from malls to museums: how to use beacons in your industry

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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One of the greatest challenges in business is focusing your efforts in the right area. In our "Malls to Museums" beacon webinar, we're going to take a look the huge range of possibilities for iBeacon technology and break them down industry by industry. With's expertise in Hardware, and Fosbury's expertise in software, we'll analyze case studies and make recommendations to maximize your chances for success. We will review a range of business types, from museums to retail organizations, live event venues to restaurants to tell you: What you need to know about hardware to effectively interact with customers Best practices for pushing the right content to consumers A case study that discusses how people in that field are already testing beacons.


From Malls to MuseumsHow to use beacons in your industry


How to use beacons in your industry

There is a wide range of potential uses for beacons that can be both exciting and overwhelming. To be successful, businesses must understand the nuances of their industry, and focus their efforts to give themselves the highest chances for success.

We will review a range of business types, from museums to retail organizations, live event venues to restaurants to tell you:

What you need to know about hardware to effectively interact with customersBest practices for pushing the right content to consumers A case study that discusses how people in that field are already testing beacons.



Live eventvenues


MuseumsRestaurantsand hotels and Fosbury and Fosbury

Live event venues

I'm a live event venue, how can I use beacons?

Believe it or not, live sporting events still have to compete for the fans attention as eyes are glued to phones, and fans take selfies and tweet about the game. It’s hard not to shake your head, but this change in generational habits represents a huge opportunity for brands. Using iBeacons we can recapture fans attention, engage them with relevant and promotional content, and provide entertainment to keep them coming back.

Whether your live events are concerts, sports games, or something else entirely, it’s time to win back your audience. For our best practice review, we’re going to place beacons at two locations:

The entrances to your venueThe aisles where guests walk down to their seats.

Entrances are a powerful place to capture a guests attention as they enter your venue. This is a great time to provide them with engaging content like a contest or news about an upcoming special that will happen at halftime or intermission of your show.

IE: “For anyone who can answer all 5 Trivia questions correctly will be entered into a raffle to win upgraded tickets, right by the stage!”

By driving them into your app as they arrive, you can influence customer habits for the whole experience. The audience is entertained by the trivia game upon entrance, and re-engaged during halftime when the winner is announced (which also acts as a promotion for your app).

A second effective beacon placement would be by the aisles where guests walk down to their seats. Separate from the entrance, this can be more highly targeted to the seating section. Using the widely available social photos, you can show your audience what the stage looked like during the 2010 Championship game, or when the most recent country or rock artist performs from that specific section of the venue. Next, invite them to participate by contributing their own photos throughout the night for a chance to get featured at future events.

If you can’t beat them, join them. You’ll likely never get your audience off of their phones, but you can engage and entertain them.




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At the Bonnaroo live music festival this year, beacons were placed around the festival grounds and integrated into the Bonnaroo app thanks to our friends at Aloompa. While users of the Bonnaroo app benefited from proximity based notifications for happenings around the event, event organizers also gained new insight into how to improve the festival next year:

Popular apple blog “9to5mac” praised the implementation, saying that, “Beacon integration is important and helps with navigation throughout the festival site, as well as tracks loyalty to different stages and performers during the festival. For Bonnaroo, the data gathered is invaluable — from learning what people tend to do right off the bat upon entrance to a festival event, to seeing what stages tend to have loyal fans in common, the figures gathered by beacons can help shape and streamline the festival in the future.”

Check out the case study ofthe Orlando Magic

Out of the data tracked, the following insights were found:

Most Popular Stage: “What Stage”Average length in VIP per person: 102.15 MinutesHow many total users went inside VIP: 1,980 PeopleNumber of notifications each device received on average: 12.6 notificationsTotal number of unique devices who experienced beacons: 20% of app installsDelivered a total of proximity 97,270 messages to 20% of app installs over 4 festival daysMessages based on over 811,961 observed user events




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Retail organizations



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I'm a retail organization, how can I use beacons?

There is more written about ibeacon usage among retailers than any other use case. All this available content can feel overwhelming, so we’ll break down some of our favorite best practices to maximize your chances for success.

Idenfity Goal: Improve customer experience & increase sales.

Above all else, retail stores want to increase sales. To do so however requires more finesse than blasting customers with 100 coupon codes as they walk through the store. Gary Vanyerchuck’s latest book [1], “Jab Jab Jab Right Hook” addresses how to convert customers over social media, but his theory applies perfectly to placing beacons in your store. Gary says that like in boxing, if you try to throw knockout right hooks every time (hard selling) you’ll be incredibly ineffective. However if you throw jabs, by adding value to the customer experience through engaging content, your right hooks will be far more effective. Let’s walk through what some of those jabs might look like and how you can create a complete user experience that effectively closes sales.

