from the assistant principal………….€¦ · by michelle gibb hi, my name is michelle and...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Newsletter No. 6 - Term 1 – Week 6 8 March 2018

From the Assistant Principal………….

I would like to extend an invitation to all parents to attend a THRASS Parent Information Evening. Initially we had planned for this to happen this term, but we have had to change the date to 6:30pm Tuesday 24th April (Week 2 of Term 2) – please save the date in your calendars. This morning we were visited by teachers from Healesville Primary School, they wanted to observe and talk with us about what we are doing for our students in Literacy in Grade 5/6. I felt so excited and proud during the time I spent in the classrooms participating in and observing the children during their Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops. The level of engagement, and the knowledge the children had about what they were learning and why they were needing to focus on particular skills and strategies, was so impressive and is a great credit to our teachers who have worked tirelessly at building strong learning communities in their classrooms, I think you will also get a sense of the children’s resoluteness from the pictures I took …

Information for Parents - Schools’ Privacy Policy

The Schools’ Privacy Policy informs the school community that information about students can be shared to fulfil the schools’ core functions of educating and supporting our students.

The Schools’ Privacy Policy establishes a clarified ‘need to know’ framework, where school staff share information about students with other staff who need to know as part of their role. This is consistent with Victorian privacy law.

Please follow the link below to obtain further information. ERIN NORMAN ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL


Events Calendar

Notices sent home to Families – 1-8 March 2018

Notice Distributed to: Due Date:

Hot Cross Bun Day All students 16/03/18

2018 Grade 6 top and Jackets Balance owing Grade 6 only 9/03/18

Wellbeing Survey Grade 5 & 6 only Only if declining

Easter Raffle Notice & Tickets Eldest 26/03/18

Hot Cross Bun Fundraising Order Form (Bakers Delight) Eldest 23/03/18


A reminder to everyone that the Canteen is now open for lunch orders on Mondays. Hot Cross Bun order forms went home last week – please return them by Thursday 15th March.

End of Term 1 Canteen hours: Monday 26th March – Canteen is open for lunches and icypoles. Tuesday 27th March – Canteen is open for lunches and icypoles (last day of Canteen) Wednesday 28th March – Hot Cross Bun Day Term 2: Monday 16th April – Canteen closed for cooking preparation. Tuesday 17th April – Canteen open for icypole sales only. Wednesday 18th April – Canteen open for lunches and over the counter sales. Breakfast Club: Karen Klewer, the Brekky Club Coordinator, will be away for this week, however, it will run as normal during this time. This week they are desperately needing donations of long life milk. Please drop donations off at the canteen or the office. JUSTINE WATSON CANTEEN MANAGER


12th - Public Holiday (Labour Day) 16th - Curriculum Day 19th - School Council AGM & Gen. Mtg. – 7:30pm 20th - Whole School Photo Day 24th - Working Bee – 10am – 12noon 27th - Last Day of Canteen 28th - Hot Cross Bun Day 29th - Last day of Term 1 – 2:30pm dismissal

30th - Good Friday April

16th - Term 2 begins 23rd - School Council Mtg. – 7:30pm Staffroom 24th - 6:30pm – THRASS INFO NIGHT 25th - ANZAC Day Public Holiday 29th - Working Bee – 10am-12noon 30th - Grade 5/6 Camp to Ballarat May

2nd - Gr. 5/6s return from Camp. 7th - Curriculum Day – student free day 9th - Mother’s Day Stall 15-17th - NAPLAN Assessments – Yrs 3&5 26th - Working Bee – 10am-12noon


Kalinda Production – 7th & 8th August 2018 Grade 3/4 Camp – 22nd – 24th August 2018 TERM DATES 2018

Term 1 – 29 Jan – 29 March (Students resume 31 January) (Easter – Good Friday 30th March) Term 2 – 16 April – 29 June Term 3 – 16 July – 21 September Term 4 – 8 October – 21 December CANTEEN ROSTER

14th March Sharni F. 15th March Carly S. 16th March – Closed (Curriculum Day)


EVERY DAY COUNTS! We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each and every day. Missing school can have a major impact on a child’s future – a student missing one day a fortnight will miss four full weeks by the end of the year. By Year 10 they’ll have missed more than a year of school! There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. Coming to school every day is vital, but if for any reason your child must miss school, there are things we can do together to ensure they don’t fall behind:

Speak with your classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to do to keep up.

Develop an absence learning plan with your teacher and ensure your child completes the plan. Remember, every day counts. If your child must miss school, speak with your classroom teacher as early as possible. If you’re having attendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day.

