fy2014 feasibility study (fs) for the joint crediting mechanism (jcm)

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FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)

Final Report on

Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project

March 2015

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE OF THE STUDY .................................................................... 1-1

1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 1-1

1.2 STUDY METHOD ................................................................................................. 1-1

CHAPTER 2 CONDUCT OF TRIP TO JAPAN ................................................................... 2-1

2.1 OBJECTIVE OF TRIP TO JAPAN ........................................................................ 2-1

2.2 OBJECTIVE OF TRIP TO JAPAN ........................................................................ 2-1

2.3 SCHEDULE AND OUTCOME.............................................................................. 2-2

CHAPTER 3 EXAMINATION IN THE STUDY ................................................................. 3-1

3.1 ISSUES ON WASTE TREATMENT ..................................................................... 3-1

3.2 ISSUES OF BANTAR GEBANG FINAL DISPOSAL SITE ................................ 3-4


3.4 STUDY FOR LOW CARBON WASTE DISPOSAL ............................................ 3-5

3.5 STUDY FOR POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................. 3-6

CHAPTER 4 EXAMINATION OF JCM DEMONSTRATION AND VERIFICATION PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 4-7

4.1 BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 4-7

4.2 PROJECT LOCATION........................................................................................... 4-8

4.3 INDONESIAN PARTNERS ................................................................................... 4-9

4.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY ............................................................ 4-9

4.4.1 Pretreatment Technology ............................................................................... 4-9

4.4.2 Carbonization Technology ........................................................................... 4-10

4.4.3 Volume Reduction and Methane Fermentation Technology ....................... 4-12

4.4.4 Binary Power Generation Technology ......................................................... 4-15

4.5 PROJECT DETAILS ............................................................................................ 4-16

4.6 DETAIL TREATMENT FLOW AND FACILITY .............................................. 4-17

4.6.1 Detail treatment flow ................................................................................... 4-17

4.6.2 Material balance ........................................................................................... 4-18

4.6.3 Layout plan of treatment facility .................................................................. 4-21

4.7 PROJECT SCHEDULE ........................................................................................ 4-24

CHAPTER 5 STDUDY ON METHOD OF JCM APPLICATION ...................................... 5-1

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


5.1 REFERENCE SCENARIO SETTING BACKGROUND ...................................... 5-1

5.2 MONITORING METHODS ................................................................................... 5-1


5.4 DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 5-9

CHAPTER 6 PROJECT COST ........................................................................................... 6-10

6.1 PROJECT COST ................................................................................................... 6-10

6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL COST .................................................................................. 6-10

6.3 ECONOMIC IMPACT ......................................................................................... 6-11


7.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 7-12

7.2 EXAMINATION OF ESTIMATED IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS ......................................................................................................... 7-12

7.2.1 Further Necessary Activities ........................................................................ 7-15

CHAPTER 8 CAPACITY BUILDING ............................................................................... 8-18

8.1 CAPACITY BUILDING IMPLEMENTED IN THE STUDY............................. 8-18


CHAPTER 9 FUTURE SCHEDULE .................................................................................. 9-20

9.1 PROPOSAL OF JCM DEMONSTRATION AND VERIFICATION (D&V) PROJECT ......................................................................................................................... 9-20

9.1.1 Implementation Schedule of JCM D&V Project ......................................... 9-20

9.1.2 Conduct of JCM D&V Project ..................................................................... 9-20

9.1.3 Preparation of the Application for JCM D&V Project ................................ 9-20

9.2 SPREAD POSSIBILITY OF THE TECHNOLOGY ........................................... 9-21

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


- List of Tables -

Table 4-1 Basis of bulk density ........................................................................................... 4-20

Table 4-2 Tentative schedule of NEDO JCM Demonstration and Verification Project ...... 4-24

Table 5-1 Monitoring Method ............................................................................................... 5-1

Table 5-2 Targeted GHGs and their emission and reduction sources ................................... 5-2

Table 6-1 Project Cost ......................................................................................................... 6-10

Table 6-2 Current Cost Estimation for Waste Disposal....................................................... 6-11

Table 6-3 Waste Disposal Cost for the Project .................................................................... 6-11

Table 7-1 Results of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment related to the Project Implementation ..................................................................................... 7-13

Table 7-2 Types and Size of Projects that require EIA in Indonesia (Waste-related Project) .............................................................................................................. 7-16

Table 7-3 Contents that should be included in Monitoring Management Plan (UPK) ........ 7-17

Table 7-4 Contents that should be included in Monitoring Plan (UKL) ............................. 7-17

Table 9-1 Implementation Schedule .................................................................................... 9-20

- List of Figures -

Figure 4-1 Detail treatment flow of treatment plant ............................................................ 4-18

Figure 4-2 Material balance of pre-treatment process ......................................................... 4-19

Figure 4-3 Material balance of composting process ............................................................ 4-20

Figure 5-1 Flow of the current waste treatment in Pesanggrahan ITF .................................. 5-1

Figure 5-2 Flow of MRV ....................................................................................................... 5-9

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



1.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY In Indonesia, the waste amount has been increasing sharply with the rapid economic growth. This sharp increase of the waste has caused the following issues in the waste management especially in urban area;

- Shortage of the budget and technology for waste treatment - Limited remaining capacity of the final disposal site

(Difficulties in constructing new disposal sites) - Pollution led by the illegal disposal

At the same time, the energy issue has been serious. The large increase of the energy consumption has caused the engery shortage. The governement of Indonesia developed a policy to promote waste-to energy in order to solve the two problems at one time. Besides, as the emission of greenhouse gas has been increasing in the waste sector, its reduction is expected. For these reasons, Indonesia, especially its urban area has large potential for high needs to promote low carbon waste treatment through JCM.

- To study feasibility of low carbon waste treatment in Indonesia - To study applicable JCM methodology for low carbon waste treatment - To study policies,which support extend the technologies of low carbon waste

treatment through JCM in Indonesia

1.2 STUDY METHOD 1) Recommendation for JCM related Policy in Indonesia (Technical Standard and Financial

Support, etc. concerning Low-carbon Technology and Products)

(1) Review of Policies concerning Waste-to Energy in Indonesia

In order to promote low-carbon waste-to-energy (WtE) utilizing Japanese technologies, the current conditions of the technical standards regarding waste treatment and promotion of WtE in Indonesia and financial support status is to be reviewed.

(2) Identification of Issues in Current System

In order to implement low-carbon waste management, assumed issues in current waste treatment and direction of policy recommendation are to be identified.

(3) Consultation with Relevant Governmental Institutions and Examination of Recommendation

Based on the results in the methods 1-1) and 1-2), waste management and the applied technologies are to be explained to the government officials of Indonesia with emphasis on the needs for low-carbon waste treatment, and policy recommendations for its promotion is to be summarized.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


2) Study for Development of the Detail Project Plan based on the Concerned Policies

(1) Summary of the Target Project

The target project of this Study aims at introducing low-carbon waste treatment. Waste volume reduction by carbonization, WtE etc. for commercial and municipal waste treatment is to be examined.

(2) Development of the Project Plan

Rough cost estimate and project planning will be conducted.

3) Development of Applicable Methodology for Emission Reduction in case of project implementation, Preliminary Estimate of Emission Reduction by using the Methodology

(1) Development of Methodology for Emission Reduction

This project plan is assumed to be registered as the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) project. This project aims to achieve emission reduction by waste volume reduction by carbonizer (reduction of the landfill gas, reduction of transportation), conversion of waste to fuel, replacement of power grid system by installation of the WtE system and reduction of fossil fuel consumption. The methodology to evaluate the effects quantitatively will be developed.

Superiority of Japanese products will be considered to develop “Eligibility criteria” in the methodology. The criteria will be selected to contribute to extend the low-carbon waste treatment technology proposed in the target project.

(2) Preliminary Estimate of Emission Reduction

Based on the methodology for emission reduction, GHG emission reduction will be estimated as a trial. The draft Project Design Document will be prepared.

4) Analysis of Economic Effect in case of Project Implementation

(1) Study of Possibility of the Technologies Extension in Indonesia

To study possibility of the technologies extension of low-carbon waste treatment, especially in cities or regional airports, and others.

(2) Analysis of Economic Effect

Regarding the cost recovery, economic effect will be analyzed to consider setting the appropriate waste treatment cost. In addition, by minimizing the initial investment in the plant construction, possibility of flexible business expansion in the regional cities or regional airports in the different waste treatment conditions will be studied.

5) Development of Applicable Methodology for Emission Reduction in case of project implementation, Preliminary Estimate of Emission Reduction by using the Methodology

In order to appeal Japanese engineering technology and WtE technology to the government officials of Indonesia, they will be invited to Japan to see the current condition of waste treatment managed by public sectors and/or private sectors,

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


especially the technologies that contribute to low-carbonization such as carbonizer, WtE, compost recycling, biogas digester and so on, and to make discussions.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



2.1 OBJECTIVE OF TRIP TO JAPAN To promote Japanese engineering technologies and low carbon waste treatment technologies in Indonesia, officials of Indonesian Government were invited to Japan. The participants observed waste management by public and private sectors, including the waste treatment by private entities and exchanged their view and questions.

The participants visited Takasago Thermal Engineering for technology development and engineering technology, and CYC for carbonizer technologies.

2.2 OBJECTIVE OF TRIP TO JAPAN Participant list is shown below. No Organization Position

1 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Head of Subdivision for Technical of Bioenergy, Directorate of Bioenergy

2 Ministry of Public Works Sub Director for Solid Waste Management Development, Sanitation and Environment Development Directorate

3 Ministry of Public Works Officer in Work Unit of Sanitation and Environment Development in Jabodetabek area

4 Provincial Government of Jakarta Special Government

Advisor for waste management

5 Provincial Government of Jakarta Special Government

Deputy head of Department of Sanitation

6 Indonesia Joint Crediting Mechanism Secretariat

Administration Staff

7 PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia Joint Managing Director

8 PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia Technical advisor

9 PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia Sanitation Engineer

10 University of Gadjha Mada Professor

11 PT. Takasago Thermal Engineering Technical advisor

12 PT. Takasago Thermal Engineering Technical advisor

13 Nippon Koei Co., Ltd Associate Senior Engineer / Team Leader for JCM-FS

14 Nippon Koei Co., Ltd Engineer

15 Nippon Koei Co., Ltd Engineer

16 Takasago Thermal Engineering Co.,Ltd. General Manager

17 Takasago Thermal Engineering Co.,Ltd. General Manager

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


2.3 SCHEDULE AND OUTCOME The trip was conducted following the schedule below and achieved the outcomes described for each trip.

First Day November 4th, 2014 ①Examples in Japan about research and development of ESCO business and energy saving

Place Research & Development Center, Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.

Activity/ Objective

Activity 1: The trainees were explained about ESCO business by Takasaki Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd..

Objective: To know the scheme of ESCO business in Japan and examples of ESCO business implemented by Takasaki Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.

Activity 2: The trainees were explained about the research ¥& development center and summary of findings. They also went on the center tour.

Objective: To understand the latest research findings in the field of energy-saving engineering where JCM can be utilized, and to consider how to utilize JCM scheme in Indonesia.

Outcome The trainees actively asked questions about the presence or absence of qualification of ESCO operators and contract form of ESCO business, etc., and improved understanding of ESCO business in preparation for establishment of ESCO system in Indonesia in future

The trainees were astonished at the technological development by own expense and realized Japanese impetus to technological development. In addition, they positively gained better understandings about the findings of technological development for energy saving.

First Day November 4th, 2014 ②Recycling technology of industrial and medical waste

Place Tokyo Waterfront Recycle Power Co., Ltd.

Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees went on the facility tour of super eco plants. Objective: To understand the outline of the advanced material and thermal recycling facilities for industrial and medical waste in Japan

Outcome The trainees showed intense interest in waste heat energy and volume reduction of final disposal waste from industrial and medical facilities by separate collection and by-product recycling as technologies that would contribute to the solution of waste problems in large cities in Indonesia. Though it’s difficult to introduce these technologies in Indonesia promptly because of construction cost, some trainees made comment that these technologies would be used as reference.

