game of thrones season 6; episode 3: 'oathbreaker' · game of thrones season 6; episode...

Post on 08-Jun-2020






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Yelmer's Reviews Film and TV blog Game of Thrones season 6; episode 3: 'Oathbreaker' 1. Rank the storylines of 'Oathbreaker'. This is the top 7. 1. The Tower of Joy with R + L = J revealed 2. The Lord Commander Jon Snow has risen. 3. Rickon and Osha are captives of Ramsay Bolton. 4. The Mountain in action against the Faith Militant. 5. Arya's training continues. 6. Sam and Gilly on the boat. 7. Tyrion and Varys ruling Meereen, possibly meeting High Priestess Kinvara 2. Do you think R+L = J will be revealed during the Tower of Joy flashback? 3. Will Rickon Stark be the gift to Ramsay? 4. If answered 'yes' on the previous question -> Do we see Osha too? 2

5. Will we see the Mountain in action against the Faith Militant? 6. Will Arya's vision be restored in Oathbreaker?

7. Will we see the High Priestess Kinvara already? 8. Who will die this episode? (TOP 10) 1. Arthur Dayne (85%) 2. Lyanna Stark (79%) 3. Alliser Thorne (62%) 4. Olly (60%) 5. Lancel Lannister (55%) 6. Osha (41%) 7. Tommen (28%) 8. The High Sparrow (22%) 9. Khal Moro (20%) 10.Edd (18%) Arthur Dayne is at high risk in 'Oathbreaker' 3

9. How will 'Oathbreaker'? What will be the ending scene? 1. The conclusion of the Tower of Joy vision (30%) 2. Jon Snow receiving a letter from Ramsay Bolton (27%) 3. Rickon is revealed to be Smalljon Umber's gift. (18%) 4. Jorah and Daario discover Daenerys among the Dothraki (12%) 5. Lady Stoneheart is revealed. (9%) 6. Arya's vision is restored. (3%) 10. BONUS QUESTION. This episode is called 'Oathbreaker'. Some people think it has something to do with Lady Stoneheart. Will she be revealed this episode? 1. No forget it. LS is cut! (61%) 2. No, not this episode. Perhaps later. (33%) 3. Yes, I am sure. Now that would be a cliffhanger! (6%) Thanks for voting - Yelmer

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