyrnas Unedig i gynnal digwyddiad ar gyfer Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog yn yr haf.

    Y llynedd, cynhaliwyd digwyddiadau ledled Cymru, Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys partïon te Diwrnod y Lluoedd Arfog, gorymdeithiau, cyngherddau bandiau mawr, ailberfformiadau milwrol y rhyfel cartref, ac arddangosiadau byw a statig. Mae cynghorau lleol, mudiadau, ysgolion, mudiadau cyn filwyr ac unigolion yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn gymwys i ymgeisio am hyd at £10,000 (a bwrw nad yw cyllid y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn yn cyfrif am ddim mwy na 50 y cant o gostau'r prosiect). Rhaid cynnal y digwyddiadau yn yr wythnos cyn neu ar ôl Diwrnod Cenedlaethol y Lluoedd Arfog. Y dyddiad eleni yw dydd Sadwrn 27 Mehefin 2015, pan gynhelir achlysur cenedlaethol mawr yn Guildford, Surrey. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 27 Mawrth 2015. Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:


    Communities across Wales can now benefit from a grant scheme launched by one of Wales’ leading

    environmental charities, Keep Wales Tidy and Tesco.

    Community environmental groups across Wales are being invited to apply to the All Wales Grant

    Scheme, with grants of £100-£500 available to help them with their green initiatives.

    The scheme was launched after 27,000 Tesco customers voted for Keep Wales Tidy as the charity to

    benefit from Tesco’s single use carrier bag charge in Wales from 1st October 2014.

    Schools and community groups can apply for a grant to help them in their litter-picking activities,

    small allotment projects and general cleaning and greening up the community.

    For information on the All Wales Grant Scheme and to find out how to apply, visit or email #tidygrants

  • Comic Relief 'Safer Lives' theme

    Comic Relief would welcome good quality bids from Wales which meet the criteria of their 'Safer Lives' theme.

    The theme focuses on reducing violence, abuse and exploitation and will therefore result in people:

    avoiding entering harmful or risky situations, experiencing less harm from past or present violence, abuse and exploitation, leaving violent, abusive or exploitative situations.

    Domestic violence and sexual abuse are more commonly the issues tackled under this theme, though the above criteria also have the potential to be met when addressing issues such as homelessness, drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems, refugees and asylum seekers, elder abuse, bullying and gangs. Please see the website for full details and an electronic application form.

    Thema 'Bywydau Mwy Diogel' Comic Relief

    Byddai Comic Relief yn croesawu ceisiadau o Gymru o ansawdd da sy'n cwrdd â'r meini prawf ein thema: 'Bywydau Mwy Diogel'.

    Mae'r thema hon yn canolbwyntio ar leihau trais, cam-drin a chamfanteisio ac felly bydd yn arwain at bobl:

    osgoi mynd i mewn i sefyllfaoedd niweidiol neu beryglus , profi llai o niwed rhag trais, cam-drin a cham-fanteisio - yn y gorffennol neu'r presennol, gadael sefyllfaoedd treisgar, sarhaus neu ecsbloetiol.

    Ar y cyfan, trais yn y cartref a cham-drin rhywiol yw'r pynciau mwyaf cyffredin o dan y thema hon, er bod hefyd yn cael y meini prawf uchod y potensial i gael eu bodloni wrth fynd i'r afael â materion fel digartrefedd, camddefnyddio cyffuriau ac alcohol, problemau iechyd meddwl, ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches, cam-drin pobl hŷn, bwlio a gangiau. Edrychwch ar ein gwefan i gael manylion llawn a ffurflen gais electronig.

  • Important application news for VET

    If you are applying for Erasmus+ funding for your vocational education and training (VET) project in 2015, we aim to ensure you get all the support you need. For VET mobility (Key Action 1) projects:

    take part in one of our online webinars for advice on completing the application form. you can book a telephone support session between 2 - 20 February. Places are limited and

    you will need to supply a project summary. guidance notes for applicants will be published on our website very soon - we will announce

    this on Twitter and Facebook.

    For VET partnerships (Key Action 2) projects:

    the live application eForm and other documents are now available there is still time to sign up for one of our online webinars for advice on making your

    partnerships application. guidance notes for applicants will be published this month.

    Reminder: the deadline for mobility applications is 11am (UK time) on 4 March. For partnership applications the deadline is 11am (UK time) on 31 March. Contact us on 0845 199 2929.

    Newyddion pwysig i geisiadau addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol

    Os ydych yn ymgeisio am gyllid Erasmus+ ar gyfer eich prosiect addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol yn 2015, anelwn at sicrhau’ch bod yn cael yr holl gefnogaeth y mae arnoch ei hangen. Ar gyfer prosiectau symudedd addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol (Cam Gweithredu Allweddol 1):

    cymerwch ran yn un o'n gweminarau arlein i gael cyngor ar lenwi'r ffurflen gais. Dywedodd cyfranogwyr gweminar diweddar:

    o "Mae'r cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau a chael eglurhad yn gweithio'n dda"

    gallwch drefnu sesiwn gymorth dros y ffôn rhwng 2 - 20 Chwefror. Mae cyfyngiad ar nifer y lleoedd a bydd angen i chi roi crynodeb o'r prosiect.

    cyhoeddir nodiadau canllaw i ymgeiswyr ar ein gwefan yn fuan iawn - byddwn yn cyhoeddi hyn ar Twitter a Facebook.

