galilee 2013 overview dec 23 2012 - grace bible chapel...each day starts with wake-up at 6:30 a.m...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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WHAT? GALILEE 2013 is a seminar-style, discipleship-based, three-week course of biblical studies and training for ministry. It is modeled after the Discipleship Intern Training Program, a leadership development course founded by William MacDonald and O. Jean Gibson in 1972. GALILEE 2013 begins July 21 and ends August 9. It will be held at Southside Bible Chapel, Lafayette, Louisiana. GALILEE is a new program, which the organizers hope, in the will of the Lord, to offer annually.

WHO? GALILEE 2013 is for committed Christians, male and female, between the ages of 20 and 30 (inclusively). Qualified candidates should be fellowshipping in churches living out the principles of the New Testament, active in ministry for the Lord, ambitious in the things of God, zealous for Bible study, and living a disciplined life.

WHY? GALILEE 2013 has been designed with two biblical texts in mind. The Lord Jesus sent forth His followers, saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20). The Apostle Paul echoed this command, instructing his young disciple Timothy, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). The goal of GALILEE 2013 is to support the work of local churches in raising up a new generation of disciples and leaders committed to the proclamation of the gospel and to the establishment and revival of churches founded on the principles and practices of the New Testament.

HOW? GALILEE 2013 is now accepting applications for training. Fifty internships are being offered through an application process. Learn about the program at the Galilee website: Pray. Get counsel. If you believe God is calling you to participate in GALILEE 2013, download an application and submit it via email.


revised December 6, 2012


GALILEE 2013 is named after the location where the Lord Jesus first called young men to be with Him and learn from Him as His disciples: “And walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ And they immediately left the nets, and followed Him. And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them. And they immediately left the boat and their father, and followed Him” (Matthew 4:18-22).


GALILEE 2013 is organized and directed by Brady Collier and Jim McCarthy. They are also the principal teachers.

Brady Collier is serving the Lord with his wife Becky as a commended missionary in Honduras, Central America. He is a co-founder of ENGEDI, a youth conference held each year near Dallas Texas, and a frequent conference speaker. Brady’s ministry focuses on the challenges facing young Christians in the modern world and the training of young men to be future leaders in the church.

Jim McCarthy is an elder at Grace Bible Chapel, San Jose, California, and has taught fifteen years in the Discipleship Intern Training Program. He is the author of several books on the Christian faith and speaks at conferences internationally. Jim is currently writing an adult, church-based curriculum called Bible Seminar. Jim and his wife, Jean, have served the Lord as commended workers since 1983.


Paul Varenkamp is an elder at Grace Bible Chapel, San Jose, California. His ministry includes teaching and preaching. He and his wife, LeAnne, are accomplished musicians and serve the Lord together in pastoral and discipling ministries.

Nate Bramsen was born in Senegal, West Africa, to missionary parents. In 2006, he founded ROCK International (Relief, Opportunity, and Care for Kids) to help children trapped in crisis. He resides in Niger, Africa, where he ministers to unreached ethnic groups. During visits to the US, Nate is a popular speaker at camps and conferences.

Becky Collier, Jean McCarthy, and LeAnne Varenkamp each has extensive experience in discipling women, serving Christ alongside their husbands, and raising children. They will serve in GALILEE 2013 mentoring and training women in ministry to other women.

Additional teachers will be presenting inspiring messages from around the world via Skype.



The Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to have a sense of urgency about their work for God. He taught, “We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work” (John 9:4). With this in mind, we want to pack as many training experiences as possible into the three-week GALILEE 2013 program.

GALILEE 2013 begins the evening of Sunday, July 21, with dinner at 6:00 p.m. Those arriving early are welcome to join the saints at Southside Bible Chapel for Sunday services, beginning with the Breaking of Bread at 9:30 a.m.

Each day starts with wake-up at 6:30 a.m and personal devotions. Teachers and students will have breakfast together at 7:30 a.m in the dining room. Group devotions begin at 8:30 a.m. Three hours of class follow. During the first two hours, interns will learn inductive Bible study methods and apply them to the Book of Ephesians. These include techniques for outlining a book of the Bible, finding its theme and purpose, identifying the independent clauses, labeling the functions of prepositions and conjunctions, writing a condensed paraphrase of the book, and much more. During the third hour, instructors will present nine keys to understanding the Bible. These include the importance of context, the historical-grammatical interpretation of Scripture, the differences between Israel and the church, and the dispensations of Scripture.

