
Post on 05-Dec-2015






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•· A:


I• 'Chamberlain New· Britain, Co~. iti;ley :Boston,: }lass. .kennard Rwnford, Maine

Springfield, Vt. E. Walpol,e,Maas. Worcester, Maiss.

ProVidenee, R.I. BOston, Mas~. · Concord,

X-506:J 270


v.P., ca.&h., New :Britain Hat'l Bk 19ar:t Pres. Merchantt~ :lat 11 Jadt 1929 V.P.& Cashier Rumford at 11 Bank l9aQ

Pres. !be: John .T. Slack Corp'n Pres. :Bird & Son, Inc. · · .. President, !he Washburn Compai~Y

Public Utilities


1928 1929 l.9SO·

1928 1929 19ZO

-•on IE• ReynoldS ... B. Trema.n

New York, N. Y. Pres. First llat'l !ari1l:: ,192e

l)JI,Juer ~e

QMaB:, ''.' .

.. H., Woodin ~dote' F. Whitmarsh $11tN81· I. Reyburn

o •• 0:

It~a. N.Y. Pres. fompldns Ooont7 lat 11 :Bank 1929 Hfosick Falls, N.Y. Pres. :Peoples -.t •1 ·:Bank 1930

. lew York, J. Y. lew York. I~ Y. New York, H. Y.

Pzes. ~iCAil O&r & ;Found17 Co. 1928 . Pres. ~is· R. Leggett & Oo. 1929 Pres. Lord & Tqior 1930

, ••• I. llcGo.rr&h .!Jew York, N. Y. 192$ 1929 1930

~D. Yo~' ~-York, N. Y. Ohrm. Gener&L Electric Co. t.~aee Me Woollet N&1t' York_ N. l• ~ ~ .American Radiator Co. ·~)~· ... -' ...... - .. - ... - .. ... .. ... ... .. -. ... .... .• ... ... .... ~ ~ ... .. ... .. ... -I... - - --· ...

"':_,. ...


' ; l

' ; Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



; ql""jJ L f4 1 .JL X-5063 ·


;pistrict No. 3 - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (Richard L. Austin, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; Alba ]. John­

son, Deputy Chairman; Geo. W. Norris, Governor)

Class A:

John C. Cosgrove Jos. Wayne, Jr. Geo. W. Reily

Class B:

C. Fred'k c. Stout Arthur W. Sewall A. C. Dorra.."lce

Class C:

H. L. Cannon R. L. Austin Alba B. Johnson

Johnstown, Pa. Banker and Coal Operator Philadelphia, Pa. Pros.Philadelphia-Girard Nat 1l Bank Harrisburg, Pa. ProsoHa.rrisburg Natll Bank

Philadelphia Sr.Member Jno. R. Evans & Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Pros. General Aspbalt Co. Camden, U.J. Actg.Gen.Mgr. Campbell Soup Co.

Bridgeville, Dol. Canner and Farmer Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Cbirli. Southwerk Fndry.& Mach.Co.

District No. 4 - Federal Reserve Bw~. of Cleveland (Geo. DeCamp, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; Lewis Blair Wil­

liams, Deputy Chairman; E. R. Fancher, Governor)

Class A:

Cr~s Larnberton Robert Wardrop 0. N. Sams

Class B:

R. P. Wright Geo. D. Crabbs S. P. Bush

Class C:

L. B. Williams George DeCB.rJp W. W. Knight

Franklin, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Hillsboro, Ohio

V. P.Lamberton Nat•l Bank Chrm. First Nat•l Bank Pres. Merchants Nat •1 Bank

Erie, Pa. Reed Manufacturing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Philip Carey il.ianufacturing Co. Columbus, Ohio Manufacturer

Cleveland, Ohio lih.yden, Miller & Co. Cleveland, O?io ':::olodo~ Ohio V, f, 3ostwick-]raun Co.

- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929


1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

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c;·~7· r.~ L r;; ;;,._ X-5063


Distri.d.t N'o. 5 - Feier&l Reserve Bank of Richmond (William W. HJx.ton, Chairman and. Federal Reserve Agent; Frederic A.

