
Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Dear friends,

First of all, we want to express our support to Japanese people who had to fight with the results of tremendous earthquake. There is no doubt that the Country of rising sun will overcome difficulties; will and aspiration for Coun-try’s rebirth of Japanese people will be an unforgettable example of courage for us. This Gals Inform issue will tell you about new achievements and new projects. Here you will discover about the challenge which faced Toyota crossovers. We will also inform you about star glory of Lexus and what famous singer Alexander Rosenbaum thinks about Lexus cars.

If you have any questions, offers or comments, do not hesitate to write us

Word from the editors


Promotional activity


Customers’ trust — is something what is difficult to measure with devices or num-bers. But there is no doubt that any re-spectful company strives to win customers` confidence by any means. In the severe conditions of competitiveness to win cus-tomers` confidence it is not an easy task, but offering really good quality products or service, it is quite possible. And our compa-ny is convinced in it.

In March, our dealership centers launched a promotional event “My choice — Toyota”, which was aimed to increase customers` loyalty to Toyota brand.

Dealers interviewed their customers

about the reason they choose and trust Toy-ota brand. All the participants were present-ed with souvenirs from Toyota. The results of this promo event were useful for dealers, analyzing the results they could improve the standards of service and raise customer confidence as well.

The diversity of reasons to choose Toyota car and service was simply amazing.

There we could find practical calculations based on reliability of Japanese cars. Cus-tomers said that very often their car choice was emotional and spontaneous. The con-firmation of that were those places where customers compare Toyota with elegance.

My choice – ToyotaCustomer’s confidence is one of the greatest values of any company


But there were quite funny situa-tions. One customer shared his expe-rience of visiting a showroom of one of the European brands, where sales manager with best intentions rec-ommended his potential customer to visit Toyota showroom in case if he wants a reliable car.

One respectful couple from Crimea beautifully compared owing Toyota car with owing charming and grace-ful highbred hounds. Such unusual comparison convinces us that a com-fortable and reliable car for many owners is no longer just a vehicle.

Very often our customers mention high quality of not just cars, but also service maintenance. This is an absolute indicator

The car is chosen very accurately considering many details.

of the correct organization of workflow, and customers see it and talk about it. Custom-ers` gratitude addressed to Toyota dealers is that credit of confidence which is hard to win but easy to lose.



Auto fans of Mariupol with a special interest met new for Ukrainian market crossover Toyota Highlander, and the number of people eager to test drive that car was constantly growing. Innovational car Toyota Prius was not without atten-tion as well.

The organizers of the festival did their best and prepared a special route for Toy-ota test drive where people could check all driving qualities of four wheel drive Japanese cars. All in all there were 150 test drives during the festival. The event did not leave Toyota fans indifferent:

jolly music, funny contests were the en-tertainment for guests, and finally guests could enjoy traditional holiday pancakes.

In the framework of the festival citizens of Mariupol could get acquainted with the staff of Toyota Service “Azovmotor”, and obtain all the information about officially presented Toyota in Ukraine. Moreover, Toyota Service Mariupol

“Azovmotor” offers full range of service of guarantee and post guarantee mainte-nance of Toyota cars.

We had a chance to ask guests of the festival a couple of questions. Young man was pleasantly surprised with Toyo-ta Prius: “Unprecedented car and Toyota is a world-known brand with perfect rec-ommendations.”

Well, here we give a little reminder: Ser-vice Station “Azovmotor” has started its work in 2008 and 24th March it celebrat-ed its 3rd birthday.

After maslenitsa celebration in Mari-

Maslenitsa festival, joy and test drive from “Azovmotor” and “Avtogals”The beginning of March — is a start of spring according to the calendar. People celebrate Maslenitsa festival as a bright holiday with much fun and delicious food. Toyota Service Mariupol with active participation of Toyota Center Avtogals organized wonderful festival for citizens of Mariupol. The holiday itself meant that everyone could test drive any Toyota car.

Entire model line of Toyota was available for test drive.


The spirit of effective competitive-ness even in the framework of one company can awaken the aspiration to reach maximum results — and it is quite reasonable reaction.

Healthy competitiveness encourag-es the formation of team spirit in the company and personal qualities of each employee. At the beginning of the year our company has launched a new unique project which is called

“Golden Globe”. The competition of providing our

customers with the best service has united all dealership centers of the group of our company. For the defi-nition of the absolute leader the fac-tors of sales and service maintenance would be taken into account. Liter-ally each person in the company will be involved in the competition. The victory of dealership center will be marked with the special Challenge Cup “Golden Globe”.

