fuel energizers

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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about fuel energizers




Submitted by



in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree








MAY, 2013




I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my Head

of Department (Mr. Naveen Kumar) for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and

constant encouragement through the course of this training. The blessing, help and

guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on

which I am about to embark.

Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother and friends for their constant

encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible.

Kushagra Dwivedi





In this era of increasing fuel prices, here a device called FUEL ENERGIZER‘ help us

to Reduce Petrol /Diesel /Cooking gas consumption up to 28%, or in other words this

would equal to buying the fuel up to 28% cheaper prices. When fuel flow through

powerful magnetic field created by Magnetizer Fuel Energizer, The hydrocarbons

change their orientation and molecules in them change their configuration. Result:

Molecules get realigned, and actively into locked with oxygen during combustion to

produce a near complete burning of fuel in combustion chamber.





Acknowledgements 2









1 Chapter 1 8

2 Chapter 2 15

3 Chapter3 20

4 Chapter 4 23

5 Chapter 5 28

6 Chapter 6 33

7 Chapter 7 39

Conclusion 45

References 46



List of Tables

Table Number Description

1 The Fuel Energizer can be used in



List of Figures

Figure Number Description

1. Fuel Energizer

2. Flame from a rocket engine

3. Fuel energizer installed in a car

4. Where to install fuel energizer

5. Structure of methane

6. Ortho and para spin of hydrogen

7. Working of magnetic type fuel energizer

8. Construction of magnetizer

9. How catalytic converter work

10. Magnetizer

11. Magnetizer on fuel line

12. Testing of magnetizer

13. Vehicle fitted with fuel energizer

14. Fuel energizer packet

15. Water magnetizer

16. Water magnetizer schematic diagram

17. Energizer in refrigerator



List of Symbols

Equation Number Description

1 Combustion of hydrogen


Chapter 1


India is the 6th largest consumer of crude oil in the world and consumes nearly

2.7 million barrels a day, which costs about 145 million dollars. Out of the total fuel

consumed approximately 25-30 % of this energy is wasted. carbon residue that

clogs carburetor, fuel injector, leading to reduced efficiency and waste of fuel.

Pinging, stalling, loss of horse power and greatly heating units where improper

combustion leads to wasted fuel (gas) and decreased mileage in cars are very

noticeable. The same is true of home cost, money in poor efficiency and repairs due to

build up carbon deposit.

Most fuels for internal combustion engine are liquid. Fuels do not combust until they

are vaporized and mixed with air. Most emission motor vehicle consists of unburned

hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. Unburned hydrocarbon and

oxides of nitrogen react in the atmosphere and smog. Smog is prime cause of eye

and throat irritation, noxious smell, plat damage and decreased visibility. Oxides of

nitrogen are also toxic.

Generally fuels for internal combustion engine are compound of molecules. Each

molecule consists of a number of atoms made up of a number of electrons,

Figure 1


they therefore already have positive and negative hydrogen charges. However, these

molecules have not been realigned, the fuel is not actively interlocked with

hydrogen during combustion, the fuel molecule or hydrocarbon chains must be

ionized and realigned. The ionization and realignment is achieved through the

Fuel mainly consists of hydrocarbon and when fuel flows through a magnetic field,

such as the one created by the fuel energizer, the hydrocarbon change their

orientation and the molecules of hydrocarbon change their configuration. At the

same time intermolecular force is considerably reduced or depressed. These

mechanisms are believed to help disperse oil particles and to become finely divided.

This has the effect of ensuring that fuel actively inter locks with oxygen

producing a more complete burn in the combustion chamber. The result is

higher engine output, better fuel economy and reduction in hydrocarbons, carbon

monoxide and oxides of nitrogen that are emitted through exhaust. The

ionization fuel also helps to dissolve the carbon build up in carburetor, jets condition

clean. Also it works on any vehicle or device (cooking gas stove) using liquid or gas


Brief about hydrogen

Hydrogen is the chemical element with atomic number 1. It is represented by the

symbol H. With an atomic weight of 1.00794 u (1.007825 u for Hydrogen-1),

hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75

% of the Universe’s elemental mass. Stars in the main sequence are mainly composed

of hydrogen in its plasma state. Naturally occurring elemental hydrogen is relatively

rare on Earth.

The most common isotope of hydrogen is Protium (name rarely used, symbol H) with

a single proton and no neutrons. In ionic compounds it can take a negative charge (an

anion known as a hydride and written as H-), or as a positively charged species H+.

The latter cation is written as though composed of a bare proton, but in reality,

hydrogen cations in ionic compounds always occur as more complex species.

Hydrogen forms compounds with most elements and is present in water and most

organic compounds. It plays a particularly important role in acid-base chemistry with


many reactions exchanging protons between soluble molecules. As the simplest atom

known, the hydrogen atom has been of theoretical use. For example, as the only

neutral atom with an analytic solution to the Schrödinger equation, the study of the

energetics and bonding of the hydrogen atom played a key role in the development of

quantum mechanics.

Hydrogen gas (now known to be H2) was first artificially produced in the early 16th

century, via the mixing of metals with strong acids. In 1766–81, Henry Cavendish was

the first to recognize that hydrogen gas was a discrete substance, and that it produces

water when burned, a property which later gave it its name, which in Greek means

"water-former." At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen is a colorless,

odorless, nonmetallic, tasteless, highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular

formula H2. Industrial production is mainly from the steam reforming of natural gas,

and less often from more energy-intensive hydrogen production methods like the

electrolysis of water. Most hydrogen is employed near its production site, with the two

largest uses being fossil fuel processing (e.g., hydrocracking) and ammonia

production, mostly for the fertilizer market. Hydrogen is a concern in metallurgy as it

can embrittle many metals, complicating the design of pipelines and storage tanks.


The Space Shuttle Main Engines burn hydrogen with oxygen, producing a nearly

invisible flame at full thrust. Hydrogen gas (di-hydrogen) is highly flammable and will

burn in air at a very wide range of concentrations between 4% and 75% by volume.

