gaurav sir coke 2015

Post on 21-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    The impact of Distribution & supply focus withThe impact of Distribution & supply focus with

    E&D OutletsE&D Outlets

    Submitted for the partial fulfillment for the award of e!ree of

    Ma"ter of #u"ine"" Admini"tration



    M#A II %EAR(Maretin!"

    RO&& NO' ()**((+,*(,

    Under the !uidan-e of M#$#%M 'N)

    M$*%+'T% Y%D%+


    .N'+E#'TY O- /.0*NO1


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    D E 0 / % # % T ' O N

    I. the under"i!ned. hereb/ de-lare that the Pro0e-t Report entitled T)E 'M,%0T O-T)E 'M,%0T O-

    D'T#'B.T'ON & .,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ETD'T#'B.T'ON & .,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ETwritten and "ubmitted b/ me to

    the EPARTMET O1 #USINESS AMINISTRETION &U. &u-2now in partial

    fulfillment of the re3uirement" for the award of de!ree of Ma"ter of #u"ine""

    Admini"tration under the !uidan-e of MR4 RAM SING5 and MS46A$ITA %AA$

    i" m/ ori!inal wor2 and the -on-lu"ion" drawn therein are ba"ed on the material

    -olle-ted b/ m/"elf4

    ,lace 2 /ucnow 7Name8

    ate9 GAURA$ RAI


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    :e thin2 if an/ of u" hone"tl/ refle-t" on who we are. how we !ot here. what

    we thin2 we mi!ht do well. and "o forth. we di"-o;er a debt to other" that "pan"

    written hi"tor/4 The wor2 of 5O and all the fa-ultie"< member" of the

    epartment O1 #u"ine"" Admini"tration. Uni;er"it/ of &u-2now to ta2e

    intere"t and !uide me for thi" re"ear-h report4 :e belie;e it=" appropriate to

    a-2nowled!e all of the"e un2nown per"on"> but it i" al"o ne-e""ar/ to

    a-2nowled!e tho"e people we 2now ha;e dire-tl/ "haped our li;e" and our


    I am al"o than2ful to M$ #%M 'N)3 (T/3 )'ND.T%N 0O0%0O/%

    +%#%N%'". and Ms$ *%+'T% Y%D%+ (MD"and hi" all team Co-a Cola.

    $arana"i. who helped me durin! thi" trainin! period4

    At la"t. I would li2e to than2 M/ God. M/ Parent" and m/ friend" for all the

    "upport and ble""in!" that wa" re3uired for -ompletion of thi" pro0e-t4

    Gaura; Rai

    Master Of Business %4ministration


    T%B/E O- 0ONTENT


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Executive summary


    Objective of the project

    Chapter (9 Introduction(4(5indu"tan Co-a Cola P;t4 &td(4+ Soft rin2 Mar2et in India(4? Produ-t" of Co-a Cola(4? Si!nifi-an-e of the Stud/

    Chapter +9 Re;iew of the &iterature+4(Re;iew of re"ear-her"+4+ Some important &iterature Re;iew"

    Chapter ?9 Re"ear-h Method" and Pro-edure"?4( Purpo"e of the Stud/?4+ Re"ear-h e"i!n?4? Re"ear-h @ue"tion"?4) ata Colle-tion?4 In"trument" u"ed?4B Pro-edure"?4 &imitation"

    Chapter )9 ata Anal/"i" and 1indin!")4(Re;iew of Methodolo!/)4+ Re"ult" of Re"ear-h @ue"tion")4? Summar/ of the 1indin!"

    Chapter 9 Su!!e"tion" D Con-lu"ion"5.1 Suestions

    5.2 conc!usions




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    E;E0.T'+E .MM%#Y

    A" I ha;e -ho"en the title T)E 'M,%0T O- D'T#'B.T'ON &T)E 'M,%0T O- D'T#'B.T'ON &

    .,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ET.,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ET In thi" I ha;e to anal/e the

    -omparati;e "ale. awarene"" of brand" and brand" lo/alt/ of -u"tomer". their

    thin2in! about Soft drin2 produ-t"4 :hi-h are the produ-t" the/ often bu/F :h/

    the/ bu/ a parti-ular -ompan/ produ-t"4 :hi-h -ompan/ i" the mo"t fa;orite

    amon! them4

    Cu"tomer" are ma0or "our-e of earnin! for the -ompan/4 So it i"

    ne-e""ar/ to 2now about their need and how -an we !i;e them $alue Of Mone/H4

    So I am tr/in! to 2now what produ-t the/ li2e to bu/ more often4 #/ 2nowin! all

    the"e we -an in-rea"e footfall and will al"o help in enhan-in! the "ale4 There are

    "ome produ-t" whi-h are bou!ht alwa/" the/ are non'"ea"onal4 Therefore b/ thi"

    pro0e-t I want to !ain rea"onin! about e;er/ pro" and -on" related with Soft drin2

    produ-t"4 And would li2e to rai"e the "ati"fa-tion le;el of both Retailer" and



  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    A pro0e-t i" a "-ientifi- and "/"temati- "tud/ of real i""ue" on a problem with the

    appli-ation of mana!ement -on-ept and "2ill"4 The "tud/ -an deal with "mall or bi!

    i""ue" in an/ di;i"ion of an or!aniation4 It -an be -a"e "tud/ where a problem ha"

    been dealt with. throu!h the pro-e"" of mana!ement4 The e""ential e3uipment of a

    pro0e-t i" that. it "hould -ontain "-ientifi- -olle-tion of data. anal/"i" and

    interpretation of data leadin! to ;alid -on-lu"ion4

    Summer Trainin! i" an e""ential part in M#A -urri-ulum4 It enable" the "tudent to

    "hare the real eperien-e in indu"tr/4 M/ "ummer trainin! ha" pla-ed in

    5INUSTAN COCO CO&A. $ARANASI for the period of Ei!ht wee2" in

    $ARANASI. U4P4

    The topi- of m/ pro0e-t wa" T)E 'M,%0T O- D'T#'B.T'ONT)E 'M,%0T O- D'T#'B.T'ON

    &.,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ET&.,,/Y -O0. 1'T) E&D O.T/ET M/ trainin! at Co-a Cola

    had been learnin! and wonderful eperien-e -on"tantl/ addin! to m/ 2nowled!e4 I

    had !ot the opportunit/ of !ettin! pra-ti-al in"i!ht into the bu"ine"" world. whi-h

    enable" me to "upplement the prin-iple" of mana!ement with -riti-al wor2in! of

    thi" well e"tabli"hed. e"teemed and leadin! or!aniation4 I ha;e al"o learned how to

    ameliorate m/ theoreti-al 2nowled!e into pra-ti-al a"pe-t"4

    I ha;e tried to put m/ utmo"t and be"t effort to ma2e thi" pro0e-t a learnin! and

    reall/ u"eful to -ompan/4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    'NT#OD.0T'ON TO O-T D#'N* 'ND.T#Y

    The main produ-tion of "oft drin2 wa" "tored in (,?*? The term L"oda waterL fir"t -oined4

    7?76 1ir"t U4S4 patent i""ued for the manufa-ture of imitation mineral water"4

    7?7> The L"oda fountainL patented b/ Samuel 1ahne"to-24


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    7?8: The fir"t bottled "oda water in the U4S4

    7?:6 A manual hand D foot operated fillin! D -or2in! de;i-e. fir"t u"ed for bottlin! "oda


    7?:7 Gin!er ale -reated in Ireland4

    7?@7 The term LpopL fir"t -oined4

    7?=A The fir"t i-e'-ream "oda "old4

    7?=@ Root beer ma"" produ-ed for publi- "ale4

    7??7 The fir"t -ola'fla;ored be;era!e introdu-ed4

    7??: Charle" Aderton in;ented Lr PepperL in :a-o. Tea"4

    7??@ r4 John S4 Pemberton in;ented LCo-a'ColaL in Atlanta. Geor!ia4

    7?>5 :illiam Painter in;ented the -rown bottle -ap4

    7?>? LPep"i'ColaL i" in;ented b/ Caleb #radham4

    7?>> The fir"t patent i""ued for a !la"" blowin! ma-hine. u"ed to produ-e !la"" bottle"4

