gathering elw 659 will you let me be your servant · 2019-08-06 · john diepenbrock brother-in-law...

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February 25, 2018

8:00 a.m.

*=Please stand as able

Gathering Welcome and Community Time

*Call to Worship *Confession and Forgiveness *Gathering Song: ELW 659

Will You Let Me Be Your Servant *Greeting

Kyrie ELW p. 184 Prayer of the Day

Ministry Through Music – Chancel Choir “The Morning Star Will Rise”


Reading: Psalm 51:7-12 *Gospel Acclamation: ELW p. 189

*Gospel: John 13:1-20 Sermon

Hymn of the Day: ELW 708 Jesu Jesu Fill Us with Your Love

*Affirmation of Faith

Response to the Word *Prayers of the Church

*Peace Offering

Noisy Offering (benefits ELCA World Hunger Campaign)

*Offertory: ELW 186 Create in Me a Clean Heart

*Offering Prayer *Lord's Prayer

Sending *Blessing

*Sending Song: ELW 712 Lord Whose Love in Humble Service



Copyright © 2018 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

February 25, 2018

10:15 a.m.


Words of Welcome

Gathering Song

New Members

Call to Worship

Song of Mercy

Confession and Forgiveness

Prayer of the Day

Ministry through Music


Open the Bible

Reading: Psalm 51:7-12

Song of the Word

Gospel: John 13:1-20


Song of the Day

Affirmation of Faith

Prayers of the Church

Sharing the Peace



Noisy Offering

(benefits ELCA World Hunger Campaign)

Words of Institution

The Lord’s Prayer




Sending Song


February 25, 2018

8:00 a.m.

*=Please stand as able

Gathering Welcome and Community Time

*Call to Worship *Confession and Forgiveness *Gathering Song: ELW 659

Will You Let Me Be Your Servant *Greeting

Kyrie ELW p. 184 Prayer of the Day

Ministry Through Music – Chancel Choir “The Morning Star Will Rise”


Reading: Psalm 51:7-12 *Gospel Acclamation: ELW p. 189

*Gospel: John 13:1-20 Sermon

Hymn of the Day: ELW 708 Jesu Jesu Fill Us with Your Love

*Affirmation of Faith

Response to the Word *Prayers of the Church

*Peace Offering

Noisy Offering (benefits ELCA World Hunger Campaign)

*Offertory: ELW 186 Create in Me a Clean Heart

*Offering Prayer *Lord's Prayer

Sending *Blessing

*Sending Song: ELW 712 Lord Whose Love in Humble Service


From Copyright © 2018 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

February 25, 2018

10:15 a.m.


Words of Welcome

Gathering Song

New Members

Call to Worship

Song of Mercy

Confession and Forgiveness

Prayer of the Day

Ministry through Music


Open the Bible

Reading: Psalm 51:7-12

Song of the Word

Gospel: John 13:1-20


Song of the Day

Affirmation of Faith

Prayers of the Church

Sharing the Peace



Noisy Offering

(benefits ELCA World Hunger Campaign)

Words of Institution

The Lord’s Prayer




Sending Song


This Week at American Lutheran Church

Sunday, February 25th, 2018 Noisy Offering 8:00 a.m. Worship 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School / Adult Class 10:15 a.m. Worship / HC 11:15 a.m. Special Congregational Meeting

Monday, February 26th, 2018 Pastor Bailey’s Sabbath President’s Day! Offices Closed

Tuesday, February 27th, 2018 9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting 9:30 a.m. Worship Planning 10-1:00 p.m. FH Reserved 7:00 p.m. Bell Choir 7:00 p.m. AA Big Book / Al-anon

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018 7:00 a.m. Men’s Fellowship 9:00 a.m. Quilt Tying 5:00 p.m. Lenten Meal (Men’s Group—BBQs) 5:15 p.m. First Communion Class (OA) 6:30 p.m. Lenten Worship 7:15 p.m. Chancel Choir