The enthalpy of combustion for hydrogen is −286 kJ/mol:

2 H2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2 H2O (l) + 572 kJ (286 kJ/mol) ------------------------------ (i)

Figure 2


Hydrogen gas forms explosive mixtures with air in the concentration range 4-74%

(volume per cent of hydrogen in air) and with chlorine in the range 5-95%. The

mixtures spontaneously detonate by spark, heat or sunlight. The hydrogen auto

ignition temperature, the temperature of spontaneous ignition in air, is 500 °C (932

°F). Pure hydrogen-oxygen flames emit ultraviolet light and are nearly invisible to the

naked eye, as illustrated by the faint plume of the Space Shuttle main engine compared

to the highly visible plume of a Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster.

The detection of a burning hydrogen leak may require a flame detector; such leaks can

be very dangerous. The destruction of the Hindenburg airship was an infamous

example of hydrogen combustion; the cause is debated, but the visible flames were the

result of combustible materials in the ship's skin. Because hydrogen is buoyant in air,

hydrogen flames tend to ascend rapidly and cause less damage than hydrocarbon fires.

Two-thirds of the Hindenburg passengers survived the fire, and many deaths were

instead the result of falls or burning diesel fuel.

H2 reacts with every oxidizing element. Hydrogen can react spontaneously and

violently at room temperature with chlorine and fluorine to form the corresponding

hydrogen halides, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride, which are also potentially

dangerous acids.

How to install a fuel energizer?

The magnetic flux density to be imparted to fuel widely varies depending upon fuel,

air or steam, and combustion equipment and conditions. In general, the preferred range

of magnetic flux density is from 1000 to 3500 Gauss, and the most preferred range is

from 1400 to 1800 Gauss when fuel oil is used in combination with conventional heat

power boilers. The optimum range will be determined through experimental runs. The

field strength is a function of the engine size based on fuel consumption. The Ferrite

magnets are the most cost effective for treating fuel. When high energy Neodymium

Iron Boron Magnets are applied, we can obtain a decrease in the fuel mileage and

unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide. The magnetizing apparatus is located

on the pipe between pumping means and the burner, carburetor or fuel injectors,

because it is unnecessary for any other parts to be magnetized. A portion of the fuel


feeding system extending from a point downstream of the magnetizing apparatus to

the burner must be made of non-magnetic material. In this case, magnetized fuel is

directly fed to burners or atomizing nozzles with a minimum reduction of magnetism.

The magnets are embedded in a body of non-magnetic material, such as plastic, copper

or aluminum, to secure they to the fuel line. No cutting of the fuel line and no hose and

clamps are necessary to install this device, outside a fuel line without disconnection or

modification of the fuel or ignition system for producing magnetic flux in the flow

path of combustible fuel within the pipe. These units have been installed without other

fuel line or ignition adjustments to treat vehicles failing required emission tests as an

inexpensive retrofit accessory to give substantially immediate improvements of up to

the order of 80 % reduction in hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions. In a

preferred embodiment, one or more magnets are strapped to the fuel line as close as

possible to the carburetor or fuel injectors with only one pole of the magnet or magnets

adjacent to or in contact with the fuel line. One or more magnets are strapped to the air

intake in such a way as to magnetically expose the oxygen to the magnetic field

emanating from the pole opposite that of the pole used to expose the fuel. The magnets

should have a Curie temperature sufficiently high that they retain their magnetic

characteristics at the operating temperatures to which they are exposed. For example,

in an automobile engine, the fuel line magnets will lie above the engine block where

relative heating will greatly increase their temperature. Some magnets lose much of

their magnetic field strength as their temperature rise. The Curie temperature on

Alnico magnet are 760ºC to 890ºC, on Ceramic magnets ( ferrite magnets ) 450ºC, on

Neodymium 310ºC to 360ºC and on Samarium 720ºC a 825ºC.


Fuel energizer

installed in car

Magnetizer fuel

energizer (eg:-

neodymium super

conductor- NSCM)

is installed in cars,

trucks immediately

before carburetor

or injector on fuel

line. On home

cooking gas system

it is installed just

before burner.

Figure 3


What does fuel energizer do?

• More mileage (up to 28% increase) per liter due to 100% burning fuel

• No fuel wastage

• Increased pick up

• Reduced engine noise

• Reduced smoke

• Faster A/C cooling

• Smooth running and long term maintenance for fuel engines

• 30% extra life for expensive catalytic converter


Chapter 2

Atoms of Hydrogen In Para And Ortho State

Each hydrogen molecule (H2) consists of two hydrogen atoms linked by a covalent

bond. If we neglect the small proportion of deuterium and tritium which may be

present, each hydrogen atom consists of one proton and one electron. The proton has

an associated magnetic moment, which is associated with the proton's spin. In the H2

molecule, the spins of the two hydrogen nuclei (protons) couple to form a triplet state

(I = 1, α1α2, (α1β2 + β1α2)/21/2, or β1β2 for which MI = 1, 0, −1 respectively — this

is Ortho-hydrogen) or to form a singlet state (I = 0, (α1β2 – β1α2)/21/2 MI = 0 —

this is Para-hydrogen). The ratio between the ortho and Para forms is about 3:1 at

standard temperature and pressure - a reflection of the spin degeneracy ratio, but if

thermal equilibrium between the two forms is established, the Para form dominates at

low temperatures (approx. 99.8% at 20 K). Other molecules and functional groups

containing two hydrogen atoms, such as water and methylene, also have ortho and

para forms (e.g. ortho-water and para-water), although their ratios differ from that of

the di-hydrogen molecule.

There exist two different spin isomers of hydrogen diatomic molecules that differ by

the relative spin of their nuclei. In the ortho-hydrogen form, the spins of the two

protons are parallel and form a triplet state with a molecular spin quantum number of 1

(½+½); in the para-hydrogen form the spins are antiparallel and form a singlet with a

molecular spin quantum number of 0 (½-½). At standard temperature and pressure,

hydrogen gas contains about 25% of the para form and 75% of the ortho form, also

known as the "normal form".

