full potential show ep. 14 getting to know yourself kris cahill

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Kris: Now, that is one of my favorite questions because, what I like to say to people is, it’s not just me that’s psychic, you are too. Kris: Great, I’m a professional psychic. I’m a clairvoyant, that’s how I use my psychic ability. I’m also a healer, an energy healer. I’m a teacher, so I teach meditation, and energy healing and clairvoyance. And I’m a writer. Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com Kris: I’m doing great, thank you.


Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

Full Potential Show Episode 14: Interview with Kris Cahill – “Getting to Know Yourself”

Hello, everybody and welcome to the Full Potential Show. I’m James Rick and this is your

number one, non-boring source for personal development. Today we have Kris Cahill on the

line. Kris, how are you doing today?

Kris: I’m doing great, thank you.

James: Now Kris is, gosh, I don’t know how to sum up what you are, Kris. Why don’t you

tell everybody what it is that you do, and what we’re here for today.

Kris: Great, I’m a professional psychic. I’m a clairvoyant, that’s

how I use my psychic ability. I’m also a healer, an energy

healer. I’m a teacher, so I teach meditation, and energy

healing and clairvoyance. And I’m a writer.

James: Now, Kris, how in the world did you get into this? I mean, did

you just, one day figure out that I’m sensing things that other

people aren’t sensing. I’m going to go and do this as a

business. What brought you to the point that you’re at now

that you’re doing this as a career?

Kris: Now, that is one of my favorite questions because, what I like to say to people is,

it’s not just me that’s psychic, you are too.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

James: I knew that, I knew I was!

Kris: You are a psychic. You’re a healer, too. Actually, I’ve been an artist my whole life.

I’ve been a painter and a fashion designer and I was always in the creative fields.

I’ve worked in film and I’ve done all these things. I had an art show up years ago,

about 12 years ago, showing my paintings at a café in Chicago, which is where I

lived and where I’m from. A woman wanted one of the paintings and she called me

and she said, “I’m the assistant director of this school called Midwest Psychic

Institute. Would you be interested in coming in and doing a partial trade with me

for a reading?” I was totally interested. I had gotten readings before, but I’m very

skeptical. I was always very skeptical. It was something that I was always

fascinated by, but there were very few people that I trusted, for good reason.

Psychics don’t necessarily have a good name out there. But there are some really

good ones. So I went in, I met her, I really liked her. I got a reading and she was

right on. She didn’t predict anything for me. She didn’t try to tell me what to think,

or believe, or do. I jumped into a meditation class, a six-week class at the school,

called the psychic meditation. It just really changed my whole world. It rocked my

foundation, literally.

James: This is interesting. You met this lady and she offered a trade, this reading. Did you

have any kind of psychic experiences? Where do you think this came from? I

mean, just someone came in out of the blue and said, “I’ll trade this for a psychic


Kris: Well, what I’d been doing is, I’d been walking around for a while saying I need to

learn how to ground. I was such a healer and I didn’t know that I was healing

everybody. What lead up to this was, I was not well. I was tired. I was sick every

month. There was always just something else that would hit. I knew there was

something not right. I’d started getting interested in herbs and natural healing and

started going more to the alternative route, but I still didn’t know how to heal

myself. When I learned how to ground myself, I was like “Oh my God, this is the

answer that I’ve been looking for.”

James: Were you putting this intention out there into the universe that this lady showed

up? Is that how it happened?

Kris: Pretty much. I was saying “I want to learn how to ground.”

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

James: And the universe said, “Voila, here you go.”

Kris: “Voila, here’s your person.” There was a psychic, who is actually very famous now,

who was in Chicago. She’s very successful. She’s been on Oprah. She’s a neat lady.

I’d gone to her for years and she said to me, “Learn how to ground.” And I’d say,

“How do I do that?” And she’d never know how to teach me.

James: Just hold on to a ground during an electrical storm.

Kris: Right. Actually, that’s a very good, because a grounding cord is like a lightning rod.

It helps protect when you take on energy. If you’re sensitive to energy, that‘s one

of the definitions of being psychic. It’s a human thing. So for me it was always like,

“Oooohhh. Whoa, whoa I’m not psychic. I’m more grounded than that.” I started

learning about how to heal myself and have my own spirit working for me rather

than wasting it on picking up after people.

