game violence, game difficulty, and 2d:4d digit ratio as

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A Dissertation

presented to

the Faculty of the Graduate School

at the University of Missouri-Columbia


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Doctor of Philosophy




Dr. Bruce Bartholow, Dissertation Supervisor

MAY 2015

The undersigned, appointed by the dean of the Graduate School, have examined the dissertation





presented by Joseph Hilgard,

a candidate for the degree of doctor of philosophy,

and hereby certify that, in their opinion, it is worthy of acceptance.

Professor Bruce Bartholow

Professor Lissa Behm-Morawitz

Professor Ken Sheldon

Professor Todd Schachtman

Dedicated to the rational updating of beliefs.



I thank my family for their unwavering support and the reservoir of sanity they

provide. I thank my advisor, Dr. Bruce Bartholow, for sponsoring and advising me all

these six years and for granting me his trust and respect. I thank Dr. Ines Segert for

sending me her brightest students as research assistants, and I thank those research

assistants for many hours of volunteer labor. Finally, I thank Dr. Jeffery Rouder for

introducing me to many of my most valued tools – R, Git, and Bayesian model


While studying a textbook on the use of Akaike Information Criterion for model

selection, I came across a quote from J. Bronowski regarding Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann,

the originator of statistical models of entropy. In it, Boltzmann is described as “an

irascible, extraordinary man… quarrelsome and delightful, and everything that a human

should be.” The quote always reminds me of my equally irascible, extraordinary,

quarrelsome, and delightful collaborator and friend, Dr. Rouder.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ ii

LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................................v

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... vi

ACADEMIC ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vii


1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1

2. METHOD ..........................................................................................................................14

Participants .........................................................................................................................14

Scientific Integrity .............................................................................................................14

Measures ............................................................................................................................14

2D:4D Ratio .......................................................................................................................14

Coldpressor Task ...............................................................................................................15

Manipulation Checks .........................................................................................................15

Probe for Suspicion ............................................................................................................15

Materials ............................................................................................................................16

Modified Video Games ......................................................................................................16

Procedure ...........................................................................................................................18

3. RESULTS ..........................................................................................................................21

Quality Control ..................................................................................................................21

Manipulation Check ...........................................................................................................22

Primary Outcome ...............................................................................................................23


Conventional ANOVA.......................................................................................................24

Bayesian ANOVA .............................................................................................................25

Censored Regression ..........................................................................................................26

Logistic Regression ............................................................................................................27

Bayesian Probit Regression ..............................................................................................28

Non-local Bayesian Prior ...................................................................................................28

4. DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................30

Effects of Violent Video Games ........................................................................................30

Effects of Difficult Video Games ......................................................................................33

Digit Ratio ..........................................................................................................................35

Replication across Laboratories .........................................................................................35

Limitations .........................................................................................................................36

5. SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................39

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................41


1. TABLES OF DATA ..........................................................................................................48

2. FIGURES AND GRAPHS ...............................................................................................50

VITA ..............................................................................................................................................53



Table Page

1. ANOVA output of effects of game condition on composite irritation ..............................48

2. Mean coldpressor assignments per game condition...........................................................49



Figure Page

1. Scatterplot of coldpressor sensitivity to composite irritation ............................................50

2. Histograms of coldpressor duration per condition .............................................................51

3. PET-PEESE meta-regression of studies combined in Anderson et al. (2010) meta-

analysis ...............................................................................................................................52




Joseph Hilgard

Dr. Bruce Bartholow, Dissertation Supervisor


Previous research has sought to determine whether violent video games cause

increases in aggressive behavior. Game difficulty is also thought to potentially cause

changes in aggression. Finally, prenatal testosterone exposure, as measured by the ratio

of lengths of the index and ring fingers (2D:4D digit ratio), is thought to cause

dispositional increases in aggressive behavior.

In the present research, game violence and game difficulty were manipulated by

making four modified versions of the same game. Participants played a game, were

provoked, and then had an opportunity to aggress against another participant in the study.

Neither game violence nor game difficulty was found to influence aggressive behavior in

a theory-consistent way, and Bayesian model comparison favored the null model over all

theory-derived alternative hypotheses. Similarly, 2D:4D ratio did not predict aggressive

behavior, either alone or in interaction with the other study variables.

The results suggest that brief exposure to violent or difficult games does not

influence aggressive behavior when game stimuli are closely matched, and furthermore,

that differences in finger length do not predict aggression. I discuss the implications for

brief-session experimental research of causes of aggression.



Media shapes the world. In the absence of media, people’s perceived worlds

would be limited to only that fraction of the world which they personally experience.

Through media, however, people develop ideas, attitudes, and schema about people

they’ve never met, experiences they’ve never had, and concepts they’ve never personally

explored. Because these ideas, attitudes, and schema are the basis of behavior, media

messages promise to influence human psychology and behavior, whether for good or for


One of the newest and most popular forms of media is video games. Compared to

traditional media such as books, movies, and film, video games are highly interactive; the

player controls, to at least some degree, the game character. Moreover, video games are

generally highly motivating and engaging and can be played for many hours at a time.

These properties have inspired research that investigates whether video games are an

effective way to teach skills and behaviors (Green & Bavelier, 2003).

However, not all learned skills and behaviors are desirable. While video games

are a broad and heterogeneous form of media, many of the most popular video games

contain violent content. Violent content ranges from the mild, fantastic, and cheerful

(e.g., Super Mario Galaxy) to the graphic, realistic, and depraved (e.g., Grand Theft Auto

3, Manhunt, Mortal Kombat). Exposure to this violent content is expected to teach

players aggressive behaviors and schema. It is further supposed that media effects of

video games are more potent than those of other forms of media because the player is an

active participant in the violent content, rather than a passive viewer. Over the past two


decades, research has sought to measure and understand the possible relationships

between consumption of violent media and changes in aggressive and violent behavior.

Psychological Theories of Aggressive Behavior

Like most psychological and behavioral phenomena, aggressive and violent

behaviors are thought to be complex and multiply determined, with no single clear cause.

However, a variety of theories have emerged to describe the diverse possible causal

pathways from stimuli to aggression.

Social learning theory. Research of media effects on behavior began with

Bandura’s social learning theory (Bandura & McClelland, 1977). In contrast to

behaviorist theories, which proposed that individuals learn through experienced rewards

and punishments for behaviors, social learning theory suggested that behavior also could

be shaped through observational learning. Instead of having to experience a reward or

punishment firsthand, a person could learn behavior through observing others’ behaviors

and the rewards or punishments those others received.

An early study examined the possibility of such a learning process. Children were

randomly assigned to watch a version of a video of a lab assistant in a room full of toys.

Among the toys in the room is a “bobo doll”, an inflatable, durable doll with a weighted

base, such that it springs upright when pushed over. In one version of the video, the lab

assistant ignores the doll and plays with the other toys in the room. In another version, the

lab assistant repeatedly attacks the doll, hitting it with a mallet, throwing it into the air, or

sitting on it and punching it repeatedly. Children who watched this version of the video

were more likely to engage in aggressive play with the doll or with other toys, imitating

behaviors learned from watching the assistant’s behavior (Bandura, Ross, & Ross, 1961).


This theory had alarming implications for the possible effects of violent media. If

behavior is easily and readily shaped by observing others, then watching media in which

violent behaviors are justified and rewarded could teach people to use violence. Future

research attempted to test Social Learning Theory models of violent media and

aggressive behavior with more externally valid stimuli (e.g., violent cartoons) and

dependent measures (e.g., aggressing against another person rather than hitting an

inanimate doll) (e.g., Josephson, 1987; Potts, Huston, & Wright, 1986).

