funky chickens

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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art lesson


“Funky Chickens”

Lesson Plan

Step 1: Folk Art Drawing, Coloring Review the characteristics of folk art and introduce some folk art motifs. Have each student draw a chicken shape that fills the paper. The weirder or funkier their chicken looks, the better, that’s folk art! Have students trace over their lines with Sharpies for better definition when translating to the digital format. !Have students add color to their drawings. The more colorful, the better! Encourage students to blend colors, add patterns, and fill the background.

Step 2: Percolate! Have students use the iPad to photograph their chickens in the Percolator app. Using the toggles at the bottom of the screen, students can customize the look of their percolated chickens. You may have them do two or three, then choose the best one to print.

Grades 3-5


Step 3: Reflect, Compare, Assess Ask students to think about their own traditional and non-traditional pieces: Which process did they enjoy more? Why? What is art? What is not art? Why do they think that way? !Tip: Extend the lesson by having your students use particular color schemes such as analogous or complimentary colors. !Tip: Have students write down their thoughts about the differences between traditional and non-traditional art to display with the pieces.

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Objective: Students explore the relationship between traditional and technology-driven art.

Materials • 12”x18” Drawing Paper and Pencils • Colored Pencils or Oil Pastels • Sharpie Markers • iPad with Percolator app

Motivation • Introduce ideas of folk art: community-based,

often decorative, self-taught artists, etc… Use as a reference.

• Introduce concept of manipulating art with technology. Show this clip about Percolator.

• Facilitate conversation about whether or not each of these kinds of art is real art. Have students take part in a debate.

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