Second Day November 5th, 2014 ①Recycling-oriented hotel considering environment

Place New Otani Hotel

Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees toured the compost plant for recyclable food resources and water recycling plant, etc. conducted by the environmentally-friendly hotel. Objective: To understand the outline of the on-site food waste treatment facility and other environmentally-friendly facilities and its management method implemented by the environmentally-friendly hotel

Outcome The trainees had admiration for the hotel as a private commercial facility which has been promoting the environmentally-friendly activities voluntarily such as on-site food waste reduction without any government assistance and contributed to achieving CO2 emission reduction by waste volume reduction and energy saving. They also could understand the significance of private-sector-driven facility maintenance.

Second Day November 5th, 2014 ② Final disposal site

Place Waterfront Landfill Site along Tokyo Bay

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees watched the introduction film about waterfront landfill site in Tokyo on DVD and took a look at the site. Objective: To know final treatment system in waterfront landfill site for general municipal waste

Outcome The trainees could understand structured waste treatment system in major cities, and construction and management technology of final disposal site. They actively asked questions about waste gas generation at landfill site and intermediate treatment, and could obtain better understandings of them.

Third Day November 6th, 2014 Carbonizer

Place CYC Co., Ltd.

Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees visited CYC Co., Ltd. and took the class about CYC and its carbonizer. They also took a look at manufacturing process of the carbonizer and its operation. Objective: To understand the characteristics of the carbonizer, manufacturing process and operation method of it.

Outcome The trainees understood the characteristics and mechanism of the carbonizer and expressed interest in its volume reduction effect of waste and broad availability of coal. Moreover, usage of waste heat was proposed from a viewpoint of energy saving.

Fourth Day November 7th, 2014 Waste Recycling Plant

Place Campo Recycle Plaza Co., Ltd.

Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees watched the introduction film of the facility on DVD, took a look at the plant and had a question-and-answer session.

Objective: To learn the outline and management method of most advanced recycling complex facility.

Outcome The trainees visited the recycling plant in the most advanced complex facility of energy and resource recycling plants, and could understand the purpose of the recycling plant. Since Campo Recycle Plaza Co., Ltd. was given the management of waste treatment by the local government, there were some questions raised by the trainees about maintenance and operation cost and tipping fee from the local government. But enough answer couldn’t be gotten from the company since it was the private one.

Fifth Day November 8th, 2014 Review Meeting

Place Bentencho ORC Citizens' Learning Center Training Room

Activity/ Objective

Activity: The trainees exchanged their opinions on the Study based on the findings in this training in Japan.

Objective: To exchange their opinions on the Study and JCM project plan by looking back on the visits during this training in Japan, and to request the information regarding project plan, reference scenario and baseline that should be referred for the future study.

Outcome Facilitator: Study Team Leader

Opinions from the trainees were as follows. See the meeting minutes for details.

1) Introduction of Carbonizer - In order to utilize the carbonizer efficiently for waste treatment, it is necessary to separate waste.

Therefore, separation and sorting system should be introduced together with it. - As for usage of carbonizer, it is expected to consider how to increase utilization efficiency of

waste energy including waste heat. - It is needed to gain the product approval from the Government for introduction of waste treatment

facility. 2) Proposal of New Project Plan - New project plan that would have potential is solid waste treatment in Jakarta. 1) Reference Scenario - The reference scenario should be the final landfill disposal site in Jakarta - It is expected to conduct the pilot project of a carbonizer introduced in the intermediate treatment

facility in Pesanggrahan. The intermediate treatment facility was constructed by the Ministry of

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Public Works three years ago. Biogas power generation was planned to be built there but the plan was abandoned in the process of construction and that hasn’t functioned yet. It is expected to examine and conduct the project plan by carrying forward the procedure of workshop, Feasibility Study (FS), pilot project and verification, workshop, and policy recommendation.

2) Others - Currently local government has been applied for feasibility study (FS) of the biogas recycling

plant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Budget for construction is planned to be burden by the Ministry. The outcomes of the FS are to be shared with the Study Team.

- Biogas energy projects are planned to be conducted in Medan, Riau and Palembang. The facilities are to be transferred to the local governments and its management is to be consigned to them. However facility management capability of the local governments seems not to be enough.

- Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has been supporting the biomass energy generation, and the local government level has conducted pre feasibility study and chosen the potential site. Then the findings are to be shared with the study team.

Outcome: Opinions from the trainees were able to be collected. Furthermore, introduction of carbonizer in the intermediate treatment facility was proposed as the project plan by the staff of Sanitation Department of DKI Jakarta. It was found that the governmental authorization for the products shall be acquired in order to introduce waste treatment facility in future.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



3.1 ISSUES ON WASTE TREATMENT The laws and regulations related to this study in Indonesia are shown in the figure below. Feed-in tariff scheme for Waste-to-Energy (WtE) was first set in 2012 and revised in 2013 that is the latest one (as of February 2015).

Table 3-1 Regulations related to new/renewable energy & waste-to-energy in Indonesia

Source: The Study Team

Name Contents Remarks

1)Waste Management Act (2008)

Waste related act firstly enacted by the Ministry of Environment. Waste treatment, Improvement of treatment, etc.

Aiming at closing of the open damping by 2013.

2)Ministry of Public Works Decree (2006)

Aiming at waste reduction, improvement of dissemination rate of waste service

Promotion of 3R, promotion of participation of citizen and private entities in waste management

3)National Development Plan (RPJM2004-2009)

Improvement of waste collection coverage, sanitary landfill, introduction of WtE

Promotion of pre FS for WtE

4)Presidential Decree (2006)

National energy policy Set of development goal of new/renewable energy

5)Ministry of Finance Decree No. 21/PMK.011/2010、No. 130/PMK.011/2011、No. 139/PMK.011/2011

Promotion of new/renewable energy Tax benefit, government guarantee and the like related to new/renewable energy

6)Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Decree (2013, No.9)

Set of purchase price of WtE utilizing the municipal waste

Set of unit price based on electric voltage (medium or low) and power generation method

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


The following issues are confirmed in this Study.

Table 3-2 Major Issues

Source: The Study Team

1 http://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2014/11/16/21440521/Sampah.di.Bantaran.Kali.Jakarta.Diprediksi.Capai.356.08.Ton.


Item Issues

Environmental problem in the final disposal site

・Leachate management is not enough in and out of final disposal site and this issue has not been solved. Regional final disposal sites are still doing open damping.

・Bantar Gebang final disposal site where all waste from DKI has been transported and Bekasi final disposal site in Bekasi city have been expanded a little by little. However waste are piled up to 30m high and the final disposal site is facing shortage of capacity.

・There is a plan that new final disposal site will be constructed in the west part of Jakarta, However it has not been proceeded because of some problems such as issue on procuring of site.

Management of industrial waste

・Except only some worldwide companies that have high environmental standards, most companies does not pay for the treatment of non-harmful waste. In most cases, pickup of the waste has been conducted without charge since waste is mixed with valuable waste and non-valuable waste. Waste oil is reported to be bought in some cases.

Illegal disposal and treatment

・According to the interview and the papers,1 and people’s expectation for new regime and DKI Governor, Illegal damping on the river that might trigger flood has been considered a big social problem. It was estimated that the amount of waste disposed on the river bank was 356.08t (according to the interview to the Division Head of the Cleaning Division on the newspaper, on November 2014)

・It is said that illegal open burning has still been widespread.

Insufficient separation ・Waste separation and 3R has been done mainly by waste pickers.

Payment status of tipping fee (Especially for municipal waste)

・People has been paying small business for community collection service and the payment amount makes difference of collection frequency. The small business has been transporting the waste to the community transfer station. The waste is to be collected by the public service to be transferred to the final disposal site.

・PPLi (subsidiary company of DOWA) has been entrusted when hazardous waste treatment or proof of appropriate treatment of waste is needed only by worldwide corporations.

Delay of waste management by private sectors

・There is no disposer to treat hazardous waste except PPLi.

・Awareness of appropriate treatment of waste is low.

Feasibility of WtE ・Though there are several WtE plans on the scale of 1,000t/day, these plans has not been progressed because of the opposition to the plan such as land acquisition.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


In confirming the issues shown above, the following central governmental organizations, local government and private sectors were interviewed. The results are summarized below.

Table 3-3 Results of the Interviews

Source: The Study Team

Interviewed Organization

Summary of the Results

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has been promoting Waste to Energy and has constructed power generation plant by palm coconut shell as a pilot project.

Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Public Works has jurisdiction over waste management policy and has conducted investigation of plan regarding construction of final disposal site and so on. They strongly desire capacity development of the intermediate treatment facility constructed in DKI Jakarta.

DKI Jakarta Decentralization of waste management from the Ministry of Public Works to local governments has been promoted.

DKI Jakarta has been transporting enormous waste to the Bantar Gebang final disposal site and reclaiming it by paying disposal cost. In order to reduce the amount of waste and the cost, DKI Jakarta desire incineration treatment in Jakarta city.

Though three incineration facilities have been studied and planned, none of them are smoothly implemented due to public voice and difficulty in land acquisition.

YPO (Young President Organisation)

YPO is an international NPO which members are young managers, such as owners of shopping mall, chain of retails and chain of restaurants. Many of its members have high consciousness of the climate change policy and waste treatment, but it was proven that there were a few organizations which bore waste treatment cost at the moment.

Japanese industrial park Except some companies that have acquired proof of appropriate waste treatment for environmental consideration, there are a few which bear waste treatment cost. However, some stated that there is a need for making differentiation from others as eco-friendly industrial park.

Jakarta Bali Airport (large scale)

Airports in Indonesia become big waste generators as demand of airplane grows fast. In consideration with the image of the tourism, they began considering installation of incinerator with an increased interest in appropriate waste treatment in the airport. Halim Airport (medium


FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


3.2 ISSUES OF BANTAR GEBANG FINAL DISPOSAL SITE Currently, there are no final disposal sites within the vicinity of DKI Jakarta Province and all the waste of DKI Jakarta is landfilled in Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site in Bekasi City, West Java Province. This site is not with embankment and its slope of the piled waste is thought to be fragile. the height of the landfill has already reached approximately 30m and further disposal may cause the landslide. With current condition, the remaining capacity of the site will be over within a few years and the volume reduction of waste is in urgent needs.

Though there is a WtE power plant utilizing landfill gases of 10 MW, less than 5MW was achieved in 2014 average and even less than 2MW in February 2015. It is because compaction of waste is not done, pipes to collect landfill gas moves and the joints of pipes are broken in case of the rise of ground water level especially during rainy seasons. Besides, landfill over the closed cell with pipes is done in order to raise the height of the waste more than usual, which result in brokerage of joints and insufficient gas collection.

Current Situation of Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site (March 2015)

Height of Landfill is reaching the limit !

High risk of landslide of waste

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Current Situation of Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site (March 2015)


Initially, this study targeted the project which covers a treatment facility in one hectare of land which PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia has in DKI Jakarta, next to its machine factory area. Therefore, the project planned the reduction of general wastes collected from companies located in 30 km of the plant by waste power generation and carbonization of food waste. However, meetings with participants (e.g. large shopping mall, hotel, residence building and palm oil company) suggested that it is difficult to request payments to parties for waste disposal since there are few participants willing to make payments for waste collection at this time despite their attention to low carbon waste disposal.

On the other hand, the result of interviews with industrial complexes in the suburbs of Jakarta and airports (e.g. Bali, Halim and Soekarno-Hatta) suggested their attention to onsite waste disposal. Furthermore, it seems that there is a need for waste disposal at hospitals.

3.4 STUDY FOR LOW CARBON WASTE DISPOSAL Capacity building of the existing intermediate treatment facility, Pesanggrahan 3R Waste Management Facility, was requested by Ministry of Public Works and Clean Department at DKI Jakarta in the study. The outline of the study for this request is shown below.