The General Aggression Model. The General Aggression Model (GAM;

Anderson & Bushman, 2002; Lindsay & Anderson, 2000) is an attempt to integrate social

learning theory and later-developed theories into a single broad model that would still be

specific enough to be falsifiable. GAM does this by describing a cycle consisting of

person/situation inputs, an internal state of the individual, and outcomes resulting from

the process. These outcomes are expected to cycle back to affect the person/situation

inputs, leading to lasting changes. The theories integrated in the GAM explicate the

theoretically-relevant inputs, states, and outcomes, as well as their relationships.

Causal pathways within the GAM reflect the predictions of many theories. For

example, cognitive-neoassociation theory (Berkowitz, 1984) considers learned

associations between cues and aggression, suggesting that a conditioned stimulus can

later prime associated cognition or affect. Script theory (Huesmann, 1986, 1998)

proposes that well-rehearsed sets of concepts are selected and applied for their

resemblance to the current context; increased rehearsal of aggressive scripts, then, is

expected to increase the likelihood that these scripts are activated and applied. Excitation

transfer theory (Zillmann, 1983) argues that that arousal from a previous event can be


applied to a later unrelated event, causing inappropriate affective overreactions to

interpersonal situations and increased aggressive behavior. Cultivation theory (see

Shanahan & Morgan, 1999), which argues that media portrayals influence the receivers’

perception of the real world, suggests that persons exposed to violent media develop a

distorted worldview, overestimating the frequency and social normativity of aggressive

or violent behavior. Desensitization theory (Wolpe, 1958), which proposes that repeated

exposure to an affective stimulus causes decreased affective response over time,

indicating that violent media may make aggressive or violent behaviors less affectively

aversive and reduce others’ apparent need for help.

GAM broadly describes internal states leading to behavior as belonging to three

categories: cognition, affect, and arousal. Violent media is expected to influence all of

these in short-term contexts. Given the theories combined by GAM, increased aggressive

thought accessibility, hostile feelings, arousal, rehearsal of aggressive behaviors, and

expectations of aggressive behavior from others are all believed to increase aggressive

behavior. Many experiments have found associations between violent media, violent

behavior, and these hypothesized mediating processes.

GAM is also argued to predict long-term changes in behavior. Recall that GAM is

a cycle. Its outcomes (e.g., aggressive behavior) are thought to shape the individual’s

personality and future situations; an aggressive individual is thought to be more likely to

find himself in aggressive contexts in the future. In those aggressive contexts, the

individual is expected to use previously-exercised aggressive behavior. Repeated

exposure to aggressive primes is argued to make the prime chronically accessible,

causing prolonged priming of aggressive behavior (Anderson & Bushman, 2002).


GAM has recently been further generalized to explain effects of nonviolent media

on prosocial behavior in a model called the General Learning Model (GLM; Buckley &

Anderson, 2006). This model argues that games can be teaching tools and can teach

aggressive or prosocial behaviors. This model is structurally analogous to the GAM,

featuring the same series of person/situation inputs, which contribute to a present internal

state, leading to outcomes such as appraisals and behaviors. Affect, cognitions, and

arousal derived from media are again expected to influence a person’s internal states and

choices of actions, allowing calming (Whitaker & Bushman, 2012) or prosocial

(Greitemeyer & Osswald, 2010) video games to cause increased prosocial behavior.

Evidence for violent game effects on aggressive outcomes

To date, twenty five years of violent video game research indicates a causal effect

of violent games on aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Researchers have found

significant effects of violent game contents on aggressive outcomes whether comparing

early arcade games like Centipede and Zaxxon (Anderson & Ford, 1986) or more

modern, realistic video games such as Grand Theft Auto 4 (e.g., Gabbiadini, Riva,

Andrighetto, Volpato, & Bushman, 2013).

In summarizing this literature, meta-analysists have argued that effects are

positive and highly statistically significant (Anderson et al., 2010; Greitemeyer &

Mügge, 2014), a finding which one researcher saw as “nailing the coffin shut on doubts”

(Huesmann, 2010). Effect sizes have been recognized as modest in magnitude (r = .21,

Anderson et al., 2010; r = .19, Greitemeyer & Mügge, 2014), but these effect sizes are

argued to be practically meaningful based on their putative implications for public health.

Accordingly, professional societies have released public statements on the harmful


effects of violent media (American Psychological Association, Task Force on Violent

Media, 2005; American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on Communications and Media,

2009). It has been argued that there is now “broad consensus” among media researchers,

pediatricians, and parents that media violence increases aggression in children (Bushman,

Gollwitzer, & Cruz, in press).

The controversy. However, not all researchers have been convinced by these

research findings (Adachi et al., 2013). First, critics argue that the evidence has been

overstated due to publication bias (Ferguson, 2007), that is, that studies which do not find

significant effects are not submitted or not accepted for publication, causing the existing

literature to provide a biased overestimate of the effect size. It has also been argued that

the construct of “violent games” is lacking in content validity (Hilgard, Engelhardt, &

Bartholow, in revision; Ferguson, 2014; Progress and Freedom Foundation & Electronic

Frontier Foundation, 2009). For example, many violent game scholars have defined

mostly-innocuous games like Pac-Man as being “violent” (Thompson & Haninger, 2001;

Rushton, 2013) and meta-analyzed research findings accordingly (e.g. “best-practices”

criteria from Anderson et al., 2010). Invalid definitions suggest that the cause of

increased aggression may be confounding variables rather than violent game content

itself (Adachi & Willoughby, 2011a, 2011b). Finally, the internal and external validity of

aggression measures is sometimes called into question. It has been argued that the

Competitive Reaction Time Task, a common measure of aggressive behavior, does not

have a single standardized form of quantification, and so researchers may flexibly

analyze several quantifications and selectively report the one that rejects the null or


indicates the largest effect size (Elson, Mohseni, Breuer, Scharkow, & Quandt, 2014).

Flexible analysis would, like publication bias, overestimate the size of the true effect.

Sample size. Some skeptics of violent-media effects have conducted their own

experiments to attempt to test better-controlled violent game manipulations (e.g. Adachi

and Willoughby, 2011b; Elson et al., 2014; Valadez & Ferguson, 2012). However, many

of these experiments have suffered from insufficient sample size. When sample size is

too small, and the hypothesis test underpowered, a nonsignificant test result does not

necessarily present positive evidence for the truth of the null hypothesis. In our Bayesian

re-analysis of these studies, we find that evidence for the null is mixed, and that some

studies reporting nonsignificant results nonetheless find some evidence for the alternative

hypothesis of an effect (Hilgard, Engelhardt, Bartholow, & Rouder, submitted). An ideal

experiment would include a large sample and consider the strength of evidence as a

continuous quantity, perhaps through use of effect sizes and confidence intervals or

Bayesian analyses.

Testing Specific Effects of Violent Game Contents

Researchers have attempted to test the specific effects of violent game content,

not other potential confounding game features. However, violent and nonviolent games

are often very different, usually belonging to very different genres with very different

rules of play. For example, violent games are often shooter games, fighting games, or

action games, while nonviolent games are often racing games, puzzle games, or sports

games. Therefore, while tested games do differ in their violent content, they are also

different in their controls, strategies, and other gameplay features we call game

mechanics (Hilgard et al., in revision). It would be possible that these confounding


differences in game mechanics, rather than the actual violent content, are responsible for

the observed changes in aggressive outcomes.