    7>78 Ga" motored tru-2" repla-ed hor"e drawn -arria!e" a" deli;er/ ;ehi-le"4

    7>7> The Ameri-an #ottler" of Carbonated #e;era!e" formed4

    7>56 The U4S4 Cen"u" reported that more than .*** bottler" now ei"t4

    Early 7>56s The fir"t automati- ;endin! ma-hine" di"pen"ed "oda" into -up"4

    7>58 Si'pa-2 "oft drin2 -arton" -alled L5om'Pa2"L -reated4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    7>5> The 5owd/ Compan/ debuted it" new drin2 L#ib'&abel &ithiated &emon'&ime Soda"L

    later -alled L upL4 In;ented b/ Charle" &eiper Gri!!4

    7>8A Applied -olor label" fir"t u"ed on "oft drin2 bottle". the -olorin! wa" ba2ed on the fa-e

    of the bottle4

    7>:5 The fir"t diet "oft drin2 "old -alled the LNo'Cal #e;era!eL a !in!erale "old b/ 6ir"-h4

    7>:= The fir"t aluminum -an" u"ed4

    7>:> The fir"t diet -ola "old4

    7>@: Soft drin2" in -an" di"pen"ed from ;endin! ma-hine"4

    7>@@ The Ameri-an #ottler" of Carbonated #e;era!e" renamed The National Soft rin2


    7>=6 Pla"ti- bottle" are u"ed for "oft drin2"4

    7>=8 The PET 7Pol/eth/lene Terephthalate8 bottle -reated4

    7>=A The "ta/'on tab in;ented4 Introdu-ed b/ the 1all" Cit/ #rewin! Compan/ of &oui";ille.


    7>=> Mello %ello "oft drin2 i" introdu-ed b/ the Co-a Cola Compan/ a" -ompetition a!ain"t

    Mountain ew4

    7>?7 The Ltal2in!L ;endin! ma-hine in;ented4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    #%1 M%TE#'%/ .ED 'N O-T D#'N*

    There are different t/pe" of raw material" u"ed in different "oft drin2"4 Mo"t of the raw

    material" are a" under9

    7$ 1ater2

    The "imple "weetened "oft drin2 -ontain" about * of water. while in diet drin2"> it

    -ontain" of water4

    5$ -laCour2

    1la;our i" of !reat importan-e in "oft drin24 E;en water from different pla-e" ha" different

    ta"te4 The fla;our for ta"te added -an be natural or artifi-ial. a-idi-. -affeine4

    8$ %rtificial -laCour2

    The"e are the fla;our" manufa-tured from natural etra-t"> thi" i" u"ed to !i;e !reater -hoi-e.

    in ta"te to -on"umer"4

    A$ %ci4s2

    A-id" li2e -itri- a-id D pho"phori- a-id are added to !i;e refre"hin! tartne"" or bite D help

    in pre"er;in! the 3ualit/ of a drin24

    :$ Natural -laCours2

    The"e are the fla;our". whi-h are etra-ted from fruit". ;e!etable". nut". bar2". lea;e" et-4 in

    "oft drin2 -ontainin! natural fla;our" D fruit 0ui-e4

    @$ 0affeine212

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Caffeine ha" "pe-ial 2ind of ta"te ma2e" the ta"te of "oft drin2 a ro/al one4 Caffeine wa"

    added to "oft drin2 from it" introdu-tion to a -ommer-ial mar2et but now -affeine free "oft

    drin2" are al"o a;ailable4 It" 3ualit/ i" than -ompared with "ame amount of -offee4

    =$ 0arbon Dioi4e2

    Carbon ioide i" a -olorle"" D "mell le"" !a". whi-h i" added to -old drin2 to !et bubble D

    it al"o help in 2eepin! drin2 "tron! D fre"h4

    ?$ 0olour2

    Alon! with ta"te of "oft drin2 i" al"o of ;er/ important. the -ompan/ trie" to maintain both

    ta"te D -olour of the "oft drin2 e;er/ where in the world4

    >$ u!ar2

    Su!ar "/rup i" added to the drin2 at around de!ree C* to the pure drin2in! water.

    thi" i" to ma2e "oft drin2 ta"te "weet4 E;en artifi-ial "weetne"" i" al"o u"ed4

    D'T#'B.T'ON O- O-T D#'N*


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    The "oft drin2" -an be di"tributed on the ba"i" of two -on-ept"4

    (4 i"tribution a--ordin! to ta"te4

    +4 i"tribution a--ordin! to -on"umption4

    7$ Distribution accor4in! to taste2

    The "oft drin2" -an be di"tributed in Cola D non K -ola

    ta"te4 Non -ola ta"te -on"i"t of drin2 of oran!e. lime. man!o et-4 D lime ta"te

    -an further di;ided in to -loud/ lime D -lear lime4

    The pie dia!ram "how" the mar2et -aptured b/ different ta"te4 Oran!e

    ta"te mar2et i" o--upied b/ brand" li2e 1anta. Mirinda Oran!e D Cru"h4 Man!o

    ta"te mar2et o--upied b/ brand" li2e Sli-e. Maaa. Man!ola4 Cloud/ lime ta"te

    i" o--upied b/ brand" li2e &im-a. Mirinda &ime et-4

    Clear lime ta"te i" o--upied b/ UP. Sprite. Canada r/ et-4 Thi" i" ba"i-all/

    produ-ed in !reen bottle a" "unli!ht "poil" the ta"te of the drin2"> it" -olour i"

    tran"parent li2e water4

    5$ Distribution accor4in! to the consumption2

    ,* of "oft drin2" are -on"umed on the "pot. where it i"

    "old at pla-e li2e -inema". railwa/ "tation" et-4 Other +* of the mar2et of "oft

    drin2 i" -on"umed at home or other pla-e"4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    0ON.M,T'ON O- O-T D#'N* 'N 'ND'%

    India i" one of the lowe"t "oft drin2 -on"umin! -ountrie" in the world4

    A--ordin! to per -apita in India i" bottle" per /ear. while hi!he"t -on"umption

    in USA of ,** bottle" per /ear4

    &ower. &ower middle D upper middle -la"" -on"ume ( of "oft drin2 mar2et4

    D'T#'B.T'ON .NDE# M%/E %ND -EM%/E



    Bran4s #s$ (0rore"

    Thum" Up ()*

    Co2e (?*

    &im-a (*?*

    1anta B**

    6inle/ )*

    Sprite )**

    Maaa ?*

    UP +*

    Mirinda +(*

    Pep"i (+

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    Bran4s #s$ (0rore"

    Thum" Up ()*

    Co2e (?*

    &im-a (*?*

    1anta B**

    6inle/ )*

    Sprite )**

    Maaa ?*

    UP +*

    Mirinda +(*

    Pep"i (+

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    #O1T) %ND 'E O- M%#*ET


    Year No of Bottles pro4uce4 (million"

    (, (B,

    (* +**

    (( +(

    (+ +)*

    (? +,**

    () ?***

    ( ?+)*

    (B )***

    ( ))*

    (, )+*

    ( B*

    +*** B),*

    +**( ***

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    The -on"umption dia!ram !raph of "oft drin2 ha" ne;er. de-rea"e4 If on-e. it ha"

    in-rea"ed4 It i" in-rea"in! at +) K + per /ear4

    E;en in India the mar2et i" -on"tantl/ !rowin! in (?. the people of

    India -on"ume onl/ *4 lthead. while in ( it in-rea"ed from *4 to *4?

    lthead. in ( it wa" (4() lthead D in +**( it wa" (4B+ lthead4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    M%#*ET )%#E 'N 'ND'%

    The two !lobal ma0or" Pep"i D Co-a K Cola dominate the "oft drin2 indu"tr/


    Co-a K Cola. whi-h had winded up it" bu"ine"" from India durin! the

    introdu-tion of IERA re!ime reentered in India after (B /ear" letter in (?4

    Co-a K Cola ha" a-3uired a ma0or "oft drin2 mar2et b/ bu/in! out lo-al brand"

    li2e Thum" up. &im-a D Gold Spot from Parle #e;era!e"4

    Pep"i althou!h "tarted a -ouple of /ear" before Co-a K Cola in ((. ri!ht now

    it ha" lower mar2et "hare4 It ha" brou!ht o;er Mumbai ba"ed u2e" ran!e of

    "oft drin2"4

    #oth Cola manufa-ture" Pep"i D Co-a K Cola -ome up with their own mar2et

    "hare D -laim to ha;e in-rea"ed their "hare4

    #rand Name Mar2et Share 7or! fi!ure8 Mar2et Share 7IMR#8

    Pep"i )( )

    Co-a K Cola ),

    Other #rand" + ?


