g ci' e · 2019. 1. 22. · conjunctions are words thatjoin parts of the sentence. they...

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List of Conjunctions used in English

Conjunctionsjoin words, phrases and clauses together. This article.provides a briefoverview of the different types of conjunctions and their function in sentences.

1. Coordinating Conjunctions

• but• so• or• and

Coordinating conjunctions join words, phrases, or independent clauses Of a sentence together.They often link similar grammatical parts of a sentence together (parts of speech+ parts ofspeech / phrase + phrase / clause + clause ). Here are some example sentences:

1. We went to the park, but we did not have time for the museum.2. She has to work late tonight; so she cannot make it to party.3. Let's meet at the beach or in front of the hotel.4. On Friday night we watched TV and a movie.

In a sentence, Coordinating conjunctions come in between the individual words, phrases,and independent clauses they are joining.

2. Subordinating Conjunctions

• after / before• although I even though• because I as• if• as long as I provided that• till / until• unless• when / once / as soon as• while / whereas• in spite of / despite

Subordinating conjunctions join an independent clause (which contains both a subject and averb and can actas a complete sentence) and a dependent clause (which also contains asubject and a verb, but is not a complete sentence). Here are some example sentences:

I. They went running, although / even though itwas very hot.2. We went to the beach despite / in spite of the rainy weather.3. We decided to go to the cinema because / as it was too cold to go to the beach.4. Monica lives in New York, while / whereas her brother lives in California.5. He went to work after he (had) finished his breakfast.

.........._ ...._ .._-_ .._--------------------------------

6. He finished breakfast before he went to work.7. I will go there if / provided that / as long as you go too.8. I won't go there unless you go too9. We can leave when / once you are ready.10. You can't drive until / till you get your licence.

Subordinating conjunctions always COlTIe at the beginning of a dependent clause. However,dependent clauses can sometimes come before an independent clause (separated by acomma). So, we could write the above sentences this way:

1. Although / Even though it was very hot, they went running.2. Despite / In spite of the rainy weather, we went to the beach.3. Because / as it was too cold to go to the beach, we decided to go to the cinema.4. While I Whereas her brother lives in California, Monica lives in New York.S. After he (had) finished his breakfast, he went to work.6. Before he went to work, he finished his breakfast.7. If / Provided that / As long as you go too, I will go there.8. Unless you go too, I won't go there.9. When / Once you are ready, we can leave.10. Until / Till you get your licence, you can't drive.

Coordinating conjunctions join parts of sentence that are similar whereas subordinatingconjunctions often shows a contrasting or unequal relationship.

3. Linking words across sentencesLinking words across sentences always link a second sentence to an idea in the previoussentence. That means they come at the beginning of the second sentence.

• In addition, / Furthermore,• However, / On the other hand,• Therefore, / Consequently,• First(ly), / Second(ly), / Third(ly), / Finally,

Linking words across sentences are used either for contrast with the previous sentence orfor continuing the same idea. Here are some examples:

Perth is a nice place to live for many reasons including the fantastic summer weatherand the beaches and parks. In addition, / Furthermore, there are a lot of pubs, clubs,restaurants and cafes to enjoy. However, / On the other hand, there is not much todo in winter when it is cold and rainy and not much fun to do outdoor activities.Therefore, / Consequently, if you are planning to visit Perth, it is best to comebetween November and April which is the hottest time.

Before you travel you need to think about a number of things. Firstlly), make sureyour passport is up-to-date. Second(ly), get some travel insurance in case somethinggoes wrong on your trip. Third(ly), make sure you pack a hat, a pair of sunglassesand some strong sunscreen for the beach. Finally, change some money into Aussiedollars before you leave your country.