The equilibrium ratio of ortho-hydrogen to para-hydrogen depends on temperature, but

since the ortho form is an excited state and has a higher energy than the para form, it is

unstable and cannot be purified. At very low temperatures, the equilibrium state is

composed almost exclusively of the para form. The liquid and gas phase thermal

properties of pure para-hydrogen differ significantly from those of the normal form

because of differences in rotational heat capacities, as discussed more fully in Spin


isomers of hydrogen. The ortho/para distinction also occurs in other hydrogen-

containing molecules or functional groups, such as water and methylene, but is of little

significance for their thermal properties.

The un-catalyzed inter-conversion between para and ortho H2 increases with

increasing temperature; thus rapidly condensed H2 contains large quantities of the

high-energy ortho form that converts to the para form very slowly. The ortho/para

ratio in condensed H2 is an important consideration in the preparation and storage of

liquid hydrogen: the conversion from ortho to para is exothermic and produces enough

heat to evaporate some of the hydrogen liquid, leading to loss of liquefied material.

Catalysts for the ortho-para inter-conversion, such as ferric oxide, activated carbon,

platinized asbestos, rare earth metals, uranium compounds, chromic oxide, or some

nickel compounds, are used during hydrogen cooling.

A molecular form called protonated molecular hydrogen, or H+3, is found in the

interstellar medium (ISM), where it is generated by ionization of molecular hydrogen

from cosmic rays. It has also been observed in the upper atmosphere of the planet

Jupiter. This molecule is relatively stable in the environment of outer space due to the

low temperature and density. H+3 is one of the most abundant ions in the Universe, and

it plays a notable role in the chemistry of the interstellar medium. Neutral triatomic

hydrogen H3 can only exist in an excited from and is unstable. The simplest of

hydrocarbon, methane, (CH4) is the major (90%) constituent of

Natural gas (fuel) and an important source of hydrogen. Its molecule is composed of

one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, and is electrically neutral. From the energy

point of view, the greatest amount of releasable energy lies in the hydrogen atom.


Now arises the question why?

In octane (C8H18) the carbon content of the molecule is 84.2%. When combusted, the

carbon portion of the molecule will generate 12,244 BTU (per pound of carbon). On

the other hand, the hydrogen, which comprises of only 15.8% of the molecular weight,

will generate an amazing 9,801 BTU of heat per pound of hydrogen.

Hydrogen, the lightest and the most basic element known to man, is the major

constituent of hydrocarbon fuels (besides carbon and smaller amount of sulphur and

inert gases). It has one positive charge (proton) and one negative charge (electron), i.e.

it possess a dipole movement. It can be either diamagnetic or paramagnetic (weaker or

smaller response to the magnetic flux) depending upon the relative orientation of its

nucleus spins. Even though it is the simplest of all the elements it occurs in two

distinct isomeric varieties (forms) – para and ortho. It is characterized by the different

opposite nuclear spins. In the para H2 molecule, which occupies the even rotational

Figure 5


opposite direction (―counter clockwiseǁ, ―antiparallelǁ, ―one up and one downǁ),

rendering it diamagnetic, whereas in the ortho molecule, which occupies the odd

rotational levels, the spins are parallel (―clockwiseǁ, ―coincidentǁ, ―both upǁ), with

the same orientation of the two atoms, therefore, is paramagnetic and a catalyst for

many reactions. Thus, the spin orientation has a pronounced effect on physical

properties (specific heat, vapor pressure) as well as the behavior of the gas molecule.

The coincident spin renders the ortho-hydrogen exceedingly unstable. In fact ortho-

hydrogen is more reactive than its para-hydrogen counterpart

Ortho and para spin of hydrogen

The liquid hydrogen fuel that is used to power the space shuttle or rockets is stored, for

safety reasons, in the less energetic, less volatile, less reactive para hydrogen form.

During the start of the shuttle the ortho hydrogen form is beneficial since it allows to

intensify the combustion process. To secure the conversion of para to ortho state, it is

Figure 6


necessary to change the energy of interaction between the spin state of the H2


Ordinary di-hydrogen is an equilibrium mixture of ortho and para hydrogen.

The amount of ortho and para hydrogen varies with temperature as:

At 0°K, hydrogen contains mainly para hydrogen which is more stable.

At the temperature of liquefaction of air, the ratio of ortho and para hydrogen is 1: 1.

At the room temperature, the ratio of ortho to para hydrogen is 3: 1. Even at very high

temperatures, the ratio of ortho to para hydrogen can never be more than 3 : 1. Thus, it

has been possible to get pure para hydrogen by cooling ordinary hydrogen gas to a

very low temperature (close to 20 K) but it is never possible to get a sample of

hydrogen containing more than 75% of ortho hydrogen.


Chapter 3

The Magnetizer And Hydrocarbon Fuel

Any utility patent must be proven operable and scientifically correct before issuance.

The same principle has been utilized, and the same effect has been achieved by the

action of Magnetizer where a strong enough flux fields was developed to substantially

change the hydrocarbon molecule from its para state to higher energized ortho state.

The spin effect of the fuel molecules can be ascertained optically, based on refraction

of light rays passing through liquid fuel as had been demonstrated by scientists while

using infrared cameras installed, e.g. in metallurgical oven‘s where magnetizer‘s have

been effectively working.

Furthermore, the conversion of hydrogen into ortho H2 (taking place very fast in this

strong and unique magnetic field, with the simultaneous transformation of the system

from a symmetrical into highly active anti symmetrical;

Molecular state of increased reactivity and catalytic ability) has been found highly

advantageous in many technologies, especially those where hydrogen is used.