    Ar gyfer prosiectau partneriaethau addysg a hyfforddiant galwedigaethol (Cam Gweithredu Allweddol 2):

    mae'r eFfurflen gais fyw a dogfennau eraill ar gael nawr mae dal amser i gadw lle yn un o'n gweminarau arlein i gael cyngor ar wneud eich cais

    partneriaethau. cyhoeddir nodiadau canllaw i ymgeiswyr fis yma.

    I'ch atgoffa, y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau symudedd yw 11 y bore (amser y Deyrnas Unedig) ar 4 Mawrth. Ar gyfer ceisiadau partneriaethau y dyddiad cau yw 11 y bore (amser y Deyrnas Unedig) ar 31 Mawrth. Cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio 0845 199 2929

  • EU Aid Volunteers Initiative

    The EU Aid Volunteers initiative brings volunteers and organisations from different countries together to work on humanitarian projects worldwide.

    It is focused on strengthening the European Union's capacity to deliver needs-based humanitarian aid and grants are currently available for technical assistance and capacity building projects. Applicants must have at least five years of experience of activity within the field of humanitarian aid. Projects can last between six months and two years. A budget of €6.9 million is available which will be divided between two rounds. 70% of the budget will be allocated in the first round (just over €4.8 million) and 30% of the budget (just under €2.1 million) in the second round. The maximum grant will be €700,000 (minimum €100,000) for up to 85% of eligible costs. The deadlines for applications are 1 April 2015 and 1 September 2015. Actions funded under the first round are expected to commence between 1 September 2015 and 31 December 2015, and actions funded under the second round will commence between 1 February and 31 May 2016. Further details are available from:

    Cynllun Gwirfoddolwyr Cymorth yr UE

    Mae Cynllun Gwirfoddolwyr Cymorth yr UE yn dod â gwirfoddolwyr a mudiadau o wahanol wledydd at ei gilydd i weithio ar brosiectau dyngarol o amgylch y byd.

    Mae'n canolbwyntio ar gryfhau gallu'r Undeb Ewropeaidd i ddarparu cymorth a grantiau dyngarol ar

    sail anghenion sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd i brosiectau cymorth technegol a meithrin gallu.

    Rhaid i ymgeiswyr feddu ar o leiaf bum mlynedd o brofiad o weithgarwch ym maes cymorth


    Gall prosiectau bara rhwng chwe mis a dwy flynedd. Mae cyllideb gwerth €6.9 miliwn ar gael a fydd yn cael ei rhannu rhwng dwy rownd. Dyrannir 70% o'r gyllideb yn y rownd gyntaf (ychydig dros €4.8 miliwn) a 30% o'r gyllideb (ychydig o dan €2.1 miliwn) yn yr ail rownd. Y grant mwyaf fydd €700,000 (isafswm €100,000) ar gyfer hyd at 85% o gostau cymwys. Y dyddiadau cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 1 Ebrill 2015 a 1 Medi 2015. Mae disgwyl i weithredoedd yn y rownd gyntaf ddechrau rhwng 1 Medi 2015 a 31 Rhagfyr 2015, a bydd gweithredoedd a ariennir gan yr ail rownd yn dechrau rhwng 1 Chwefror a 31 Mai 2016. Mae manylion pellach ar gael ar:

  • Launch of the Getting Ahead 2 programme

    The Big Lottery Fund has launched the Getting Ahead 2 programme. Getting Ahead is funded by money that has been dormant in bank and building society accounts across the UK for 15 years or more.

    They will award one grant of up to £10 million for a five year project working across Wales.

    To find out more, please check your eligibility on the website and book onto a briefing event being held on Tuesday 24 March 2015.

    For further information please contact 0300 123 0735 or

    Lansio'r rhaglen Ar y Blaen 2

    Mae'r Gronfa Loteri Fawr wedi lansio'r rhaglen Ar y Blaen 2. Ariennir Ar y Blaen gan arian sydd wedi gorwedd yn segur mewn cyfrifon banc a chymdeithas adeiladu yn y DU ers 15 mlynedd neu fwy.

    Byddant yn dyfarnu un grant o hyd at £10 miliwn ar gyfer prosiect pum mlynedd sy'n gweithio ar draws Cymru.

    I gael mwy o wybodaeth, gwiriwch eich cymhwyster ar ein gwefan a neilltuwch le yn ein digwyddiad briffio sy'n cael ei gynnal ddydd Mawrth 24 Mawrth 2015. Am fwy o wybodaeth ffoniwch 0300 123 0735 neu e-bostiwch

    Challenge Wales Bursary Scheme

    Challenge Wales, Wales’ Tall Ship has been offering life-changing voyages to over 1,500 young

    people over the last few years. This activity has helped young people develop; team building and

    communication skills, respect for others, timekeeping skills as well as challenging themselves and

    helping them develop self-confidence and self-esteem. And, don’t forget it is easy to jump onboard

    in 2015. Groups or individuals resident in Wales (and under the age of 26 years) automatically get

    subsidised on day or residential sail training voyages plus group leaders places are free of charge.

    But don’t forget, if you are applying for funding from funders for residential sail training activities

    then the Challenge Wales Bursary Scheme can provide match funding.

    Do you want to be part of a Challenge Wales Funding Bid? Challenge Wales would also like to

    partner up with different youth groups who would be interested in sail training throughout Wales. If

    successful these voyages would be fully funded. To find out more email; Vicky Williams,, call 029 20 220 266 or visit

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