Choose the best word or phrase to fill the gaps

We ate a pizza a kebab. (BUT I AND / SO)

We had some cake we didn't have any coffee. (UNLESS I UNTIL / BUT)

[had a headache 1 didn't go to the party. (WHEN I SO I WHEREAS)

You can have a coffee a tea but not both. (OR I TILL I BUT)

[ can't come to school _ I have an important appointment. (SO I BECAUSE I UNLESS)

I will call you I get home. (AS I AND I WHEN)

you do your homework, you will pass the course. (UNLESS I UNTIL I AS LONG AS)

I wanted to eat Japanese food my wife wanted to eat Chinese food. (SO I WHEN IWHEREAS)

You cannot go into that bar you are 18 or older. (PROVIDED THAT I UNLESS I AS)

She still went to work she was sick. (EVEN THOUGH I UNTIL I IF)

Don't call me you have finished your work. (UNTIL I WHILE I AS LONG AS)

____ the bad weather, they decided to have a picnic. (BECAUSE I DESPITE IWHEREAS)

Wash your hands you eat your dinner. (T[LL I WHEN I BEFORE)

I did not have the correct visa. • I could not enter the country. (BECAUSE / AS /CONSEQUENTLY)

I like milk, butter; cream and yoghurt. , I don't like cheese. (SO I HOWEVER / AND)

He did not pass the exam because he had not studied or done his homework. • he did not goto school on the exam day. (OR I UNTIL / IN ADDITION)

You can have an ice-cream you have finished you homework. (SOIPROVIDED THAT/OR)

____ john was fixing the car, his wife was making sandwiches. (WHILE / UNTIL / DESPITE)

He could not get the job his excellent qualifications. (BECAUSE / WHILE liN SPITE OF)

I will love you _ [ die. (AFTER I UNLESS / TTLL)

I had a shower I got home. (BUT lAS SOON AS I UNTIL)

____ you don't work hard you won't get-a promotion. (IF'I SO I AS LONG AS)

You won't get a promotion you work hard. (WHILE I UNLESS I BECAUSE)

____ we had no money, we still had a good time. (FINALLY I HOWEVER / ALTHOUGH)

---------- - . - --

English Verb Formshttps:llwww.e-grammar.org/test-Your-english/

Test 6: Modal verbs, imperatives, infinitives, gerunds

Exercise 1: 9 points quiet/do/be

Use modal verbs can, may, must in a positiveor negative form to complete the followingsentences. it/me/for/let/you/do

You give U1ea lift. I can go by train.

Don't talk. You be quiet. let/worried/not/us/be

I want a computer at home. I buy one.

I don't understand you repeat it? now/the/let/pay/customers

Where is it? J .see it. 0 •••••• '1 •••••• ·••••••••••••••••••••••••• _••••••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••

You drive fast. We have enoughtime.


. ;..............•.......................We stop here. It is not allowed.

How can I get there? - You take a taxiif you want.

Exercise 3: 4 points

Ifailed the English test. But J tryagain! Iwant to pass it.

Make questions to match the answers.

?............................ , ;.

No, they needn't help her.

Exercise 2: 9 points ......................................................................... ?No, you mustn't park here.

Put the words in the correct order to makeimperative sentences, . ?

Yes, you can tell him.over/seat/a/there/take

.............................................................•............... How many exercises ?You must do three exercises .

eat/something/to/have Exercise 4: 7 points

.. - ~ , . Match these sentences .

Example: 1. Imust eat less. a. Iam so thin.2. I can't eat less. b. I'm getting fat.1 h, 2 a



not/sit/do/down 1.Hurry up! a The train iscoming.

b The train comeson time.

............................................................................ 2. We needn't worry.

Mixed tenses exercises

1. He may take it.2. He can take it.

1. I must study hard.2, I mustn't study hard.

1. You needn't waterthe flowers.

2. You must waterthe flowers,

1. You mustn't work.

2. You needn't work.

L We must clearthe table.

2. He.must clearthe table.

J. This seat is free.2. This chair is dirty.

Exercise 5:

English Verb Formshttps:llwww.e-grammar.org/test-your-english/

a. I don't need it.b. Who knows?

Idon't think he'll give up drinking coffee.to drink coffee.

Was the book worth reading?to read?a. Iwant to be good.

b. I am ilLYour T-shirt needs to wash.

washing.a. They are dry.

I tried driving his car, I liked it.to drive his car. Iliked it.b. But you could

wash the dishes.Please, go on reading.

to read.a. You don't feel

well.b. You can relax.

I'm sorry to ask you the following question.for asking you the followingquestion.

a Let's do it now.

b Let him do it now.

a Do not sit down.b Sit down, please.

TOTAL 40 points


Mark the correct verb-forms.

We needn't to watch TV all night.watch TV all night.

