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“ God Save Our King, and Heaven Bless the Maple Leaf Forever.”

Vol. I. No. 25. W e l l e s l e y V i l l a g e . On t a r i o . Th u r s d a y , A p r i l 4 t h . 1901. J.W. GREEN, Editor and Prop.

m i

%v. Luth. St. Paul’s Church:—Divine service at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Sunday School from 1JK) to 3 p.m. Catechumen class meets the first three days of each week at 5* a. m. Singing School Wednesday and Sunday even- tugs. Rev. Daniel Lochner, Pastor.

WM. GLAISTER, M. D.. C. M..W ellesley.

/"O L D and Silver Medalist. Late Honse Scu geon Toronto General Hospital.

Office Hours:—s to 10 a. m. l to J p. in. and evenings.

H. HILTS~ * ~ * D e n t i s t , w

Wellesley.W ill be in Millbank every 2nd and

4 th Tuesday.


^ e r c t y a n t ^ a l i o rWELLESLEY.

Ready made i»uits and uleteta to sell off at cost.

Central HotelB A D E N

Every accommodation for the tra­velling public. Tables, parlor and bar supplied with the best.SgfiSSSff F. WITTE, Prep.


L O U I S S H A U B , Prop.Fir.*,t-cla#s Bar, Tables, Parlors and Rooms.

Excellent Farmers* Accommodation%Good Stabling and Attentive hostlers.

GEO. BELLINGERIssuer of Marriage Licenses.

Strictly Confidential.WEIL. LEIS LEV.

$ a n k o f H am iltonCAPITAL (paid up) RESERVE FUND TOTAL ASSETS

$ 1.7fl3,212 1.234.120


Berlin Branch.A general banking business transacted.FARMERS’ notes discounted, and advances

made to feed cattle, etc.Special attention given to collecting SALE

NOTES and money loaned thereon at low rates.

COLLECTIONS made everywhere on favor­able terms.

Money may be sent all over the world very cheaply by bank drafts and bank money or­ders.

Savings Department.

Sams of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed at the best current rates.

Interest compounded twice a year.Deposits may be withdrawn at any time with­

out trouble or delay.While rate of interest may seem small when

compared with that promised by speculators, the income is certain, the security the best and the money can be got when wanted..


April U t, 1S01.There has-been considerable talk

hereabouts V over a recent sand!

J. P. BELL, Agent.

ed with tuberculosis The case came before Magistrate Weir in Waterloo on Saturday last, when it was proved that the animal was af­fected with a chronic trouble, not

Mennonite who is preparing to build j eon*fS*ons 3or f n> e'went to 'a farmer and inspected his “ f nt ™ resf ved‘ U" Saturday to

. , allow the parties a chance to settle,sand-pit with a view o f buying sonic 1 *thirty loads. He promised to fill i Last Thursday evening the young in’ the hole he dug to see the sand P*°Ple of the u - B- church met at in case he did not take any, but the Mr- S- Hei^ ’s to bid farewell to farmer said he need not mind as Mr- D - McKenzie, who has severed others would he buying from. Jhat! his c™nection with the choir of pit anyway. The Mennonite final-; cburcn-ly brought his sand from another! Mr. Robt. McCollum has bought pit nearer home and thought the , Mrs. Spies’ property on Geddes st., matter had dropped, until the other ; «ud will move the old house hack day when he received a lawyer 's ; and erect a fine new brick residence letter billing him with the sand; soon as spring opens, which he did not draw. Our Men- \ Mr. Black, of the W hite Store, nonite friend was considerably as- j spent Sunday with his family at tonished, but as he belongs to a j Palermo. He is having his resi- sect which is opposed to going to j dence here remired and renovated, law, he went and paid the farmer j preparatory to moving his -family for the 30 loads. j here.

The east-and-west roads here- j Mr. John Knnz, son o f Mr. Geo. abouts are fairly clear o f snow, Knnz. left on Tuesday for Ripley,



but the cross roads are in a miser­able condition at present.

Mr. Dan. Wagler, of Nithburg © j neighborhood, lost four Shropshire (H j ewes last week. They were graz- H': ing on an island in the Nith and it Ml is thought they were carried away

where he*~EH5 a situation with Campbell & Grant, well drillers.

Mr. Robt. Puckering, o f Caledon, and Miss Lightheart, of Mnlmer township, are visiting at Mr. Jas. Hall’s. .

Mr. Robt. More is spending Eas-

HOTELTT ff-V irw ..............

in the flood. A fine Leicester buck, j ter holidays with his parents here, belonging te Mr. Wm. Hart was j Mr Irvine Hallman has put up pasturing with these ewes and was a Woodstock 1Knver windmill. Last

j also drowned.

JOHN MAYER,W ellesley Stage.

Leavn* Wellesley for Baden every morning at 7 o'clock, returning immediately oftar the arrival of the Toronto Express.

Passengers and Express Parcels carried. j Messages carefully delivered. Baggage and j all kinds of freight handled with promptness ; and at reasonable rates. Graying done. ;






Large Sample Rooms,

Excellent Stabling,

Choicest Wines, Liquors, etc.

Best accommodation for Commercial Travel­

lers and .Far mers. Good hostlers.

C. F. OttmannW E L L E SL E Y.

Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of single and double harness, whips, combs, brushes, robes, blankets, bells, etc.

Sole agent for the celebrated Pneumatic Collar^ for the Township of Wellesley.