James: Picking up after their spiritual energy - being the spiritual garbage man.

Kris: I was the sponge.

James: So, Kris, what is it that you’re doing now that is so different from what you were

doing before? What did you learn? How are you applying this stuff?

Kris: I’ve learned how to look at myself. Actually, the greatest psychic ability is the

ability to know yourself. And the greatest use of clairvoyance is to see yourself.

When I went into the clairvoyant training that I did, after my meditation class, that

was always the focus. It was not for predicting the future. We were also taught

that you’re not predicting the future here. You’re looking at spirit and your focus

is to look at yourself and heal yourself. It was the best training that I could have

had for that, because I was ready, at that point. Not everybody is ready to do that,

and it’s okay.

James: So, you felt like the training was just so timely for where you were in your life?

Kris: Absolutely. It was something that I was waiting for and I created my ability to get

into it by deciding that I wanted to start healing myself. That was the key. I wanted

to start healing myself. I could see where it was going if I didn’t.

James: What specifically are you doing, is it a technique that you learned? Is it steps?

What transformation is there between where you were and what you’re doing

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

now? What can people learn from this that they could do differently if they’re kind

of in the same place that you were?

Kris: Well, one of the things that I learned how to do was differentiate between my

energy and other people’s energy. So, everyone has a unique energy, unique spirit,

unique life force. I started learning that and seeing that “Oh, some of the stuff that

I’ve been taking on as my problem, that I can’t solve. It isn’t mine.” You can never

solve a problem that you didn’t create. Except, two swat cops on a plane told me

once, that you can. (laughter) Right, ammunition doesn’t solve anything, it’s still


James: That creates two problems.

Kris: Yeah, it does. And I learned how to forgive and release and let go. Letting go is, oh

my gGod, that is like the key. That is the most amazing thing. And to learn self love

and self awareness. That’s the reason to do this. You know, it’s not about fixing

anyone else. It’s about having that.

James: Now, Kris, do you have some strategies or tips that you can give people that they

could walk away and actually start strengthening their psychic ability or being

more in touch with themselves – love and let go. What simple things did you learn

that you think anybody could apply and start using?

Kris: This is really, really simple ,but it is also one of the most difficult things to do in our

busy lives. Give yourself space and time to be alone without any noise, without

anybody’s voice, without having to do anything. And we’ve got wonderful

technology, I’m just as addicted to it as anybody else. I’m on Facebook, I’m on

Twitter, I’m doing my thing.

James: You’re doing all that right now while we have this interview. “I’m going to twitter

about this later, I know exactly what I’m going to say in 140 characters or less”


Kris: You’ve got to give yourself time and space to be alone, because that’s how you get

to know you. You are the most important person in your own life, and if you

become the most important energy in your own space, you have so much more to

give. Otherwise, you just keep giving and giving until it’s gone.

James: So, number one, give yourself some time to just reflect, with no agenda.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

Kris: Even if it’s just 10 minutes, just sit down. 10 minutes away from everybody, turn

off the noise and go within. This is one of the key things that I teach in the

beginning meditation class. Close your eyes, sit in a chair, have your feet flat on

the floor and just allow your intention to come back from wherever it’s been and

bring it within yourself and say “hello” to you, say “hello” to your body. Learn to

love your body.

James: Learn to acknowledge yourself, love yourself and give yourself time with no


Kris: Exactly.

James: Now, from there, so say, I’m there. I’m at that place. I’m giving myself that time to

be alone, to love, acknowledge, “Hello, self.” Where do I go from there? When

does the psychic ability and fun stuff happen? I think that everybody kind of says

“You know, that’s fine. I’m healing, I’m loving.” When does the enlightenment,

when does the cool stuff happen?

Kris: You see, it’s really funny. If you talk to the psychics that I know, all the people that

I know who do this, and I know a lot of them now. It’s not always fun. If you’re

looking at yourself and you’re trying to dig out some of that resistance that you’ve

been in or that negativity that you’ve been handling or that other stuff, you’re

sitting in it sometimes. You need to clear it. You’re like, “My gosh, it’s so clear.

There’s room to move.” So, going within and talking to yourself and being with

yourself cannot be underestimated. It’s one of the biggest keys. It’s the getting to

know yourself. Grounding is a big one too.