In the afternoon, men and women will meet separately to learn how to minister to others. This session will be followed by mentoring groups, during which students will meet in groups of three or four with a leader to go through a syllabus titled Disciplines of the Christian Life, written by Jim McCarthy. It presents basic skills for the Christian life, including how to pray, memorize Scripture, meet with God each day, serve God through the local church, grow in character, and reach out to others with the gospel.

Monday through Wednesday evenings, instructors and students will enjoy a time of praise in music, inspirational talks, and fellowship in the things of the Lord. Thursday evenings will be devoted to community outreach. One of the objectives will be to invite people to a sports outreach the following evening. Friday evenings, instructors and students will use the recreational facilities of the Southside Chapel—racquetball, basketball, wallyball, volleyball, tennis, and more—to build relationships and share the Lord with visitors.

Saturdays will begin with wake-up at 9:00 a.m, followed by breakfast. All will then work together cleaning the chapel in preparation for next day services. After lunch, there will be a group building activity, which will go from mid-afternoon until late in the evening.

A sample schedule follows (subject to change).


GALILEE 2013, Week 1


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

6:30 Wake&Up

7:00 Personal&DevoHonsPersonal&DevoHons

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Free&Hme

8:30 Group&DevoHonsGroup&DevoHons

9:00 PreNProgram Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians Wake/Dev.

10:00 Church Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians Breakfast

11:00 MeeHngs Keys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&Bible Chap.&Clean

12:00 For&Early Lunch Free&Hme

1:00 Arrivers Free&Hme

2:00 Student Men’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&Skills Lunch

3:00 Arrival Mentoring&GroupsMentoring&Groups Group

4:00 &&MoveNin Free&Hme Building

5:00 AcHvity

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Free&Time EvangelisHc Sports

8:00 Praise&&&InspiraHonPraise&&&InspiraHon &Outreach& Outreach

9:00 OrientaHon Free&Hme AcHvity

10:00 Free&Hme Free&Hme

11:00 Lights&Out Lights&Out

12:00 Lights&Out


Free time is when interns can set their own priorities and take care of personal responsibilities. Approximately fifteen hours of this time will be needed each week for homework assignments. Interns can also use free time to relax, engage in group recreation, fellowship with one another, tour Lafayette and the region, go shopping, and take care of personal needs such as laundry. Some free time will be needed for service teams through which interns will help with the operational side of the program, doing things such as cooking, serving, and cleaning. And so, free time during Galilee 2013 is not truly free, it is just less structured than other times.


GALILEE 2013, Week 2

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

28 29 30 31 1 2 3

6:30 Wake&Up

7:00 Personal&DevoHonsPersonal&DevoHons

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Free&Hme

8:30 Church Group&DevoHonsGroup&DevoHons

9:00 MeeHngs Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians Wake/Dev.

10:00 Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians Breakfast

11:00 Keys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&Bible Chap.&Clean

12:00 Free&Hme Lunch Free&Hme

1:00 Free&Hme

2:00 Men’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&Skills Lunch

3:00 Mentoring&GroupsMentoring&Groups Group

4:00 Building

5:00 AcHvity

6:00 Dinner

7:00 EvangelisHc Sports

8:00 Praise&&&InspiraHonPraise&&&InspiraHon Outreach Outreach

9:00 Free&Time AcHvity

10:00 Free&Hme

11:00 Lights&Out & Lights&Out

12:00 Lights&Out


GALILEE 2013, Week 3

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6:30 Wake&Up

7:00 Personal&DevoHonsPersonal&DevoHons

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Free&Hme Chap.&Clean

8:30 Church Group&DevoHonsGroup&DevoHons

9:00 MeeHngs Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians Goodbyes

10:00 Bible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&EphesiansBible&Study&Methods&+&Ephesians

11:00 Keys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&BibleKeys&to&Understanding&the&Bible

12:00 Free&Hme Lunch OpHonal

1:00 Free&Hme Drive&to

2:00 Men’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&SkillsMen’s&Ministry&Skills&/&Women’s&Ministry&Skills Dallas&for

3:00 Mentoring&GroupsMentoring&Groups ENGEDI&Conf.ENGEDI&Conf.ENGEDI&Conf.



