from the principal - fintona girls' the prices go up and down when you invest in...

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Issue No 9 - 23 June 2017

From the PrincipalIf more of us valued food, cheer and song over hoarded gold, the world would be a merrier place.Mark Twain

Making and eating food together is one of the great defining human activities and especially cooking from family recipes that may go back several generations and have been bought to Australia from another country. The plethora of cooking shows on television have both encouraged and perhaps discouraged amateur cooks with the promotion of the idea of a competition around the food cooked weighed against the glamour that seems to have been injected into the most pedestrian of dishes. However, they have also served to interest a whole new generation in

cooking perhaps now with an allied interest in health and heathy eating habits and the link between the food we cook and eat and its effect on us. There is a general concern too that modern families often don’t eat together or eat together enough and miss the rich opportunity it can create for sharing ideas, reviewing experience and ‘bonding’ as a family which perhaps cooking shows also try to mitigate against.

As you know, Fintona is producing a cook book which will be launched at the Food and Wine Festival in November and I would like to make it my swan song. To that end, Julie Brett Morris, who was collecting the recipes for the School has kindly allowed me to take over, the spoon and bowl in this instance as opposed to the reins.

The original proposal was for school families to send recipes with their names and perhaps some reference to the recipe’s history. We already have some recipes but would clearly love more, so I am hoping families can send recipes to me via Ms Pamela Young, my Executive Assistant, For the purpose of continuity, please use the template example provided, when submitting your recipe. Read More A Word version of the template has been emailed today for your convenience.

We are setting out the book in the following categories; breakfast, midday, evening and special occasions so hopefully we will have plenty of recipes for each category. We have some cake recipes and need more, but would also welcome some interesting ideas for breakfast (muesli, bread, jam) and special occasions (finger food).

There will be opportunities for gold, silver and bronze sponsorships and members of the school community may be interested in advertising in the recipe book. Information about sponsorship opportunities and a pack will be available early next term The book will include recipes and photos (which the School will organise) and we hope it will be a beautiful collection for the school community.

Please note: Due to copyright, your submission must not simply be taken from an existing and current cookbook. It must have been adapted to make it your own, a traditional recipe that has been handed down, or an original gastronomic creation.

As the production of the cookbook is now on a tight deadline, we would appreciate your submissions by Friday 21 July.

Mrs Suzy ChandlerPrincipal

Support Tobacco Free PortfoliosDr. Bronwyn King is an oncologist and founder of Tobacco Free Portfolios, a Not-For-Profit organisation that works with the finance sector to encourage tobacco-free investment.

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She is also an Old Fintonian.

Since 2012, Tobacco Free Portfolios has been instrumental in shifting $6 billion away from investment in the tobacco industry. Read More

Now Tobacco Free Portfolios needs your support to expand and spread the message. They are rolling out a new initiative called Verified Tobacco-Free. Superannuation Funds with tobacco-free investment policies will be able to adopt the Verified Tobacco-Free logo, subject to an audit to confirm their tobacco-free status. Read More

They can then proudly display the logo, members can be sure that their money is not being invested in tobacco companies and we can ‘Name and Fame’ tobacco-free funds which will encourage others to follow suit. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donations, the link is provided:

Upcoming Events 2017

WEDNESDAY 28 JUNEFintona Fashion Runway6.30pm-8.00pmArt Precinct

FRIDAY 30 JUNEEnd Term 2

TUESDAY 18 JUNEStart Term 3Students Return

THURSDAY 20 JULYYear 10 VCE Information Evening7.00pm-8.30pmMargaret Cunningham Hall

TUESDAY 25 JULYStrings Soiree7.00pm-8.30pmReid Studio

THURSDAY 27 JULYYears 8 & 9 Subject Information Evening7.00pm-8.00pmMargaret Cunningham Hall

FRIDAY 11 AUGUSTDads' Beef & Burgundy Night6.30pmReid Studio

FRIDAY 25 AUGUSTFriends of Rowing Trivia Night7.00pm-9.00pmMargaret Cunningham Hall

Save the Date 2017

TUESDAY 10 OCTOBERValedictory Evening7.30pm-9.30pmRobert Blackwood Hall, Monash University