Thursday, March 1st, 2018 9:00 a.m Martha Circle 10:30 a.m. Bulletin Deadline

Friday, February 2nd, 2018 Pastor Gary’s Sabbath

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 12-4:00 p.m. OA Reserved

Sunday, February 4th, 2018 8:00 a.m. Worship / HC 9:00 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School / Adult Class 10:15 a.m. Worship / HC 1:30 p.m. Play-n-Pray Worshipers: Sunday, February 18: 209 (8:00 - 127) (10:15 – 82) Wednesday, February 21: 151

Worship 8:00 a.m. Sunday Traditional 10:15 a.m. Sunday Alternative

6:30 p.m. UpBeat! Wednesday

Office Info 915 Winifred Street Worthington, MN 56187 (507) 376-5264 Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

February 25, 2018

Welcome Office Staff

Gary Andersen, Lead Pastor Bailey Fossum, Associate Pastor Sylvia Andersen, Worship & Music Coordinator Stacy Bickett, Youth Director Kristin Appel, Children/Family Ministry Coordinator Cindy Ira-Smith, Faith Community Nurse Jessica Peil, Office Manager

Ministers — All members of the congregation.

Flowers Today were given today by

Larry & Le Lucht

In memory of their parents: Mabel & C.O. Lucht

& Howard & Catherine Scuur

Prayers - Please take home for your personal prayers

Healing (within the ALC family)…

Delores Rachuy Lorraine Korthals Sheena Eidhammer Rhonda Hibma Vern Bastian Doug & Donna Getzel Jill Williams George Wieland Kevin & Sherrie Adolph Kris Vorwald Adam Dahlquist Marlyn Mammen Sherry Ling

Healing (beyond our congregation)

Jerome Anderson uncle of Roger Anderson

Scott Zinnel brother-in-law Roger Anderson

JoAnne Spada aunt of Kristine & Rodney Obermoller

Rochelle Sandstrom daughter of Jerry & Mavis Sandstrom

Verlyn & Ordell Westra brothers of Betty Herreid

John Diepenbrock brother-in-law of Sue Isder

Elffie Kopperud mother of Diana Kvilhaug

Dorothy Mikkelson mother of Karen Pfeifer

Parrish Skrien son of Pat Sailor

John Beverage brother-in-law of Arnie & Judy Fischer

Kenna & Amelia Hummel twin-grandchildren of Jason & Paula Behrens

Ken Besel brother of Rich Besel

Jerry Engerman uncle of Shirley Rempel

Celebrating New Members...Benjamin Manigold & Jenni Seedorf.

Grieving…The family of Merle Andersen — wife, Carol Andersen; daughter Deb Andersen; & son Kirby & Beverly Andersen. ...Doug & Donna Getzel & family upon the death of his sister, Adele Schindler. ...Craig & Karen Pfeifer & family upon the death of his brother, Michael Pfeifer. ...Shirley Rempel & family upon the death of her uncle, Ray Gibbs.

Also praying for…

• Our special meeting & congregational vote today.

• The schools and community of Parkland, FL.

• Health and wellness for everyone

• Military Personnel

• Love INC.

Today’s Worship participants:

Worship Leaders - (8:00) Cindy Anderson, Dan Horn Sound System - Rich Besel (10:15) Band Video System - Bob Wieme Ministry Through Music — Chancel Choir Readers - (8:00) Mark Shepherd; (10:15) Dea Klumper Acolytes - (8:00) Alec Langerud, Ethan Langseth (10:15) Aeneisha Martens, Connor Henning Communion Servers - Olivia Wiener, Austin Taylor Greeters - (8:00) Dennis & Dee Hale; (10:15) Steve & Sharon Lynn Ushers (8:00) Team 8 (Ronnie Noerenberg, Greg Kvilhaug, Shawn Noerenberg, Scott Langerud,