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    'ND.T#Y ,#O-'/E

    % B#'E- 'N')T 9 T)E -M0 'ND.T#Y 'N 'ND'%


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    1a"t Mo;in! Con"umer Good" 71MCG8. al"o 2nown a" Con"umer

    Pa-2a!ed Good" 7CPG8 are produ-t" that ha;e a 3ui-2 turno;er and relati;el/

    low -o"t4 Con"umer" !enerall/ put le"" thou!ht into the pur-ha"e of 1MCG thanthe/ do for other produ-t"4 The Indian 1MCG indu"tr/ witne""ed "i!nifi-ant

    -han!e" throu!h the (*"4 Man/ pla/er" had been fa-in! "e;ere problem" on

    a--ount of in-rea"ed -ompetition from "mall and re!ional pla/er" and from

    "low !rowth a-ro"" it" ;ariou" produ-t -ate!orie"4 A" a re"ult. mo"t of the

    -ompanie" were for-ed to re;amp their produ-t. mar2etin!. di"tribution and

    -u"tomer "er;i-e "trate!ie" to "tren!then their po"ition in the mar2et4

    #/ the turn of the +*th -entur/. the fa-e of the Indian 1MCG indu"tr/

    had -han!ed "i!nifi-antl/4 :ith the liberaliation and !rowth of the Indian

    e-onom/. the Indian -u"tomer witne""ed an in-rea"in! epo"ure to new

    dome"ti- and forei!n produ-t" throu!h different media. "u-h a" tele;i"ion and

    the Internet4 Apart from thi". "o-ial -han!e" "u-h a" in-rea"e in the number of

    nu-lear familie" and the !rowin! number of wor2in! -ouple" re"ultin! in

    in-rea"ed "pendin! power al"o -ontributed to the in-rea"e in the Indian

    -on"umer"= per"onal -on"umption4 The realiation of the -u"tomer=" !rowin!

    awarene"" and the need to meet -han!in! re3uirement" and preferen-e" on

    a--ount of -han!in! life"t/le" re3uired the 1MCG produ-in! -ompanie" to

    formulate -u"tomer'-entri- "trate!ie"4 The"e -han!e" had a po"iti;e impa-t.

    leadin! to the rapid !rowth in the 1MCG indu"tr/4 In-rea"ed a;ailabilit/ of

    retail "pa-e. rapid urbaniation. and 3ualified manpower al"o boo"ted the

    !rowth of the or!anied retailin! "e-tor4

    5&& led the wa/ in re;olutioniin! the produ-t. mar2et. di"tribution and "er;i-e

    format" of the 1MCG indu"tr/ b/ fo-u"in! on rural mar2et". dire-t di"tribution.

    -reatin! new produ-t. di"tribution and "er;i-e format"4 The 1MCG "e-tor al"o


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    re-ei;ed a boo"t b/ !o;ernment led initiati;e" in the +**? bud!et "u-h a" the

    "ettin! up of e-i"e free one" in ;ariou" part" of the -ountr/ that witne""ed

    firm" mo;in! awa/ from out"our-in! to manufa-turin! b/ in;e"tin! in the


    Thou!h the ab"olute profit made on 1MCG produ-t" i" relati;el/ "mall. the/

    !enerall/ "ell in lar!e number" and "o the -umulati;e profit on "u-h produ-t"

    -an be lar!e4 Unli2e "ome indu"trie". "u-h a" automobile". -omputer". and

    airline". 1MCG doe" not "uffer from ma"" la/off" e;er/ time the e-onom/

    "tart" to dip4 A per"on ma/ put off bu/in! a -ar but he will not put off ha;in!

    hi" dinner4 Unli2e other e-onom/ "e-tor". 1MCG "hare float in a "tead/ manner

    irre"pe-ti;e of !lobal mar2et dip. be-au"e the/ !enerall/ "ati"f/ rather

    fundamental. a" oppo"ed to luuriou" need"4 The 1MCG "e-tor. whi-h i"

    !rowin! at the rate of i" the fourth lar!e"t "e-tor in the Indian E-onom/

    and i" worth R"4?*** -r4 The main -ontributor. ma2in! up ?+ of the "e-tor. i"

    the South Indian re!ion4 It i" predi-ted that in the /ear +*(*. the 1MCG "e-tor

    will be worth R"4()?*** -r4 The "e-tor bein! one of the bi!!e"t "e-tor" of the

    Indian E-onom/ pro;ide" up to ) million 0ob"4 7Sour-e9 5CC#P&. Monthl/


    % B#'E- 'N')T 9 BE+E#%E 'ND.T#Y 'N 'ND'%


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    In India. be;era!e" form an important part of the li;e" of people4 It i" an indu"tr/. in whi-h

    the pla/er" -on"tantl/ inno;ate. in order to -ome up with better produ-t" to !ain more

    -on"umer" and "ati"f/ the ei"tin! -on"umer"4

    The be;era!e indu"tr/ i" ;a"t and there ;ariou" wa/" of "e!mentin! it. "o a" to -ater the ri!ht

    produ-t to the ri!ht per"on4 The different wa/" of "e!mentin! it are a" follow"9

    Al-oholi-. non'al-oholi- and "port" be;era!e"4

    Natural and S/ntheti- be;era!e"4

    In'home -on"umption and out of home on premi"e" -on"umption4

    A!e wi"e "e!mentation i4e4 be;era!e" for 2id". for adult" and for "enior -itien"4

    Se!mentation ba"ed on the amount of -on"umption i4e4 hi!h le;el" of -on"umption

    and low le;el" of -on"umption4

    If the beha;ioral pattern" of -on"umer" in India are -lo"el/ noti-ed. it -ould be ob"er;ed

    that -on"umer" per-ei;e be;era!e" in two different wa/" i4e4 be;era!e" are a luur/ and that

    be;era!e" ha;e to be -on"umed o--a"ionall/4 The"e two per-eption" are the bi!!e"t

    -hallen!e" fa-ed b/ the be;era!e indu"tr/4

    In order to le;era!e the be;era!e indu"tr/. it i" important to addre"" thi" i""ue "o a" to

    en-oura!e re!ular -on"umption a" well a" and to ma2e the indu"tr/ more affordable4 1our

    "tron! "trate!i- element" to in-rea"e -on"umption of the produ-t" of the be;era!e indu"tr/ in

    India are9

    The 3ualit/ and the -on"i"ten-/ of be;era!e" need" to be enhan-ed "o that -on"umer"

    are "ati"fied and the/ en0o/ -on"umin! be;era!e"4

    The -redibilit/ and tru"t need" to be built "o that there i" a ;er/ "tron! and "afe

    feelin! that the -on"umer" ha;e while -on"umin! the be;era!e"4

    Con"umer edu-ation i" a mu"t to brin! out benefit" of be;era!e -on"umption whether

    in term" of health. ta"te. relaation. "timulation. refre"hment. well'bein! or pre"ti!e

    rele;ant to the -ate!or/4

    Communi-ation "hould be rele;ant and trend/ "o that -on"umer" are able to find an appeal to !o out. pur-ha"e and -on"ume4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    0OM,%NY ,#O-'/E