6:00 Dinner OpHonal

7:00 GraduaHon Engedi&Conf.

8:00 Praise&&&InspiraHonPraise&&&InspiraHon &

9:00 Free&Time AppreciaHon


11:00 Lights&Out

12:00 Lights&Out

Oftentimes, Christians want to serve the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, but they don’t know what that looks like for them as individuals. Other times, they simply don’t feel up to the task. At the end of Galilee 2013, our hope is that each intern will have a better sense of God’s calling on his or her life and be better equipped to enter into it. At the conclusion of the program, interns should:

• be able to use fourteen intermediate level, inductive Bible study methods• be able to employ ten keys for interpreting the Bible in a sound and balanced manner• have a sense of God’s overarching purpose for creating angels and mankind• understand the New Testament concept of discipleship• be stronger in prayer and worship• be able to recite twelve verses on the character of God• be having a consistent and meaningful personal time with God• understand the importance of the church in God’s present work in the world• have grown in Christ-like character• have become more skilled in personal evangelism• have acquired several skills for ministering to others• have grown closer to God and to one another



Evangelism is an important part of the training and spiritual experience of GALILEE 2013. We will be reaching out to the community and inviting people to join us for recreation on Friday nights and the teaching of God’s Word on Sunday mornings.

Instructors will also be training interns in the use of NEX✝LIFE, a soon-to-be-released evangelistic app for the iPad. If you own an iPad or can borrow one for the program, please bring it along.


Interns can attend both GALILEE 2013 and ENGEDI 2013. We have coordinated the two programs to make this possible.

What is ENGEDI 2013? It is a three-day Bible conference sponsored by South Plains Bible Chapel, Lubbock, Texas, the commending assembly of Brady and Becky Collier. It is held annually near Dallas, Texas, a 6.5 hour drive from Lafayette, Louisiana.

GALILEE 2013 ends at 11:00 a.m on Friday, August 9. ENGEDI 2013 begins with registration at 5:00 p.m on Friday evening, August 9, and runs through Sunday, August 11. If you are accepted to GALILEE 2013 as an intern and wish to attend ENGEDI 2013, please register in advance online at A separate registration fee will need to be paid. Transportation between Lafayette and Dallas can be arranged with interns returning to Texas from Louisiana at the conclusion of the GALILEE 2013 program.

Why is the conference called ENGEDI? When pursued by Saul, David fled to the wilderness of Engedi, west of the Dead Sea. There he found refuge and spiritual refreshment. With this goal in mind, ENGEDI is convened each summer to refresh the spirits of young Christians. GALILEE 2013 interns wishing to benefit from this respite are encouraged to travel, even as David did, to ENGEDI.



It’s wonderful. Our goal as Christians is to become like Christ and to live as He did to the glory of the Father. One of the primary ways by which the Holy Spirit accomplishes this in our lives is through discipleship. He uses those further along in the Christian life to nurture and instruct those who are younger in the faith. Such spiritual growth takes place naturally in a process of life-transference. It occurs during training in programs such as GALILEE as we spend time together, not just studying in a classroom, but eating meals together, going out to preach the gospel, dealing with problems that arise, praying together, serving one another, sharing blessings and sorrows, and talking late into the night. As is often said, the Christian life is more often caught than taught. That is why we will be spending a lot of time together, studying the Scriptures and serving the Lord. It is why the Lord Jesus called disciples and spent some three and a half years with them. The Bible teaches, “He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him” (Mark 3:14).

When Christians spend time together in a program like GALILEE, teaching and learning is a two-way street: younger Christians learning from older ones; older Christians learning from younger ones. Paul speaks of this type of interaction, writing, “For I long to see you in order that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other's faith, both yours and mine” (Romans 1:11-12).

The first step in this process is getting to know one another. To facilitate this at GALILEE 2013, we are going to be putting together a family album—after all, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. And so we ask each intern to come to the program with a personalized, eight-slide, Keynote or PowerPoint presentation about themselves. During our praise and inspiration times in the evening, we will be sharing these with one another. Later, we will combine them into a GALILEE 2013 Family Album that interns can take home with them to remember one another.