For every employee of the company “Golden Globe” Cup is a so to say mark of professionalism and high personal qualities. Our issue will be following the competitions and announce the results of it.

“Golden Globe” — the award for the best

upol the festival has moved to Donetsk to Toyota Center “Avtogals”. Guests were not bored here as well. They were offered contests, hot pan cakes and full model line of Toyota for test drive.

We can say for sure that the festival was successful. Our customers felt happy, full of bright emotions and impressions.

Innovational Toyota Prius was very popular at test drive.

Maslenitsa pan cakes are traditional for the holiday.



It seems that not so long, 9th June, 2010 «Avtogals» received its first bronze certificate — a certificate of Toyota Service Management (TSM). It should be noted that certification in Toyota dealers network confirms the highest level of service and allows us to speak about the true European quality of service. It is im-portant to mention that at present moment Toyota Center “Avtogals” is the only owner of such Certificate among other dealers in Ukraine.

Less than a year has passed, and on 15th April, Toyota Center “Avtogals” was awarded with the next silver certificate of L2 level. The Certificate was presented by General service manager of Toyota Ukraine Igor Ksendzyuk and service marketing manager Alexander Pedos.

In order to get the deserved Certificate the team had to make a titanic work of restructur-ing and modernizing of all the processes of service maintenance. And here is an interest-ing point. Since the basic technology was not suited for “Avtogals” mechanics themselves had to restructure and rewrite the process to make it more effective and suitable for the company.

And later with the inspection of TME team it was successfully proved that such restructur-ing was really useful and necessary.

To obtain a Certificate of Silver level (customer service) with the main service

“Avtogals” performed a number of basic re-quirements.

Express service was launched. The basic target of Express service is to perform regular car maintenance with maximum quality and minimum timing. It requires just one hour to make all works done.

“Avtogals” analyzed the needs of such kind of service among the customers and thor-oughly explored the whole range of manipu-lations with the car from the moment it enters service station up to going back to its owner.

New TSM level — new victory

Next TSM certificate – deserved award for “Avtogals” company.


As a result, rapid and effective process of car moves in the repair zone was defined.

The interaction between consultant and mechanic was modified, and the work of me-chanics was improved.

The company fulfilled the requirements for the visualization of key performance indica-tors of productivity of the plan. All employ-ees of service stations can quickly obtain and digest the information about their key performance indicators. A production man-ager and service station management help to control tasks to each member of the work-ing process.

And one more innovation — the company now organized delivery of spare parts to any place in the city. There is a specially designed car Toyota Corolla for that, which is always at service for the needs of customers.

With the receiving of the next Certificate, “Avtogals” company raised the level of cus-tomer service for other companies in Ukraine to new heights, and with full responsibility can serve as a vivid example of the proper and efficient workflow. Observing the posi-tive trend in the development of “Avtogals” we can say with confidence that the next height will be conquered.

We have to provide our respectable customers with the best experience of buying and owing the car!


Report of the issue

For the fifth time fans of off-road rally of three Ukrainian cities meet at neutral terri-tory in order to strengthen the links, share

their experiences, or simply relax in a sort of unified camp.

Neutral territory, in this case is neutral in the sense of the word. 4x4 Clubs from Donetsk, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk are found in the same remote point from the three cities, according to the GPS coordi-nates.

Distance of 128 km brought together off-road explorers of three major Ukrainian cit-ies. «Avtogals» company which represents Toyota cars in eastern Ukraine, at the end of previous year expanded its model line with two new SUVs: Highlander and Hilux. Janu-ary holiday became a wonderful possibility to demonstrate the potential of new mod-els to people who can assess the quality of the full drive.

It is early morning and on the outskirts of the city gradually gathering members of the club «DON4X4BASS», and in this col-umn there are newcomers Highlander and Hilux. The way to Krasnoarmeisk passed

Highlander and Hilux — a bright festival premiere of ”Three cities off-road rally”One of the coldest Saturdays of January was not like ordinary weekend, when you can just relax. And the reason for this was very significant.


quickly, organized column of half a dozen of SUVs is visually impressive.

Immediately outside of the city we leave the road move directly into the open field. We were joined by another crew from re-gional cities. In the column there were many representatives of the Soviet auto-mobile industry. Time-tested UAZ, Niva,

Range Rover, Jeep and several representa-tives of Mitsubishi.

Slowly we pass ravines and tillage; it shakes badly but the column moves con-fidently. Diesel Hilux, with its torque en-gine, accurately and without the slightest difficulty is passing the obstacles, and the Highlander holds tight, keeping pace and absorbing miles off-road. We are getting to the frozen river.