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    0OM,%NY ,#O-'/E


    Our Roadmap "tart" with our mi""ion. whi-h i" endurin!4 It

    de-lare" our purpo"e a" a -ompan/ and "er;e" a" the "tandard a!ain"t whi-h we

    wei!h our a-tion" and de-i"ion"4

    To refre"h the world444

    To in"pire moment" of optimi"m and happine""444

    To -reate ;alue and ma2e a differen-e4


    Our ;i"ion "er;e" a" the framewor2 for our Roadmap and !uide" e;er/ a"pe-t of

    our bu"ine"" b/ de"-ribin! what we need to a--ompli"h in order to -ontinue

    a-hie;in! "u"tainable. 3ualit/ !rowth4

    ,eople2#e a !reat pla-e to wor2 where people are in"pired to be the be"t

    the/ -an be4 ,ortfolio2#rin! to the world a portfolio of 3ualit/ be;era!e brand" that

    anti-ipate and "ati"f/ people=" de"ire" and need"4 ,artners2 Nurture a winnin! networ2 of -u"tomer" and "upplier".

    to!ether we -reate mutual. endurin! ;alue4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    ,lanet2#e a re"pon"ible -itien that ma2e" a differen-e b/ helpin! build

    and "upport "u"tainable -ommunitie"4 ,rofit2Maimie lon!'term return to "hareowner" while bein! mindful

    of our o;erall re"pon"ibilitie"4

    ,ro4uctiCity2#e a hi!hl/ effe-ti;e. lean and fa"t'mo;in! or!aniation4

    1'NN'N 0./T.#E2

    Our :innin! Culture define" the attitude" and beha;ior" that will be re3uired of

    u" to ma2e our +*+* $i"ion a realit/4

    /'+E O.# +%/.E 2

    Our ;alue" "er;e a" a -ompa"" for our a-tion" and de"-ribe how we

    beha;e in the world4

    /ea4ership2The -oura!e to "hape a better future4

    0ollaboration2&e;era!e -olle-ti;e !eniu"4

    'nte!rity2#e real4

    %ccountability2If it i" to be. it=" up to me4

    ,assion2Committed in heart and mind4 DiCersity2A" in-lu"i;e a" our brand"4

    Fuality2:hat we do. we do well4

    -O0. ON T)E M%#*ET2

    1o-u" on need" of our -on"umer". -u"tomer" and fran-hi"e partner"4

    Get out into the mar2et and li"ten. ob"er;e and learn4

    Po""e"" a world ;iew4

    1o-u" on ee-ution in the mar2etpla-e e;er/ da/4

    #e in"atiabl/ -uriou"4

    1O#* M%#T2


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    A-t with ur!en-/4

    Remain re"pon"i;e to -han!e4

    5a;e the -oura!e to -han!e -our"e when needed4

    Remain -on"tru-ti;el/ di"-ontent4

    :or2 effi-ientl/4

    %0T /'*E O1NE#2

    #e a--ountable for our a-tion" and ina-tion"4

    Steward "/"tem a""et" and fo-u" on buildin! ;alue4

    Reward our people for ta2in! ri"2" and findin! better wa/" to "ol;e

    problem"4 &earn from our out-ome" '' what wor2ed and what didn

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    and heada-he remed/. LPemberton=" 1ren-h :ine Co-a.L "old at that time b/

    mo"t. if not all. of the -it/=" dru!!i"t"4

    So when the new Co-a'Cola debuted later that /ear''"till po""e""in! Lthe

    ;aluable toni- and ner;e "timulant propertie" of the -o-a plant and -ola nut".L

    /et "weetened with "u!ar in"tead of wine''Pemberton ad;erti"ed it not onl/ a" a

    Ldeli-iou". ehilaratin!. refre"hin! and in;i!oratin!L "oda'fountain be;era!e

    but al"o a" the ideal Ltemperan-e drin24L

    The protot/pe Co-a'Cola re-ipe wa" formulated at the Ea!le ru! and

    Chemi-al Compan/. a dru!"tore in Columbu". Geor!ia b/ John Pemberton.

    ori!inall/ a" a -o-a wine -alled Pemberton=" 1ren-h :ine Co-a4 5e ma/ ha;e

    been in"pired b/ the formidable "u--e"" of $in Mariani. a European -o-a wine4

    In (,,B. when Atlanta and 1ulton Count/ pa""ed prohibition le!i"lation.

    Pemberton re"ponded b/ de;elopin! Co-a'Cola. e""entiall/ a non'al-oholi-

    ;er"ion of 1ren-h :ine Co-a4 The fir"t "ale" were at Ja-ob=" Pharma-/ in

    Atlanta. Geor!ia. on Ma/ ,. (,,B4 It wa" initiall/ "old a" a patent medi-ine for

    fi;e -ent" a !la"" at "oda fountain". whi-h were popular in the United State" at

    the time due to the belief that -arbonated water wa" !ood for the

    health4Pemberton -laimed Co-a'Cola -ured man/ di"ea"e" in-ludin! morphine

    addi-tion. d/"pep"ia. neura"thenia. heada-he. and impoten-e4 Pemberton ran the


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    fir"t ad;erti"ement for the be;era!e on Ma/ + of the "ame /ear in the %tlanta

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    -orporation8. and in ((* Candler had the earlie"t re-ord" of the -ompan/

    burned. further ob"-urin! it" le!al ori!in"4 #/ the time of it" *th anni;er"ar/.

    the drin2 had rea-hed the "tatu" of a national i-on in the USA4 In (?. it wa"

    -ertified 2o"her b/ Rabbi Tobia" Geffen. after the -ompan/ made minor

    -han!e" in the "our-in! of "ome in!redient"4

    Co-a'Cola wa" "old in bottle" for the fir"t time on Mar-h (+. (,)4 The fir"t

    outdoor wall ad;erti"ement wa" painted in the "ame /ear a" well in Carter";ille.

    Geor!ia4 Can" of Co2e fir"t appeared in (4 The fir"t bottlin! of Co-a'Cola

    o--urred in $i-2"bur!. Mi""i""ippi. at the #iedenharn Cand/ Compan/ in (,(4

    It" proprietor wa" Jo"eph A4 #iedenharn4 The ori!inal bottle" were #iedenharn

    bottle". ;er/ different from the mu-h later hobble'"2irt de"i!n that i" now "o

    familiar4 A"a Candler wa" tentati;e about bottlin! the drin2. but two

    entrepreneur" from Chattanoo!a. Tenne""ee. #en0amin 14 Thoma" and Jo"eph

    #4 :hitehead. propo"ed the idea and were "o per"ua"i;e that Candler "i!ned a

    -ontra-t !i;in! them -ontrol of the pro-edure for onl/ one dollar4 Candler ne;er

    -olle-ted hi" dollar. but in (, Chattanoo!a be-ame the "ite of the fir"t Co-a'

    Cola bottlin! -ompan/4 The loo"el/ termed -ontra-t pro;ed to be problemati-

    for the -ompan/ for de-ade" to -ome4 &e!al matter" were not helped b/ the

    de-i"ion of the bottler" to "ub-ontra-t to other -ompanie". effe-ti;el/ be-omin!

    parent bottler"4 Co2e -on-entrate. or Co2e "/rup. wa" and i" "old "eparatel/ at


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    pharma-ie" in "mall 3uantitie". a" an o;er'the'-ounter remed/ for nau"ea or

    mildl/ up"et "toma-h4

    On April +?. (,. Co-a'Cola. amid mu-h publi-it/. attempted to -han!e the

    formula of the drin2 with LNew Co2eL4 The -ompan/ !a;e in to prote"t" and

    returned to a ;ariation of the old formula. under the name Co-a'Cola Cla""i- on

    Jul/ (*. (,4

    On 1ebruar/ . +**. the Co-a'Cola Compan/ announ-ed that in the "e-ond

    3uarter of +** the/ planned to laun-h a iet Co2e produ-t "weetened with the

    artifi-ial "weetener "u-ralo"e. the "ame "weetener -urrentl/ u"ed in Pep"i One4

    On Mar-h +(. +**. it announ-ed another diet produ-t. Co-a'Cola Qero.

