fubared - 8 tips for handling a corporate crisis

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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FUBARed: Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition You see the headlines: Plane down. Ship on the shoals. Train derailed. It seems as though every week there's something new. Most executives and business owners are grateful when it's not their company in the news. Corporate crises are all too common. You can, however, reduce your risk of being thrust so unceremoniously into the spotlight – and mitigate the risk of permanent damage to your reputation when things do go awry. The following presentation has been adapted from the corporate training program I run, so it's a little on the long side. It may, however, be worth it to you and your company to invest the 5 to 10 minutes now and save yourself a few headaches down the road. Please call me if I can be of help… and don't forget to “like: this presentation if you find it of use. Thanks – and I hope you never actually have to use these tips!


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