Alec Langerud, Kelly Meyer, Jasmine Noerenberg) (10:15) Team 4 ( Bruce Juber, Marc Janssen, David Skog, James Johnson, Erik Fossum, Madison Johnson, Erlin Weness, Troy Aljets, Gayla Aljets) Coffee Fellowship - Larry & Jan Petersen, Gary & Lola Lindquist Drivers for Senior Chariots - Dave & Jo Haugan

American Lutheran kindly heads up Love INC’s Personal Care GAP ministry. GAP Ministries were created to fill service gaps in the community. There was no place for people to go to receive personal care items, so Love INC stepped forward to fill that gap. Clients and every member of their family with confirmed needs (as verified though our

Clearinghouse by checking with the county and other social service agencies) are able to receive a care package filled with these personal care items.

The personal care storage closet needs replenishing! You can bring your donations to the American Lutheran church office at any time. Items needed include:

Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant (men and women), toothpaste, body wash, lotion, brushes and combs, band aids and other first aid items, Kleenex, toilet paper and shaving cream. Shoebox-sized plastic boxes to hold the items for the clients would also be great.

Your participation in this ministry means so much to Love INC and to your Neighbors in Need in our community. Thank you so very much.

Happy Birthday to those who celebrate birthdays through this coming week: 25) Melvin Hamman, Gary Kuehl, Abby Hibma, Elly Hibma; 26) Milt Jorgensen, John Koller, Kay Prunty, Kendrick Bickett, Wilson Rausenbush; 27) Matthew Lucht, Taylor Ponto, Tarryn Joens; 28) Gerould Iverson, Brandon LeBrun, Carson Leopold; 1) Grayson Christensen, Hendrick Ahlers; 2) Mavis Sandstrom, Robert Munkel, Myra Kramer, Ruxin Eidhammer; 3) Kim Jensen, David Hurlburt

Cindy Ira-Smith, Faith Community Nurse

The Model for Healthy Living- The Gift of Work

Work is appreciating your skills, talents, and gifts. Work brings value to our own lives and to the lives of others. How does using our gifts bring greater wholeness to our lives?

God placed us here to get to know and love him, and to help him let the world know about him and how much he loves them, too. God invites us to join him in the work of redeeming and restoring the world. Sometimes we like our work, other times we don’t. In the end, we get to stand together. We join God in the work of kingdom-building and of loving Him and others, too.

From Col.3:17, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

No matter what work we do, it is all an act of worship. All our work is sacred, Holy. It is the extension of the character of God in us.

Try to see those tasks that are menial as an opportunity to partner with God in the work of building God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Information from the Church Health Reader, Fall 2017

Stewardship Corner - When we, through faith, give God our first and best, we know that God is

honored. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give.”

(Matthew 10:8)

This is what the Faith Community Nurse can do for you:

The FCN can visit you after a hospitalization to review any changes in

your health status; such as a new treatment regimen, a new medication, or the discharge instructions received.

Give me a call at 376-5264. Thank you, Cindy Ira-Smith, RN, FCN

A “Meal in the Upper Room” invitation: Thursday, March 22 at 6:00 is the day for a commemorative “Meal in the Upper Room” that is open to all members of the congregation and guests. Our Lutheran Women’s organization is hosting the evening and is inviting both men and women for a common meal similar to the Last Supper which Jesus ate with his dis-ciples. The inspirational evening will begin in the sanctuary at 6:00 and move into the Fellowship Hall for the meal in-cluding scripture readings and special mu-sic. RSVPs are necessary since the event will be limited to 72 people. Please RSVP by March 15 in one of three ways: sign up on the sheets located at both entrances, email Marj Olson at or give her a call at 376-5040. Please indi-cate how many plan to attend. There is no cost or offering for the meal.

* * SPECIAL MEETING TODAY* * With the “Creating Connections” capital campaign successfully surpassing our goal of raising $1,500,000 in three year pledges for the proposed construction and remodeling project, the Church Council of American Lutheran has called a Special Congregational Meeting for 11:15 a.m. TODAY. The purpose of the meeting will be to vote on a motion (below) to proceed with the building and remodeling project. Because of the importance of this project the Church Council asks that all members of American Lutheran Church please make attending this meeting a priority.

