functional assessment of thoracic aortic aneurysms the...

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British Medical Bulletin, 2016, 1–11doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldw049

Invited Review

Functional assessment of thoracic aorticaneurysms – the future of risk prediction?Pouya Youssefi†,‡, Rajan Sharma†, C. Alberto Figueroa‡,§,and Marjan Jahangiri†,*†Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery & Cardiology, St. George’s Hospital, St. George’s University ofLondon, Blackshaw Road, London, SW17 0QT, United Kingdom, ‡Department of Biomedical Engineering,Rayne Institute, St. Thomas’ Hospital, King’s College London, London SE1 7EH, United Kingdom, and§Departments of Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA*Correspondence address. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, St. George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, London SW170QT, United Kingdom. E-mail:

Editorial Decision 31 October 2016; Accepted 13 December 2016

AbstractIntroduction: Treatment guidelines for the thoracic aorta concentrate on

size, yet acute aortic dissection or rupture can occur when aortic size is

below intervention criteria. Functional imaging and computational techni-

ques are a means of assessing haemodynamic parameters involved in aor-

tic pathology.

Sources of data: Original articles, reviews, international guidelines.

Areas of agreement: Computational fluid dynamics and 4D flow MRI allow

non-invasive assessment of blood flow parameters and aortic wall


Areas of controversy: Aortic valve morphology (particularly bicuspid aortic

valve) is associated with aneurysm of the ascending aorta, although the

exact mechanism of aneurysm formation is not yet established.

Growing points: Haemodynamic assessment of the thoracic aorta has high-

lighted parameters which are linked with both clinical outcome and protein

changes in the aortic wall. Wall shear stress, flow displacement and helicity

are elevated in patients with bicuspid aortic valve, particularly at locations

of aneurysm formation.

Areas timely for developing research: With further validation, functional

assessment of the aorta may help identify patients at risk of aortic

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

complications, and introduce new haemodynamic indices into manage-

ment guidelines.

Key words: aorta, dissection, aortic valve, computational fluid dynamics, MRI, wall shear stress

Clinical need for functional assessment

For many years, size has been the principle decision-making criteria for intervention on the thoracicaorta.1,2 Guidelines for the treatment of aortic dis-ease concentrate on maximal aortic diameter andrisk factors for dissection. Surgical replacement ofthe aorta is recommended when the aortic sizereaches 55mm, with earlier intervention recom-mended in the presence of connective tissue disorders(45mm) or bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) (50mm)when risk factors are present.1 These risk factorsinclude family history of acute aortic syndrome (aor-tic dissection, rupture or intramural haematoma),rapidly increasing aortic size and coarctation.

Yet despite these guidelines, there still remains asignificant incidence of acute aortic events inpatients whose aortas are smaller than these inter-vention thresholds. Elefteriades et al. found that inpatients with aortic size below 50mm, there stillremains an incremental yearly risk of rupture, dis-section or death above 5%.3 These results were sup-ported by data from the International Registry forAcute Aortic Dissections (IRAD), which showedthat the highest incidence of acute aortic dissectionsoccur at aortic size 50–54mm, which falls belowthe standard size criteria of 55mm for surgicalintervention.4 Furthermore, they showed that moreaortic dissections occur when the aorta is sized40–49mm, as compared to 55–64mm.

These datasets indicate that current interventionguidelines for management of the thoracic aortamay not be fully adequate in preventing acute com-plications. They suggest further information aboutthe patient’s individual aorta beyond size may benecessary to better predict aortic events and plantiming of intervention. As yet, there is no functionalassessment of the thoracic aorta.

There is growing evidence that aortic valvemorphology may be linked with aortopathy. BAV is

the most common cardiac congenital abnormality,affecting 2% of the population. The morbidity andmortality related to BAV disease accounts for morethan that related to all other congenital cardiac dis-eases combined.5 BAV has been linked with aneur-ysms of the ascending aorta, with an associated riskof acute aortic complications such as dissection andrupture.6 There is still controversy regarding thepathogenesis of dilatation of the aorta in BAVpatients. Two main theories exist to explain aorticaneurysms in BAV patients: (1) genetic theory,where aortic wall weakness is a result of the com-mon genetic developmental defect affecting both theaortic valve and the aortic wall; and (2) haemo-dynamic theory, where turbulent flow and eccentricjets caused by BAV leads to abnormal haemo-dynamic stress on the aortic wall and subsequentlyto aortopathy. The haemodynamic theory hasgained strong support with recent advances in func-tional imaging.