Production Update - We need your help! Our Grade 5/6 cast has been announced this week and the students are getting excited about getting stuck in to some solid rehearsing! Thank you to those who have already responded to the parent survey. If you think you may be able to help in any way (costumes, props, sets, lighting, audio, makeup, hair or anything else) please click on the following link and respond to the survey. Alternatively, you can contact Paul, Sarah or Cheryl at school. Thanks in advance for your generosity, Paul Todd Sarah Butler Cheryl Henry-Wild Performing Arts Teacher Foundation Performing Arts Teacher Education Support

6+1 Writing in Grades 3/4

Our amazing Grades 3/4 students all participated in using substantive talk to collect ideas to inspire their writing. They paired up and brainstormed a list of ideas they could write about and then joined together with another pair, shared ideas and decided on their 'Top Five’.

As a class we shared our ideas and contributed towards our ‘What Can I Write About?’ class list.

Our inspired authors then created a page in their Writer’s Notebook titled ‘What Can I Write About?’ and wrote a multitude of ideas, including diary, comedy, futuristic writing.

Looking forward to publishing fabulous writing during the year!



Premier’s Active April encourages all Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to get more people active and healthy. Now featuring a mobile app for iOS and Android, you can log daily activity and track your progress on the go throughout the month. Plus, you can create and join teams, compare the progress of team members and win awesome prizes! You can also explore the all-new My Local to discover local offers, events and facilities available throughout Victoria. Just by registering every participant gets*

10 free passes to a participating YMCA or local government recreation facility

15% off at Sportsmart in store and online

one hour free tennis court hire at Melbourne Park or Albert Reserve

a 2 for 1 ticket offer to SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium

a 2 for 1 ticket offer to Otway Fly Treetop Adventures

a 2 for 1 ticket offer to Legoland Discovery Centre Melbourne

15% discount for Rock up Netball programs

20% discount for Netball Victoria school holiday clinics

5 free group dance lessons at a Dancesport Victoria centre

10% off Term 2 MyGolf Junior program

a 2 for 1 green fee offer at Golf Victoria courses

entry into the draw to win tickets to the 2018 Australian Open Tennis Finals* Register today at JESS SWINGLER PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER

Being George By George Gibb

My name is George and I have been at Kalinda for 6 years now, and now I’m in grade 5/6P. I’m 10 years old. My friends are Seth, Zack, Ben, Brandon and lots of other people too. I have two older brothers. Their names are Will and Andy. They went to Kalinda too, but now they are at Norwood Secondary College. Things I like doing: Going on YouTube and looking at random stuff I like watching Logan Paul and Jake Paul I like watching movies on Netflix. I call it ’Netflix and chill’. Right now, one of my favourite YouTubers is Brian Hull. He does voice impressions of any famous cartoon characters or movie characters like Disney Characters. He does over 200 voices! On the weekends I like to relax in my bedroom and watch my iPod or sometimes I go out with my family to friend’s houses or to the movies. You might see me driving around school in a wheelchair or lying on my trolley. This is because I was born with a condition called Centronuclear Myopathy (or CNM for short). My condition means that my muscles need more help to do some things. So, I have a wheelchair to get around in and I have a special breathing machine that helps me breathe. At school I do all the things that my classmates do, but I have four helpers that help me. Their names are Traci, Carolyn, Briony and Christy. I am pretty good at reading and spelling. I can also do impressions of cartoon characters and I like to make new friends, so, if you see me at school, you can stop and say hi. Being George is both a bit weird and cool, but mostly cool.


Being George’s Mum By Michelle Gibb

Hi, my name is Michelle and I’m George’s mum. As George mentioned, I have three gorgeous boys. Will (15), Andy (13) and George (10). Life can be pretty crazy and hectic at our house, but I wouldn’t change it for the world! My youngest treasure, George, was born with an extremely rare condition called Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM). The condition affects 1 in 50,000 new born boys worldwide. The condition affects the development of muscles, and as a result, my George has profound weakness. The weakness affects all of his muscles and as such he requires mechanical ventilation via a tracheostomy, has a feeding tube in his tummy, has a wheelchair for mobility and is completely reliant on us and his numerous support workers for all of his daily tasks. The condition does not affect his cognitive ability and despite his obvious physical limitations, he is just like his peers. He attends Kalinda 5 days a week, loves playing with his friends at lunch time, spends too much time on his ipod, fights with his brothers, argues with his parents, has a wicked sense of humour and gets pretty shy when people stop and stare at him.

Some Frequently Asked Questions about George: Q: What is wrong with him? A: Nothing is “wrong” with George. He just needs a little bit more help to do the things that we take for granted. Q: What happened to his face? Why does his face look like that? A: Like everyone, we all look different, but because of George’s muscles, his face looks a little bit longer than other people. However, like all mothers, I think my baby boy is one of the cutest, most handsome little guys on the planet and I can find it upsetting when other people suggest anything else. George can also hear what people say and he can sometimes get sad when people say these things. Q: Will he be ok? A: George is a very much loved member of his immediate and extended family, has lots of friends and is a very happy little man. Everyone that gets to know George is easily charmed by his quick wit and sense of humour and quickly realises just how great he is. So with the love and support of our wonderful community, he will be more than “OK”, he will THRIVE!! Q: Can he talk? A: He sure can! When George isn’t bossing his brothers around and being pretty cheeky, he totally loves a good old chat about all the things he is interested in (which is A LOT!!) However, it sometimes takes George a little bit longer to respond to questions, especially if he can’t see the person who has asked him a question, or if he didn’t hear you properly. So, if you see George and want to say hi, you might like to make sure he sees who you are and wait for him to say hi back. He might also ask who you are, because he doesn’t know everyone. At the end of the day, kids are naturally curious about George and ask lots of questions. We love it when people show empathy and understanding and are interested in our little family, so we don’t mind if kids ask questions, in fact, we believe that the more people know about George, the more they will look past his “limitations” and see him for the fabulous person that he is. If you are interested in reading more about CNM, please visit the following link We love being part of the Kalinda community and are so grateful for the love and support that we receive. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak with me and say G’day. Michelle.