Why are we asking to borrow $2,250,000?

The short answer is that we will have to pay for the building prior to all of

our pledges coming in for 2019 and 2020.

Here is the longer term cash flow calculation: With 10% With no contingency contingency Total Cost of the project $2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 10% possible overrun contingency $ 250,000 $ - Possible total cost $2,750,000 $ 2,500,000 First Year Pledged Income 2018 applies to purchase price $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Money need to pay for building completion April 2019 $2,250,000 $ 2,000,000

Second Year Pledged Income 2019 applied to debt $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Third Year Pledged Income 2020 applied to debt $ 500,000 $ 500,000

Debt remaining at end of three years assuming no

further donations $1,250,000 $ 1,000,000

If pledges are paid earlier than scheduled, debt can be lessened.

Amount of debt requested hopefully is more than will be actually needed.

Motion to Proceed with American Lutheran Church Building and Remodeling Project

Since we have met our fundraising goal of $1,500,000 or 60% of the $2,500,000 projected cost of the American Lutheran Church building and remodeling project, the Church Council

recommends and moves that we go forward with the proposed project and, as part of this motion, also authorize the Church Council to borrow up to $2,250,000 to complete the project.

Adult Class – Everyone Welcome!

Christianity Compared to Cults & Other Religions (Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, Christian Science, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and more)

Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Heritage Room

Your 2017 Contribution Statements are available in the

church office through April 15, 2018 - Monday thru Friday during

office hours.

Thanks to all who have indicated they

will donate altar flowers for the

coming year. Flower donations are still

needed for the following Sundays:

2019: January 6 & 27

Lenten Season Schedule

Wednesdays in Lent Midweek worship services are at 6:30 p.m.,

preceded by a supper beginning at 5:00 p.m.

Wednesdays, February 21 – March 21 Using the Joyous Light music setting, midweek

services are approximately 35-40 minutes in length, with an ALC member sharing a

personal reflection.

I am



Opportunities for Involvement and Service

Play and Pray March 4th from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Open to all 6th to 8th grade youth

You won't want to miss this one! Worthington's High School Theatre Department is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire show. Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim exceeds expectations by mashing up all your favorite fairy tales. From Cinderella to Jack and the Beanstalk this show is jam-packed with magic! So come on out and see Worthington's ultra-talented theatre department portray your favorite fairy tale characters on March 4th at 2:30pm. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall for giant spoons and a

snack and then we will head over together to the musical.

Worthington students please bring your activity pass.

Ecumenical Lenten Worship Everyone Welcome!

Thursdays 12:00 Noon Worship

12:30 p.m. Lunch

March 1 @ First Lutheran Church

March 8 @ Westminster Presbyterian Church

March 15 @ American Lutheran Church

March 22 @ First United Methodist Church

March is our month to drive for Mobile Meals.

With “God’s work. Our hands.” and your graciousness it will be accomplished. We need to deliver meals March 1-16. Please check your calendars, a signup sheet will be in the narthex on which you may fill in

the days that you are available.

Thank you in advance and God bless you for giving graciously of your time.

MANNA FOOD PANTRY — We will be donating to the “Pantry” through our regular Lenten envelopes (make checks payable to ALC), loose money in the offering plate and “special envelopes” on Wednesdays will also go towards that. Manna Food Pantry will again receive matching funds from the Worthington Regional Health Care Foundation in 2018. Contributions from our church will be matched dollar for dollar. That is a 100% match up to $30,000.

SIGN UP SHEETS are at both entrances today to help with the Ecumenical Lenten Luncheon to be held here at ALC on Thursday, March 15th. We anticipate about 70 members of the Christian community will attend the noon worship with lunch to follow in the Fellowship Hall. Your help is needed to provide the food and serve the meal. The menu will be BBQ sandwiches, vegetable and fruit salads and bars. Please stop at the tables to offer your help by providing food or helping in the kitchen. Thanks!

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