She was made to sell her house.sell her house.

They made me get off the bus.to get off the bus.

Did she ask you to fetch her bag?fetching her bag?

You shouldn't risk to get sunburnt.getting sunburnt.

Mixed tenses exercises

___,ESllibrarycom Conjunctions ~Review - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Quick and Handy Grammar Review: ConjunctionsConjunctions are words that join parts of the sentence. They may join two similar parts of speech, such as two adjectives,two verbs, or two nouns. Conjunctions may also connect two clauses. Coordinating conjunctions unite two independentclauses and subordinating conjunctions join one dependent clause and one independent clause.

Coordinating Conjunctions:


for noryet

To recall the seven coordinating conjunctions, remember the word FANBOYS [For And Nor But Or Yet So].

Notes:• Do not begin a sentence- with the coordinating conjunctions and, but. so, or yet.

For is poetic. It means because. For is rarely used as a conjunction in modem English.Nor, used by itself, usually begins a sentence. It is usually followed by do or does and.then, the subject.[e.g., I don ~like opera. Nor do I like, chamber music.]As a conjunction, yet means but. It is used more often in writing than in speaking.Use a comma before the conjunction when 2 independent clauses are joined. You don't need to use a comma ifthose clauses are short or if they have the same subject.


Subordiuating Conjunctions:

These words are often called subordinators. They are used at the beginning of a dependent clause in a complex sentence.Note that the order of the clauses doesn't matter, but there is a comma when the dependent clause is first in the sentence(Subordinating conjunction S V, S V) and no comma when the independent clause is first (S V Subordinating conjunc­tion S V).

if though

lthough ifonly till

in order that

as if now that

as long as once when

as though rather than whenever

because since where

before so that whereas

even if than wherever

even though that while

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ESL library.com Conjunctions ~Review - Grammar Practice Worksheets

Correlative Conjunctions:

Some conjunctions are used.in pairs. They use-parallel structure, which means that the same grammatical forms appear oneach side of the conjunction.

.,. as

not ... but whether ... oreither ... or

Examples of correlative conjunctions:

• Whether you earn an A or get a lower grade, do your best. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

• Both John and Bill are excellent tennis players. [Each conjunction is followed by a noun]

• Neither theprofessor nor the students understood the problem. [Each conjunction is followed by a noun]

• I not only lost the game but also hurt my ankle. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

• Professor Jenkins 'is not only patient, but also stimulating. [Each conjunction is followedby an adjective]

• Hector did not losemoney at the casino but he did not win any either. [Each conjunction is followed by a verb]

Barbara is as tall as Mary. [Twonouns are compared]

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ESll ibrary.com Conjunctions ~Exercise 1 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

and but so

Exercise 1:Fill in the correct coordinating conjunction in the blank.

1. The rainis very heavy, the game will probably not be played.

2, John works in a restaurant on weekends during the week.

J. Sherry has a grearjob, she' is a very unhappy person.

4. The sun is shining brightly, the picnic was still cancelled.

5. Rita is an excellent violinist, she will probably be chosen for the orchestra.

6. The security lines are very long at the airport, you should probably leave early for your flight.

7. I will not .go to the game, I will watch it on TV.

8, Mary has six brothers eleven cousins.-----

9.1 do not like pasta, I do like pizza.

10. Maxloves San Francisco, he is thinking of moving there.

Copyright 201'2, Red River Press Inc, 'For use by members of ESL-library.com In accordance with membership terms, 4

ESL librarycom Conjunctions '\Exercise 2 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

yet for nor or

Exercise 2.;Fill ill the correct coordinating con/unction iir the blank.

1.Marsha doesn't play jazz the blues. She prefers hip-hop and rap.

2. John doesn't like chicken. does he like pork or burgers.-----

3. Sheila works hard, she doesn't make a lot of money,

4. the sun is very strong, ~ Jacob still won't wear any sunscreen.

5. I love you more than anything in the world, you are sweet and kind.

6. Would you like coffee tea? I would prefer a cup of coffee.

7. Henry does not come from Mexico. is from Belize ..He is from Honduras.

8. I will go to Montreal Quebec for the. weekend. I'm not sure.

9. James is very tired, he will still come with us to the movies.

10. Wanda.is very happy, ~ she has finally earned her degree.

Copyrlghl2012, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL·library.com in accordance wilh membership terms. 5

Conjunctions ~Exercise 3 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

because where than that

in order that as long as whenever

while before unless

Exercise 3:Fill in the blank using one ofthe subordinating conjunciionsfrom the list. Use each word' onlv once.