GALILEE 2013 FAMILY ALBUMHere’s what we ask each intern to provide in a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation.

Slide #1

Your photograph, head and shoulders. Place your name and where you presently reside below the photo.

Slide #2

A photograph that communicates something significant about where you live. If you live in rural Iowa, show us some cornfields. If you live in a big city, show us your block or apartment house. If you live in Hawaii, show us the beach. (Go ahead. Rub it in.) State the location below the picture.

Slide #3

A photograph of your immediate family. Include as many or as few members as you choose. State your family name and where your family has its roots.

Slide #4

A photograph that communicates what you do. If you are a student, show us you at school or in the library. If you work for a living, show us you at work or in front of your company’s logo. If you are looking for a job, a picture of you searching the classified ads or standing in the unemployment line would be good. However you spend your days, capture it in an image.

Slide #5

Show us something that you like to do that says something about you. Make it memorable: a hobby, a vacation, an achievement, your room, or just you being you.


Slide #6

Provide a photo that will help us to visualize the Christians with whom you fellowship on the Lord’s Day. A group photograph, a recent event, or the building where you meet with you standing in front of it will work nicely. State the name and location of your church.

Slide #7

Show us a picture that will help us understand something about your ministry for the Lord. Describe it below the photo.

Slide #8

Select a picture that makes you think about God and match it to a verse that is important to you. Alternately, you can state your favorite verse and find a picture that communicates it. Either way is fine. State the verse below the image.

In order for the photo album to come together smoothly, we would like everyone to use the same format. Download the sample slides above as either a Keynote file (John Christian.key) or as a PowerPoint file (John Christian.ppt). If you don’t know how to use either Keynote (an Apple product) or PowerPoint (a Microsoft product), this is a good time to learn. If you are absolutely hopeless with computers, just bring your photos with you and we will assemble them for you when you arrive. Substitute your photos and information in the sample file and re-save the file, naming it after yourself. You can change the background color of the template slide if you wish, but try to match the rest of the formatting so that each of our contributions to the album look similar. Contribute only photographs that are not copyrighted and can be distributed to others via our website. If you are able, please reduce the size of the images so that the album, when assembled, isn’t 500 gigabytes in size.



The Christian life is more about what we do than what we know. It is about character, conduct, and caring for others as Christ has cared for us. “This is My commandment,” the Lord taught, “that you love one another, just as I have loved you” (1 John 15:12). This is the highest standard. It is far higher than the “Golden Rule,” which states, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When we love others as Christ loved us, spending time together is great. And so, most of the time, living together during the GALILEE 2013 will be wonderful, hopefully one of the high points in our Christian lives.

At other times, as we also know, being together is going to be a challenge. The problem is sin. “The flesh sets its desire against the Spirt, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please” (Galatians 5:17). At times we will all struggle, teachers and students alike. We are going to be tired. We are going to long for home or just some solitude. We’re going to want to set our own priorities, rather than adhere to the published schedule. We’re going to be cranky, touchy, and just plain ol’ selfish, rather than Spirit-filled.

Overcoming such sinful temptations is part of the training. We are going to have to learn to die to self in new ways, put others before ourselves, and yield to Christ in difficult circumstances. We are going to have to forgive one another, forget, and move on. It is all part of the process of becoming like Christ.

In an attempt to avoid known pitfalls and that “all things be done properly and in an orderly manner” (1 Corinthians 14:40), we have established some conduct policies for GALILEE 2013. We hope you find them helpful and for the common good. Having stated them clearly in writing, our intention is to implement them with large doses of grace.

Put Others Before Yourself

With fifty or more people residing in a relatively small building (see below for details), it is important that every consideration be made to contribute to harmonious living conditions. “Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Noise and loud talking should be kept at a minimum, especially after 9:00 p.m. when some may be sleeping. Cell phones should be kept on the vibration mode with ringers and tones turned off. Generally, music should be listened to through headphones. Times of group sharing and interaction is an example of when playing music aloud would be acceptable. Personal items should not be left lying around but kept neatly stacked beside one’s bed. Bathroom sinks should be left clean, in good, if not better condition, than when you found them. If you make a mess, clean it up. If you find a mess, serve others and clean it up. Volunteer and help when there is a need. Be a giver. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).