Special attention paid to the manufact ure of collars;

Repairing promptly attended to.

Wellesley PlaningAND


Sawing and Planing done to order.First-class Dumber always on hand.

Mash and Door* Furnished to order.

F U R N I T U R EA Fin* Stock of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed

Room, Hall, and Kitchen Furnitur* at Lowest Frioes.

undertakingLarge supply of undertaking goods on hand

AUo (uikiibhtaiie where rea aired.


% ITTEI) throughout on the moat modern plan and well lighted ami heated in every room.


i Every accommodation for the

Good Stabling and Hostlers.

m m s

J^arrg K e lte r b o r n ’sMeat Market


O u r m e a t sare properly fattened and . possess a flavor soman ess only found 4j est.

and killed, and tooth-

the choic-

Highest Cash Price paid for hides.

Fat young cattle, etc. wanted.


On account o f recent dissolu­tion o f pay tnership and conse­quent stock taking, I am en­abled to place on my tables some lines o f L A D I E S ' O X - E O R D S at Great Bargains. Lines that sold at $1,35 to $1.75,


Wellesley. April 1st. IDOLJohnnie Kaufmunn is on the sick

list. He is under the carpi o f Dr. Glaister.

Mrs. Henry Kelly had an attack of measles recently.

Mr. Fred Bivour purchased a fine team of horses for his milk route, from Mr. Bishop of Hamburg. The price was $220. „

The hum of the threshing ma­chine was heard for the last time this season an Saturday, 23rd ult.

Miss McLeod, of Wellesley vil­lage, spent a few days last week with Miss Jenny Hostettler.

Mr. Colin Campbell took out tim­ber for a straw shed last week.

It is reported that Mr. Adam Ber­let is too leave the fifth line for North Easth»iK3.


April 1st, 1901.W ood cutting is the order o f the

.day- *Mr, Wm. Weir has enlarged his

farm by purchasing 50 acres from his brother, James.

Mr. Frank Martin’s eldest hoy is very ill, but the doctors have hopes

j o f his recovery.

summer he had cement flooring and new stalls put in all his stables and now, with this latest addition, he has one of the best equipped build­ings in the county.

On Sunday last the different Sun­day schools o f the village met in the Presbyterian church for quar-

j terly review. Next review will be (held in the U. B. church.

Mr. Robert. McCollum, with his helpers, Messrs. Snyder, McKenzie and Collins, started for Huron Co. last Friday, where they will begin their season’s work drilling wells.

Mr. Ezra Schelly, brother o f Mr. J. C. Schelly, left for Burns on Saturday to work on the farm of Mr. Thos. Grey.

Our blacksmiths, Messrs. Reist and Fietseh spent Saturday in the Twin City,

j Mr, M. Meyer purchased a fine carriage h ^ h e Twin City on Satur-

hfcty.'I Messrs. A. Peterson, J. Bricker |.and M. T. Bechtel were witnesses I on the Moyer v». Dentinger law­suit on Saturday.


April 1st, 1801.Mr. L. Schneider’s sale on Mon­

day last was well attended, taking into consideration the; roads and weather. He was well pleased -with

in Bamberg on Saturday.Quite a number of our young

people are leaving our burg. Mr. Joseph Schneider left for Northn - ct. T'j.T. c.ro-p- yt- Er.—ono'Gatschene left for Waterloo on Wednesday where he will work as apprentice for butcher Doering. The farewell for these two young men was held at Mr. Louis Gats- chene’s. The young ladies fur­nished the lunch, and all reported having had a good time. Mr. An­drew Gatschene left for New Ham­burg on Monday, where he is work­ing for Mr. Schneider. Miss Mary Lorentz will also leave for Buffalo in a few weeks. We are sorry to see tlierii all go, as it will be very quiet here then.

The attendance at school is rather low, as many are sick with the measles. All the pupils of onr school have been successful at the recent promotion examination. The following is a copy of the re­port sent in to the Inspector:

Jr . I l l to Sr . I ll Rosa Ellert, Otto Lorentz, Leo Gatschene, Solomon Moyer, M.Steinmann. Sr.H to Jr .HI Eda Wagner. Jr. H to Sr . n Emma Mayer, Anton Ellert, Mary Gat- chene, Joseph Salm, George Ellert.

The Methodists here spent a very j the sales, which amounted to $2,200. pleasant evening on Friday last at -.-The farm remains unsold, and if he the home of Mr. Niehlon.

Messrs. A. and R . Smith have ; purchased a valuable hound from a northern hunter, with which they intend to make the foxes and rab­bits scarce.

Miss Maggie Hammond, fifth line, Wellesley, is spending a few days in this vicinity.

Mr. James W eir’s baby, who hasnow only 50c. and.......... ,75c been ill for two weeks, is slowly re-

Some children’s shoes a t . . . .» . . . 25c ' covering.Some men’s fine shoes a t ......... $1.00j” The road8 are aImost spoilod by

I have also received a large stock j the recent, rains, but it does not of Spring Sboes, such as LADIES’ I prevent some of onr young men OXFORDS, black and chocolate;! going over to Stratford.BUTTON and LACE BOOTS ; andMEN’S FINE SHOES of all kinds at the CLOSEST PR ICE; also the W ILLIAM S P A T E N T S H O E S , which I will sell at a fair price.

Come and see my stock.



