fundamentals of prayer creating a lifestyle of prayer · for our prayer time can vary, but it helps...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Prayer is most effective when it isn’t something we do every now and then, but when it’s a lifestyle we cultivate. To understand how to have a

lifestyle of prayer, we can look at the example Jesus gave during His life on earth.

MARK 1:35

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the

house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.”


Jesus got up early in the morning to spend time with His Heavenly Father. Make a daily appointment with God — whether it’s first thing in

the morning, at lunch, or in the evening — and faithfully keep it.


Jesus had a specific place He went to pray. Having a designated place to pray helps us remove distractions and frees us to worship and pray

out loud.


When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He gave them a prayer outline. We recommend what we like to call the Thirsty 30. Essentially, it is 10 minutes of worship, 10 minutes of prayer, and 10 minutes of reading your Bible everyday

as a starting point to practicing prayer. As we pray every day, our plans for our prayer time can vary, but it helps when we have a plan for

connecting regularly with God.

Guide to Fasting

The secret sauce of a good christian life is prayer and fasting and it is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives! We believe that prayer and fasting is one of the major keys to living successfully as a believer. As we pray and fast for the will of God to be

done, we can expect to reap the benefits and promises that our obedience to His word produces. Such as doors opening, miraculous

provision, favor, healing and supernatural breakthrough.

What is Fasting?

Fasting is intentionally abstaining from food for spiritual purposes;

it is humbling your soul (Psalm 35:13, Matthew 23:12). Fasting brings

you into a deeper, more intimate and powerful relationship with the Lord. Fasting is an act of humility before God to seek His divine intervention

in the events of our physical world, it brings revelation by the Holy Spirit of our true spiritual condition, leading to brokenness,

repentance, and change, and allows the Holy Spirit to work in a powerful way. Fasting transforms prayer into a richer, more personal experience and draws you closer to God.

(James 4:8)

Purpose for Fasting


A. Ezra 8:21 & 23 NLT “21 And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before God. We prayed that he would give us a safe

journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled. 23 So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us,

and he heard our prayer”


A. Ezekiel 22:30 NLT “30 I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the

wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.”


Isaiah 58:6-8 NLT “6 No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the

oppressed go free, and

remove the chains that bind people. 7 Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. 8 “Then

your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the lord will

protect you from behind.”


1. DISCREETLY (Matthew 6:17-18 NLT) “17 But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. 18 Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows

what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.”

2. WITH FAITH (Hebrews 11:6 NLT) “6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants

to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”

PRAYER JOURNAL DAY 1: PRAISE (Psalm 116) What is God telling you today about Praise ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 2: GODLY COMMUNITY, UNITY (Matt 16:18-19, Colossians 3:12-15) What is God telling you today about Godly Community ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 3: LEADERS (CHURCH) (1 Kings 3:9, 1 Cor 15:58, Psalm 91) What is God telling you today about Leaders/Leadership ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 4: GOD’S PRESENCE (Psalm 139) What is God telling you today about His Presence?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: Day 5: MERCY AND REPENTANCE (Psalm 51) What is God telling you today about Mercy and Repentance?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 6: PROPHECY (2 Peter 1:12-21) What is God telling you today about Prophecy?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: Day 7: NATIONAL AND GLOBAL REVIVAL (Judges 2;10-18, Jer 24:7, Jer 29:13-14) What is God telling you today about National and Global Revival?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 8: FEAR OF GOD (Psalm 19) What is God telling you today about the fear of God?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 9: CHURCH (Romans 12) What is God telling you today about the Church?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 10: WORLD PEACE AND GOOD GOVERNANCE (1 Peter 5:2-4, Romans 13:1-7, Psalm 22:28, Proverbs 21:1) What is God telling you today about world peace and good governance ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: Day 11: OBEDIENCE (Psalm 38, 2 Cor 10:5, 2 John 1:6) What is God telling you today about world peace and good governance ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 12: PURITY (Psalm 24:1-6, 1 Cor 6:12-20) What is God telling you today about purity ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 13: CONSISTENT FAITHFULNESS (Psalm 119:1-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-16) What is God telling you today about consistent faithfulness ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 14: EVANGELISM (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4-21, Matt 28:16-20) What is God telling you today about evangelism ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 15: RESTORATION (Jeremiah 33) What is God telling you today about restoration ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 16: GODLY VISION (1 Sam 3:1-10, Ezekiel 37) What is God telling you today about Vision ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 17: YOUTH/MAXIMIZING TIME (Psalm 119:9-16, Isaiah 40: 28-31, John 9: 4-5) What is God telling you today about youth and time management ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 18: ADDICTION (1 Corinthians 10) What is God telling you today about addiction ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 19: WISDOM (Proverbs 16:16-32, Proverbs 2) What is God telling you today about wisdom?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 20: STRENGTH (Ephesians 6:10-20, Isaiah 40:28-31) What is God telling you today about strength?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 21: MINISTRY(INDIVIDUAL) (Ephesians 4:11-16, 2 Corinthians 6:3-10) What is God telling you today about ministry ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 22: RCCG (Acts 2, Romans 12) What is God telling you today about RCCG?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 23: COVENANT PARISH (2 Tim 3:10-17, Philippians 2:1-18) What is God telling you today about Covenant Parish ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 24: INCREASE (Deut 7:12-25) What is God telling you today about Increase?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 25: FAVOUR (HARVEST OF GLORY) (Proverbs 3:1-10, Isaiah 56: 4-8) What is God telling you today about favour ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 26: PRAYER (James 5:13-18, Luke 18:1-8) What is God telling you today about prayer ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 27: GATHERING OF BELIEVERS (church services, fellowships, crusades) (Mark 16:15-20, Hebrews 10: 19-25) What is God telling you today about gathering of believers?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 28: LOVE (1 Corinthians 13, 1John 4)