(1) Small-scale Distributed System Many waste management plans have been already proposed at DKI Jakarta, however, few plants have been realized to be constructed and managed (e.g. staging base at Sunter area) and three large incineration facilities planned in the city have not yet been realized. There are troubles of land acquisition, opposition by local residents and budget scale.

On the other hand, the capacity of the final disposal site is approaching the limit. This study covers the small-scale distributed system which is the earliest possible plan.

(2) Maximization of Reduction It is important to study how to decrease the transportation cost to the final disposal site and the GHG emission by carbonization and compost reduction, therefore, extend the expiration limit of the final disposal site. This study is given priority over waste power generation which is also important.

(3) Utilization of Carbonizers The study covers carbonization facilities which have low environmental load and possibility to implement in small-scale compared to incineration.

(4) Implementation of Methane Fermentation

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Initially, the facility was planned for gas recovery by methane fermentation technology introduced from Denmark. Denmark has bailed out because of cost problem; however, Ministry of Public Works has already constructed the facility. Therefore, the plan also aims at methane fermentation by implementing the facility.

(5) Installation of Waste Power Generation Waste power generation technology which has a possibility to implement in small-scale distribution system will be applied as the model project. It is called binary generator.

3.5 STUDY FOR POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Policy recommendations are as follows, based on the result of the study. The necessity of this policy recommendation was agreed by Ministry of Public Works and Clean Department at DKI Jakarta through the meetings with them. The meetings for the project will be continued.

Table 3-4 Policy Recommendations

Source: Study Team

Item Description

Problem of Capacity for Final Disposal Site

Promotion for volume reduction of waste to be landfilled by small-scale distributed system in DKI Jakarta

Insufficient Waste Separation Mandatory waste separation for private sectors with certain business scale, commercial facilities, markets managed by public administration and malls (at least the improvements to separate wastes as Corporate Social Responsibility)

Payment of Tipping Fee Securing government budget for tipping fee Application of policy incentive for proper treatment of

wastes by private sectors Insufficient Waste Management by Private Sectors

Necessity of environmental education for penetration of low carbon waste treatment

Improvements of management for intermediate treatment facilities (ITF)

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



4.1 BACKGROUND Background of the study (1): Issues of the waste management in the urban areas in Indonesia

Waste management in the urban areas in Indonesia has the following identified issues;

i. Shortage of the budget and technology for waste treatment

ii. Remaining capacity of the final disposal site (Difficulties in constructing new disposal sites)

iii. Increase in the amount and change in the quality of waste

iv. Pollution led by the illegal disposal

Background of the study (2): Promotion of waste-to-energy business by private sector

Government of Indonesia plans to promote;

i. Renewable energy for stable and large energy supply: National strategy for energy development, approved by the assembly in 2014, aims that 31 % of total energy supply comes from renewable energy supply by 2050.

ii. GHG emission reduction: National action plan for GHG emission reduction (RAN-GRK) was promulgated for political commitment to GHG emission reduction.

iii. Waste-to-energy by private sector: In order to achieve the two plans i and ii, government of Indonesia supports waste–to-energy (WtE). Since the national budget for waste management is limited, it is preferred that private sector takes initiative for WtE.

Background of the study (3): Accordance with the Japanese aid policy for Indonesia

Japanese aid policy for Indonesia addresses that support for waste management development in Jakarta metropolitan area is one of the most important sectors as improvement of urban environment with basic infrastructure development invites investment in the city.

Background of the study (4): Improvement of intermediate treatment facility

Ministy of Public Works and DKI Jakarta Province are promoting TPS-3R (ITF-3R). By 2032, at least 8 sites of ITF-3R will be constructed and the model facility is wanted. Pesanggrahan ITF-3R is already constructed, but the planned activities are not implemented and its function is not yet fully achieved. Thus, Indonesian side is requiring the improvement of its functions.

Based on the three backgrounds described as above, there is a large potential for promotion of waste treatment by private sector through JCM.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.2 PROJECT LOCATION The proposed project site is located in Kecamatan Pesanggrahan (along Tol Road ofJakarta-Serpong), Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Map is shown below.

The proposed site is already developed as ITF-3R by Indonesian side, thus the project is in harmony with the land use plan.

Source: The study team

Kota Jakarta Selatan

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.3 INDONESIAN PARTNERS Indonesian partners are summarized in the following table.

Table 4-1 Proposed Indonesian partners for the planed project

Source: The study team

4.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNOLOGY The low-carbon waste treatment technologies that are to be demonstrated and verified for JCM in this Project are the following four core technologies. That is; (1) pretreatment technology, (2) carbonization technology, (3) volume reduction and methane fermentation technology and (4) binary power generation technology.

4.4.1 Pretreatment Technology Regarding municipal waste in Indonesia, resources are mostly collected and reused by waste pickers near waste generation sources or in the final disposal site. Though “waste bank” is active in some area, other separation activities are conducted only in a limited way.

It's of primary concern that collection and reuse of a thing of resources by a cormorant aced beep car are performed in a place near a source (repositories in an area) and a final disposal place about urban refuse in Indonesia country, and there is also an area where the activity by which it's for a trash bank is seen, but discretion of anything but that is performed only determinatively.

In this project, manual sorting, shredding, magnetic sorting, wind sorting are combined for pre-treatment. The system was planned to sort high calorie plastic waste and organic waste for volume reduction by composting.

Organization Proposed role Private sector PT. Takasago Thermal Engineering Engineering of the carbon waste treatment plant for higher efficiency PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia - Plant operation

- Monitoring and Reporting Public sector DKI Jakarta (Cleaning Dept.) - Minutes of Understanding with NEDO

- In collaboration with Kota Jakarta Selatan and Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, - Waste collection and transfer from each waste collecting

point to the project plant, and Bantar Gebang. - Contract for carbonizer operation with the operation

company. Min. of Public works Construction of basic infrastructures for the plant building, and

handover of the infrastructure to DKI Jakarta Min. of Finance Budget approval and monitoring for the project fund Min. of Environment and Forestry Supervise the environmental assessment of the treatment site Min. of Energy and Mineral Resources Support of waste-to-energy in the project with binary cycle if


FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.4.2 Carbonization Technology The characteristics of the carbonizer are as follows.

(1) Perfect carbonization CYC carbonizer has features to shut off oxygen from the carbonizing box completely, which achieve the perfect carbonization with the minimum incineration caused by using residual oxygen in the carbonizing box at start-up.

(2) Utilization of super heat steam CYC carbonizer can utilize waste heat to generate superheated steam, which improves efficiency of thermal transfer when it is used as the direct heating source. It also supports the decomposition of tar in gas generated from pyrolysis.

(3) Using syn gas Syn gas will be generated from the pyrolysis of MSW especially from plastics. The CYC carbonizer can reduce the amount of the fossil fuel used for the auxiliary burner by burning the syn gas generated in the carbonizing box by using the syn gas burner. Also, to combust the syn gas completely is effective for reduction of air pollutant.

In this Project, carbonization will be proceeded by arranging calorific value of waste to input to a constant level in order to carbonize the waste by using their own syn gas.

There are three types of CYC carbonizer, i.e. batch type, continuous screw type, and continuous vertical type. The features of the carbonizer is summarized as follows.

Table 4-2 Features of CYC carbonizer

Source: Study team

Type Features of carbonizer Seize of carbonizing box

Batch type - Pre-treatment is not required - Easy handling - Non-continuous and it requires heating and cooling energy and time

each time of carbonization

10.9 m3, 9 m3, 6.7 m3, 3.4 m3, 1.7 m3, 0.25 m3

Continuous Screw Type

- Continuous carbonization by screw conveyor - High fluidity material is appropriate for treatment. Pre-treatment to

increase fluidity may be required.


Continuous Vertical Type

- Continuous carbonization by gravity - High thermal conductivity by maximum use of super-heated vapor - Pre-treatment of shredding is required


FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Followings are the photo of the CYC carbonizers.

Table 4-3 Photo of CYC Carbonizer

Source: Study team


ce it will

be needed

to trea

t 77t/day

of was

te in

this Project, the

vertical continuous typ

e of the car


will be adopted.

Comparison of the carbonizer with other waste treatment technologies is summarized as follows. Considering the project site which is small in area and also close to residential areas,

Type Photo Batch Type

Type CYT-SSHBK 3.5 Box size:3.5m3

Related facilities (control panel, boiler etc.)

Continuous Screw Type

Type CYT-SK300T

Continuous Vertical Type

No photo since the patent for this model may be applied.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


to put the carbonizer technology at the center of the technology is selected as the optimal option.

○: Superior, △ Average, ×: Inferior Source: The study team

4.4.3 Volume Reduction and Methane Fermentation Technology Organic waste sorted at the pre-treatment process is treated by compost process and methane fermentation process for the volume reduction. At the project site in Pesanggrahan, there is a storage yard building made of concrete and fermentation tanks, which were introduced by private company in Denmark as a methane fermentation facility a few years ago. This Danish project was stopped in the middle of construction due to some problems in Danish side, and then methane fermentation has not been successful until now. DKI Jakarta has strong intention to apply this technology and use the facilities. Therefore, it is proposed that the building will be divided into two sections, one is used for composting process, and another is used for methane fermentation process.

Composting Digestor Incineration Carbonizer Cost ○ △ × △ Time × △ ○ ○ Env. Impact △

Large land △

Waste water and sludge

× Fly ash and air pollution

○ Less air pollution

Existing storage yard made of concrete Inside of storage yard

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


(1) Volume reduction processing technology (Composting process)

- Composting process, in which organic material is decomposed by aerobic fermentation, will be introduced as a volume reduction processing technology. This process is done in the existing storage yard. Blowing air system under the floor will be installed, and piled organic waste is promoted to decompose by air. Easily decomposable organic material will be decomposed as short time as possible.

- It is assumed that organic waste as a raw material is contaminated with various materials due to mixed collection system from households. Even though contaminant, which is inappropriate for composting, is removed at pre- treatment process, this process can not remove them completely. Therefore, it might be difficult to make good compost due to contamination such as plastic particle. Extinction type of composting system is introduced in Japan in order to reduce amount of waste. Referring these examples, this composting system focuses to decompose as much as possible in order to reduce amount of waste to be landfilled. Fermentation period is expected to be 14 days so that easily degradable organic material is completely decomposed3.

- Produced compost is reused as a moisture adjusting material for organic waste, and remained compost is put into carbonizing process. Thus, amount of waste to landfill is reduced as much as possible.

2 http://www.crt-kuki.miyashiro.saitama.jp/taihi/taihi09.html 3 “Recommendation of effective utilization of biomass and composts based on organic matter decomposition property”

Technical report in Niigata agricultural research Institute Livestock Research Center No.17 (2011):9‐14

High Decreasing Microbe-bionic system in Kuki Miyashiro sanitation municipal association2

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


(2) Methane fermentation technology

- In the methane fermentation technology, our plan follows the Danish methane fermentation technology that had been originally scheduled in DKI Jakarta. This is the intention from Indonesian side, to re-activate this technology. Therefore, this process is implemented as a part of our project.

- This methane fermentation process is called “Batch process module” which was developed in Denmark. The culture liquid include microorganisms is sprayed on the piled organic waste at the storage yard, and sugars and fatty acids in the organic waste are eluted. Eluted material is collected in the methane fermentation tank and methane gas is produced by anaerobic fermentation. Produced methane gas is to be utilized for carbonizer.

4 http://www.aikantechnology.com/how-it-works/batch-processing.html

Existing methane fermentation tank

Batch process module4

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.4.4 Binary Power Generation Technology Because small scale dispersion type of waste treatment will be conducted in this Project, it is economically inefficient to use a steam turbine for waste-to-energy, which is usually used for the incinerator on the scale of 1,000t/day. In addition, since the Project aims at waste volume reduction, high-calorie waste (plastic and so on) and low-calorie waste (food residue and so on) are planned to be mixed in the minimum ratio which can carbonize the waste by using their own calorific value in order not to leave the heat as much as possible. Thus, it is not assumed that high heat will be left. Therefore, the binary power generation system utilizing the organic rankine cycle that can generate power from waste heat in low temperature will be introduced in this Project.

