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FTP, Back-Up Server and ESXI .

Tolga Kacur


Mugla Sitki Kocman University

Computer Engineering Department

Senior Design Project Report 2



Tolga Kacur

Computer Engineering Department

Mugla Sitki Kocman University



In this report, I describe the general installation and use of ESXI and FTP. What can be

done in the ESXI environment, what is the ease of use it brings us. What can be done with FTP

Server and how to transfer files.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. Installation of ESXI and Simulation ....................................................................................... 2

ESXI – Customize Run ............................................................................................................... 3

Installation of ESXI ..................................................................................................................... 4

License .................................................................................................................................... 4

ESXI New Virtual Machine Creation ..................................................................................... 7

ESXI Data Storing ................................................................................................................ 12

ESXI User Assignment ......................................................................................................... 14

3. Setup of FTP Server .............................................................................................................. 17

4. Back-Up Server ..................................................................................................................... 23

5. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 28

6. References ............................................................................................................................. 29


1. Introduction

ESXI is a Linux-based operating system in its own right. ESXI product is free. For ESXI

installation, you have to be a member of the official site. You can also choose which version you

want to install later. I will tell you how to install version 2.7.2. After you become a member, you

will receive an e-mail with the language key. You can download and install the required ISO file

from the VMware homepage. The first step is to install it. In the second step, we choose the

VMware ESXI system on our computer. You can also do disk partitioning from this area. Then,

we call enter reboot. After VMware ESXI setup is finished, we need to set manual IP assignment,

password and username. You can see the phases of the setup and the virtualization on the


FTP Server (File Transport Protocol) is an internet protocol developed to transfer files from

one computer to another (in both directions), and is the generic name given to application programs

that do this job. FTP is one of the first developed internet protocols.

2. Installation of ESXI and Simulation

First, we need to download the ESXI customizer v2.7.2. After that, we need ESXI ISO file to

install. At the same time, the system needs to learn the NIC (Network Information Server) brand

and model in detail. (Mother board can cause trouble if not supported). If you encounter such a

problem, follow this link; [1]

Figure 1: ESXI installation web page.


You need to call the network card from here [2]. There are VIB or Offline Bundle packages

in this site. You have to find the one that suits your model. It also needs version compatibility.

ESXI – Customize Run

In the first option, we choose the original ESXI ISO file. (Figure 1.1) The second option is

VIB or OFFLINE BUNDLE (Figure 1.2). In the third option, we choose the destination folder, ie

where it will appear.

Figure 1.1

When the program runs, it will compile the ISO. After that, we need to burn it as DVD or USB.

Figure 1.2


Installation of ESXI

Restart the PC and enter the BIOS. Normally default is off. For this reason, we need to

enable Intel virtualization technology "enable" from Advanced CPU configuration in BIOS. If it

is not already, it does not support it. After this step, we are going to set up the network according

to the connected network.


We are entering www.vmware.com. From the VMware account we go to Profile > Products

> My download history view Download and Licenses (Figure 1.3) and (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.3


Figure 1.4

After this step, you can access the route from Vsphere Client and configure > Licensed

Features > Edit > Assign a new license key to this host > Enter key. We copy the password shown

in Figure 1.4 and end the process. (Figure 1.5, Figure 1.6, Figure 1.7, Figure 1.8)

Figure 1.5


Figure 1.6

Figure 1.7


Figure 1.8

ESXI New Virtual Machine Creation

First, we provide route access from the Vsphere Client. Then we call create virtual machine

(Figure 1.9)

Figure 1.9


Here we choose the custom > name: "Example" > Select a destination storage for the virtual

machine files "netseclab" > virtual machine version (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1

After saying "Next", the tab of the guest operating system will come up. We choose which

operating system to load here (Figure 2.2)

Figure 2.2


After we call ‘Next’, Select the number of virtual machines on the CPU's heap virtual

machine, configure the virtual machine's memory size (we call next after memory is set for you)

> Which network connectors will be used by the virtual machine > Select a Disk (Figure 2.3)

Figure 2.3

Next, we select the Browse > NetSeclab > open > NetSeclab folder > Netseclab.vmdk

(Figure 2.4).

Figure 2.4


In the Advanced options section, click persistent and say next. In the Ready to complete

section, select Edit and continue. (Figure 2.5)

Figure 2.5

Virtual machine properties tab is coming. You can choose the CentOS 6.5 folder > open >

select the centos6.5-x86 iso file > connect at power on and Finish. (Figure 2.6)

Figure 2.6


After doing this, we have created a virtual machine named “ornek”. We are running this

(Figure 2.7). Centos 6 opens after you run. We enter it as root (Figure 2.8)

Figure 2.7

Figure 2.8


ESXI Data Storing

We will see how to upload and download from the data store. We can change the Roundrobini.