Be Faithful In All Things

Interns should think of themselves as stewards. A steward is a person to whom something of value has been entrusted. He or she is responsible to care for it and manage it. GALILEE 2013 interns have been entrusted with an opportunity for spiritual growth and service. If taken seriously, it will be life-changing. Consequently, interns should demonstrate diligence in all things. They should complete homework assignments on time and to the ability that God has given them. Homework assignments will require about fifteen hours’ work each week to complete. Interns should be prompt in their attendance. They should be men and women of their word. Scripture states, “It is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Interns should apply themselves fully to the training and perform at the level to which God has gifted and called them, giving the Lord their best.

Hit the Pause Button on Romance and Courtship

In order “to promote what is seemly, and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:35), interns are asked to refrain from all expression of romantic interest during the three weeks of training. We believe this is necessary in order that all might benefit most fully from the program.

Interns involved in relationships and engagements prior to the start of the program should place those relationships on hold until the training is completed. A phone call or email letter once a week is acceptable.

Married couples may participate as interns in GALILEE 2013. Presently, we do not have sleeping accommodations for couples, but only a male dormitory and a female dormitory. We are looking into offsite accommodations for couples at a local motel. Our hope is to secure a discounted price, which would be paid by couples taking advantage of this option. We will post more information about this when it becomes available. Whatever the outcome, married couples must be willing to sacrifice and dedicate themselves to the training. Such has biblical precedence. Paul writes, “the time has been shortened, so that from now on those who have wives should be as though they had none” (1 Corinthians 7:29). We are sorry, but we cannot accommodate children at the program.

Focus On the Training

Interns must dedicate themselves solely to the training. They are not allowed to participate in other educational programs or to hold jobs during the three-week course. This is necessary so that interns can make full use of the opportunity before them for spiritual training.

Minor exceptions to this policy will be made in cases where interns are involved in professions requiring minimal work to maintain their jobs and for students who must go online to register for Fall classes or to attend to the administration of their education.

Limit Internet Use and Relationships Outside the Program

Again, this is a matter of focus. During the three weeks of the training, we ask all to concentrate on building solid relationships with one another, completing homework assignments, and following through on ministry and service responsibilities. To accomplish this, we will all need to significantly restrict input from outside sources, such as social media, websites, email correspondence, telephone calls, and the like.

Some is okay. It is our intention to provide broadband WiFi Internet access throughout the building. Its primary purpose is to assist interns with research related to homework assignments and ministry activities. Interns may also use it for limited email correspondence. Given the large number of people who will be using the service, all are asked to keep downloading at a minimum. The system should not be used for viewing movies, listening to music and radio stations, video chatting, Skype, and similar activities that require large data transfers.


As much as we would love to meet your family and friends, we are unable to accommodate visitors to the program. Please do not invite family and friends to visit you during the training. Special circumstances will be considered. Please do not, however, invite anyone without prior written approval.

Trust God

Scripture reminds us that though we may plan for tomorrow, we have no control over what tomorrow will bring. “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow, we shall go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.’ Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that’” (James 4:13-15). And so, we must trust God for the outcome of Galilee 2013. It begins with the application process. Trust God to lead you whether or not to apply. Trust Him to provide the necessary funds. Trust Him to give you favor with your employer to get the time off. (You might emphasize that this is a leadership development program. Employers are usually more favorable to such training as they know it will make you a better employee.) Trust God to enable you to fit in with the group, to apprehend the information, to develop ministry skills, to give you courage for public speaking, and to use you to His glory. Should things not go as we plan, should we run into trouble or adversity, trust God to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

Be An Example of Christian Maturity in Your Dress

Interns should be aware that at all times they are representing the Lord before the saints and the community of Lafayette. The Christian culture of this part of the country is among the most conservative in the nation. Interns should respect it at all times. Additionally, people will expect a higher standard from interns than from other young Christians. Consequently, immodest or countercultural hairstyles and clothing should be avoided. In all things, interns should keep Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in mind: “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” (1 Timothy 4:12).

With this in view, men should be clean shaven. Hair should not be long. Beards and mustaches should be neatly groomed. Beards and mustaches may not be started during the program. Ponytails, earrings, and other body piercing should not be worn by males.

Women should be well-groomed and dress modestly. Earrings may be worn. Other visible body piercing is discouraged.

