front & center - winter 2013

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The Upper School newsletter of Fork Union Military Academy, Winter 2013 edition


Front and Center

As the second term comes to a close, the Fork Union campus is buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Christ-mas holiday. The entire FUMA community is ex-cited to spend quality time with their families and friends and get a much deserved rest. Between winter athlet-ics, college applications, and staying in step, the FUMA class of 2013 has been hard at work. Be-cause we know that graduation will be in reach soon enough, we do our best to focus on one day at a time. It has been a year of change to say the least, and to many returning alumni, the campus may even be unrecog-nizable. The demo-lition of Snead Hall, where many of these alumni lived, opens up the campus and offers a beautiful view of the Wicker chapel. From an athletic perspective, there

have been a few tears but mostly triumph. Sen-ior quarterback Chris-tian Hackenburg earned a spot on the Under Ar-mour All-American foot-ball team, and head coach Sullivan will even have the opportunity to coach “Hack” at the game in January. This year, Coach Sullivan coached his final game from the sidelines as he brought his tough, resili-ent prep football team to the State Championship game. As the weather gets cold and cadets’ minds drift to the presents they hope to receive, I hope

that everyone is able to focus on the true mean-ing of Christmas that God sent His son, Jesus, to die for the sins of the world, that we might receive Him and be given eternal life. I hope that the corps of cadets are able to con-tinue to make strides toward the best year the academy has ever seen and that everyone has a safe and happy holiday. Sincerely, Dallas Bonner

FRONT AND CENTER Fork Union Military Academy P.O. Box 278 Fork Union, VA 23055 Houston T. Eldridge, Editor

Newsletter Published For the Parents and Friends of the Cadets of Fork Union Military Academy

A Christmas Letter from the Battalion Commander LTC Dallas Bonner, Battalion Commander

Winter 2013

Inside This Issue

FUMA’s Annual Civics Day

Boy Scout Troop En-

joys Fall Activities

Christmas Gift List…. Santa Responds.

Page 2

FUMA Celebrates Annual Civics Day Fork Union Military Academy celebrated

its Annual Civics Day this October, hosting local and state govern-ment officials, party representatives, and political organizations. The event was created to encourage discus-sion, debate, and par-ticipation in our politi-cal process. Civics Day first began as a voter registration drive at the suggestion of Rebecca Pick, mother of a former cadet and member of the New Providence Republican Women (NPRW). The group has continued to participate each year. The event consisted of Party representatives presenting their political beliefs followed by de-bate. Throughout the day, cadets enjoyed dis-cussion, handshaking, and baked goods from supporters of each par-ty. Information about candidates, stickers, and

copies of the U.S. Con-stitution, were also pro-vided. A mock election was held and the end of the event. Representing the Dem-ocrats this year were Fluvanna Democratic Party members Dick Koepsell, Dave Sagarin, and Brigadier General John Douglass, candi-date for Virginia’s 5th Congressional District. Advanced Placement U.S. Government In-structor, COL Bill Hitchcock said of the

event, “This is the culmina-tion of one of our yearly goals. Be-cause we are the ‘non-fiction’ de-partment, we not only read and talk about what it means to be a good citizen, but We pro-vide our stu-

dents the opportunity to observe and partici-pate in the process.” Tom Garrett, State Sen-ator (22nd District), and the ladies of the NPRW represented the Republicans during the discussions and debate. Garrett noted, “I have never missed this event. This is wonderful! I really love what FUMA is doing.” Dick Koepsell added, “This is always a great event. Thank you for inviting us and making us feel so welcome. I’m already looking for-ward to next year.”

Cadets pack the library to listen to the lively debate.

State Senator Tom Garrett (left) and Fluvanna Party Representative, Dave Saga-rin discuss issues after a lively debate.

Rebecca Pick (left) and Beck Sinclair of the NPRW take a break from talking to cadets.

Brigadier General John Douglass presents his ideas to the cadets and answers ques-

Cadet Joey Kahn wonders, “Republican or Democrat cookie?”