Currently, a number of challenges face the car-diac surgeon and cardiologist in assessing and man-aging patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms. Onechallenge is deciphering which patients with aorticdilatation are likely to rupture or dissect immi-nently. Two very different patients may both pre-sent with an aortic size of 50mm, yet one may havea stable aortic wall with low chance of dissection,and the other may have an area of aortic wallwhich is very thin with impending rupture or dissec-tion. At this time, there is no formalized method ofdistinguishing between these two aortas. Anothergrey area for decision-making is whether to replacea moderately dilated ascending aorta when surgi-cally intervening on the aortic valve, to preventfuture surgery if the aorta dilates above size criteriafor surgery. BAVs are associated with aortic aneur-ysms, however, we have shown no significant dila-tation of the remaining ascending aorta or arch

2 P. Youssefi et al., 2016

after BAV/root replacement at 5-year follow-up.7

The difficulties in decision-making and managementof these patients would be made easier if more infor-mation is available about each individual’s aortichaemodynamics and its effects on aortic pathology.

Modalities of haemodynamicassessment

To functionally assess the thoracic aorta, detailedhaemodynamic measurements are required toinvestigate a variety of flow characteristics andbiomechanical forces. However, measurement ofin-vivo haemodynamics can be difficult and inva-sive.8 Detailed anatomical imaging with assess-ment of flow and velocities enables calculation ofphysiological parameters without the need forinvasive monitoring.

Computational fluid dynamics

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an everincreasing approach to quantify haemodynamicsin high spatial and temporal resolution.9,10

Computational simulations of blood flow can beused in the study of aortic wall biomechanics, aswell as blood flow characteristics which may beinvolved in aortic disease processes. CFD has beenapplied in assessment of aneurysms and rupturerisk,11–13 the design and assessment of vasculardevices,14,15 and the planning and outcome predic-tion of vascular surgeries.16–18

Imaging & modellingIn order to perform CFD simulations, detailed anatom-ical imaging is required to create accurate 3D geomet-ric models of the thoracic aorta. Imaging modalitiessuch as Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging(CMR) or multi-slice CT may be used to acquire theanatomical data. In the case of CMR, aortic anat-omy can be visualized either using angiography (MRAngiography) where intravenous contrast is injected,or through high-resolution cardiac and respiratorygated 3D steady state in free precession (SSFP). Inthe case of MR Angiography, the contrast load isusually less nephrotoxic than that used in CT

Angiography. CT Angiography may also be carriedout with Electrocardiogram (ECG)-gating in order toreduce motion artefact.

Geometric models of the aorta are reconstructedby segmenting the imaging data. The vessel segmen-tation procedure is carried out by identifying thevessel boundary through thresholding, where differ-ences in pixel intensity are used to automaticallydetect vessel boundaries, or by manual interaction.An automated lofting process then interpolates allsegmented boundaries thus creating the 3D modelof the aorta and its branches. The geometric modelis then used to create a detailed mesh of the aorta.It is at the grid-points throughout this mesh wherehaemodynamic variables such as velocity, stress andpressure are calculated. Therefore, the mesh may bemade to be finer near the vessel wall, in order toprovide more data points in regions of interest(Fig. 1).19

Boundary conditionsThe geometric mesh of the aorta provides theframework of data points (or nodes) at whichhaemodynamic calculations can be made. In orderfor blood flow CFD simulations to be carried out,conditions have to be imposed at the inlet of theaorta (i.e. the aortic root) as well as the outlet ofeach branch of the aorta (for e.g. the head and neckvessels and descending thoracic aorta). A key aspectin the endeavour of accurate CFD simulations is thespecification of physiologically accurate boundaryconditions.9,20–26

Up until recently, many studies used idealized vel-ocity profiles for the inflow boundary conditions.Such studies have modelled inflow boundary condi-tions using simple profiles (such as a parabolic orWomersley).27 This has been shown to have a signifi-cant effect on haemodynamic calculations furtheralong the aorta.28 However, the aortic valve is a com-plex trileaflet structure, and in union with the sinusesof Valsalva and coronary arteries which make up theaortic root, leads to intricate flow patterns enteringthe ascending aorta.29 These flow patterns are muchmore complex than the simple idealized profiles.Furthermore, an array of pathologies may affect the

3Functional assessment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, 2016

aortic valve, including stenosis, regurgitation, andimportantly the congenital malformation causingthe valve to be bicuspid.30,31 Therefore, there is aneed to apply accurate patient-specific inflowboundary conditions to CFD simulations of the thor-acic aorta in order to achieve meaningful haemo-dynamic measurements.