Class A:

Jas. Q. Braswell. L. E. Johnson Chas. E. Rieman

Class B:

Edwin C. Graham D. R. Coker Edmund Strudwick

Class C:

Robert Lassiter Wm. W. Haxton Frederic A. Delano

Delano, Deputy Chairman; George J. Seay, Governor)

RoCky Mount, N.C. Alderson, W. Va. Eal timore, Md.

Washington, D. C. Hartsville, S. C. Richr.:lond, Va.

Pre~!!• Planters Nat•l Bank P~res. First Nat '1 Bank Pres.Western Nat'l Bank

Pres. Nat'l Elec.Supply Co. Merchant and Planter Chrm. Atlantic Life Ins. Co.

Charlotte, N. C. Textiles Richmond, Va. Washington, D. c. Receiver

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

------------------------------------------District No. 6 - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlan a

(Oscar N~ton, Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent; W. H. ettig, Deputy Chairman; E. R. Black, Governor)

Class A:

E. C. Melvin G. G. Ware H. Lane Young

Class B:

Luke Lea Leon c. Simon J. A. McCrary

Class C:

W. H. Kettig Oscar Newton Geo. S. Harris

Selma, Ala. Leesburg, Fla. Atlanta» Ga.

Nashville, Tenn New Orleans, La. Decatur, Ga.

Birmingham, Ala. Atlanta, ·Ga. Atlanta, Ga~

Pres. Selma Nat•l Bank 1928 Pres. First Nat'l Bank 1929 Exec.V.P.Citizens & Southern Nat'l Bk.l930

Publisher Pres. Kohn, Weil & Simon, Inc. Pres. J. B. McCrary Co. (Atlanta)

. Southern Rep., Crane Co.

Pres.&Mgr. Exposition Cotton Mills

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

' -4-




District No. 7 - Federal Reserve Bank of Chica~o (William A. Heath, Chairman a:ti'd Fed.6ral Reserve A,f:ent; James Simpson,

Deputy Chairman; Jame$ B. McDougal, Governor)

Class A:

Chas. H. McNider 'E. L. Johnson George M. Reynolds

Class B:

: S. ·T. Crapo Robert Mueller A. H. Vogel

· C1ass C:

F~ C. Ball James Simpson W. A. Heath ·--------

Mason City, Iowa Waterloo, Iowa Chicago, Ill

Detroit, Mich Decatur, Ill. Milwaukee, Wis.

Muncie, Ind. Chicago, Ill. ChicaGo, Ill.

Pres. First Nat 11 Bank Pres. Leavitt & Johnson Trust Co. Chrm. Cont'l Nat'l Batik & Tr. Co.

1~28 1929 1930

Sec. & Treas. Huron Port. Cement Co. 1928 Mu.eller Manufacturing Co. 1929 V.P. Pfister & Vogel Leather Co. 1930

Pres. Ball Bros. Mfg. Co. Pres. Marshall Field & Co.

li28 1129. 1930

District No. 8 - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (William McC. Martin, Chairman & Federal Reserve Agent; John W. Boehne,

Deputy Chairman; David C. Biggs, Governor)

· Qlass A:

John C. Martin John G. Lonsdale Max B. Nahrn

Class B:

W. B. Plunkett LeRoy Percy Rolla Wells

Class C:

Paul Dillard John Ww Boehne Wm. McC. Martin


Salem, Ill. St. Louis, Mo. Bowling Green, Ky.

Little Rock, Ark. Greenville, Miss. St. Louis, Mo.

Memphis, Tenn. Evansville, Ind. · St. Louis, Mo.

VoP., Cashier Sale~ Nat'l B~~ Pres. Nat'l Bank of Commerce V.P. Citizens Nat'l Barik

Pres. Plunkett-Jarrell Groc. Co. Planter Pres. Wells Realty & Invest. Co.

Dillard & Coffin Co. Retired

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

· DineTOR





District No. 9 - Fede:r~!_ Reser-ve :Ba,:Jk: of Minneapolis (John R. Mitchell, Chairman and FedeTal Reserve Agent; Homer P. Clark,

Deputy Chairrna.n; W. B. Ge~ry, Governor)

Class A:

Paul J. Leeman J. C. Bassett Karl J. Farup

Cla~s B:

Paul .N. Myers N. B. Holter John s. Owen

Class C:

Geo. W. McCormiCk John R. Mitchell. Homer P. Clark

Minneapolis, Minn. Aberdeen, S.D. Park River, N.D.

