gavin cuthbert national training officer in cytogenetics 0191 2418711 acc/cmgs national genetic...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Gavin CuthbertNational Training Officer in Cytogenetics0191 2418711

ACC/CMGS National Genetic Technologist (GT)

Training Programme

Final assessments

Key documents

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

draft final assessment guidelines

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

Training scheme launched Jan 2009GTs starting in 2008 could back-date up to Jan 2008 – need to demonstrate equivalence of training with National Programme(section 3.1 of ACC and CMGS GT TMs – contact me or Sarah)

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

Administrator to be confirmed- next draft of this document should contain details

Q. Who can carry out GT final assessments?

A. Assessor who has attended either;

1. ACC/CMGS assessor training course (internal/external)2. MSC Train the Trainer courseor 3. be selected by Genetics Education and Training Board

Assessor pool will be coordinated by the administrator

Assessment will take place in the assessors lab, ideally in the closest laboratory.

Travel for trainee to final assessment needs to be locally funded

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

The Assessment

• Short - 60-80 mins• Focus on technical

(Technical/practical competence validated by the lab. – reviewed by assessor)

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme


• Large number of assessors involved• Oral assessment of technical training• Not Clinical Scientist training

we need to give very clear guidance as to the level at which to set the assessment

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

Example questions…..

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

Example questions…..

National Genetic Technologist Training Programme

Example questions…..

After the assessment

• Complete assessment report form

• Successful candidates – award Certificate of Competence in Genetic Technology (by GETB)

• Unsuccessful candidates – − report to training laboratory − outline reasons for fail− recommend action and timescale

Gavin CuthbertNational Training Officer in Cytogenetics0191 2418711

ACC/CMGS National Genetic Technologist (GT)

Training Programme

Final assessments

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