Researchers have attempted several ways to account for these potential

differences. First, one might conduct a pilot test, collecting ratings of some potential

confounds, hoping not to observe a significant difference between the games on any

confound. This approach is flawed in that retention of the null hypothesis does not

provide evidence for the null hypothesis, especially when sample sizes are small, as they

often are in pilot tests (Hilgard et al., submitted). Another approach is to apply the

potential confounds as covariates. This approach, however, is less than ideal. On the one

hand, if the confound does cause aggression, in the case that the confound is measured

with error (as is likely, given that these confounds are often measured with single-item

covariates), residual variance will remain in the model. Analysis of covariance might

mitigate, but not eliminate, influence of the confound, leading to an overestimated effect

size. On the other hand, certain apparent confounds might be meaningful outcomes of

violent content, mediating the relationship between violent content and aggressive

outcomes. Applying these mediators as covariates would eliminate much of the

relationship between violent content and aggressive outcome, underestimating the effect


Game modification paradigms provide greater experimental control and eliminate

the need for post-hoc statistical adjustments of questionable value. Rather than comparing

two separate games, or different activities within a single game, modification allows the

researcher to exercise control over the game contents. For example, a game can be

modified so that the same level is played either with violent or nonviolent contents, but


all other game parameters are kept the same (as demonstrated in Carnagey & Anderson,

2005; Elson, Breuer, Van Looy, Kneer, & Quandt, in press; Engelhardt, Hilgard, &

Bartholow, in press; Przybylski, Deci, Rigby, & Ryan, 2014). This approach allows for

accurate tests of the effects of very specific game features.

2D:4D Ratio

Media is not the only anticipated cause of aggression. Because males are

generally more aggressive (see Campbell, 2006), it has been suggested that aggression,

being a sexually-influenced trait, is affected by the sex hormone testosterone. Some

support for this idea has been found in lizards (Moore & Marler, 1987) and in birds

(Wingfield, Ball, Dufty, Hegner, & Ramenofsky, 1987), but effects among humans are

less apparent, perhaps because of the role of culture in establishing sexually-dimorphic

behavior (see Archer, 2009).

Nevertheless, it has been suggested that prenatal testosterone exposure could

influence a variety of physiological and psychological constructs through organizational

effects on the developing brain. While ethical reasons forbid the investigation of the

effects of prenatal testosterone on psychological development, the measurement of

2D:4D digit ratio has been suggested as an alternative approach to measurement of

prenatal testosterone. 2D:4D, the ratio of the lengths of the index and ring finger, is

thought to be sexually dimorphic. On average, men have shorter index fingers relative to

their ring fingers (2D:4D: ~ 0.95) as compared to women (2D:4D: ~ 1.0; Manning, Scutt,

Wilson, & Lewis-Jones, 1998; Phelps, 1952). Within each sex, 2D:4D has been found to

be associated with higher prenatal levels of the androgen testosterone and lower levels of


the estrogen estradiol (Lutchmaya, Baron-Cohen, Raggatt, Knickmeyer, & Manning,


Inconsistent effects of 2D:4D on aggressive behavior. The testosterone-

aggression hypothesis would predict that 2D:4D ratios indicative of greater

developmental androgen exposure would be associated with greater aggression.

However, evidence does not seem to support this relationship. Meta-analysis indicates

that there is no relationship between 2D:4D and aggression in females, and that the

relationship between 2D:4D and aggression in males is quite small (r = -.06, Hönekopp

& Watson, 2011). Effect sizes for several studies were not reported other than as “not

significant” and imputed as r = .00 (n = 284 out of the total sample N = 1895), so this

meta-analysis may provide an overly conservative test.

In an attempt to resolve this inconsistency, it has been proposed that 2D:4D ratio

only predicts aggressive behavior in an aggressive context (Millet, 2011). For example,

2D:4D ratio is argued to interact with the effect of an aggressive music video on

aggressive intent, with more masculine ratios leading to greater aggressive intent when

the music video was aggressive (r = -.46), but not when the music video was not

aggressive (r = -.03) (Millet & Dewitte, 2007). Similarly, it is argued that the relationship

between 2D:4D ratio and an behavior in an economic dictator game reverses depending

on whether participants are in a neutral or aggressive context, e.g., having been

previously primed with aggressive words (Millet & Dewitte, 2009). It is possible,

however, that these moderation models are overfitting the data, especially if they are

attempted post-hoc when the anticipated main effects are not found.


Null results from gene expression data. Recent meta-analytic efforts call into

question the validity of 2D:4D ratio as a measurement of prenatal testosterone action.

Voracek (submitted) investigated the estimated effect of the gene Xq11.2-12, expected to

influence androgen responsivity. Longer variants of this gene are less active, and thus

would be expected to lead to reduced response to testosterone, and thus, less masculine

2D:4D ratio. An initial small-sample study did indeed find such a relationship (Manning,

Bundred, Newton, & Flanagan, 2003). However, several subsequent studies have found

no significant relationship, and Voracek estimates the effect size as r = .02, [-.02, .06].

Thus, it is possible that 2D4D is not a valid measurement of prenatal testosterone activity

in typical populations.


The proposed study examines the effects of game violence, game difficulty, and

2D:4D ratio on aggressive behavior among college-aged males. The study will thereby

test the hypotheses generated by previous research and theory. First, I aim to test the

effect of violent game content on aggressive behavior, deriving the first hypothesis:

H1: Violent game content will increase aggressive behavior as measured by duration of

coldpressor assignment, even when games are identical in all ways save violent content.

It has also been argued that observed changes in aggressive behavior are not due

to the violent content of tested games, but rather, confounded elements of difficult or

competitive game content (Adachi & Willoughby, 2011a, 2011b; Przybylski et al., 2013).

My previous research suggests that challenging games may also deplete cognitive

resources typically employed in the control of behavior (Engelhardt, Hilgard, and

Bartholow, in press). Since cognitive control is theorized to be an important element in


inhibiting aggressive behavior (Anderson & Bushman, 2002), depletion of cognitive

control resources would be expected to increase aggressive behavior. Difficult and

competitive gameplay, then, should be expected to lead to increased aggression through

frustration, priming of competition, thwarted competency, or mental fatigue. I thereby

derive my second hypothesis:

H2: Difficult games will increase aggressive behavior relative to easy games, whether

through increased competitive content or the depletion of cognitive resources.

As summarized before, it has been suggested that lower, more masculine 2D:4D

ratio predicts increased aggression. Although this effect may be context-dependent, the

current context should allow the effect to emerge, as participants are provoked by their

partners. From this suggestion, I derive my third hypothesis:

H3: Lower 2D:4D ratio will predict greater aggression.

Finally, theories of aggressive behavior predict that multiple effects should have

super-additive effects. For example, violent games may prime and facilitate aggressive

thoughts and behaviors, but these effects should be especially potent when cognitive

resources are depleted (Anderson & Bushman, 2002). These predictions are mirrored by

I3 Theory (Finkel, 2013), a theory that describes sources of aggression as being

instigating, impelling, or (dis)inhibiting, and predicts that combinations of the three yield

superadditive effects. Not only are all participants provoked (instigation), but others are

hypothetically driven by prenatal testosterone and violent game content (impelled) and/or

cognitively depleted by challenging gameplay (disinhibited). Thus, I derive my fourth

and last hypothesis:


H4: Combinations of aggression-inducing factors tested in H1, H2, and H3 should lead to

superadditive increases in aggression, as predicted by I3 theory and the General

Aggression Model.




Participants were 335 male undergraduate students at a state university. The target

sample size was 450 subjects, anticipating a loss of about 50 subjects due to failures of

the experiment or of deception; data collection and entry are still in progress.

Participation was restricted to males because 2D:4D effects are thought to apply only to

males (McIntyre et al., 2007; but see Millet & Dewitte, 2007). This also had the positive

side-effect of eliminating gender as a potential source of variance. Participants were

primarily Caucasian (76.7%), with some African-American (8.9%), Asian (7.8%), and

Latino (3.6%). On average, participants were 18.9 (SD: 1.9) years old.

Scientific integrity

Hypotheses and sample size were preregistered at Materials

including game files are also available at that URL. Data and analytic code will later be

made available at that website. Data and code are currently available upon request at


2D:4D ratio. Participants placed their hands on a flatbed scanner, fingers held

together and fully extended. The scanner imaged their hands. The distance from tip to

basal crease of each index and ring finger was measured using the caliper tool in the

GNU Image Manipulation Program (, a freeware Photoshop-like tool.