We’ll place your first beacon at the entrance of the store to welcome shoppers. To add value, think about what your specific target customer is looking for. If you have a clothing store, your customers might be looking for the latest clothes and you can show them pictures and articles from hip style blogs. If you sell hobby and home good supplies, provide customers with seasonal projects that they can complete with products from your store. These are all types of engaging content you can prompt when customers enter your store. Moreover, this disassociates the use of your app with sales, and therefore makes it less intimidating.

Next place a beacon in the front of the aisle customers will walk down to find their good. Still, we’re going to resist pushing a promotion but add more value by presenting interesting content. If you have lamps or other lighting for sale, show a video from HGTV on the best way to light a room. If you have a shoe section, why not get a laugh out of your customers and show them a music video like Paulo Nutini’s song “New Shoes” [2] or Run DMC’s “My Adidas”. [3]

Finally, your customer reaches a specific product section. It’s at this point

you should consider promotions, but keeping in mind, “how do I continue to add value?” Consider providing customer reviews on products, or expert tips on the product of choice along side your coupon. Let them know that they’re not only getting a deal, but the product of interest is the best available option.

I'm a retail organization, how can I use beacons?

There is more written about ibeacon usage among retailers than any other use case. All this available content can feel overwhelming, so we’ll break down some of our favorite best practices to maximize your chances for success.

Idenfity Goal: Improve customer experience & increase sales.

Above all else, retail stores want to increase sales. To do so however requires more finesse than blasting customers with 100 coupon codes as they walk through the store. Gary Vanyerchuck’s latest book [1], “Jab Jab Jab Right Hook” addresses how to convert customers over social media, but his theory applies perfectly to placing beacons in your store. Gary says that like in boxing, if you try to throw knockout right hooks every time (hard selling) you’ll be incredibly ineffective. However if you throw jabs, by adding value to the customer experience through engaging content, your right hooks will be far more effective. Let’s walk through what some of those jabs might look like and how you can create a complete user experience that effectively closes sales.

We’ll place your first beacon at the entrance of the store to welcome shoppers. To add value, think about what your specific target customer is looking for. If you have a clothing store, your customers might be looking for the latest clothes and you can show them pictures and articles from hip style blogs. If you sell hobby and home good supplies, provide customers with seasonal projects that they can complete with products from your store. These are all types of engaging content you can prompt when customers enter your store. Moreover, this disassociates the use of your app with sales, and therefore makes it less intimidating.

Next place a beacon in the front of the aisle customers will walk down to find their good. Still, we’re going to resist pushing a promotion but add more value by presenting interesting content. If you have lamps or other lighting for sale, show a video from HGTV on the best way to light a room. If you have a shoe section, why not get a laugh out of your customers and show them a music video like Paulo Nutini’s song “New Shoes” [2] or Run DMC’s “My Adidas”. [3]

Finally, your customer reaches a specific product section. It’s at this point



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you should consider promotions, but keeping in mind, “how do I continue to add value?” Consider providing customer reviews on products, or expert tips on the product of choice along side your coupon. Let them know that they’re not only getting a deal, but the product of interest is the best available option.

Points to consider for your Beacon deployment from a hardware perspective:

Your Proximity UUID should generally be the same for all Beacons for your organisation.Depending on your granularity needs, you could also (using our example) have each museum assigned with its own UUID. Just remember that UUIDs are meant to identify all the bea-cons you own, or at least very large groups of them.You have a limit of 20 regions that can be defined for your application (this is a current iOS limitation).A region can be defined by proximity UUID only, a UUID plus Major value, a UUID plus Major and Minor values. You can select the level of granularity you need.Your app is going to be notified when a user enters or leaves a region, so ask yourself at what level you’ll need such notifica-tions. We recommend using your Major values to define your regions.Remember that once you have detected that the user has en-tered a region, and focused their attention with a notification, your application can start ranging all Beacons in the region and provide detailed information back to the user.




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Check out the case study ofthe Tesco and Waitrose

Check out the case study ofthe Walgreens and Fosbury




eum and Fosbury

Check out the case study ofthe Phillips Museum

I'm a museum, how can I use beacons?

Life is all about context. Paintings for example, hold value not only for their beauty, but for their history, the artist who painted them, and the story behind them. In 2013, the worlds most famous graffiti artist named Banksy opened a sidewalk kiosk in Central Park to sell his work for $60 a piece, and hired an unknown person to work it. The kiosk offered art of different sizes, including a version of a piece titled “Love is in the Air,” one of which sold for $249,000 in auction just a few months before. One version had no context and little value to those passing by, one was valued at a quarter million dollars.

