friday the montrose cr: p, er: voice. - · montrose voice r~ new~ 'ap...

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MONTROSE VOICE r~ NEW~ 'AP " )F MONTRCcSE L cr: mu• iv p, •lm111 er: ... FRIDAY July 14. 19890 SSUE 455


We're working to bring you a real


The Montrose Voice.

11;; :?g~~.fa~s 1~:~:.;:~~ter' officially opened Thf' ,,fv roun•d m thr ~h , 1ppi Hin·r '°"''", d ~huc11tm•·. fo .. -a. •pop Zl.OOU1 pa...d a JlllY ril{htA urdi· nanct>Jt }' 6 y af J •·ult•

:-; .. gaya rJ ... bian• bbir.Jforth 1r Ln 1n• t-d by th c11y·1 Hu nan Highttl' mn; ui n. Theto,.·n hu Dl(nyorl(nrltnti n•ortn'!O!'lml( ,.

Thf' ordm ntt n• duaimm•· lion n 111111•.rm, ·~·m .. nt.n"1it •nd t! fftr. If ,.f_., ... ..,11. It "ii: h•kl" rffKtJuJ..v ;;?Oun lee~ ~tayor llun IA'~l•ll' 'nu·rcedn1w1th11 \'l"lll

I """lly d,.n't kn""' "'·hat J"m l(c I( ,,,.Jo, L1-~lllr1&1d11flt•rth1•\'n\o;

I ro11lri ~Ll(ll It toltlnfl'o"'·· but I'll pv •hl)' w111tth.- .. ·hol1· l4da)·•to g1vfthepublichm1·\ocommt'nt"

J,.·:\lara11idh•·didn'tknnw1fany homuow1unl•" had l .... ·n pn•Mt•nt

d11nnl( tht· munti:I d•·b111t·1unt'i' th•·~· dun·! •Hnr n b11d111·hk1·hlui-k~.

hi~1uu1icsum!oth•·r minontu-1' A1·cordmJ tu It um an R111ht11 Cum

mi1<1non mt•mlot r HnNI)' I )1·l~·rau. M11a<'alin1·h1t8nn·t·rrl'l'<Wt"<lal·um plm t f d1ann;nm11tio; h&><1'<l un whal h~ urdin11nn· ntilB •llJ1'Ctlc al pr.-feren llut co mi1111c>n C'O-chur "'"')

IJ1mallt< ~r .. porkutha: th1·t•""" nttdedt< a;c; on:1uchdi.t-.mm1

Th1·ror.:mu10 iU.·u tl11•p poe;al for a )'Nlr :i11nnl( m tm1

re.1dm11mJune.Conn•rni'd("1t1ten• AIUS, "·au:hl"d Sunday 1111 dt~ nf Mu~nuine 1CCMt bt-gan a mm- hi11wiic11 dl.'dicattod tht·ir nt•w C1•n piugnopp<»<ingthechanl(t'. tt'ronThoma11Street

<TM nHhiur W Floyd SC'<J\t told In tht· hl'lll and humidity. onl' Tht' Mu>l('a\mt'Joumal that th '""' ofri<-ial llftt•r anotht>r 11pokt 1110111 law c;-011.ld mean that "a ~h 1 rch Lnlf 1o.ord11 <>I thl· pt'Oplc who

111:hnol1>r yo11thorl(8ml1&twnc•ould b•: forcffi Whitt a JWl"'>n "ho pr .. ·1ices11.ndpromut ... hnm<»1·1111al· 1ty.1nce1t.adultffy,1>1dismorpro1ti· tullonw ... ork .. ithchildr .. n'

liut Laur11.llulli •I J(l'T fth .. til man R1gh~ Commi .... i1 1a1d S•:olf•o,mm .. nt11d1Mt<lrtl'dth -di mm<'t'by"prumotml(untrul"ll•·n.. tyJ)("• and gi•-inl( an m•<J?Tt'< '"' pre111on that dlt'l(al b.·ha•·iol'I wouldhf<'omtll"K<ll

r.t...81.·atine i11 not tht' ~m111let<t to"n m thl" L"mted StatH to pll!lla 11ayrighlllmeaa11re:thatdiMtin<·tio 111behevtodt.ol.wlunl(t0Alfred.:'\t·" ''urk

ButllCt'<>rdint1t.ol.'r.-aMh1Vr11d.•·x t•c;utiHdin'C:·torofthtr-;atton11!(;11) and Letobian1'11~k Fur<'l", '1t'8pretty amazin11nontthl"lt'81

Ju .. 11C1ty.auni.-l'r~ityto"·n.u;thf onlyotherlowae'ityt<>prottdKaya andlt'*b'11.nMfromdiM·r1m1nati•n

An•-thf:\liuialnpp1inllm• "· h1,,.n..._fi,·ec:itwsmdudm11('hic.a t1ohav .. pa..-dga~ri11hi.ordman e1,andnti1hhor1n11W1l<'Oruimh a 11m.-wide K"Y ri.irht11 Ja ... ·. lh.- 11y

'" mthl-L'S

fou11htanrlKrnl<'ht'dtol(t'ttht'la dlityl>pt-n undertht'umhn•Jlaof th .. llrl'Hlt'r J1.,u11tun AllJS Alli ann>.

Huu"ton ~tayor Kathy Wh1tmin•:''Th1ailllll¥r .. atdayfur ll"u~ton. hut m ift' important. it'8 hope for th.- 11uffennj!'. with Aiils··

,Judj!:r ,Jon llam8 County -·what ha11 hffn impn_.. •in- ui the tt-amwork among Jlu1111· tHn IN1d1·rK who ('amt' togt·tht>r to rrt'1J1c·thi11('c·ntt>z:'

Debra llanburK.' repn_.. 11t·ntatin- "I wi11h wt· could havl' don1• 0.:111•r m Au11tm; ut leatit tlou~ton M·t·m• to bt• mo"inll in th1· ~·ar llKainat thi11 awful di11·

,,.,(,. ,lt·an Moort·. prt•><idt•nt ol tht' llarr111 <'ounty llo11pital lfoi· trkt. ··w,;r•· KuinK to ma kt· thiH tht• linotfodlityforAlllStreatment in th1• l:nit1·d Stnh'~.

Jon ~kh11h1·r. t•ILt'<·uuw din·c .. tor Grt•ah'r liowitun AlllS Alli· nnce: ··Th•· \-nlunlt't•r ht'Lp ,..,..·,-f n .. ·1·iv1..i,,11upo·nduu><.Thi11isj1111t a .. tart. Wt·'w a lot of work ahead ofull,••nl•ofth~·m bemj!:lht·prub­IP11 of tnmspniati - from d1£ \1a1' Stn.._. 'l1u1 lo Th1· {\

Mayor 1-fhitmir .. lforf'frrm/1and11/hn,,ffuw/H c·uf th1· nhhon tu open thf' 'Center on Thomas Strttl"


Bi8hop J011eph Fiorl"nltl. llio CHtoofGal\'('f;ton ll••u1<ton• ·c;1,,-I grant that thi11 ('t•ntt•r g1v''* to I"'" pit> with AlllS thl' Krt·ak'st ]nw and th• betitc'lrethatmancunul fei'

Caroi)·n Ft1rb. fundri111<er···p,.,, pie opening lht'tr h .. aru and 1><x·kt_-lbooks to ll("e 1ht1t th111 fm·•li· t~ 1• trul\· the be9t thert·C1m he."

("ounty('ummi1111ion1;raC'oort:''It WH><n't t·u><y. hut wt' did it. We all K<>I t<>J(t·lht·r and did what had to bt•do1w."

Said .. n1· !'WA. Th1;rl'are11-0me m11t1h •JK•tlJ yt'l. but therc·il not mut·h to ('(lffiJ>lllin about. The)· -m to bl- d"mK wh11.t they can to ht·lpl1S

llr. \lal'Kulhlliard.~niur\'i('e i'rt"l!lldt•nt of the 1111.rris County JI, p'•1!.I IJ; tnr•t1ndtht-Admm

istrator of l...B.J_ Ho11p1tal, which operntes the out-patient program at The Center, reponed that in June,therewere~2patientvitiita. J50ofthl'm by old patientafrom Jeff 011.vis HCNLpital. and 32 new patients

jl)M of the vi111U> were by ap. pumunent. meamng faster MrV

ice. SinC'eitopenedon May22, The Center'11 pharmacy haa filled 1700 preecnptlons

:.:::. ~=:·::.:;.;. ;:-:~:; h,:: Th b f · 11 l h l :s::~.:~~~;"";hm·m'b.. o.,h e eauty o nature st1 ca ms t e sou Sa~ln 1<pok~ !1 the ordmane•· the

,:1'r;~~~:~1 h;J'' ~~:::;:~~~h~~~~o; Commt•nta~ b~· UA:\ l'l"Gll IJHUTTil(hlll. rt1~M,,,,t,,..,.\'l>Ll'<

Counnl m ml ... u l.llrl'~ Kt·mp J, ~yA1111·r1n und.J .. urwttt·l'hilhv­aJ..,., ,tood f< lh•·nn·""""'·•"Ylllll hu """' I nt•ntation 11 "nvil ight111Ma< >tnr .. !iwiouMormornl

ho urdi 1n1·1· ""'""d

House cuts art funds in protest Bv ROllERT SllEl'ARD

WAS!IJ:'>O(:TO:\ tl'l'l1 Th<' Hou111· \'ofrd w muk1• a 11ymbolk $4.\000 1·ut 1n tht> hudl{et for the Nelional EndowmNlt for the Arl-8 Wt'<in,.,.duy to prott'Rt fundmgol two l'l'<"t·nt 11.r1.t·xhihit11dt•Mcrihed byom·mt·mtwra11''dnwnrightdi11· gu111inll:

Tht•('UIWU1lpprov1'<linpl11.t·eol mon· M>•·t·n· Hm1·ndnwnt11 that call1'<1.forelim111111mnofth1·:-.0t:A1 t•nt1r1·$!Hmtlhonal'propn11t1on forl~l.oracuto1$14million

S.1mftimee )'OU want to do .. omt thing nt'w and intt>rtttinK. y,.t vt·ry iican·fol and a..rt·n•· Th•'IM an· the tim(•ll wh,.n inl'x1wn11iv1· miKht be a niet· inl(rc..lit•nt alsn Thl•rt• is ><ud1 an adi\·ity in tht· h"artoftht•big1·it)·-tht·Hou11tun Arhoretumandr-;aturt'Ct•nh•rin r.h•morialPark

The l."i>-11.cre Arbon•tum may beoneufthebeto1kept11ec.·rHHm t"wn. r-;,.artheweil l'dtit'ufMt· mori11.l Park almol!I to l~>op f;)(J

thfre 1811. turnoff fr.,m Wo1xi"ll\' with a small fountain out front chat u11ually do(•11n'1 work any mort'. Takt'thatturn

lnsidt• there ia a pi<-tur("!.que wooded aetung that ll("<"ffill totally n•mo•·t"CI fnim tht" city. Th•· wind In!!'. dnn• eenles into•t•vfrnl park· int1are11.>1.Atittlt'Ct>ntraldi><pla) butldinK and outdoor gathHing plac.-grtttyuu.S1gni1Jabt>lman)· of the li•·ing 11pecim1;m1 to be t•n countered.mnstlytrtt11andutht•r plantJ:I_ ~:\'lmtuallyyo11 willproba bly lo1<e interHt in the111j!'.n11 and ju~t lu11uriateinthemal(nific1;nf1• ofnatur1;

Adozt:normort•for1•111t..lpnth11 with a combined length of ovt•r fh-emill111fadoutint·v('l'}'dirt•(·· ti on. The~· create sum1; of tht· mnMt t'<•mpleteand11atillf)·mguppurt11

n1tw11t<>H('apeth1•pr""'ur1;ofur banhlt-.Tht·re11.rt><t1•pp1ngpla(­w1th h1tnd1<omt•ltK>koutt1. bent•ht11 andotheruat•fulr,•ffrem·t·po1int.H Mut<t of thl" trail11 loop haek around to tht· N'nlrnl an•a Thill lt'l1<youw11nderaround1111lonl{a11 yourintt•n'flt holds.

Tht· Arhon·tum i11n·ally a wholt• '"'"llY1<lt'mon1tsuwnandi11called an urh>m wildlift• 1111m·tuary

Walking the tr11.il11 s by far 1h1· mo11t popular actinty lfow1·n-r. one word of caution iHlll'l'('llSllr.\­i)on't gowilhin thrt>t'Wt'(·kllnfhor arninwithoutlot><ofmm•quitorl"· 1wllt•nt

lnadditiontotht-colorfulbot1tn ical di,.pla)·s. tht·re 11.rt· duerip tinn11of1;·,9 llpt>C.'it'll uf b1rd1i th11t h11vebttnid1;ntifi;'<iintht•Arhort·· tum lcumplt·tt· li1<t at tht· informa·

tw1·nty ~-1·ar• on the 111tt, which nowindudt·1111.Gulf('om1tprairie-

11ndnati\'l'"ildflowerj(arden.ln crNl11ing .-am·ty of thl· exhibit11 now 11ttrut·1.>1 m·t·r I ~11.000 viH1tou

roomandgift11hopareavailable If you prefer 110mething more or ganized and sy11tematic, both children'• and adult'1educat1on 11.lprol(rruTIMarealsooffer"1dur ing the11ummt-r. Adult cllll!HOI are the olde~il ('nvironmental educa· tion program in thl'Hou11tonare­a. Childrt>n's program1 are divid· ed into several age groupt. Free publictoursareh011tedonSunday afternoons in good weather_

Staff Botani11t Doug William• is u11ually 11.round and alway• ready to discuss indil(enou1 plant 11.nd animal life and whE'l'e to find anything of special interelt Thf'reisarealfM.'nseofdi>KOvery ofthevariou11111>ede1.

