friends to rn session 2

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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fRieNds to RNBy Katelyn Finnegan and Phil DeSenaSpecial guest: Julia White

Select all that apply:a.What to expect in Clinicalb.What to expect on Nursing examsc.How to make your schedule perfectd.Phil and Katelyn are the beste.You love coming to fRieNds to RNS

Answers: a, b, c, d, e


Katelyn’s number one rule: do NOT let ANYONE intimidate you into believing they know more than you do, or that you are incapable of doing something because you do not have experience in clinical. No one has experience in Clinical. If they did, they would be nurses already.

Phil’s number one rule: Come prepared with information on your patients and do not be afraid to ask questions whether it be to your nurse or to your professor.

What to expect in clinical1.Fundamentals

a. Time to learn the fundamentals.

b. Toileting people, taking vital signs, learning lab skills

2.Med Surg

a. Save your Pharm notebook, you're going to need it!

b. Consider going to the lab to practice your IM injections, IV flow rates, etc etc


a. Prepare for bloooooooddddd

i. We will demonstrate the proper fainting techniques. This is not a joke, or a drill.


a. You are not just taking care of the child you are also taking care of the parent

b. Bring a pamphlet with you that includes the different vital signs for each age group

Clinical continued5. Psych

a. Do not be intimidated by Psychb. Anyone could be affected by Psych issues, go in there with a sense of empathy and

understanding6. Community

c. You can have different clinical settings from your classmates. Examples: Asthma training in schools, visiting the elderly, following a home care nurse

Nursing Exams

Select all that apply

Select all that apply continued

Answers: 1,2,3,4

Scenarios1. Lab values

a. If a professor says to you, this medication make a patient suffer from agranulocytosis (which is a DECREASE in the number of white blood cells)

b. Do NOT simply memorize this fact. Look up what it means and what the normal white blood cell counts are.

c. The question will not be “what is agranulocytosis?”

The question will be, a patient on Clozapine has a white blood cell count of 5000, what should you do? You need to know the correct number of WBCs someone should have.

NORMAL WBC RANGE: 4500 - 10,0002. Signs and symptoms

Know the signs and symptoms of different diseases because they will give you a scenario where a patient is coughing up pink, frothy sputum and you need to know thats a sign of a pulmonary edema vs pneumonia.

How to make a schedule1. When to sign up: If your date says 11/12/16 at 6 am - WAKE UP AT 5. Because everyone

else is. Make sure you have internet connectiona. You sign up through LIONS DEN

2. Make sure you have a pre written list of the classes you want3. Be aware of the track you’re on and the classes you must register for (Advisor meetings are

AFTER you pre-register4. When your time comes to register, course search the classes do NOT type them into the “add

courses” bar.5. Make your advisement appointments convenient for you

Phil’s advice: Be prepared with multiple variations of your schedule so you’re not stressed the day of. Also, correlate schedule with friends!Katelyn’s advice: Spread your classes out. Sometimes it will be annoying but if you have all of your classes on the same day, ie Tuesday, everything will be due on Tuesday.

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