2D:4D ratios were created for each hand by taking the ratio of lengths of the index and

ring fingers. Data are planned to be double-coded for maximum reliability. As of now,


122 subjects have been double-entered. Among these, inter-rater reliability was excellent


Coldpressor task. Participants had an opportunity to aggress against their partner

in the experiment by assigning the partner to immerse his fist in a bucket of painfully-

cold water for an amount of time. Before making the assignment, the participant first

sampled the cold water himself for five seconds to learn that cold-water immersion is

unpleasant. The participant then assigned the partner to a duration of cold-water

immersion on a 9 point scale, ranging from 0 to 80 seconds in 10-second intervals. This

measure can be quantified only in one way (e.g. 1-9 rating), eliminating the concerns

about which is the “correct” quantification strategy often associated with the competitive

reaction time measure of aggression (see Elson et al., 2014). This measure is attached as

Appendix A.

Manipulation checks. Participants completed a questionnaire assessing the

efficacy of the various parts of the experimental manipulation. First, participants rated

their exchange with their partner for how helpful, pleasant, irritating, etc. their partner’s

feedback was. Then, participants rated the video game they played, indicating how

violent, enjoyable, exciting, and challenging it was. Participants then rated their degree of

experience with video games, first-person shooter video games, and playing video games

with a keyboard and mouse. Finally, participants provided demographic information

about themselves. This measure is attached as Appendix B.

Probe for suspicion. Participants completed a questionnaire intended to imitate a

funneled debriefing. It begins with broad questions about the study and its purpose, and

whether anything seemed strange about the study, and then grows increasingly specific,


asking the participant about the aggression measure and other participant in the study.

This measure is attached as Appendix C.


Modified video games. Four modified versions of the video game Doom II (iD

Software, 1994) were created using software modification tools (Judd, 2011; vd Heiden,

2012). These four versions were designed to create a 2 (Difficulty: Easy, Difficulty) x 2

(Violence: Nonviolent, Violent) Latin squares design.

Across the four video games, all gameplay variables are held constant. The player

moves at the same speed, the player’s abilities have the same effects on enemies, and the

enemies have the same abilities and artificial intelligence. A series of unique levels were

designed that would be easy for players to navigate. This was done to minimize the

amount of time players spent wandering aimlessly or being lost and maximize the amount

of time engaged in gameplay and violence, as appropriate. All four versions of the game

used the same levels so that level geography and the placement of supplies and enemies

were the same across conditions. In the case that the player’s health was reduced to zero,

he would start again from the most recent of six checkpoints.

Violent content of the games was manipulated by changing the graphical and

auditory representation of the player’s tools and of the enemies. In the nonviolent

version, enemy graphics and sounds were borrowed from Chex Quest (Digital Café,

1996), a modified version of Doom II that replaces the enemies with silly-looking booger

aliens. The players’ weapons are similarly replaced with “zorchers”, science-fiction tools

similar in appearance to remote controls. Participants in this condition are told that the

aliens are lost and confused and need to be sent home with the zorcher. Players maintain


their health and ammunition by picking up fruits, vegetables, “zorch pellets,” and “zap

tapes.” In the violent version, enemy graphics and sounds were borrowed from Brutal

Doom (Abenante, 2012), a modified form of Doom II that increases the degree of

violence by making defeated enemies explode into fountains of gore, severed limbs, and

scattering teeth. In the violent version of the game, the texture of some map scenery was

replaced with more hellish imagery such as rivers of blood, demonic skulls, or bodies

chained to walls. The functional aspects of map geometry remained the same across

versions, however.

The difficulty of the games was manipulated by changing the enemies’ artificial

intelligence. In the difficult version of the game, the enemies fought per their original

artificial intelligence. In the violent version of the game, monsters tried to wound the

player with guns, claws, teeth, or fireballs. In the nonviolent version of the game, aliens

tried to slime the player by throwing boogers. Thus, in the difficult version of the game, it

was possible that players would be wounded or slimed too many times and have to restart

the level. Players had to attend to the game environment to find supplies such as health,

armor, and ammunition. In the easy version of the game, however, enemies had their

artificial intelligence changed so that they could not attack the player. Instead, they would

walk very slowly towards the player and wait to be killed or zorched. In the easy version

of the game, it was impossible for the player to lose health or to have to restart the level.

Players were also given infinite ammunition so that they would not have to search the

environment for supplies.

The modified games were also programmed to track players’ in-game behavior

and performance. Across the gameplay session, the game tracked: the number of times


the player had to restart the level, the number of enemies slain or zorched, the number of

times the rapid-fire tool was used, the number of times the slow and powerful tool was

used, the furthest point reached by the player, and the number of times the player was hit

by an enemy.


Participants arrived at the lab in pairs and were immediately escorted to separate

adjacent rooms. Following consent, participants’ hands were photographed with a flatbed

scanner for measurement of 2D:4D. Because there was only one scanner, participants

were able to see each other as scans were taken, demonstrating the presence of another

participant in the study. After scanning, participants returned to their desks.

Participants were then given an envelope, a sheet of loose-leaf paper, and a

printed essay prompt. They were informed that the first task is to write a five-minute

persuasive essay of their personal views on abortion which would later be judged by the

other participant. (To justify this practice, participants were told that participants rate

essays just as well as trained research assistants.) At the end of these five minutes, the

essays were collected so that they purportedly could be exchanged with the other


Instead of exchanging the essays, each participant received a fake, premade essay

designed to oppose their beliefs. Participants who wrote a pro-life essay received a pro-

choice essay, while participants who wrote a pro-choice essay received a pro-life essay.

With this essay, participants received a form for rating the essay. This form asked

participants to rate the organization, originality, writing style, clarity of expression,

persuasiveness of arguments, and overall quality of the essay. Participants also could


leave comments. Once finished, the participant returned the essay and the evaluation

form to the partner’s envelope, which was then taken from the room, ostensibly for data


Participants then played their assigned version of the video game. Each received a

cover story that explained the story and controls of the game (see attached in Appendix

D). In the nonviolent condition, the story explained that the booger aliens are lost and

confused, and that when the player has “zorched” them all, he sees a scene of the aliens

playing together on their homeworld. By comparison, in the violent condition, the story

explains that the aliens must all be slain, and that when the player has killed them all, he

sees a scene of the player character posing with his shotgun. The cover story also

explained whether enemies would or would not attack the player per the difficulty


Participants were then given 15 minutes to play the game. They were monitored

for a few minutes to make sure that they successfully completed the first level of the

game and moved on to the second level, at which time the participant was left to play


While the participant played the video game, materials were prepared for

subsequent provocation and measurement of aggression. An insulting essay evaluation

form was placed in the participant’s envelope; on it, the partner had rated all dimensions

as between -8 and -10 in quality, and commented “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever

read.” To prepare the coldpressor task, a dozen ice cubes were added to the coldpressor

pitcher 5 minutes before the end of the game session.


When the game session ended, the research assistant brought the coldpressor

pitcher and a towel into the room. A key was pressed on the keyboard to print the game

variables, which the assistant then logged. The game was then quit by pressing Alt+F4.

The RA then navigated to a folder containing an E-Prime task in preparation for the

purported second portion of the experiment.

At this point, the participant was told that the next portion of the experiment

involves performing a computer task while distracted by cold-water exposure. The

participant was asked to sample the coldpressor by placing his fist in it for five seconds.

At the end of five seconds, the participant was allowed to withdraw his hand and towel

off. The participant was then asked if he would be okay with the coldpressor. (No

participants indicated unwillingness to participate in the coldpressor task.)