Idenfity Goal: Educate and Entertain

Beacons offer museums an opportunity to provide context to guests like never before. Let’s start with the assumption that for your museum, we’re going to place a beacon in every main section of the gallery and and that visitors to the museum have downloaded an informational app. This allows us to focus instead on new ways to educate and entertain those customers.

To start out with something familiar, let’s start by telling guests more details about the exhibit. With beacons, an app can sense exactly where in the museum that guest is to provide relevant information. Instead of searching through an audio tour for the right section, the app can instantly connect visitors to a video highlighting the artists life, and sharing the influences for the painting.

One strong influence on art and science is the time period in which it was formed. Beacons could send visitors “Current Events” notifications, highlight what was happening in the world during that time. From food

shortages to gold rushes, the ice age to the renaissance, events of the time could provide guests a deeper understanding during their visit.

Want to increase time spent at your museum? Offer a Museum scavenger hunt, with clues that pop up at every corner of your building. Guests will be entertained, educated, and spend more time than ever before.

Museums will have fast customer adoption for beacons because they replace known tools that guests are used to. Instead of audio headsets, they can use their phones. Instead of searching through a brochure for the right exhibit, beacons can pinpoint their location with accuracy.more highly targeted to the seating section.

Beacon identi�ers in practice

Previously we covered some implementation basics. So how might that affect your Beacon deployment strategy?

We’re going to look museum group that has a network of four distinct physical locations. Beacons are deployed to give visitors a rich interactive experience when they enter any of our Museums, and provide users with information about individual collections as they approach each exhibit.

In our Museum Group example, we have assigned a single UUID to the Museum group (as they own this particular beacon network). A user’s device, can then monitor our four physical locations using this single UUID.

Our application ‘knows’ when the user has entered (or left) any of the museums in the group and notify the user appropriately just by referencing the UUID. The major field, tells us which Museum the user is currently in so your application can act accordingly – for example by offering event

suggestions, maps, audio guides, or other content.

The minor field, can be used to identify entire collections within the museum, or the individual exhibits within the collection. Your application can use this level of granularity to provide tailored information for the exhibit, a more detailed gallery map, or perhaps an audio guide through the entire exhibit.

I'm a museum, how can I use beacons?

Life is all about context. Paintings for example, hold value not only for their beauty, but for their history, the artist who painted them, and the story behind them. In 2013, the worlds most famous graffiti artist named Banksy opened a sidewalk kiosk in Central Park to sell his work for $60 a piece, and hired an unknown person to work it. The kiosk offered art of different sizes, including a version of a piece titled “Love is in the Air,” one of which sold for $249,000 in auction just a few months before. One version had no context and little value to those passing by, one was valued at a quarter million dollars.

Idenfity Goal: Educate and Entertain

Beacons offer museums an opportunity to provide context to guests like never before. Let’s start with the assumption that for your museum, we’re going to place a beacon in every main section of the gallery and and that visitors to the museum have downloaded an informational app. This allows us to focus instead on new ways to educate and entertain those customers.

To start out with something familiar, let’s start by telling guests more details about the exhibit. With beacons, an app can sense exactly where in the museum that guest is to provide relevant information. Instead of searching through an audio tour for the right section, the app can instantly connect visitors to a video highlighting the artists life, and sharing the influences for the painting.

One strong influence on art and science is the time period in which it was formed. Beacons could send visitors “Current Events” notifications, highlight what was happening in the world during that time. From food



eum and Fosbury

shortages to gold rushes, the ice age to the renaissance, events of the time could provide guests a deeper understanding during their visit.

Want to increase time spent at your museum? Offer a Museum scavenger hunt, with clues that pop up at every corner of your building. Guests will be entertained, educated, and spend more time than ever before.

Museums will have fast customer adoption for beacons because they replace known tools that guests are used to. Instead of audio headsets, they can use their phones. Instead of searching through a brochure for the right exhibit, beacons can pinpoint their location with accuracy.more highly targeted to the seating section.

Beacon identi�ers in practice

Previously we covered some implementation basics. So how might that affect your Beacon deployment strategy?

We’re going to look museum group that has a network of four distinct physical locations. Beacons are deployed to give visitors a rich interactive experience when they enter any of our Museums, and provide users with information about individual collections as they approach each exhibit.

In our Museum Group example, we have assigned a single UUID to the Museum group (as they own this particular beacon network). A user’s device, can then monitor our four physical locations using this single UUID.

Our application ‘knows’ when the user has entered (or left) any of the museums in the group and notify the user appropriately just by referencing the UUID. The major field, tells us which Museum the user is currently in so your application can act accordingly – for example by offering event

suggestions, maps, audio guides, or other content.

The minor field, can be used to identify entire collections within the museum, or the individual exhibits within the collection. Your application can use this level of granularity to provide tailored information for the exhibit, a more detailed gallery map, or perhaps an audio guide through the entire exhibit.