The facihtin are open lil'ven days a wttk from 9:00 a.m to:>:OO p.m. The treil1 cl.- at 8:00 p.m Both in1ide and ouLtiide areaa have frtt adm111111ion_ The rule1 are simple--no food. jogging. bi cycles. or unleaahed ptta.

Operanon of the Arborelum it conducted by the non-profit Hou. ton Arboretum and Botanical So­ciety_ Tax·deductible member1hip inthe80cietyi11av11.ilableandm c\udH newsletter aubscript ion, gift shop di1<rounU1 and reduced feetJ for da88f'fl. The property ii owned by the City of HouHton C11.ll (;hJ.1'14;!.:j for mMe informa·

i~~:i:E:::.'.i·:~~i·:::~~i;:: Texas conservatives lash world history books of ln11•nor and relall"d 11.l(t'nnH.

Whtie not d•·f~ndin11: tht· partic­ular 1•>i;h1b1tll, upponfnlll ol th<-' CUl>I warned that ConKrt>ff11hould notgt't inH1lvf'd mct•nMonngart. but 1tpon81>rl •tud It WU Ot'('t"Ullr )'lo ..,nd "•I •trong ffil"lllatit·" to tht' ~EA abOLitwhat 1t1<pc1n11or.

The d .. b11t.- w1111 prumptt'd by lwu rt'l't"llt •·xh1h1t1, indirec.·th­funded b.\· tht• ~EA for 11 total ~f S4a.OOO.

Ont• invoh·,·d phntograph11 by the lak lfolwrt Mopplt'lhonlt'. a gay artiMI who dtt'<i of Al DS-relat· ed c<•mplit·ntion11 ln11t Marth ~111.ny o! hi11 photogr11.ph11 were 1W>i;ually1•11pliritnndincludedpic· turuofnudt·childrl'n

Anf11.rhfrexhib1tin/\orthCar olina.,hnwtdtht·workoJofAndre11 St·rTano, "h1t·h mdudOO a photo. l( of a ('hr111t figure ,.uJ>. m"'¥Minurine

Rt-p. Thc•mu FOf{li1·tta. 1>-Pa opp<lled th• amfndmt>nl8, but agrt'ed the ,.·ork d111played ~is flffen11iw vulrar. It'• down· ril(hl d1aa-1•ting

By BOB LOWRY •u11rl!l)4t•\.

Al'STI!\_ Texas lL'Pil--C >n1er •·11t1v1' acun .. IM Wtdnetlday cnti· ci~ed the portrayal of fl'mini,.m. thetn:atm.-ntofe\·ulutinn11.ndth.­covt-rnt1e of conditiunM in S.iuth Africa and /\icaral(Ua in world hi11tory books pro!KJllOO forTexa11 publirKChools

But Mike Hud~on. Texa11 direc­tor for the liberal People for 1h1• Am.-ricanWay.toldthl'Mtatt'Tt•ILt book Committee the eiKht hi11t,,ry bookll showtd evidenC'I' that pub­h11hera alrt-ady .vietded to pru11ure from right-wingt'r11.

Hud11on11aid the publi11her11 ap pt;arhe11itanttooffendconserva ti\·f!lllbecau11eoftheirtreatmt•ntuf rontroveni11.ltopics11uC'h&1e\'o\u tion.O\'erpopulationandwol'ldm terdependenC"e

"Contrary to what you hear to· day. the book11 are not antl·Amfrt· can. anti·Christian or anu·frtten terprise."he-1aid

One> w1lneM uid a phy1110lo1r~· and anatomy bo >k being oonsid

ert·d"' t•<>t1rt1ph1 t• exphc it:' and Mho111d nut pn•mute the Ulk >f cundum• or t1la.mur1.teabort1••n

The cumm11\ee ,.-rapped up thl'ffda~-•••fpublichearinl!'.•••n a .-anNy of tt-xtbookH that will be mtrodut-t'd in the !~~YI 1>ehrn> .n•ar Tht>•tatt'lchool hu11.rd wilt makt'a finaldN'111innm/\on•m bt·ron whil'h book>< to buy

Form1•r I>allaH 11Ch1K1ltearh1'r llonnattlumt-rtoldth<'rommitu'<' tht•hiMtnrybookll"pandertofemi ni1111111ndprl'!lentthe1rpolintof .-i1·w t>11du1<1wly," 11.dding. "Trudi'rtJlt•11-1•vtntho .. eof wife and moth1•r-ar1· uniformh· d1•nil(rnted'

And l'athit• Ada.m11oftheDel ]aHhlKlt•Forum11aidthehi><tor.\­texl>I imply that women han­moreritihlllintht>workplaoothan a.thnme

'lhPlie\t'thatmuchoftheprob-1em m our modt"l'n IOC1t'ty i11dut>to womt'n being drawn away from their h<>mt' and thl'1r ch1ldrt'n int.l the out>lidt' work place: 1<he 11aid

W•nie-: who chose 1<1 •tay at

horn are •Jrneda. unpr•fitabw to"ttheoppo0&k' true.

Adam11 said ··muTI" than NI per cent"ofwomtnwhoworkoul8id1· tht horn(' -·would rathl'r bt> home makt'l'I t1nd cal'(' for thfir own children:· but11ht·could nutc1tt·a .sourC'f'forher11tat1><11

Waco 11ch<K>lt1•acht'r Carol War n·n und U11.\·id l\-turaltof Au11tin d1re<"lorof('i11zt·naforEx(·tllt-nt·t' in ~;ducation.al111obla11tt'dthehi11-ll•rytt>xt11fortheir.-mphaMi11onev olutinn

Whik "\'olutlon MOt'• aKain11t the "]aw ofstit>nce;· Warren add ed. "\\'1;'re1<till hanginj!'.on to it in T1>Xa11·

·Human lifei1111um1;thmK1<1* cial. 11omethinj!'. beautiful:' 1aid Muralt. "Lef1 not rtduo-1t toani mal1.That'ewhatthl'theoryofe•· o lltiun doe111. It rt'duces u111tuani· mal•. and that·s ont' of thl' prob h·m111ifthewhole idea:

But Hudton said early, prt-rt'l·· orded h111tu~ and e\olunon are 'treated ltnlatiHly nthehiltn

lna<-..JTOlt' and m1 .. 1eading t1;rma.uch aK·m•1t1IKi1;nti111.>1be-­i.-•·e'•n1tilluN'dtodeecribeevo JIL008T)' C008l'DKUH;· hl'88id

WarTen und Hlumt-r al1<1 1a1d th1•book111fin•an inae(Curatl'por trayalofl·.sr"lat1••n1wuh/\ica· ral{ua and gwt' a buUll'd aceount ofcnnd11Lnn1inSuuth Africa

Hluml'T 111](! South Africa has bt'<'<>IBt' "th(· wh1ppm11 boy of modl'Tn t1·11tlK11•k writt•r11:· She hl11.1111..J th1; f11.vornbll'treatmentof hlat·k.SouthAfrkul;•ndt>r11Bishop Ut>Hmond Tutu and Winnil' Mnndl'ln

Butanotht·rrt'Vit'wt'r.1-:lizabeth JudKt".dirt't"t<>rofllou11tnn-ba1<ed Broadn Pen<pt'<"li.-1"11, Inc., said the books' o"·eral{e of Africa wa~ not l'nOUl{h and onf bordl'red on 'hl-1011 blatantly raci1<t."

ltperpetuatt .. oldmyth11from th1· pa1111 and dl'nif.'11 Africa and Af· ncan• a plaoe m world h111to~·:· 1he said MI would rathn 1111udent11 rt'lld nuthina at all than read thi1i

textbook Blumeralsocomplainedabouta

pB1111age in one book that 1he IBJd praised the Sandinista govern ment in r.;icaragua whiledismi11111 ing the Contras as mere "critics."

"Throughout thu1 laudatory;age, the Snndini11taa are the l(ood guya;· 111Bid Blumer "The l 1.S. is the villain foriL11111upportof the Contras."

However. Hud.son 1aid the histo­ry books give ··short shrift" lo Lat inAmericaandinadequatetreat ment to the United Nations and il8 agencie111, which he described 11.11 "a favorite target of the far right"

Meanwhile. Muraltattacked a book on phy1iology and 11.n11tomy, saying it went into too much detail on sex education and made abor tion"soundwonderful"

'I don't think we should glamor­Ue aboniun." he1aid. ·Abortion is a terrible thing beeawieit ree11l1' in the death of a baby. I thmk we ehouldreallygivethedown11deof abortion"

,3ln ]ilcmoru @f ... Now it's Trash Congress & the Foley Fallout John Tyl ·Bro•lfff

JonnTy1erBr1ster.1hlm·maker•rw:I arts educator wn01e an.mated mOY•H wonaw1ras111n1C1nrie1F1lmFnt• val . hHd•1d1ttrie1g1ot38

Broste1d18<1We<1rina1yJu1yS. 1989 ot compl CIU•ons lf AIDS. h11 r1m1ly H•d

One of l'l•I 11111 t.1rn1_ Spanish PH· nuts. 11111op-1ct1on1n1m1tedt11m1n wh1chtchorusl1neotpeanutsdances acrossa1tageto1L111nrhythm ltwas shown on NBCs S1t1.1rday N1ghl Live and HBO an<I won the Silver Cup Award at the Cannes tnt1rriat1onal Film Fest1v1linFraoce

Hos Mandarm Oranges was d111robut­ed bytheNat1onllEndowment!orthe Arts Short Film Showcase program. It won an award at the fnternat1onal Toumee ol Ammatoon and rKe<ved a 11lver medalhon at the Ch1c1go F•lm Fest•v•land1go1dmeda1 >na1theM• am1F1tmFesl•val

H1slatestwork.PunchF1lm wonl1rst P"ze11 theH)UstoiF Festival

Dateline D.C. by CLIFF O'NEIU. f\lllTHt:MO~'fRl.l,E\'OICE

F1!'9t we had comedy, then we had TV and now, di rect from the nation'• capital . Trash Con­jp"ella. And the chief garbage collector in the war: Republican NMional Committee Chair Lee Atwater, the Teflon Pit Bull of par­ti1an politice.

Not momenta after Speaker of the Hou.e Tom Foley CD-Wash.) wa1 taking the gavel from the embattled JimWright(D-Te-xa.), the RNC released a memo which-except to thoee motivated to unbelievable levels of naivete-was a cheap way of trying to Cas the mainstream medi a liked to say) link Foley to homoi;exuati t)' Faxedtojillionsof Republican office holde?I nationwide. the memo made the rounds. The battle Willi On

After that, the entire rontrover By became immersed in a cloud of confusion involving beleaguered House members, IM.'Cret phone calla and reporters telling only halfthestory.z,

The controverS)' aclually started weeks earlier, when ru mors surfaced that unnamed Democrata, allegedly aiding with Wright and fearful of his then­poHible departure from the

-Dale Donahue Speaker'aseat.werehintingabout Dah· De. ih ·' p~· ·id •way Im June the ··alleged homo11exuality" of a 26. 1989 B< r May 28 1948 he os 11Jr· hou>lt' Democr~t. wh~ could stand voved by hos parents Menzette and Man to gam from Wright s departurt· Donahue o! Wolmmgton. N C his Coming in the aame week 8Ji

brolhM and 11Ster·1n· law Cha'1el and dozens of glowing reporta about Mary Donahue 01 Ta11anas-. Fl.. and the widely popular Foll'y. there manyfriendS,nHoustonandWUhmg· was little doub1 who the rumo"' ton. DC were about. but no one Willi goinl(

D11e, a gr1duat11 of the Un1versoty ol to go on record about it. Openly NC It Chappel Holl , NC. W•lha mas- l(ay Rep Barney frank 1D·Mat111.I ters degrae in lndustrill Managemenl expressed unbridled outragl' that moved to Houstc<11 hom Washington. the media was repeating thl' ru D C in 19&1 moni and hence promoting them