This Project also aims at generating power used for the ITF such as pretreatment process and lighting. The following figure is a flow image of the binary power generation utilizing waste heat from exhaust gas.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.5 PROJECT DETAILS Objectives of this Project are to reduce volume of the waste transported to the final disposal site and treated by anaerobic fermentation in the final disposal site by reducing waste volume in Pesanggrahan ITF, and to proceed low-carbonization through these processes. The flow of waste treatment and the implementation structure are shown below.

Based on the data of typical waste composition in DKI Jakarta, the flow of waste treatment was examined in order to maximize carbonization of the waste and waste volume reduction with the assumption that four times of organic waste (food residue, other combustible waste) as heavy as the plastic can be carbonized when optimizing plastic as a heat source of carbonization

Source: The study team

Flow of the planned low carbon waste treatment

Municipal solid waste

Food waste(45%)

Incombustible waste(22%)

Recycle/ Reuse


Other combustible waste (20%)

Composting for volume reduction



Final disposal site

Binary cycle

Cement factory (fuel replacement)

Self consumption


: Waste flow

Waste heat

Plastic waste (13%)

: Carbonized Organics flow

Composting acceleration





17% 5%

Final disposalsite (cover soil)

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Source: The study team

4.6 DETAIL TREATMENT FLOW AND FACILITY 4.6.1 Detail treatment flow

Detail treatment flow of this treatment plant is shown in below. In order to reduce the consumption of supplemental fuel as much as possible in the carbonization process, adjustment of the calorie of the input waste in this process should be needed. The size of raw material should be prepared less than 50 mm. Therefore the pre-treatment process includes following function, cutting mixed waste, separating 3 types of material (plastic which is high calorie, organic waste, the other waste), and stocking each raw material. Amount of these materials are adjusted by shovel loader to gain preferable heating value.

Adjusted waste is continuously introduced into the carbonization furnace, and those materials are carbonized in the furnace. Carbonized material is cooled with charcoal recovery conveyor and stored in the charcoal hopper.

The organic waste, which cannot put into carbonization process due to low heating value, is treated in the compost process and methane fermentation process. In the composting process, easily degradable organic material is decomposed in 14 days. After fermentation, a part of compost is utilized for adjustment of moisture content of organic waste. Remained compost is treated in carbonization process. Part of the organic waste is treated to produce methane gas by the methane fermentation process.

Implementation structure to be proposed

Nippon KoeiCYC

PT Gikoko

DKI Jakarta(Cleaning Dept.)

Kota Jakarta Selatan


Operation of carbonizerMonitoring & Reporting

Methodology &PDDdevelopment・MRVsupport・Technical


Infrastructure and other support



Takasago (JPN)

PT Takasago

Waste collection& transfer

Contract forcarbonizeroperation

Min. of Public Works

Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources

Min. of Finance

Min. of Env. and Forestry

Plant engineering &Waste heat use

Plant engineering



FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Figure 4-1 Detail treatment flow of treatment plant

4.6.2 Material balance Material balance of pre-treatment process is shown in below. Layout plan of the facility is considered based on this material balance.

Picking yard Mix waste

Inorganic waste

Polyvinyl chloride sheet

Cutting bag


Mix waste after picking

Feeding conveyor

※adjusting amount of raw material by shovel loader


Allocation machine

Feeding hopper

Carbonization furnace

Charcoal cooling conveyor Charcoal hopper

Magnetic separator



Organic waste

(small size)

Other waste

(middle size)


Organic waste

storage yard

Other waste storage yard

Plastic storage yard

Picking conveyor

Polyvinyl chloride product

<Carbonization process>

<Composting process> Charcoal

Organic waste

Mixture yard Composting yard

Biaxial cutting machine

Inorganic waste

Wind selector

Feeding conveyor

Storage yard of inorganic waste

Before cutting Plastic yard

<Pre-treatment process>

Back compost

Compost To Cement factory/Soil cover for landfill

Carbonization process

<Methane fermentation process>

Organic waste

Storage yard Anaerobic

fermentation tank

Methane gas


FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Figure 4-2 Material balance of pre-treatment process

Operation time 8.00 hr/day

Amount ofwaste per(hour/hr)

Bulk density(t/m3)

Volume ofwaste per


Amount ofwaste per


Volume ofwaste per


Mix waste 9.625 0.3 32.1 77.00 256.8


Picking yard 無機ごみ・塩ビシート 0.010 0.02 0.5 0.08 4.0 4.0 ㎥/day

2.0 ㎡Mix waste

after picking9.615 0.3 32.1 76.92 256.8

0.50%cutting bag machine

/wind selectorPlastic bag 0.048 0.02 2.4 0.38 19.2 19.2 ㎥/day

9.6 ㎡Mix waste after

wind separation9.567 0.3 31.9 76.54 255.2


Magnetic separator Steel 0.005 0.75 0.007 0.04 0.1 0.1 ㎥/day

0.0 ㎡Mix waste after

magnetic separator9.562 0.3 31.9 76.50 255.2


Picking conveyorInorganic waste

Polyvinyl chloride 0.010 0.02 0.5 0.08 4.0

Mix waste after picking 9.552 0.3 31.8 76.42 254.4


cutting machine

Mix waste after cutting 9.552 0.30 31.8 76.42 254.4

47.20%Organic waste

(small size)4.509 0.74 6.1 36.07 48.8 48.8 ㎥/day

16.3 ㎡

40.30%Other waste

(middle size)3.849 0.50 7.7 30.80 61.6 61.6 ㎥/day

20.5 ㎡


Plastic 1.194 0.20 6 9.55 48.0 48.0 ㎥/day

16.0 ㎡

Inorganic yard

Plastic bag yard

Metal yard

Organic waste yard


Other waste yard

Plastic yard

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Table 4-1 Basis of bulk density

waste Bulk

density (t/m3)


Mix waste 0.30 Western Java report5

Plastic 0.20 Hokkaido Univ. report6(Plastic bag, sheet : bulk density at storage)

Polyvinyl chloride sheet 0.02 Hokkaido Univ. report(Plastic bag, sheet : bulk density at collection)

Steel 0.75 Hokkaido Univ. report(Steel out of steel can : bulk density at storage)

Organic waste 0.74 Hokkaido Univ. report(Organic waste : bulk density at storage)

Other waste 0.50 Hokkaido Univ. report(Paper : bulk density at storage)

Material balance of composting process is shown in below. Organic waste (10 ton per day) is mixed by back compost (6.4 ton per day) to adjust moisture content. The period of fermentation is 14 days. After the organic material is decomposed by fermentation and the water is evaporated, 8.4 ton per day of compost is produced. Except back compost, 2.0 ton per day of compost is produced as a result. Required area for composting yard is calculated based on this balance sheet, then the layout plan of implementation of existing storage yard is considered.

Figure 4-3 Material balance of composting process

5 Preparation study of operation project for integrated intermediate treatment facility, final disposal feasibility in

Indonesia(PPP infrastructure project) 6 Study for evaluation calculation system to support integrated solid waste management (1998.5) Hokkaido university



Amount ofwater


Amount ofdry



Organic waste 72.0% 10.0 7.2 2.8

Back compostAdjustment

moisture contentBack compost 28.6% 6.4 1.8 4.6

Input fermentation 54.9% 16.4 9.0 7.4


(fermentation heat)6.6


of organic1.4

Amount of output

after fermentation28.6% 8.4 2.4 6.0

Compost 2.0

Period of fermentation 14 日

Bulk density at input 0.74 t/㎥

Volume of storage per d 22.2 ㎥/日

Required volume 310.3 ㎥

Height of pile 2.0 m

Required area 155.1 ㎡

Moisture content of back compostis used compost after fermentation

Adjustment of moisture content(55%)

Amount of decomposition oforganice×4,500kcal/kg/950kcal/kg

Fermentation Amount of dry material×51.7%(Easily decomposable organic

Moisture content : Data inRegoknanka

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.6.3 Layout plan of treatment facility Layout plan of treatment facility is shown in below. Pre-treatment process is installed into the existing separation area. For the carbonization process, new building is to be constructed for setting carbonizer.

Existing waste storage yard made of concrete has 6 lanes of storage yard, and the project will utilize 4 lanes for composting process and 2 lanes for methane fermentation process. In composting lanes, 2 lanes are for storage yard and the other 2 lanes are used for pathway for shovel loader.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Present condition of the project site

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Layout plan of treatment facility

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


4.7 PROJECT SCHEDULE The tentative project schedule to assume to apply for NEDO JCM Demonstration and Verification project is shown in below.

Table 4-2 Tentative schedule of NEDO JCM Demonstration and Verification Project

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3

Basic schedule

Preparation of supplier

Basic design /Cost

Detail design


Transportation (Japanese)


Detail design


Transportation (Japanese) 1set 2-3 set(Promotion of local manufacturing)


Cost estimate

Detail design

Improvement construction

Detail design


Transportation (Japanese)


Cost estimate

Detail design

Building/Exterior construction

Binary powergenerationprocess


2015 fiscal year 2016 fiscal year




NEDO announcement of public offeringNEDO public offering

JCM pre study Instration of facility

Test run/Training ▲



Evaluation of proposal

Basic contract

Contract of study JCM Demonstration test project

Demonstration test

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



5.1 REFERENCE SCENARIO SETTING BACKGROUND Two reference scenario were studied, namely the BAU condition and the incineration condition.

Incineration condition means, the situation that an incinerator is to be introduced in Pesanggrahan ITF and all the waste is incinerated. The BAU condition is summarized as follows. In this report, BAU condition was further studied as below.

Source:The study team

Figure 5-1 Flow of the current waste treatment in Pesanggrahan ITF

5.2 MONITORING METHODS Monitoring will be done by four methods as follows and weight of waste and carbonized organics to be transported and energy consumption (natural gas, electricity and diesel) are to be monitored.

Table 5-1 Monitoring Method Monitoring Contents

Weight Track scale is to be installed in the entrance of Pesanggrahan ITF and following data will be transmitted to and stored in the computer. - Amount of incoming waste - Amount and frequencies of waste to be delivered to final disposal site - Amount of char transported to outside

Gas Gas meter is installed in carbonizer

Electricity Electricity meter for the plant (sorting and shredding, lighting and others) is installed

Vehicle record Fuel consumption of vehicles operating in the site Source:The study team

Flow of current waste treatment in Kecamatan


Municipal waste

23 Waste stationsRefill the collected waste into a truck

IIlegal waste disposal


Intermediate waste treatment site

Final disposal site

Sort and shred

Organic waste for


Other waste


110-114 ton/d

120 ton/d

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Emission reduction is achieved by the waste reduction at the intermediate waste treatment facility (Pesanggrahan ITF) by the following three mechanisms;

I. Waste reduction at Pesanggrahan ITF leads the reduction of the fuel consumption for the waste transportation from the Pesanggrahan ITF to the final disposal site

II. Reduction of the landfill amount of organic waste reduces generation of landfill gas

III. Utilization of the waste heat of the carbonizer with binary cycle for power generation can reduce emission.

In addition, one more mechanism below is optionally applicable.

IV. Utilization of carbonized organics as alternative fuel for coals.

5.3 QUANTIFICATION OF THE GHG EMISSIONS AND THEIR REDUSCIONS (1) Targeted GHGs and their emission and reduction sources

In the planed project, the targeted GHGs and their emission sources of each scenarios are summarized as below.

Table 5-2 Targeted GHGs and their emission and reduction sources Scenario Emission source GHGs Remark

Reference (Landfill)

1.Gas from final disposal site

CH4 Landfill gas mainly composed of CH4 is produced by decomposition of final disposal site

2.Waste transportation from Pesanggrahan to the final disposal site

CO2 CO2 is emitted from the fuel consumption for the waste transportation from Pesanggrahan to the final disposal site

Project 1.Waste transportation from Pesanggrahan to the final disposal site


CO2 is emitted from the fuel consumption for the transportation of the sorted incombustible waste from Pesanggrahan to the final disposal site

2.Plant operation In order to operate the carbonizer waste treatment plant, the following facilities need to be run by electricity or fuel.