1. I will never go to that restaurant again I live.

2. Jose needs help, he calls his two brothers.

3. Sheldon works for the post office, he never works Sundays.

4. 1 would rather read abook watch a stupid television program.

5. Roger goes to Miami, he will buy a new bathing suit.

6. travelers have time to pass through security, it is recommended that they

arrive two hours before their flight.

7. I will notgo out with you you promise not to smoke

8. Maria i$ an avidjogger, her sister Julia prefers just to sit on the couch.

9. I do not believe Hector's father is a doctor.

10.Maryam loves the city she now lives.

Copyright 2012. Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL-library.com in accordance with membership terms. 6

ESll ibra rycom Conjunctions ~Exercise 4 -. Grammar Practlce Worksheets

as if if only though till

so that since whereas

wherever now that

Exercise 4:Fill in the blank using one c([the subordinating conjunctionsfrom the list. Use each word only once.

I. Bill will not pay $500 for a suit he can certainly afford it.

2. Juan is a very hard worker, his brother Luis is very lazy;

3. Samantha moved to Boston, she has been very happy.

4. Ihave prepared a summary chart you can understand conjunctions better.

5. he was driving to work yesterday, Jason got a ticket for-speeding.

6. you had called me, Icould have helped you.

7. Henry has a job, he can pay his share of the tent .

.8. David walks around , he is the .president of the company:

9. 1will stay with you hell freezes over,

10.My new puppy follows me Igo.

Copytight 2012. Red River Press Inc. For usa by members of ESL-library.com In accordance with momtlorship, terms. 7

ESL library.com Conjunctions ~Exercise 5 - Grammar Practice Worksheets

once while even if because

rather than unless before

until if even though

Exorcise 5:Fill in the blank 1.IsYng one ofthe subordinating conjunctionsfrom the list. Use each word (/N~)! once.

1. I would not see that movie you, gave me $100.

2. it is raining so hard, the game was cancelled.

3. Sam was driving to school yesterday, he saw an accident.

4. I will love you the end of time.

5. he is the manager's son, he might still be fired because his work is so bad.

6. you need help, just call me.

7. Hank gets settled in, we will visit him.

8.1would like to drive take the bus.

9. I cannot go to that expensive restaurant you pay.

10. Leslie always drinks a cup of hot chocolate to relax her she goes to sleep.

Copyright 2012, Red River Press: Inc: For use 'by members.of ESL·library.com in accordance with membershlp torms. 8

~ammar ;~.:.'!1a~------------------------t f" ~J

Past simple and past continuousWrite the past simple form of these regular and irregular verbs.


., enjoystopbreak

7 fall

" chathappensay

;', know,t, try

cut!~ turn

2: Complete the sentences with the.pasrslrnple form of the verbs in Exercise 1.

Last summer, my friend and I around the south of France.We really ourselves._ .~~"_ •.__you _" _ .~~~ at the end of the film? I thought it was really sad.

Sarah is very angry. What you • to her?You to her yesterday.I my grandmother an email yesterday with a photo but she (not) how to open the attachrnentl

j My mobile phone -_-~"''''-'·~i~~-~.-_on the floor but the screen _~_ .,~_~~_(not). That was lucky!6 rdidn't see the accident. It all very quickly.

My PCwas making a strange noise so I using it and it off.We _•.... lO open the box with a knife but my dad _.~, __ himself ..There-was blood everywhere:

:5 Write questions with the past simple.

When / you / buy / that tablet / ?

? How much / your new computer I cost /?

.' What I you I do / after school yesterday / ?

Why I you I not / call me last night! ?

). Where / Dad / save/ the photos / on the computer / ?

I) Which files / you / delete / ?

How many copies / Gary / print / yesterday /?

Which company / Steve Jobs / help to start / ?

4 Write the -Ing.torm of the verbs.

1 attach" tie? run<1 save.', giveti getr delete

ti changeI. upload

think1I winIZ spot


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-- -- ._-------

Complete the sentences with the past continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets.