    "weetened partl/ with a blend of a"partame and a-e"ulfame pota""ium4 On Jul/

    . +**. it wa" re;ealed that Co-a'Cola would re"ume operation" in Ira3 for the

    fir"t time "in-e the Arab &ea!ue bo/-otted the -ompan/ in (B,4

    In April +**. in Canada. the name LCo-a'Cola Cla""i-L wa" -han!ed ba-2 to

    LCo-a'Cola4L The word LCla""i-L wa" trun-ated be-au"e LNew Co2eL wa" no

    lon!er in produ-tion. eliminatin! the need to differentiate between the two4 The

    formula remained un-han!ed4

    In Januar/ +**. Co-a'Cola "topped printin! the word LCla""i-L on the label" of

    (B'oun-e bottle" "old in part" of the "outhea"tern United State"4 The -han!e i"

    part of a lar!er "trate!/ to re0u;enate the produ-t=" ima!e4 In No;ember +**.


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    due to a di"pute o;er whole"ale pri-e" of Co-a'Cola produ-t". Co"t-o "topped

    re"to-2in! it" "hel;e" with Co2e and iet Co2e4


    1ounded in (,,B in Atlanta. Co-a'Cola Compan/ i" the world=" leadin!

    manufa-turer. mar2eter and di"tributor of nonal-oholi- be;era!e -on-entrate"

    and "/rup". u"ed to produ-e more than +?* be;era!e brand"4 It i" al"o the

    world=" mo"t in-lu"i;e brand and -ompan/4

    It ha" alread/ ;entured re!ionall/ out of Atlanta to other "tate" of United

    State" "in-e the late (th -entur/ and it" "i!nature -ontour bottle wa" fir"t

    manufa-tured in the earl/ +*th -entur/ to di"tin!ui"h them"el;e" and a""urin!

    the !enuine Co-a'Cola4 Thou!h the -ompan/ !rew rapidl/ and roared into

    "ome European -ountrie" durin! the (**". it" pre"en-e worldwide !rew "wiftl/

    onl/ after :orld :ar II4 %ear after /ear. the -ompan/ ha" been di"-o;erin! new

    forei!n mar2et" to brin! hi!her profit"4

    %roun4 The 1orl42


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    The Co-a'Cola Compan/ ha" lon! been a worldwide bu"ine""4 Our fir"t "oda

    fountain "ale" to Canada and Mei-o were re-orded in (,4 Our fir"t

    international bottler '' in Panama '' wa" e"tabli"hed in (*B4 :e entered China

    in (+ and our (**th -ountr/ '' Sierra &eone '' in (4

    Toda/. The Co-a'Cola Compan/ i" the lar!e"t be;era!e -ompan/ with the

    mo"t eten"i;e di"tribution "/"tem in the world4 #ut we are "o mu-h more4 Our

    ;i"ion "pan" a-ro"" fi;e area"9


    The Co-a'Cola Compan/. in-ludin! the bottlin! entitie" we own. emplo/"

    approimatel/ .*** people4 More than )).*** of tho"e emplo/ee" wor2 for

    the Compan/ out"ide of the United State"4

    :e are the lar!e"t pri;ate'"e-tor emplo/er a-ro"" all of Afri-a4 And in the

    -ountr/ of South Afri-a. for e;er/ one 0ob -reated b/ the Co-a'Cola "/"tem. (B

    0ob" are -reated in the informal retail "e-tor4


    :or2in! with our #railian partner". the Compan/ ha" laun-hed a pro!ram to

    redu-e !reenhou"e !a" emi""ion" b/ u"in! alternati;e fuel"4 Our bottlin! partner

    in Sao Paulo ha" a fleet of approimatel/ ()* tru-2" runnin! on per-ent

    biodie"el 7made form -a"tor bean" and "o/bean"84

    The Co-a'Cola S-holar" 1oundation ha" awarded more than +B million in

    hi!her'edu-ation "-holar"hip" to ?.+* "tudent" in the United State" "in-e it"


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    in-eption in (,B4 The Co-a'Cola "/"tem ha" a -omprehen"i;e 5I$AIS

    health -are pro!ram in Afri-a. -o;erin! nearl/ B*.*** emplo/ee". their "pou"e"

    and their -hildren4


    The LMa2e E;er/ rop CountL -ampai!n. laun-hed in North Ameri-a. i"

    de"i!ned to help in-rea"e awarene"" of the benefit" of the Compan/=" broad

    be;era!e portfolio and it" -ommitment to -on"umer"4

    #ona3ua #ona-ti;e laun-hed in 5on! 6on! in April +** and i" the fir"t

    ele-trol/te repleni"hment and reh/dration -a"ual "port" drin2 relea"ed under the#ona3ua trademar24


    Approimatel/ + per-ent of our unit -a"e ;olume i" from operation" out"ide of

    North Ameri-a4 In +**. we had double'di!it unit -a"e ;olume !rowth in

    Pa2i"tan. China. E!/pt and Ru""ia4


    In partner"hip with the Italian Mini"tr/ of Edu-ation and the Italian National

    Ol/mpi- Committee. we ha;e -reated the LS-hool" in MotionL pro!ram in Ital/

    to en-oura!e ph/"i-al a-ti;it/4 More than (?*.*** "tudent" from (.+** "-hool"

    ha;e parti-ipated4


    A--ordin! to the +*(* Annual Report. the -ompan/ "ell" be;era!e produ-t" inmore than +(+ -ountrie"4 The report further "tate" that of the more than *

    billion be;era!e "er;in!" of all t/pe" -on"umed worldwide e;er/ da/.

    be;era!e" bearin! the trademar2" owned b/ or li-en"ed to Co-a'Cola a--ount

    for approimatel/ (4? billion4 Of the"e. be;era!e" bearin! the trademar2 LCo-a'

    ColaL or LCo2eL a--ounted for approimatel/ of the Compan/=" total

    !allon "ale"4

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Al"o a--ordin! to the +** Annual Report. Co-a'Cola had !allon "ale"

    di"tributed a" follow"9

    + in the United State"

    + in Mei-o. #rail. Japan and China

    )B in "pread throu!hout the world

    #rin!" #a-2 The 1i To India Co-a'Cola. the -orporate

    nouri"hin! the !lobal -ommunit/ with the world

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    % ,ure 0ommitment to The 'n4ian Economy

    The Compan/ ha" not onl/ "ha2en up the Indian -arbonated drin2" mar2et. and

    !i;en -on"umer" the plea"ure of world'-la"" drin2" to fill up their h/dration>

    refre"hment D nutrition need" but ha" al"o been in"trumental in !i;in! an

    eponential !rowth to 0ob opportunitie"4

    0reatin! Enormous

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    /OB%/ ,O'T'ON O-

    0O0%9 0O/%


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    /OB%/ M%#*ET )%#E O- 0O0%90O/%

    In +**. the -ompan/ !enerated re;enue" of ?( billion with B4, billion

    net in-ome4 An in-rea"ed -on"umer preferen-e for healthier drin2" ha" re"ulted

    in "lowin! !rowth rate" for "ale" of -arbonated "oft drin2" 7abbre;iated a"

    CS8. whi-h -on"titute" , of 6O

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    will ta2e -ontrol of the bottler=" North Ameri-a operation". !i;in! the -ompan/

    -ontrol o;er * of the total North Ameri-a ;olume4 In return. Co-a'Cola

    Enterpri"e" will ta2e o;er Co2e=" bottlin! operation" in Norwa/ and Sweden.

    be-omin! a European'fo-u"ed produ-er and di"tributor4

    In Mar-h +*(*. Co-a'Cola Compan/ entered into di"-u""ion" to bu/ the

    Ru""ian 0ui-e -ompan/. OAO Nidan Jui-e"4 The -ompan/ i" owned b/ a

    pri;ate e3uit/ firm in &ondon and + b/ it" Ru""ian founder" and -ontrol"

