gautam buddha was born in india; - osho world€¦ · not tolerate it, brahmins could not tolerate...

Post on 01-May-2020






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Millions of people have been killed in the name of

religion and God in the crusades, jihads and other

religious wars. David Yallop's book, in God’s Name, is

a great contribution, "in which he clearly lays out the role of the

Roman Catholic church in murder, terrorism, embezzlement,

drug-running major and continual swindling of incredible sums

of money; manipulation of politics in America, Italy, South

America, Poland...."

Recently the Pope declared that the church should not take

part in any kind of politics; that Christian priests, monks, bishops,

and cardinals should remain beyond politics. And while he was

saying all this, he was sending millions of dollars to a political

party in Poland to fight against communism.

These people have so many faces! If you are not to take part in

politics, then why should you be interested in the Communist

Party not remaining in power in Poland? And where did you get

millions of dollars to support the opposition?... from drugs.

But this is not new. This has been going on since the crucifixion

of Jesus. If that poor carpenter's son had known that this is what

was going to be the ultimate result of his teachings, Jews would

not have been needed to crucify him; he would have committed


In the name of

God, all

religions have

practised and





suicide himself! What David Yallop

has done for the Catholic church

should be done for all religions: a

deep research into their workings.

And you will not find them less

criminal than the Catholics.

Look at what happened to

Buddhists. Gautam Buddha was

born in India; his impact was so

tremendous that almost the whole

country was under his influence

and millions of people became

Buddhists. But once he was dead,

what happened to those millions of

Buddhists? They were murdered,

they were burned alive, they were

driven out of the country. The

whole of Asia is now Buddhist,

because those people who escaped

India just to save their lives reached

China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand,

Burma, Japan, Sri Lanka -- they

moved all over the Far East. So the

whole Far East is Buddhist -- but

not India. And in India there has

not been a single Buddhist for

twenty-five centuries. They could

not simply evaporate -- such a

tremendous movement. But

because it was against Brahminism,

against Hinduism, Hindus could

not tolerate it, Brahmins could not

tolerate it. It was destroying their

whole profession, because

Brahmins have lived like parasites

on people -- they don't do anything

except religious rituals. And

Buddha was against all religious

rituals; he was against the Vedas,

which are full of nonsense. While

he was alive, the Hindus

remained silent, because

there was no argument

to defeat him; what he

was saying was so clear,

so right and so timely,

that it was impossible to

have any confrontation.

But once he was dead, there began

a tremendous butchery against the

Buddhists. The same has happened

against the Jains. But nobody can

say anything against these killings

because the government

immediately interferes -- under the

pretext of "not hurting anybody's

religious feelings." This is strange.

People are murdered, and you

should not say anything about it.

Hence, there is not a single book in

India comparable to David Yallop's

book, because the government has

to look to the voters, and the

Hindus constitute the majority of

voters. Nobody has written a

history of what Muslims have done

to Hindus or Jains while they were

ruling India; how many beautiful

temples they destroyed, how many

millions of art pieces which

represented centuries of work. They

have destroyed the statues, the

temples. Nobody knows how many

women they have raped, how many

men they have forced to either be

Muslims or to die. Because not all

Muslims that are in India have

come from Arabia -- many are

converted people. And they were

converted at the point of the sword,

not by any intellectual conviction,

not by proving that islam is better

than their religion. Muslims have

used the sword as their only

argument. But not a single book

exists to tell the story of continuous

murder and rape for almost fifteen

centuries; because Muslims are the

second majority -- again the

government is interested in their

votes. You will be surprised to

know that although Muslims have

taken Pakistan, dividing India into

two parts, still the number of

Muslims in India is greater than in

any other Muslim country in the


What happened during partition

when India and Pakistan were

divided? So many people were

burned, whole trains were burned.

