future perspectives on theory at rbrc color glass condensate: predictions for: "ridge",...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Future Perspectives on Theory at RBRC

Color Glass Condensate:

predictions for: "ridge", elliptical flow....

Quark-Gluon Plasma:

fluctuations, effects of magnetic fields...

matrix models with quarks

predictions for: energy loss, collisional & radiative; dileptons, photons....

Cold, dense quark matter: neutron stars, FAIR @ GSI...

"quarkyonic" matter

"Phase diagram" for Color Glass Condensate

Several directions: overall momentum Q (~ 1/distance)Y ~ "rapidity" (momentum along beam), A ~ atomic numberTransition from regions with dense gluons to dilute?

Momentum (~ 1/distance) =>

"Rapidity"~ momentumalong beam↑

Some quantities to compute in Color Glass: RpA

RpA = ratio of particle in pA to pp: dependence on centrality, rapidity...Production of heavy quarks, both charm and bottomCorrelations: photon-jet, jet-jet...

More to compute in Color Glass: elliptical flow

Fluctuations in sources of colorfields, multiplicity, create higher moments of elliptical flow,e.g., "v3"

Measured in AA collisions<= predictions from Color Glass

IP-Glasma = Color Glass

Perhaps: useful for pp collisionsat high multiplicity?

Left: PbPb, peripheral, 1/10 Right: pPb, HIGH muliplicity, 1/106.

"Triangular" elliptical flow SAME in pPb as in PbPb! Astonishing result: unexpected universality between fluctuations

"Ridge" seen in pp collisions at high multiplicity!

Phase diagram of QCD: rich structure

BaryonDensity =>


Relavent for heavy ion colliders: RHIC, LHC; to come: FAIR, NICA....

Open questions for the phase diagram of QCD

1. Zero density: nature of the region near transition temperature? Accessible by lattice: extension from equilibrium to near equi.?Need transport coefficients! Shear viscosity, energy loss, photons...

2. Critical endpoint in plane at nonzero density? Could be seen at RHIC (low energy), FAIR, NICA.... Experimental signals in fluctuations, etc.

3. "Quarkyonic" matter: quark Fermi sea plus confined Fermi surface Possible rich phase structure: "chiral spirals" = spontaneous breaking

4. Triple point: for confined, deconfined, and quarkyonic matter?

5. Color superconductivity? (Colored) Cooper pairs from gluon exchange. New lines of 1st order transitions, critical endpoints, etc.?

Critical endpoint and fluctuations

Fluctuations diverge near critical endpoint.Need to understand how to approach the endpoint in the plane of T and μ?Below: fluctuations in conserved quantities ~ baryon number (Bzdak)

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