    ()4 of the Ru""ian 0ui-e mar2et4 If "u--e""ful. the pur-ha"e would add to

    Co-a'Cola=" +*4 mar2et "hare. pa""in! Pep"i=" ?* mar2et "hare4 The

    Ru""ian 0ui-e mar2et i" e"timated to be ?4+ billion dollar". and e"timate" of

    Nidan=" pur-ha"e pri-e are between B*'B+* million4

    In April +*(*. Co-a'Cola Compan/ pur-ha"ed a ma0orit/ "hare of

    Inno-ent. the #riti"h fruit "moothie ma2er4 &a"t /ear the -ompan/ bou!ht an

    (, "hare of the -ompan/ for more than ) million. and re-ent pur-ha"e" of

    additional "hare" in-rea"ed Co2e=" "ta2e to ,4

    In June +*(*. Co-a'Cola Compan/ a!reed to pa/ r Pepper Snapple

    Group 7PS8 ( million for the -ontinued ri!ht to "ell their produ-t"

    followin! the -ompan/=" a-3ui"ition of Co-aCola Enterpri"e" 7CCE84 The deal

    -o;er" the net +* /ear" with an option to renew for an additional +* /ear"4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    0O0%90O/% 0OM,%NY

    0oca 0ola 0ompany i" one of the United State" ba"ed -ompan/ founded

    in the /ear (,,B4 It i" one of the world=" leadin! manufa-turer. mar2eter and

    di"tributor of -ola t/pe

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Type Publi-

    -oun4e4 (,+ b/ A"a Gri!!" Candler

    )ea4Guarters Atlanta. Geor!ia.USA

    %rea serCe4 :orldwide

    *ey people Muhtar 6ent7CEO8

    'n4ustry #e;era!e

    ,ro4ucts Co-a'Cola.:ater.Non'al-oholi-'be;era!e.

    #eCenue US?4(( #illion 720108

    Operatin! income US,4)) #illion 720108

    Net income US((4,* #illion 720108

    Total assets US+4+( #illion 720108

    Total eGuity US?(4?( #illion 720108

    Employees (?.B** 720108

    1ebsite http9www4the-o-a'-ola-ompan/4-om

    The 0oca90ola 0ompany i" the world=" lar!e"t be;era!e

    -ompan/. lar!e"t manufa-turer. di"tributor and mar2eter of non'al-oholi-

    be;era!e -on-entrate" and "/rup" in the world. and one of the lar!e"t

    -orporation" in the United State"4 The -ompan/ i" be"t 2nown for it" fla!"hip

    produ-t Co-a'Cola. in;ented b/ pharma-i"t John Stith Pembertonin (,,B4 The

    Co-a'Cola formula and brand wa" bou!ht in (,, b/ A"a Candler who

    in-orporated The Co-a'Cola Compan/ in (,+4 #e"ide" it" name"a2e Co-a'

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Cola be;era!e. Co-a'Cola -urrentl/ offer" nearl/ )** brand" in o;er +**

    -ountrie" or territorie" and "er;e" (4 billion "er;in!" ea-h da/4

    The -ompan/ operate" a fran-hi"eddi"tribution "/"tem datin! ba-2 to

    (,, where TCCC onl/ produ-e" "/rup -on-entrate whi-h i" then "old to

    ;ariou"bottler"throu!hout the world who hold an e-lu"i;e territor/4


    Ad;erti"in! ha" pla/ed an important role in the "u--e"" of produ-t" "in-e

    fir"t new"paper add in (,,B. whi-h read Co-a'Cola eli-iou" Refre"hin!

    Ehilaratin! In;i!oratin!H The -ompan/ u"e" ad;er)ti"in! to tri!!er de"ire a"

    often and in a" man/ wa/" a" po""ible4

    Throu!h out the /ear". "lo!an" or -o-a'-ola ha;e been memorable 45ere

    are "ome hi!hli!ht"9

    +*()'Get refre"hed with Co-a'Cola

    +***'(*'Co-a'Cola En0o/

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    (?'Alwa/" Co-a'Cola

    (*' Can

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Maaa wa" laun-hed in (B4 It i" a drin2 whi-h offered the "ame real

    ta"te of fruit 0ui-e" and wa" a;ailable throu!hout the /ear4 In (?. Maaa wa"

    a-3uired b/ Co-a'Cola India and it -urrentl/ dominate" the fruit drin2

    mar2et4O;er the /ear". brand Maaa ha" be-ome "/non/mou" with Man!o4

    Thi" ha" been the re"ult of "u-h "u--e""ful -ampai!n" li2e LTaaa Man!o.""

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Maaa Man!oL and L#otal mein Aam. Maaa hain NaamL4 Con"umer" re!ard

    Maaa a" whole"ome. natural. fun drin2 whi-h deli;er" the real eperien-e of


    The -urrent ad;erti"in! of Maaa po"ition" it a" an enabler of fun

    friend"hip moment" between mom" and 2id" a" mom" tru"t the brand and the

    2id" lo;e it" ta"te4 The -ampai!n build" on the ei"tin! e3uit/ of the brand and

    deli;er" a rele;ant emotional benefit to the mom" ri!htl/ -aptured in the ta!line

    L%aari o"ti Taaa MaaaL

    Maaa9 +** ml and +* ml Returnable Gla"" #ottle> **(** ml free and (litre PET

    bottle" and the newly introduced 400 ml Tetra Pack

    0O,E O- T)E ,#O

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    To under"tand the !rowin! demand

    a--ordin! to -han!in! "-enario and

    -omparin! the le;el of "er;i-e pro;ided4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015




    #EE%#0) MET)ODO/OY

    The purpo"e of the re"ear-h methodolo!/ i" to de"-ribe the re"ear-h

    pro-edure4 Thi" in-lude" o;er all re"ear-h de"i!n and the data -olle-ti;e

    method4 Thi" "ele-tion i" important be-au"e it i" hard to di"-u"" methodolo!/

    without u"in! te-hni-al term" /et. mo"t of the reader" for the report will not

    under"tand the te-hni-al lan!ua!e"4

    The in;e"ti!ator -olle-t" the re3ue"t information per"onall/ throu!h3ue"tionnaire and per"onal inter;iew"4 The in;e"ti!ator i" "olel/ re"pon"ible for

    -olle-ti;e of data thi" method> hi" trainin!. "2ill D 2nowled!e pla/ an important

    role on the 3ualit/ of primar/ data4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    A "li!ht ;ariation of the pro-edure i" indire-t and in;e"ti!ation" where

    data are -olle-ted throu!h re"our-e" per"on" who are li2el/ to ha;e information

    about the problem are inte!rated and on the ba"i" of their an"wer". primar/ date

    be-ome" a;ailable4 Thi" a--ura-/ of the primar/ data -olle-ted b/ hi" method

    depend" lar!el/ upon the t/pe of per"on"4 Inter;iewed and hen-e4 The"e per"on"

    ha;e to be "ele-ted ;er/ -arefull/4

    #esearch Desi!n29

    A re"ear-h de"i!n i" the "pe-ifi-ation of mea"ure" and pro-edure for the

    information needed to "tru-ture to "ol;e problem" it the o;erall operational

    pattern of framewor2 of the pro0e-t that "tipulate" what information i" to be

    -olle-ted from whi-h "our-e". and b/ what pro-edure4

    A re"ear-h de"i!n there for defined a" plan. "tru-ture and "trate!/ of

    in;e"ti!ation on -on-ei;ed "o a" to obtain an"wer to "ear-h 3ue"tion and -ontrol


    VRe"ear-h< mean" a "-ientifi- and "/"temati- "ear-h for pertinent

    information on a "pe-ifi- topi-4 Re"ear-h i" a -areful in;e"ti!ation or in3uir/

    e"pe-iall/ throu!h "ear-h for new fa-t" in an/ bran-h of 2nowled!e4 Re"ear-h

    -ompri"e" definin! and redefinin! problem". formulatin! h/pothe"i" or

    "u!!e"ted "olution> -olle-tin!. or!aniin! and e;aluatin! data> ma2in!

    dedu-tion" and rea-hin! -on-lu"ion"> and at la"t -arefull/ te"tin! the

    -on-lu"ion" to determine whether the/ fit the formulatin! h/pothe"i"4

    VMethodolo!/< i" defined a the "tud/ of method" b/ whi-h we !ain 2nowled!e.

    it deal" with -o!niti;e pro-e""e" impo"ed on re"ear-h b the problem" ri"in!

    from the nature of it" "ub0e-t matterH

    TY,E O- #EE%#0)29


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    e"-ripti;e re"ear-h ha" been u"ed> it in;ol;e" "ur;e/" and fa-t'findin!"

    en3uirer of different 2ind" the ma0or purpo"e of de"-ripti;e re"ear-h i" the

    de"-ription of the "tate of affair". a" it ei"t" at pre"ent4 The main -hara-teri"ti-"

    of thi" method are that the re"ear-her ha" no -ontrol o;er the ;ariable> -an onl/

    report what had happened or what i" happenin!4 The method" of re"ear-h

    utilied in de"-ripti;e re"ear-h are "ur;e/ method" of all 2ind". in-ludin!