James: How does somebody focus on this? Somebody who is just going from the chaotic

world into a world of silence and reflection and self acknowledgement and self

love, generally their thoughts are still boiling around and they’re still caught up in

the day-to-day. How do you they really get somewhere? How do you get to have

progress in these meditation or these reflections?

Kris: Do it every day.

James: Doing it every day.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

Kris: Every day, practice every day. Give yourself a few minutes a day. Maybe try it in

the morning before you go to work, try it when you come home. This is a good

intention, if you sit with yourself and create a connection with the earth and start

to communicate within yourself, let go of what you’ve taken on. See, that’s why

sitting with yourself is a huge deal, because you start to get information. This is

where intuition kicks in. This is where the abilities show up. We, over time, over

our lives, tend to turn them down or turn them off when we all have them as

children effortlessly. Look at little kids, they see things. Their intuition, and they’re

not in judgment.

James: Really, this psychic ability, this connection with spirit or with this energy around us,

is really about freeing the disruptive energy out of our life. Getting that out and

then automatically, we already have the ability, it’s already there, it’s just

obstructed. Is that what you’re saying?

Kris: Well, that’s part of it. That’s a good way to put it. Part of it, too, is, and you can

look at this as obstructive energy, it certainly is. But taking on other people’s pain

and problems, we can’t solve them. That’s a hard one, especially for people who

are compassionate. And they are natural healers. They may not even call

themselves healers. They soak up everybody’s stuff. They soak up things that are

not them. This is why it’s good to learn the difference between who you are and

who you are not.

James: I have a question. So, how do you be compassionate and not feel like you’re

sucking up somebody else’s problem? I mean, when you’re compassionate, you

feel for that person, you want to help. How can you still want to help when you’re

not taking on that as a problem that you feel that you need to solve.

Kris: That’s a good question. That’s one that a lot of people ask. It’s a matter of looking

at it from a place of non-judgment. So, judgment might mean, “Oh, I need to go

and help that person.” Well, there is a better way to help sometimes. Sometimes a

better way to help is to not get in the way of what that person has to do to go

through what they’re going through. You can offer a helping hand, but if you take

the energy into your own space, it doesn’t do anything. Actually, I’ve met more

people, so many people who’ve gone through major illnesses and it’s been made

worse, sometimes, by the pain of the people around them. Like, imagine,

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

somebody has cancer and their nearest and dearest to them is in pain because

they have cancer, so it’s harder for them.

James: They’re like, “Just let me have cancer and let me be. Let me do my thing.”

Kris: Right, “Just let me get through this.” I had a friend who had this big thing last year,

and he had to have surgery and he said to me, “I’m going to send out an email to

everybody and let them know what is happening.” And I said, “Why would you

want to do that?” Later on he thanked me because he had to go through it and

then he told them. I knew he’d be fine, and he is fine, I just kept telling him you’re

going to be fine.

James: Pity can be a draining energy.

Kris: It can be. It’s something that we don’t mean to be a harmful thing. We don’t mean

to hurt each other. We’re trying to be kind or to help. But if you take on other

people’s stuff, or give them yours, it can get in the way of what your own true

energy is trying to do.

James: We’ve set up a place. Now, we’ve got a space of at least 10 minutes every day. At

least 10 minutes that we’re going to reflect, that we’re going to acknowledge, that

we’re going to love ourselves. We’re going to not take on other people’s problems.

We’re going to still be compassionate, but not soak up their negative energy or

whatever they’re going through. We’re going to let that be in non-judgment, but

still try to help where we can. Now, where does the good stuff happen? I know this

is all good, but I’m saying, when we think of being psychic or clairvoyant or

healing, we generally think in terms of something happening that’s exciting and

interesting, bizarre, a little paranormal. Is that the case, or is it just same old? I

mean regular living?

Kris: It depends on the person. The way I started learning that I was clairvoyant and

started learning how to turn it on safely was by being in intensive training for a

year. That’s what it took for me. I would not be doing what I’m doing now if I

hadn’t gone through that, if I hadn’t gone through a training to teach and then

taught others how to do it. That’s a big deal.

James: Well, Kris, maybe you can explain it’s like a psychic boot camp. What happens

during that year of intensive training? What are they doing to you?