During Sunday mornings meetings, weekday breakfasts, and instructional times, (Sunday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), men should wear collared shirts, long casual pants, slacks, or nice jeans. Polo shirts, golf shirts, and sweaters are acceptable. Cargo pants, camo pants, short pants, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and the like are not allowed. Clothing should not be countercultural or excessively tight or baggy. At the Sunday services of the church, men should wear dress shirts and preferably neckties. Suits and sport coats are optional. Dress shoes, casual loafers, and the like should be worn. Athletic shoes, work boots, and flip flops are not acceptable during this time.

Women should wear modest dresses, skirts, or slacks or nice jeans with blouses or tops with sleeves. Jewelry and cosmetics should be minimal and natural looking. Dress shoes, casual loafers, dress sandals, and the like should be worn. Shoes should be comfortable, practical, and facilitate walking distances. High heels and platform shoes are not recommended.

After 4:00 p.m. each day and all day Saturday, interns may dress less formally. They may wear denim jeans, cargo pants, camo pants, T-shirts, and the like. Jeans should not be ripped or have holes or patches. Loose fitting, modest shorts (mid-thigh or longer) may be worn. Flip flops, sandals, athletic shoes, and other casual footwear are fine.

During recreational activities, interns may wear modest sports attire, including tank tops and athletic shorts. Bathing suits should be modest. Men’s bathing suits should extend to the mid-thigh and fit loosely. Women’s bathing suits should be one-piece and seemly. Swimwear is only appropriate in the swimming pool. Additional sportswear must be worn when going to and from the pool area.

Nighttime attire should be modest. It is to be worn only in the sleeping areas. Women may wear nighttime attire to the women’s locker room, which is accessible from their sleeping areas through a rear entrance. Men must dress before going to


the locker room as they must pass through public areas and the building’s lobby. Under no circumstance should men enter the women’s sleeping area or women the men’s quarters.

In the locker rooms, although only in the presence of those of the same gender, all should be discreet and avoid unnecessary nudity. Under no circumstance should men enter the women’s locker room or vice versa.

Given the close living quarters of the program, all are asked to refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, after shave, and other strongly scented lotions, sprays, and deodorants.

Bring Only the Bare Minimum Luggage

With some sixty people living under one roof, space is at a premium. Dormitories have beds or inflatable mattresses but no closets, dressers, or nightstands. Consequently, we ask that everyone bring only the bare minimum. You will need to store your clothing in your suitcase during the program. It is suggested that each intern bring only enough clothes for one week and wash his or her clothes twice during the program. There are two laundromats near Southside Bible Chapel.

• Ez Laundry (1.25 miles away), 4100 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA., 337.984.9112.

• Johnston Street Maytag Laundromat (1.75 miles away), 3216 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA., 337.988.1094.

What to Bring

Biblelaptop or tablet computermobile phonecameranotebook and penenough clothes for one week• casual dress, clothes for church services, classroom instruction, and outreaches• informal everyday clothes for free time, evenings, Saturdays• recreational clothes for sports in which you enjoy participatingtoiletrieshair dryer, if neededsunscreensunglasseshat or capidentificationpersonal sports equipment: racquets, knee pads, athletic shoes, etc.prescription medicationguitars and other acoustic instrumentsrecorded music and mp3 playersgames and other things to promote group activities during free timePlease bring your own bedding if you are able: pillow, pillowcase, fitted and flat sheet set, one or two blankets or a sleeping bag. If you are unable to bring your bedding, we will provide it. Mattresses will be provided for everyone.

What to Leave at Home

pets, stuffed animals, house plants, and other nonessentialsunnecessary clothing and wardrobe changesyour grand piano and double acoustic bassknives and weapons of all sortsdesktop computers, televisions, radios, and other electronic gearalcohol and tobaccocandles, incense, flammable liquids, and anything that requires an open flameanything that is hazardous to others


Make Safety and Security a Priority

Though a city with a population of only 120,000, Lafayette has a high crime rate. It is comparable to that of much larger cities such as New Orleans. Southside Bible Chapel is located in one of the better neighborhoods of Lafayette. Nevertheless, students and staff should always be vigilant. When going out, it is best to travel in groups rather than alone. A logbook will be kept near the front door of the building. Students and staff are asked to sign in and out when departing and reentering the facilities so that we have some means of keeping track of everyone.