    -omparati;e and -orrelation method"4

    7$ 0ollection of Data 29

    The re"ear-h approa-hed the dealer and outlet owner indi;iduall/ for data

    -olle-tion4 Inter;iewed the dealer and outlet owner for -olle-tin! the

    information4 @ue"tion" were eplained "o a" to a;oid ambi!uit/4 The/ were

    found -o' operati;e4

    ource of 4ata collection29

    The data u"ed for thi" "tud/ are both primar/ and "e-ondar/ data4 The

    "our-e of primar/ data i" the field where the re"ear-her ha" been -ondu-ted and

    the data ha" been -olle-ted from the emplo/ee" dealer and outlet owner of

    0O0% 0O/%$

    ,#'M%#Y D%T%2

    The primar/ data are tho"e that are -olle-ted throu!h 3ue"tionnaire and

    dire-t per"onal inter;iew4 The 3ue"tionnaire wa" framed in "u-h a manner to

    obtain -orre-t information. !raded "uitabl/ for the "tud/4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    E0OND%#Y D%T%2

    The "e-ondar/ data ha" been -olle-ted throu!h -ompan/ web"ite and ma!aine"

    of -ompan/ and dealer tran"a-tion "ummar/ report4 Se-ondar/ data about the

    -ompan/ profile and -olle-tin! information of the indu"trial -on"ultin! "ide4

    5$ #EE%#0) 'NT#.MENT2

    The re"ear-h in"trument u"ed in thi" "tud/ "tru-tured 3ue"tionnaireH4

    Stru-tured 3ue"tionnaire are tho"e 3ue"tionnaire in whi-h there are

    predetermined 3ue"tion relatin! to the a"pe-t for whi-h the re"ear-her -olle-t"

    data4 The 3ue"tion" are pre"ented with ea-tl/ the "ame wordin! and in the

    "ame order to all the re"pondent"4

    A$ %M,/'N ,#O0ED.#E29

    Con;enien-e "amplin! ha" been u"ed in thi" "tud/4 Con;enien-e It refer" to

    -andidate" "ele-tion a "ample of "tud/4 It i" a non'probabilit/ "amplin!4

    Thu" re"ear-h "tud/ ma/ in-lude "tud/ ob0e-t". whi-h are -on;enientl/ lo-ated4

    Re"ear-h findin!" ba"ed on -on;enient "amplin! howe;er. -annot be


    @$ %M,/'N 'E29


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    ue to time and re"our-e -on"traint the "ample "ie ha" been ta2en a" the

    -ombine !roup of dealer and outlet owner 7(**WB*84 In -on"ultation with the

    -ompan/ !uide and the pro0e-t !uide4

    =$ TOO/ -O# D%T% %N%/Y'29

    After the -olle-tion of primar/ data the information obtained wa"

    pro-e""ed and tabulated on data "heet". "tati"ti-al te-hni3ue" were u"ed in

    anal/"i" the data4

    tatistical TechniGue29

    The -hi' "3uare te"t amon! the "e;eral te"t" of "i!nifi-an-e de;eloped b/

    "tati"ti-ian"4 Chi' "3uare "/mboli-all/ written. a" X+i" a "tati"ti-al mea"ure u"ed

    in the -onte"t of "amplin! anal/"i" for -omparin! ;arian-e to theoreti-al ;alue"4

    A" a non' parametri- te"t. it -an be u"ed to determine whether

    -ate!ori-al data "how" dependen-/ or the two -la""ifi-ation are independent4 It

    -an al"o be u"ed to ma2e -ompari"on" between theoreti-al population and

    a-tual data when -ate!orie" are u"ed4H The formula u"ed to -omputin! -hi'

    "3uare te"t i"9

    Ob"er;ed ;alue K Epe-ted $alue

    X+ WY

    Epe-ted $alue

    e!ree of freedom W 7r'(87-'(8


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    :here R W No4 of row"

    C W No4 of -olumn"

    If the -al-ulate ;alue Z tabulated ;alue. null h/pothe"i" will be a--epted4

    1ei!hte4 %Cera!e Metho429

    :ei!hted a;era!e method i" u"ed to !i;e ran2 for different fa-tor" b/

    ha;in! the -olle-tion" of data from the re"pondent4 Total "-ore i" -al-ulated

    from the data and it i" di;ided b/ no4 of re"pondent and finall/ the wei!hted

    a;era!e i" found4

    %M,/E DET%'/

    ,opulation iHe 2 more than 766

    ample iHe 2 :6 outlet ownersI76 4ealers J @6

    amplin! TechniGue 2 0onCenience samplin!

    %reas 0oCere4 2 +aranasi (shiCpur baipass ro4e !illat baHar


    Time -rame 2 : 1ees


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    1or the ea"e of data -olle-tion and it" a--urate anal/"i" the "ample "ie

    wa" limited to B* and the eli!ible re"pondent" were approa-hed for data

    -olle-tion4 The "ample wa" randoml/ "ele-ted from the area of +aranasi to

    ha;e a di;er"ified ;iew of the re"ear-h anal/"i"4

    The time frame for the re"ear-h wa" fi;e wee2" and e;er/ po""ible effort wa"

    made to obtain a--urate and appropriate information4

    Colle-tion of ata,#'M%#Y2

    Maret surCey of 4ealer an4 outlet owner


    1ield Ob"er;ation




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Ob"er;ation i" either an a-ti;it/ of a li;in! bein! "u-h a" a human. -on"i"tin! of

    re-ei;in! 2nowled!e of the out"ide world throu!h the "en"e". or the re-ordin!

    of data u"in! "-ientifi- in"trument4 The term ma/ al"o refer to an/ data

    -olle-ted durin! thi" a-ti;it/4 An ob"er;ation -an al"o be the wa/ /ou loo2 at

    thin!" or when /ou loo2 at "omethin!4

    A field ob"er;ationapplie" the "-ientifi- method to eperimentall/ eamine

    an inter;ention in the real world 7or a" man/ eperimentali"t" li2e to "a/.

    naturall/'o--urrin! en;ironment"8 rather than in the laborator/ 1ield

    eperiment". li2e lab eperiment". !enerall/ randomie "ub0e-t" 7or other

    "amplin! unit"8 into treatment and -ontrol !roup" and -ompare out-ome"

    between the"e !roup"4

    A 3ue"tionnaire i" a re"ear-h in"trument -on"i"tin! of a "erie" of 3ue"tion"

    and other prompt" for the purpo"e of !atherin! information from re"pondent"4

    Althou!h the/ are often de"i!ned for "tati"ti-al anal/"i" of the re"pon"e". thi" i"

    not alwa/" the -a"e4


    Co-o' -ola portal.