First, we provide route access from the Vsphere Client. From (update to on

our ip, we click on summary. (Figure 2.9)

Figure 2.9

Here we come to the storage area and select "NetSeclab", and then right click on NetSeclab

and enter the properties. (Figure 3.1)

Figure 3.1


Select Manage paths> Path selection> Round robin> Refresh> Close (Figure 3.2)

Figure 3.2

Go back to storage again, right click and select browse data store. Real folders will come. We

call the new folder from the menu and specify the name. After doing this, we call the upload file.

You can upload anything you want from here. ESXI-customizer v.2.7.2 open. Installation begins.

Now you can download the ESXI-customizer v.2.7.2 exe whenever you want.

Download > Images > Ok. (Figure 3.3)

Figure 3.3


Later, we upload Ubuntu 14.04.1 by following the same procedure. We go back to the main

screen. Netseclab > CD / DVD drive 1 > Connect to ISO image on a datastore > windowsx (if

you use which name you choose that folder) > ubuntu 14.04.1 > OK. When we do these

operations, you can now install Ubuntu. (Figure 3.4)

Figure 3.4

ESXI User Assignment

First, we provide route access from the vSphere Client. In (newly updated state we call users > right click > Add respectively. (Figure 3.5)

Figure 3.5


Login = Ubuntu, User name = "You can enter whatever you want. Depending on the user ",

Password = "The part you will specify", confirm: "The part you will specify", Ok.

(Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7)

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7

Go to the main screen and call Ubuntu > permission > right click > Add permission > add >

Ubuntu > add > OK. (Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9)


Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9

On the screen that comes up, select Assigned role, Administrator and click on the Ok button.

Role is becoming an administrator. (Figure 4.1)

Figure 4.1

We are closing the Vsphere Client. We're running again. This time we are logging in the

"user name" part and the "ubuntu" password part. We can only see Ubuntu. Netseclab and geolab

do not appear. Now we can use it like we want here. (Figure 4.2)

Figure 4.2


3. Setup of FTP Server

I have already told you about ESXI virtualization. In the same way we implemented FTP

Server in a virtual environment. First, we provide route access to the IP. (Figure 4.3)

Figure 4.3

We created a user named "Netseclab-ftp" and we run it. (Figure 4.4)

Figure 4.4


We install CentOS 6.8 (you can install another operating system if you want) into the

"Netseclab-ftp" user we have created. (Figure 4.5)

Figure 4.5

After doing these things, we need to install CentOS Web Panel (CWP). For this, there are some

commands that we need to load from the terminal. After entering root as root:

cd / usr / local / src

wget http://dl1.centos-webpanel.com/files/cwp-latest.sh

chmod u + x cwp-latest.sh

sh cwp-latest.sh

After we download the installation file to the relevant directory, we can start the installation

process now. We have 2 options for the installation process. One of them is the installation file

that comes with MySQL 5.1 and the other is the installation file that comes with Maria-DB 10.1.10.

If you want to use the database system, you need to use one of the following 2 commands and start

the installation process.

For MySQL ; sh cwp-latest

For Maria-DB : sh cwp-latest -d mariadb


The installation will start automatically after you start the installation process. After the installation

is complete, the server needs to be restarted. Pressing the ENTER key restarts the server. After

restarting the server, you can access CentOS Web Panel from http://localhost:2030 from any

network browser. First, we will create a business user account. Then enter the username and

password. (Figure 4.6)

Figure 4.6

After connecting http://localhost: 2030, we are entering Ftp-account from File management and

script installers. (Figure 4.7)

Figure 4.7


Here, we can create a new domain and user account and grant permissions. (Figure 4.8)

Figure 4.8

We create an anonymous file under the SRV file in the file system of our computer. We create a

folder named Ftp in it (see links and notes of last day.) We created an area under the name

Anonymous which users can use and download data only. (Figure 4.9)

Figure 4.9

There are many ways to do data transfer over ftp after creating them. The best practice is either

ftp: // "can write IP address" or the most practical method is remote server connection protocol.

You can use the FileZilla program for this.


What is FileZilla?

FileZilla is the remote server connection protocol. The simple interface allows you to

connect to many different types of fragmented server types that might come to mind, such as

hosting, reseller, VPS or such. As an extremely fast and sophisticated system, it has attracted

attention and at the same time has been completely free to use. For this reason, it is also in the

first place among the FTP connection programs that our country's systemists most prefer.

Thanks to this system, there is no process left on the server, and even if it is halfway, the internet

can continue to recover from the place where it was formerly collected. This, in fact, provides

very serious benefits to the practitioner. To download FileZilla [3]

After completing the installation of FileZilla to the host part username:

Anonymous, then we call QuickConnect. (Figure 4.9)

Figure 4.9


In this section, we have successfully made a connection. If it was not successful, either the

host address or the username would have been entered incorrectly. (Figure 5.1)

Figure 5.1

As you can see in the photo below, I tried not to install FTPS, but the upload did not

work because it was only allowed to download. But when we connect as admin, all permissions

are open. We can change the name of the file, delete it, upload it. (Figure 5.2)

Figure 5.2


Here you can see that we can download files as anonymous. The download was successful

only because the download permission was granted. (Figure 5.3)

Figure 5.3

4. Back-Up Server

I've told you about ESXi virtualization before. In the same way we have set up a Backup

server in a virtual environment. First, we provide route access to the ip. We have

installed the operating system "CentOS 6.8" (you can install another operating system if you want)

into the "Backup" user we have created. After doing these things, we install Amanda which is

necessary to install Backup server. For this we connect to the terminal as root. Then we apply the

following commands respectively.