All are also asked to observe a curfew and to be in the building from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. each day. Doors to the building will remain locked after dark.


There is so much more we would like to tell you, but we need to start the application process. If you apply and are accepted into the program, we will send you more information and answer all your questions. To help you decide whether GALILEE 2013 is right for you, we want to tell you little more about the program, namely the location, how to get there, how to contact us, what we believe, and how to apply.

Southside Bible Chapel is Hosting GALILEE 2013

We are grateful to the saints at Southside Bible Chapel, who have graciously thrown open the doors to their facility and welcomed the instructors and students of the GALILEE program. Our liaison is Mr. William Walker. The chapel website can be viewed at The building is located at 4256 W. Congress Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70506. The chapel phone number is 337.989.8928. Sunday services at Southside Bible Chapel are as follows:

9:30 a.m. Worship and the Lord’s Supper

10:20 a.m.     Fellowship and Coffee Break                  

10:45 a.m. Song Service

11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour 

Southside Bible Chapel meets in what was once a racquetball club. It is a 14,000 square foot building located on two acres of land. The facility has been reconstructed to serve as a meeting place for the church and a shelter with two dormitories for evacuees from hurricanes. The building has a dining facility that can seat a hundred people and recreational facilities that include two racquetball courts, a half-court basketball gymnasium, two tennis courts, a swimming pool, a small weight room, and men and women’s locker rooms.

The climate in Louisiana is subtropical. During the summer months, Lafayette is hot and humid, with an average high of 92 °F (33 °C) and an average low of 74 °F (22 °C). It has an average relative humidity of 77%. Rain is common with an average precipitation of 7 inches (17 cm) in July and 6 inches (14 cm) in August. Mercifully, Southside Bible Chapel is fully air conditioned.

When you meet the Christians fellowshipping at Southside Bible Chapel, be sure to thank them for their generous hospitality.


How to Get to Lafayette, Louisiana

Arrival by Car

From Interstate 10 in central Louisiana, exit south on Ambassador Caffery Parkway, which is Exit 100. Continue south and bear right at the Ambassador Caffery Pkwy and Bertand fork. Continue south to West Congress St. (Walgreens Pharmacy is on the righthand corner). Turn right onto Congress and continue west about 500 ft. Southside Bible Chapel is located at 4256 W. Congress Street, Lafayette, Louisiana 70506.

Carpooling from Neighboring States

A number of interns will be driving from states in the Midwest and Southwest to GALILEE 2013. If you live in this region and would like to carpool with other interns, please contact Brady Collier via email to make arrangements.

Arrival by Train

The Amtrak train system has a station in Lafayette, Station Building (LFT), 100 Lee Avenue, Lafayette, LA 70501. It is five miles east of Southside Bible Chapel. Arrangements can be made to pick you up at the train station.

Arrival by Air

Lafayette Regional Airport (LFT) is 6.5 miles east of Southside Bible Chapel. It services connections to Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and Atlanta. Arrangements can be made to pick you up at the airport.

George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Houston, Texas, is 226 miles west of Lafayette. Driving time is 3.5 hours. Carpooling with interns from Texas can probably be arranged.

Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport (DFW), Dallas, Texas, is 417 miles north west of Lafayette. Driving time is 6.5 hours. Carpooling with interns from Texas can probably be arranged.

Early Arrival

GALILEE 2013 begins with dinner at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 21.

Interns are invited to attend the meetings of Southside Bible Chapel on Sunday, July 20. They begin with the Breaking of Bread at 9:30 am. Interns can begin moving into the facility at 2:00 p.m.

Students may arrive, if necessary, on Saturday, July 20. They may spend the night at the facility.

Those arriving on Friday, July 19, or earlier should reserve a room at a nearby hotel. Three are recommended and listed below.

• Hampton Inn, 2144 W. Willow St., Scott, Louisiana, 70583 (at Ambassador Caffery Parkway). Phone 337.236.6161• Sleep Inn, 2140 W. Willow St., Scott, Louisiana, 70583 (at Ambassador Caffery Parkway). Phone 337.264.0408• Microtel Inn, 301 Ambassador Caffery Parkway, Scott, LA, 70583. Phone 337.235.9010

How to Contact Us


What Galilee Instructors Believe

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, each word having been God-breathed. God gave the Bible to the church, and the church is to serve God in obedience to the Bible. We hold the Bible as the final and supreme authority for our doctrine and lives, and that it is without error in its original writings (1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).