CMR allows flow measurement using phase-contrast (PC-MRI) techniques by means of gradientecho sequences. This measures blood flow and ve-locity at a given plane along the aorta. If measuredat or above the aortic valve, these flow measure-ments can be used to assign an inlet velocity profileinto the aortic model, thereby forming the inletboundary condition for CFD simulations (Fig. 2).

The anatomical mesh and boundary conditionsare then fed into a computational solver where bloodflow simulations are carried out to solve a set ofequations (e.g. Navier–Stokes equations for bloodflow) enforcing conservation of mass (continuity).

This calculates the relevant haemodynamic variablesthroughout the aorta which can then be post-processed to analyse for different flow characteristicsand biomechanical forces.

4D flow MRI

In flow MRI, phase-contrast methods are used toencode blood flow velocities along all dimensions.This permits acquisition of spatially registered flowdata along with morphological data.32 4D flowMRI is the acquisition of 3D cine PC-MRI acquiredin a time-resolved ECG-gated manner with three-directional velocity encoding. It allows post-hoctime-resolved 3D visualization along with quantifi-cation of flow at any location within a volume.33 Inaddition to the acquisition of basic flow volumesand velocities, other haemodynamic measurementscan also be calculated, as discussed later. Some ofthese haemodynamic measurements relating to flow

Fig. 1 (a) MR Angiogram of the thoracic aorta; (b) segmentation of the boundary of the aorta

through thresholding, in which differences in pixel intensity are used to detect vessel boundaries;

(c) all segmented boundaries (shown in red rings) are automatically lofted to create the aorta

model; (d) tetrahedral mesh of the thoracic aorta; and (e) the mesh is refined at the wall boundary

to allow for more data points to be analysed at the region of interest: the aortic wall.

4 P. Youssefi et al., 2016

and velocity are the same as those calculated usingCFD.

Comparison of CFD and 4D flow MRI

One of the challenges of 4D flow MRI is that theacquisition of velocity data in three dimensions canbe time-consuming, meaning the patient has toundergo a longer scan time. Spatial resolution can belower than CFD, and provides an ensemble-averagedhaemodynamic assessment over several cardiaccycles.

On the other hand, CFD has no limit in temporaland spatial resolution. Furthermore, it also providesspatially-varying description of pressure indices (notjust velocity). In the most sophisticated settings, CFDcan also account for wall motion via fluid–structureinteraction formulations.8 The imaging time requiredto obtain aortic anatomical data for the geometricmesh, as well as the flow data (PC-MRI) above theaortic valve for the inflow boundary conditions, ismuch shorter in duration compared to 4D flowMRI. Therefore patients have to spend much lesstime in the MRI scanner. However, the subsequentblood flow simulations are computationally expen-sive and are of varying duration.

Whereas 4D flow MRI is limited to only acquiringlive data from patients, CFD has the capacity to

simulate proposed changes in anatomy and physio-logical parameters which may be the result of medical,surgical or pharmacological interventions, in order tosee the effect that these may have on haemodynamicsand biomechanics.34–36 This allows simulating inter-ventions and procedures to see their effects, withoutputting patients at the risks of the intervention.

Nevertheless, CFD and 4D flow MRI can beused together to further improve understanding ofhemodynamics in aortic disease. They are differentexperimental techniques, with different strengthsand weaknesses.

Haemodynamic parameters & clinicalimplications

Disease processes such as aneurysm formation andatherosclerosis are largely dependent on haemo-dynamic factors in the vascular system.37–40 Flowcharacteristics play an important role in this diseaseprocess, with effects on endothelial homeostasis41,42

and response of smooth muscle cells and fibro-blasts.41,43–45

Wall shear stress

Wall shear stress (WSS) refers to the force per unitarea exerted by a moving fluid in the direction of

Fig. 2 Inflow velocity profile mapped onto the inlet of the aorta mesh; (a) peak systole where an

eccentric jet is seen at the periphery of the lumen; and (b) late diastole.

