gains 3 different kinds of · diet to lose weight there's hundreds of ideas to lose weight and...

Post on 29-May-2020






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3 Different kinds of GAINS

Created By: Your local god Levi

Diet if you want to bulk

To become a God of the bulk you most follow a strict

bulking diet that will do 80% of the results while working

out will do 20%. First thing is you must adapt to eating in

very large proportions and up to 6 meals a day. Second is

cutting out most unhealthy foods such as sugary pops,

fast food and yes that means pizza, one slice of pizza a

day can hold your results back substantially. Third is

eating lots of meats, high protein shakes, dairy products,

little bit of fruits and vegetables. The key to bulking is to

not cut out all fats but eat healthy foods rich with protein

and stuff yourself every time you eat.

Diet To lose Weight

There's hundreds of ideas to lose weight and lots of them

make it out to be easy and simple for example buying pills

you see on ads to lose weight simply won't work they just

attract you to buy their product because it looks

effortless. The truth is there's only a few correct ways

that take a lot of dedication. First off eating three meals a

day, breakfast, lunch, dinner and little snacks throughout

the day and none before bed. Second is avoiding all fatty

foods with high sodium and high fat percentages, that

includes fast food, soft beverages, bread is a killer one to

avoid as well. And not like bulking you wanna eat meat in

small proportions and lots of fruits and veggies.

Diet To shred

Shredding is the hardest diet to maintain course and is strict to

the point it can sometimes put people into shock because their

bodys aren't use to the strict diet. To shred it will test your limits,

avoid snacking at all times and have a strict 6 meals a day usually

every meal is planned for you. Breakfast consists of eggs, fruits,

oats, then second breakfast which can just be a protein shake.

Lunch could be tuna, almonds, fruits, and second lunch could be

another protein shake. Finally dinner where it could be either

steak or chicken with brown rice, treat yourself with possibly a

bit of vanilla ice cream. The reason shredding is the hardest is

because you have to commit 100% because if you start eating

wrong foods you could not gain any muscle but lose fat which is

the weight loss diet and another mistake could be gaining muscle

but not losing fat which is basically the bulking diet.

Workouts to Bulk

80% of muscle mass is created by only a couple workouts,

the rest create muscle definition. If bulking is the goal than

you should stick to 4 workouts most of the time with little

time for definition. The simple 4 is bench press to target the

chest and upper body, deadlift for legs and back, squats

have multiple purposes and build a very strong core,

upright row will also attack the upper body. After you've

done a day of one maybe two of the main exercises you can

cool down with some definition workouts like curls and

tricep extensions basically any other workout that wont put

too much on your whole body. The trick to bulking is the

amount of reps you do, when bulking and gaining size you

should lift fairly heavy and stick to 6-8 reps to gain

maximum size and strength.

Workouts to lose weight

When the goal is to lose weight then lifting heavy weight

or weights in general all the time isn't going to give you

the results you want. The key to success with weight loss

is of course healthy eating but cardio is one of the biggest

exercises to burn fat, making you sweat and work hard,

the muscle gain will be minimal if any but the fat will burn

off. Your workouts should consist anywhere between

70-80% cardio and the rest with weights hitting 12-15

reps to show more definition in the muscles. Exercises to

stick too is the treadmill, elliptical, bikes, and avoid

hitting heavy weights till the fat has been removed for

the most part.

Workouts to shred

Just like the shred diet, shred workouts are also

considered the most difficult as you must burn off fat and

gain lean muscle in the process. This type of workout

style consists of high reps around 10-12. It's not all about

chasing an arm pump it's about being consistent with

your workouts and working out till your body fatigues

heavily, the burning sensation after a workout means

you broke down the muscle strands and actually made

hundreds of tiny tears in the muscle, when they heal your

muscle will grow back bigger and stronger.

Good Nutritional Intake


1 egg has up to 6g of protein with only 2g of fat, 1 chicken breast has up to 26g of protein and only 3g of fat

with roughly 140 calories, 1 bowl of fruit ranges close to

2g of protein with 1g of fat and 90 calories, fruit also

helps burn fat naturally, 1 bowl of oatmeal contains 4g of

protein with 4g of fat and around 150 calories, 100g of brown rice has 8g of protein with 3g of fat and rough 360

calories, single plate of veggies has roughly 2g of protein

with 1.5g of fat and 90 calories.

Bad Nutritional Intake


Mcdonalds big mac has 24g of protein with 34g of

fat and 590 calories, 1 bottle of mountain dew

contains 0g of protein, 0g of fat but has 77g of sugar

and 105 mg of sodium, Single bag of lays chips has

2g of protein with 10g of fat, 160 calories and 170

mg of sodium, 1 chocolate bar can have 7g of fat 1.5

grams of protein and 7g of sugar.

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