We believe in one God, who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is equal in attributes, power, and glory (Deuteronomy 6:4; Ephesians 4:4-6; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

We believe that Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin, whose name was Mary. He is the unique Son of God, true God and true man (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:35; John 1:1-14; 5:22-23).

We believe that God created man in His own image, but through man’s willful choice to disobey God, sin came into the world and death through sin. All now are born in sin, spiritually dead, separated from God, corrupt in nature, and guilty before God (Genesis 1:26; 3:1-7; Romans 3:12; 5:12; 6:23).

We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins in our place. He is our substitutionary and representative sacrifice. We believe that He rose again from the dead on the third day, never to die again. We believe His work of salvation is finished, that the righteous demands of God are fully satisfied in the work of Christ on the cross, and that there is salvation in no other (Mark 10:45; Romans 6:1-14; Romans 3:24-25; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; 2:24; John 19:30; Hebrews 10:18; John 14:6).

We believe that all who repent and believe the gospel are eternally saved. Salvation is a free gift of God, given apart from any human merit. We believe that God’s gracious offer of salvation can only be received freely, and that those who would add human merit to the gospel preach a false gospel (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-10; Galatians 2:21; 3:10).

We believe that every genuine believer is born again, sealed with the Spirit of God, and eternally secure in Christ. We believe that the evidence of new birth is the fruit of the Spirit and obedience to Christ. Every believer is a member of the body of Christ, the church, and gifted by the Holy Spirit for spiritual service. We believe that the goal of the Holy Spirit in this age is to glorify Christ. We believe that Christ alone is the head of the church and that we are called to serve Him. We believe that the local church is God’s primary means for reaching the lost and caring for the saved (John 5:7; 1 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:13; 1 Corinthians 12:13; 1 Corinthians 12:11; John 16:14; Colossians 1:18; Luke 9:23; Matthew 16:18).

We believe in the personal and imminent return of Jesus Christ for His church, the establishment of His millennial kingdom upon the earth, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost. (John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 20:4-15).

For a fuller statement of our beliefs, please visit the GALILEE Program website at


If you would like to apply for admission to GALILEE 2013, download an application at Complete the form and re-save it using your full personal name as the file name (example: John Christian.pdf). Submit the application via email to Brady Collier.

Please include with your application a digital photograph of yourself, head and shoulders. Please name the file with your full personal name (John Christian.jpg).

Please include with your application a recommendation letter from one of the leaders of your church. Submit it as a PDF file. Please name the file with your personal name and the word “recommendation” (John Christian Recommendation.pdf).

Applications received before February 1, 2013 will be processed together and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by February 15. Applications received after February 1 will be processed as they are received. Applicants will be notified within four weeks of the application being received. The application process will close when the program is full.

Further instructions will be provided with letters of acceptance.

The organizers regret that they will not be able to accept all qualified candidates due to the limitations of the facility. It is also their desire to offer training to men and women from a wide geographic region, including some from overseas. As a result, even some highly qualified applicants may not be accepted, especially when applying from a region in which several persons have already been accepted for training. Qualified candidates for whom there is not room in the 2013 program will be given special consideration in future programs should they reapply.

There is a registration fee for the training, but we have tried to keep it as low as possible. This has been made possible because the Christians at Southside Bible Chapel have graciously made their building available to us at no cost. The instructors and other workers are also volunteering their time freely. In order to cover the remaining expenses of the program, interns are asked to pay a $600 fee. This is mainly to cover food, utilities, and other expenses related to the training. The registration fee is payable upon acceptance into the program.

Those wishing to support the ministry of the GALILEE Program with their financial gifts may do so by sending them to South Plains Bible Chapel, 5402 Quaker Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79413. Please include a note with the check expressing your desire that the funds be used for the GALILEE Program. A tax-deductible receipt will be sent to you by return mail. Current needs of the GALILEE Program include additional beds and mattresses for the interns, bedding, wardrobes and dressers for the dormitories, and an Internet WiFi system for the chapel.



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