The research assistant then brought the participant’s original envelope into the

room and asked him to read the partner’s rating of his essay. The research assistant again

left the room to fetch a distraction assignment form and gave it to the participant,

explaining that “to avoid experimenter bias,” participants were being asked to randomly

assign each other to the various levels of distraction. The participant was asked to circle a

number on the sheet, thereby assigning the partner to an amount of coldpressor exposure

ranging from 0 seconds to 80 seconds in 10 second intervals.

Once this sheet was retrieved, participants were told that the experiment was

running out of time and that the distraction task would be skipped. Participants completed

post-questionnaires asking them to rate the games, their partner’s feedback, and what

they suspected was the purpose of the study. Participants were then fully debriefed and




For each tested effect, I report an effect size and confidence interval as well as a

Bayesian model comparison. In Bayesian model comparison, an alternative hypothesis is

explicitly stated for each effect. While in frequentist power analysis it is common to

presume a single effect size (e.g. a point hypothesis of r = .21), Bayesians can describe

effects in probability distributions. Effects are often described as following a Cauchy

distribution of certain scale such that large scale parameters reflect large effects and small

scale parameters reflect small effects. In the present research, effects are expected to be

small, so alternative hypotheses were set to δ ~ Cauchy(.4). By comparing the probability

of the data given the null hypothesis (d = 0) and the probability of the data given the

alternative hypothesis (δ ~ Cauchy(.4)), a Bayes factor is obtained. The Bayes factor

describes how many times more likely the data are given one hypothesis than the other.

This Bayes factor also has a natural interpretation as the multiplicative change in beliefs.

If one believed an effect was more likely than no effect with 10-to-1 odds, but the data

favor the null hypothesis with 1-to-15 odds, one should update beliefs to 1-to1.5 against

the effect.

Quality Control

Of the 335 participants, 86 indicated on the debriefing form that the purpose of

the experiment was to study the effects of violent games on aggressive behavior without

selecting any of the other offered purposes. A further 2 subjects had gameplay data

indicating that they had been wounded or slain in the easy game condition. A further 24

subjects were excluded because the research assistants indicated some failure of


deception or of methodology. The effective sample size was 223. Of these, digit ratios are

available for only 152 at the present moment.

We note that our failure of deception rate of 25.7% is considerably higher than

our anticipated 11% rate or of rates reported in previous work. It is possible that our

funneled debriefing process is more sensitive than that used in previous work. It is also

possible that our hypothesis was too obvious to the participants given the study design. A

final possibility is that repeated press releases on the study of violent game effects is

reaching broader awareness, reducing the proportion of naïve participants in the

population. To be conservative, I report analyses with hypothesis-aware participants


Manipulation Check

Participant ratings on the post-questionnaires were submitted to 2 (Violence) x 2

(Difficulty) ANOVA. The manipulation was highly effective: participants indicated that

the violent game (M = 5.2; SD = 1.27) was much more violent than the nonviolent game

(M = 2.2, SD = 1.49; d = 2.2 (1.87, 2.54)).

Mean evaluations of the participants’ interactions with the partner were also

assessed. Participants generally indicated that they were irritated (M = 4.92, SD = 1.71),

angered (M = 4.22, SD = 1.75), and annoyed (M = 4.92, SD = 1.80) by their partner.

Furthermore, they were not happy (M = 2.45, SD = 1.41) or pleased (M = 2.18, SD =

1.37) with their partner and found the feedback unhelpful (M = 1.78, SD = 1.23).

To determine whether the coldpressor dependent variable was a sensitive measure

of aggression, I tested whether these participant evaluations were related to coldpressor

assignments. First, a principal component was extracted from participants’ six ratings of


the interaction, described above. The first component accounted for 57% of the variance

and had the expected pattern of loadings: .51, .45, and .50 for irritation, anger, and

annoyance, -.35, -.22, and -.33 for happiness, helpfulness, and pleasure. This component,

hereafter referred to as composite irritation, was then used as a linear predictor of

coldpressor assignment. The relationship was moderately strong, t(196) = 5.43, r = .36

(.22, .46), suggesting that the coldpressor measure was indeed influenced by participants’

intent to aggress. A scatterplot and loess regression line are provided in Figure 1.

A 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) ANOVA was conducted to determine whether the

game played influenced participants’ ratings of the interaction. Effects were small and

not statistically significant, suggesting that the game played had a minimal influence on

participants’ composite irritation. See Table 1 for this ANOVA output.

Primary Outcome

Coldpressor assignments were found to be non-normally distributed. Distributions

appeared to resemble a mixture of a uniform and a point such that participants either

followed directions and assigned a random value between 1 and 9 or they decided to

aggress against their partner and assigned a 9. See histograms in Figure 2 and means and

SDs in Table 2.

Because of this non-normal distribution, I attempted to model the data in several

ways. First, I treated the data as normally distributed for a typical ANOVA, generating

effect sizes, confidence intervals, and Bayes factors. Next, I treated the data as being

censored from above, attempting to model possible coldpressor assignments above the

maximum. Finally, I treated coldpressor assignment as a categorical outcome with 1-8


representing a single nonaggressive response category and 9 representing an aggressive

response category. This categorized variable was analyzed with logistic regression.

Conventional ANOVA. Beginning with the full 2 (Violence) x Submitting the

data to ANOVA, effects were found to be very small. Estimates of the main effects

depended considerably on the treatment of the 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) interaction,

which was statistically significant (t(219) = -2.21, r = -.14 (-.27, -.01)) but negative, such

that violent content increased aggressive behavior among players of the easy game (r =

.20, (.01, .37)) but decreased aggressive behavior among players of the difficult game (r

= -.10, (-.28, .09)). This interaction would seem at odds with the previous literature on

violent game effects, which almost exclusively uses video games in their default,

challenging parameters (e.g. my difficult-game condition). Suffice it to say that this

interaction does not support the hypothesis of super-additive effects (H4, above) and is

not interpretable under the theories outlined previously.

If this uninterpretable interaction is included in the ANOVA, the main effects of

Violence and of Difficulty are small, positive, and statistically significant (Violence:

t(219) = 2.04, r = .14 (.00, .26); Difficulty: t(219) = 2.19, r = .15 (.01, .27)). Because this

interaction is negative, representing a cross-over, removing it from the model causes a

dramatic decrease in the main effects (Violence: t(220) = 0.67, r = .05 (-.09, .18);

Difficulty: t(220) = 0.89, r = .06 (-.07, .19)). These estimated effects are dramatically

smaller than those reported in meta-analyses of previous violent-games research (r = .21,

Anderson et al., 2010; r = .19, Greitemeyer & Mugge, 2014). A frequentist might even

say that they are statistically significantly smaller than the previously-reported effect



Main effects of left and right 2D:4D were negligible (t(151) = -0.19, r = -.02 (-

.17, .14); t(151) = .129, r = .01 (-.15, .17). Two- and three-way interactions of 2D:4D

with violence and difficulty were also small and negligible (all |t| < 1.3).

Because the earlier manipulation and sensitivity check indicated that much of the

variance in aggression could be predicted by composite irritation and that composite

irritation was largely orthogonal to the experimental manipulation, composite irritation

was added as a covariate. However, this did not increase the observed effect size. In the

2x2 ANOVA, effects of Violence, Difficulty, and their interaction were small: t(193)s =

1.40, 1.81, and -1.62; rs = .09 (-.04, .24), .13 (-.01, .26), and -.11 (-.25 .03), respectively.

When the interaction term was dropped, main effects again shrank (Violence: t(194) =

0.36, r = .03 (-.11, .16); Difficulty: t(194) = 0.93, r = .07 (-.07, .20)).

Bayesian ANOVA. Models were compared using the BayesFactor package for R

(Morey & Rouder, 2014). Because effects are expected to be small, I adjusted the scale of

the effect size under the alternative hypothesis to ~Cauchy(.4). Models were generated to

represent all possible combinations of main effects and/or interactions. Models including

interactions were constrained to also include lower-order interactions and main effects.