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

Kris: Well, why it’s intensive is because you’re making an agreement to daily meditate

for an hour. To go to class every week. To not do drugs, you have to sign an

agreement. I was never doing drugs anyway, but that was part of the agreement,

nobody does drugs. We don’t want anyone bringing in any negative energy. To

come to at least two readings a week. The school that I went to offers student

reading. It’s a very popular reading and it’s overseen by teachers. So, the students

are sitting in a room and giving readings. A person can come in and get an hour-

long reading for $25 or something and they’re phenomenal readings. When I was a

student, and then a teacher, I was on both sides of that. It was just wonderful.

They’re looking at different things, like the person’s spirit, and their aura, and their

past lives, and healing, and all these different things just by being in the reading.

Being in the reading when you’re a brand new reader is like trying to stay

conscious. It’s intensive. And meanwhile, you’re working on different aspects of

your spirit.

James: So, Kris, what you’re saying is that this is not an overnight thing. This is a lot of

effort to get to a point to turning on your psychic energy.

Kris: I would say non-effort is the best way to go. If you go at it with effort, nothing

happens. But if you go in and put the commitment in, that’s different.

James: The commitment to being in that place…

Kris: Yes, and not everybody who goes through that training wants to do what I’m

doing. Some people are teaching. Some people give professional readings or

reading spaces set up. One woman I know who was a student, and then became a

colleague, is now a really well-known pet healer and psychic in Chicago. She works

with the animals – that’s where her love is. She loves working with pets.

James: Are you saying that, when you’re going through this process, that the intention is a

very important part of the development, as well?

Kris: Yes, it is. One of the biggest keys here, and this is something that I already said to

you, is being able to let go, forgiveness. Huge.

James: Huge. It’s such a disruptive energy, it’s a disruptive force in your life. Is that why?

Kris: It’s because you’re running into where those energies have been caught in your

space, and wherever you’ve been being a child, or being a victim, or being…none

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

of that is going to work. It’s time to be a grown up. It’s a training about how to be

an adult, in my opinion. A person is responsible for himself or herself.

James: Kris, this has been absolutely fascinating. I’d love to leave our audience with

something that they can start doing in their life, or just even a taste of what it

means to awaken their psychic abilities. Is there any advice that you can offer? I

know that we have the time for reflection and loving. What simple things could

they take away from this that they could start incorporating in their life that you

think would have a dramatic difference in their life, in their abilities that would

start them down this path, in case they do want to start to devote a year or more

to this intensive training.

Kris: Well, we had a saying at this school, “Come to your senses, the senses are in the

body.” When you get in your body, when you’re able to get in and love and

become friends with your body and heal it, your life becomes amazing in ways that

you can’t even imagine. I’ve healed myself in ways that I could never have believed

that I would be able to do. Just keep doing it. So, coming to your senses. That’s a

good one. If you’re having fun, you’re doing something right.

James: Does that mean that also in your work you should have fun?

Kris: You can. I think, and one thing that I want to say, I really feel that the recession

was a great healing for so many people, because so many people were forced out

of a rut. Now, it‘s not the most comfortable thing. A lot of people have gone

through suffering, and are going through a lot. I’m not saying “Hurray!” But I look

at it and I see it over and over in clients and students. People have had to redefine

themselves. They’ve had to get honest. It’s a time to be truthful. “What is it that

you really want?”

James: So, you’re saying by having the recession that they’ve had to stop going down the

path that was easy and start asking questions. “What do I really want? How do I

want to live my life? Because it’s getting really shaken up.” So, you’re saying that

could be a good thing.

Kris: Things are still shaking up and I don’t think it was the easiest path - it was the

unconscious path – “Let’s go shopping.” And I’ve done it too. It’s fun. However,

when you’re trying to have your life be real, that’s where you have to get honest.

Truthful. And it’s not up to anyone else whether it’s good or not, it’s up to you.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

James: Kris, one thing that you said, and I’d like you to put it in a more concrete form, if

you can. You said that the message from your school is “Come to your senses.”

Kris: That’s one of the things, yes.

James: One of the things. How do we come to our senses? It sounds so esoteric in some

ways, “I’m here. I’m in my senses.” Sometimes we can come to our senses and we

do things that are pleasurable, but not necessarily the best for us. What is the best

way to come to our senses? I guess I’m looking for a strategy or technique to do

this properly.