A caring and concerned 1nd1v1dual. And then things appeared to go Dale was a volunteer st the AIDS Foun· away dal•on Houston 1nd a Fac11ita1or. and One point here. Whether Foley Fac1htalo• Trainer for the Wednesday ill or isn 'tgay really ien 't the point

~~~h~~h s~~~:'111""J~~ ~:i~~.~: =~~r::~h~~ ~~si:.e~~~ .:~=i:~:~ byAD~=~~~~'. 1 ;81~~~,,::,c~~~~~~~ th~~~r~~r~:r one ill·th?ught-oul evenong. June 30. 1989 at Bermg Me- vote m Oc1. 1_987 (on which he lat UMed Methochst Church. Do- er reve"'ed himself), he h1111_a per nations on Daie·s name may be made lo foct record on gay and lesbian 111-the Bermg Spm<:1al Se•Y1C11t M1n1s1roes. auea m the last 11'11111on 11hould 144( Haro d. Ho ston Te~as '1'7006 more than pro\·e that the man ill

certainly not an enemy ofthl• gay and leebian communily. And ifht> is gay, the man h!lll a right to pri

val'Y· Period The quf'fltion actually i• that of

the Rt>puhlican Partyofficiala in· volvt'd m the brouhaha in sug ge•ting that homosexuality makl'll one unfit for office, or is !WJmt'how inl'xorahly tinkl'd to pedophilia

Ca11l' in point Karen \"an Brocklin. aid1•tnllou11eMinority Whip Nl'.,.·t GmgrkhlH-Ga.)'l'wo d11y11 hefore the mt·mo exploded onlO th1· t'Vt•ninlf hroadnu1te. the 1'1t•\O, York Daily 1'it'wll reported that an unnamt'd GinlCTich aide (\"an Brtll"klin. it WIU later re-­vealed! wa11calhngupmediaout le1>111u1uret1tin1f that tht'y inn•><ll fl:Blt' Foll•y'111M·x life before thl'ir comiwt1tion hmketh1·11tot)·

We hear 1t'11 littlt' hoy11," 11h1• tuld tht' U11i[}· 1'1ew1, 1h1•yrt>ported that June fi. Sht' told them the Wa11hingtun i'(lflt had the J<tury She told thi• P!lfll that National Publk Radm had the l!to11·. She told NPR thatCB."i had thesWry And soon. and soon. and 11<1on

Gingrich, trut to form, played dumband11lapJ>1•dhnwri11lti· ·af· tl'rht·r nnnww1U1 n·vealed

Afll·r th(· m1·mo hmkl', nt'lwork rt·portent-allwhohad ht·ardthe un11uh11t11nliated rumors-all mentiontd th1· mt•mo. but only AB(' had the courage to moke pubhcly the ("(lflfll'l"tion between lhf' "Out of tht• l.iheral C'I011et" hl'adlin1·onth1•memoandthere­pi:at1od comparillon• to Frank'• voting record

Some l"tllici1ed that. hut I, for one. willdl'fl'nd it wholt'ht•artedb

asitpulledbackthecoveraonthe RNC's slime tactics of homophobia

The next morning,JohnGoodm (the memo's author who later re­•igned), and Atwater both defend ed the memo and, also true to form, in a tone resembling moral outrage, stated the Frank com par ieon W!lll eolely based on frank's being an ··ultra-liberal" Hou11e member: Atwaterllliked ifFrank'a being a homosexual immediately make11 him immune to criticism

A day later. the P08t reported that Republican House memberll had poundl'd on Atwater for hill rommenta and that Goodin had 1e11igned.

In them1dstofitall. Frank con ducted.,.·hatappearedtoberound the-clock interviews with the me­dia. milllling out on the mmutl•-by minuw dt>velopments in the fra

Then. taking an unprecedented leap intowatersasyetuncharted byauchhighlyplacedgayleaders. t'ranktoldtheBoiitonHeraldthat hewouldstartnaming"anti-gay' homo1:1exual Hou11e Republicana who willingly allowed these tal·· uc11 t-0ron11nue

Although some activist.II and at least one gay newspaper have credited Frank'e bold move with the quick about face from the RNC on the memo, I would call thal wi11hful thinkmg. since t~rank"e threata did not hit thestanda until after Atwater called Foley to apol ogiie and Goodin told Atwau·r he would rf'flign in the morning

Since both phone calls were pri

I fromthe .. he.

Or maybe that com ment about a bad pen ny would bf' more ap­propnau-

-Bits and Pieces

vate evening discusaion• which werenotmadepublicuntilthefol lowing morning, frank could not have known that. Regardlesa, let's ju11t 8ay Frank's threats. al thoughnotmetwithuniversalap­proval in Conlfl'elllloreven inthe gay community. did put the fear of God into a lot of poople

And now Atwater hat1 formally been given the gr~n light W keep flinginl( the mud by hi11 Republi· can delegates. Not good newa for Dl'm!lCTBl8 by a long ahot. bu1 what did they expect anyway?

All for futur._. gay bashing from the Rr\C, chancea are thing• will remain the same. Virulent homo­phubee on all levela will chocseto u11e gaynen a. a weapon when they want to. but aa much ae it galla mt· to actually ··defend" Atwater. I would really doubt if Atwater him11elf would try this a11:a1n.evl'nifhedid ha\·e110me­thinjl: to do with the Foley memo

For one thing. he haa so much ascalledtheboneheadedattempt to tag Foley a• a gay man a "sword'" with which Democrats can now auack Republicana. For anothl'r, he"1 expre!IJled that feel· ing IK'fore, stating that gay-bait ing may win vote11, but may lose a campaign or a party-needed credi· bility

I'm not •tupid;· AtwaWr told l>oaHier magazine in ita June is sue (before the J<'oley fallout). "I tell candidatet!L who want to do this. 'Look at Anita Bryant. She won an election. but lo11t her ca· TN'rinthepr~:·

Ah. like a Phoenix. heromrs up

Tothoaewho thought Bu•h would really be kinder and gentler Please note that now, over six month• after itwa88UppQ8edto,the White Hou•e hu not named ita remainins two membera to the National Commi.uion on AIDS. Thia, of cour.e, oome1 on the heelsofaWhiteHouae spokespeuon pro· claiming that the pf'el· ide-nt really, truly care1 about thi1 epi demic and Attorney G e n e r a I Thornburgh'• sugge1· Lion that the anti-di&· crimination provi· 1ion1 in the pending American11 With Disa­bilitie1 Act are too 1trong

Whatwa11thatbusi· neu about""Readyon

day one"' to be pret1ident? And to thoee who continually

bad-mouth street demon8tratora: take a doeer look. Not all ACT UPs are created equal. While some "loose cannons"' may raiBt the concern of more traditional act iv· i.ste, in IM.'Veral area11 they work in concertwithbehind·the-sceneaac· tivi11t.11 to incredible re11ult11. in point: the June FDA approval of the AIDS treatml'nlll aeroeol izedPentamidineandganciclovir afteraconcentratedeffortbyAC'T UP N. Y. and othen1. There i• 1till a lot of work to be done. but in a world short of victoriea, thi1 should come as 10me much-nffd ed good news

On the Hate Crimea Bill: It was nobigi;urpriaethatthelandmark bill which wouldcolloct1tati11tiC# on haU!-motivated crimee would pass the U.S. Houle with ita anti­gay violenceprovi8ioni1mtactla1t month. but the battle i1111till fierce in the Senate. The National Gay andLesbianTaskForcei1extend ing ii.II National Lobby Day• through July and the lluman Rights Campaign Fund i11 contin uing to sign up mammoth num bers of people to their pre-ap­proved Congre8llional mailinv ·•Speak Out" program

The expected Sen. J~e Helm• IR N.C.J amendment to the bill stilt looms, and it could derail most of the gains of the plllit ten yeaniofthemovement.lfyouha ven "t yet participated in either progTam this summtr. do 11 now

Parents FLAG publishes 'coming out' guide

We're working to bring you a real


The Montrose Vo ice.

-School curricula The Fund for Human Dlgn!T;y. a New-Yorlt baaed Information aouroefort.hega.yandleebianoom mun1t;y, has announced pl&ns to oollect and diSt.rl.bute model gay sensitive eeoondary llChool and

The of &tt.Orneya raeponeible for ach1ev1n4I the eetUement was led by Char lee Freiberg, a partner attheHellertlrm.

"We hope thl8 eewement aenree as a et.rong reminder to employers that. <IJ8crlm1natlon ba&ed on eexu· &!ortentattonwtllreeulttneevere tlnanc1&1 repercusstons;· Freiberg aald. '"Noton.J.ydoeethist;ypeofdie· crtmtnauon prevent qu&illl.ed em· ploy8111!1 t'rom obt&1n1ng meaning­ful work, lt rest.rtct.e, wtthout cause, an employer's ablllT;ytohire the beet. available human t.alent:'

The l'UndB w1ll be d18trl1l\lted w1th1nthenext.60d.ays

-"YOUllll Leaden" at HJICF The Human R14hte Campaign Fund has announoed the appotntr mant ottwo )'OW'l4I gay and ieebWl leaders to lte bo&rdofdirect.oreun· der the orpn1%.atlon'a nfl'W Young 1.-dere lnternahl.p Program Bar­b&ra (Bobbi) s. Bernstein. recent gredu&te or Stan!ord Untverstl;,Y, and Tad A. Gardock1. of Georg1a. St.ateUntversit;y,arethenrststu· dents to be elected through the

While at Stanford. bemsteln waa tnvo!Wd tn the Btg Ststers pro­gram and the Gay and Leabl&n Spe&kare Bureau. She de8igMd and tnatructed the popular oaurae, 'Women's Llterature of the Holo-

~""" Bernstein, a former HRCF' stu­

dent Intern tn W&8hington, D.C. wBBreoentlycltedin the New York T1mee' ~Campus Ufa" secuon ror creating a gay and lesbian verekln of tha .. Dattng Game" for campua cable telev1a!OlL

Ta.d Gardoolc1,23,ofDecatur,0L, ta now working toward a bache­lor'a degl'9e tn the lnterd18ctpllna­ry Studies Program at Georgia Stat.a UntvaralT;ylnAtJantL He IS oo<:ha1r of the Georgia State a., and Lesbian Student Alllanoe and. fouruier and chairman or the uni· verslty'e Student.a A&&lnat Hmnel8B8ne88 and Hunger group

G&rdock1 was an Intern thlayMI' for Congreesma.n John unna ( l). GA) In Wae.htngton. He IS pre&i dentoftheLeglslaUveBquaJ.lT;yfor G&y9 and Lesbl&nll ( L1!:GAL) Demo­crat.kl Club tn Atlanta and was a volunteer at the 0., and LeabWl ._.,,,

.:,~~: 1n:1ps ~ :~~ "'::~na1cen~~~~ HRCP"e 28-member board of di· last SUJIU1Utt rectors The Interns wm have Ml BotiblandTa.daretwoexoeptton· voung rights and wtn &hare re- ally brtght and promising leaders sponatbUIUee with other board and pathflndare of ths gay and lee­members for governing ths largest btan student oommun.1cy:' said Tim gay and lesbian political org&nlz.&- McFeeley, HRCJI" execuuve direct.o~ Uon In the oount.ry. "Wa are llXU'emely proud to have

As board members, the Interns ths on the HRCJI" t&&m' wW network and l\mdra1se to HRCJl"createdt.heYoungIMdllra ool.legea and un.1vera1Ue8 and edu- Intern Program to set. up strong

O&UI youth oommun.1Ue8 on gay leaderehlpalt1llslnthaga.yandlee­and leebtan 188'ul8 They w1ll also btan movement and help educate parUdpat.e tn Uy HRCP poltUC&I and Involve tta ruture leeders. For and legta1aUve prq)ecta more Information on the program,

Botlb1 Bernstein. 23. ot GI'Nt oontactHRCJl"atlOl214thSt.NW Palla, Va., rK!elved bar t.chelor's Suite&Y'f, Waah1ngton,D.C.20006. degree In Anthropology tram Att.. Young r-iera Intern Pro­Stanford Untversl!;y this year gram.

GLPC votes to add 'supporters' to mailing list The He \llltOll Gt,yand Le1t11an Pol' cal C.UCU.votedW~ .•. hUy L. to add "oommurut,y suppart.ere~