Power consumption of

1)Waste grinder, 2)Trommel sorting machine, 3)Magnetic sorting machine, and 4)Belt conveyor

Fuel consumption of

1)Folk lift and 2)Auxiliary burner

Power consumption is to be saved by waste heat power generation with binary cycle

3.Plastic combustion CO2 is emitted from plastic combustion in the process of carbonization.

Source:The study team

Emission reduction is achieved by the waste reduction at the intermediate waste treatment

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


facility (Pesanggrahan ITF) by the following three mechanisms;

I. Waste reduction at Pesanggrahan ITF leads the reduction of the fuel consumption for the waste transportation from the Pesanggrahan ITF to the final disposal site

II. Reduction of the landfill amount of organic waste reduces generation of landfill gas

III. Utilization of the waste heat of the carbonizer with binary cycle for power generation can reduce emission.

In addition, one more mechanism below is optionally applicable.

IV. Utilization of carbonized organics as alternative fuel for coals.

(2) Quantification of the GHG emissions

i) GHG Emission reduction

ERp= REp-PEp ERp : Emission Reduction in the period p[tCO2/p] REp: Emission in the reference scenario in the period p[tCO2/p] PEp: Emission in the project scenario in the period p[tCO2/p]

ii) GHG emission in the reference scenario

REp = LE+TEr,p REp : Reference Emission during the period p[tCO2/p] LE: Emission from landfill during the period p[tCO2/p] TEr,p: Emission from waste transportation during the period p[tCO2/p]

𝐋𝐄 = 𝛗𝐲 × (𝟏 − 𝐎𝐗) ×𝟏𝟔𝟏𝟐

× 𝐅 × 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐟,𝐲 × 𝐌𝐂𝐅𝐲 × ���𝐖𝐣 × 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐣 × 𝐞−𝐤𝐣(𝐲−𝐱) × �𝟏 − 𝐞𝐤𝐣��𝐣



× 𝐆𝐖𝐏 × (𝟏𝟎𝟎− 𝐄𝐂𝐇𝟒) LE: Emission from landfill during the period p [tCH4/p] 𝜑𝑦 : Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties[%]

OX: Oxidation rate [%]

F: Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas [%]

DOC f,y : Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) that can decompose [%]

MCFy: CH4 correction factor [%]

Wj: Weight fraction of the waste type j in solid waste (weight basis) [%]

DOCj: Fraction of degradable organic carbon that can decompose in the waste type j during the period p [t/p]

x:The first year of waste disposal at final disposal site

y: Years in the time period in which waste is disposed at final disposal site extending from the first year in the time period (x ) to year y (x = y)

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


k: Decay rate for the waste type j [%]

j: Waste type

𝑒: Logarithm natural

GWP: Global warming potential [tCO2/ tCH4] ECH4: Efficiency of CH4 recovery [%]

The parameters and calculation results are shown below. LE 15,255

Parameter Value Source

𝜑𝑦 90 PDD of CDM project in Bekasi, Indonesia (project number: 2509) (https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/DNV-CUK1239802605.45/view)

OX 10 Ditto

F 50 Ditto

DOCf,y 50 Ditto

MCFy 40 Ditto

Wi Wood:3%, Pulp, paper:13%, Food: 67%, Textile: 1%, Glass, plastic:30%


DOCi Wood:43%, Pulp, paper:40%, Food: 15%, Textile: 24%, Glass, plastic:0%


x 1 Default

y 5 Project period from 2015 to 2020

kj Wood:3.5%, Pulp, paper:7%, Food: 40%, Textile: 7%, Glass, plastic:0%

PDD of CDM project in Bekasi, Indonesia (project number: 2509) (https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/DNV-CUK1239802605.45/view)

GWP 25 IPCC2006

ECH4 30.5 Calculated based on Gikoko CDM monitoring report and record (attachment 6.1)

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


TEr,p = TEor,p+TEbr,p

TEr,p: Emission from waste transportation in the period p [tCO2/p] TEor,p: Emission from waste transportation from the project site to the final disposal site in the period p [tCO2/p] TEbr,p: Emission from transportation from the final disposal site to the project site in the period p [tCO2/p]

TEor,p = BTKMr,p×(MSh×EFTKM,h+ MSl×EFTKM,l) TEor,p: Emission from waste transportation from the project site to the final disposal site in the period p [tCO2/p] BTKMr,p :Transportation amount in the period p [t-km/p] MSh : Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%] MSl : Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%] EFTKM,h : CO2 emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode heavy duty truck [t-CO2/t-km] EFTKM,l : CO2 emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode light duty truck [t-CO2/t-km]

TEbr,r = TEor,r×((Rh×MSh)+ (Rl×MSl)) TEb,r: Emission from transportation from the final disposal site to the project site in the reference scenario [tCO2/y] Rh: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of heavy duty truck [%] Rl: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of light duty truck [%] MSh : Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%] MSl : Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%]

The parameters and calculation results are shown below. TEr,p 832

TEor,p 806

TEbr,p 26

Parameter Value Source BTKMr,p 1,124,200

Project plan: Target total amount of the waste treatment in this project is 77 ton/day, and distance between the project site (Pesanggrahan ITF) and the final disposal site (Bantar Gebang) is 40km. (77t/d×365d/y×40km)

MSh 52 Calculated by the hearing survey result at Pesanggrahan on the available truck number in Pesanggrahan for waste collection Total transportation amount of heavy duty truck is 40t. 40t÷77t/d×100 (%)

MSl 48 100(%)-52(%)

EFTKM,h 0.001011 IPCC2006 EFTKM,l 0.000808 IPCC2006

Rh 64.3 http://www.ntsel.go.jp/forum/13files/13-10p.pdf (accessed on February 2015)

Rl 77.8 http://www.ntsel.go.jp/forum/13files/13-10p.pdf (accessed on February 2015)

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


iii) GHG emission in the project scenario is calculated with the following formula. The emission in the project scenario is calculated as below.

PEp = TEp,p+PO+PC-B PEp : Project Emission in the period p [tCO2/p] TEp,p: Emission from waste transportation in the period p [tCO2/p] PO: Emission from plant operation in the period p[tCO2/p] PC: Emission from plastic carbonization in the period p[tCO2/p] B: Emission reduction from binary power generation in the period p[tCO2/p]

Emission from gas from landfill site in the project site is 0 because all the organic waste is treated in the project site. Only incombustible waste is to be landfilled in the final disposal site.

TEp is calculated as below.

TEp,p = TEop,p+TEbp,p

TEp,p: Emission from waste transportation in the period p [tCO2/p] TEop,p: Emission from waste transportation from the project site to the final disposal site in the period p [tCO2/p] TEbp,p: Emission from transportation from the final disposal site to the project site in the period p [tCO2/p]

TEop,p= BTKMp,p×(MSh×EFTKM,h+ MSl×EFTKM,l) TEop,p: Emission from waste transportation from the project site to the final disposal site in the period p[tCO2/p] BTKMpp :Transportation amount in the period p [t-km/p] MSh : Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%] MSl : Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%] EFTkm,h : CO2 emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode heavy duty truck [t-CO2/t-km] EFTkm,l : CO2 emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode light duty truck [t-CO2/t-km]

TEbp,p = TEop,p×((Rh×MSh)+ (Rl×MSl)) TEbp,p: Emission from transportation from the final disposal site to the project site in the period p [tCO2/p] TEop,p: Emission from waste transportation from the project site to the final disposal site in the period p [tCO2/p] Rh: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of heavy duty truck [%] Rl: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of light duty truck [%] MSh : Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%] MSl : Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%]

The parameters and calculation results are shown below. TEp,p 44

TEop,p 26

TEbp,p 18

Parameter Value Source BTKMp,p 56,210 Project plan: Target total amount of the waste to be transported to Bantar Gebang is

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


5% of 77 ton/day (PFA FS ITF duri kosambi executive summary, DKI Jakarta). Distance between Pesanggrahan ITF and Bantar Gebang is 40km. As a result, 77t/d×5%×365d/y×40km

Other parameters are the same as those of TEr calculation. The emission from plant operation is calculated with the following formula. PO = (P×EFg)+(N×EFn)+(Fc×Fcal×EFf)

PO: Emission from plant operation in the period p[tCO2/p] P :Total power consumption in the period p [MWh/p] EFg: Grid emission factor [tCO2/MWh] N: Required natural gas calory of auxiliary burner for the carbonizer start up in the period p[TJ/p] EFn: Emission factor of natural gas [tCO2/TJ] Fc: Fuel consumption for vehicle and boiler [Gg] Fcal: Net calory value of the fuel [TJ/Gg] EFf: Emission factor of the fuel [tCO2/TJ]

The calculation results and the parameters are as follows. PO 738

Parameter Value Source P 584 Project plan: Total power consumption (1,707kW/d). 1707kW/d×365d/y

EFg 0.741 Default value of Indonesian national council on climate change 2010 N 0.239 Carbonizer specification document from CYC EFn 56.1 IPCC2006

Fc 0.1 Project plan

Fcal 43 IPCC2006

EFf 74.1 IPCC2006

The emission from plastic combustion is calculated as follows.

PC= Wp,p×CR×CP×MR PC: Emission from plastic carbonization in the period p [tCO2/p] Wp,p :Total plastic amount to be combusted in the period p [t/p] CR: Combustion ratio [%] CP: Carbon content of plastic [%] MR: Molecular weight ratio [CO2/C]

The parameters and calculation results are shown below. PC 9,378

Parameter Value Source Wp,p 3,653.7

Amount ratio of plastic to the total is 13%(PFA FS ITF duri kosambi executive summary, DKI Jakarta)Project plan targets 77t/d of total waste amount. As a result, 77t/day×365day×13%

CR 100 Experiment report by PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


CP 70 Working group report for waste treatment, Ministry of Environment Japan MR 3.67 Molecular weight of CO2:44, C:12

The emission reduction from binary power generation by the waste heat is calculated as below.

B= Pb×EFg B: Emission reduction from binary power generation [tCO2/MWh] Pb: Total amount of power generation with binary cycle in the period p[MWh/p] EFg:Grid emission factor [tCO2/MWh]

The parameters in the formula above are defined as follows. B 974

Parameter Value Source

Pb 1,314 PT. Takasago Thermal Engineering

EFg 0.741 Default value of Indonesian national council on climate change 2010

The results of the calculation of GHG emissions and their reductions are shown below. Estimated GHG emissions and their reductions

Estimated emission (tCO2/y)

Landfill gas Transportation Plant operation Combustion of plastic waste Binary Total

BAU 15,255 1,376 - - - 16,631

Project 0 44 738 9,378 -974 9,186

Reduction 15,255 1,332 -738 -9,378 974 7,445

Source: The study team

Total reduction of GHG emission is 7,445 t CO2/y. Optionally carbonized organics can reduce 6,500 t CO2/y if they can be replaced with coals. The optional reduction from carbonized carbon organics is calculated as follows.

FR= Wco,p×CR×Fcal×EFf FR: Emission reduction from fuel replacement with carbonized organics in the period p[tCO2/p] Wco,p: Total amount of carbonized organics to be utilized for fuel in the period p[t/p] CR: Combustion ratio [%] Fcal: Net calory value of the fuel [kcal/kg] EFf: Emission factor of the fuel [tCO2/TJ]

The parameters in the formula above are defined as follows. FR 6,500

Parameter Value Source

Wco,p 18,268 Project plan: Total 65 % of total 77t/d is organics to be carbonized.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



CR 20 Published presentation material http://wastegr2-er.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/home_old/study/2003/msthesis/sasaki.pdf

Fcal 4,500 Published presentation material http://wastegr2-er.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/home_old/study/2003/msthesis/sasaki.pdf

EFf 94.6 IPCC2006 (coal)

iv) MRV method Regarding MRV, all the data is collected by carbonizer operator. The operator reports daily to and receives approval from site supervisor. The site supervisor compiles all the data and report monthly to DKI Jakarta.