Hydrocarbons have basically a ―cage-likeǁ structure. That is why oxidizing of their

inner carbon atoms during the combustion process are hindered. Furthermore, they

bind into larger groups of pseudo compounds. Such groups form clusters

(associations). The access hydrogen in the right quantity in the interior of the groups of

Figure 7


molecules is hindered. (It has nothing to do with the incoming air from the manifold in

the fuel mixture when even though there may be excess of it, this will not provide the

required hydrocarbon-oxygen binding), and stemming from this shortage of oxygen to

the cluster that hinders the full combustion. In order to combust fuel, proper quantity

of oxygen from air is necessary for it to oxidize the combustible agents. For many

years, designers of the internal combustion engines have had one goal: to oppose the

effect of molecular association of the hydrocarbon fuel and to optimize the combustion

process. The peculiar problem in designing engines for air pollution is that in order to

fully burn all the hydrocarbons in the combustion chamber, operating temperatures of

the cylinders have had to be increased. While older engines may have produced

relatively large quantities of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, they

produced low quantities of oxides of nitrogen. Also, with the renewed interest in

performance engines, compression ratios are creeping upward again, and once again

the mechanism for producing higher levels of nitrogen toxins is increased. Similarly,

turbo charging effectively alters the compression ratio of a vehicle, further adding to

the nitrogen problem. The feed and exhaust systems have been perfected, the ignition

controlling electronics has been perfected, the fuel/air mix metering devices have been

brought to perfection, and finally the catalytic converters (see below) have been found

indispensable. But even then, fumes that leave the "afterburners" are not ideally clean -

engine still burns only part of the fuel (or precisely the incompletely oxidized carbon

atoms in the form of CO). The rest is discharged as polluting emissions (HC, CO,

NOx) or is deposited on the internal engine walls as black carbon residue. All this has

been caused by the incomplete combustion process. The reasons for it being that:

Hydrocarbons form the so-called associations, close molecular groups, interior of

which is deprived of access of the suitable amount of air; the lack of oxygen impedes

the full combustion. Note: The tendency of HC molecules to cluster causes local

macro-groupings (condensing) of molecules to clog the pipes and fuel nozzles. The

excess of air in the fuel mixture will not provide for the complete combustion. Hence,

the exhaust fumes contain considerable amounts of unburned CO, HC, and soot.

Oxygen with negative 2 valencies is negative, and hydrocarbon has neutral

molecular structures, which by passing through steel fuel lines gets negatively (micro)


charged. Therefore, when these two atoms come together with the same potential in a

combustion chamber, they repel, which result in incomplete combustion. Therefore, all

serious research has been aimed at bringing about fuel reactivity with oxygen

(oxygenated fuels); since increased oxidation means increased combustion, and the

following rules had to be taken into consideration:

Rule 1: Unburned hydrocarbon (HC) as well as carbon monoxide (CO) emitted from a

vehicle's exhaust system can be viewed as the additional fuel reserve, since, if proper

conditions are met, HC & CO can be further burned in the combustion chamber.

Therefore, creating such proper combustion conditions is paramount.

Rule 2: Hydrogen's chemical reaction, determined by its valence (the electron

"surplus" in the "outer" orbital shell), is affected by a magnetic field since proper

magnets are the prime source of control of the position of electrons.

Rule 3: The application of a proper magnetic field enforces beneficial changes in fuel

structure and enhances its general reactivity in the combustion process.

Rule 4: If a hydrocarbon molecule could better bind with oxygen molecules (be more

completely oxidized), then the toxicity of fumes would be considerably limited and in

principle, one could dispense with catalytic converters.


Chapter 4

How does magnetizer allow to meet the requirement of rules?

Here are the rules to be followed to meet the requirements of the magnetizer

Rule 1: When hydrocarbon fuel (methane molecule) is combusted, the first to be

oxidized are the hydrogen atoms (or precisely electrons on their outer shells). Only

then, are the carbon atoms subsequently burned (CH4 + 2O2 = CO2+ 2H2O). Since it

takes less time to oxidize hydrogen atoms in a high-speed internal combustion process,

in normal conditions some of the carbon will be only partially oxidized; this is

responsible for the incomplete combustion. Oxygen combines with hydrogen readily;

however, the carbon-oxygen reaction is far less energetic. We should keep in mind:

oxygen always has a valence of minus two. The valence of carbon, on the other hand,

can be plus or minus due to the configuration of its four electrons in the outer shell,

which requires a total of eight electrons for completion. The optimum combustion

efficiency (performance) obtained from the Magnetizer application on fuel is first

indicated by the amount of increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) produced, which has been

validated by state emissions control devices. Furthermore, as the pollutants decrease,

the combustion efficiency increases. The drop of HC & CO emissions is easily proven

by comparative gas flue analysis & opacimeter emissions tests. The stoichiometric

tests indicate reduction in hydrocarbon HC (unburned fuel) approx. 75 - up to 92% and

carbon monoxide (CO) up to 99.9%, due to the Magnetizer use. Remember, as HC

goes down, mileage goes up. These results in scientifically measurable emission

reduction/combustion efficiency ratio and an average increase in mileage of 15-25%.

Since the Fuel Energizer saves fuel by increasing combustion efficiency, less CO is

being emitted; thereby, less fuel is being used. In principal, the lowest fuel savings

occur in the range velocity of the maximum torque, when the highest increase of

horsepower can be noted (about 10 HP); the Magnetizer giving a trade-off between

driving a Porsche versus Volkswagen.

Rule 2: Altering the spin properties of the outer shell ("valence") electron

enhances the reactivity of the fuel (and related combustion process). The higher

energized spin state of hydrogen molecule clearly shows a high electrical potential

(reactivity), which attracts additional oxygen. Combustion engineering teaches that


additional oxygenation increases combustion efficiency; therefore, by altering the spin

properties of the H2 molecule, we can give rise to its magnetic moment and enhance

the reactivity of the hydrocarbon fuel and ameliorate the related combustion process.

The Magnetizer 's extremely strong magnetic field, with sufficient flux density to

have the required effect on fluid passing through it, substantially changes the isomeric

form of the hydrocarbon atom from its para-hydrogen state to the higher energized,

more volatile, ortho state, thus attracting additional oxygen. Fuel structure and

properties, such as e.g. electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, or light extinction are

changed; its macrostructure beneficially homogenized.

