gender in forestry research in indonesia: dealing with diversity and complexities

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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In the last few decades, there have been growing concerns over discrimination against women, leading to the increasing number of international agreements, funding and national legislation frameworks aimed to promote gender equity. In Indonesia, an umbrella policy was declared in 2000 through Presidential Instruction no. 9/2000 on Gender Mainstreaming. However progress and achievement are often not as expected; key government officials still show resistance on gender issues; meanwhile researchers, field facilitators and extension workers often lack conceptual knowledge and technical skills. Our research projects in Jambi, West Kalimantan, and Southeast and South Sulawesi provinces in Indonesia are aimed to promote sustainable and equitable forest management among gender and stakeholder groups across levels. Each site has different social and cultural characteristics, e.g. distribution of roles and responsibilities between men and women, knowledge on natural resources, cultural perspectives towards women, tenure and access to resources, etc. This paper shares our experience, including constraints and lessons learned throughout the projects, and the process of methods development to respond to cultural diversity and differences across sites. Some important lessons include the usefulness of (1) changing from a problem-based approach to an asset- based one and (2) identifying the right entry points, with women's initial activities in facilitation of critical importance in avoiding men's resistance. CIFOR Scientist Elizabeth Linda Yuliana alongside Carol Colfer and Hasantoha Adnan presented on 8 June at the panel discussion "Methods and approaches for analysing gender differences in rights of access to the usage, and management, of forests and tree products" at the 2013 IASC conference held on Mount Fuji in Japan. For more information, please click here:


6/16/2013 1

Gender in forestry research in Indonesia: dealing with diversity and complexities

E.L. Yuliani, C.J.P. Colfer, H. Adnan

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Indonesia: a vast and diverse country• Land: 1,922,570 km2 (13,466

islands)• Sea: 3,257,483 km2

• Population 237,641,326 in 2010: – 119,630,913 male– 118,010,413 female

• 1,128 ethnic groups• Rich and complex social,

cultural and traditional systems

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Gender mainstreaming instruments

• Law No. 7/1984: Ratification of Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women

• Presidential Instruction No. 9/2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in National Development

• Forestry Ministerial Decree No. 528/Menhut-II/Peg/2004 on Guidance for the implementation of gender mainstreaming in forestry development

• Other ministerial decrees

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Began in late 1990s or early 2000

However little progress at national and regional level (low understanding, high resistance, weak implementation) (ADB 2006, Bappenas 2013).

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‘State’ of key stakeholders’ knowledge and awareness on gender is relatively poor

Gender is incorrectly interpreted as “about women only” or as synonym of “women”

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At district government levelHead of district:

Photo illustration only.

We apologize that only men could attend this event. Gender can’t

come as they are picking up children

from school

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At villageVillage head:

Photo illustration only.

Number of participant should be equal, 15 men and 15 gender

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• Still characterized by men’s resistance and debate on:– Women from religious

perspectives and traditional norms

– Gender vs feminism

• Ineffective to build participants understanding on the importance of gender-sensitive activities

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Case studies• Adaptive Collaborative

Management of Forest in Jambi• Governance of protected area

management under decentralization (Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan)

• Linking agroforestry and forestry knowledge with action in South and Southeast Sulawesi

• Objectives:• To promote sustainable and equitable forest management among gender and

stakeholder groups across levels, through learning and participatory approaches• To look for best mechanisms/approach/tools that can be replicated elsewhere

and useful for the above objective

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• Multi-stakeholder processes, capacity building/learning, research (conventional and participatory)

Facilitate and catalyze learning processObserve, document,

and analyse the process

Participatory Action Research

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Baru Pelepat, Bungo District, Jambi• Ethnic groups:

– Minang descendent (matrilineal)

– Jambi (patrilineal)– Migrants from Java

(bilateral, patrilateral tendency)

• Common property:– Customary forest – Protected fish spawning

area (lubuk larangan)

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Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan• Ethnic groups:

– Dayak (Iban, Kantu’, Embaloh). Communal in long-houses.

