fum friends theological college

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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Friends Theological College

The only Friends Theological College in all of Africa is in

Kaimosi, Kenya

We are grateful for their service.

It began in 1942 as the Friends Bible Institute and was one of several mission entities on the Kaimosi Mission compound managed by Five Years Meeting which later became Friends United Meeting. These are the principals who have served there.

FUM Priorities all woven together



•Global Partnerships

•Leadership Development

The stated purpose of FTC is:

To prepare and equip leaders for Christian ministry; leaders who meet recognized professional and academic standards and are able to challenge society to live by the teachings of Christ.

Principal Ann Riggs listens to Board Chr, Florence for ideas about getting financial support from the Kenyan Yearly Meetings. She also facilitates a study of the financial audit with the BOG.

Four Programs



3.Bachelor’s Degree

4.Chaplaincy Training

With over 2000

Friends churches in

Kenya, the need for

trained pastors is

very great. Students

come from


countries as well:

Rwanda, Congo, Ta

nzania, Uganda.

The Board is appointed by FUM

•There are currently about 80 students with over half residing in dorms on campus and others who come for short courses.

• There are 9 resident teachers and other visiting instructors who come for short-term teaching opportunities.

The FTC Campus

On just over 50 acres and located near the Kakamega rain forest, the campus is home to many large trees and several Colubus monkeys. Even though Kaimosi is close to the equator, the temperatures are mild because of the high altitude.

FTC Meetinghouse

Designed by Mary Key Rehard to resemble the style of an African hut, the meetinghouse was dedicated in 2007. Students meet here daily for worship and on Wednesdays for special seminars. Their music is lively with wonderful harmony and rhythms!

Other facilities on campus include a classroom building (LEFT), library, dining hall, dormitories, administration building (RIGHT), and several units for staff housing.

The BIG one for now? Supporting the operating budget with more African and less American money.

For the past several years, Friends Theological College has been taking steps to be accredited by ACTEA, Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa. In 2010 FTC reached associate status which means it is no longer dependant on St. Paul’s University for course outlines and exams. To continue on the path for full accreditation, however, requires several other significant hurdles.

When students work and produce items for sale, they can pay their own fees and learn a life trade as well. In this micro business, they makes cooking stove and the briquettes to fuel them.

Thanks to Right Sharing of World Resources for getting this project going!


This micro business is a collaborative effort with the Right Sharing of World Resources. FTC students applied for a grant from RSWR and have established this business in the model of the micro lending method used by RSWR.

The briquettes are made from shredded paper, wood chips, saw dust, etc. mixed in water and then pressed into shape. They are about 6 inches in diameter.

We encourage Friends to keep supporting FTC, but by sending money for capital improvements.

Greenhouses for growing plants and produce for sale.

Sewing machines and supplies for dressmaking.

The milk and eggs beyond what is used by the college can be sold to help with student fees.

Expand the dairy herdBuild up the chicken business

And, you may want to help with the FUM 2011 summer mission project “Kids for Kids” to establish a goat herd.

FTC provides the opportunity for the people of FUM to reach out with the Gospel message, by training pastors and chaplains who then become leaders in the church and touch many, many lives . Let’s meet some graduates.

John Moru (Left) is pastor in charge of Turkana Mission, now consisting of ten worship groups.

Jane Mutoru, a pastor and FUM representative to World Council of Churches

Judith Ngoya is Administrative Assistant in the Africa Ministries Office and pastor at Manyatta Friends Church.


And thank you for your participation in this important work!

The following, though of amateur quality, is a sample of the worshipful and harmonic singing of students and staff. Please join them in the FTC meeting house and thank God for the many lives touched by His work in this place. Double click on the dark screen to start the movie.

For more information or to donate:


Phone 765-962-7573Website: www.fum.org

Or, contact Terri Johns: terrij@fum.org

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