5Functional assessment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, 2016

that vessel.46 According to the Newtonian incom-pressible fluid approximation, WSS depends on thedynamic viscosity μ of the fluid, and the velocitygradient near the vessel wall, namely the wall shearrate (WSR):

m m= =u




where WSS is measured in pressure units (dyn/cm2),μ is the dynamic viscosity of blood, measured inPoise, du/dr is the velocity gradient of the bloodwhich is called Shear Rate (SR), measured in s−1.When considering the vessel wall, this gradient isthe WSR. WSR is a measure of the rate of velocityincrease when moving away from the vessel wall(where according to the no slip condition the ve-locity is zero).

WSS was first associated with vasculopathy inthe context of plaque formation. Gnasso et al.observed that WSS was lower in those carotidarteries which had higher levels of plaque formation.47

Furthermore, a correlation was found between lowWSS and an increase in the intima-media thickness ofcarotid arteries.48 Malet et al. described how WSS<4 dyn/cm2 stimulates an atherogeneric phenotype,whereas a level >15 dyn/cm2 induces endothelial qui-escence and an atheroprotective gene expressionprofile.49

Subsequently, focus has turned to the link betweenhigh WSS and aneurysm formation. This was firstreported in the cerebral circulation. Cebral et al.assessed rupture sites of cerebral aneurysms andfound that they correlated with areas of high WSS.50

In turn, WSS in the thoracic aorta has been the recentsubject of intense research, particularly in the contextof aortic valve-related aortopathy. Barker et al. foundthat WSS in the ascending aorta of patients withBAV was significantly elevated compared to healthyvolunteers.51 BAV with fusion of the right and non-coronary cusps was shown to have higher WSS andlarger ascending aorta size.52 The ascending aorta isthe commonest site of aneurysm formation in BAV.Mahadevia et al. further sub-analysed regional WSSdistribution in circumferential sub-sectors of theascending aorta of patients with BAV compared to

tricuspid aortic valve (TAV).53 They found elevatedWSS in the right-anterior wall of the ascending aortafor right-left fusion BAV, and right-posterior wall forright-non fusion BAV. These regions correspond to thegreater curvature of the ascending aorta, the typicalsite of dilatation in BAV-related aortopathy (Fig. 3).

The trend that WSS is elevated in the greatercurvature of BAV aortas correlates well with the find-ings of Della Corte et al. who found that medialdegeneration was more severe in this region.54 Type Iand III collagen were reduced, and smooth musclecell apoptosis was seen to be increased in the greatercurvature even before significant dilatation hadoccurred.55 An important recent study by Guzzardiet al. has shown a direct link between WSS andchanges in the wall of the ascending aorta.56 BAVpatients undergoing ascending aorta replacement hadpre-operative WSS mapping. At the time of surgery,paired aortic wall samples were taken from regionsof elevated WSS and normal WSS. They foundincreased transforming growth factor β-1, matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP)-1, MMP-2 and MMP-3in regions of high WSS, indicating extracellular

Fig. 3 Mean WSS (MWSS) map of the thoracic aorta showing

high WSS in the greater curvature of the ascending aorta in a

patient with BAV.

6 P. Youssefi et al., 2016

matrix dysregulation. Furthermore, there was highermedial elastin degradation in regions of high WSS.To support this finding, High WSS has also beenassociated with internal elastic lamina loss in basilararteries.57

High WSS may thus promote a series ofresponses which produce thinning of the aorticwall, and in doing so contribute to aneurysmformation. This may help to explain why somepatients with aortic size below current interventioncriteria develop acute aortic complications.

Flow patterns

Flow patterns in the thoracic aorta differ signifi-cantly depending on aortic valve morphology. Flowprofiles exiting the aortic root for healthy TAV

show broad centrally distributed jets, whereas inBAV there is asymmetry with higher velocity jets atthe periphery near the aortic wall. The flow angleof blood exiting the aortic valve is elevated in BAV,and flow displacement (a measure of flow eccentri-city) is consistent with differences in regionallyincreased ascending aorta WSS.53

Velocity streamlines help to visualize the directionof flow at any given time in the cardiac cycle.Streamlines are tangent to the velocity vector, andshow the direction in which a fluid element will travelat any point in time. Healthy TAV produce laminarflow patterns with parallel streamlines indicating flowin line with the aortic wall. In contrast, velocitystreamlines in BAV show eccentric jets with disruptedpatterns, loss of laminar flow, and impingement offlow at the greater curvature (Fig. 4).53

Fig. 4 Velocity streamlines during systole; (a) healthy volunteer showing parallel streamlines indi-

cating undisrupted flow and (b) bicuspid aortic valve patient showing high velocity jet impinging

on the greater curvature of the ascending aorta, with highly helical flow patterns.