Immediately brave overcome the ob-stacle. Ice and water scatter like shards of thick glass. Beautiful sight. Cars fly, dem-onstrating acrobatics and strength of the construction. Considering the lack of expe-rience of our vehicles we decided to take way by the bridge. No one is judged, each chooses his own way, but there are many who want to see and capture the vivid stream of the river.

A few hours on the road. Is not a long way to Bliznyuki already. And our bodies feel a little tired. We pass short distance on the

Toyota Highlander and Hilux passed their off road test with dignity.


Репортаж номера

high way and here they are — Bliznyuki. The town in Kharkiv region is more like a regional center. After the official part, ve-hicles are parked near the site overnight, and we intend to rest, because tomorrow, in fact the main day.

In the morning we quickly pack and get the vehicles ready for a new drive. After breakfast everybody meet in Bliznyuki central square. From there, moving as a column we go to the point — a favourite place of all off-road rally fans. In our col-umn there are people from Odessa, Sumy, Kiev, and many other cities.

Looking ahead a little I will say that at that point to which we moved, there is a post with signs indicating the distance to different cities. So at last we reached that point. The participants park the cars and come up to the point mark. A memorable photo is a must of course, and after that all the drivers start their rally with quests, con-tests and other interesting things.

Some cars could not cope with the off road conditions and needed help. To the envy of the rest Toyota Highlander and Hi-lux do not need any help; off road way is the best way for them to prove their enor-mous potential.

The rally contest took place at the point with complicated territory, there were heights and hollows. We could check driv-ing characteristics of the cars and one

New Highlander conquered sharp slopes.

Bliznyuki`s mayor has got a memorable present from the participants of the rally.

There was the atmosphere of friendship and understanding.


more time make sure that Toyota High-lander and Toyota Hilux feel comfortable in any off road situations.

Time flies, and we have to go back home. As it feels the way home is often shorter. We feel happy and proud; Toyota as al-ways was the best. At the places where other cars were helpless Toyota moved

A memorable photo is a must and is already a tradition for those who came at “Three cities off-road rally”.

confidently and with dignity. We could notice the reaction if other cars owners, they were absolutely surprised with Toyota driving potential. But we knew that Toyota Company is the leader in production of comfortable and reliable cars, which can surprise and give confidence at any road conditions.



The guest of our today’s story is 23 year old sales consultant from Donetsk Toyota dealer

“Avtogals” Sergey Shish. The reason for our conversation with Sergey was Toyota Land

Cruiser 200, its owner has made the image of the car complete and effective with the help of ground effects from world known brand WALD.

Here it is good to note that in spite of the fact that WALD Company was founded in Ja-

pan, nowadays it is widely known in Europe and America. From the day of its foundation up to now the company specializes in tun-ing of premium class auto. WALD Company has rich experience and it is respected in the world of automotive industry. Talking about our Toyota LC200 we need to add that the car was completed with new optics, wheel disks and other things. Talking to Sergey we tried to figure out how he formed the process of conversation with the customer, and how came the idea of creating such a stylish car image. Sharing his experience, Sergey often referred to classic sales technology and the knowledge base gained at trainings. It gave our sales consultant the ground for effective communication with the customer. Sergey formed a contact with future car owner and in-terpreted customer’s wishes absolutely right. Next, in the process we call presentation Ser-gey suggested the idea of mounting different wheel disks. Sergey offered not just accesso-ries but the idea of creating absolutely new and original style of the car. The moment of exclusiveness was crucial. Who do you think will refuse to have the car with unique de-sign? Our customer was given many illustra-

Harmony — in style and customer’s understandingWe have been already writing about useful experience of communication with our respectable customers in our dealership centers. Today we want to share with you another successful experience of dialoguing with a customer.

Sergey`s experience is a useful one.


tions of accessories. Sergey is convinced that customer has to be offered many different variants, no need to concentrate on details. It is referred not just to certain car package but to accessories as well. Customer has to see all existing offers.

After car presentation, customer’s objec-tions were simply sym-bolic, because the choice has been already made. It needed some time to mount the accessories - but the game was worth the candle. The car ap-peared absolutely bright and stylish and not like its other serial brothers. Out customer has got the desired result and became the owner of re-ally exclusive off road ve-hicle. Now let us analyze

Sergey’s actions. Here are a couple of variants: customer became the owner of off road car, and it seemed that ev-eryone was happy; but understanding custom-er’s desires, Sergey was not afraid to offer more than just a purchase of a vehicle.

