g30™ a 3d graphics accelerator for mobile devices petri nordlund cto, bitboys oy

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G30™A 3D graphics accelerator for mobile


Petri NordlundCTO, Bitboys Oy

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003


• Acceleon G30™• Acceleon family• Architecture and features• Advantages• Hardware demonstration

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Acceleon G30™

• A tiny graphics processor core for embedded- and handheld devices:• Mobile handsets• Gaming devices• PDAs

• A member of the Acceleon™ family• Accelerating:

• User-interface graphics• Vector graphics• 2D bitmap graphics• 3D graphics

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Acceleon™ family

• Acceleon G30™ is part of a backwards-compatible family of graphics processor cores:• Acceleon G10™

• Anti-aliased vector graphics rendering• User interface- and vector font rendering

• Acceleon G20™• For volume-market handheld gaming platforms• 3D graphics rendering without Z-buffer

• Acceleon Visual Platform™• A complete visualization solution• Includes software and hardware

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003


• Acceleon G30™ graphics processor

Memorymanagement unit

Host interface

Command inputFIFO

2D/bitmaprendering unit

3D graphicsrendering unit


rendering unit

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003


• Hardware rendering:• 2D graphics• Vector graphics• 3D graphics

• Anti-aliasing with no performance penalty• Maximum display resolution: 1024x1024• 16-bit color (1555, 4444, 565)• 24-bit internal color processing (6666)• Works with any host/memory interface

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Features: Vector graphics

• Complex self-intersecting convex and concave polygons

• Hardware Bezier curve tessellation – cubic and quadratic

• Simple moveto(), lineto(), curveto(), fill() command interface

• Alpha blending• Sub-pixel accurate rendering• Linear and radial gradients

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Features: 2D graphics

• Bit-blit• Source, destination, pattern• YUV-to-RGB conversion• Raster operations• Sprites• Font rendering

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Features: 3D graphics

• Compatible with OpenGL® ES 1.0• Early version, hardware will be conformant

with the final specification when it’s released

• 16-bit hardware Z-buffer, 1-bit stencil• Flexible input vertex format• Points, lines and triangles• Scissor rectangle

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Features: 3D / texturing

• Perspective correct texture mapping• One texture / pixel• Bilinear- and MIP-map filtering• Sub-texel accuracy• Compressed texture formats• On-chip texture cache

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003

Features: 3D / Pixel processing

• Perspective correct shading• Ambient, diffuse, specular• Fog• Alpha blending• Alpha test• Logic operations• Stencil operations

Bitboys Oy Graphics Hardware Workshop 2003


• “It’s smaller than you think”• One core for all graphics rendering• Tailored for mobile- and embedded

devices• High image quality• Very low power consumption• Exceeds the standards• Backwards compatible family of products• No embedded memory

Hardware demonstration

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