Troop 125 had an active Fall this year

and is preparing for win-ter camping to begin af-ter the Christmas break. Because the Troop re-charters late September, the emphasis at the be-ginning of the school year is directed towards obtaining the $15 regis-tration fees for Council as well as new Boy Scout applications. The boys spent two eve-nings in October at Ter-ry Farm working on ad-vancements, playing games, and learning a new camping meal (chicken pot pie pan-cakes with gravy). In December, several Scouts participated in the Wilderness Survival Mer-it Badge. Though it was raining and cold, the Scouts toughed it out.

According to Caleb Gris-som, “This is real Scout-ing!” This January the Troop will hike six miles using maps and compasses to Terry Farm. After lunch, they will play their favorite “stalking” game and then return to FUMA to par-ticipate in the annual chili cook-off competition. Each patrol will be pro-vided the same ingredi-ents and spices, and will be given some instruc-tion on the art and sci-ence of cooking. FUMA volunteers will be on hand to award the patrol with the best chili.

The “Geezer” Patrol, com-posed of the adult leader-ship, has won the award the past three years. After the competi-tion the Scouts will make Banana Boats warmed in the fire. The patrols are currently working on their patrol flags and are planning their winter activities. In addition, two Scouts, Jasher Grunau and Cody Watson, are working on their Eagle Scout pro-jects. Troop Scouting information may be obtained at the Troop’s website

FUMA’s Troop 125 Enjoys Fall Activities Page 3

Jonathan Sodolevskiy enjoys the cooking fire.

Scouts receive instruction on how to make chicken pot pie pan-cakes. The structure seen here was built by the summer school leadership class last summer. This was the first time it has been utilized.

Alexander Collins (right) discovers during Troop game he does not like garbanzo beans.

Scouts work on Wilderness Sur-vival Merit Badge.

What Do You Want for Christmas? A Dialogue between FUMA Family Members and Santa

Taylor Arnold “Santa, I want a fully gold Rolex watch with diamonds spread out across the face. I also want to be successful in life. Santa: “Well obtain a watch like that you’re going to have to be very financially suc-cessful indeed. You’re on the right track, though. Success stories begin here, you know. Whatever happened to just wanting roll-

Teagan McGinnis “Dear Santa, I just want some money so I can repair my car.

I rolled it on Thanksgiving break.’”

Santa: “Teagan...How do I put this? Um...NO. Maybe Lauris (above) will loan you his tank.

Cheek Li “Dear Santa, I want money and an extra holiday.

Santa: “Dear Cheek, I did some checking. The U.S. has 10 federal holidays this year plus week-ends and summer, Christmas and spring breaks for students. China has 13 official holidays (115 days off including 104 days of weekends and 11 days of festivals). That said, I know you’ve been working diligently in class so you can have Saturday off when you get back to FUMA after Christ-

mas. Ooops...My bad. You will have Saturday class. Sorry.

Lauris DeNeef “Dear Santa, I want a tank limo with my name engraved on it with diamonds. It should have a touch screen control system and 4 machine guns. I also want an island with underground tunnels. I want the island to be guarded by security, and I also want a NASA telescope so I can look at the stars.” Santa: “Lauris, after watching “Doomsday Preppers” on TV last month I had one of my sleighs upgraded. It’s equivalent to an AC-130, but driven by Kevlar–vested deer. You can have it if the world doesn’t end December 21.

Quadariis Newkirk “All I want for Christmas is to see my family, and for us to get along and be happy.” Santa: “Quadariis. Best one yet! Christmas is about family . Relax and have a good time...and get a haircut during the Christmas break. Your TAC officer has seen this picture.

Page 4

Ali Khalafalla “Dear Santa, I want the CBR600RR Honda motorcycle, some clothes, shoes, the best

chocolate in the world, and for Egypt to solve its problems.

Santa: “Ali, I can handle the motorcycle, shoes, and clothes. . I checked into the chocolate. One of the best out there is a ganache that has a French Perigold truffle rolled inside it. It costs about

$2600 per pound. By the way, we’re all praying for Egypt.

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