St. Patti, Minn. Helena, Mont. Eau Claire, Wis.

Menominee, Mich. . Minneapolis, Minn St. Paul, Minn

V• P& First Nat'l Bank Pres. Aberdeen Nat'l Barik Pres. First Nat'l Barik

V. P. Waldorf Paper Products Co. A. M. Holter Hdwre. Co. John s. Owen Lumber Co.

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

Gen. Mgr. Menominee River Sugar Co. 1928 1929

Pres.West Publishing Co., 1930

(M. L. Dis_!:r!g_t)ro .. ~ _ _lO ... Fec~r:~!..B~~e_E·~~-~~ of Kansas City

McClt.'.rc~ Ct.s.~_rr.J£·1.i"l. and.Fe:ler.·1J. Roso:·ve Agent; Wm. L. Petrikin, Deputy Chairman; W. J. Bailey, Governor)

· Class A:

Frarik W. Sponable E. E. Mullaney c. C. Parks

Class B:

J. M. Bernardin L. E. Phillip_;; Thos. c. Byrne

Class C:

Wm. L. P~trik~n M. L. McClure E. M. Brass

Paola, Kans. HHl City, Kans.

Denver, Colo

Kansas City, U~. Bartlesville, Okla. Omaha, Nebra.

Pres • MiEUJli County Nat '1 Bank Pres. ]'c.~.rmers & Ut,rchants Bank V~P~ First Natll Bank

J. Mo Bernardin Lumber Co. v,.P,. I G.!!..' Phillips Petroleum Co. Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co.

Denver, Colo. Pres. Great Western Sugar Co. Kansas City, Mo. Grand Island, Nebr. Farming & Livestock

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

('· t"""'. l r:j,; (u

X-5063 -6-


1--------------------------------------------------------------~~e~c~·~3~1~ District No. 11 - Federal Reserve :Bank of Dallas

(C. C. Walsh, Chairman and Federal F..eserve .Agent; Clarence E. Linz, Deputy Chairman; Lynn P. Talley, Governor)

Class .A:

W. H. Patrick Howell E. Smith J. H. Frost

Class E:

J. H. Nail J. J. Culbertson J. R. Milan

Class C:

Clarendon, Te:x:. McKinney, Te:x:. San Antonio, Te:x:.

Fort Worth, Te:x:. Paris, Tex. Waco, Te:x:.

Pres. rirst Hat '1 Bank Pres. First Nat'l Bank Pres. Frost Nat'l Bank

Cattleman V.P. Southland Cotton Oil Co. V. P. Cooper Grocery Co.

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

I 1 C. C. Walsh Dallas, Tex.

Dallas, Tex. Dallas, Te:x:.

1928 V.P. & Treas. Southland Life Ins. Co. 1929 Perkins Dry Goods Co. 1930 1

1Clarence E. Linz S. B. Perkins __ ..,. _____ _


District No. 12 - Federal Reserve Eank of San Francisco (Isaac E. Nevrton, Chairman and J!'ederal Reserve .Agent; Walton N. 1Joore,

Deputy Chairman; J. U. Calkins, Governor)

Class A:

C. K. Mcintosh T. H. Ramsay Howard Whipple

Class B:

E. H. Cn:x: A.B. C. Dohrmann Wm. T. Sesnon

Class C:

Wm. Sproule Isaac B. Newton Walton N. Moore

San Francisco, Cal. Pres. Bank of California, N. A. Red Bluff,Cal. Pres. First Nat'l Bank of Red Bluff Turlock, Cal. Pres. First Nat'l :Bank

Madera, Cal. V.P. & Gen.Mgr. Madera Sugar Pine Co. San Francisco,Cal. Pres. Dohrmann Comm 11 Co. Soquel, Cal. Agriculturist

San Francisco,Cal. Pres. Southern Pacific Ry. Co. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal.Pres.';1alton l:.ilooro Dry Goods Co. - - - - - - - - - - - 7