Rule 3 Hydrocarbon molecules form clusters called "associations." It has been

technically possible to enhance van der Waals' discovery due to the application of the

Magnetizer, a high power, permanent magnetic device, strong enough to break down,

i.e. de-cluster these HC associations. They become normalized & independent,

distanced from each other, having bigger surface available for binding (attraction) with

more oxygen (better oxidation). A simple analogy is of burning coal dust and a coal

bricket. There, where one aims at higher efficiency, during the combustion process,

one has to give a molecule the greater access to oxygen. In case of burning of

powdered coal dust, adding of oxygen may even cause explosions. Thus, with our fuel

energizer, the oxygenation and the combustion efficiency increase. Fuel is more active

and dynamic, and the combustion process faster and more complete. These "new"

hydrocarbon molecules have one more important characteristic: they not only dissolve

and eliminate carbon varnish in the combustion chambers, on the surface of jet

nozzles, spark plugs and exhaust pipe, but do not allow new and harmful deposits to

reform. Furthermore, the energizer's work ensures better performance of carburetor or

fuel injectors, makes startups easier, considerably increases driving dynamics, etc. The

power and torque in the whole range of rotational velocity of crankshaft also go up.


Figure 8


Thanks to de-clustering of hydrogen molecules, in the combustion chamber, increased

saturation & reactivity of the fuel mixture with oxygen is achieved, resulting in a more

complete oxidation of the primary hydrogen element and further oxidation of carbon

(C), the secondary fuel element, since, in accordance with van der Waals discovery of

a weak clustering force, there is a very strong binding of hydrocarbons with oxygen in

such magnetized fuel, which ensures optimal burning of the mixture in the engine

chamber. The positively charged fuel, so to speak, swells, thickens, and needs larger

quantity of air, which is easily remedied by adjusting the change in air/fuel ratio in

carbureted cars.

When we attach the Magnetizer unit to the fuel line of an automobile (before

carburetor, in tandem series, placed 1/4" apart, or in Fuel Injection Systems - on fuel

line to the injectors + before the injection pump; make sure it is not in contact with the

engine's metal parts), we see an immediate (approx. after 5 min., 4-5 miles/6-8 kms

upon start-up) drop in unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide due to the

magnetic conditioning of the fuel which makes it more reactive. As explicitly stated in

our instructions, upon the Magnetizer installation (5-10 minutes thereafter) engine

will undergo the so-called "Stabilization Period", i.e. the time of the gradual

disappearance of prior carbon varnish sediments and the total magnetic saturation of

all ferromagnetic metal parts of the feeding system between the installed energizer and

the combustion chamber in order to fully activate fuel. The initial saturation lasts

about a week (even though in the past we received positive reports already after 2-3

days upon installation), while the complete engine cleaning from the carbon residue

lasts about 30 to 70 days (old engines). On passenger cars this means about 1,000-

1,125 miles (1600-1800 kms) driven (depending on vehicle class, age, internal

cleanliness of its engine, driving habits, etc.), on trucks - about 1,250- 2,000 miles

(2,000-3,200 kms).

When after a month from the correct installation, the improvement is not readily

apparent, it is caused by too little amount of oxygen in the fuel mixture. One has then

to change the dirty or oiled air filter and adjust the carburetor in order to increase the

amount of air in the mixture (make it leaner) or adjust fuel pressure of a diesel pump to

restore the O2 level to where it was prior to the energizer's installation. Fuel injected


cars are self-adjustable, with the exception of quite rare cases when the lambda (excess

air) probe has been worn out (needs replacement) and the system "overrides" the

Magnetizer 's action. Ideally, the adjustment should be done by the professional

diagnostic station, which based on the exhaust analysis will optimally adjust the


Without the adjustment, the Magnetizer can cause the effect reverse from the

required. Also, in the first intensive phase of de-carbonization there may be a

disturbance in the engine's work and unstable fuel consumption caused by the

temporary clogging of jet nozzles by the liquidated deposits. The temporary occlusions

are removed in a natural way. At that time it is not recommended to do the engine

adjustment. However, during the Stabilization Period the periodic oil change is

recommended. Subsequently, one has again to change oil after the Stabilization

Period. Compared to savings during the exploitation of the vehicle and extending the

engine's life, this is a really small investment..

Rule 4 The chief function and purpose of a catalytic converter is to convert

engine's unburned hydrocarbons and reduce by oxidizing (burning), all carbon

monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (vapor). A converter neutralizes

exhaust, which has left the combustion chamber of an engine. Such exhaust is less

toxic, but the energy from such an after-burning process is not utilized. While catalytic

converters are designed to function beyond 5 years and 50,000 miles (80,000 kms),

there are problems that can occur (trace amounts of oil escaping to the exhaust, etc.)

that can dramatically shorten their life (destroy them). Example: the sticking-on of an

automatic choke will, within a short period of time, cause catalytic converter to

overheat and go into meltdown due to an excessively rich mixture. The melting of a

catalytic converter will cause the gas passages to clog, which in turn will overheat and

burn the engine exhaust valves.


Chapter 5

A Comparison between Catalytic Converter And A Magnetizer

Some early converter designs created a great deal of restriction to the flow of exhaust,

which negatively affected vehicle performance, drivability, and fuel economy.

Because they were used with carburetors incapable of precise fuel/air mixture control,

they could overheat and set fire to flammable materials under the car. Removing a

modern catalytic converter in new condition will only slightly increase vehicle

performance without retuning, but their removal or "gutting" continues. The exhaust

section where the converter was may be replaced with a welded-in section of straight

pipe, or a flanged section of "test pipe" legal for off-road use that can then be replaced

with a similarly fitted converter-choked section for legal on-road use, or emissions

testing. In the U.S. and many other jurisdictions, it is illegal to remove or disable a

catalytic converter for any reason other than its immediate replacement[citation

needed]; vehicles without functioning catalytic converters generally fail emission

inspections. The aftermarket supplies high-flow converters for vehicles with upgraded

engines, or whose owners prefer an exhaust system with larger-than-stock capacity.