Trains were coming from Pakistan

burning, bringing burned corpses

into India. Pakistan has erased

Hindus completely, but nobody can

say anything. If you say anything,

you immediately lose your right to

freedom of speech, because you are

hurting somebody's religious

feelings. It is a strange


And rape has been one of the

basic strategies of Muslims, because

once a Hindu woman is raped by a

Muslim, or even kept in his house

for the whole night without any

rape, the Hindu cannot accept the

woman again. That is their tradition

and their orthodox mind. She has

become untouchable; she has to go


And how many Jews have been

killed by Christians? And what a

great conspiracy by America and

England in creating Israel amongst

an ocean of Muslims! Israel had not

been in existence for centuries --

Muslims have been there; its name

was Palestine. But this

was a strategy, and such

a subtle conspiracy, that

even Jews could not

suspect -- in fact, they

asked for it. They wanted

their own land. After the

Second World War it was

The religions have done immense,

incalculable harm to all human

values, to human life, to human

understanding, to human evolution.


easier, because Palestine

was under American

and British troops. So

they forced the Jews on

the Muslims and created

a new nation. But the

nation is so small, and

surrounded on all sides

by Muslim countries.

Since Israel has been

created, they have been

in continuous trouble.

And Muslims will never

leave them in peace,

because it is their

country, which has been

forcibly taken from them.

It is a subtle strategy to

keep the Jews in

continuous trouble; they

have suffered for almost

their whole history of

four thousand years. The

greatest calamity was

Adolf Hitler -- he killed

six million Jews. And

now the second

conspiracy of Christian nations is

the creation of Israel. This is to keep

the Jews always, forever in trouble.

Every religion should be looked

into, researched, and the public

should be made fully aware of what

these people have done to

humanity. And all this nonsense

that their religious feelings might

be hurt should not be paid any

attention to. You keep committing

crimes against man and, when

something is said about it, your

"religious feelings" are hurt.

One of the Muslim caliphs,

Omar, destroyed the greatest

library in the world, the library in

Alexandria. It contained the ancient

most scriptures from Atlantis, a

continent which had sunk into the

ocean, and from Lemuria, another

small continent that had also gone

under water. These were natural

calamities -- or perhaps man-made,

there is no way to find out -- but the

library contained all their history,

all their religions, all their art.

Omar went with his armies to

Alexandria, it was the greatest seat

of learning in those days. In one of

his hands he had the Holy Koran, in

the other hand he had a burning

torch. He asked the

chief librarian, a great

scholar, "You have to

answer two questions:

First, is there some

literature in the library

which goes against the

Holy Koran? If your

answer is yes, I am going

to burn it. If your answer

is no, then too, I am

going to burn it. Because

if everything in this

library is consistent with

the Holy Koran, then the

Holy Koran is enough.

What is the need of

having such a big

library?" He did not

allow the chief librarian

to answer; he answered

himself. There was no

alternative, either yes or

no -- in each case he was

going to burn the library.

And he set the library on

fire. The library was so

big that it took six months to put

the fire out. But he destroyed a

great treasure which cannot be

recovered in any way. The religions

have done immense, incalculable

harm to all human values, to

human life, to human

understanding, to human

evolution. And it is time that they

should all be mercilessly exposed

because that will prepare the

ground for the birth of my rebel, for

the birth of a great rebellion against

these ugly institutions. It will bring

the whole of humanity into a loving

relationship, without nations,

Gautam Buddha was born in India;

his impact was so tremendous that

almost the whole country was

under his influence and millions of

people became Buddhists


without religions; but with a deep

religiousness, with a great respect

for life, and great gratitude for


All that is needed is a

widespread rebelliousness,

particularly in the younger

generation, because they are going

to live in the future. The past

should not be repeated. The

religions have done immense,

incalculable harm to all human

values, to human life, to human

understanding, to human

evolution. And it is time that they

should all be mercilessly exposed

because that will prepare the

ground for the birth of my rebel, for

the birth of a great rebellion against

these ugly institutions. It will bring

the whole of humanity into a loving

relationship, without nations,

without religions; but with a deep

religiousness, with a great respect

for life, and great gratitude for

existence. All that is needed is a

widespread rebelliousness,

particularly in the younger

generation, because they are going

to live in the future. The past

should not be repeated.

You are asking, "Is sannyas a

training for rebellion?" Yes. "Are you

preparing us to be warriors, fighting

for the right to be individuals in a

society which labels truth as lies, and

calls lies the truth?" Yes.


The Rebel,

Title : Shadows of the Dead

The latest strike - Mumbai's Taj Hotel 27/11


ead or isten toull iscourse


ead or isten toull iscourse on

The religions have done immense, incalculable harm to all human

values, to human life, to human understanding, to human evolution

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