SUNDAY 26 NOVEMBERFintona Food & Wine Festival11.00am-4.00pm

Term Dates 2017

Term 2 (11 weeks)19 April to 30 June

Term 3 (9 weeks)18 July to 15 September

Term 4 (10 weeks)9 October to 13 December

Term Dates 2018

Term 1 (9 weeks)30 January to Thursday 29 March

Term 2 (11 weeks)17 April to 29 June

Term 3 (9 weeks)17 July to 14 September

Term 4 (10 weeks)8 October to 12 December

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Senior SchoolThe students have now finished their Semester One exams and have had these returned by teachers. It is important that the exams are viewed as a learning experience. If your daughter has questions about the paper beyond the feedback already given, they should seek out the relevant staff member, to discuss in more detail their own responses.

House MusicAs the House Music approaches, scheduled for the last day of term, it is interesting to see each of the Houses rehearse; these rehearsals are run completely by the student leaders, who are engaging, organised and demanding instructors. I congratulate all of the House leaders and the whole group of Year 12s, who are finding reserves of energy to tackle this end of term activity.

ReportsStudents will receive their Semester One reports at the end of the term. Teaching staff incorporate a detailed account of the student’s behaviour and work habits, homework, standard of work, areas of strength and areas for improvement in their reports. Pastoral care reports also give a valuable insight in to your daughter’s extracurricular participation and personal attributes.

I urge parents to read the report in its entirety and to discuss it with your daughters. It is a valuable opportunity to celebrate success and to focus on the process of learning. I thank all of the Senior School tutors and teachers for their endless enthusiasm, professionalism and care for their students during Semester One. I applaud the students for their work and wish all of the Fintona community a restful and peaceful winter holiday break.

Ms Katrina BrennanVice Principal/Head of Senior School

Woodwind, Brass & Percussion Soiree

Over 35 students from Year 4 to Year 12 took part in our recent woodwind, brass and percussion soiree. The evening showcased the Jazz band, Flute ensembles and our soloists who performed a varied repertoire of works.

Apart from the students taking part, staff joined in to accompany some of the girls. The evening was well attended and the audience was certainly entertained by our talented students. A wonderful evening of music.

Pictured: Linh Duong (Year 5)

Ms Elizabeth ExintarisPerforming Arts Co-ordinator (Music)

Year 9 Dollars & Sense - Share market GeniusesThe Dollars and Sense classes are currently studying types of investment. In recent weeks, they have been learning about investing in the share market. As part of their learning, girls were given a (virtual) $20,000 with which to ‘buy’ shares. In pairs, the girls were required to research companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and choose five companies in which to buy shares. Girls are also able to undertake several ‘trades’ over the duration of the activity, choosing to sell their share holdings and buy into other shares at times when they think they may be able to maximise the benefit to their ‘portfolio’ value.

The objective of the task is for the students to understand the means by which investors can gain a return on share investments, including the

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factors that cause the prices of shares to change.

Students have enjoyed the challenge so far. When asked about what they enjoy about the activity, one student commented: ‘I find it interesting how the prices go up and down when you invest in shares. You can see if you are making money or losing money.’ Her classmate said ‘I really like how we are able to regularly monitor our share investments. It makes me feel a bit adult. It’s a really good application of what we’re learning – we get to put it into practice.’

At the end of the Semester Hannah Jacobs and Sophie Ganeson were awarded the title of Share market Geniuses achieving a profit of $1303 from their investment of $20,000. This was a fantastic return of 6.5% in only 2 months with their best investment being Qantas.

Ms Timmee Grinham & Mr Chris WilliamsCommerce Teachers


Several of our Year 10 and Year 12 students are attending the Girled World Leadership Summit at the University of Melbourne’s Wade Institute of Entrepreneurship this weekend. This is an event that aims to tackle the workforce gender participation gap, and teach girls how to lead and get more girls into start up, entrepreneurship and STEM careers.

This is the first event of its kind, the girls will be immersed in skill building, leadership workshops, hear powerful stories of start-up success and career advice from extraordinary local and international female leaders and founders, and experience first-hand the 21st century innovations and enterprise skillsets that will define the future of work. This will help the girls be aware of what they need to lead, succeed and innovate to create the businesses of Australia’s future.