All models were compared to a null-hypothesis model including no effects. Bayes factors

involving 2D:4D were similar regardless of whether the right or left hand was used; to be

conservative, I report the Bayes factor closer to 1.

Of all the models, the null-hypothesis model was best supported by the data.

Models of main effects of Violence, Difficulty, or 2D:4D were each outperformed by the

null model (Bayes factors = 4.51, 3.87, and 5.64 in favor of the null, respectively).

Models containing interactions were further outperformed by the null. The full model of


2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) x 2D:4D was not preferred to the null (Bayes factor = 558).

The 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) model was similarly outperformed by the null (Bayes

factor = 8.69). Thus, the null model was supported over the hypothesized effect of each


When composite irritation was added as a predictor, Bayes factor strongly favored

the composite-irritation-model to the null model, B = 73,980. This model was also

preferred to models adding effects of violence (B = 5.01), difficulty (B = 3.55), additive

effects of violence and difficulty (B = 17.93), or interactive effects of violence and

difficulty (B = 22.72). This indicates that variance in coldpressor duration could be

predicted by composite irritation but not by game condition.

Censored regression. To attempt to ameliorate the potential ceiling effect, a

censored regression model was fit with the ‘censReg’ package for R (Henningsen, 2013).

This fits a censored-regression Tobit model and attempts to model values that exceed the

maximum of the scale.

Again, the 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) model was fit. As in the conventional

ANOVA, a small and negative interaction was found (t(219) = -2.26, r = -.15 (-.27, -.02))

such that violent content increased aggressive behavior in the easy condition (t(110) =

1.95, r = .18 (-.01, .36)) but decreased aggressive behavior in the difficult condition

(t(111) = -1.32, r = -.12 (-.30, .06)). Main effects of Violence and Difficulty were small,

t(219) = 1.84, r = .12 (-.01, .25) and t(219) = 2.41, r = .16 (.03, .28), respectively.

As before, this interaction seems uninterpretable in light of the theoretical

predictions. Removing this interaction from the model again dramatically reduced the


size of the estimated main effects. Effects of Violence and Difficulty were very close to

zero, t(223) = 0.34, r = .02 (-.11, .15) and t(220) = 1.15, r = .07 (-.05, .21), respectively.

Main effects of 2D:4D were again approximately zero, t(151) = -0.19, r = -.02 (-

.17, .14) and t(151) = 0.13, r = .01 (-.15, .17) for left- and right-hand 2D:4D, respectively.

Higher-order interactions with Violence or Difficulty were not supported (all |t| < 1.5).

Logistic regression. Another possibility is that participants completed the

coldpressor assignment in one of two ways: either they followed instructions and

randomly assigned the other participant to a value between 1 and 9, or they decided to

aggress and assign the other participant the maximum value. To model this possibility, I

treated the response variable as a dichotomous outcome. Participants assigning values 1-8

were treated as one category (nonaggressive response) and participants assigning value 9

were treated as the other (aggressive response). Logistic regression was performed to test

whether the odds of aggressing were influenced by the experimental assignment.

Analysis began with a 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) general linear model with a

logit link function. A small negative interaction was again observed, although it was not

statistically significant (t(219) = -1.60, r = -.11 (-.23, .03). Here, the nature of this

interaction was such that Violence decreased aggression when the game was easy, t(103)

= -0.63, r = -.06 (-.25, .13) and decreased it to a lesser extent when the game was hard,

t(106) = -.284, r = -.03 (-.22, .16). The main effect of Violence was quite small, t(219) =

0.72, r = .05 (-.08, .18), although participants were slightly more likely to aggress in the

Difficult condition, t(219) = 2.21, r = .15 (.01, .27).

Again, because the negative interaction is difficult to interpret given the relevant

theory, it was dropped from the model and main effects again estimated. Violence did not


appear to influence aggression, t(220) = -0.70, r = -.05 (-.18, .08). Difficulty also had a

minimal effect on aggression, t(220) = 1.58, r = .11 (-.03, .23). Application of

composite irritation as a covariate to these models revealed an effect of composite

irritation, t(196) = 4.19, r = .29 (.15, .40), but did not increase the estimated effects of

violence, difficulty, or their interaction.

Main effects of 2D:4D on aggression were again negligible. Left 2D:4D did not

predict aggression, t(151) = -0.15, r = -.01 (-.17, .15), nor did right 2D:4D, t(150) = -0.05,

r = -.05 (-.21, .11). Application of composite irritation as a covariate did not influence the

estimated effect. Higher-order interactions of 2D:4D with factors of Violence or

Difficulty were not supported by the results (all |t| < 1.53).

Bayesian probit regression. I am currently working on a software

implementation of Bayesian probit regression. This software would allow for Bayesian

analysis of the categorical outcome. This would make it possible to compare the

probability of the null vs. a reasonable alternative hypothesis, yielding Bayes factors as a

summary of observed evidence. A further extension of this technique could model the

outcome as a mixture of a binomial and a uniform distribution to inspect whether the

game played influenced the probability of assigning a 9 or some other value, and

additionally, whether the game influenced the mean of the assignments below 9.

Non-local Bayesian prior. In the Bayesian hypothesis tests provided above, we

use a non-directional, non-specific alternative hypothesis scaled roughly to the magnitude

of the expected effect. While this is a useful hypothesis to test, it would also be useful to

compare the obtained results against a more specific alternative hypothesis representing


the effect as estimated from previous meta-analysis, δ = .43 (.35, .52) (Anderson et al.,


The main effect of Violence in the traditional ANOVA, omitting the Violence x

Difficulty interaction, was d = 0.09 (-0.17, 0.35). An online Bayes factor calculator

(Dienes, 2008) was used to compare the evidence for H0: δ = 0 relative to H1: δ = .43

(.35, .52). The obtained Bayes factor substantially preferred the null, B01 = 17.7.



Results indicate that when game stimuli are carefully controlled the effects of

fifteen minutes of violent gameplay are likely to be small and not meaningfully different

from zero. Similarly null effects were observed for game difficulty and for 2D:4D.

Because observed effects were small and sampling precision was high, the present study

provided considerable evidence against hypothesized effects of violence, difficulty, and


The presented manipulation and sensitivity checks give me confidence that the

null results are not due to failures of the methodology. First, participants indicated that

the violent game was much more violent than the nonviolent game. Second, participants

were generally irritated with their essay feedback. Lastly, the coldpressor measure of

aggression was sensitive to participants’ irritation with their partners. This sensitivity

suggests that the null result is not due simply to the unusual distribution of the data or an

overall invalidity of the coldpressor measure.

Effects of Violent Video Games

The current study indicates that, when game stimuli are tightly controlled, effects

of violence in a brief laboratory experiment are minimal. Models without such effects are

better supported by the data than are models with such effects. These results parallel our

findings from a similar study with the same game stimuli but using different outcomes:

noise-blasts in the Competitive Reaction-Time Task, ratings of aggressive affect, and

measurements of aggressive-word accessibility (Engelhardt, Mazurek, Hilgard, Rouder,

and Bartholow, in press).


The present research provides a closer experimental control than previous

experiments. It has previously been argued that researchers have matched their stimuli on

all reasonably possible confounds (Anderson et al., 2004). As outlined above, studies that

conduct a pilot test and find no significant difference cannot demonstrate the truth of the

null hypothesis of no true difference between stimuli. Similarly, studies using ANCOVA

to “control for” confounds cannot be certain that all variance associated with the

confounds have been removed. The tighter experimental controls of this research may

have reduced the apparent effect size.

My other work draws similar conclusions from meta-analysis (Hilgard, in prep).