– Malay. Individual homes.– Both: bilateral

• Common property:– Customary forests– Fishing area– Protected lakes– Forest for wild-bee


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Bantaeng and Bulukumba, South Sulawesi

• Ethnic groups: – Makassar– Bugis– Both: patrilineal

• Common property:– Water– Community forest– Village forest

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Konawe and Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi

• Ethic groups:– Tolaki (bilateral)– Bugis (patrilineal)– Balinese (bilateral)– Java (bilateral, patrilineal

tendency)– Madurese (patrilineal)

• Common property:– Water– Community forest– Grand forest garden

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Characteristics Jambi West Kalimantan South Sulawesi

Southeast Sulawesi

Resistance towards women participation in governance processes

High* Low Low-medium Low

Female literacy in Indonesian language

Elder: lowYouth: medium

Elder: lowYouth: medium

Low Low-medium

Women’s strengths Enthusiasm to participate

Confidence to speak (in local language)

Confidence to speak (in local language)

Confidence to speak (in local language)

Main challenge(s) to women participation

Men’s resistance; women lack of confidence to speak in public;

• Dayak: not invited;• Malay: think that

women’s opinion would be well represented by men;

• Both: language, remoteness.

• Not invited• Language• After dark


• Not invited• After dark


* high in Indonesia is not as high as in some countries in other region e.g. Africa, Middle East, China

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Lessons and practical experience

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1. Problem-based approach, linear thinking and too direct communication

Common mistakes in village participatory meetings, e.g. Jambi

Women have rights to be involved in meetings and

decision making. They should be allowed to


• Strong reaction and resistance• Contradicting outcomes

Never! From now, no women are

allowed to participate!!!

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2. General views: Women gain better recognition and voice, leads to equity when they could generate additional income for the family


Facts: vary and in some cases have led to economic and physical violence:• Husband relies on wife for

income• Husband’s pride threatened

sometimes manifests in violence• Husband uses wife’s money to

re-marry.• “Busy wife should be ready if

husband wants polygamy”Such negative risks are reported in news/media, and directly by communities in our locations, but less reported in scholarly articles than positive outcomes.

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Lack of facilitation skills3. Outsiders (facilitators, extension workers, project staff government):• Act as the most

knowledgeable person• Do not speak local language• Ignore the silence/fail to

motivate the silence to speak

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FACTS• Objectives of learning events

and participants expectation: ‘how to’ (practical methods) for gender-sensitive research and policies

• Government and local people: most common learning style is sensing (data, details, facts, information that can be understood by the five senses) (Myers et al. 1995).

• Assumption/ over-generalized views that participants disagree or don’t understand the importance of gender equity

• Standardized agenda/ process

• Ineffective for most participants (‘Sensing’ learning type)

• No progress (or slow, if any) for > 20 years

• Resistance, debate (religion, norms, culture)

• Misunderstand

Training processes are based on assumption, generalization and standard procedure rather than facts

Process:Basic concept, principles, theories and regulations/ legal framework

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By pushing women attending meetings, you

might have reduced children’s time with their

mother, and it against children’s rights.

Husband and wife have agreed their respective

roles. We should not change or interfere.

Husbands make decisions, wife takes care of family at home. It’s God’s will and defines our

culture! If you say it’s bad, you are against God’s will!!!

Too many presentation/discussion on theories misinterpretation and argument

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Government and donor indicators: nominal

Nominal indicators e.g. #women participant, #institutions formed, #budget for gender related activities

• Equity??• Better position and conditions

of women??


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• Most presenters/resource persons/ facilitators: women

• Focus: women only• “What do men know about


Misinterpreted as women’s business only, led to debate

Government/scientific/ NGO events on gender

Is that what we mean? Is ‘gender’ only about women? What are the differences between ‘gender-sensitive’ programs with feminism movement?

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What have worked and what are the implications for forestry management

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• Processes should meet participants learning style. E.g. ‘sensing’: case studies, practical examples of impact of non-gender sensitive policies.

• Use various facilitation tools that stimulate five senses including emotions (accelerated learning principles)

• Human brain works better to process picture than word (Meier 2000).

Learning and participatory approaches

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• Focus on commonalities and strengths, not differences and problems

• Should have clear outcomes, e.g.: common goals, collaborative planning, individual commitment, uggestions on policy/programs

• Solutions might not be directly related to problems

Use strength-based approach, e.g. Appreciative Inquiry

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Equal representation and participation

• Involve men and women equally in gender learning events as resource persons, facilitators and participants. Yet often need FGDs separately.

• Facilitators: speak local language to help translate and understand local culture

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• Gender in forestry: not only about women. It’s about dynamic interaction between men and women.

• Context: site and time specific approach/methods: no ‘one size fits all’.

• “Promoting gender equity should not overload women. If women are facilitated to take more roles and have better access to decision making in natural resources management and land-use planning, men should be facilitated to take over some domestic activities” (Labarani and Mulyoutami, 2012).


6/16/2013 31Thank you

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