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

1928 1929 1930

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District No. 2 - Euffalo Branch of the Federal Reserve Bcrik of New York (Vl. W. Schneckenburger, Managing Director)


W. w. Schneckenburger Edward A. Duerr :/1: Frank W. Crandall F& E• Cooley # Harry T. Ramsdell Arthur G. Hough :/1: Chrm. Elliott C. McDougal - - - ~ - - - - -


· :Buffalo, N, Y. Buffalo. N. y, 1Jestf'ield, 1~~ Y • BUffalo; N. y, Buffalo• N. Ya Eatavia, 11. Y. :Buffalo, N. Y.


Pres. Pres• Pres• Chi'th Pres. Chrm.

Comuunity Nat 11 Earik Natll Bank of Westfield New York Car Wheel Co~ Kfgrs~ & Traders Tr• Co. Wiard Plow Company Marine Trust Co.

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 19.30

District No. 4 - Cincinnati Branch of the Federal Reserve Earik of

C. F. McCombs Fred A. Geier :fi= Chrm E. s. Lee John Omwake # CharlesW. DePuis Geo. M. 1 Verity :/1: E. H. Kroger

Cleveland ( C. F. McCombs, Managing Direcjor)

Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Covington, KY. Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio

. Middletown, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio

Pres.Cin.Milling Machine Co. Pres.First Nat'l Earik Pres. U. S. Playing Card Co. Pres. Citizens Nat 11 Earik & Tr. Pres.American Rolling Mill Co • Pres.Provident Savings Bk & Tr.

1928 1928 1928 1929

Co~l929 1930


District No. 4- Pittsburgh Eranch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (J. c. Nevin, Managing Director)

J. C. Nevin Chas. W. Erown :/1: Chrm A. E. Eraun A.· L. Humphrey :/1: Jos. R. Eisaman Jos. R. Naylor

. R. B. Mellon

Pittsb-urgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Greens-burg, Pa. Wheeling, W.Va. Pittsburgh, Pa.

Pres. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Pres. Farmers Deposit Nat'l Earik Pres. Westinghouse Air Erake Co. V.P. First Nat'l Earik John S. Nayl~r & Co. Pres. Mellon Nat 11 Eank

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930

District No. 5- Ealtimore Eranch of the Federal Reserve Earik of Richmond (Albert H. Dudley, Managing Director)

Albert H. Dudley Wm. H. :Matthai =if Chrm. Levi E. Phillips Edmund P. Cohill # Carter G. Osburn Norman James # Henry E. Wilcox

Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Cambridge, Md. :a;ancock, Md. Baltimore, Md. Ealtimore, Md. :Baltimore, Md.

1928 Pres. Beaver Dam Marble Co. 1928 Pres. Na.t'l Bank of Ca~oridgo 1928 Pres. & Troas. Tonolow~ OrchardCo.l929 Chrm.Farmers &Merchants Nat 11 :Sank 1929 James Lumber Co. 1930 Vice-Chrm. Morchant 1s Nat 1l :Bank 1930

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District No. 5 - Charlotte :Branch of the Federal Reserve :Bank of Richmond ( Hugh Leach, Managing Director)


Hugh Leach Charlotte, N. C. W. H. Wood Charlotte, N. C. il'no •. L. Morehead#Chrm Charlotte, N. C. W. J. Roddey, Sr. Columbia, S. C. Chas. A. Cannon # Concord, N. C. Robert Gage Chester, S. C. John A. Law # Spartanburg, S. c.


Pres.Am.Tr.Company of Charlotte Manufacturer Chrm.Columbia National :Barik Pres.Cannon Mfg.Co.Kannapolis,N.C. V.P~Cashier,Nat•l :Bank of Chester Manufacturer - :Banker

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930

District No. 6 - New Orleans :Branch of the Federal Reserve :Bank of Atlanta (Marcus Walker, Managing Director)

Marcus Walker J. P. Butler, Jr. P. H. Saunders # L. C. Stmon # Chrm. F. W. Foote Albert P. Bush # James E. :Bouden,Jr.

New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. Hattiesburg, Miss. Mobile, Ala. l~ew Orleans, La.