Warm-Up Period

Many Catalytic converters have a long warm-up time, of up to thirty minutes [citation


Environmental impact

Catalytic converters have proven to be reliable and effective in reducing noxious

tailpipe emissions. However, they may have some adverse environmental impacts in


The requirement for a rich burn engine to run at the stoichiometric point means it

uses more fuel than a "lean burn" engine running at a mixture of 20:1 or less. This

increases the amount of fossil fuel consumed and the carbon dioxide emissions of the

vehicle. However, NOx control on lean burn engines is problematic.

Although catalytic converters are effective at removing hydrocarbons and other

harmful emissions, they do not solve the fundamental problem created by burning a

fossil fuel. In addition to water, the main combustion product in exhaust gas leaving


the engine — through a catalytic converter or not — is carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon

dioxide produced from fossil fuels is one of the greenhouse gases indicated by the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to be a "most likely" cause of

global warming. Additionally, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

stated catalytic converters are a significant and growing cause of global warming, due

to their release of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas over 300 times more potent

than carbon dioxide.

Catalytic converter production requires palladium and/or platinum; part of the

world supply of these precious metals is produced near the Russian city of Norilsk,

where the industry (among others) has caused Norilsk to be added to Time Magazine's

list of most polluted places. Theft

Due to the external location and the use of valuable precious metals including

platinum, palladium, and rhodium, converters are a target for thieves. The problem is

especially common among late-model Toyota trucks and SUVs, due to their high

ground clearance and easily-removed bolt-on catalytic converters. Welded-in

converters are also at risk of theft from SUVs and trucks, as they can be easily

removed. Theft removal of the converter can often inadvertently damage the car‘s

wiring or fuel line resulting in dangerous consequences. Rises in metal costs in the

United States during recent years have led to a large increase in theft incidents of the

converter, which can then cost as much as $1000 to replace.

1 Most catalytic converters require air pumps to initiate catalysis. Air pumps rob

power from the engine, reduce fuel economy, and are costly to install. Catalytic

converters with air pumps reduce gas mileage - the Magnetizer increases gas mileage

and performance.

2 Catalytic converters require a light-off temperature to be attained before they

become operative (between 3 to 5 miles). Cold converter does not work, so the exhaust

fumes right after start-up are equally toxic as without it. The Magnetizer is


3 Catalytic converters are subject to meltdown under rich gas mixtures - the

Magnetizer is not. It is a fully permanent device.


4 The Magnetizer can easily be transferred from car to car with almost no

labor. Converters cannot.

5 The Magnetizer units cost a fraction of the cost of the catalytic converter


6 Since catalytic converters reduce power and eventually go bad, they are

subject to being removed; they are often not replaced because of the high cost and

reduced engine performance.

7 Use of the unleaded gas does eliminate the problem of the most toxic lead

compounds, but there is an increase in the air of other carcinogenic substances; the

exhaust problem comes around. Very often unleaded gas is transported in the same

tank trucks that carry "normal" gasoline with the lead additives. From daily practice

we know that even trace quantities of lead are sufficient to destroy ("poison") a

converter. As a result, the amount of toxic substances released to the atmosphere can

subsequently increase. The Magnetizer works well and with excellent results on all

types of fuel - unleaded, as well as leaded gasoline, diesel, or liquid petroleum gas


8 Catalytic converters have a finite lifetime under optimal conditions, shorter

under adverse conditions. It is important to note that although it takes a bit of time for


the Magnetizer fuel system to stabilize; one finds the "Magnetizer Energizer Systems"

constantly work better and better as time goes on (see the comment on the

"Stabilization Period" below).

9 The Magnetizer is totally friendly to the environment. The converter is not

fully so. The traces of oil that escape to exhaust not only can destroy the action of a

converter (the car becoming instantly a polluter), but what is even worse, they are the

cause of small amount of highly toxic chemical compounds such as prussic acid;

sulphureted hydrogen; and platinum compounds released to the atmosphere. As

emphatically stated by Hannover-based, world-renowned German scientist, Dr. Hans

A. Nieper, President of the German Society of Oncology, et al., and author of 320

scientific articles, essays, & books: "First of all, all catalytic converters should be

removed from cars as soon as possible". The reason - nerve gas (phosphoric esters)

being generated by the automotive catalytic converters. Those interested further are

referred to Dr. Nieper's article "Nerve Gas from Catalytic Converters", which appeared

in the September 1995 issue of the NEXUS magazine. Waver Motors port Co. from

Poland offers the highest quality engine tuning with the use of the American

measuring devices, "Super chips," in one of the most modern test benches in Europe

called "Super flow".

The owner of Waver, Mr. Andrzej Zajàc, did an experiment by putting the

Magnetizer on Engine Energizer System on and ... cutting off a catalytic converter on

his Opel Calibra Turbo. The results have been "unbelievable": CO on idle went down

from 0.5 to 0.2, HC lowered from 100 to 70, and the car, which should burn 15 liters

per 100 km (15.9 miles per gallon) uses now, according to information received from

Mr. A. Zajàc, 11 liters per 100 km (21.7 miles per gallon) - almost a 27% fuel saving.

As related in stoichiometric charts representing ideal combustion parameters (see

below), the highest burning efficiency will be achieved at the highest carbon dioxide

level, since carbon dioxide cannot be subsequently oxidized. The amazing part is that

apart from the "converter-less" carbureted cars, the Magnetizer reduces emissions on

cars with catalytic converters. The increased combustion efficiency is occurring within

the engine due to increased fuel reactivity with oxygen (increased oxidation), the main

factor responsible for increased combustion efficiency. It is a complete waste to allow


an engine to run inefficiently and to burn the excess carbon monoxide in its catalytic

converter, the wasted heat merely "heating up" the exhaust system instead of providing

useful work within the engine. By establishing the correct fuel burning parameters

through proper magnetic means, we can be assured that an internal combustion engine

is getting the maximum energy per gallon of fuel, as well as providing the

environment with the lowest possible level of toxic emissions.


Figure 10


Chapter 6

Oxides Of Nitrogen And The Magnetizer Fuel Treatment

One of the chief reasons for the Magnetizer to have possibility to lower the NOx

level, as reported elsewhere, is due to the low reactivity of nitrogen gas. If we can bind

up all the available oxygen with the hydrocarbon fuel, there simply will be no oxygen

left over to form the unwanted nitrogen compounds. It appears that magnetic treatment

is the simplest means of achieving this feat.