7Functional assessment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, 2016

Helical flow

It is increasingly recognized that flow in the thoracicaorta contains significant radial (non-axial) compo-nents associated with helical flow.58 This is due to acombination of factors including ventricular twistand torsion during systole,59,60 the fluid mechanicsof the aortic valve and aortic root,61 and the curvedmorphology of the ascending, arch and descendingaorta.62–65 From a physiological viewpoint, helicalflow may be beneficial and/or detrimental. It maycomprise a degree of normal organ perfusion.66 Onthe other hand, it has been shown to play animportant role in plaque deposition.67 Pritchardet al. demonstrated differences in monocyte adhe-sion to the vascular wall (important cells in thepathogenesis of atherosclerotic plaques) related tothe radial component of velocity.68

Bissell et al. compared helical flow patterns inBAV and TAV patients.52 They found BAV wasassociated with abnormal right-handed helical flow,which correlated with higher rotational helical flow,higher WSS and larger ascending aortas. BAV withright-non cusp fusion and right-handed flow showedthe most severe flow abnormalities. On the otherhand, patients with BAV who had normal flow pat-terns elicited WSS and aortic dimensions comparableto healthy volunteers.52

Future applications

CFD and 4D flow MRI provide sophisticated non-invasive methods of acquiring haemodynamic datain the thoracic aorta. They have the potential topredict complications and prognosis of these dis-eases, as well as introduce new indices (such asWSS) into management guidelines for the aorta andthe aortic valve. For this to happen, validation ofthese haemodynamic indices will be required.

One form of validation will be proof that thesehaemodynamic parameters are linked to patho-logical changes in the aortic wall. As mentionedearlier, recent studies have already shown that highWSS is linked to loss of elastin, as well as disruptionof extracellular matrix proteins.56 Further work toacquire detailed knowledge of these protein

pathways and their association with aneurysm for-mation is required. Moreover, in-vitro studies withcontrol over applied flow parameters to aortic walltissue will be able to assess these links with moreaccuracy and less confounding factors.

To fully acquire clinical relevance, longitudinalstudies will be required to look at the long-termeffects of these haemodynamic parameters on clin-ical outcomes. Patients who undergo functionalimaging with measurement of these haemodynamicindices can subsequently be monitored by routineclinical assessment and imaging. These can includeserial measurements of aortic size, as well as thedevelopment of acute aortic events. These studiesare already under way and will likely be most sig-nificant in implementing functional assessment ofthe aorta into routine clinical practice.

Future applications for functional imaging of theaorta may involve the assessment and comparison ofinterventions on the aorta and the aortic valve.Analysis of haemodynamics following surgical aorticvalve replacement and comparison with trans-catheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) may shedlight on their role in aortic pathophysiology (whetherpre-existing or de-novo). Furthermore, assessmentfollowing aortic valve repair procedures (includingvalve-sparing aortic root replacement) may provideindicators for the long-term durability of thetechnique.


The spectrum of aortic disease is varied and com-plex. Aortic size alone does not distinguish betweendifferent pathological processes which vary in theirrisk of acute complications. Traditional guidelinesfor the aorta, which focus on maximal aortic diam-eter, have remained largely unchanged for manyyears. Data from epidemiological studies and regis-tries indicate acute aortic dissection or rupture canoccur when the aortic size is below intervention cri-teria. This has highlighted the need to develop func-tional assessment of the thoracic aorta in order tounderstand the haemodynamic causes for aortopa-thy, as well as a means of better predicting compli-cations. CFD and 4D flow MRI provide a potential

8 P. Youssefi et al., 2016

method of acquiring this functional assessment, andwith development and validation may prove to bethe game-changer in the management of aorticdisease.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the European ResearchCouncil under the European Union’s Seventh FrameworkProgramme FP/2007-2013/European Research Council(Grant Agreement no. 307532 to A.F.), British HeartFoundation New Horizons programme (NH/11/5/29058 toA.F.), the Royal College of Surgeons of England ResearchFellowship (to P.Y.), the United Kingdom Department ofHealth via the National Institute for Health Research(NIHR) comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre awardto Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in partner-ship with King’s College London and King’s CollegeHospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Conflict of interest statementThe authors have no potential conflicts of interest.

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11Functional assessment of thoracic aortic aneurysms, 2016

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