gemview presentation introduction v2

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Providing dynamic data solutions for Plant Breeders.


Accelerate plant breeding

Cloud based software that puts breeding data at your fingertips

Mike Carson
Make the logos much smaller and the words bigger. We don't want these symbols to over shadow the logo. change "Make informed decisions" to "Make data-driven decisions"MC agree
Mike Carson
or Data at your fingertips or ? - We need to decide on a consistant by line. MC-I'm still happy with 'Accelerate etc

Providing dynamic data solutions for Plant Breeders.


Gemview is designed by breeders especially for perennial plants.

Gemview is fully operational and used by breeders of four plant species in three different countries.

Store all your data in one secure location, including all supporting documents such as maps and photos.

Access your data from anywhere through an internet connection and share only what you choose.

View your data online, or download it in multiple formats for further analysis.

Your data is standardised and the software is intuitive to use, requiring no specialised training.

Mike Carson
I like this version!

Providing dynamic data solutions for Plant Breeders.


Gemstock tracks the production of genetic stocks through all stages of your breeding program

You describe your own production processes.

Gemstock provides up to date inventories of any type of material, from seed, pollen, scions and tissue culture to nursery plants.

Gemstock is fully integrated with Gemview, so you can check the availability of any genetic entity in your program.

Gemstock is in the late stages of production, and is being implemented for select clients.

Mike Carson
To me this should be the last thing on this slide.
Mike Carson
I think 'to suit your requirements' is redundant.
Mike Carson
I changed this because I don't like 'genetic inventories' as a descriptor. I think it should refer to the types of material, and I proposed combining it with the 5th point, except for 'track', which is covered in the first point.
Mike Carson
As above

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Or contact us today

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