The Summit will explore exponential technologies, automation, digital disruption and the erosion of traditional 'safe' jobs, and will teach girls Design Thinking, teamwork, deep dives into STEM, coding and virtual reality. The event will also feature inspiring keynotes from global leaders and home-grown start-up founders.

I will be running sessions with the Year 12 students on the VTAC process throughout Term 3 and they will be given all the information and help they need to manage the VTAC process. VTAC also run sessions for parents and the information regarding these will be in next week’s Fintona Careers Gazette.

Chloe Li in Year 12 has been participating in the VTAC 30 minute mentor program. Chloe conducted an interview with her mentor, Carla, and the interview was selected to be being published in the 2017 VTAC magazine in July. Chloe is interested in e-Commerce and Carla her mentor has a lot of experience in this field. Chloe came up with some very interesting questions. This article can also be accessed in this week’s issue of the Fintona Career Gazette.

Mrs Suzie HanneberyCareers Co-ordinator

Second Hand Uniform Shop - New Opening Hours from Term 3

Shop Opening Times

The Shop will be open from the start of Term 3 on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3.00pm until 4.00pm for the first two weeks of term and the last two weeks of term. In the middle part of each term it will be open once a month on a Wednesday afternoon from 3.00pm to 4.00pm. A schedule for Term 3 and Term 4 is provided Read More

Uniform Items• Uniform items can be dropped off at Reception in both Junior and Senior School.

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• Parents dropping off uniform items will need place items in a plastic bag and fill out the School Uniform Shop form Read More• The form should be placed in the plastic bag with the items to be sold. • All clothing items from ELC to Year 12 are accepted provided they are clean and in good condition. • The only goods which will attract a payment back to parents are; tunics or skirts, blazers and spray jackets. All other items will be

considered as a donation only. Parents may elect to donate tunics, skirts, blazers and spray jackets as well. • The schedule showing times of opening will be posted on the door of the Shop, on the Junior School Office window and will appear in the

News Bulletin. • All transactions are credit card only. No cash will be accepted and refunds will be put through credit cards.

Please contact the School if you have any enquiries.

Navy Blue Pants a new Uniform ItemGirls from Prep to Year 12 are now able to wear pants as part of the winter uniform. Navy blue pants have been approved and are in stock and available for purchase at Bob Stewart in High Street, Kew. If your daughter would prefer to wear this new approved uniform item instead of a skirt and tights she is able to do so. Please note that only the approved pants available from Bob Stewart are to be worn.

Mrs Suzy ChandlerPrincipal

Public Speaking

The Fintona girls have had a busy term of public speaking and have distinguished themselves in a variety of competitions. Amy Cutter in Year 10 was first off the mark, discussing the value of education in the Rotary Four Way Test Competition, and she was quickly followed by Helen Guo in Year 12 who delivered a riveting speech about higher education fee hikes in the Ainger Award.

Middle School girls had their time to shine in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Competition. Charlotte Dowling, Rose Khurana and Livia Tropea in Year 7 competed in the Junior Heats, while Maiysha Moin in Year 10 and Helen Guo and Yelena Yang in Year 12 participated in the Senior Heats, all presenting impressive speeches on a range of topics.

Most recently, Amira Muhtaseb and Inez Trambas, both in Year 12, participated very successfully in the VCAA Plain English Public Speaking Competition. Inez, who is Fintona’s Public Speaking Captain, is to be commended for her outstanding speech, ‘Multiculturalism Now’. She won her heat and earned a berth at the State Semi-Final, held at Treasury Place. Although Inez did not proceed to the final, she and all the girls who have participated in Public Speaking this semester are to be congratulated.

Pictured: Inez Trambas speaking at the State Semi-Final of the VCAA Plain English Public Speaking Competition

Ms Lauren NormanYear 9 Co-ordinator


Hockey PremiershipIt gives me great joy to announce our Year 7 & 8 Hockey team, skilfully coached and led by Mrs Carmen Timms, won the Junior B grade Grand Final at the State Hockey Centre. Significantly, we believe this is the first Hockey Premiership Fintona has won and certainly the first over the past 17 years of the GSV era.