I .> .• __ ... _,._" (make) my dinner at 8 o'clock last night.,~ Joe and Sam (use) the wrong program in ITyesterday.

Who was that guy you , (dance) with at the party?~ Paula (tome) homefrom school when she saw an accident.

In 1999my father (live) in Dublin. That's where he met my mother.C. He _" ._. (open) the box when he cut his fmger.

This time last week, we (visit) my grandmother.s I (sit) at the back of the classroom so I couldn't see the screen.

Andrew (insert) a photo into his document when the teacher stopped the class.o I .•_ (start) to do my homework when my friend sent me a message,

.i,1 Choose the correct options.

! I listened/was listening to the radio when Iheard/ washearing this fantastic song.z, When the teacher said/ wassaying'Sropl. I still tried/ wasstill trying to finish the last question.

I feel really silly!While I danced/was dancing, Ifell /was falling and broke/was breakingmy elbow.~ Tlm played/wasplaying a computer game when his mum called/was calling him for lunch.

I looked/was rooking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed/was hOticing there was a virus,b Ron found/was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed/was surfing the internet.1 My mum had/was having breakfast near the computer when she spilled/was spilling her cup of coffee on the keyboard,') When you saw/were seeingme yesterday; I didn't go/wasn't going to school, Iwent /was going to the doctor's - I felt terrible.

How many pictures didyou take/were you taking while you travelled/were travellingaround Ireland?Why didyou chat/were you chatting to Philip while I tried/was trying to tell you something really important?

.? Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

(switch off) the computer because itMy dad ._~", , (listen) to classical music when I ....

(make) a strange noise.'" (arrive) home from school

We (play) video games when my mum •__ ,(say)'Turn the volume down!'" My cousin . , (meet) his wife. Bianca,while he (live) in Italy.

My little sister ._ (draw) a picture while I (study) for my Fr~nch exam.t\ While they (try) to fix the computer, all the lights _..__ .. (go out).T When we , ., (leave) school yesterday, it ., (pour) with rain.ii When you .. _~_., (see) Paul,__~''" __ ~he __, __. (wear) a blackjacket?1) (trylto log on when the WiFi (stop) working.

While Dad (print) an article, the printer , (run out) of paper.

8 Complete the story with the correct past tense form of theverbs in brackets.

Sometimes I hate computers! Once, when T I__".~, ..._. (try) to do my English homework on my laptop, the battery:1 (run out), I )_.__ "..~._.." (lie) on my bed and I was listening to music on Spotify. It helps me.to concentrate,I.; •. ,,_..... __also ..__~ (chat) to my friend Daniel on Facebook.OK, so I:' _"._. ""_' (not concentrate)very hard on myhomework and I 6., "'_'''' _,.(forget).to plug in my laptopll didn't notice that the battery was geniAglow.1 was just finishing theessaywhen the Screen7 (go) black. I S (lose) everything. I " (scream)

~ in frustration. My dad ;J). ",'-_",,_ (come) running into my bedroom. 1.11~_,. _."_almost. _,__ ,,_ (cry) so he, 12" (give) me his laptop. I I' ~ __Itry) to remember everything in my essay- it I';_~ •• ~,._(be) quite difficultt especially because Daniel was sending me lots of funny videos, Anyway, while I was watching one, theWiFi stopped working.

In the erid it was probably better because.ll; ,__ .. (manage) to finish the essay.

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[Gr~G_ra_m_m_a_r .=-.Write the past participle form of these regular and irregular verbs.

hate tellmake. keepspeak givedraw paycall cornechoose walkwin throw

Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

always (want) to be a professional footballer.You .".,....,.'.,.....,,~' (hot stop) talking since you gorhere!

you (see)my new laptop? It's really cool!Cristiano Ronalda (score) eighteen goals sofarthis season.My dad, ,..,.,.......•..Just (buy) a new car.What you ... _(do) toyour hair? It's pink!Mymum and dad (teach) methe most in life.Where ..,~.".,,~~,..•you (be) all morning?I (riOtpass) all my exams this year soJImdisappointed.My brother (fall) in love with a France;


the correcroptlons:

I've been here fbr/stnce 3 o'clock.They've.knOwn each other forI sincemany years.Nobody has.heard from Carlafor! sinceSaturday.My mUm has been in her new job for Isince three weeks.She hasn't called me for /since the party.He has played for Arsenal for I since2006.My grandparents have been married fori sinceforty years.It hasn't rained for/since about three weeks,Nothing has happened for! sinceyesterdaymorning.Jorge hasn't played tennis for I sincehis injury.

