#gc2020 innovation through game design thinking, play and experience

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

@margaridaRomero margarida.romero@fse.ulaval.ca Professor of Educational Technology. #Ulaval. Québec

Innovation through game design thinking, play and experience


From the passive multimedia consumer to the creative co-creator

Passive-participatory model (Romero, Laferrière, & Power, 2016).

#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience


#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience


Game design thinking for developing 5 key competencies for the 21st century workplace #5c21


○ Critical thinking○ Collaboration○ Creativity○ Problem solving○ Computational thinking

#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience




Creative collaboration, or co-

creativity, is a context-related process, where a

solution is collaboratively (co)constructed by a group of persons and considered as

original, valuable or useful by a group of reference (Romero & Barberà, 2015).

#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience


#Asterale : 10-steps game design thinking methodology

By @MargaridaRomero (2016). Design by @DumontLeslie

@MargaridaRomero margarida.romero@fse.ulaval.ca https://margaridaromero.wordpress.com/Professor of Educational Technology. #Ulaval. Québec




#Vibot, the robot

#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience


Thank you for your attention. All feedback welcome :-)

Atelier intergénérationnel de création de jeux

Research supported by Ageing + Communication + Technology www.actproject.ca


Intergenerational game creation workshops (7 to 75 years)(vidéo)

#GC2020 Innovation Fair. Ottawa. 20 April 2016.

Innovation through game design, play and experience


Romero (2016, in press)


ViBot, le robot (Romero, 2016, illustré par Loufane, Publications du Québec) est un livre pour les enfants de 7 à 77 ans qui permet de faire une introduction à la programmation et à la robotique. Les héros du livre reçoivent un robot en cadeau. Ils devront apprendre à le programmer pour jouer avec lui. Heureusement, ils peuvent compter sur l’aide de mamie Ada, leur e-mamie-mathématicienne. L’histoire présente des textes en français et leur correspondance dans des blocs de programmation Scratch.


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