One of the main components of photochemical smog is nitric oxide or to be more

precise, oxides of nitrogen; oxygen depending on heat and pressure can form in

differing combinations with nitrogen other than the specific nitric oxide formula.

Nitric oxide is a colorless gas produced by high temperature combustion; however,

when it encounters extra oxygen in the presence of air and sunlight it readily converts

to nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitrogen dioxide is the reddish brown haze that we

associate with smog. The formula for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) looks quite similar to the

formula for carbon dioxide, but we must bear in mind that carbon dioxide cannot

support combustion while nitrogen dioxide can. Nitrogen dioxide is very poisonous

since the threshold lethal volume (TLV) is 3 ppm, while carbon dioxide still classified

as poisonous, as a TLV of 5,000 ppm, while carbon monoxide's TLV is 50 ppm. It is

quite shocking to know that nitrogen dioxide is the major component of smog and is

approximately 16 times more poisonous than carbon monoxide.

As one can readily see, the reduction of nitrogen dioxide in our atmosphere is of

paramount importance. The peculiar problem in designing engines for air pollution is

in order to fully burn all the hydrocarbons in the combustion cylinder, operating

temperatures of the cylinders have had to be increased. While older engines may have

produced relatively large quantities of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide,

they produced low quantities of oxides of nitrogen. Also, with the renewed interest in

performance engines, compression ratios are creeping upward again, and once again

the mechanism for producing higher levels of nitrogen toxins is increased. Similarly,

turbo charging effectively alters the compression ratio of a vehicle, further adding to

the nitrogen problem.


It is most disturbing that automobile makers as well as clean air legislators have not

been concerned about this growing problem. State emissions inspection stations aren't

concerned. The lack of concern is that the basic issue has not been addressed as one of

the major problems.

Now, there is available a technologically sound means for reducing the "oxides of

nitrogen" problem. The solution is the MAGNETIZER. As documented by tests, 'the

magnetic treatment of fuel has reduced the production of NOx by 20% and more. One

of the chief reasons is due to the low reactivity of nitrogen gas. If we can bind up all

the available oxygen with the hydrocarbon fuel, there simply will be no oxygen left

over to form the unwanted nitrogen compounds. It appears that magnetic treatment is

the simplest means of achieving this feat. As documented by numerous state certified

emissions tests, MAGNETIZER fuel treatment has shown decreases in unburned

hydrocarbon by 75-100% and carbon monoxide reductions of 90-100%.

Stoichiometrically, there is very little oxygen left to produce any additional toxic

compounds with nitrogen.

Applying a magnetic field to ionizing fuel to be fed to combustion devices we can

ensure more complete combustion, obtaining a maximization of the fuel economy,

improving the fuel efficiency and reducing polluting emissions.

The fuel is subject to the lines of forces from permanent magnets mounted on fuel inlet

lines. The magnet for producing the magnetic field is oriented so that its South pole

(red) is located adjacent the fuel line and its North pole (blue) is located spaced apart

from the fuel line.


The magnetic field strength must be at a higher Gauss level (500 Gauss) since it may

be demagnetized to some extent before reaching the combustion chamber.

How it works.

Most fuels for internal combustion engines are liquid. But liquid fuels don't combust

till they are vaporized and mixed with air.

Currently regulated gas emissions from motor vehicles are unburned hydrocarbon

(HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Unburned HC and NOx

react in the atmosphere to form photo-chemical smog. Smog is highly oxidizing in the

environment and is the prime cause of eye and throat irritation, bad odor, plant

damage, and decreased visibility. Oxides of Nitrogen are also toxic. CO impairs blood

capability to carry oxygen to the brain, resulting in slower reaction times and impaired


Fuel mainly consists of hydrocarbons. Groupings of hydrocarbons, when flowing

through a magnetic field, change their orientations of magnetization in a direction

opposite to that of the magnetic field. The molecules of hydrocarbon change their

configuration. At the same time intermolecular force is considerably reduced or

depressed. These mechanisms are believed to help to disperse oil particles and to

become finely divided. In addition, hydrogen ions in fuel and oxygen ions in air or

steam are magnetized to form magnetic domains which are believed to assist in

atomizing fuel into finer particles.

Figure 11


Generally a liquid or gas fuel used for an internal combustion engine is composed of a

set of molecules. Each molecule includes a number of atoms, which is composed of a

nucleus and electrons orbiting around their nucleus. The molecules have magnetic

moments in themselves, and the rotating electrons cause magnetic phenomena. Thus,

positive (+) and negative (-) electric charges exists in the fuel's molecules. For this

reason, the fuel particles of the negative and positive electric charges are not split into

more minute particles. Accordingly, the fuels are not actively interlocked with oxygen

during combustion, thereby causing incomplete combustion. To improve the above,

the fuels have been required to be decomposed and ionized. The ionization of the fuel

particles is accomplished by the supply of magnetic force from a magnet


The resultant conditioned fuel / air mixture magnetized burns more completely,

producing higher engine output, better fuel economy, more power and most

importantly reduces the amount of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of

nitrogen in the exhaust. Another benefits if these devices is that magnetically charged

fuel molecules with opposite polarities dissolve carbon build-up in carburetor jets, fuel

Figure 12


injectors, and combustion chambers help to clean up the engine and maintain the clean


As documented by numerous state certified emissions tests, the Magnetizer fuel

treatment has shown decreases in unburned hydrocarbon by 75-100% and CO

reductions of 90-100%. Stoichiometrically, there is very little oxygen left to produce

any additional toxic compounds with nitrogen.




Agricultural use of magnetizer

Magnetizer at Work

The survival of modern man requires new approaches to the growing demands on an

already polluted and depleted eco-system. The Magnetizer Group's breakthrough of its

powerful magnetic mono-pole technology is meeting the new agricultural

requirements with dramatic results.