Choose the correct options.

Haveyou ever lalready seen an opera?I've alreadyljl,)st seen Pam.What's she doing here?They haven't .calledme yet/already.Carol has already/yetscored twenty points in this match.We've everI neveteaten Spanish ham before.I'veyeV already called h.im three times today.Do you evet / nevergo the gym?I'm sorry, I haven't made a reservatton alreadyIYr:t,

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- --- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

5 Complete-the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Beforeyesterday's match, they .Inot win) anyof their matches.Before lastyear, she never (be) to Granada.I (call) her twice before she finally sent me a message.

't Itwas the first time he 'w"' __ "'_~' (hear) such beautiful music.s John always (think) that he wasn't a good basketball player.c Laura .~~._ never ..~~_, .....(be) good at dancing so.she.was very nervous." My parents " always (refuse) to let me stay out late so Iwas surprised when they said yes.S I never ..._...~" .._~ (drink) beer before that day. It wasn't very nlce.S' By the-time I got home, (lose) my wallet.

6 Rewrite the sentenceswith the word in brackets inthe.correct place.

Idon't think I've tried surfing. (ever)

z I had heard such an inspiring story. (never)

3 Have you asked your parents? (yet)

,j, He had seen the film twice, (already)

'i; I've finished reading the most amazing book. (just)

6 Had you studied En,gIishbefore you came here? (already)

i' I don't think he has fmtshed. (ye.t)

$i Have you seen the film77tanIC? (ever)

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Perfect and simple tensesComplete the coriversation with the present perfect, past simple or present simple form ofthe verbs in brackets.

you anything from Julia in the last few weeks?Yes,she's in Madrid. She »: .(be) there since Saturday.Oh, yeah! 1.3 (forget) about that. she (go) with her parents?Yes,I think so.They (go) toMadrid every Christmas. I think her brother (live) there .

. (be) there for a couple of years.always (want) to visit Madrid. It's such a beautiful city.

Do you thinkso? I've heard that it'sreally hot in summer and really cold in winter.My parents') (go) there last summer. I (not go) because II! (have) exams.

:J;.Oh.yes,I remember that. you (pass)them ail?NO,I (fail) Spanish SO I decided to take extra classes.I them in.Septernber.

yourSpanish (get) better since then?(improve) my vccabularyescectally since.I met Pedro!

g. Pedro?lNho 1'7_~.. . (be) Pedro?(be) together for three weeks now!

Cornpfete'the story with the.correc; form ofthevetbs in brackets. Use the present slrnple, past simple; present perfect orpast perfect,

When Kakenya NtaiyaJromKenya was fourteen, she I~,. ... ....(make) a dealwith Qer.father.Hewould let her finish highscbcotor she l~_._~.... (threaten) to run away.fvjaasai girls didn't !lsually tlni.sh·high SChool,but her father3 ...._..•v.'••.•.•

(accept), Ntaiya sai\d,'I had always liked going to school and 1·'...."..... ....(always dream) of being a teache(But Ntaiya

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--- --------- . - - - - ------------------

ModalsMatchthe two parts of the sentences.

I've put on a bit ofweight soYour hair is very long.

, Tom was really rude andI know you have a testtomorrow butYousaid a really 'horrible thing to CristinaYou're going to have dinner in an hourI'm going to a party tonight

a You've got a lot of homework.

A What do you think I should wear?;; Don't you thinkyou ought to start it now?(" I probably ought to exercise more.o you shouldn't worry so much about passing or failing,

so you shouldn't eat too many biscuits.'" you should never speak to him again.

Don't you think you should get it cut?H so I think you ought to apologise to her.