April 1st, 1WT.An action was brought in the

police court by Philip Moyer of St. Jacobs against Peter Dentinger of this place. In February last" Mr. Dentinger traded a cow to Mr. Moy- er which was supposed to be affect

can’t sell it lie intends to lease it.The Enumeration was a success

this year. Mr. L. Schwartz, the postmaster, says there never was a better one. v

Mr. Frank Stoeser, the tailor, was to Berlin on Wednesday on a busi­ness jfcrip. He is very busy, and has recently employed an assistant.

Miss B. Schwartz visited her Ba­rents on Sunday last.

The Misses Lovina and Agatha Schneider from Berlin were home j for their father’s sale, but left i Monday night.

Miss Victoria Ellert from Preston is visiting under the parental roof j for a few weeks, after which she j will return to Preston.

Miss Mary Ann Lenhard from J Wellesley visited one o f her old friends, Mrs. Henry Stoeser, on Friday.

Miss Kate Lenhard, Miss Lorentz, and Miss Gatschene visited friends


April 1st. KXrt.Mrs. Gill and daughter Mabel, o f

Arden, Man;1, are at present visit­ing friends in and around Lin w ood. Mrs. Gill is a sister of R. J. Kerr.

Miss Minnie Cathcart has return­ed to the village and commenced her duties as milliner in Mr. R. Y. Fish’s store.

Mrs. Musselman and daughter Helen have returned from their vis­it to Milverton.

We are pleased to be able to re­port that Mr. Henry Hilker is again able to appear on the streets.

We understand that Dr. and Mrs. McEachern purjiose leaving ».f or Chicago this week, where the D r. expects to spend some weeks in study. They w ill visit the Pan- American exhibition before return­ing- '

Yesterday was an unusually in­teresting day for the SundaySchool Children, a union review taking place in the Methodist Church. Those who took part were Mr. A. Boomer, Miss Crowe and Rev. H. Monsinger.

On Saturday the directors o f the cheese factory met and arranged all business necessary for the opening o f the season. Mr. W. J. Beggs was elected president and was also ' appointed salesman and treasurer. Mr. A. Lyttle was appointed secre­tary. The directors o f the factory are: W . J. Beggs, David Patter­son, W m . Burnett, Geo. Wray. jr.

|and Alex. Rennie. Mr. Parr, the | cbeesemaker, is now rearranging | many things about the factory and ; no doubt it will soon present a bus- 1 iness-like aspect,


. A pril Ynd, 1901.No water yet.Mr. Foster Phair has rented his

farm to Mr Joseph Clark for a term of three years. Mr. Phair pur­poses-travelling for the benefit o f his health.

Mr. Koehler has engaged a new blacksmith, Mr. Stacker, from Pal­merston,.

Miss Helen Playford lias returned from Lebanon, where she was vis­iting her brother.

Mrs. Ferris is moving into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Wm. Manser.

Miss Lake has returned home to Galt.

There will be service in the Eng- CO NTIN LED ON LOCAL P AG E ,

The Criterion ! !PRINTS f! p r in t s mPRINTS!question of the over-whelming

majority it would receive. The saving in the weight of stock, and in the prices obtained for grain alone would bring hack to the farmers of this section the amount of the necessary boons nearly every j year. It is hard to see how this 1 rich and populous section has s o ! long remained without, the great j advantages that a railway would! give. Farming and all branches o f j



Monthly Magazine of the Kind Published.


Office: — Next North of Reiner's Factory, in the Village of

* Wellesley.

Subscription $1.00 a year in ad­vance. Otherwise $1.25. Will have a Special Sale of

Carpets, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Wall Paper,this week.

Call and see our new stock of Colored Silks for Lad.es’ Waists,

from 25c. per yd, up.

Its pages are filled by a'brilliant ar- .ray of writers and artists. Its author* itutive and independent reviews of Books. Plays, Music and Art_. its cler ver stories. Strong special artiele**Jiu« mor and verse, with fine illustrations, make it a necessity? in every intelli* gent home. The very low subscription price—?l.no per year -puts it within the reach of all. Reliable agents wanted in every town. Extraordinary inducements. Write for particulars.


money making are being reduced to such a fine science, however, that the leakage between the producer and his Market is too serious a \ question to lie longer overlooked.j Whether the farmers of this sec- j tion will be able legally to join in ' the undertaking, or whether Wei-1 losley village will bo compelled toj

! undertake the task alone, remains ! to be seen, but that active measures are on the eve of being taken, is becoming ]Mitent to all. The energy shown in electric railway matters

turning the eyes of this section towards Berlin and

-------- —ADVERTISING RATES -------------One Six Throe.

Year. Month*.Month.One Column... .—___ $&) &S7 $15ITaliCbTiimn.... . . . . :ST .15 i*

8XiRtr.nr rolmnn....... 15 9 5ne*Eighth C<»lumn. 9 5 5

Prof< ssionai Card ;T in.) 4

Business Locals five cents per line each inser tion.

AU changes of copy for advertisements must be in the office not later than Monday noon. Estray advertisements > I for three insertions.

Legal Notes < measured Nonpareil; Sets, per i line for first insert ionr4e. per line for each subsequentinsertion. j

Call and see our New Spring Stock of Men’s Hats, such us Black and Brown Stiffs. All col­ors in Fedoras, from 50c. to $2 25. j

A Trial Subscription will Prove it.