Source: The study team

Figure 5-2 Flow of MRV

5.4 DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY Draft JCM Methodology for low carbon waste treatment was developed. The result is shown in Attachment 6.3.

Automaticdata reception

Data Collection

Truck Scale Data



Electricity Meter

Vehicle record

Monitoring& Reporting Structure


Site Supervisor

DKI Jakarta

Data check & approval



Data check & approval

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



6.1 PROJECT COST The project cost is shown below.

Table 6-1 Project Cost (Unit: Million JPY)

Expense Item Cost Expense of Japan

Expense of Indonesia

Initial Cost 740.1 673.5 66.6

Machinery 471.1 471.1

Civil Work 66.6


Design 35 35

Installation 63.9 63.9

Others (Transportation, Tax, etc) 103.5 103.5

Operation Cost (per 2.5 years) 111.3


Operation (per year) 27.6


Maintenance / Management (per year) 21.5


Labour (per year) 14.5


Electric Generation (per year) -19.1


Consulting Service Fee (per three years) 115 115

Reserve Cost 48.3 39.4 8.9

Total 1014.7 827.9 186.8 Note: The term which requires operation costs is 1.5 years with the schedule, however, “2.5 years” is estimated

as the term for calculation to maximize its cost

Source: Study Team

6.2 WASTE DISPOSAL COST The disposal cost of wastes from Pesanggrahan in Jakarta at Bantar Gebang final disposal site in Bekasi City was estimated. The unit price was estimated based on the provided information from Gikoko which is the contractor of the final disposal site at Bekasi. The result of cost estimation is shown below.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Table 6-2 Current Cost Estimation for Waste Disposal

Expense Item Unit Cost (IDR/t-km) Unit Cost (IDR/t)

Transportation Cost (40km) 6,000 240,000

Tipping fee at BanterGebang - 123,452

Waste Disposal Cost (IDR/t) 363,452

Waste Disposal Cost (JPY/t) (1JPY=0.0097IDR)


Source: JICA Study (2012) and Interview Results by Study Team

The transportation cost of the above was 9,000 (IDR/t-km) according to the interview results, while it was also estimated approximately 5,000-6,000 (IDR/t-km) in JICA study (2012). 9,000 (IDR/t-km) is not strange because labor costs and fuel costs which share two-thirds of the transportation cost rising dramatically, however, 6,000 (IDR/t-km) is estimated for the purpose of the conservative evaluation of the project impact.

The waste disposal cost of the project is 1,584 JPY/t (163,334 IDR/t) which is calculated by dividing operation costs (described in 6.1, 111 million JPY equals to 11.5 billion IDR) by disposal amounts (77 t/day, 365 days, 2.5 years). The waste disposal cost of the project is estimated 20% less than the current cost estimation in the case of adding 1,327 JPY/t (136,809 IDR/t) which is calculated by initial costs (746 million JPY equals to 76.9 billion IDR) by years of depreciation (20 years) and disposal amounts (77t, 365 days).

Table 6-3 Waste Disposal Cost for the Project

Expense Item Unit Cost (JPY/t) Unit Cost (IDR/t)

Operation Cost 1,584 163,334

Facility Maintenance Cost

(20 years for depreciation) 1,327 136,809

Waste Disposal Cost 2,911 300,143 Source: Study Team

6.3 ECONOMIC IMPACT This project is a public project which does not require IRR. However, the project will have some economic impacts; operation cost reduction compared to the current status as above, extension of expiration limit of the final disposal site, and reduction of traffic for waste transportation. Especially, it is difficult to construct a new final disposal site in the suburbs of large cities such as Jakarta since land cost is rising dramatically, therefore it can be said that the waste reduction has a significant economic impact considering construction cost for such a final disposal site.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



7.1 INTRODUCTION This Project is expected to effect GHG emission reduction and extension of the remaining sustainable years of final disposal site by waste volume reduction by introducing the carbonizer. In addition, the Project is also expected to create benefits on environmental and social aspects such as supply of compost and promotion of recycling. On the other hand, in order to maximize these effects, it is necessary to implement the mitigation measures and the monitoring activities towards assumed impacts. This chapter describes the impacts of low-carbon waste treatment by installation of the carbonizer which should be taken environmental and social aspects into consideration, proposed the mitigation measures and necessary monitoring activities.


Estimated impacts on environmental and social aspects associated with the implementation of the Project were examined. The examination results are shown in Table 7-1. The examined items were chosen the items that are generally examined in case of the project operated by Japanese ODA.

As mentioned above, the Project is expected to create variety of positive effects on environmental and social aspects including GHG emission reduction. In addition, the project site is located in the area where the Ministry of Public Works has already acquired for the intermediate waste treatment facility. Therefore, the impacts on the social aspect are expected to be quite small. Also since the site is along Tol Road of Jakarta-Serpong and the surrounding area has already been developed as city suburb area, any severe impacts on natural environment are not expected. On the other hand, it is needed to consider the elementary school located in the neighborhood. In addition, it is also needed to note the necessity of treatment of soot and smoke, offensive odor, residue waste and liquid component generated from the carbonizer, even though these impacts might be smaller than that of incinerator. Moreover, emergency response structure should be prepared in order to prevent from severe impacts by fire or accident.

In addition, the necessity of the treatment of soot and smoke, offensive odor, residue waste generated from the carbonizer, even though the impacts might be smaller than that of incinerator, should be also considered.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Table 7-1 Results of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment related to the Project Implementation



Remarks Pr



n St





n St




n St


Involuntary resettlement D D D - Since the project site is located in the area where the Ministry of Public Works has already acquired for the intermediate waste treatment facility, neither land acquisition nor involuntary resettlement is required for implementing the Project.

Impact on Local


D D B+ - Since the scale of the construction of the Project is small, no impact on local economy is expected.

- Large impact on local economy is not expected. On the other hand, some positive effects such as supply of compost and extension of remaining sustainable years of final disposal sites caused by waste volume reduction through carbonization of waste are expected

Land Use D D D - The project site is located in the area where the Ministry of Public Works has already acquired for the intermediate waste treatment facility, and the Project plan is consistent with the existing land use plan.

Splitting of Community D D D - No facility is planned to be constructed that will split the community.

Existing Infrastructures and Social Services

D D B+ - Some effects such as extension of remaining sustainable years of final disposal sites caused by waste volume reduction through carbonization of waste are expected.

Poor people and Ethnic Minorities

D D D - The project site is located in the area where the Ministry of Public Works has already acquired for the intermediate waste treatment facility, and poor people and ethnic minorities are not living in this area.

Unequal Distribution of

Benefit and Damage

D D D - Since the Project will be conducted as part of waste intermediate treatment project for public purpose, unequal distribution of benefit is not expected.

Local Conflicts of Interest D D D - The Project is to contribute to improvement of waste management administration in the region and won’t be the reason for local conflicts of interest.

Water Usage, Water


D D D - Large scale of ground water usage is not planned in the Project and no impact on water usage and water rights in the region is expected.

Public Health D D D - There is no reason to increase the risk of infectious diseases.

Natural Disaster D D D - Large scale of land change by the Project is not expected and there is no reason to increase the risk of natural disaster.

Cultural and Historical


D D D - The project site is located in the area where the Ministry of Public Works has already acquired for the intermediate waste treatment facility, and no cultural facility is existed. Moreover, no cultural heritage has been confirmed.

Topography/Geology D D D - Large scale of land change by the Project is not expected.

Soil Erosion D D D - Large scale of land change by the Project is not expected.

Ground Water D D D - Large scale of ground water usage is not planned in the Project.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project













n St




n St


Hydrology D D D - Large scale of river water usage is not planned in the Project.

Ecosystem D D D - The project is in the area along Tol Road of Jakarta-Serpong and the surrounding area has been developing as city suburbs area. Also large scale of ecosystem that should be protected has not been confirmed. In addition, large scale of deforestation is not planned in the Project.

Climate D D B+ - GHG emission reduction is expected by implementing the Project and the Project is expected to contribute to climate change mitigation.

Landscape D D D - Project is not planned to construct the facility that would change the landscape significantly.

Climate Change D D B+ - GHG emission reduction is expected by implementing the Project and the Project is expected to contribute to climate change mitigation.

Air Pollution D D B- - Since the scale of the construction of the Project is small, no impact on local condition of air pollution is expected.

- Soot and smoke from the carbonizer will be generated. Water Pollution D D B- - Since the scale of the construction of the Project is small, no

impact on local condition of water pollution is expected. - Drainage in the pretreatment process and volume reduction

process will be generated. Soil Contamination D D B- - Since large scale of earthwork is not planned in the Project,

soil contamination is not expected. - Drainage derived from waste and leachete from will be

generated. Waste D D B+/


- Since the scale of the construction of the Project is small, no impact of construction waste is expected.

- Some effects such as extension of remaining sustainable years of final disposal sites caused by waste volume reduction through carbonization of waste are expected. On the other hand, residue that needs final disposal after the treatment will be generated, but the amount is small.

Noise/Vibration D D B- - Since the project is in the area along Tol Road of Jakarta-Serpong, the area has already been affected by traffic noise. In addition, the project will not cause severe impacts on current status of noise and vibration. However, work noise on input of waste to the hopper, crushing and separation by the trommel will be generated in the pretreatment process.

Ground Subsidence D D D - Large scale of ground water usage is not planned in the Project.

Offensive Odor D D B- - Offensive odor will be generated in the treatment process.

Accident D D C - It is needed to prepare the emergency response structure in order to avoid severe impacts on public facilities (elementary school) and Tol Road of Jakarta-Serpong caused by fires or accident.


A-: Serious nevative impact is expected.

A+: Serious positive impact is expected.

B-: Some negative impact is expected.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


B+: Some positive impact is expected.

C-: Since extent and type of impact is unknown, further examination will be required.

D: No impact is expected, or small impact is expected.

7.2.1 Further Necessary Activities (1) Implementation of EIA in compliance with Indonesian Regulations Perfect

carbonization There are two kinds of processes to acquire the environmental permit in Indonesia, i.e., (1) implementation of EIA (AMDAL) and its approval, and (2) preparation of Environmental Management Plan (UPK) and Environment Monitoring Plan (UKL) and its approval without implementing EIA. Which process should be taken depends on the project types and its scale. The types and scale of the projects that require EIA are specified in the State Ministry of Environment Decree No.05/2012. According to this regulation, the waste treatment related projects that require EIA procedure are shown in Table 7-2. Both intermediate treatment by carbonizer and compost plant which the treatement capacity is less than 100t/day are not the projects that require EIA. Therefore, it is only needed to prepare both UPK and UKL for this Project in order to acquire the environmental permit.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Table 7-2 Types and Size of Projects that require EIA in Indonesia (Waste-related Project)

Type Size Waste

a. Construction of the controlled/sanitary landfill site for municipal waste

Scale:≧ 10 ha, or

Treatment Capacity:≧ 10,000t

b. Construction of the final disposal site in the tidal zone

Area:≧ 5ha, or

Treatment Capacity:≧ 5,000t

c. Construction of transfer station Capacity:≧ 1,000 t/day

d. Construciton of waste treatment complex facility Capacity:≧500 t/day

e. Construction of incineration treatment Capacity:≧500 t/day

f. Compost plant Capacity:≧100 t/day

g. Transportation of waste by train Capacity:≧500 t/day

Source:Arranged by the Study Team based on State Ministry of Environment Decree No.11/2006

(2) Environmental Management Plan (UPK) and Environment Monitoring Plan (UKL) Structure of Environmental Management Plan (UPK) and Environment Monitoring Plan (UKL) are as follows;


a. Introduction (Objectives, policy and effect of Environmental Management Plan)

b. Approach of Environmental Management Plan (Technical approach, Socioeconomic approach, Organizational approach)

c. Contents of Environmental Management Plan (Preparation stage, Construction stage, Operation stage)


d. Introduction (Objectives, policy and effect of Environmental Monitoring Plan)

e. Contents of Environmental Monitoring Plan (Preparation stage, Construction stage, Operation stage)

Contents that should be included in Environmental Management Plan (UPK) and Environment Monitoring Plan (UKL) were organized based on the examination results of the environmental and social impacts associated with the implementation of the Project. The organized results are shown in Tables below.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


Table 7-3 Contents that should be included in Monitoring Management Plan (UPK) Item Contents

Air Pollution - Installation of soot and smoke removal facility in order to comply with ”Air Pollution Control Act (the Government Regulation No. 41/1999)”

Water Pollution

- Installation of treatment facility of generated wastewater

Ground Contamination

- Installation of the drainage channel that prevent leachate from flowing into the ground

Waste - Confirmation of the necessity of hazardous materials management in compliance with “Hazardous Materials Management (the Government Regulation No.74/2001)”

- Final disposal plan of residue after the treatment Noise/ Vibration

- Installation of soundproof wall - (If necessary) Waste separation that is a source of noise

Offensive Odor

- Avoidance of excessive retention of the waste - Complete control of aerobic treatment in volume reduction process

Accident - Preparation of emergency response rule

Table 7-4 Contents that should be included in Monitoring Plan (UKL) Item Content

Air Pollution - Monitoring of compliance with ”Air Pollution Control Act (the Government Regulation No. 41/1999)”

Water Pollution - Monitoring to check the treatment condition of generated drainage in the drainage treatment facility.