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Se-ondar/ data i" data -olle-ted b/ "omeone other than the u"er4 Common

    "our-e" "e-ondar/ data for "o-ial "-ien-e in-lude -en"u"e". "ur;e/".

    or!aniational re-ord" and data -olle-ted throu!h 3ualitati;e methodolo!ie" or

    3ualitati;e re"ear-h4 Primar/ data. b/ -ontra"t. are -olle-ted b/ the in;e"ti!ator

    -ondu-tin! the re"ear-h4

    Se-ondar/ data anal/"i" "a;e" time that would otherwi"e be "pent -olle-tin!

    data and. parti-ularl/ in the -a"e of 3uantitati;e data. pro;ide" lar!er and

    hi!her'3ualit/ databa"e" than would be unfea"ible for an/ indi;idual re"ear-her

    to -olle-t on their own4 In addition to that. anal/"t" of "o-ial and e-onomi-

    -han!e -on"ider "e-ondar/ data e""ential. "in-e it i" impo""ible to -ondu-t a

    new "ur;e/ that -an ade3uatel/ -apture pa"t -han!e andor de;elopment"4

    1OT %nalysis


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015









    #rand ima!e










    about new




    of wea2 area"4


    ;i"it to



    handlin! of




    ima!e of



    ed epen"e"


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Data analysis




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    D%T% %N%/Y' %ND 'NTE#,#ET%T'ON

    F97 1hy 4o you lie the 0oca90ola pro4ucts mostL

    #easons of #esponses

    ,rice 7:

    Fuality & tan4ar4 A6

    +ariety of ,ro4ucts 56

    %Cailability of pro4ucts 5:

    't is represente4 by the followin! pie chart$


    )* "a/ that the/ li2e -o2e produ-t" due to 3ualit/ D "tandard. +* due to

    ;ariet/ and + li2e be-au"e of it" a;ailabilit/4

    F98 Do you fin4 any in4 of communication !ap while main! an

    or4er with 0oca9cola as compare4 to ,epsicoL


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Options #esponse

    Yes A:

    No ::


    "a/ that the/ don

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    F9A %re you satisfie4 with the Carious 4istribution process of


    Options #esponse

    ?69766 A6@69?6 8:

    :69@6 56

    /ess than :6 :


    The abo;e -hart "how" that )* retailer" are "ati"fied with the di"tribution

    pro-e"" of -o2e upto * almo"t4 while ? are "ati"fied upto *4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    F9: %re you satisfie4 with 4istribution of sparlin! ,ro4uctsL

    Options #esponse

    )i!hly satisfie4 @6

    atisfie4 86Not satisfie4 76


    The abo;e -hart "how" that ?* retailer" are hi!hl/ "ati"fied with the

    di"tribution of "par2lin! produ-t" of -o-a -ola4

    F9= 1hat is the focus pac in your E&D outlets by


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    Options #esponse

    #B @6

    0an 76,ET 7:

    Others :


    The abo;e -hart "how" that B* retailer" u"e RG# a" a fo-u" pa-2 in ED

    outlet". ( the/ u"e PET4

    F9> 1hich 0ompany is haCin! the best ales ,romotional



    Focus Pack in Outlets









  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Options #esponse

    0oca90ola ::

    ,epsico A:


    Retailer" "a/ that the/ li2e -o-a -ola promotional tool" while ) li2ePep"i-o promotional tool"4

    F976 %re you happy with the returnin! process of the


    Options #esponse


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Yes =5

    No 5?


    The abo;e -hart "how" that + retailer" are hi!hl/ "ati"fied with the returnin!pro-e"" of produ-t" of -o-a -ola4 +, not "ati"fied4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015




  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015





    1rom the abo;e we -an -on-lude that the mar2et "hare of -o-o -ola i"

    more than pep"i 4

    The demand of -o2e produ-t i" more than the pep"i produ-t" 4

    The "horta!e of the "prit and lemon produ-t and -o2e produ-t li2e 7fanta.

    lim-a thum"'up.8 !i;e the ad;anta!e to other -ompan/ to ta2e o;er the

    mar2et be-au"e the pre"en-e of -u"tomer li2e who are not depend on

    brand ma/ prefer an/ produ-t for there -on;enien-e4#%

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    There are "ome pla-e" where our "er;i-e" -ould not "ati"f/ the owner

    and the de-rea"e in "ale" ha" to bear b/ the -ompan/4

    Ma0or "-heme" promotion made b/ the -ompan/ li2e to bu/ one -rate

    owner !et" a ad;anta!e of +? bottle" -ould ma2e a in-rea"e in "ale"

    whi-h a-3uire" a !ood mar2et "hare 4

    A" per retailer" inter;iew a -on-lu"ion -ould be ta2en that the

    di"tribution "ometime" doe"n

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    Co-a'-ola tru-2" whi-h -ontain all the produ-t" "hould be rea-hed in mar2ed

    before it" ri;al Pep"i4

    A" I found durin! m/ "ummer trainin! the tru-2 dri;er" ha;e their ma0or role

    in "ellin! of the produ-t "o here I want to "u!!e"t that their "hould an effi-ient

    poli-ie" whi-h -an moti;ate the"e people" to "ale more D bein! with the

    -ompan/ for lon! time4

    Compan/ "hould pro;ide new banner" with -elebritie" in the mar2et D tr/ to

    ad;erti"e more near b/ "-hool" and -olle!e"4

    The -ompan/ "hould pro;ide repairin! of Refri!erator. paintin!. other thin!"

    whi-h are u"ed for "ale" promotion4

    The -ompan/ "hould tr/ to ad;erti"ement" of new "-heme" in all the re!ional

    lan!ua!e new" paper"4

    Redu-tion of !ap between the boardroom and on the field4

    En"urin! better pri-e -omplian-e4

    #etter -ommuni-ation between the di"tributor and the bottlin! plant4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    /'M'T%T'ON O- T)E T.DY

    Time wa" the ma0or -on"traint" in inter;iewin! re3uired retailer"4

    The "-ope of the "tud/ i" re"tri-ted onl/ to the ma0or area" of

    &u-2now and doe" not in-lude the out"2irt"

    Re"pon"i;e error '''' thi" ari"e" when re"pondent" are unwillin!

    to li"ten or tal24

    The information obtained from "e-ondar/ data ma/ not refle-t the

    a-tual mar2et po"ition4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    e"pite the"e limitation" e;er/ po""ible effort wa" made to !et a repre"entati;e

    re"ult4 Utmo"t -are wa" ta2en to minimie the error"4 So the re"ear-her belie;e"

    that the "tud/ -an be implemented with !reat de!ree of dependen-/4


    Mar2etin! Re"ear-h'#/ C4R 6othari





  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    )'ND.T%N 0O0%90O0/%&td47$arana"i48



  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015



    Fuestionnaire -or The #etailer

    5ello SirMa

  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    (4" %Cailability of pro4ucts

    F95 -rom which year are you sellin! 0oca90ola pro4uctsL


    F98 Do you fin4 any in4 of communication !ap while main! an

    or4er with 0oca9cola as compare4 to ,epsicoL

    (a" yes

    (b" No

    F9A %re you satisfie4 with the Carious 4istribution process of


    (a" ?69766

    (b" @69?6

    (c" :69@6

    (4" /ess than :6

    F9: %re you satisfie4 with 4istribution of sparlin! ,ro4uctsL

    (a" )i!hly satisfie4

    (b" atisfie4

    (c" Not satisfie4


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    F9@ 1hich oft 4rin company offers !oo4 chemes for youL

    (a" 0oca90ola

    (b" ,epsico!f!f

    F9= 1hat is the focus pac in your E&D outlets by


    (a" #B

    (b" 0an

    (c" ,ET

    (4" Others

    F9? %s per Guality & stan4ar43 which company is betterL

    (a" 0oca90ola(b" ,epsico

    F9> 1hich 0ompany is haCin! the best ales ,romotional


    (a" 0oca90ola

    (b" ,epsico

    F976 %re you happy with the returnin! process of the



  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    (a" Yes (b" No


  • 7/24/2019 Gaurav Sir Coke 2015


    #E-E#EN0E & B'B/'O#%,)Y





    Datamonitor (,ublishe4 NoCember 566?"




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