Sergey was talking with gratitude about his colleagues who were helping him in such a

difficult process, and also well experienced service staff, who helped with pinpoint accu-racy to mount the accessories.

Sergey’s experience shows that even sim-ple from the first sight purchase could be a unique project, bringing joy to its owner.



Not long ago Ukrainian auto market met new, extravagant Lexus CT 200h. Dynamic hatchback is perfectly suited for youth mar-ket. But there are, as we know, exceptions in rules. The first owner of Lexus CT200h in Donetsk and in Ukraine was elegant Svet-lana Grigoryevna who we met in “DonLex” showroom.

Svetlana is not a young lady but she has pretty impressive driving experience, no

more or less but 24 years, and she is not a beginner in the question of choosing a car. Svetlana is already familiar with Toyo-ta, she was driving Yaris, Rav4, and she is convinced in reliability of Toyota brand. The next stage for Svetlena will be Lexus. But what was the shaping factor to select Lexus CT 200h? Svetlana said she wanted a

comfortable and economic car, moreover, there was a moment of being the first own-er of the car in Ukraine.

Svetlana got acquainted with Lexus from her friends, who gave very good recom-mendations to the brand. Gradually our lady started to pay attention to driving characteristics of Lexus cars and finally came to conclusion that she has to buy one of Lexus cars. When Svetlana entered

Lexus Donetsk showroom she in-tended to buy Lexus IS 250, but when she saw CT 200h and talk-ed to sales consultant she literally fell in love with the car. Owing a hybrid vehicle is not frightening Svetlana, on the contrary, she is glad that her car will be luxurious, comfortable and economical. Svetlana’s family, her husband and son approve her choice. She adds that her friends would be-come interested in Lexus CT200h as well, after they see her driving

the car. Our beautiful lady has huge plans and expectations for the car - she plans to drive it to Vladivostok.

Well, we wish Svetlana everburning ener-gy, good mood and enjoyable driving. We also hope that Svetlana will share with us her experience of driving Lexus CT 200h to Vladivostok.

Lexus CT 200h has found its beautiful owner

We want to congratulate Svetlana with a wonderful purchase.


Celebrities, sometimes remind us people of some unreachable planet called Popu-larity. That is why public likes to watch such people close and pay attention liter-ary to everything: what they wear, what they eat, what articles of luxury they prefer, and what cars they drive. Fans know which cars prefer politics, stars and other well-known people of our planet. And in this case just owing a vehicle for celebrities is not enough. This tradition came from old times, when carriages of noble people im-pressed public with luxury and style. Car has to make its owner’s image complete, show his status and position in society.

At the end of March the east of Ukraine has been visited by a famous Russian singer Alexander Rosenbaum. The singer’s tour was held in the frame of his 60th anniversa-ry, and it was accepted in Donetsk, Lugansk and Mariupol with tremendous success. As a car for his traveling from city to city Al-exander has chosen Lexus GX 460. Lexus Donetsk Company amiably supported Alex-

ander with such a car. It looked like Russian singer liked the car and had a special sen-sitive feeling to the respectable brand. The singer was touched with the original style of the car, and at the end of the tour he con-fessed that Lexus GX 460 was his car. Com-fort, quality and its driving characteristics were beyond any expectations. Alexander was so much impressed with the car that he could not resist from writing a special mem-orable note: “Good car – for good people!”

Together with Alexander Rosenbaum other participants of rock festival could enjoy the luxury and comfort of Lexus car. Singers could choose any Lexus model. Theatrical group of Marat Basharov while visiting Donetsk could also feel the hospi-tality of the city and enjoy their visit with Lexus brand. After hard day singers and ac-tors could relax and feel the incomparable comfort of the car.

Following high standards of service and hospitality “Donlex” Company intends to support celebrities in the future. The com-fortable stay of public people in our city forms a positive image of the company and the region as a whole.

“Good car for good people” A. Rosenbaum.

Famous Russian singer Alexander Rosenbaum was very much impressed with Lexus GX 460.


This story happened long ago in one old city where a great Wiseman lived. People from far neighboring cities and villages knew about him. But there was an envy man.

So he decided to put such a question that great Wiseman would not be able to answer. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, put it be-tween his hands and though: I would ask him if the butterfly was alive or dead? If he says — alive, I would smash it, but if he says — dead, I would open my hands and the butterfly would fly away. So everybody would understand who was wiser.

So it happened as envy man planned. He caught a butterfly, came to the Wiseman and asked if the butterfly in his hands was dead or alive? Then the Wiseman, who was really wise, answered: “EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR HANDS…”

Wisemen tales

Wiseman and a butterfly


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