WRITE TODAY for #amplo copy.General Merchant, ;


Criterion Publication Co.4« East 2ist Street,



Tliere arc prospects that both tlx*.Dominion and Ontario parliaments j ' n county is will soon lie prorogued. Consider­able work has been done in each j hopefully.House while the speeches have been marked by terse crispness and an ^ le Binder 1 agreeable briefness which comes as j were t ',e subjeci a relief after the long-winded ad-j 'vortU>d article in dresses of previous sessions. This j ^le Goderich Sigi is more particularly noticeable in l)uIK?r i*us axes* t< the Dominion House, which will I of tllcs<: companies, we are not in a amply make up for its present lK>s*t*on to suy. If sufficient argu- brevity when the gerrymander b ill! ,nents cannot he brought up to comes before the next session. !mee* statements put forth by

. t * i the Signal, then it is time for pros-In the Ontario Legislature no pective stockholders in these corn-

alteration was made in the voting l)unies to beware. The following law whicli ]a*rmit* cities and county J questions are suggested by the Sig- towns to register while all the rest ina* s article: If stockholders in the of the electors vote on a list which j companies are satisfied with the may be nearly two years old, and it I ProsPccts, why are the companies is now quite apparent that the next j hunting UP ,"*'v buyers? With raw general election for Ontario* will be jsis)l1 aa<* Maniia hemp at 2?^c and

SPRING TRADEHas opened and our stock is complete, so don’t forget to call on


and CLEVELANDS.The Tailor.70 pounds Prunes will be sold this week at 4 cents a pound.His prices are right.

Satisfaction guarantied.Try him before buying elsewhere.

t m mC. D. KCEHLER,

Merchant Tailor,Wellesley.

60 pounds 10 cent FINAN HADDIE8 will be sold at 5 cents.

The real, genuine and only orig­inal Aguinaldo has at last been cap­tured and our American neighors now think they “ see the finish of the Ptillipine” insurgents. Let us hope so, for surely the freedom which exists under the stars and stripes is preferable to the worse than chaos which has so long pre­vailed in those unhappy islands,




The LondonFree Press


Berlin and Waterloo.

OFFICE, over Telephone Office, Berlin. Residence, Waterloo. Merchant

Now that the snow is going the pathmasters are beginning to lay ont their plans for the summer work. Since the townships of this section are evidently to remain under the statute labor system for the present, a unity of system in doing the roadwork should lie ob­tained as fur as possible. To this end we suggest that each township j hold a pathmasters’ convention for the purposo of getting and giving opinions and of forming plans tomake the work more systematic j thereon. 1 • ”and uniform. There would be but j 4-lb. packages, and a slight expense incurred and the | ^ lan ~5c- tor 2 lbs. nor councils Should willingly bear them. A>r lbs. At $12 per 1

, tlie most economicalThe day has come in roadmakmg 80]^when the condition of an individ- j Persons ;ual beat is of less importance than j preparations made bythe general condition of all the j Cb*0 ”roads. In older times it depended j CUIL.TY upon the pathmaster whether the j to criminaY farmers of that road heat obtained j beware, an outlet at all or n o t ; hut now j that condition has been overcome j and the question has become one of I improving the comparatively good roads which now happily are to he found everywhere.

A Progressive and

Guard Against Fraud ’

ESSENTIALLY A NEWSPAFER__Thiel FreePress is now in its fifty-first year. It is es- sentiHlIy a newspaper for the home circle. v\ hue distinguished for enterprise, care has Seen taken from the beginning of its eareer to admit nothing to Us columns that would offend the moral sense of self-respecting

THE MARK ET REPORTS—Are full and UI>to- ‘late, containing aU the latest Canadian American and English live stock and grain markets, with the most up-to-date news. •

VETERINARY COLUMN.-A new and special mature, conducted by J. E. Hodgins, V. S. Honor Graduate O. V. C. Articles appearevery Saturday dealing with all classes o f veterinary Science; also questions and an-

! »wers dally relative to all diseases o f ani­mals, 4c. Contains valuable home inatruc-

t ;on jot the faun er and atock ow*ie.r.

FOREIGN.NEWS—A complete history of the doings all over the known world in the lat­est and updo-date despatches.

Deuler in Staple and Fancy

W ellesley,

Has his shelves filled with the most elegant lines o f Winter Suitings in a ll the Up-lo- Date Patterns. The very best methods are used in cut­ting and fitting , and every artiele that goes out o f my shop is guaranteed.

GEUMhas led a great niany to commit a SERIOUS CRIME, for HERBAGE UM is a registered pre­paration, and every package has the registered word,

“HERBAGEUM”It is sold only in 2-lb.and

never at less less than 50c 00 lbs. it is preparation

representing as Herba- ’ — — by any

i that THE BEAVER - , OF GALT, ONT are

GUILTY OF FORGERY and liable prosecution. Therefore

THE BEAVER M’F’G CO. Galt, Ontario, Can,,

> Sole ManufacturersJ. N. ZINKANN, .

Agent at Wellesley, Out.



My Liquor Storef* well stocked with the Choicest Brands

A'ines and Liquors of all kinds.


as the Lowest.My WORK is as Good

as the Best.


Capital Authorized - - | j (Subscribed - . . ,Paid Up ^Reserve Fund - - . j

A General Banking Business Done.