bllnd~byurutatapart. ment oom~ knotJn to have a high oonoantrat1.on d P3 rwl<ienta. to It.I «impute!' maillfl4I lat. The n'lMllUI'e. pro~ byCecUyWynne. p&-1unarumouaJ.y,wtt.htwomem beI'IJ noung in i:1Jacu881on that the C&UCUI ahould be prepued to (IMl

wtt.h nepuve rwponaM from 110me ~lfsuchshould.oocur

"We have ae much of a right r.o eendmailtoourtargetedsupporul"8 ae (otherpol!UOIJ org&nlz.&tJons) UU.tsaprovenoaznpe.J.gnst.n.teg)". Wynnesaldoftheoocupe.nt.~ ed mallouta

l c oo p.m. at Le!Wp on Weet.heuner pnz. lnClude a weekend In Banta ir.. a WMkllnd at the IM on theP&rkand~-.onucketa

-.ACTUP ACT UP Hou8lon (AIDS cni.uuon to Unleuh Pl:Jwer l wUI hold 11.8 eeoond Julypner&l~Thureda.Y,July

i 20, at the Metropolitan MultJ-6erv loeO!lnter.147eWeet.Gr&y Membere will d1«:ulll tse\JN about.theAID6 cr181e1nCludlnfwayatoeduc&t.ethe oommwUt,y

The meet.ln4'• aglillldl. will high l!&ht the lnV1Jlvementof A<:rUPand A<:r NOW (AIDS O'.!&l!Uon to Net-­work. Org&nize and Win) cm.ptere durln& the lnternatlon.&1 AIDS oon ferenoe reoentl,y hald In 'lbronto ACT UP HOUBU>n will have oople8 of the preamble adopted. by ACT UPI ACT NOW for the oon!erenoe &Vlilllt. ble at the meetln4

Therewillal.80be&vldeoehmirlng oftheHown.on~anc!Leabl&n PrldllWeekP&l"l.dlandt.hepyfeet oeleb1'9.WlC '°Stonew&ll 20-A Gen· enWonolPMde

•• ~tv __ _. _ _. .... -Btu4ent car wuh

Joe Thornton 8&1d the lde6 was a good one. bu!. reminded theoaucu.of &ntncldlmtthal.oo:uIT8d1nthlput wbanarecip»ntofoe.inpeJgnl1W1f'9.­ture oomplaUled tothe postal •rv tee and Urged that membml be pr. parea to deal wtth b1u The pereon whooomJ)!ldb.adoalledt.heoau­cuaUt.er1.tUre.a!utrJlll&Ildldateen· dorHmenu. pornographic; lnother~.theoaucul to ooorotnate preparat!Orw for ua annual aw&:'dl b&nQu8t im. tll.l.l Annl8I Parlulr. 111.e 1e1eeuon; Sue lave.ll. rectptent 881ecuon; Gene H&rrlngton,graphll;l~Hury

Llve11.y. promotion; Norman,deoorauoia;CtoeJ,yWynne. pI'Ol?'fJil;lML!ef'lrez..uckei.(or pnlz& ); Sylvia Ayrea. WkeUI (lndlvtdual);.Joe9edlaoll.1nv1w.lon c11atrlhut1on; &nd ll1ohael Hollier. pm"""

f;~~~":.d~~;";';;~:;~?k:":1.Ft":tt .. ~~;n;~~!d~;:;;;~i::/:~°:J1~~';:i7~3;n3J.~~;i':;!.f,;f'"'"'J.:'::,;,a = ':>'~:!e=n; ~ K~~::,·.°':..1~ T~~~G:.~~·~tp~~~~!~~:/i:o:M~/v::;r:/!nro;; .. ~t?s~:~L~;~"!t ~:~~~~~~:°!~h:! ~tt;~w11l~~=-'" uirnt ondwmmero&rwuhtlUaB&turdt,)t.

Theoal.lCUB' MW treMUl"erwill be 1'98ponaible for bud4et d1rectlon for the irwnL Seoond OiLl.I for Ml!·noml n&Uon to the trelMnlrer pocuon WU held. wtt.h no nom1tW.lons reoe1ved On tlrst. OiLl.I. Kevtn Davui.on rued !orthlpc)9lt.10n theelectlonWlllbeJUly 19

P'lret.OiLl.I wae heldfor..U·nomina UonstotheGLPCbo&l'd.-t~

by Paul 61mmons. with noone0lln4 forthepc111t1m~rldOiLl.lwtllbe

liouMonJana Kathy Hwnble. Shanta Langford.. Ann LeSee.r. Llnd& hin41:. Belay Barrett.. Alexandr& Haaaand Tommie Lee Bradley The lhow It produoedbyl'aul RandolphJohnaon and J Raney Dupre of ZOE Enter­t&lnmentCorp. R&ndolph-Johnaon dlrectBtheshow. withmu.stOl.ldireo­t.lon by Len llhoclee and choreogr&­phy by Glen Hunsucker

T1cMtlevels forthebenetl.ta.reUn· de:wrlters l600,Sponsors flOOand P'rlends f60. All lnClude I.he pre. show reoept.lon. sponsored by Gu <Mn Prope~ lnc: and Bay~ Undllrwr! and Sponsor t.leketl ln­clude admlsslon oo t.he c:aatpart,yun­derwrtwmbyl.ePeep

The pre-curtain recepuor. will be held at 7:00 p_m Saturday, Aug fl 1n t.he SU14!:ee lobby. wlt.hcwu.mwneat 800 pn't The cast P&rt;y lllC1ns at

July ie1n t.heparkingloto!He&ven at PacttW and Gram. rrom 900 a.m unW400p.m

Pr1oeestart&t '4,ancltheftlnds will be u-1 to support both Org&nl Z&tJOna. GLaA la looklnf !or a suo­oeNful summer tundr&laln4J eeuon aatlle)''begl.nplanatoholdtheUn1-ver111,y·1 ~r Leebl&n/~ Awa.reneee Week nextye&r.IOOOrd­tng to Jon Sourgault, GI..8Apubllore­laUona omoer

L&wncm.lre.truJ.t)uloeanclnews­paperewillbeprov1decl.bythagrouP11 for pet'90ilfl bringing oare to be washed.. !lollrpult l&1d.. Everyone wUh a o&r 1' Invited to "oome on downandrelulnthellUfl .. orgreba qu1ckdrtnkatoneoftheneatbyb&re wh1le we do the work for you and make your o&r lhlne ll.lle ~· he .....

AIDS coverage criticized in proposed Texas textbooks H~· HOU LOWHY fl•I< llU M

At:sT I ~ 'Cl'h--Tht· l''O\'j•UIJCt• ol AIDS in nt·y; ht·nllh to.thook1<pro po.1ed for Tt'l<m11·lt·mt·nt11n- and junior hii.::h ll<'h<1<•IH "llH 11\l111·k1-<I Monda~- hy t~•n1<1·rn1tivt .. 11" 1111 UPl*ll,.(•mt·nt to homo111·xua\11, wh ilt• hlwrol11<-i1lkd it too l<lt•r ill'

'I'wo w1tnt'll,.('!I told tht· 11\Htt•

Tt•xtbook Comm1tt1't· thlll tht· bookH 11hnuld 11!1.\' ""tlt't'P p>1.~1<ion atekitt.t0mi.::'"m11.v1<prendtllt'Al l lS viruit.Athmiwitnt"l!llrnm11laim·d that information on runtnl<'t'I' uvumt·n•m<1 .. 11 .. ·nll1rt'prt·JCnlln

"~ HutM1rhat'I tludtmn,T..xudi

l't'<'"tnrforth••l1bt-rnll'eoplt'fortht· Amen•·an Wa~-. 11-lUd hi' ht·lit·n•lil textbook publi1<h1•ni ha\·1· ywld.-d wpr-urefromronMr\·atJ\·t .. on the Wp1cofAlll:-i and tf'X edu<·a­llon

"I'm cun<~rned that the trl'at mentinmo1<tcallf'llis11o"terile,110 tentauve and 90 11d1•ntifo· that kids Ill the llt'\'enth j\Od riRhth

JCnd1·willh11vediffirultyn>Jatin1 whatth1•yrt•adinth111healthbook to what thl•y&t~ontekvi111on\"lr tu11lh1·wrywt1·kandreadinth1· nt·.,. spap1:r11 and magazinl'I•. ht· said

Whil('ht•rl'fiJmm('ndedapprn\ al o!tht· ht><Jkll by fourpubli11hin11 t•nmpum('8, ll udson11nidht•hop1:<l tht·ywillnotbewatereddownfur tht·r

J'he W-m(·mher Textbook Cum mi1t1•1·i11hearini.::threeday11oftt'8· timonyontext11forhealth.homt· t'fonomin, Latin. mathemutin. ph~·Hinlull"Y and anatomy· nnd wur~d hi11tun·

Tht> p11nel will make r("{'ommen dat"•n11tothe1<tateHoardofEdu ca11on.whu·hwill~l("{'ttht>ht11•kH

laterlh11 yearforintroduruon m tht'l~9111ehoolvear.

WanelllW:'ill repre,.entingron8t'r vauve grouJl6 sharply criticized th1-h('althtextsforgrade11four through eight. saying they do not fully explain how the AIDS ~-irus ran 1pread or gi\·e an accurate hi11toryoftheoriginofthediM-BIM'

l'ats,,, a.uWo r >c:'l•n11ultanton x edu.-:111 nnd('11rolWarr1·n.

a Wan> 111·nrJrn tt•st·h,.r.1mid 11tu dt·n\.ll 1<hould he warned thut ex 111·rl>< 11r1· 1wt 11urt• "lwtht>r th1· AlllSviru11t·an l>1·1<prt·adh_\·kin-

'"' Th1·n·i1<mut·hronn·rnthntth1· trun11m1•11mn uf Ill\' t·ould takl· plun·mdt't·p1ua1111ion11t1·ki1<1<in1.( 11uid Sodu. '"Wouldn'11t IN.·w1~l·rto 11llltt·thut ... 11omt"eXpl·rt11!N.·1ievt· it1H)l0Mihl•·. l11n"t1tht.•t1t•rtohl· 11afr thon >«>rry'.'

I 11imply1<•1lyounl{IM~>plt·tht·y l'•.'11lly don't h11\-1• tu-kit· t·arhoth er"'tnn1<ibiluJCt'IHJC'0tW:l~1·n111tiHn

Youl·and1 Jt"1thth1•hp11,11t·tual

" Warttn 11.lsu 811.ul 11tudent11 tohHuldht·a"arethatthnt'lllllpt'C­ulation that AlllS rnn he tran"-

·1knowyourfintreiwt1oni11to 11ay that I'm l>\'l'ITt-artmir:· a;he eaid. "If wt· un· l{uin(I: to en; it should be on the 11id1• of safety ratherthanriHk"

So1·ia Hid the health boob fail

I< •tatt·thatAIUs··h ani ah mo ... ·xual. ,...xual!)· •• 1u1:;m1th>d di,.t·H111.:· and that m rt· than "41

1wn't·ntofthera><t·snmhetni.n>d to homo•«•xual arti\it~

lt·anunden:tandthi1i11anut tt·mpt In appen111· tht· tolrunll" JCH~ lt·11b111nlobhyistS:' toht•1a1tl. --Yl't, I a11kyou.ranwert·fu11etohehon· t•Mt with such a di>ad]y di><t'!ll!lt·'"

David MuraltofAustin.T1•xa11 dtr('(ClorofCitizeni;forE1n·t-llt•nn· in Edul"ation. a\11ot111id th1·hook11 1<hould point out the illt'JCality in Tt>x1111ofhomo111.'xu,11ityunddruJC

'~· ·Thi11,.ta(('mt•ntwuulddisc·our

ai.::e a;tuden!JI from entering int" lht>1<eprat·tires;·h ... 111id

Muraltahwwldtht·cnmm1tl«' that he heliev!'ll r .. ntraC"l'pllH·• ent·ourage prum1sru11~- mmnJC' studenl>I.

When adult authoray fii[lJll.'9 stand befon> children and teachl'll them contraception. that ia 11m ply gi~·ing a license lO be pmmil· ruuus and it will increalK' prl'K nanci!'ll;· he11aid. kGod ha11 built a

A Sobriety Renewal Weekend

Gay \1cn and Lesbians in Recovery from Alcohol & Chemical Dependency Productions

709 Studewood =x>t Da~ WHkend. Septembef 1-4

Wr~r Forest Retreat Cel"'ter. Mmnesota

R•ll"NIOi,.Ctors BarDara Warr6". Psy.D Af.chatliPicucci.CA.C

• Rcfleetian. Dueovcry, Sdf·Empowcrment. Sharint: • T""'lvcSicpprinuplu • I le&l.Jnt: inlem&liud homophobia • SWlmmi"&, na1urc-walb, campfires and kl)'ridel on the


(' ''""'"1t Jrbrachurtundattaill Retlstr< .d<·.,Jlm<:Au~w-1.~· J9?i9


Our classifieds ore g rowing. To advertise your

service, garage sole, house for

d•·lt-n ·ml'C'hllni•minu.1·w·ryhu man bt·tnl( It' t·allt'd modl'llt~ This kmd of tl.'Ul"hing brN1k11 do"nthatd1•fl•n"1•m1'1.·hanihm·

But llud11on 1<u1d lht• ht·alth b<M•k>< l'ont111n no ml·nlion ofth1· Ul!l' of t~mlrntt· 1>tiv1•a to prevent H·xuullytrnn1<mltli'ddiM·11"e•

ln1111m1•huok11,thl·rl·'snotevrn thutold11tandurddi1111:rnmofth1• n·produ('\1ve 11y11t1·m that w1111 found in U•xthook11 wlwn I .,.·a11 a kid'. l lud11<m1111id

Mt·anwhilt.,noted t1·xtbookcri1 ll" ~orma ( ;ablt·r uf IAmJC\·iew rrit ll"1zedth1·hl·alth hookRforfaihng to ,.,,plum th1· "dangernu!I and harmful efled.8" ul marijuana

Th1'fll•hi-althtextapra1114·m11n )Uanab)·••nlyfainth·C'ondt•mnini.:: it;'•ht'11aid_ ''Theyn·peatedhand 11y11H•mattrally cen•or many harmful efft'<-"LI! of th11 gateway druir· Gabl~r lhi• texte 11hould be

~gn>atly expanded and oomp\ete­ly rewritten to prl'lll'nt the known Kienufic farteaboutthilldanger ouR illeiral drug'

rent, or 1ust about anything, coll

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'Beehive' opening to benefit Bering Foundation The Bering Communtt,y Bervkle R&ndolph'1ohn&on dJrecta the Foundat1on and. &aeea Repertory show. w1th mwdca1 d1nlct1on by 'l' have annowKJ9CI. an open· Len RbOOes and choreogr&pbyby

lng n1ght benefl.t. performanoe of Oien Hunsuckel'

the 60'1 rock mU8lo&I review ·eee- T1cket. levele for the benetl.t. are htve!' prooeeds of which wUl go to UndeI"Yll1ters '500, SponsoNI

thefound&t1on'eprogr&1n9forpeo. 1100 &nd.F'Mende '50. All 1.nclude pie w1th AID6. The benat'l.t. will tn elude the opening of the show, which wW pll!V' a ftve week run at Stages from Aug 6to8ept.. 2,apr&-

" ahowreoept.1onandJ)08t.-Showe&Bt ~and r&t!le The Berlng Faun

the pre-shaw reoepUon. spon· sored by Garden Properues Jnc and Say Cheese. UndeI'WI'iter and Sponaor ticket.a lnclude adm1aaton to the cast p&rcy underwrtwm by

"'''"" =~·~~~~=~m::~ The p~ ~pUon wUl

oouneellng oenter and support:=~~~~~ groups time at 6c00 p.m.. The Gast. Parcy

