g1 1-universe

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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G2 General GeographyPart 1

Ashish Ray H Cray@sugarplum.inwww.sugarplum.innehakiasstudycircle.blogspot.in 1


A walk through the Universe Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that's just peanuts to space. Douglas Adams,

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyEnglish humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)



The Earth

We are here @Career Launcher,













Pluto (not a planet) and its moon Charon


The Sun

is our nearest star


The Solar System


The Milky Way (Our Galaxy)

A hundred, thousand, million stars!


the Milky Way as seen from the Enterprise

A hundred thousand light years across

Light would take 100 000 years to travel across the galaxy.


Distances It takes 8 minutes for light to reach us

from the Sun. A light-year is the distance travelled by

light in 1 year.

The Sun is our nearest star. Our next nearest star, Alpha Centauri is

4 light years away.

The Milky Way is 100 000 light years across.


The local group of galaxiesAndromeda is the nearest biggalaxy to theMilky Way

Milky Way


Light from Andromeda takes 2 million years to reach us.

Milky Way



Local group

The Local SuperclusterHere the local group has shrunk to the size of the

Milky Way in the last slide.


It left when the dinosaurs were on Earth.

Light from Virgo has taken 65 million years to reach us.

Virgo Cluster


The Universe is mind-bogglingly big! The Sun is about 150 000 000 km away

from Earth

Bright stars in the night sky are about 1000 000 (1 million) times as far away as the Sun.

The near galaxies are about 100 000 times as far away as the bright stars. 15 000 000 000 000 000 000 km


The UniverseThe Universe

Computer Simulation

The observable Universe is 27 Billion light-

years in diameter.

Size and Scale of the UniverseSize and Scale of the Universe

Image courtesy of The Cosmic Perspective by Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, & Voit; Addison Wesley, 2002


• Planet where we all live

• Comprised primarily of rock

• Spherical in shape

• 12,700 km in diameter

• It would take 17 days to circumnavigate the globe driving a car at 100 km/hr

• At the speed of light, it would take 0.13 seconds to go all the way around Earth.


• Star that Earth orbits

• Composed primarily of hydrogen and helium gas

• Uses nuclear fusion in its core to generate heat and light to allow itself to resist the crushing weight of its own mass

• Spherical in shape

• 1.39 Million km in diameter

Earth & SunEarth & Sun• The Sun’s diameter is 109

times greater than that of Earth

• Over 1 million Earths would fit inside the Sun’s volume

• Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of 150 million kilometers. This distance is called an Astronomical Unit (AU)

• It would take 11,780 Earths lined up side to side to bridge between Earth and Sun.

The Solar System

The solar system consists of the sun, 8 planets and their moons

The 8 planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Uranus, Neptune.


Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun

Mercury does not have a moon A day on Mercury is equal to 176 days on Earth

The surface of Mercury is similar to that of the Earth’s moon


Venus is the Second planet from the sun

A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus!!!

The Atmosphere is composed of Carbon Dioxide

Venus has no moons Called Earth’s sister planet


The third planet from the sun The only planet that supports life in our Solar System

Earth has 1 moon 71% of the Earth’s crust is covered with water


Fourth from the sun Last of the Terrestrial (Earth-like) planets

Called the Red planet because of its color

Mars has 2 moons; Phobos and Deimos


Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun and is the largest planet in the Solar System

Jupiter is the first of the Gas planets

Jupiter has 61 known moons!!!


Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun

Saturn is best known for its rings The rings around Saturn are made up of frozen gases, water ice and rock. So the rings are not solid bands around the planet

There are 31 moons orbiting Saturn


Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun

It, along with Neptune, are the only planets whose orbits overlap each other

Uranus has 21 moons


Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun

A year on Neptune is equal to over 164 years on earth!!

There are 11 known moons, Triton is the largest!


Pluto is 9th from the sun. It is not considered as a planet though.

Pluto has 1 moon, Charon Pluto is the rockiest of the outer planets

Asteroid Belt


Asteroids are either rocky or metallic objects that orbit the Sun. They are too small to considered planets but are sometimes called planetoids.

They can be anywhere from the size of a pebble up to a 1000km (620 miles) in diameter; the asteroid Ceres is an example of an asteroid that is this large.

They have been found inside Earth’s orbit and all the way out past Saturn’s orbit. Most asteroids, however, are located in the asteroid belt which exists between the orbit’s of Mars and Jupiter.


Comets - small, fragile, irregular-shaped body composed of a mixture of non-volatile grains and frozen gases.

Their orbits are elliptical (oval) or parabolic (U-shaped).

The orbit brings them in very close to the Sun and swings them far out into space, sometimes out past Pluto.

As comets approach the Sun, radiation from the Sun evaporates the ice and gases, creating the lone tail.

The closer to the Sun, the longer the tail of the comet.

The tail of the comet always faces

away from the Sun because of the solar wind coming from the Sun.


Components of Comets

Example of a Comet’s OrbitComet 2P/Encke

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