The girls competed last Thursday 15 June and first competed in the semi-final, where they defeated Our Lady of Mercy College 3 – 1 in a closely fought contest between the two teams. The result was level at half time and after a quick pep talk, the girls systematically weaved their way through the OLMC defence to score their first goal.

After a 30 minute break and buoyed by the prospect of making Fintona history, the team took to the field to face Camberwell Girls’ Grammar in the

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Grand Final. The girls were fatigued from their previous match and admirably displayed great tenacity and resilience. They played flawlessly and the final score was Fintona 2, Camberwell Girls’ 0. Congratulations to Mrs Timms and the Year 7 & 8 Hockey team for making Fintona Hockey history – the school community is very proud of their achievement.

Pictured: The triumphant hockey team with Mrs Carmen Timms

Basketball - Fintona wins Overall Pennant

Spurred on by our success at the Senior Basketball tournament last year, our talented team of Year 11 and Year 12 basketballers took to the court to play four tightly contested matches to win the Division three GSV Basketball competition. We recorded a perfect result that included four wins in which we defeated Toorak College, Mentone Girls’ Grammar, PLC and Firbank to claim the overall pennant.

The team consisting of Annie Rehe, Natalie Jaman-Hogan, Elena Boyce, Miranda Croci, Anushri Kumar, Lea Skliris and Didi Crock played a fast and attacking style of game with everyone contributing to scoring points. The girls were thrilled by the result and should be very proud to have represented the School so admirably.

SSV Regional Cross CountryOn another note, Zoe Johnson, in Year 6 ran at the SSV Regional Cross Country event on Tuesday. She finished in 8th place earning her the chance to race at the State event next month. Zoe will be running against the best runners from across Victoria and it’s very exciting to have Fintona represented at this event. I’ll keep you posted on how Zoe runs at the State level.

Pictured: The Overall Pennant winners

Mr Simon BourkeSport Co-ordinator

Fintona Merchandise

Buy your Fintona KeepCup and help the war on waste

If you haven’t seen the recently televised ABC documentary War on Waste then chances are you have heard about it. In the last of the three part episodes, viewers discovered that more than 50,000 takeaway coffee cups are being disposed of every half-hour and shockingly, most of these end up in land fill. The documentary claimed that all up, Australians burn through 1 billion coffee cups each year.

If you would like to do your bit for the ‘War on waste” you can buy a Fintona KeepCup. These are available from Tourmont Reception or from Mrs Sue Peat in the Junior School office. $10 each or two for $15.

New Look Umbrellas

Fintona’s new look golf umbrellas have arrived – just what you need for the current winter season. If you would like to purchase an umbrella you may do so from Reception at Tourmont or from Mrs Sue Peat in the Junior School. The cost is only $35.

Mrs Vicky KapourelakosMarketing Manager

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We need your Old Wares

As you are by now aware, the Fintona Food and Wine Festival will be held on Sunday 26 November 2017 and we would like the Vintage Bazaar (formerly White Elephant) to be bigger and better than ever. If you are cleaning out cupboards or downsizing we would appreciate your donations of clothes, shoes and accessories (in excellent condition), furniture, crockery, home furnishings, bric-a-brac or books.

Goods can be dropped at Reception between school hours from now until November. Thank you in advance for your support of this popular stall.

Mrs Suzy ChandlerPrincipal


Creativity and imagination can be predictive of success in later life and are qualities that students can draw on to assist the development of their learning and problem solving abilities. Robert Sternberg, an American psychologist suggests that we are not born creative or uncreative but rather can develop our creativity by being aware of how we approach tasks, for example by redefining problems in novel ways, taking sensible risks and persevering in the face of obstacles. Creativity also has the potential to enhance wellbeing as cognitive flexibility increases, which can be utilised with finding ways to effectively respond or cope in different situations.

The school holidays can be a great time to explore some different creative outlets. Some ideas for younger age groups are having a creativity corner that can get messy, or having a ‘crafternoon’ making masks, puppets, toys, tapestry, pottery, bracelets or paper-mâché. For older students, there

are many creative ways that their imaginations can be stimulated, it just depends on what their interests are or what activities they are open to exploring.