Carolyn Parb, known as the beg1ns at 10:00 p.m. at LePeep on fowldation'e •l\l&l'di Westhelmer. Rame prizeB

:W~~=:': Qontrose ] !:°1: ... :=:S:: cha1rl are Dora and •ei&Jibor· Inn on the Parlr. and

~::~abB•:r:; :: hood 8tA«e8 eeaaon tJcket&

Oray,accorcUng to lventl -Art LeaCue Randall Hodde. execu- Artwork by students or Uve cllrector of the the Art League of Hau&-foundatlon. ton,thecll;y'eoldeeta.rtlstsupport

"Beeh!ve" premiered. 1n 1986 at or~n. w1l.l be on cllsplay 1n the vwa,g8 Gate In Manhattan's theArtl..eagueOallery,1963Mon Oreenw1chVlll&gearul.had.aw11.dly trose&vd.,!romJuly20to8ept..2

=:n~~n:at~'. !c"::of~=:= pe.lnUngs, 6CUlptUre&, drawtngs,

Thi' ca111 of ··B~>1>h1c.- a n11.111u:al tribute to the 6Q"1 ··Girl Group·· wund, u·11/ perform an f/{lf'n<ll/l n•Rhl tH.·nf'f•t fur lht'" Ruins St'"n"•Ct'"I f'oundalwn on Au1;tSa1.'i1a11ra Ht·prrllJf_y1"heatt'"r

TIMI Gay /Leetnan Student.a Aaeocl .uon at the UnMlrelt,yofHoueton and the Oa,y and Lesbian Swttch bo&rd of Houston wU1 hold their aeoond swnmer carwash thl8 Sat­urd.8,y,July l 61n the p&rk111& lot.of Heaven at Pactnc and Grant trom 9:00 a.m. until 4 oo p.m..

Prtoeeatart&tl4.and.thetund.8 will be \l9ed. toaupportbothorg&n· 1z&t.lona.OLBA lslook1ngforasuc­oeas1\JJ summer sea­son ea they begin plans to hold the Unlvereit,y'a ftrat.-ever Lesbian/ Gay Awa.reneee Week next.year,ac­oordit!& to Jon Bourgault., GLBA pubUC rel.Wons otfloer

i.wn ch&lrs, t'rult Ju1m and newspapere w1ll be llrovUilld by the groups for pereona briilg1ng

0&1'8tobewaahlld.,Boorpultaa1d.. Everyone w:lth a oar Is lnvit.ed. to Moome on clown and. relax 1n the sun .org:re.J>aqu1ck.d.r1nlt&tone ofthenetiroyb6rewhilewed.othe work for you and malul your c&r

sh1ne Uke iurw'." he said.

-GLPW award.I The 1989 Gay &ru1 Lesbian ~ Week Committee w1.ll preeent oer­t1flc& &tits .. Evening of Appre­ciatlonM next Sa~, July 22 at Br1Bto!B&ra.nd.0rill1nthe

ler'e lastsummer, features thef'ID&. talgx: BOUnd of the 60'8 "girl

groups~ with mUBlO !rom such a.rt.-1Bt:B as the Chltl'ons, the Supremes,

Leelle Qore, Conn1e F'rarulia, Petula Clark and Brenda Lee. The oast. re. b.ll'98 Houston1&ns Kathy Hwnble, Shanta Langford. Ann LeSee.r, Lln· d& Ewtng, Bet.ty BluTeu., AleXandra

Hau and 'l'omm1e Lee Bradley TIMI llhow 1a produoed by Paul R&n dolph.Johrulon and J. R&ndy Dupre of ZOE Entert.&1nment Corp

ooUages and jewelry. An opening Ac:r UP Houston (AIDS Coalltlon tare during the 1ntem&tlon&IAID6 OrNnwa,y Plau Underground. The reoept.!On with the a.rusts will be toUnl111UhfowerJwUlholditseec· oonferenoe reoent.Js held in Toron 8Vllning beg1n8 at 6:00 p.m with held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thurs- ond July general meeUng Thurs- to. Ac:rUP Houston wU1 have oop- oockt&lla and. a bu1fet. followed by

dlrv'.July :w dlrv'. July 20. at the Met.ropollt&n leeofthepre&mbleadopted.byAc:r the general meeung (around 7:00 TheArt.le&guelsanon·prontor- MulU-&tl'V\oe Center. 1476 West UPiAc:rNOWfortheoonferenoe p.m).Pereonawhowiahtovot.ein dediCalBd to promotion Ora,y Members w1ll dl8c:us8 UJsuee available at th8 meeung the OLPW '90 omoer elections on of the vtsual arts. TIMI gallery Is about the AIDS cr1als lncludul4 There wUI also be a v1cleo show Aug 22 must attend thl8 geruiral open to the public free of ch&rge, wa,ya to educate the oommurucy 1ng oft.he Houston Oa,yand I.eebl· rneeungtobeel1glble,fl000rdingto

Monday through P'rld&y 10:00Lm The meeung"a agenda W1ll high an Pride Week Parade and thet/4Y oommit.tM ru188

~~:=fromnoonto4c00 ::tA::O':l:irne~t~~=n': :ine=~rurwall20-A ~~=ed~~= -.At;T UP Network.Orgt.n1zea.ndW1n; ~p- - Student car waah 7:00p.m.Aug.22atO!

Summer travel can accommodate varied tastes, budgets ~~ ~~,!1'!.~~~.~.-r. Summer"• hert"and what to do".' You may want a quick getaway. nothmg comphcated:ahttleR&Runderthe 1un,pool1ide~ktail1and1P"'f'do­dad bodie. aa tcenery •·or a bi11ger inve.1men1 of ca1h and time, 11

weekortenday1inaEuropeanc1ty mightprovidethelonged-forbreak from routine. Themoreedventurt>--10memightoptfortheexoticand unfamiliar; 1tretchin6j:th•horizon ofthe1rexpenen«bytravellinitoa developing or third world country

Withthe1ummertravt'llK'a1<>nm full 1win1. hf'l'f' art' thrt'i' option• you m11ht k...ep m mmd whl'n mak in1yourplan1

- Russian River An ahttnaLive 11k for that famou1 moviemiahthevebeentheRuae1an River. Connie would have ap. proved. thouah due totheprepon detance ofboy1ofadifferent per 1uuion,ahe'dhavehadalongand lonely 1ummer. Ye.. the boy1 (and 10meairl1too)arethere.andmany 1or1eoll9on•atthat.Atl1ummf'T Iona. they can be found lounging around tht' pool1 of the many gay raorts and hotel•. nude 1unbath in1alon1therivt'rbank1.boogymlf at the disco. Some people find the 1ceneabitdullandummaginative, but then,that'110metimHallone wantaonevacetion

TM temple of KornaA: ot Luxor la an obl1sa1<1ry 1t"p 1{ wi.o ·,,. trol"r//111Jl up lheNile1nEgypl

and above it all. with beautiful view1ofthe1urroundinghill1.i1the Wildwood Ranch. The two hot tub. and pool. colorful flower garden1 and path•. delicious end healthy food. offt'r meditati>'e. relt1J1;ing.e­clu11ion. The San Francisro Shanti Project offers 1everal weekend re­treata a year for people with AIDS end ARC at Wildwood

mmlf. dant·ml( and makmlf new friend11mth1•heartoftht-l'alifornia redwoodll

-City for lovers

loolr.edcute Tothewet11oftheNotreOameex

tend• the me1111ive Luuvre. whOlle farendmer1ea:,.·1ththell'f"l'nofthe Tuilleres.Gaytry11ingha.been10-ingonintheparlr.fordecede. .. the path1 and bul!hea •warm with men on the prowl. Ofc.iur11e. there are themoreronventionalandconven ientplacetltomeetthelocal11.1uch a11atoneofthenumt'rouaba11111nd danceclub.11preadthroughoutl'er ill. UnlikethegayghettotinmOMt American citiea:. gay1potacan be foundal!aroundParia.Oneofthe gaytrave\guide&willl(etyouonthe right track. For 1w1mminK buffe. tht'indoorpoolattht'LeHall•Met roatopisapetplacel.oexercille and med the local mt'n On a ,.·ann day. the floating pool on the ~ne anchoredac:roaafromlheLuuvreia aplace1.otanandrntttlocal111nd othertourielil

The mu1eum1 and gall en .. hard ]y nttdtobernentioned. Art con noi-u111cuu\d1pendday11vit'Wlnlf the KJ"f'at m1111terp11·ce. and nt'ver .._.., them all. The impreuioni11tiC' trea11urHofthecrowdedandover heatedJuedePaumeha>'efinelly founda1u1t.ablehomeintheexqui 1iteMu11ttdeOrsayacrouthen•·

Thefabulouaarchitecture11diffi culttomi1111.andthee\'enmurefabu lou11foodmaybeoutofyuurprice range,butyoumightneverhave ht'ardofthefaacinatingboattourof thePariAiansewers,or11tumbleup­on the Rue St. Denia where the hooken1plytheirtrade.Leavingthe main11trttt11behindandwandering thealley1andreaidt'ntialneighbor huO<iH of the Weo<t Bank ia e must if }"OU want to &ee the ·beck 1ide""of Per-ill.

-Land of the Pharaohs

•ndm111;even1f10m..onedoean"t know th• way. they"ll make up 10mt' epproximallon anyway. remember. you'remathirdworldrountl")·.end learmngl.otakeyourtimewilleaae you into the flow

Thewall·to-n'1lm1artifact11inthe Cairomu11eumwill1atiateyouran throp<>lol[ic1dp•lateandmakeyou long for one of thOl!e finely tuned minimali1t mu1eum11 back hume. where attention can befocu..edon oneexqu111teobjectatat1me. The mu11tum1implyholdltoomuch1.o do1tellju111ce.butlhetre1111ul't'tlof KingTuf1 tomb area muatl:M'f'. Tht' ahuukintheoldaectionofCairoita ..-,n10ry treat of 11il(hta. 101.md1. 1mell1 and talllf'<I dMerVmg of a day'1 wandt'rmgl. If you look hard. you can locate 10meoflheancient andCT11mbhn1turk11hbath1.11illa hanguutforl(ey1.bothlocal111nd toum1ta

Afteradayohheedvt'nlul'"t'.nm&e andcha011ofCeiro.1fyouhanlr.erfor 1<Jme Weiotnn familiarity. head for the Hilton or the Hyatt end che<:"k 11utthebarandthehe.lthclub.The Hilton lobby 11 notonoua aa the mam meetmlf IJTI>Und for ""real. bonafidt'"gay1.keepyoureyHopen andyou"llquielr.lyd1acemwho"•out C?Ulllnlf

Bycrui11eboat,faluka.ortram.up theNileitreallytheonlydireetion totra>'t'l (exceptAlexandrietuthe north.)Youwillberivetedtothewin dow.wt1tchingKTne6fromruralvil ]al{ehferollby:cringeatthesightof people bathmlf. wa•hing clothes anddishH.drinkmg,urinatinl(and defeeetmKmthee.11mewater10uree Yea.youdoneedtobecarefulofcer­tam food• and drink only bottled water.

The first obhgatory atop un the way 111 Luxorand Karnak. Th• huge 1.emplt' of Karnak 11 an inspiring

Forbes publisher denounces Forbes magazine article A demonstration by AL,'UP(The Coalition to Unle11>1h Powtrl at the offices of Forhtti Mal(azme, rt!'­eulted in thepubli1herhim11elfde­nounong an article in tht· mags zine that downplayed thl' &e\·erity of the AIDS crii;1.11 in America

About 50 protetolt'Tll. we>'mg placardl! andchantinl(. t:l"t'ated a picket line in fnmtoftheofftce11re­Cf'ntly. They weft' prulffltm(t en article entitled "'Strail(ht Tallr. About AIDS." which appeared in the June :ll:i iAue of Forbew, the busine11ama6j:ezine. Thearticleia an interview with author Michael Fumento, whOtJe upcoming book

The Myth of Heteru&exual AllJS statefl that heteroaexuela need not worry abut contracting the di• ease and that new infection• among homoaexuals ha>'e dropped. In addition. ~·umento

states that projection• about riew cases worldwide are"worthl{'tl1" and "garbage"'

"This article i.11 irre11ponsible journali.11monthepartofForbea:' said Andrew Velez, ACT I.JP mt•m beranddemonstretionor1anizer , ~It play11 into the rt'acuonary , fean1 and wishes of b1guta that AIDS ill a diseW1e that belong• to peopleoutaideofwhitt,hetenlllt'X


Activislll dl"f:'\0- a large lunch time crowd with their demun .. tra lion. Pleym11 on thl' 11logen of Forbea.whichcallailbelf'"thecep. italistt.ool.~ectiv1stacarriedMmall 1ho•·el1 and chanted. ··The shovel ia a cepit&li>!t toul; how many AIDS graves will Forbew di1c'."" Some sign• read. ' ·Malcolm. at leastgetyourfectaetrail(h("rt-fer ring l.opubli.11her Makulm Forbee, known for attendinlf AIDS fundraiseTB with clot!e frit'nd ~:Jiz. abethTaylor.

After awhile, a small grnup from ACT t:P wa11 in\'ited inside

to meet with Forbes. Tht-y de­manded that ACT l'.P be offered 1paceinthenextiHU{'forarrbut­tal to J<'umento'a views. Furbee himi;elfshowedtht-l(Touphillown editorial, which cellt•d Fumento'• opinions ··asinine" and apolo­gized that he was out ofto,.n and did not llff the article in time to tt-­tract it. The editorial el110 werI\I, ·Because Forbes ii:ave ( Fumento)

11pace. aome unknowledgt-ableor unthinkinl(readen mayK"ivehill opinions a credenct> th<'Y don"tde-