I'm a museum, how can I use beacons?

Life is all about context. Paintings for example, hold value not only for their beauty, but for their history, the artist who painted them, and the story behind them. In 2013, the worlds most famous graffiti artist named Banksy opened a sidewalk kiosk in Central Park to sell his work for $60 a piece, and hired an unknown person to work it. The kiosk offered art of different sizes, including a version of a piece titled “Love is in the Air,” one of which sold for $249,000 in auction just a few months before. One version had no context and little value to those passing by, one was valued at a quarter million dollars.

Idenfity Goal: Educate and Entertain

Beacons offer museums an opportunity to provide context to guests like never before. Let’s start with the assumption that for your museum, we’re going to place a beacon in every main section of the gallery and and that visitors to the museum have downloaded an informational app. This allows us to focus instead on new ways to educate and entertain those customers.

To start out with something familiar, let’s start by telling guests more details about the exhibit. With beacons, an app can sense exactly where in the museum that guest is to provide relevant information. Instead of searching through an audio tour for the right section, the app can instantly connect visitors to a video highlighting the artists life, and sharing the influences for the painting.

One strong influence on art and science is the time period in which it was formed. Beacons could send visitors “Current Events” notifications, highlight what was happening in the world during that time. From food

shortages to gold rushes, the ice age to the renaissance, events of the time could provide guests a deeper understanding during their visit.

Want to increase time spent at your museum? Offer a Museum scavenger hunt, with clues that pop up at every corner of your building. Guests will be entertained, educated, and spend more time than ever before.

Museums will have fast customer adoption for beacons because they replace known tools that guests are used to. Instead of audio headsets, they can use their phones. Instead of searching through a brochure for the right exhibit, beacons can pinpoint their location with accuracy.more highly targeted to the seating section.

Beacon identi�ers in practice

Previously we covered some implementation basics. So how might that affect your Beacon deployment strategy?

We’re going to look museum group that has a network of four distinct physical locations. Beacons are deployed to give visitors a rich interactive experience when they enter any of our Museums, and provide users with information about individual collections as they approach each exhibit.

In our Museum Group example, we have assigned a single UUID to the Museum group (as they own this particular beacon network). A user’s device, can then monitor our four physical locations using this single UUID.

Our application ‘knows’ when the user has entered (or left) any of the museums in the group and notify the user appropriately just by referencing the UUID. The major field, tells us which Museum the user is currently in so your application can act accordingly – for example by offering event

suggestions, maps, audio guides, or other content.

The minor field, can be used to identify entire collections within the museum, or the individual exhibits within the collection. Your application can use this level of granularity to provide tailored information for the exhibit, a more detailed gallery map, or perhaps an audio guide through the entire exhibit.



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Restaurants and hotels






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Restaurants and hotels

Identify Goal: Offer Superior Customer Service

There is a unique opportunity for restaurants and other hospitality using beacons. Guests at a restaurant expect to be treated with a high level of service and appreciate when an employee knows their name, favorite drink, and where they like to sit. This aligns perfectly with our goal - to offer superior customer service.

Imagine if a retailer like Walgreens tried to do that with shoppers! I think they would be outraged about the invasion of their privacy. At the same time, retail stores can use the shopper information to offer targeted discounts and promotions which is more of what they expect.

Instead of creating entirely new experiences, it may be best to simply enhance what customers already expect. Another hospitality brand, Marriott, has extended known experiences by putting concierge services into an app. Integrating beacons in their app is an ideal fit because most travelers are actively looking for restaurant recommendations, great local bar spots, or things to do. Marriott shared that they will offer, “exclusive, localized experiences including food & beverage, golf, and spa deals to members.”

Overall, the positive outlook for both retail and restaurant is that they can track the result whatever they try. The analytics that beacons provide, allow these brands to track the performance of their efforts and adjust accordingly.

Check out the case study ofMarriott






hote and Fosbury

In Frankfurt Germany, supplied beacons for an interestering restaurant implementation in cooperation with out friends at CandyLabs. Christian Mook, owner of 5 high-end restaurants known as the Mook Group, is testing an application using the iBeacon technology, to improve the overall customer experience and encourage loyalty.

Their goal is to learn a diner’s favorite table, exactly how long they spend in the restaurant, what dish they order most–and they’ll even know when their guest is in the bathroom.

The app clocks the time guests spend in the restaurant and uses a ranking system to reward them for their loyalty - adding a “gamification” layer to the dining experience. The more often you dine in a Mook restaurant, the higher your ranking gets, and the better rewards you recieve.

Mook says it later hopes to track indoor location, items ordered and the amount customers pay— all with an eye toward offering new services and improving existing ones.

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Thanks for reading

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