Kris: This is about getting the spirit and the body together. So bringing spirit into body,

the body has the senses. I’ll use this as an example. When I’m handling a lot of

energy, or I’m going through a lot, or I’m really busy, it’s hard to hear even music. I

know when I’ve cleared, or I’ve managed to get my space, suddenly I can hear

music, or I hear it in a way I couldn’t hear it. I can see something in a way I couldn’t

see it. We get so caught up in our lives and try to make sense of things and our

business and being important that we forget about the body. So, sitting with your

body, listening to it, asking your senses, what do they want? What do your eyes

want to see? What does your nose want to smell? What do your ears want to

hear? Give that to yourself. It’s like giving a gift to your body. That’s what I mean,

it’s not esoteric. It’s really basic.

James: Come to your senses.

Kris: Come to your senses.

James: Can’t it be a little dangerous though, Kris. The eyes want to see the most beautiful

thing. The ears want to hear the most beautiful thing. The senses want to feel the

most beautiful thing. In some meditations, they talk about renunciations, stepping


Kris: I’m not into that.

James: Okay, so you can share some insight here. Sometimes when we give in to what the

senses want, it’s not in our best interest. It’s not in our spiritual best interest, has

been my experience.

Kris: But that’s a judgment.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

James: That’s true.

Kris: That’s judgment. That’s not true in my view or in my opinion. If you are in your

body, your body does want things and you must listen to it if you want to be

friends with it.

James: Alright, I’m just going to throw this out there, Kris. What about lust? Your body

says this is what I want to do. It’s sensual pleasure. Is that something that you

should just listen to and go for?

Kris: If you’re not hurting anybody, what’s wrong with it? It’s your body. Bodies need to

be bodies. You’ve got to give to your body, if you’re not an out-of-control addict

over something. I know that it is an addiction sort of thing that you’re referring to.

I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about let your body be a body. Give it a nap.

Take it to a pretty movie. Sometimes I just have to go and look at beautiful images

in a movie, because I need to see eye candy. That’s what I need. I need to hear

new music. I need new clothes. Give to your body.

James: So, embrace the experience as long as it’s not hurting anybody. Enjoy it, just live it.

Come to your senses and envelop yourself in reality. That’s what you’re saying.

Kris: This is how you have your psychic ability safely. I cannot stress that enough. This is

how they work. They’re in you. If you try to have them outside your body, then

you can’t bring in the experience. I was taught to bring that in, and the way to do

it is to make friends with and become happy with your body. You’ve got to give to

your body. You’ve got to feel well. You’ve got to listen.

So, for example, a lot of people are having food issues. I’ve worked with a number

of different ones, and they’ve also been my fellow students too. When they start

to listen to what their bodies really want, and they start to move out, the energy

that’s been judging them or getting in their way, their bodies become happier.

They want to lose weight. They let go or they get healthier in some way. I know

that it worked for me. I didn’t have a weight thing, I had a health thing. I just didn’t

have enough energy. And that’s the opposite now. I’m 51 and I don’t look it.

James: No, that’s amazing.

Kris: I would look a lot older than I am if I didn’t do this. I know that.

Full Potential Show Episode 14 Transcript

Interview with Kris Cahill – Getting to Know Yourself www.fullpotential.com

James: Well, Kris, this has been an absolutely fascinating interview. I would love to have

you on the show some other time.

Kris: I’d love to come back. I appreciate it.

James: Kris, is there any parting wisdom that you can share with everybody on the Full

Potential Show?

Kris: Have fun!

James: Have fun, alright. This has been a great interview. Thank you so much, Kris.

Kris: Thank you so much, James. It was wonderful to meet you face to face and to be on

your show. Thanks for the interview.

James: Fabulous. This is the Full Potential Show. I’m James Rick. Be sure to subscribe so

that you can get more great videos like this on the Full Potential Show. We’ll see

you next time.

About Full Potential:

The Full Potential philosophy is meant to help people operate at the best perspective in any given situation. It is about options. It is about empowerment. Empowerment feels good. So does investing life resources in what we truly value. If everyone was living at this level – life would be bliss. To find out more, visit: www.fullpotential.com. About James Rick:

James Rick, also known as “Mr. Full Potential,” is host of the Full Potential Show, Founder of Full Potential Academy, and author of “Unleash Your Full Potential”. James Rick started his first business at the age of 17, currently employs more than 150 staff around the world, and his businesses have generated more than $5 million in revenues over the last 36 months.

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