Forbes alao aC'Ct'plt'd a fact sheet from ACT L'P. pointmg out themanyerroTBintht·article.and treruifonned it into a rebuttal to accompany his editorial m the next issue

A(..'TUPplansenotht'rdt•mon· stralion thl8 fall wht·n Fumento'a book is publi1hed

ACT UP i.11 a divt•rst·, non-part\ sangroupofindi>'idualsumtedin anger and dedicated to direct ac­tion to end the AIDS eri11i11. ACT UP New York. the founding chap. ter,haaorganizedortakenpartin major demoruitrationa at the Food and Drug Administration and the ll'CE'nt International Cunference on AIDS in Muntrt'al

The Ru11ian River, locutedabout one and onehalfhour1northofSan •Tancisco,i1aperfe< orweekendtrip.lntheheartofred wood country, the town of Guemville ii the center of opera tiori1. Se"eralde<:ade.ago itw .. a favorite family l'f'l!Ort 11.•wn re· lplendent with RV trailer parkl. tacky mimature 1olf couraM and 1riowoonevendors.The1ay1red11 eovf'l"ed the l(>wn in theHvenliN andproceededl.oaweken1tfromita 1leepydeclinebybuy1ri1uppn>pl'r ty andalvm11ta facehft. The heavy wttkend bumper-to.bumper traffic onthemain1treetatteatal.othett--1Urt"1populantyw1thKay1andmm 1ay1alike

St>•·eralrountrywea:tttnb.arspro­vide the appropriate cowboy ambience. including Molly Brown·, and the Rusty l'> The ru~tic, oc­tagonal disco at the Wood.a pump11 out the latnl dance muaic and bnnp out th~ pumped·up mu..,IM on 'Ae<>kende and at Sunday·a tea dance.8peciale•·enta1ucha.1wom en·1,.·ttkend.leatherwttkendand anAIDSbenefitcanoeraceare1let edthroughouttheaummer

A word ofadvift': P11ri11i~ forlo~erM. uratle1111tbewithal(1>0dfnend.On a ramy day PariMl·an l.N.·the w·on<t place in tht' world. eoipecially if you"rt-alone.With1omt><>nt-elll('you can alwaya find a comtr 11'1 a wann cafeend11ptheeflt'munnaw·ay.ur 1nug11:le up in a hott'l room But alone.forl(et11 bytht'endofwm terordurinl(eparttet1larlydreary aummer wttk it"1 hard to find a friendly fen• m Pima. The 1nhab1 I.ant.I move ebeut lht' ICl'f'Y bouJ,.. vard11'A·1theperpe111a1...,.,,.1d .. ter ring all but tht" mOfll dt'tt'nnm..d Yuu"re bl'tter off takinl( a tram l.o Am11terdam or even 11 boat to Lon don for the rlur11tion. Th .. n·. people etleutkn<>'• h••wto11pl'akyuurlan gual(eandh .. wtoenduretht'Kl<H>m 'Alth attrtam c1vi!ityendchann

Evenifyoudon"t~lie•·eintht'pow erofpyramid•nerin·.11ttm1fonll:>p ofoneofthoeeewe-m~pmnl(ed1fic­niout11ideof('e1roataun_.t...,·1ththt' wann breezeceres111nKyourfacei1 bound to be one of the muat ro1<m1c hi1t"h1youmighteverwU1htoo:peri ence. Of cuur&e. it"a forbidden l.o 1<'alt'theancientmonumen111.but r,,r90me.thepyremidl!'callinl(i1ir r•1111tible

monumt'nt l.o a whole ci>'ilizetion -------­

lromcally t'nough. the RuN111n River, winding lhroulfh thf' wooded hi111,waaoncethein1tialattraction Now it.a wall'TI are tinted lflHn. and m•ny hx:al1 and vi•iton prefer l.o lr.eepallbutftttandtONoutofthe water, ila cle•nhneu dubioua and eubjectl.operiodicrumors

But that'• what poola are for. nght?Moet1en1iblt11(ay1andle11bi an11pendtheirday1pool1ide.Fife11 and the Wooda art the two large.I endmoetpopular.The1cenecanbe crowded and noiay, but definitely 1ora:eou1. l fyouhke1trawberryd111 quiri1 and wall-t.o-w•ll nylon and ah•tenin1 fi•h. you"ll be happy there. Food ii lerYed in therf' rant.a and a 1ameofvolley~ll .. uauallyundt'r"Way

Forthe\eu'"rieed1.o1ttandbe -n" crowd. many smaller. quiele!" reeorta dot the are• Among them are the Willow1. Perad1.a Cove. the Highland. and Camelot Far away

Ju1ta quartermileuptheroad from the Wooda ttaOrt i11 a national park. Annstrong Wood1, homt' 1.o a magnificentatandofrfliwoodtreN. lt"aahauntinglymagicalplacenot 1.obemill3f'd.(lfyoue>'erbehe>'edin'lleenl;(' them here.)

Wine te11ting rountry ii not far away.Ten milea:uptheroedthePa cilicOceanlai»:attheeeeaidetown ofJenner.lfyouheppenuponitona warm. 1unny day, you"JI wonder why10meonedidn'tgettht'bright idea l.obuild a reeorton theoe@en Hangaroundafewhoun.andwhen the fog roll.e in lhiclr. end heavy you"llquicklyundeM1tandwhy.Tht' roaatwillbeaockedin,whileefew mileainlandatGuernvilleitcanbe a hot end rOa.1ting90degree1.

The Rua11111n Riwr ha. been com pared 1.oSan Franciaeo'aettemptat Fue laland. P-Town or the Hampl.oI\I. !,;spect none of the eboveandyou"ll ha•·earelaJ<irig. wonderful lime sunning. awim·

Andthenthen•areth!JOH'delmuu,.. lygor11: ... 1udayAwhenthi•Pllri1ien Aky i11all «'!"Ulean and billowy with Ju•t a hint of a hrt'('J.I· from the northwt'flt. The crowd1 in front of the Pomped1·au ("<·nlt•r roll with laul(hterand51t·nerou11lytiptheper former•.On1111or1te<•u1day.l'ari11 canbe111gaya111(ay1·anbe,witha cla11t1end111yletheti11rerelyfound anypla«>elaemtht'world

Hil(hly rtt"t>mmend,..d iatht"view atop tht' tuwer of thl" ;-.;vtrl" llamt' One can - for mile• in ever)- dir~ lion with the cit)·"• \'arioul neigh borhoi:.d.anddi11lr1t1.3t1l'<itoj(t'lher bytht'Sl>inr.whichwmd11hkearib­bon thn>Ulfh tht' C'O·ntl"r. Tht' hun dl'fl11of11t'p1required1.oreachthe \'antagt' poml ar1' ,.·ell worth the 1readin1f. l'1mply la) Ni.t·k qain11t the wann IHd rouf and lor1k out acl'OIN!theletrenderycitylncred1 ble! Even tht' ncioua l(argoylea:

igypt. that my~tenou• place in whichwe"reallcertain...,e'\·ehadet le81!tonep1111tlife.willlikelyfillyou with wonder. thrill your 11en1e.. lf you"re ""en remotely a hygiene freak.itmightal10di11KU~tyouand e-·oke dreams of FDA-certified. ho­mogenized. 1terilized vittle..clean pottytoiletaandanicelong11hower. lfyouavoidtheluxuryhotelsand fancy Nile crui11e1, ta1lt' the dull andhfeofthepeeHntfolkinthe wwn11andvillage.alongthel'Oilf'. yuu"llha•·esc.eppedbackintuanoth er century. another world

With the layout and look of a vendEuropeancity_>'t'iledinepet ina ofdu11t end noiff. Cairo it the hubandcen1.erofE1YPl The wide. radiating boulevan:i1 and narrow maze.of11tlf'!('taandalley1w1llkttp youperpetuellyconfusedanddllOri ented. A11kingdirection1itab1th1t

wh'*f' mam purpoae \tl'ae l.o &lorify tht' Creal(>r_ Tht' m1htly 10und and hgh11huwi1well\tl·orththeadm1 ainnRentabikeandridt'l.othe\"al ley of the Kmp and wander throu1h the 1.omb. of Kma Tut and hia royal buddif'9.

Further up' Nile. near Sudan iaa1e...,.elof11own.All'A·an.Afaluka rideat1un11ttwith friend11orlonr emongth•rockoutcroppmgsandi1· landa ia about a.1 rvmantic ae one cuuld po1111ble w111h for. Ofroul"lt'. there i1 the 1mpret1111>'e A11wan dam notfaroutoftownAcoupleofhour11 tby plane) away ere the mallli>'e 1tatueeofAbul:hmbul

OutaideofCairo,oppotntt'sexron· tactinpubhcorprivelt'iaforbidden h'1entirely normaltoseetwomen or women holding hand1 or with arm.1aroundeacholher.E\'en011ten aibly non-gey men get it on with eachothtt until e marrial(ei1ar ranged.ifyouhaveapenchantfor dark.'llbein hH>'enye..anditatrue:blondeado have mol'"t' ful'I . at le&l!t m E1Ypl

Your trav•I a11ent can ht'lp you find out further mfonnat1on about any of the three detunat1on1 men uoned•boveorhelpyouinmaking plan a



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The Montrose Voice.

Low-key white supremacist conference starts Health officials criticize dating service

By STEVE GREEN ro11.n1~"'"-'r"""" \·u1l~ COElJR D'ALENE. Idaho (l'Pl1-Wh1te 111pl"fll'lacut1 from around the nation and Canada 1tartt'd ar rivinll' Thunday for what may be a quietannualcon(erenceortheAry· anNation1Church

Human rivhta act1v i1tainnorthernldaho and nearby Spokane. Wuh., 1aid they were unaware or the event until th;. week and did notplan11pruteat1imi lartooneinAprilwhen more than 500 people marcht'd m prote.t of anAryanNa1.1on1con· fnence for about 50 yo1.1ng1kmhl'11d.s

And 111111 four Sp0-kaneandCoeurd"Allme n-1or1aniza11un1at tendl'd an Aryan Na tion.11 ne .... ·1conftorem-e Thunda). comparl'd t.o Apnlwhenmortthana dozenregionalandna t1onalreportt-r.atll·nd ..

"Our mareh in April Ir.ind of q1.11et.ed him down," Sp<ikane CT089-bumingvict1mS~ncer Hamm aaid of Aryan Nation1leadnRich11rd Butler_ "I didn't know hewa•havmg1moth{·r one thi• w('('hnd. ru callam('('tinij'lo11eeif we'lldoanythinij'about it'

Hamm. a leader of Ciuzena for Nonviolent Action A1ainat Raciam, 1a1dhiagTouphatbttnfocu.eingon trym,- to conVlnce Boeing to quit Hllin1airhnentoSouthAfrica

Butheaaiditwouldbenotrouble to get '15or:.!Oofu11tomarchat8ut·

1er·1,-a1.e Butler di1mi1Hd Hamm and the

other protetten u communiai.and ettimated ··a couple of hundred' peoplewouldattendhi1convent1on

Butleraaidtheconferencetheme will behianewplan tocreateapohti

cal party to carry out hiachun:h'a white aupremaciat pohliul plat­fo~

Al in put conferencea at Butler'• rflnOte,,-uardedcompoundlOmilet north of Coeur d'Alene, waekend apeaken are to include Thom Robb

of Harriaon.Ark. whocallah1m1elf national chaplain of the Ku Klux Klan, and Canadian neo-l\azi lead er John ROM Taylor of Toronto

Andafewakinheadawhoattend edtheAprilconferencewereatBut· \er 'a oompound Thunday, taying

their movement ha1 grownthi11ummer.

Butler'• whi~ au premacy philOlophy gainednationalatten tioninl984whenadoz enofhiafollowerawere a1Te.tedinaooordinat edt"Blraidacroaathe country_

Robert Mathewa. the leaderofthe1plinter groupTheOrder;diedin a fiery pn battle with a1enl.afromhi1hideout on Whidbey Jaland in Wa1hin1ton"1 Pu1et Sound

MOllt of the memben ofTheOrderw~even tualtyronv1ctedonfed eralronap1rac)·charge. that mduded allega· tion1theyrobbedmo«­than$4millionfromar mo~canandkilledat lea11tonememberthey behe•·edwa1d11loyal

The Order al110 wat blamed fo r the ma chme-gundtathofDen verradiotalkahowhoett Alan Berg, who baited wh1tt" supremaci8U on hip1how

SAN ANTONIO <UPl )-A dating i aervice offering AIDS teelin1 u Part. i ~.:i~oni!'::~ta 0:ii:! :ro::~~ ~ ~:..:·=i~1:':~ ~:ne:n:ih~~~~ j ru;~n Antonio Metropolitan Health Q Di1trict official• criticized the pro. ~ gram for p<>Hibly offenng a falN 1en1eof1ecuritytomembenor the1r "' dateawhohaveundergonetheteating and get an identificationcardahow in,-theyarefreeof1ign1ofthevirua

"There i11 a four-to •ix-week win dow period in which a per10n could be teatedandbenega1ivebutbecarrym1 theviru1:· Dr; M11urinePorto.ooordi natorofcommunic1bledilll'UMat thedinrict. laid. although he added thegroupatleutwuprovidmgedu cation aboutthedi1eaaeandempha •iiin1theneedtopracUCt'tafeHx

Organizers Monday announced the 1tartof"Lunchmateot:·aprogramput together by computer and marketing relt'Srcher Mike Pellellt'r, 32.ofSanAntonio