In their meta-analysis, Anderson et al. (2010) argue significant effects of violent games

on aggressive behaviors in laboratory experiments. Moreover, they argue that better-

designed studies find larger effects than do studies on average. It seems that this criterion,

among others, actually increases the degree of bias in publication and selection. While

the naïve meta-analytic estimate of the effect on aggressive behavior is larger in the

“best” studies than in all the studies on average, the “best” studies also have a more

dramatically asymmetrical funnel plot, a sign of research bias.

To account for this research bias, I applied PET-PEESE meta-regression (Stanley

& Doucouliagos, 2012), a statistical technique that examines the degree of funnel plot

asymmetry and estimates a bias-corrected effect size. The concept is similar to that of the

trim-and-fill procedure (Duvall & Tweedie, 2000), which Anderson et al. (2010) did

apply; however, trim-and-fill is expected to perform poorly compared to PET-PEESE due

to violations of the assumptions of trim-and-fill. In simulations, trim-and-fill tends to


under-correct for bias when bias is present and over-correct for bias when bias is absent,

even when its assumptions are met (Simonsohn, Simmons, & Nelson, 2014).

Application of PET-PEESE finds that the best-practices subset has greater

research bias and a smaller estimated effect size than all studies on average (see Figure

3). This might suggest that better-designed studies find smaller effects but are subject to

greater publication or analytic bias. Another possibility is that studies were selected as

best- or not-best-practices post hoc on the basis of their obtained results. This may

explain the apparent inconsistency in the application of some of the inclusion criterion

(see Lakens, Hilgard, and Staaks, in press).

Considering that the bias-corrected meta-analytic effect size estimate is small and

may yet involve confounds, it is plausible that the current study has accurately measured

the true effect as being small and well-described by the null hypothesis.

This finding has implications for future laboratory research of violent media and

aggressive behavior. If main effects of brief violent media manipulations are small, then

laboratory paradigms may not be appropriate for developing elaborated and refined

theories of violent media effects. A study hoping to find moderators or boundary

conditions of the effect may need hundreds or even thousands of subjects to detect the

anticipated interaction. Previous research detecting such interactions may involve an

amount of hypothesizing after results are known (“HARKing”; Kerr, 1998) or post-hoc

application of moderators (“moderator munging”). A skeptical reader might wonder

whether, say, the interaction between game violence and rumination in predicting

aggressive behavior truly is moderated by gender (Bushman & Gibson, 2010), or whether


gender was added as a moderator when the predicted 2 (Violence) x 2 (Rumination)

interaction could not be obtained.

It still seems likely that violent media has effects on its audience – just that such

effects are difficult to detect in a single 15-30 minute laboratory gameplay session. By

comparison, it seems rather more plausible that violent games can influence behavior

over the course of hundreds of hours of gameplay over months and years of development.

Thus, despite my skepticism, I would not endorse the sale of violent games to minors.

Instead, I hope to make researchers aware that we may be deceiving ourselves as to the

precision and predictive power of our hypotheses. It may be necessary to re-evaluate

current measures, research, and theories, particularly with regard to brief experimental


Effects of Difficult Video Games

The obtained results also appear inconsistent with the results of research

indicating effects of competitive (Adachi & Willoughby, 2011b) or competence-

thwarting (Przybylski et al., 2014) video games. Regarding effects of competitive games,

sample sizes in the research presented by Adachi and Willoughby are small, and effects

may have been misestimated. Furthermore, while games used in that research were

thought to vary in their competitive content, they were not so tightly controlled as these,

and so confounds may have increased the size of the obtained effect. Finally, some of the

manipulations in that research contrasted competitive games against cooperative games,

which may have larger effects than a comparison between a competitive and neutral

game as in the present research.


Concerning the effects of competence-thwarting games, we must consider the

potential differences between difficulty and competence-thwarting. In their research,

Przybylski et al. (2014) measured players’ comfort with the video games’ controls, then

used that comfort or discomfort to predict aggressive affect and behavior. In other

experiments, they deliberately made the game controls awkward and unintuitive to use.

In the present research, it was expected that more difficult gameplay would, at

least indirectly, lead to increased feelings of thwarted competence. Perhaps players would

find themselves struggling with the controls more under the pressure, or they would find

the in-game challenges unfair and frustrating. This may not have been the case. The

game’s controls were deliberately kept as simple as possible across all conditions, so

perhaps the difficult-game condition represented an exciting and fair challenge rather

than a competence-thwarting chore.

The present results also speak against the possibility I argued in my previous

research on effects of violent and difficult video games (Engelhardt et al., 2015). In that

research, we had observed an apparent effect of difficult gameplay such that players who

were challenged by the game did more poorly on a subsequent modified Stroop task. We

suggested that difficult games may exhaust mental resources, impairing later recruitment

of cognitive control. We further suggested that such impairments of cognitive control

may lead to greater aggressive behavior. The difficult games used in this experiment were

designed to be more challenging than those in the previous experiment so that the effect

might be easier to obtain. Instead, we do not find effects of game difficulty on aggressive

behavior, suggesting either that difficult games do not deplete cognitive control or that


depleted cognitive control does not lead to increased aggression (cf. Bushman, DeWall,

Pond, & Hanus, 2014).

Digit Ratio

The present study finds strong evidence against presumed effects of 2D:4D.

Theory suggests that 2D:4D should be negatively associated with aggression – that is,

that participants with more masculine 2D:4D will be more aggressive. The generality of

this prediction has been gradually shrinking over the past few years, with the most recent

theory suggesting that 2D:4D only predict aggressive behavior among men in contexts

involving provocation, as these contexts have aggression as a behavior that is accessible

and available to participants (Millet, 2011; Millet & Dewitte, 2007; see Benderlioglu &

Nelson, 2004; McIntyre et al., 2007). The present study features only male subjects, all

provoked and given opportunity to aggress, but no such effect could be found. The

present study supports other research indicating the invalidity of 2D:4D.

Replication across Laboratories

Research in this area has been somewhat divided, with certain researchers tending

to find effects (e.g. Anderson and Bushman) and other researchers tending to not find

effects (e.g. Ferguson). One recent meta-analysis has suggested heterogeneity in effect

size according to research team (Greitemeyer & Mügge, 2014). Independent research by

new research teams may help to reduce the dichotomization of research findings and

bring a greater degree of consensus to research findings. It is worth noting that research

in this laboratory has historically found effects of violent games (e.g. Engelhardt,

Bartholow, Kerr, & Bushman, 2011; Engelhardt, Bartholow, & Saults, 2011; Sestir &


Bartholow, 2010), but not of such precisely-matched stimuli as used here (see also

Engelhardt et al., in press).


First, the distribution of coldpressor assignments was found to not resemble a

normal distribution. Many participants, albeit a minority, assigned their partner the

maximum coldpressor duration. Others seemed to randomly assign their partner’s

coldpressor duration. The obtained data roughly resemble a uniform distribution with a

spike at 9. I attempted several ways to model this data: traditional ANOVA, treating the

outcome as being censored from above, and logistic regression comparing the probability

of a 9 against the probability of a 1-8. Results were comparable across modeling

approaches. Data will be publicly archived for further modeling attempts. It is possible

that the distribution of the data reflects a ceiling effect and that the effect size was

diminished due to the restricted range of the measure, but again, the measure’s sensitivity

to participants’ irritation may suggest otherwise.

It is possible that a mere 15 minutes of gameplay in the laboratory is not enough

to elicit and test the effects of violent video games. This is not a unique weakness of this

research, as most experimental studies involve approximately 15-30 minutes of

gameplay. However, this would make it possible for the proposed study to yield null

findings when the true effect in the real world after many hours is nonzero. Future

longitudinal research may be needed to inspect the influence of game violence as an

effect unique from game content or game genre. Other research might intend to inspect

the influence of several hours of violent game play over several weeks.