The experience of being bored can come up during the holidays and many positives can actually come from this but it can also be something that can happen less often as there are so many ways to be kept busy or entertained, particularly with technology. Feeling bored can create new ways of thinking as imagination strengthens in response to the silence or space. Different ways of approaching a task also has the potential to develop, hence growing and learning can happen if one has the opportunity to feel bored.

Engaging in activities that students enjoy or find stimulating obviously are also important, so they can develop new skills and have fun. Positive emotions help to broaden perception and thought, which helps to put ideas and information together in creative, useful ways.

Mrs Fiona StekhovenSchool Counsellor

Art Stars

We are all of us stars ...

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... and we deserve to twinkle

Fintona Fashion Runway

The students have been working with focus in the textiles studio preparing garments for the Fashion Runway to be held on:

Wednesday 28 June6.00pm-7.00pmCorbett Lyon Gallery, Fintona Art Precinct

Doors open at 6.00pm. All welcome.

Pictured: The girls working on their fashion projects, Grace Stevenson, Lalana Ray (Year 10), Emmanuelle Zapris, Dasheille Reid and Siena ONeil (Year 9)

Ms Clare SandersArt Teacher

Middle SchoolAs Semester One draws to a close, it is timely to reflect on how settled the girls are and how much at home they all are in the environs of their school. There have been many varied excursions and incursions that have enhanced the academic, social, sporting and life skills programs and the girls have worked diligently and with enthusiasm to achieve their very best.

The girls in Year 5 enjoyed an engaging excursion to Scienceworks. Apart from visiting the many exhibitions, the students engaged in a session in the Planetarium where they reinforced their understanding of our Solar System and the night sky.

Year 8 students similarly benefited from their Art excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria where they were able to view the Van Gogh exhibition and marvel at the incredible works of this celebrated artist.

Last week, the Year 8 girls were introduced to Projec10, a social action initiative run in conjunction with Camberwell Grammar School, PLC and Camberwell Girls’ Grammar School. Projec10 is a campaign designed to empower students and educate them about microfinance whilst giving them an opportunity to help fight global poverty. Following some introductory activities, the girls were organised into groups with students from one of the other schools and they were able to discuss ideas for running a fund raising activity. The groups will meet again on 26 July to finalise their

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plans and they will have three weeks to organise and hold their fund raising event.

This initiative will provide our students with an opportunity to socialise, have fun, work towards a common goal, and develop friendships with their peers at other schools. The opportunity provides an active and engaging way for the girls to learn about far more than social justice, as it incorporates entrepreneurship and financial literacy. They will be encouraged to use the skills and talents they already have to create business plans and budgets, anticipate obstacles and follow through ideas.

At the end of the project, the profits will be donated to the Youth Apprenticeship programs in Ghana, Philippines and India through Opportunity International Australia.

All of the Middle School girls are busy working within their House groups preparing for the annual House Music competition which will be held on the last day of term. For many this is a wonderful opportunity for them to get to know girls in different year levels and to work together to build comradery and house spirit.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and the girls for all their hard work during the term and wish all families a safe and restful holiday break. I hope you all come back refreshed and ready for another term of fun filled activities.

Ms Trish LeighHead of Middle School

Junior SchoolAssembliesLast week our youngest Junior School girls shared their learning with us at the Prep Class Assembly. The girls confidently used the microphone and told us many interesting things about their Unit of Inquiry, ‘How the world works’. We enjoyed listening about the work they have done and their understandings. Well done Prep and Mrs Creek!

This week Les Petits Choristes performed a range of items with enthusiasm and joy. The girls thoroughly enjoyed working and preparing with Ms Monique Plummer to prepare for our Assembly. The smiles on the girls’ faces spoke volumes of their love of learning and Music. Thank you girls and Ms Plummer and Ms Ha

Parent-Teacher InterviewsPlease be reminded that Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place in the Junior School on Tuesday 27 for class teachers and Wednesday 28 June for class teachers and single subject teachers. Bookings will again be made online through inFintona. An email was sent out to all parents with all details. These interviews are an opportunity to discuss your daughter’s progress. Junior School mid-year reports will come home with your daughter on Friday 23June.