Webetievewehavt'arTi\·edata 11en1ible 11inglea allf'rnallve to play ing AIDS RUJ1aian roule11.e:· Pelletier 1aidaboutaservice1imilartoothen that ha .. e opened in major cit1et acroaatherountry

Pelletier 11aid everyone in the pro­gram whoopta for theA IDSviru1ex l)O'IUN!testingwouldbetoldofthelim itationeoftheteatandthalhavinga negativereadingi•noguaranieethe per11oniefreeoftheviru1

Baylor to study

Open lesbian immigrant to become U.S. citizen Ams depression

~;k ~!;t~ ~~~~~ ::~ I. ln11movethat•urpnM'dmany.the U.S. lmm1vatwn and Naturaliza lion!:M-rv1noonJune 141111id1twill vantcit1zen~h1ploMa11haGl"llHf\, a:l3-year-oldSuvietimm1jfl'ant"'ho nopeatedlyempha1uzedthat11he1Ma letbi11nwhileaµplyingfornaturali uition

Whenqul'f!t1onedab ... utthrirdtt1 aion, INS official11 addt<l there ia nothmginUS.lawtopre.-entlrt1b1 an11andg11ymenfrombecommgnt

Hi•lorically. the INS ha• denit<I viaaa,permanentrew1dencyondciu zen•hipt.:lhomo11ello11l11byd111111ify

mgthema11··notofgoodmoralchar­acwr;"poelll'alledofa"'l)llychopathic penunality.' or at"'11ellualdevi

··~ Ar.:wdmg to openly gay C.~ l' Barney Frank (l}.­MAl.whohufoughttheimmigra twnreoitrictionainthe HouseofRep. «9l'n1a11"es.thelattert.,.·oca1.ego. n ... h1n·e bee-n in,·oked agam~t "1111 tuntandapplicanuforrl'flidency while the "mor11lcharacter"' clause wa110....d11ga1n11t1hoeeseekmgciti Zl'n11hip

lnaletter11ttompanyingherc1t1 zen8hipappi1cation,Ges..entaunt· ed thl' 11\S by wriung. "I ... believe myll<'lfwbeaper ... mofgoodrnoral

character. dNp1te the fact that I know that the INS ha11 in tht pa11t 1tated that homc-x11al• are n<>I people of good moral character·

According to Gttllt'n. the INSig nored the letlt"r and. when uked aboutitdirrrth b)·h..,.1a ... yer.lltl1d 1tpr-ntednopwblemwhata<ieHT ll\S11-Mi10lantpuhhcinforma11ond1 rector\.'ttnt'Jtn·iainWa..hmgt<on. llC 1&1ddilctnctuffifial1 ... erecor

"" ~1rthty.aythtfHl"hanged1he1r policy.tht'nwuhvuldbehrvethem 1a1dFrsnk ..... ho1trNM'<ithatapp]y· mgforciuzen1h1premain11du•tmct from entl'nngtht·rountryaHav1~i «>rorpermanent rrtildent

Frank h1tamtrodu{'ed leg111lation

m CongTNll to amend the ·aexual de•·ianC)' .. clause which. he 1&d. canHtillbeleg11llyueedagamatgay v1111torsandrl'f!idencyapplicani. The meaa11~ i11 expected topaae thi• year.

Jt-.;s· Jen·111 challenged the need fort"rank"11bill.1aymggay1arenot ·expretaly forbidden by law from enteringthecountryandnt'•·erhave be-en. lt'1noteomethingthatcanbe ea11ilydetocted:"he11&1d."'There· medicalexamtha1detecuthat

After«-peatedquestioning, ho"' ever. Jervi1 acknowledged that in the µa11t 110me hom0&exu11l1 were daaenfied by the ll\S al havmg ·paychopathic per1onali11e1." Frank"abillwouldprotectgaysand

lesbiana from •uch hara1111mentin the future

MathaGeueniaeditorof"Ntxt.H a &.ton-bao!ed (lay and ll'f!bian newa magazme. She camt to !he US 11tage 14 ataJ('w1ah political refugae and felt that tht circum atancaofheremigTahonmadt'her cit11t'nahipapphcahunan1dt'alttflt ,_

I came out afler I wu vanted permanent re111dency. "'h1ch mean• thatlrouldMtbedeportedforlymg onmytnlryapphcation.norcouldl ha,.emypermanentre1idencytak en away:' 1he1a1d. ""In addition. I havenoc1tizenahiµinanycountry. whichwouldmakeitimpracticalfor dep0rtationto1Jfcarriedou1-··

Volunteers are needed fora Baylor College of medicine 11tudy latingthe effectivene1111 of Ritalin and desipramine in treat1ngdepnu1on among men diagnOled with HIV in fec1ion or exhibiting prehminal')· aymptom• of AIDS related complex. Baylorofficialehaveannounced

Thestudy.fundedbytheAmerican }-'oundalion for AIDS ReHarch, will romparetheeffectivenNllint~atmg human immunodeficiency viru• iH IVI related depr-ion with desipramine.a11tandardantidepre11 sant, to Ri1alin. a 1timulant com monlyueedtot«-athyJ)('l'activity

Hot tubs are safer than many people think

Person• with ARC hl\·e 11n l'flpt'­c1ally high rate of depres.ion. lnad d ition todeterminingtheeffectiv~ nesaofthedrug1forrelievingdepres·

aion.«-searcherswilldetermineifd~ pre1111ioni11partoftheviru11'1diroc1 effoctonthecentralnervou11y11tem. and1fthedrug1haveanyeffoctin 1mprovmghe11.lth·relatedbehaviors

By ROB STEIN UPI ScieneeWnlt'r f(lflt ..... O><lAOMVC. :I

BOSTOl\-lmp1lt" pe111iMlt"nt pop­ul11T belief w tht' rontrary. expert.1 1aythe«ia noevidencethat10me­onecancatchht'rpes.AIDSorgeni talwartafromu"mgahottub

Thepublicappeanto1tubbomly et can betr11n .. m11ted mhot1uba But119e8rcht'naaytheonlydOC1.1 mentedev1denceia1h11tafewl'<l!la tively minor bacterial mfecli<>J\11 can IUl"\'l\'ethe high lt"mperato1" andchlorinemhottuba

Jthinkthatgenerallytheyart pretty uft'," 1aid Dr Robert Coombl, avirologiatattheUn1ver 1ityofWa11hingwninSeattle.··Poo­plearevery11u11Ceµtibletothet1eaug gl'fltiona·

There" good evidence that ctr 1ainkindaofbacteriacanbe&prtad inhottuba.eepttiallyiftheyarenot cleanedoftenenoughorchlonnated properly.rl'f!earchen111id

The m011t commonly acquired in fect1onfromaho1tubia11bacterium

knownaaP1eudomon1111,whichhat been 1hown can be apread in hot tub.. whirlp00l1 and 11wimming poolo

Peeudomonas can gH into the poreeortheskinandcauet'arlUlh· like infection. aaid Ur. Nt'il Simo1111~n,an infoctiouadi11eR11eex

pertalC118eWestemRe.en·eUm ver11tyin Clevelnnd

"ltgetaintotheporetandcau"" an infection in the pore. with J)Otltular eruplion.-ziUl on tht' 1kin:·1aidS1monsen

In moat people tht' mfechon 11 euily trt'atedbywaahingthearea andperhap11u1ingtopicalantib1ot ia. The only time it Cfl\llM Hriooa illneaa '"when itinfecta people whoee immune systema are weak enedfor1umereaaon

But the herpet1 viru11, the AIDS vi· r\19 and the human papilloma vi· rllll-which cau11e11 geni1a.l waru and hat been hnkedto11everal form1 of cancer-a«- too fra.gile to 1urvive the hot temperaturN and chlorineinhottuba.theyaaid

"1'hat'1 mo«-hy11tt"riathanf111c1:· 11&idSimon11en

A BCare that herpea could be tr11n1mittedthroughhottubeerupt· ed in 19S3when National ln1titu~ of Healthreeearcherareportedthat laboratory11train11oftheherpesvi· ru1couldliveinareu1uchatlocker roomaandtheplaeticeurlaceethat

NAP member questions national activist's stand from Lourdae Perez. ooord1nator, the ao--ealJed '1eaders~ of the leebl· New Alllanoe Pa.rcy (Houston , &n and ~ oooununicy- us1ng ao I would l1kll to respond to your art.I much energy to au.aclr: NAP? c1e d June 16. '1>cUvtst.a Oppose To be sure, we hAve cwrerenoee

outrageous attack8 that tha omc1&I Democratic Party laadershlp heaped. on har tell them eon» t.h1ng9 Do they th1nk lallblans and

NAP at Vienna;' NI a wayofoont1n· l'fitll NOU'P' but ln! would ulngthedialoguaonwhlchway(to Mll'llr ucluda them from go) for lesbt&n and gay 1. c11&1ogue on 188uee 90 empowerment In th1e oountry. cructal to not only the

AB an acuvtat. m,yae11. a Puerto survival. but the R1can woman. aleeblan and.a laad empowermentoflesb1&ns er of tha New Alllanoa Parey 1n and. gays and people of Houston, 1 can't help ask m,yeelf oolor In fact, th1B month.

Letters l to the Editor

gay man vOUKl for P'ul&ni. gave to har and oontJn· U8 to support NAP l» oauee Uwy are too du.mtltoreoogn!zet.hat NAP 18 a right wing


w hy 18 8uL!I Hyde and tha NOU'F ==~::

~=~u:"~~oo== ~=~:Su'!~~= :°U: :.;~~=~. edleadersofvartousorganlzatkma P~ independent part;y, from to l)&l'tJCipe.te 1n an open dl.&logue parUcJ~ 1n an lntem&Uonal to &dllr.e88 tha 1s8ue of p(IW8r:

forum on tha oonoams ofleetll&nB and. gays in tha U..8.A.9 When tha Polltkle of th1B oount.ry (are) clomi· nated.byt.her& has bean a 300 percent lnCreaaa 1n anU-IBI)' v1oleno11. whan int.em ment mmpa and tattooIDC "PWAB are betnc recommended. aa a m.llll of l8olaUng them. wey are

Ia8ul!IH,ydeandh8rllksoatra1d. to have an open d1&1.oguawtth NAP bacaUBll of tha tremendous support we are I'90ll.lvlng around tha ooun try9 Doesn't the !act that NAP'a ln· dapendant prealdent1&l candidate, ~IanoraB.P\ll&ni.reoeived2'11iof

the leetll&n and gay vot.a n&Uonally int.he 1988elect.1ondaspltetha

I th1nk not The sup. port that Pul&n1 re­

oelved. daeplte t.heee unprtndpled and WlBUpportad attacltB r&thar reflects tha lack of leadershlp of leetll&n and gay org&nlz&t1ons that had.thaaudaclcytotellouroommu· nlcytovot.aforthamoet.bomopho­blc governor in this oount.ry, Mi cha.el Dukak18 and ?Ua right wing

partner, UO)'d Bentsen. I think It refiected tha 80(lh!BUO&Uon ol wt.­

are who reoogn1zed that gay le&derswereprot.ecUngthelr~

checU and poeltJana at the U·

penae of our oommun11,y

Lenora B P'ulanl'a oamp&lgn of· rer«t an &lternattve and ra.l8ed I.ha 1alU8 of democracy, !&1rnmB and lru:lua1on. Let's have an open and prlndpled dialogue. We invtte leebt&na and gays to call U8 and vo1oe youl' oplnlon on ( leadershlp) at522-8748.

-Art Leajlue Artwork by students of tha Art ~ofHouston.thectcy'soldest aruat supportorganiz.aUon, w1ll be on displa,y In the Art Le8'U8 Galler­y. 1963 Montrose Blvd., from JUly 20to Bept.2.Ava.rlecyofmedlawUl be faat.ured, including oil and wa­tercolor pa1nttnga, aculpturea, dr&wtnga. collages and.)ewelry An opening recepUOn wt th the art.1at.a wW behaldfrom5c30to730p.m. TI!.ur•S.,}r,Jul;y20

TheA.rtl6BB\lllls&non·prol'l.tor­g&nlz&t1on dad1cated to promot.kln ol the V1Bu&l art.a. The gallery 18 open to tha public tree of cha.rge, Kondf,,ythn:nJ,gh~lO:OOa.m. to4:00p.m. and tram noon to 4 00 p.m.on~-

1u1TOund many hot tuba But raean:her11ay therei1 noe\·

idenCt" that atrain• of the viru11 found commonly 1n peoplt' rould liveinth011econdition1.orevenif theycouldaurvi•·ethatthey ... -ould t'atilyinfect10meonewhocamt'in to contact with It

There ia not a •mile documented Cale of~meone catchmg herpe11 thatw11y

Viru-don"t1urvwt'm 1hoae t'nvironmenta," aaid Coomba "Tl'"an1miu1onoftheviru.erequ1re. intimate contaict. Tran•milaion "'ould require contact between t"'o 1kmaurface1and10mebreakdown of1hataurf1Ct'. That'1 not going to occur with two people 1itting in a hot tub" tubadonot protectagainatbeingin· fectedwithanylll'xuallytranemit· teddi11ealll'

Potential volunteer• will be pn vatelyscreenedandallinformation

;-;~/:e:T:t ~~~d~~~~~!:f·l~:otf~~ one--yearatudymuatbebet"'Pt'nlht' agl'f! of 20-50. 11how aign• of deprM·

~f0::cdtail~f~;!ht!:~~1b:r~N~~': "'·eeklyfortht'finteight"'aekaand nerythreemon1hafortherestofthe year.

Pt'f'&Un11 "'·il.ihing to ,-olunteer for tht' study or wanting more inform11 tion may call B11ylor"1 Department of P11ychiatry and Behavioral Sci enC'ellat798--71'.129

We're work ing to bring you a real


The Montrose Voice.