The proposed study is also limited in that the research assistants were not blind to

the participants’ conditions. When bringing participants their cover stories and when

recording their gameplay variables, the research assistants may have been able to detect

whether participants are assigned to the violent or nonviolent game. However, previous

research has not been blinded either (personal communication). While it is an enticing

theoretical possibility that the divergent results between research labs is due to the beliefs

of research assistants, this idea would have to be explored in a later research project with

greater resources.

It is also possible that the violent game used in this study differs meaningfully

from that used in other studies. For example, perhaps Doom II is too fantastic of a setting,

and a more realistic and grounded game such as Grand Theft Auto would instead show

larger effects. However, effects have been observed for fantasy games (Anderson & Ford,

1987; Konijn, Nije Bivank, & Bushman, 2007), as well as realistic ones. This explanation

seems unlikely.

Finally, it is possible that the nonviolent Chex Quest game involves substantial

amounts of violence. Current definitions and practices indicate that even E-rated games

can contain substantial violence (Anderson et al., 2010; Thompson & Haninger, 2001),

and that the effect of cartoon E-rated violence is as strong as that of explicit M-rated

violence (Anderson, Gentile, & Buckley, 2007). These definitions and practices would

seem to contradict the current theories of violent media that they are said to support; for

example, exposure to more extreme violent content should be more desensitizing than

mild violent content. In any case, it is possible that an effect was not found in the present

study because even a relatively mild game such as Chex Quest has effects on aggression


equal to those of Brutal Doom, however implausible this may seem. Future research may

seek to compare the Brutal Doom game against a control game which involves no harm

or conflict whatsoever, although this may risk confounding the effects of in-game conflict

with those of violent content.



I find evidence against the prediction that brief exposure to violent games cause

aggressive behavior. This evidence is corroborated by similar research with different

measurements of aggressive outcomes (Engelhardt et al., in press). It seems that previous

research on this topic either yielded results inflated by confounds (Adachi & Willoughby,

2011a; Hilgard et al., submitted) or by publication and selection bias (Hilgard, in prep).

While longitudinal effects may truly exist, it is uncertain whether laboratory paradigms

involving brief exposure can help to elucidate these mechanisms in light of the present

null results.

2D:4D similarly predicts little in a laboratory experiment. Considered alongside

other evidence of the invalidity of 2D:4D (Hönekopp & Watson, 2011; Voracek,

submitted), it would seem that 2D:4D does not have much utility in understanding the

causes and prevalence of aggression.

I note that, viewed in retrospect, the refinement of theories underlying the use of

2D:4D forms a distinct and familiar life-cycle. First, an extension of theory leads to the

testing of an exciting and unconventional hypothesis. This hypothesis is tested in a small

sample and an improbably large effect is obtained. Subsequent research manages to find

effects, but they are often of dazzlingly complex interactions that could not have been

predicted a priori. Meta-analysis finds small, potentially biased results, and researchers

are encouraged instead to consider the specific and idiosyncratic contexts in which a

result has been found. Eventually, the contexts grow too specific and too idiosyncratic,

researchers recognize that the theory overfits the available data, and the theory collapses

under its own weight. Finally, everyone goes out for a pint.


In the years ahead, I hope that there will be interest and resources for further

study. Previous research findings may overstate the effects of violent games; it would be

useful to know whether this is due to poor experimental control or due to bias in research

practice. For future research, I hope to see more researchers using the current

manipulation or manipulations like it. Recent years have demonstrated that obtained

effects may vary dramatically across laboratories. Antagonistic collaboration could be

especially helpful in creating informative results and soothing personal disputes. In the

end, I hope that science communication to researchers and laypeople alike can be frank

about what is and is not known about media effects.



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Table 1.

Estimate SE t p

(Intercept) -0.05 0.41 -0.12 0.907

Violence 0.20 0.58 0.35 0.726

Difficulty 0.32 0.58 0.54 0.588

Violence x Difficulty -0.84 0.82 -1.03 0.306

ANOVA output testing effects of game condition on composite irritation. Although it might be

expected that players of a violent game might be more sensitive to irritation (e.g., a hostile

expectancy bias), composite irritation is largely independent of game condition.


Table 2.

Easy Hard

Nonviolent 5.43 (2.54) 6.45 (2.58)

Violent 6.38 (2.23) 5.95 (2.46)

Mean coldpressor assignment per experimental condition. Coldpressor values ranged in integers

from 1 (zero seconds) to 9 (80 seconds). Higher values are expected to represent greater



Figure 1. Scatterplot of coldpressor sensitivity to composite irritation.

Scatterplot of participants’ first principal component representing composite irritation with

partner feedback. Participants more irritated with the feedback assigned greater coldpressor

durations, indicating sensitivity and validity of the coldpressor measure of aggression. A locally-

weighted regression curve (LOESS) with shaded standard error region is overlaid.


Figure 2. Histograms of coldpressor duration per condition.

Histograms of aggression in each cell of the 2 (Violence) x 2 (Difficulty) design. The obtained

data are non-normal and suggest that analyses should include approaches for categorical and

mixed-model data.


Figure 3.

PET-PEESE meta-regression of studies combined in Anderson et al. (2010) meta-analysis.

Studies of effects of violent games on behavior in experimental paradigms are shown. On the left

are studies selected as meeting “best-practices” criteria; on the right are all studies. While naïve

meta-analysis concludes that the effect is larger among best-practices studies (r = .22) than

among studies in general (r = .18), the funnel plot is more asymmetrical, suggesting that

application of inclusion criteria increased selection bias. After adjusting for bias with PET-

PEESE, it appears that effects in best-practices studies are very small (r = .08), and smaller than

that in studies in general (r = .16). Thus, the results of the present study may not be as unusual as

they initially seem.

B Best-Practices Studies All Studies



I was born an infant nerd to a wiry, athletic nerd, Dr. James Hilgard, and a new-wave

nerd, Mrs. Jennifer Hilgard. Two more nerds, Sophie and Tim, soon followed.

I came of age in a crucible of intellectual competition with my siblings. This competition

extended even to my father, who had the rhetorical tactic of winning arguments by reminding me

that he had completed the 21st grade. Being in 1

st grade myself, I was not yet able to recognize

argument from authority as a fallacy. Instead, I tried to behave, showed all my work on my math

problems, and stayed indoors playing video games.

Today, I still enjoy questioning authority and exploring problems on my own. I have

finally one-upped my father by loitering my way through the 22nd

grade. However, my approach

to learning today is the same as it was then: behave, and show your work. Behave, in that I try to

stick closely to the data I have and model each competing hypothesis responsibly. Show my

work, in that I post my data and R code to the Open Science Framework.


The past few years have been an exciting and terrifying time in psychological research. I

would say without question that the most important manuscript of our decade is Bem’s (2011)

demonstration of ESP, without which the field may never have realized how skilled we had

become at self-deception in service of significant test results. At the time, it seemed one’s career

depended solely on statistical significance. Today, I am co-author of a manuscript published at a

prestigious journal (Engelhardt et al., in press). In this manuscript, there are no p-values, and the

null hypothesis is favored over every alternative. I have a post-doc waiting for me and have not

yet been ejected from research or discussion. Null results have now been published in prestigious

journals such as Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. How far we’ve come in just five short years!

Psychology seems to be rapidly approaching an exciting new era in which research bias is

diminished and researchers’ careers do not depend on the good or ill fortune of the truth of the


I also have a life outside of Psychology, as I am a shiftless devil who refuses to work

more than 40-50 hours a week. I enjoy fencing, weight lifting, and elegant European board


Games are an incredible thing. You drop one in front of three or four friends and watch

them start losing their hair over the placement of a little wooden man or whooping and hollering

over the acquisition of a tiny cardboard cathedral. You make a level for Doom II and get to see

the look on your friends’ faces when you surprise them with a nasty ambush. It is a tremendous

pleasure to observe these curious models of human behavior.

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