Student Led ConferencesAs part of our reporting process to parents, we will be conducting Student Led Conferences from Prep to Year 4 on Wednesday 16 August from 3.30 – 6:00 pm. A letter will be sent home early in Term 3 regarding your times etc. The girls are very excited about sharing their learning with you.

Term 2 Final AssemblyAll families are warmly invited to our Term 2 Final Assembly in Buick Hall on Friday 30 June at 2.45pm

End of TermPlease note the end of term dismissal time is 3.15pm.

Staff Long Service LeaveWe wish Ms Nina Manning an enjoyable Long Service Leave during Term 3, and welcome Mrs Liezl Dugina to Year 4 for the duration of this time.

We also wish Mrs Sue Peat a relaxing Long Service Leave commencing Monday 26 June, and look forward to her return on Monday 31 July. We welcome Ms Roslyn Ryan in the Junior School Office for this time.

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Holiday WishesI would like to sincerely thank the girls for their enthusiasm and endeavours throughout this term, our families for their support and the staff for their work and enthusiasm. I hope all our families have a wonderful holiday break and we look forward to Term 3, with camps for our Year 3 and 4 girls, student-led conferences, Prep 100 day celebrations and so much more.

Ms Eleni GoulasHead of Junior School

Primary Years Program - Term 2What a joyous and eventful term it has been in the ELC and Junior School! It has been pleasing to see so many students taking action from their learning. Student and teachers alike have been embracing and living the attributes of the PYP Learner Profile. We have seen the ELC students inquiring into how we express ourselves through stories and discovering more about plant life. They took pleasure in sharing their learning with their parents at Student Led Conferences recently.

Our Prep students looked at how toys and games have changed over time whilst some have stayed the same. They enjoyed some old-fashioned games with their mums on Mother’s Day. They also shared their learning from the ‘How the world works’ Unit of Inquiry looking into how habitats support a diversity of living things at Assembly. We observed some creative creatures designed by the Preps to survive in different habitats.

The Year 1 girls became authors when inquiring into how stories connect us through time, culture and traditions. They looked at the many different ways that stories can be told, such as through movement, art, drama, song and many more which they also explored in specialist classes. They then looked at ‘Who we are’, inquiring into the function of the senses and how they are connected.

The Year 2 girls went back in time when looking into how changes in technology affect the way we live. They entered the olden days dressed in costume when visiting Gulf Station Farm and experienced how chores where done in the olden days and reflected on how it has changed. They also ventured into the city to discover and wonder about how art reflects the societies in which they are made.

Year 3 students were off to a quick start to the term, zooming around Buick Hall in billy carts when looking into ‘How the world works’ and how home machines influence our lives. With commitment and creative thinking, they designed machines that would help change the future. The girls inquired into ‘Where we are in place and time’ looking at our indigenous culture and its connection to place, then globally at indigenous cultures around the world. They did an author study looking at Sally Morgan and Bronwyn Bancroft in the Library with Mrs Robyn Sundberg looking at the land we come from.

The Year 4 students have been inquiring into ‘How the world works’ and have been looking into how energy can take many forms and can change; which is very topical at the moment with the release of the Finkel review. In the latter part of the term, the girls inquired into the reasons for early exploration and the impact of exploration. They read powerful picture storybooks, such as The Rabbits by Shaun Tan, which makes a powerful statement about the colonisation of Australia. The girls took part in many learning experiences in Art, French, Music, Drama, Physical Education and Library that supported their Unit of Inquiry understandings and focused on subject specific skills.

As you can see, it has been a fun-filled term of learning. Students will soon receive a report for their parents about Semester 1. It is a time to celebrate their commitment to their learning and to be reflective about their learning journey. Assessment is integral to the teaching and learning process. Why is this so? It promotes continuous learning and growth by celebrating what students can do and allows goal setting to plan for future student growth. It also allows us to guide children through the five essential elements of learning contained in the Primary Years Program: the understanding of concepts, the acquisition of knowledge, the mastering of skills, the development of attitudes and the decision to take action. The PYP approach to assessment acknowledges the importance of assessing the process of inquiry as well as the final product.