1928 Pres. Canal Earik & Trust Co. 1928 V.P. Newman, Saunders & Co.,Inc. 1928 Pres. Kohn, Weil & Simon, Inc. 1929 Pres. First National :Bank 1929 V.P. & Treas. T. G. :Bush Grocery Co.l930 Pres. Whitney-Central National :Barik 1930

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -District No. 6- :Birmingham :Branch of the Federal Reserve

:Bank of Atlanta (A. E. Walker, Managing Director)

A. E. Walker W. H. Kettig # Chrm. John H. Frye Oscar Wells # W. W. Crawford E. F • .Allison # Walter E. Henley

:Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham, Ala. l3il'tnlinghar.a, Ala. :Birmingham, Ala. :Birmingham, Ala. :Bellamy, Ala. :Birmingham, .Ala.

Southern Rep., Crane Co. Pres. Traders National :Bank Pres. First National :Barik Pres. American Tr. & Savings Bk Pres. Allison Lumber Co. Pres. :Birmingham Trust & Svngs.Co.

District No. 6 - Jacl:::sonvil1e :Branch of the Federal Reserve :Bank of Atlanta ('iJ. S. McLarin, Jr., 1£anaging Director)

w. s. I,:cLarin, Jr. Jacksonville, Fla. J. c. Cooper 1fChrm. Jacksonville, Fla. Attorney At Law G. G. Ware Leesburg, Fla. Pres. First National :Bank Fulton Saussy # Jacksonville, Fla. Saus sy & Comrnon Edward W. Lane Jacksonville, Fla. Pres. Atlantic Nat'l :Bank s. o. Chase # Sanford, Fla. Chase & Company C. P. Kendall Jacksonville, Fla. V.P. :Barnett National :Bank· - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929. 1930 1930

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930

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l X-5063-a

District No. 6 - Nashville Branch of the :&~ederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Joel B. Fort, Jr., Managing Director)


Joel B. §ort. Jr. LU.:.Lce Lea ='f. Chrm. T, A.' Embrey P. M. Davis # E. A~ Lindsey Wm, P. Ridley # J ... E. Caldwell


Nashville, Tenn, Nashville, Tenn. Winchester, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Columbia, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn.




1928 1928 1928 1929

Pres. Farmers lJational Bank V.P.American National Bank Pres. Tenn.Hermitage National Farmer

Bk. 1929 1930

& Tr. Co.l930 Pres. Fourth & First Bk. - - - - - T""

District No. 7 - Detroit Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago ( Wm. R.. Cation, Managing Director)

Wm~ R. Cation Detroit, Mich. 1928 James Inglis # Chrm. Detroit, Mich. Pres. American Blower Co. 1928 Wm. J .. Gray Detroit, Mich. Pres. First National Bank 1928 N. P. Hull # Lansing, M:ich. Pres. Grange Life Ins. Co. 1929 John W .• Staley . Detroit, Mich. Pres. Peoples State Bank 1929 David Mclliorran # Port Huron, Mich. McMorran & Company 1930

~e~·-': ~o~l~y- _ Saginaw, Mich. Pres. Second National Bank 1930 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - ------ - ------

District :Ho. 8 - Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( W. P. Kincheloe, Managing Director)

W, P, Kincheloe E. 1. Swearingen # Jno. ':):'. Reynolds Wm. Black # Eugene E. Hoge E. H. Woods 1/= H. E. Jewett

Louisville, Ky. Chrm.Louisville, Ky.

Greenville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Lucas, Ky. New Albany, Ind.

Pres. :E'irst National Bank Pres. First National Bank Pres. B. F. Avery & Sons, Inc. Pres. State National Bank Planter Pres. Second National Bank

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930


District No. 8 - Memphis Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (W. H. Glasgow, Managing Director)

W. H. Glasgow T. K. Riddick #Chrn4 Jno. W. Alderson Wm. Orgill # Jno. .D. McDowell E. L. Anderson R. Brinkley Snowden

Memphis, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Forrest City,Ark. Memphis, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Clarksdale, Miss Memphis, Tenn.