Ground Contamination

- Monitoring to check the treatment condition of drainage and leachate

Waste - Monitoring to check treatment plan of residue that needs final treatment.

Noise/ Vibration

- Monitoring of noise (especially elementary schools)

Offensive Odor - Presence of complaints regarding offensive odor

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project



8.1 CAPACITY BUILDING IMPLEMENTED IN THE STUDY Through the JCM Feasibility Study, the following capacity building was implemented.

(1) Implementation of EIA in compliance with Indonesian Regulations Perfect carbonization By joining the study tour and policy dialogue, representatives from Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Public Works, DKI Jakarta and University of Gadjah Mada acquired the knowledge in the following areas.

- High efficiency carbonizer - Waste management in Tokyo Metropolitan Government - Waste management by private sectors including composting and biogas plant.

(2) For Local Partners The local partner, namely the staff of PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia and PT Takasago Thermal Engineering acquired the knowledge in the following areas.

- High efficiency carbonizer - Waste management in Tokyo Metropolitan Government - Waste management by private sectors including composting and biogas plant.

In addition, PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia imported one test carbonizer in their factory in Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor and operating it for several trials. Through it, they have been acquiring the knowledge in the following areas.

- Operation of high efficiency carbonizer - Maintenance of high efficiency carbonizer

8.2 CAPACITY BUILDING THAT CAN BE IMPLEMENTED IN THE PROJECT When this JCM Project is implemented, following capacity building will be conducted.

(1) For Government Officials and Resource Persons Through operating ITF Pesanggrahan, especially DKI Jakarta government (Department of Cleaning) will acquire following technologies. Other central governments will also acquire knowledge related to these technologies.

- Operation of high efficiency carbonizer - Waste segregation - Pre-treatment technology such as shredding of waste - Char utilization to accelerate volume reduction by composting

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


(2) For Local Partners

Once the project is approved, PT Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia is planning to manufacture the carbonizer in Indonesia together with the core technology provided by CYC Ltd. Thus, the following technologies are to be transferred to the local partners.

- Manufacture of high efficiency carbonizer - Operation of high efficiency carbonizer - Maintenance of high efficiency carbonizer Besides carbonizer technologies, pre-treatment technology including sorting and shredding, volume reduction technologies by composting, and binary cycle technologies will be transferred to the local partners.

(3) Binary Power Generation, etc. Binary cycle for waste power generation is planned to install in the ITF. Though binary cycle has started to utilize in geothermal power generation, application of it to waste to energy technology can be useful show-case for the country.

(4) Other Capacity Building For better outcome of this JCM project, household waste management project can be accompanied with the JCM project. Funding has to come from other sources such as from local government, local NGOs, JICA and so on. For example, the efficiency of the carbonizer operation can be improved if better waste management is introduced, such as waste segregation, domestic composting and drying of waste, which can reduce the amount of “wet” biomass waste. Considering that this ITF is located next to the elementary school, environmental education and 3R activities involving students would be important.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project




9.1.1 Implementation Schedule of JCM D&V Project The next phase after this JCM-FS funded by METI should be followed up by JCM demonstration and verification (D&V) project funded by NEDO in order to actually implement the low carbon waste treatment in Pesanggrahan ITF. The implementation schedule is as follows.

Table 9-1 Implementation Schedule Stage Summary

Completion of FS - The final report for this FS is to be submitted by the middle of March 2015. - By the end of the study, discussion on implementation structure has to be done

Application to 2015 JCM D&V project

- It is expected that NEDO will call for a proposal after May – June 2015. It is necessary for project participants to prepare the proposal.

Conduct of preliminary study for JCM D&V project

- After approval of the proposal by NEDO, maximum 6 month preliminary study shall be conducted in order to make agreement on cost sharing and responsibilities among project participants. -NEDO will evaluate the project feasibility before approving the implementation of JCM project. - MOU and ID will be signed by the concerned parties.

Source: The Study Team

9.1.2 Conduct of JCM D&V Project

- After passing the evaluation of project feasibility by NEDO, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be signed between NEDO and the counterpart agency of the host country.

- Following the MOU, project participants will sign the Implementation Document (ID) to stipulate the details of the project

- After MOU and ID is signed, NEDO will sign the service agreement with the project participants.

- The project will be implemented up to 3 years after (c) the preliminary study started.

More detail construction schedule is summarized in Chapter 5.

9.1.3 Preparation of the Application for JCM D&V Project Through this FS, responsibilities of each project participant in JCM D&V project (especially for Japan and Indonesia) and their cost sharing were explained and were reached basic agreement on among them. Currently, the minutes of meeting like the attachment 10.1 are in preparation.

FY2014 Feasibility Study (FS) for the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Final Report on Low-Carbon Waste Treatment Project


9.2 SPREAD POSSIBILITY OF THE TECHNOLOGY Carbonizer can be applied to many projects. These are several potential application of carbonizer technology as follows.

(1) ITF projects in DKI Jakarta and Bekasi

- By showing the success case of this JCM D&V Project, this technologies can be extended to several proposed sites of similar ITF projects in DKI Jakarta. The project expansion in combination with JCM model project, etc. is expected.

- Already, Bekasi Government show interest for introduction of carbonizer in their ITF. There are more than 12 cities with more than one million population in Indonesia, which face urgent needs of waste management.

(2) Waste volume reduction in food market(Kramat Jati)

- Together with squeezer (dehydrator) and waste water treatment, carbonizer can be applied to treat the food market waste. There is urgent needs of DKI Jakarta to solve the market waste problems.

(3) Industrial parks and commercial facilities

- Though not many commercial facilities are spending budget for waste treatment, some are getting to be more interested in environmental friendly operation. Therefore, future development can be expected.

(4) Airport

- Since Indonesia has a lot of islands and total population is more than 200 million, demand of airport has been growing. Needs for on-site waste treatment has been confirmed from airport official who was interviewed in this Study.

(5) Metal Recovery

- Carbonizer is useful to recover metals by use of heat decomposition. For example, it can recover metals without oxidization from aluminum contaminated with oils or copper line coated with plastic.




1. Overview of JCM FS 2. Reference scenario 3. Monitoring method 4. Quantification of GHG emissions and their reductions 5. MRV methods 6. Capacity building plan that can be delivered to Indonesian partners 7. Next steps

0. Background

0. Background


Solid waste management especially in the urban areas of Indonesia is in the critical situation

(i) Lack of budget and technology for waste treatment (ii) Insufficient remaining capacity of the final disposal site (iii) Increase in the amount and change in the quality of waste (iv) Increase in the GHG emission from waste management

Indonesian Partners: -Ministry of Public Works -DKI Jakarta (Dinas Kebersihan /

Department of City cleansing) -PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia -PT. Takasago Thermal Engineering

Japanese Participants: -CYC Ltd. -Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. -Takasago Thermal Engineering Co.,


Needs for Volume Reduction of Solid Waste by JCM

1. Overview of JCM FS - Location


Project Location for Waste Volume Reduction DKI Jakarta Kota Jakarta Selatan, Kecamatan Pesanggrahan (along Tol Road of Jakarta-Serpong)

Target Area: Total area : 1.35ha Sorting yard : 0.07ha Waste storage : 0.10ha

Kota Jakarta Selatan

Integrated Waste Processing Site in Pesanggrahan

1. Overview of JCM FS - Technology


Core Technology: High efficiency Carbonizer with use of super heat steam and syn gas

Accompanying Technology: Sorting and volume reduction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Utilization of carbonized organics for decomposing Optional Technology: Waste heat use (ex. binary cycle)

Composting Digestor Incineration Carbonizer

Cost ○ △ × △ Time × △ ○ ○ Env. Impact

△ Large land

△ Waste water and sludge

× Fly ash and air


○ Less air

pollution ○: Superior, △: Average, ×: Inferior

1. Overview of JCM FS - Project Flow

Flow of the planned low carbon waste treatment

Municipal solid waste

Food waste (45%)

Incombustible waste (22%)

Recycle/ Reuse


Other combustible waste (20%)

Composting for volume reduction

Carbonizer Collect

Sort Shred

Final disposal site

Binary cycle

Fuel replacement (coal boiler)

Self consumption


: Waste flow

Waste heat

Plastic waste (13%)

: Carbonized Organics flow

Composting acceleration





17% 5%

Final disposal site (cover soil)


1. Overview of JCM FS - Project Structure

6 Implementation structure to be proposed

Nippon Koei CYC

PT Gikoko

DKI Jakarta (Cleaning Dept.)

Kota Jakarta Selatan

Kecamatan Pesanggrahan

Operation of carbonizer Monitoring & Reporting

Methodology &PDD development・MRV support・Technical


Infrastructure and other support



Takasago (JPN)

PT Takasago

Waste collection & transfer

Contract for carbonizer operation

Min. of Public Works

Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources

Min. of Finance

Min. of Env. and Forestry

Plant engineering & Waste heat use

Plant engineering

Carbonizer manufacture


2. Reference Scenario


Flow of current waste treatment in Kecamatan


Municipal solid waste

23 Waste stations Refill the collected waste into a truck

IIlegal waste disposal

Waste picker

Intermediate waste treatment site

Final disposal site

Sort and shred

Organic waste for


Other waste

Collection 6-10 ton/d

110-114 ton/d

120 ton/d

Two optional reference scenarios have been studied. Reference Scenario 1 (BAU):

Reference Scenario 2: Incineration facility is introduced in Pesanggrahan and all the waste are incinerated.