COLES SPORTS FOR SCHOOLS The Coles Sports for Schools Program has started. When you shop at Coles supermarkets, you will receive a voucher for every $10 you spend. Bring your vouchers into the school’s office and place them into the Coles box. All vouchers we collect will go towards purchasing sporting equipment for our students. Tell your friends and family to get involved as well, because the more vouchers we collect, the more sports equipment our school will receive. Can anyone help? If anyone has an hour or two to spare on any day of the week, we would love some help to count out the Sports for Schools dockets. All these have to be counted and registered to enable us to receive the sports equipment. Just turn up at the office and we’ll get you started!

BE SUNSMART A reminder to all parents that Term 1 is a Sunsmart term. School approved slouch hats with a logo, must be worn outside at all times, including to and from school. If students are not wearing their hats, they will be asked to play in the shade. Hats are available from the RHSports Uniform Shop in New St, Ringwood.

GIVE THAT THEY MAY GROW! Good Friday Appeal envelopes were sent home last week with your eldest child today. Please give generously to this very worthy cause.




OFFICE NEWS Parent Payment Contributions 2018 – If you are on a Payment Plan, please note that the 3rd instalment was due on 28th February. The next instalment is due on 27th March. Grade 5/6 Camp: The Balance is now available on Compass. This amount will be available under “Course Confirmation/Payment” for payment by instalments or to pay in full or via the office. If you are eligible for Camps, Sports & Excursions Funding (CSEF), please do not process through Compass, as this will alter the amount owed. Complete your form and bring into the Office for payment. Credit Card & BPay payments – Please remember that we cannot accept payments of less than $10 for credit card and less than $30 for BPay. If you are paying by BPay, please also send in a short email or note letting us know the amount, what the payment was for and the BPay Receipt number, to If payments of less than $10 are received, we will be returning them home and asking for cash payment. The 2017 Parent Payment Policy and the Kalinda Primary School Hardship Policy is located on our website at - Notices & Forms, for your information. . If you have any queries regarding any of the above, please contact the Office. THERESA JARVIS BUSINESS MANAGER COMPASS – If your child is away due to illness, medical appointments, family holidays, or other reasons, please remember to login to Compass and register their non-attendance through the “Add / Approve Absence” tab on your child’s Home Page in Compass.

STUDENT BANKING Student Banking is now up and running for 2018. Simply place your money into the cover and fill in the deposit slip. Send to school every Friday morning, it will be processed and returned to your child’s class on Mondays.


Kalinda Primary School Uniforms are available to purchase offsite at RHSports at Unit 12, 100 New Street, Ringwood. Notices are available at the office or on our website at For your convenience, the RHSports Shop is open every day from 9:00am – 5:00pm, including school holidays. The direct link to RHSports is

LOST PROPERTY If your child is missing any items of clothing, lunch boxes, drink bottles, etc. please check the Lost Property tubs at the end of the corridor near the office. Smaller items or valuable items (toys, jewellery, etc.) are normally held at the office.


We would love to be able to return them to your child when found.



See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events and information. The Department of Education & Training (DET) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DET and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.



Chris, our apple man will be delivering apples on Thursday 15 March. If you would like to order apples, please see Gill or Annie at the office with your order and payment by Wednesday 14 March. Bags are approximately 5-6kg and are freshly picked from the orchard.

Pink Ladies, Royal Galas, Fujis, Golden Delicious and Granny Smiths are available at $10 per bag.



Volunteers Wanted Eastern Health has completed building a new Breast and Cancer Centre located at Maroondah Hospital

and it will be opening on Friday 6th of April. The Centre will have services for Breast Screen clients and

Breast Clinic patients in the Eastern Suburbs. We are looking for volunteers to assist us in a patient

simulation (9am – 12.30) exercise on Wednesday 21 March. Your involvement (appropriately 1 hour)

would involve visiting the new centre and completing one or multiple appointments and providing

feedback on your experience. Your assistance will help us refine our client/patient, system and

information flows. If you are available for 1 hour and interested in assisting please

email :


MAROONDAH CITY COUNCIL FACEBOOK Check out the Maroondah City Council facebook page here for upcoming events:

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