1928 Attorney 1928 V.P. Bank of Eastern Arkansas 1928 Pres. Orgill Bros. & Co. 1929 Pres. Fidelity Bank& Tr. Co. 1929 Pres. &Gen.Mgr.King & Anderson, Inl930 v. P. Bal~{ of Commerce & Trust Co.l930


--------------------------------------~---~ Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


DISTRICT Uo. d - Little Rock :3ranch of the Fo deral Reserve Bank of St. Louis -.A. F. Bailey, Lranaging Director)



.A. F. Bailey Little Rock .Ark. M~orhead Wright #Chrm.Little RoCk, .Ark. W • .A. Hicks Little Rock, .Ark. G. H. C~npbell # Little Rock, .Ark. Stuart Wilson Texarkana, Ark. Ramp Williams # Hot Springs, .Ark. John M. Davis Little Rock, .Ark.

Pres. Union ~st Co. V.P. American Southern Trust Co. Insurance Pres. State National Bank Pres. Ramp Williams Hdwe.Co. Pres. Exchange National Baru~

- - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -District No. 9- Helena Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of

Minneapolis (R. E. Towle, N'.anaging Director)

R. E •. Towle c • J. Kelly #Chrm. Helena, Mont. Butte, Mont. Helena., Mont. Helena, Mont. Helena, Mont.

Hanson Packing Co. R. 0. Kaufman Henry Sieben # T • .A. Marlow

V.P. & Cash. Union Bank & TrustCo. Pres. Sieben Live Stock Go. Pres. National Bank of Montana

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 193l 1930

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929


District No. 10 - Denver Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (J. E. Olson, Managing Director)

Denver, Col·'· J. E •. Olson Murdo MacKenzie Harry W. Farr R. H. Davis #

#Chnn Denver, Colo.

He n·l'y Swan Merritt W. Gano # Hart1d Kountze

Greeley, Colo. Denver, Colo. DenYer, Cclo. Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo.

The Matador Land & Cattle Co.,Ltd. Livestock & Farming Vfuolesale Drug Business V.P.,U.S.National Bank The Gano-Downs Co. Chrm. & V.P. Colo. Uational Bank

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930 - "''~- -- - - ~

District No. 11 - Omaha Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank cf Kansas City (L. H. Earhart, Managing Director)

L. H. Earhart Wm. Diesing # Chrm. .A. H. Marble Wm. E. Hardy # T. L. Davis w. w. Magee # R. 0. Marnell

Omaha, Nebr. Omaha, Nebr. Cheyen..'1e, Wyo • Lincoln, Nebr. Ome.ha 1 lrebr. Benni~gton, Nebr. Nebra.sY~ City, Nebr.

Cudahy Packing Co. Pres. Stock Growers Nat 11 Bank Hardy Furniture Co. V.Po First National Bank Fa:;:mer - Stockman Cashier MGrchants National Bank

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930

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District No. 10 - Oklahoma Cit~ Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (C. E. Daniel, li.:a:naging Director)


C. E. r:aniel W. F. Nichols #Chrm. Ned. Holman .Aust~n Miller # Walter Ferguson E. J. Murphy # William Mee


Oklahoma City, Okla. Tulsa, Okla. Guthrie, Okla. Oklahoma City,Okla. Oklahoma C~ ty, Ol'".la. Clintqn, Okla. Oklahoma City,Okla.


Merchandising & Livestock Pres.First National Barut Pres. Oklahoma Furniture Mfg.Co. V.P. First National Baruc Farming & Livestock Pres.Security National Bank

1928· 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930

District No. 11 - El Paso Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (W. o. Ford, Managing Director)

w. o. Ford El Paso, Tex. 1928 C. M. Newman ~ Chrm. El Paso, Tex. Pres. Newman Investment Co. 1928 E. M. Hurd El Paso, Tex. The H. Lesinsky Company 1928 A. p~ Coltls # El Paso, Tex. Investments 1929 E. A. Cahoon Roswell, N.M. Pres.First Nat'l Barik of Roswell 1929 A. J. Crawford :ff Carlsbad, N.M. Pres.Peoples Mercantile Co. 1930 Gee. D. Flory El Paso, Tex. V. P. The State Nat. Bank 1930

---- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ------------ ---- - ,..