. - — o.oicssionaisports; base-ball, cricket, ~

lacrosse golf, bowling, football, hockey,

t n a t n X . T" mt' trotti“ * <‘nd r“ *'Jyn.ITICS.-ln poUtics it i»« Conservative

from t <]0n®frvat“ m never prevented it from doing justice to or upholding men of both part.es who do right. It is the organ

1 ,th“ biopte, irrespective of party, and make, the public weu-bein, its first consi-

Three Papers In One.

We know of no better way of finding out the needs of a township in road mat­ters, or of getting the opinion of other comi>etent roadmakers, than to meet together for a day’s general discussion of the question. The acquaintance thus formed, the per­sonal friendships engendered and the mutual information obtained would he of immense benefit to the townships, and especially to the hardworking and much abused pathmasters.

Eight pages of stunmarfiid claksifiotj n#ws.

Eight pages of practical agri- cultural and live stock articles.

Eight pages of interesting fiction and magazine fea­tures.

T r ad e M a r k s_ Designs

. r f J T v C opyrights A c.

3 « E h S S r »

Weekly Mail3 Sections.

S t.oo P er Year.Balance of MOO free with subscription

for M01.

Thb Maple Leap and Weekly Mail and Em- pire, -.balance of thin year free *1.70.

wiiuuut. cnartre. m the

Scientific American.i handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest eti ultttitm of any ndentlfle journal, Term* 15

Reasonable Prices.JO H N HILL,


There is no cessation in the talk of railway connection for Wellesley. If sections of North Easthope, Wil-

Job Printin

gp§~Sale Bills gji Concert Posters



Cards, Circulars or any­thing in the line

of Printing.5fe Si| Calender for April. |% <& t& S M T W T F S &

I1 2 3 4 5 6 g- ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 §g FirotQr. 2«h. u 15 16 17 18 19 20 §

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 g 28 29 30 S



ERRATA.On this page,


Union Sunday school nest Sun­day at 10.30 a. m.

The Wellesley roller mill is en­gaged on a large order for flour for a London, Eng., firm.

Mrs. Alex. McLeod entertained a number o f her young friends at a party on Tuesday evening.

If you have a horse to sell, or seed grain to sell or exchange, briDg it to the Wellesley Spring Show—next Tuesday, April 10th.

Good Friday services at the Canadian Synod Lutheran church tomorrow evening. Rev. Holm will administer the sacrament o f the Lord’s supper.

When you want a first-class smoke ask for a “ G and B " cigar. It ’s one of the most enjoyable and easy smokers on the market. They all sell it. K n a p p B r o s ., Berlin.

The harboring business has under­gone a change in Wellesley during the past week. Mr. Julius Eck­stein, who has l>een employed by Mr. Harry Ratz for some time past, has opened a shop next the post o f­fice, and Mr. John Albrecht has re­turned from Toronto to take charge o f Mr. Ratz’ harboring department ut the old stand.

Tho Missouri Synod Luthern church was crowded to the doors last Sunday, when eight girls were confirmed, Rev. Mr. Lochner preach­ing u powerful sermon on the occa­

s ion . The church was tastefully I decorated and the choir rendered splendid music appropriate to the 1 occasion. There will be special

r e a d sorvices *n this church on Friday evening,

We had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitalities of the famous new i

(Continued from First page.)

CROSHHILL. lish Church on Good Friday after­noon.

Miss Lavina Phair is managing

and places of business. At the present time every place that can be used even temporarily as a dwel­ling is occupied and many people have been disappointed in gettinj


the telegraph business for Mr. J .T . !a Every business stand alsoW ilford for a few days. j has its tenant and sof ar as increase

The principal business at Mon- °? P o t i o n and Tack of business day’s council meeting was trying placed/ 1? concerned the village to remodel one of our school s e J * ° “ <lulte a flourishingtion boundaries. j couuition.-feun.

Messrs. Jac. McKee and McClel­lan, of Millbank, were in town on Monday trying to purchase ‘Jenny,’Mr. J. T. W ilford's fine roadster

elected Mr. I. Snyder trustee in the place o f Mr. Frey who has moved to Waterloo.


n-law at 8 t. Jacobs the other day.Mr. Jacob Poors ter, sr., moved

from his old homestead to live with his son-in-law, Mr. John Rank,

Wednesday. April 3rd. 1901.To-day’s quotations a re :

W heat............................. ' 61 62cOats.......................... .......

i Bariev................. 36<*Peas f ............................. 62c

Other product are bought atthese prices:Butter, V lb ................. . . . 14cEggs, doz....................I^ird V l b ...................... . . . 11cTallow, (rendered( <9 lb .. 5c

j Dried appl<« |K>und. .. ,4cJ

FARM FOR SALE,;! The undersigned offer# for sale hi* farm |j property, being Lot 7, Fifth c<>nce8*ion. Wel-j lettley. Tbe farm contains 100 acres of land.has frame bouse*new barjii 7»*l>y 5* feet; run-


ning iipring water, good orchard, etc. Terre

ADAM BERLET.Wellesley.

Notic9 to Creditors.; Is THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF

C h r i s t i a n K o c h , d e c e a s e d .

10, Tuesday night of lust week. It is! this letter down for want o f spuce. in n lana , , certainly on e o f the finest hotels in J Balance next week.—Ed.]m P l a c e O t inesday, the province and is a credit to that) M. George Wettlaufer c u * _ v

10, in items re- prosperous and rapidly growing j while chopping in the bushA p n l lating Spring Show.

near St. Clements.The sale of Mr. Angust Tnro was Apply to

well attended und everything went at a fair price. Mr. Turo intends to move to Heidelburg on Tuesday.