After a great first half of the year, we hope that the students, and parents if you are lucky, have a restful break or a wonderous adventure. Never stop inquiring – challenge yourself and do something that you have never done before, ask interesting and thought-provoking questions and find out more about something that interests you! We are life long learners.

Mrs Lucy BrayYear 3 Classroom Teacher/PYP Co-ordinator

Year 1 Special Visitor

The Year 1 class has been very lucky to have a special visitor in our classroom recently. Milla’s mum, Mrs Rebecca Wilson, came to share her knowledge of journalism with the class as part of our ‘How we express ourselves’ Unit of Inquiry.

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We had been learning about various kinds of stories and were interested to find out more about news as a form of storytelling. Rebecca spent two sessions with us so that we could create our own newspaper, the Fintona Junior School News. Rebecca taught us about what the masthead of a newspaper is and how to write a headline for each article. We learnt about how to take notes and then write our own article. We had so much fun being journalists in our classroom! We thank Rebecca for spending the time with us and also for printing out our newspapers! We greatly appreciate it!

Pictured: Mrs Rebecca Wilson with Year 1

Mrs Kym DanceyYear 1 Classroom Teacher

Early Learning Centre

Have a Safe and Happy Mid-year BreakIt has been another wonderful term in the ELC and so much has been explored and achieved. We have embarked on a PYP Unit of Inquiry all about storytelling. This has been an exciting unit for both the children and the teachers and we have explored in many ways, including through music, drama, dress-ups and puppets.

Many other investigations have also been taking place in the ELC classrooms this term. Children have been exploring the properties of plants and trees; investigating dinosaurs; discovering the creative properties of paint and ink; learning how to weave; and discovering the many delights of sensory play.

Please note that ELC classes will finish for the term on Friday 30 June at 3.00pm. We wish all of our families a happy and safe school holiday break and we look forward to seeing you on the first day of Term 3, Tuesday 18 July.

‘Environmental Sustainability Policy’ ReviewWe are reviewing our ‘Environmental Sustainability’ as part of our regular review cycle of current Early Learning Centre Policies and Procedures.

We feel that an ‘Environmental Sustainability Policy’ is an important policy and is necessary in the context of current research which advocates the importance of empowering children to take an active role in caring for the environment, and promoting and contributing to a sustainable future.

“The goal of sustainability education is to empower children and adults to think and act in ways that meet their immediate needs without jeopardising the potential of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable practice in early childhood settings requires a holistic approach that integrates all aspects of sustainability into service operations” – Fintona ELC Environmental Sustainability Policy (2015), p. 2

We would very much welcome you opinions on this issue and any suggestions towards the review and implementation of this policy. A copy of the current Policy is on display outside your child’s classroom. Please email your feedback to Mrs Sue Peat at by the beginning of next term.

Pictured: Maddie Clemenger and her Mum Jo Harris reading a story with the Jacaranda Joeys

Ms Cara MearnsHead of Early Learning Centre

Community Notices

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Australian Girls Choir

The Australian Girls Choir encourages, challenges and inspires girls as they learn to sing, dance and perform.

For information on the Australian Girls Choir Open classes Read More

TuckshopMiddle & Senior SchoolShannon Smith and his staff provide great coffee, hot chocolate and interesting, affordable and healthy meal choices, made fresh daily. Please come to the Tuckshop and introduce yourself, have a coffee and try some of the delicious food on offer. To find out what is on the menu and how to order Read More

ELC & Junior SchoolOrder lunches online Please Note: Orders must be placed by 8.30am on the day the lunch is required. Contact Mrs Sue Peat in the Junior School Office if you have any enquiries, phone 9880 4444.

Other Areas

Buy and sell second-hand uniform items. The Uniform Shop has new operating hours in Semester 2. Read More

Fintona Parents' Association, Friends of Music and Friends of Rowing. Read More

See what is happening in the weeks ahead. Please Note: Parents can access the School Calendar via inFintona Read More

Permanent and casual places available in Out of Hours School Care. Read More

Middle & Senior School lunches and snacks Read MoreELC & Junior School lunches, order online

Check notices sent home and when to return them to School. Read More

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