District No. 11- Houston Branch of the Federal Reserve Barut of Dallas (D. P. Reardan, Y.:anaging Director)

D.P .Reardan R. M. Farrar # Chrm. Guy M. Bryan J. Cooke Wilson# E. F. Gossett E. A. Peden # Fred W. Catterall

Houston, Te~. Houston, Tex. Houston, Tex. Beaumont, Tex. Houston, Tex. Houston, Tex. Galveston, Tex.

192~ Pres.Farrar Lumber Co. 192a V.P. Second National Baruc 1928 Pres. The Wilson BroaCh Co. 1929 V.P. South Tex. Com. Nat. Bank 1929 Pres. Peden Iron & Steel Co. 1930 Cash.First Nat•l Bank of Galveston 1930 ---------- _________ ...,

Diatr~ct No. 11 - San Antonio Branch of the Federal Re­serve barut of Dallas( M. Crump, N.:anaging Director)

M. Crump San Antonio, Tex. 192~ Reagan Houston # Chrm San Antonio, Tex. V.P.&Gen.Mgr.,A.B.Frank Co. 192$ Ernest Steves San Antonio, Tex. Pres. Alamo National Bank 192$ H. H. Rogers # San Antonio, Tex. Pres. Travis Investment Co. 192~ Franz c. Groos San Antonio, Tex. Pres. Groos National Bank 1929 F. E. Scobey # San Antonio, Tex. Pres. Scobey Fireproof Storage Co. 1930 R. T. Hu.nnicutt Del Rio, Tex. V.P. First National Bank 1930

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... ----Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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District No• 12 - Portland Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (;R. B• ·west• Managing Director)

08.:: {~ ..&..


R. B. West Portland, Ore. Edward C. Pease # The Dulles, Ore. John F. Daly Portland, Ore. Nathan Strauss # Chrm. Portland, Oro. J. C. Ainsworth Portland, Ore.

' Edward C. Pease Co. , Inc. ·. Pres. Hibernia Com & Savngs. Bank

Gen. Mgr. Fleischner, Mayer & Co. Pres. United States National Bank

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ~

District No. 12 - Seattle Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (C. R. Shaw, ~~naging Director)

C. R. Shaw Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Seattle, Wash.

Henry A. Rhodes =#=

M. F. Backus Chas. H. Clarke M. A. Arnold

# Chrm Seattle, Wash. Seattle, Wash.

Rhodes Bros. Department Store Pres. National Bank of Commerce Pres. Kelly Clarke Company Pres. First National Bmik

District No. 12 - Spokane Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (D. L. Davis, Managing Director)

D. L. Davis Peter McGregor # R. L. Rutter G. I. Teevs #Chrm. C. E. McBroom

Spokane, Wash. Hooper, Wash. Spokane, r:ash. Spokane, Wash. Spokane, Wash.

UcGregor Land & Livestock Co. Pres. Spokane & Eastern Trust Co. V.P. Centennial Mill Co. Pres. Exchange National Bank

District No. 12 - Salt Lake City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (W. L. Partner, l~naging Director)

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929

1928 1928 1928 1929 1929

W. L. Partner Salt Lake City, Ut. 1928 F. J. Hagenbarth # Spencer, Idaho Pres. Wood Livestock Co. 1928 L. H. Farnsworth Salt tru~e City,Ut. Chrm. Walker Brothers, Barucers 1928 Lafayette Hanchett#Chrm.Salt Lake City, Ut. Pres. Utah Power&Light Co. 1929 Charles H. Barton Ogden, Utah Pres. National Bank of Commerce 1929

... --- r

District No. 12 - Los Angeles Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ( W. M. Hale, Managing Director)

W. M. Hale Los ~1geles, Cal. J. B. Alexander# Los Angeles, Cal. Henry M. Robinson Los Angeles, Cal. W. L. Valentine #Chrm. Fullerton, Cal. J. F. Sartori Los Angeles, Cal.

Retired Pres. L.A.-First Nat 1 1 3ank & Tr.Co. Pres. Fullerto; Oil 'co. Pres. Security Trust & Sav. Bank

# Appointed by the Board. Corrected to February 15, 1928.

1928 1929 1928 1929 1929

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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