Mr. Henry Schlegel will take p o -, session o f theTuftTfarm this week.

Mr. Antony Starr, of the Market I Hotel, Waterloo, visited his family . in town on Sunday. j $ £

Mr. Wm. Mosser was in town o n : Z ^ dT V 'J U V m.L lbusiness one day last week. ; ( ly*r>«1 " >ihoim. H«mp»u» i P o.. ex«-n-

j tor of tho estate of the said deceased. their . . . ■ . -. - i j names in full with their addresses and des- i

V T T U U I 'P i l ; < riptioi»H, full particulars of their claims and j1X115U XVvj. j statement of the securities • if nny> held by

( them : and that, uffer the said 1st day of May -idexecutor will proceed to distribute | sets of the said estate among the par-1

•ntitled thereto, having regard only to j hums of which he shall then have re- i d notice, and will not be liable for the

. „— assets to any person of whose claim heM. George Wettlaufer cut his foot hhu11 not thvn hav«g£

99 Zilliax House while in Elmira o n ' [We have been compelled to cut I ljj£ a!

lating to the W ellesley ^ tgneH At the breakfttSt ttthleHARLES WILHELM,

Executor. Dated at Hampstead, Sftfb March, tt<l.

That Please





G R E E N & CO S----- ART STUDIO------


Save MoneyYou can save money an every purchase at the

C H I N A H A L L .

Everything in dishes.glassware, lamps silverware, knives, forks and spoons.

You can save money by buying your kitchen supplies in tha basement at the China Hall.


STRATFORD, OntFire doors ea.t of the o»t Office.

dent.The sale at Mr. Miller’s on Sat­

urday drew out a large crowd and the stock, etc., sold brough t good prices.

You are always sure o f a good smoke when you take a ‘ Knapp” cigar. It is pure goods and delici­ous flavor, and yon can buy it at all first-class houses. K n a p p B r o s ., Berlin.

Mr. Chas. Mohr, of Tavistock, spent Sunday in town. On Mon­day ho took the traijj from Baden for north Ontario whiSfe he intends to work as fireman in a large saw mill during the coming summer.

F a r m T r a n s f e r s .—Mr. A. Strei­cher has sold the Campbell farm to J. K. Hammond at an advance ol $100 on what he paid ; Mr. Ham­mond hgs sold his farm to Noah Leis for $5600 ; the old Miller home­stead has been sold to a son, Mr. Chas. Miller, und Mr. Streicher is negotiating for Mr. Miller’s other farm.

Mr. Chas. Zachmann has pur­chased the fine imported Clyde stallion “ Gay Lord” from Mr. Bush, Sebringville, and brought him home to Wellesley on Tuesday. This horse has travelled for nine seasons on the one route in South Perth with gre.vt, success. Quite a number have already admired this stallion since his arrival at Mr.

next morning we were informed by several commercial travellers that the Zilliax is considered the best dollar-a-day house west of Toronto.

NEW BOOKS.The following new hook* have l>«eu placed

on the shelve* of the VV*H*»ley Public Li- beery :Labor and Sorrow. Little.S Z TimfefaMii&u ... I ...

Light oi all Scripture. McGee.

the other day.Teacher Robertson, of Ratzburg, I

hrs sold his Hampstead property t o !Mr. H. Schmidt for $400. | &

Our mill had to shut down for a j ^ day or two last week on account o f ;

T cachings of -Jesus. Horton.- • ’ Watson.P P L , J t f & i r

Life and Teachings of Cnrist. Farrar.Romance of Colonization {4 vols). G. Bar

rett-^mith.Trinity Beils. Amelia Burr.Th« Aioimon .Prophet. Doug&U.Toni, Dick and Harry. Reed.Babs the Impossible. Sarah Grand.Relief of Ladysmith. Atkins.Crown of Life. Hissing.Wreck of the Chancellor. Verne.Young Mistiey. Merriman.By Bonnen Banks. Rhine.The Grey Man. Crockett,A Frontier Campaign. Elliott Lockhart. Story of the Empire series, (7 vols;.A New Way around an Old World, llev. F. E.

Clark.Zorra Boys at Homeand Abroad. McKay. Anglo-Israel. Fooi.e.Lunatic at Large. (Huston.Kiss and Be Friends. .Julie P. Smith*Enoch Willoughby. Wickersham. a First Fleet family. Jeffery.Steum Navigatioiv. Croil •The Unknown. Flu mar ion.The t-eniimentalists. Pier.Aieph the Chaldean, Burr The Riddle ot the Universe. Haeckel Tales from English History for Young Peo­

ple. Agnes Strickland.China Men at Home, bwlby The Dictator. Justin McCarthy.The Visor of the Two-Horned Alexander.

StocktonPhe Purple Robe. Hocking The Lieut.rG<jvt-rT*ors, from 1702 to 1**9. Read A Woman, of Yesterday. Caroline Mason A Fair Norwegian- Stewart My Friend ^m dh. Rood listers of To w .»od. May Agnes Fleming

xThe Associate Hermit. Frost- Private Life of Edward VIJ.Mrs. Hallam s Companion. Mary J Holmes What a Man of Forty-Five Ought to Know.