Setup Server (gamma)

1. Install Amanda with yum:

yum -y install amanda

2. Edit Amanda conf in xinetd.d:

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amanda

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amandaidx

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amidxtape

Change Disable = yes to Disable = no

3. Copy Amanda conf files:

cp -r /etc/amanda/DailySet1 /etc/amanda/intra


4. Edit amanda.conf:

vi /etc/amanda/intra/amanda.conf

org "Configuration name"

mailto "email"

netusage 600 Kbps

dumpcycle 2 weeks

runspercycle 10

tapecycle 15 tapes

#tpchanger "chg-manual"

tpchanger "chg-disk"

changerfile "/etc/amanda/intra/changer"

#tapedev "null:"

tapedev "file:/backup/intra/slots"

#tapetype HP-DAT

#labelstr "^DailySet1-[0-9][0-9]*$"

tapetype HARDDISK

define tapetype HARDDISK {

comment “Backup to Virtual Tape”

length 3072 mbytes # each tape is 3 Gigs

# amrecover_changer "null:"

amrecover_changer "changer"

#infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo" # database DIRECTORY

#logdir "/etc/amanda/ DailySet1" # log directory

#indexdir "/etc/amanda/ DailySet1/index" # index directory

infofile "/var/log/amanda/intra/curinfo" # database DIRECTORY

logdir "/var/log/amanda/intra" # log directory

indexdir "/var/log/amanda/intra/index" # index directory


In this part, with this configuration, Amanda will do a full back-up every 2 weeks, and an

incremental backup every week day. The backup will be stored and rotated on 15 virtual tapes.

5. Edit disklist (tell Amanda which servers, directory to backup, what dumptype to

use). Remove every lines including “localhost /etc comp-root-tar” at the end of the file. And


alpha /home/kulathep comp-user-tar

beta /data comp-user-tar

beta /var comp-user-tar

6. Edit hosts file:

vi /etc/hosts

Add: alpha beta

7. Create backup directory (we will store the backup here):

chown -R amanda:disk /backup

8. Create tape list:

touch /etc/amanda/intra/tapelist

chown –R amanda:disk /etc/amanda/intra

9. Create slots (virtual tapes):

su - amanda

cd /backup/intra/slots

for ((i=1; $i<=15; i++)); do mkdir slot$i; done

ln -s slot1 data

10. Test virtual tapes:

/usr/sbin/ammt -f file:/backup/intra/slots status

11. Label the virtual tapes:

for ((i=1; $i<=15; i++)); do /usr/sbin/amlabel intra intra-$i slot $i; done

12. Reset the tape:

/usr/sbin/amtape intra reset


13. Edit amandahosts to allow communications from clients:

vi /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

alpha amanda

beta amanda

gamma amanda

14. Start xinetd service:

su –

service xinetd start

15. Check amanda process:

lsof | grep Amanda

Set Up Client

1. Install amanda client with yum:

yum -y install amanda-client

2. Edit file .amandahosts to allow communications from server:

vi /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts

gamma amanda

3. Edit xinetd.d:

vi /etc/xinetd.d/amanda

disable = no

4. Start xinetd:

service xinetd start

5. Check Amanda service:

lsof | grep Amanda


Back-Up Data

1. Check tapes and clients on server:

su - amanda

/usr/sbin/amcheck intra

2. Dump manually:

/usr/sbin/amdump intra

3. Add amdump to cron:

crontab –e

0 16 * * 1-5 /usr/sbin/amcheck -m intra

45 0 * * 2-6 /usr/sbin/amdump intra

In this part, The first line checks the tape/clients and sends an email if it found something

wrong (no email if everything is okay) at 4pm. The second line dumps at 12.45am on weekdays.

Restore Data

1. Prepare tapes:

cd /tmp

/usr/sbin/amtape intra slot 1 # select slot1 (tape1)

/usr/sbin/ammt -t file:/backup/intra/slots rewind # rewind

2. Restore everything from every server

/usr/sbin/amrestore file:/backup/intra/slots

3. Restore only a server and a directory:

/usr/sbin/amrestore file:/backup/intra/slots beta /var

4. Extract:

tar xvf <Restored files>

Once you have done this, it will now be available for use on our backup server.


5. Conclusions

At the end of these operations, we now have a lot of server machines thanks to

virtualization. We know what ESXI is, how it is set up and how it is used. Likewise, we know

what is on the FTP Server, how it is set up and how to use it.


6. References

[1] Download link for ESXI customizer;


[2] Finding compatible network card;


[3] To download FileZilla


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