What is God telling you today about love ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 29: WHOLENESS (3 John 1:1-4, Isaiah 53) What is God telling you today about wholeness ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 30: INTEGRITY (Ephesians 4: 17-32) What is God telling you today about integrity ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 31: RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGES (Ephesians 4:1-4;31-32, 1 Peter 3:1-11, Col 3:12-15) What is God telling you today about relationships and marriages?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 32: DIRECTION AND DISCERNMENT (Psalm 119) What is God telling you today about direction and discernment ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 33: CHILDREN (ABUSE, RAISING THEM TO KNOW GOD) (Psalm 127, Mark 10:13-16) What is God telling you today about children ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 34: PROVISION (Matt 6:1-4; 19-34) What is God telling you today about provision ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 35: STEWARDSHIP (1 Peter 4:1-11, Proverbs 21:20) What is God telling you today about stewardship ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 36: SPIRITUAL MATURITY (Colossians 1:9-10; 2:6-7; 3:1-17) What is God telling you today about spiritual maturity ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 37: PROTECTION (Psalm 91) What is God telling you today about protection ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 38: POWER TO DO GOD’S WILL (James 1) What is God telling you today about His will ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 39: MENTAL HEALTH (DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE) (Jonah 2, Matt 11:28-30) What is God telling you today about mental health ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 40: NATURAL DISASTERS (Psalm 46, Genesis 8:20-22) What is God telling you today about natural disasters ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 41: GOOD HEALTH AND HEALING (Luke 8:26-56) What is God telling you today about good health and healing ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 42: FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT (Galatians 5: 16-26) What is God telling you today about fruits of the Spirit ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 43: PRAGUE AND CZECH REPUBLIC (Jer 29:7, Nehemiah 1) What is God telling you today about Prague and Czech Republic ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 44: FRIENDSHIPS (Ecc 4:7-12, Proverbs 27: 9-10, 17) What is God telling you today about Godly frienships ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 45: CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDE: (Colossians 2, 1 Corinthians 1) What is God telling you today about christians worldwide ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 46: GREAT TURNAROUND MANIFESTATIONS (Isaiah 43:1-21, Acts 8:4-8) What is God telling you today about great turnaround manifestations ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 47: LASTING GROWTH (Hebrews 6) What is God telling you today about lasting growth ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?:

Prayer Journal: DAY 48: REFLECTION, PERSONAL PRAYERS (Scripture of choice) What is God telling you today in this period of reflection ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

DAY 49: REFLECTION/ PERSONAL PRAYERS (Scripture of Choice) What is God telling you today in this period of reflection ?: How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal: DAY 50: THANKSGIVING (Psalm 145) What is God telling you today about thanksgiving ?:

How can you apply Today’s Scripture to your day ?: Prayer Journal:

N/b: This prayer guide was curated for the RCCG Covenant Parish using resources from RCCG worldwide and Transformation Church and of course the bible. For the most part it attempts to follow the RCCG worldwide prayer guide but some days are different. I pray God helps gives you strength as you wait on Him for the next fifty days, and I pray this helps you get closer to Him. Happy fasting and God bless you J

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