StallBobbin McDuff. Ross Nulma. CampbeU-Fraed The Mighty Atom. Marie Corelli The Herb-Moon. Hobbes a trosted. Stuart The King of Ada man. Cobban Wealth AgaixistCommonwealth* Lloyd One Way Rout)'1 the World. Sneetser Pnjiip winwpr d* Stephens lhe Path of a Star. Cotes Cnki«t,Unkiml. Hunt Art of Prolonging Life. Hufeland The Cardinal '» Rose. Su tplien -Strickland’r Modern History Eleanor. Airs. Humphrey Ward The Road to Paris. Stephens The Destroye*. Swift Daisy Thornton. Holmes .Sprays of Ndr.th.ern Pine. McKenzie By A> tv erae \Vinds. Sineaton The .Grasshoppers. Dean A Roundhead Cavalier. Dix Art of Public Speaking Towards Pretoria. Ralph Empress Ootavia. Walloth Our Manifold Nature. Grand A Writer of Books*. Pas to;

tho flood.

Zachmann’s barn. _ ____Mr. Christ. Kennel, of this vill- j

age had the misfortune to Ase H | horse last week. On Saturday | morning it was unable to rise and , Xl;« “ an examination showed that one o f Comedy of spasms, iota Its hind legs was broken, It is not j Sir Sanford Haffies. Eggerton known how the accident could have j Fau'.w^rttveHer*!'’ Traverse happened as it had been carefully cared for and tied and no other beast could get near to cause the damage. The animal had to be shot.

Deijo uue ed, Bu r to n Lus t of Hate. Booth by Knight of the Golden Oh am, Chet wood Reiuvination Mi#* Semaphore. God fry A Very Rough Ihmaoml. Warden Kingdom buffalo. Gallon Picture of Lae Crnce#, Reed Path of a Star. Coates Millionaire#. Moore

A n excellent news-letter from i A Amulree arrived too late for inser- j tion this week.

The death of Mrs. Lucinda A lii- , son (mother of the editor of the j Muple Leaf) at Arthur last week at. A 3 the age o f 78 years, removes one oi j Waterloo township’s early pioneers.; -55 She was a daughter of John Shupe, | who lived for sixty years on the j ->-3 old homestead just up the grand river from Freeport and who died in i860. Her grand father, Adam Shupe, came from Pennsylvamia with the first settlers, in about 180t>, and his was the first burial in Berlin. Through her father’s mi­ni erous brothers she was connected with many of the old families who j came from Penvsylvania and whose J *5 descendants are still numerous and prosperous in Waterloo, many of them being personally acquainted with her. In 1841 she was, married to Wheeler Green(brother o f Jonah Green, who still lives, hale and hearty, 85 years old, just north of Preston), Twenty years after her husband’s death she was again mar­ried to A. B. Allison who died at Gorrie last spring. Her other children are Wm. Green, at Harvey,111.; Isaiah Green, at Arthur, and Mrs. George Green, at Wingliam.

Burnham, the confidence man under arrest in Stratford for swind­ling Hon. Thos. Ball" ntyne also victimized Ma jor Beattie of Lon­don, and a gentleman in Bowman- ville. He will likely be held on these charges as well.

There is fear in Woodstock yet that the dynamite lying around the station yard may do injury to some one. It is in such small pieces that it cannot be all picked up. An ex­press train coming in the other evening caused an explosion but no harm was done.

Although more or less building goes on in Milverton from year to there is still a dearth of dwellings

Get your HORSES in condi- £ tion for spring work by feed- U ing them p.


CONDITION POWDER. pFor purifying the blood and increasing the

appetite in horses, cattle, hogs, etc., 'Q. it has no equal. 25 cents for one- |s- half pound package. ^

For sale only at is*-THE DRUG STORE. ||

Wellesley, Ont. p


I w&££ papen |jjj To hand this week, at 5. cents a roll and upwards.M Also a full supply o f (sA

i-n school books and stationery. yb

W e are now open to buy large quantities of(DSET ONIONS,§)

for which we are paying highest market price.

Clover and Timothy Seed in stock.

J. N. ZINKANNGeneral Merchant




Liout-Col. Steele will be super-' m anunated on an allowance of $600 I>er annum. ^

Agninaldo, the leader o f the Phil- ^ ippine rebellion, has been captured ^ by the Americans.

The Dominion Parliament will adjourn from the 4th to the 9th ! ^ o f April, over the Easter holidays. ^

Turf Association .hav.e decided to.

SPRNIG HOUSE-CLEANING SEASONNova Scotia, died on Thursday evening last.

A Galt-woman named Cowan was discovered in her home, evidently murdered, a week ago Friday. The ease is in the hands of the detec­tives, but there is no clue so far.

Traffic on the C. P. R. from Ar­thur to Teeswater was suspended for throe weeks in March by snow. There were drifts in some places

approaches, various requirements will manifest themselves to every housekeeper, and to meet this want and demand we have purchased an exceptionally select stock of

Carpets, Oilcloths, Lace Curtains,Art Muslins and Scrims, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, etc., etc.

You will find a Good Selection and Prices Moderate. Call and examine ere purchasing elsewhere.

W e desire to thank the ladies of Wellesley and vicinity for the unpreceden­ted success o f our


Accorded us through their kind attendance, and we are now in a position to TAKE and EXECUTE ORDERS on Short Notice, for Easter and Spring Millinery, at Moderate Prices.