3. Monitoring Method


(1) Truck scale • Amount of incoming waste • Amount and frequencies of waste to be

delivered to final disposal site • Amount of carbonized organics transported

to outside

(2) Gas consumption • Gas meter by carbonizer

(3) Electricity consumption • Electricity meter for the plant (sorting and

shredding, lighting and others)

(4) Vehicle record • Fuel consumption of vehicles operating in the


Source: http://www.jfe-advantech.co.jp/keiryo/track/kmg.html

4. Quantification of GHG emissions and reductions


(1) Reduction of landfill gas produced at the final disposal site • All organic waste will be either carbonized or decomposed in aerobic condition,

which minimize landfill gas emission (2) Reduction of transportation of waste to the final disposal site

• Only 5% of the incombustible waste needs to be transported to Bantar Gebang landfill site

※Precondition of the estimation: Capacity of carbonizer 50 ton/d, Total targeted treatment capacity 77 ton/d

※Additionally, GHG emission can be further reduced from - binary cycle by waste heat : 974 tCO2/y - coal replacement with carbonized organics : 6,500 tCO2/y

Estimated total emission reduction : 7,445 tCO2/y

Estimated emission (tCO2/y)

Landfill gas

Transportation Plant operation Combustion of plastic waste Binary

BAU 15,255 1,376 - - -

Project 0 44 -738 -9,378 974

Reduction 15,255 1,332 -738 -9,378 974

5. MRV method


Monitoring& Reporting Structure


Site Supervisor

DKI Jakarta

Automatic data reception

Data check & approval

Data Collection

Truck Scale Data

Carbonizer Data


Daily reporting

Monthly reporting

Data check & approval

Electricity Meter

Periodical data collection

Vehicle record

6. Capacity building plan that can be delivered to Indonesian partners


(1) For Local Governments Efficient intermediate waste treatment technology Operation of carbonizer Utilization of carbonized organics for abolishing decomposition Waste segregation

(2) For Local Partners Maintenance of high efficiency carbonizer Manufacture of high efficiency carbonizer

(3) Optional Waste heat utilization: Binary cycle Environmental education on waste treatment and 3R

to the local people (especially students near-by)

7. Next steps


(1) Scale of investment : Approx. 1,015 Million JPY for 2.5 years

(2) Contribution to Indonesian sustainable development Low carbon and less impact waste treatment Utilization of carbonized materials

(3) Next steps

(4) Potential application of carbonizer Other public (intermediate) waste treatment facilities (ex. Bekasi) Food market (ex. Kramat jati) , Industrial park Metal recovery, etc.

Machinery Civil Works O&M Consulting Service Others million JPY 471 131 111

(44/yr) 115 187

FS (to be completed by Mar.2015) Discussion with relevant organizations on the planned project (e.g. implementation structure)

Proposal submission of 2015 JCM demonstration and verification project to NEDO




Joint Crediting Mechanism Approved Methodology ID AM002

“Integrated Low Carbon Waste Treatment System”

A. Title of the methodology

Integrated Low Carbon Waste Treatment System

B. Terms and definitions

Terms Definitions

Carbonizer A carbonizer is a furnace which can heat the target material

indirectly in the oxygen free condition.

Integrated Low Carbon

Waste Treatment System

Integrated Low Carbon Waste Treatment System consists of (1)

the plant for pre-treatment (e.g. sorting, shredding, supplying,

etc.), (2) carbonizing, (3) post-treatment (e.g. composting and use

of carbonized material, and (4) waste heat recovery.

Waste Waste is municipal solid waste (MSW), excluding hazardous

waste (B3).

C. Summary of the methodology

Items Summary

GHG emission reduction


This methodology applies to the project that aims for waste

treatment (volume reduction) by integrated low carbon waste

treatment system, which results in the reduction of GHG from

(1) landfill gas, (2) transportation of waste and (3) replacement

of fossil fuel in Indonesia.

Calculation of reference


Reference emissions are GHG emissions from landfill gas and

transportation vehicles.

Calculation of project


Project emissions are GHG emissions from operating integrated

low carbon waste treatment system.

Monitoring parameter Weight of MSW, weight of waste to be transported to final

disposal site, and weight of carbonized organics

Gas used in carbonizer

Attachment 6.1


Electricity imported from the grid

Fuel consumption of vehicle used in the site

D. Eligibility criteria

This methodology is applicable to projects that satisfy all of the following criteria.

Criterion 1 Project utilizes carbonizer(s) as the core technology for waste treatment.

Criterion 2 Project carbonizer utilizes synthetic gas for heating which is derived from

pyrorisys process.

Criterion 3 Project carbonizer utilizes super-heat steam (vapor) in the carbonization box for

better efficiency.

Criterion 4 Reliable shredder is utilized in the system: (1) the similar model shredder should

have been running for more than 10 years in the similar condition and (2) the

shredder can be maintained at site.

Criterion 5 Organic waste is treated in the integrated low carbon waste treatment system to

reduce the emission of landfill gas.

Criterion 6 The budget for the operation and maintenance is committed for at least XX years

(XX: to be examined later).

E. Emission Sources and GHG types

Reference emissions

Emission sources GHG types

Gas from final disposal site CHR4

Waste transportation from waste transfer site to final disposal site COR2

Project emissions

Emission sources GHG types

Waste transportation from integrated low carbon waste treatment site to

final disposal site


Power consumption by operation of integrated low carbon waste

treatment plant


Combustion of plastic waste in the process of its carbonization COR2

F. Establishment and calculation of reference emissions

F.1. Establishment of reference emissions

Reference scenario is to continue the existing waste treatment in the project site. Reference

emissions are calculated by sum of the two emission sources, which are listed in Section E. The


detailed calculations are shown in the following section. F.2.

F.2. Calculation of reference emissions

: Reference emissions during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from landfill during the period p [MWh/p]

: Emission from waste transportation during the period p[tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from landfill during the period p [tCHR4R/p]

: Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties[%]

: Oxidation rate [%]

: Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas [%]

: Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) that can decompose [%]

: CH4 correction factor [%]

: Weight fraction of the waste type j in solid waste (weight basis) [%]

: Waste amount to be land filled during the period p [t/p]

: The first year of waste disposal at final disposal site

: Years in the time period in which waste is disposed at final disposal site extending from

the first year in the time period (x ) to year y (x = y)

: Decay rate for the waste type j [%]

: Waste type

: Logarithm natural

: Global warming potential [tCOR2R/ tCHR4R]

: Efficiency of CHR4R recovery [%]

: Emission from waste transportation during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from waste transportation from waste transfer point to final disposal site

during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from transportation from final disposal site to waste transfer point during

the period p [tCOR2R/p]


: Emission from waste transportation from waste transfer point to final disposal site

during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

:Transportation amount during the period p [t-km/p]

: Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%)

: COR2R emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode heavy duty truck [t-


: COR2R emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode light duty truck [t-


: Emission from transportation from final disposal site to waste transfer point during

the period p [t COR2R/p]

Emission from transportation from integrated low carbon waste treatment site to final

disposal site during the period p [t COR2R/p]

: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of heavy duty truck [%]

: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of light duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%)

G. Calculation of project emissions

: Project emissions during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from waste transportation during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

:Emission from operation of integrated low carbon waste treatment plant during the period

p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from plastic combustion in the process of carbonization during the period p


: Emission reduction from binary power generation during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from waste transportation during the period p [tCOR2R/p]


: Emission from waste transportation from integrated low carbon waste treatment site

to final disposal site during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from transportation from final disposal site to integrated low carbon waste

treatment site during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Emission from waste transportation from integrated low carbon waste treatment site

to the final disposal site in the reference scenario [tCOR2R/p]

:Transportation amount during the period p [t-km/p]

: Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%)

: COR2R emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode heavy duty truck [t-


: COR2R emission factor per ton kilo meter for transport mode light duty truck [t-


: Emission from transportation from final disposal site to integrated low carbon waste

treatment site during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

Emission from transportation from integrated low carbon waste treatment site to final

disposal site during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of heavy duty truck [%]

: Fuel consumption ratio of none load against full load status of light duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode heavy duty truck [%]

: Share of freight by transport mode light duty truck [%]

: Emission from plant operation during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

:Total power consumption during the period p [MWh/p]

: Grid emission factor [tCO2/MWh]

: Required natural gas calory of auxiliary burner for the carbonizer start up during the

period p [TJ/p]

: Emission factor of natural gas [tCOR2R/TJ]

: Fuel consumption for vehicle and boiler [Gg]

: Net calory value of the fuel [TJ/Gg]


: Emission factor of the fuel [tCOR2R/TJ]

: Emission from plastic waste combustion in the process of its carbonization [tCOR2R/p]

: Total amount of plastic waste to be combusted during the period p [t/p]

: Combustion ratio of plastic waste [%]

: Carbon content of plastic [%]

: Molecular weight ratio [COR2R/C]

: Emission reduction from binary power generation [tCOR2R/MWh]

: Total amount of power generation with binary cycle during the period p [MWh/p]

: Grid emission factor [tCO2/MWh]

H. Calculation of emissions reductions

: Emission reductions during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Reference emissions during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

: Project emissions during the period p [tCOR2R/p]

I. Data and parameters fixed ex ante

The source of each data and parameter fixed ex ante is listed as below.

Parameter Description of data Source

Model correction factor

to account for model


Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

OX Oxidation rate of the


Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

F Fraction of CH4 in

landfill gas

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

DOCRf,y Fraction of degradable

organic carbon (DOC)

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for


that can decompose national GHG inventory.

MCFRy CH4 correction factor Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

DOCRi Fraction of degradable

organic carbon (by

weight) in the waste

type j

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

kRj Decay rate for the waste

type j

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

GWP Global warming


Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

EFRTKM,h CO2 emission factor per

ton kilo meter for

transport mode heavy

duty truck

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

EFRTKM,l CO2 emission factor per

ton kilo meter for

transport mode light

duty truck

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

EFRg CO2 emission factor for

consumed electricity

The most recent value available at the time of validation

is applied and fixed for monitoring period

EFRn CO2 emission factor of

natural gas

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

FRcal Calory of fuel for the

machineries in the


Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

EFRf CO2 emission factor of

fuel for the machineries

in the facility

Most recent value published by IPCC. Value is selected

in accordance with the guideline developed by IPCC for

national GHG inventory.

MR Molecular weight ratio

of CO2 and C

Molecular weight of CO2:44, C:12

History of the document


Version Date Contents revised


Title : Application for JCM Demonstration and Verification Project based

on the result of JCM FS on Low Carbon Waste Management


Date : 5 March, 2015

Attendants : As attached

Attachment : Presentation of FS result

Through the meetings, participants confirmed following points and agreed to take necessary

actions to apply for the JCM demonstration and verification project to construct and operate low

carbon waste treatment system:

A. Ministry of Public Works (PU) and Cleaning Department of DKI Jakarta (DKI) confirmed that

JCM demonstration and verification project supported by NEDO is needed to contribute to

the waste management problems in Jakarta.

B. In order to promote intermediate waste treatment, PU and DKI suggested that it is required

to improve the TPS-3R (Waste Management Facility-3R) in Kecamatan Pesanggrahan

which was developed as methane collection system from the municipal solid waste.

C. To improve the existing facility, the low carbon waste treatment system composed of (1)

sorting and pre-treatment facilities of municipal solid waste, (2) carbonizer, (3) composting

yards, (4) binary cycle generator, and (5) other supporting facilities and equipment (such as

wheel loader, conveyor, wall, roof, storage yard and etc.) should be developed.

D. PU and DKI agreed to take necessary actions in collaboration with Japanese side for the

application and realization of the project.

D. PU and DKI agreed to secure budget for civil works and operation in accordance with cost

sharing policy of NEDO.

E. Conclusion

1) PU and DKI agree with the study result of FS (attached);

2) DKI will provide Pesanggrahan TPS-3R site for the project without charge;

2) DKI will be responsible for collection of MSW and transportation to Pesanggrahan

TPS-3R and also from Pesanggrahan to TPA Bantar Gebang at their own budget;

3) PU will bear the cost for the civil works including the transportation of equipment within



Attachment 10.1

4) NEDO will select appropriate operator for the successful operation of the low carbon

waste treatment system in Pesanggrahan TPS-3R;

4) DKI will bear the cost for the operator which is selected following NEDO’s suggestion;

5) PU and DKI will take necessary actions to avoid the bidding procedures for (1) the

project equipments and (2) appointment of the operator while (3) contractor for the civil

works will be selected by bidding;

6) Detail condition of the project will be decided later through the negotiation of MOU

between Indonesian side with NEDO;

05, March, 2015

Mr. Antonius Pongsilurang, Officer in Work

Unit of Sanitation and Environment

Development in Jabodetabek area, Ministry

of Public Works

Mr. Isnawa Adji, Deputy head of Department

of Sanitation, Provincial Government of

Jakarta Special Government

Mr. SAITO Tetsuya, METI JCM FS team /

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.

Mr. Joseph Wu Chao Hwang, Joint Managing

Director, PT. Gikoko Kogyo Indonesia


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