The Concept

Scientists at the Department of Mineral Engineering, Technion - I.I.T. in Israel, and

MAGNETIZER researchers worldwide confirm that the principle of magneto-

hydrodynamics (MHD) lowers surface tension of water, creating greater solubility and

penetration which stimulates root systems. Over time, soil compacts, this restricts the

root growth. Crop Booster treated water de-clods and breaks up the compressed soil

giving the roots freedom to grow and absorb nutrients more quickly. In drip irrigation,

the mineral/scale barrier, known as the bowl effect, is dissolved thereby enabling and

encouraging the root cilia to grow and expand farther into the soil. The rigorous and

maximized efficiency of the root system excited by the electro-motive forces of the

Crop Booster promotes healthier, bigger and quicker plant growth.

Use in automobiles

The Fuel Energizer

The Fuel Energizer is a frequency resonator that uses Neodymium Super Conductor

Magnets, which break and then realign the hydrocarbon chains in the fuel passing

through the fuel line of your vehicle. The magnetic field created by the Fuel Energizer

ionizes the fuel being fed to the engine, which itself produces a more complete

combustion, maximizes fuel economy, improves fuel efficiency and reduces polluting



By installing these Neodymium Super Conductor Magnets close to your

carburetor/injection system, your vehicle will start to feel the result of the Resonance

frequency of the Neodymium Super Conductor Magnets and by making the fuel flow

smoother your engine will run more efficiently. The way to ensure that you will gain

the best results from The Fuel Energizer is by following the easy "Golden Seven Steps


Special Benefits of The Fuel Energizer:

• Upto 28% Fuel saving on your mileage per litre

• Increased acceleration

• Reduction in AC drag

• Upto 40% Reduction in Carbon Monoxide emissions

• Reduction in exhaust smoke

• Extends your engine life, cleans out carbon deposits

• Upto 30% increase in life of your catalytic convertor exhaust system

• A smoother running engine

Figure 13


The Fuel Energizer can be used in

Table 1

Buses Cars Trucks

Scooter Generator Motor Cycles

Ambulance Gas Cylinders Auto rickshaw

Locomotives / Trains Earth Moving Equipment Construction Equipment

The Fuel Energizer can be fitted to all cars, scooters, motorcycles, auto-rickshaws,

buses, ambulances, trucks, earthmoving equipment, generators, and

locomotives/trains. With larger capacity engines such as large truck and bus engines,

we recommend that you consult your local dealer, as more than one Fuel Energizer is

often used with such large engines so as to optimize both efficiency and fuel saving....

The Fuel Energizer is all about "fuel efficiency". You will note that increased

horsepower is not one of the advantages we claim. However, it is common to find a

horsepower increase of up to 5%.....

Water magnetizer

A simple and effective patented magnetic water conditioner is now available for your

Swimming Pool, Spa or Hot Tub. By simply strapping the QUANTUM Conditioner

on the return line to the Pool, Spa or Hot Tub, laboratory tests prove that the magnetic

effect reduces sanitizing chemical usage by 30% to 50% while stabilizing pH, thereby

saving you money. The QUANTUM Conditioner helps to eliminate algae, keep water

clean and improve the clarity of your Pool or Spa.


Swimming Pool users report no more scum caused by body oils. No more mineral

build-up on swimming pool walls caused by iron and other hard water minerals. The

result is a more luxurious swim due to less chemical irritation to the eyes and skin,

silky soft water.

The QUANTUM Swimming Pool Conditioner operates automatically, continuously

and permanently using no external power source, and has no moving parts to wear out.

Less time is spent maintaining the Swimming Pool or Spa and more time enjoying it.

The QUANTUM Swimming Pool or Spa Conditioner creates a positive charge in the

water dissolving hard water minerals. This removes ugly scale, protects equipment and

allows for your heater to operate at scale free, peak efficiency - saving you many

energy dollars

All this makes QUANTUM Conditioner for the Swimming Pool or Spa the natural

Green Technology way to enjoy your Swimming Pool, Spa or Hot Tub. A LIFETIME

power warranty, a lifetime of savings, and elegantly conditioned water are the benefits.

Figure 15


Energizer in refrigeration

Our refrigerator magnets are a permanent flexible magnetic material available in sheet,

strip, and extrusion forms; standard or custom die-cuts; manufactured to satisfy

Figure 16

Figure 17


specific processing requirements. Magnum Magnetics refrigerator magnets provide an

alternative material for printing and holding applications.

Refrigerator magnets are used for advertising specialties; hobbies; sales promotions;

printing; crafts; novelties; toys; games; die-cutting; graphics; hand lettering; hot

stamping; teaching aids; decorative magnets; and magnetic business cards. Printers,

marketers, salespeople, teachers, and hobbyists all use refrigerator magnets.

Magnum Magnetics manufactures flexible magnetic material used to create

refrigerator magnets. Our ability to customize the refrigerator magnets (strength,

thickness, surface, shape, etc.) for specific applications and processes; our ability to

customize packaging; our superior customer service; and our competitive prices make

us superior.



By establishing correct fuel burning parameters through proper magnetic means (Fuel

Energizer) we can assume that an internal combustion engine is getting maximum

energy per liter as well as environment with lowest possible level toxic emission.

Nowadays the fuel magnetizers find their extensive use in

• Gas fired boilers

• Heating systems

• Diesel vehicle engines

• Marine engines

The efficient burning of fuel reduces the CO2 emissions and renders the engine

environmentally safe and user friendly.

Also the magnetizers support a non-invasive installation.

Magnetizer industrial technologies ascribes to generally accepted and well known

physical dictation of the science of magnetic fuel conditioning.

BT establishing proper fuel burning parameters by magnetic means we can be assured

that the internal combustion engine is getting the maximum energy per gallon of fuel

as well as providing the environment with the lowest levels of toxic emissions.

Overall toxic emissions will drop due to better overall engine efficiency.



• http://www.magnetizer.com/tech9.html#top

• http://www.tinet.cat/~sje/mag_fuel.htm

• http://www.aalizwel.com/seminarreports.php

• http://www.google.co.in

top related