John Lindsay, a prominent far­mer of Houthwold, whose son Ches­ter died of consumption u few days ago, committed suieidp this morn­ing by hanging himself in liis bum. Deceased was one of the wealthiest and best-known residents of the dis­trict.

Mr. John Hyslop, o f South East hope, has patents for a turnip top­per, puller and louder, and a corn ; cutter. The latter not only cuts the corn, but loads it onto the wag­gon. He is now taking steps to form a joint stock company to start a foundry in Tavistock, to build i these special machines and to pjake plows, barrows and turnipfphlpers.

On Tuesday, the 19th Inst,, the home of Mr. and Mrs. D, 8. Shantz, Wilmot, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Miss Maggie Spill, o f St. Catharines, was united in murriuge to Mr. John Sherk, o f j New Hamburg. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. David S. Shantz, in the presence of only a few rela­tives and most intimate friends o f | the contracting parties.

Stratford Herald.—There is a sad sequel to the story of the young lad. Joseph Dean, who tried to kill himself on Friday night with a ra-1 zor and succeeded in badly gashing i his throat. His father, Mr. George : Dean, laid an information against j him at the Police Court charging I him with attempting the life of the j baby of the house. It seems that young Dean, since his attempt to


Owning Big Horn Mountain Tunnel and Vonctu Vein. 200 acres situa­ted on the Western Slope of Pike's Peak, in the famous Cripple Creels Gold Mining District.

THE SAFEST OFFER EVER MADE TO INVESTORS./ 00,000 Shares Preferred Stock at 2$c. per Share.

It is printer! on eneb C ertificate that subscribers to t»tk*d to receive in Dividends tiit* lull umonnt o f moj receive any re turn's,' s ill ied by the ib-teddeut o f the r


This property consists of SOOO by or^oo acres, of fiolti Ittiworked. The feature ofthis mine is the V< neta Vein. >v> to lu leet in one of the stn u>g«*Nt veins ili t liis fanrmii.s <! 1st riot. There are some i ivem, the ore froiir which assays in gold; Iroin -I.* to per ton. ta^reouaiy iucatuil for ileveioionear j.y tumid,, which will make it pc moub u mount of ore d«Uy, the tity varying lrom^X) to Tskj tons nVehf tunneling is the hu sfc .ecohohiutal ami advantageous m«miperry.

At a distance o f Hodfeef. theT^N N T’.L w ill intersect the Veneta Vei feet, ami will also in tersect several other veins. The TUNNEL will e

he above Preferred Shares y invested* before osher S1 m pipy.

P rin ts a ll the Local News.

Reaches the best homes,

id. The mine lias been width, and is certainly ift» i*n openings on this 'f lic property is advnn- >*»$.!»)«: to produce cnor- * per day. The develop­er of working this pro-

ii: a t a dept h of a 1 K*ui Ofty

the best advertising medium in -this section.*nt to treat the output of this

\vd to kill it. The poor boy is ovi- dV^dly out of his mind, and will liketjvhe sent to a suitable place of incarceration, where he will no longer be a menace to himself and his family.

Experiments with fast flying electric trains between Berlin and Hamburg, Germany have demon­strated that a speed of at least 125 miles an hour can be attained with­out difficulty. Consul-General Guenther at Frankfort, in a report on this subject, says that the high rate of speed has placed surface crossings out of the question. The outcome of the experiments is to be a line 156 miles in length, from a point adjoining the city of Berlin to a station just outside of Hamburg, its estimated cost is $33,000,000.

Ernest Curtis, a farmer, aged about 30 years, residing in the town­ship of Madoc, committed suicide oa Wednesday evening, March 27. j He went to town and paid bis out- j standing accounts, and then pur- j chased a small vile of strychnine, which he exhibited to one of his friends while in the town, remark­ing that this would end all. It is evident that be took the dose after retiring, as he was found dead in his l>ed this morning. About a month ago his wife died. He told

| Clubs with the j Leading Canadian Journals.

The Aristos Gold Mining Co.41LCooper Building, Denver, Colo, JO B W O RK .


his friends that it would not be long till be would bo in the’church­yard with her. They had no fam­ily-

Remarkable to relate, wood can 1)0 utilized for soft, flowing gowns. Wood pulp silk lias been long a staple industry in the 8t. Etienne district o f France. By a secret chemical process, the pulp, is reduced to a sirnpy condition. It is then forced into tubes full of tiny holes, through which it emerges in the from of fine silk threads. These are speedily dried by being passed through a hot atmosphere and are forthwith wound onto bob­bins, ready to be woven into silk. The appearance of this unique pro­duct is said to be so natural that even experts have mistaken it for the genuine article. -It is, of course, infinitely cheaper.

F. Berdux & Son,LISBON

Brick and TileYARDS.

DOES YOUR SAW SAW ? If not, take it to

ZEHR’Sand be will make it saw the

best you ever saw.


WHITE BRICK, Wire Cat Brick and block Bn ok, on band.

I manufacture FIRST CLASS FIRE BRICK equal to any Are brick made on the continent!

^ U o a .p e c ia lC IR C L E D BRICK for uee in

.S t e ot " ’rrOmni“0kOrder* promptly filled.

Chopping always promptlydon e .""—-

Coopering and coopering re­pairs to order.

JOHN S. ZEHR,Wellesley.

Weismiller’s old stand.


Also Hide* and Skin# Bought.

top related