Choose the correct options,

, I don't think I can I could go out tomorrow. I have to study.TheWiFi isri't wO'rking so we can't I haven't been able to log onto the internet for two days,

.$ My mum wasn:t able tol couldn't speak English when she was a child,·f The door vvasn'tlockedso we could /wete able to get into the house,<;, I'm sure Samwon't can I be able to come to the picnic nextSaturday. He's.got afootball match,€. Would yoube li/bfeto/Coulciyou reallyplay the piano when you were five years old?

My laptop Slopped working but after I had checked a,11the cables I could/was able.to get-it working again,,q He won't be able to/Mdn't been able to finish his homework before the teacher arrived,

:3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

tidy I really I bedroom I have / II to / my

have I school/toJ take / bus I Derek / Does I the I?

yesterday f Why / go I you I cousin's / have I to / to / did / your / house I ?

i( you I study IDo / we'll I year I to I think / hard / next I have I?

secret low/anyone; mustn't I so I you lit's I tell

museum I Dol into I you I the I to / pay / to I get I have I?

take (You I forget I to I keys I go I mustn't I your lout / you I before

me I don't I toltellIl1ave / You Inow, / tell/later (can/you / me

wouldn't / you/trairi! us,/ came / with / the I take I you / have 11ft to

10 had / early IMy I every / get / to I sisterl up / week I morning Ilast

Out & About 1 - PHOTOCOPIABLE© Cambridge University Press 2015

Correct the sentences.

I don't can see the television. Can you sit down, please.

Mark'don't have to call me ifhe doesn't Want to.

If I was rich, Iwould can buy lots of cool things~

When you're in Bilbao, YOLlought visit the Guggenheim Museum.

I'm sorry I won't able to go to your party on Friday.

Students must.to always hand in their homework on time.

The police were called and they could catch the thieves.

I'm sorry but you don't must smoke here.

Complete the Sentences with the correct form of a modal verb to express abillty, obllqattorcprchtbttlon or to give advice.

You really pay much attention to Philip. He'salways making fun ofeveryone, (advice)At our school, all the students .~~~. "" Weara uniform. (obligation)We~ ...••.............~prin\ou.nhe$e pages because the printer's notworking. (ability)you ....•.........,.•.. ~. sit dQwn.on lhat bench because the paint is wet. (prohibition)OK,you .•.• " hand in the homework tomorrow. I'll give you until Friday.(obligation)When my dad WasYOunger he use a computer. No one had ever taught him. (ability)M¥brothenhinks I get my hair cut. He saysit's too long. (advice)I've been calling Paul all day but I speak to him yet. (ability)My mum worked in the USA.50 she speak English at work. (obligation)We're installing some new software so you switch off the computer. (prohibition)

Complete the sentences withtHe verbs in the box and the correct modal verb. Sometimes there ismore than one possibleanswer.

write down • watc:~ • cut down' remember' (Qmplete • listento •. use' ride' tell

If you doh't like the film.:1think you something else.. ,' the exam in 30 minutes but you a calculator. This is the non-calculator exam.on the amountof sugar I.eat. My teeth are terrible!

You ..• '. __"_' music while you're studying. You can't concentrate..When I.Was five. I bike.

me - Ican keep a secret,-rr- .•~.~~~ .••, everything the teacher.sald in your notebooks?

the password when You logged on?

Have you ever left your house without your keys?I.have. Severaltimes! I lean/ could remember onetime vety well.l1had to.!must go out for a rew minutes to buy-some bread. I thoughrto myself: 'I 'don't have to/ mustn'rrorget my keys:I closed the frontdoor and I SUddenly realised I had forgotten my keys!'Now I .;WOn'tbe able to/ couldn'tget backln later: I thought. I G had toImust thinkquickly.No problem, Ithought,I6 am able to/ can call my mum.She 1willcan/wil/'be able to let me-!n.Then I realised I'd also forgotten my rncbtle phoneLWithour my keys or my mobile phoneI ~would have to/have hadto go to Manu's house - he'sa friend Who lives down the road. So I went to Manu's but he wasn't inso 1.9 had to/ mustexplain to his mum What had happened. 'You IOshouldlmust give a key to one of your neighbours: she said.Then I remembered that Mrs Garcianext door had a key! Anyway, Mrs Garda gave methe key and 11lcould/was able to getback into the house.Then I realised ... I'd forgotten to buy the bread'

Out & About 1 - PHOTOCOPIABLE© Cambridge University Press2015

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