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Tile grueling business of tax aVOldance

<'/he q.~ q.(J/X, Tad Nelson THE MONTROSE VOICE JULY 14, 1989

Inside this section

M~Sa<;p A little local gossip

BMJrMU~ Day-by-day breakdown of events

Our advertisers will tempt yau

Your horoscope from the Voice

p~~ Toll and toll-free numbers for verbal adventures

People who want to meet you

llndll~~ badz, Yes, Amanda B. Recondenwith

This is Tad Nelson, 32, a Taurus, the manager of Mary's bar. Hobbies include bowling (where his typical score is "You can't print that"). His favorite bar? Well, actually, it's the Venture-N, but don't tell Fanny. Tad is not a free man anymore. Last month he (as they say here in Texas) "got hitched" with Bob Ainsworth of Cincinnati. Photos by Henry McClurg

°' Whatever else we can say about the likes of Jesse Helms, ~ Phyliss Shefley, Gary Bauer; their anti-homosexual bias is a ~ matter of public record and we can know these enemies for what ~ they are. Such is not the case with what is othenvise probably ~ the best newspaper in the United States, The New York limes. ~ Until a couple of years ago, The limes was run by Abe ~ Rosenthal, a champion of the First Amendment and a u. homophobe. It was Rosenthal who enforced The limes' style, to ~ wit, "gay" could only be used in a direct quote or in a headline if ;5 "homosexual" wouldn't fit. ~ It is The limes which, much like Mayor Koch and Ronald ~ Reagan, took years to recognize an AIDS crisis. And even today, u when nearly everyone recognizes AIDS as the major health ~ issue, The limes does not have a full-time reporter devoted to ~ this issue, an otherwise common practice at The limes. a? Now to our point: As many of you doubtless know, a New York

~ :::::::~r;i;~:~sci~u~::/ ::::k~i':~~:~~~~v::';,~~':! "' has the same rights to a rent-controlled apartment as the

suroivor of a traditional marriage. This week The limes got around to an editorial on this

decision but not once mentioned the homosexual issue which was crucial to the decision. In fact, The limes avoided any reference to "same sex'' or any other inference implying that this case had anything to do with anyone other than an unmarried heterosexual couple. To call the editorial obtuse would be a mild understatement.

The limes basically attacked the decision as "impractical," concluding that in each case "the courts will have to decide whether tenants and their guests regard themselves as spouses, whether their friends regard them as such, whether they share responsibility for the household budget." We would gladly accept such a burden of proof if that were all it took for gay lovers to establish even this limited right. And we are sure any gay couple in New York City in a rent-controlled apartment would also, quite willingly, shoulder such a burden of proof. If this is the portion The limes sees as "impractical" then we must conclude that The limes is generally blinded by the least of obstacles.

But The limes is consistent in its editorializing against the gay community, obtusely speaking that is. In an editorial last week The limes took the General Accounting Office to task for suggesting there has been a massive underestimating of AIDS cases. The limes, in/act, suggested the GAO is "playing politics with the numbers."

Unfortunately, The limes then goes on to suggest that "the epidemic will peak, and maybe sooner than many forecasters expect." While we would like The limes to be right in this case their facts to support this conclusion are at odds with their own news articles.

liming is everything, in comedy and in the news business, and




The limes ran this editorial right after the gay Pride Parade in New York (which prominently demanded more action from Koch and the city) and while The limes was lauding New York City Health Commissioner Stephen Joseph's halving estimates of infected New Yorkers (yes, Joseph is the same man who, at the recent Toronto AIDS conference called for mandatory HW testing).

Fortunately, what makes The limes a great newspaper is that the editorial boord does not run the rest of the newspaper. Thus, The limes, in last Sunday's magazine, ran an article by David Leavitt, one of the brighter lights in gay literature, that touched on many basic fallacies of straight reporting on gays and AIDS.

The bottom line, however, is that we know many major newspapers, overtly or othenvise, distort or ignore gay issues and The limes, an acknowledged liberal voice, illustrates our inability to be fairly heard and seen.

One answer would be a strong and vigorous national gay press covering the news and newspapers (and television). But that's our problem, we're always wanting so much.


How America Will ConquerhsFearand

Hatred of Homosexuals in the



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Amanda returns: The derange of change .,, JJ i5 )> :< '­c

By AMANDA B. RECKONDWITH Dea.r Fans, you must forgive us for being away for such a long time, but it's such a long stocy, we couldn't possibly go into great detail. All we'll say 1B that Aruba 1B truly a nice place, as long as you're not too conspicuous

Our ostrich skin trunks must have given us away as a tour!Bt with means, because we were k1dnapped and ta.ken for the ride of our life by Chinese Mao-Mao who hap­pened to be v!Biting a large chopsticks con­vention. They lured us with fried duck feet ( one of our greatest wsaknesses ), then threw us, drugged senseless, onto a jet.

The next thing we knew, we were in the Forbidden City, where a secret cult riddled our bod;y with toucan beak dust before making forbidden statuacy in our likeness. One was a.maz1ngly like the Statue of Liber­ty, and we heard later that it had been on d1Bplay in the square ofBetjingbefore ruined tt. That just shows their stunted apprecla.t!on for art, Dea.r fans!

the economy, and were most pleased that so many of our dea.rfans have found new work

'< Whit.mire had changed her hairdo. Well, :;: Amanda 1B a vecy modest girl, and we are not about to criticize another woman's ~ ha.Ir or makeup, but dea.r Kathy could use "' some mousse. Then, it probably ;:: wouldn't do to have the ffil\.YOr look!ngl!ke 0 Tina Turner in Earth shoes. ~

We noticed that old What's-h!B-name 1B running for mayor Hc:rhuml Some th1ngs never change, Dea.r Fans. Our may­oral campaigns are getting as old and bor­ing as Dynasti}' episodes.

Speaking of which! We were stunned that dear Joan Collins ca.lied It quits. We saw a video of the last show and were amazed that a woman could crash through a rs.iling and fa.II 40 feet to her death and still suck her tummy in so e1llciently.

And Ronnie and Nancy are gone, tool RB­placed by George and Barbara and their sweet, smelly little dogs. Heavens, Dea.r Fans, we still have nightmares of watching r.yndonJohnson revea.l h!Bba.ssethounds' pee-pees to the press-now we have to watch the Bush's beagles give birth!

Oh, It's good to be back! Pardon our bal:l· b!ing fortods.y, Dea.r Fans. We're a.bout to go to Barv!lle with dea.r Sebastian, whose jeans are as tight and revea.l1ng as always! One thing hasn't changed in Houston since we've been gone, and that 1B the quallti}' of Texas menl So, it's off to our bath with Rhona the cat, who has completely forgot­ten who weareandth!nkswearetheRotc:r Rooter man. A nice hour soaking in our fa­vorite Cocoa.Ju.Ju-Ba.-Ba Oil with hot Muk Luk soap will restore our fem1nine charms

JJ 0 en m < 0 0 m Ill )> JJ N )> )> JJ

Anyway, It took Sebastian almost two whole years to find us, and by the time he did , we had escaped the Forbidden City and made our way into the countcy. The whole experience changed us into a whole new girl! For one thing, we can now speak Ga.n­tonese quite fluently, where before, we were a.ble only to ask where the nearest American Express booth was By the time the poor dea.r found us, we were squatting in a rice padd,y, sift.Ing seeds through our teeth in the mud like a blue wha.le feasting on krill' We flna.llyflew into Houston, andit was so fa.bulous to see those sparkling tow­ers, we cried up a storm that practl­ca.lly blew the pecan trees into our mah.1-mah.I tank in the back yard.

Well, now we're back, and it's de!lghtful to see the ch&ngee wrought in Houston since our sa.bbatlca.l (that'swhatwe'vedecldedto ca.II it since our relations with China are strained the way It 18 ... ). We were Immedi­ately impressed with the new vibrancy of

or at least stayed where they were when we and do away with those nasty rice patterns Jett for Aruba

We Immediately noticed that Kathy on our dimpled knees.

Past Time leads pool list Are you ready for th!B? Last week the C&N "Men" trounced the Festive 5 by a ecore of 15-0. When I eaw the standings I thought that they hadreeeivedaforfeit, but it was a legitimate 15-0 bea.t!ng. These guys are rea.lly play­ing super pool and aren't ta.king any prison-

"mixed" tournament we hoped for. There will be future tournaments open to both leagues and I'm sure we'll have more than the crossover players participating The rea.l dJehard HMBL players will undoubtedlywe.nt to compete

e.nd test their mettle aga.tnst thell' B!Bter league.

ers. I'm glad we (Past Time) don't play them, although it would be a tough, fun match.

For the week ending July 7, the top ten teams were' l) Past Time, 2) C&N "Men:· 3) Briar Patch, 4) Bacchue I,5) Llpstlck,6)The Players, 7) 611,8)PMS,9)Bunk house 5, 10) 5 EZ Pieces.

Montrose Neighbor­


Two important 1Bsues were decided last Bun· day. The questlona.ble forfeit between Lipstick and was d1scusBed and the me,Joriti}' of those there voted to re-schedule the match Sec· ond, we will be having a team competition cook­off party with side dishes provided by any mem­ber who w!Bhes to bring one. Details a.bout the competition will be given out at the next meet­ing, Aug. 6. There was a good turnout for the holiday

tournament th1B past week at The Ranch. Congratulations to Betsy, Shirley, Pat T. e.nd


Bob, the top four tln!Bhers. Since the HMBL 1B now be­tween seasons e.nd many of the players did not res.1ize we were having th1B tournament, we did not have the

SUnday, Cousins will be having a twc:rman drag show at 6,QO p.m. To quote Ron S., th1B will be a chance for a lot of the women in the league to see him in a dress.

gi ~~lu,'1~ 5!? 'f_ For the Montrose Voice ~ COPYRIGHT 1989

~ ARIES ~ Personal ambitions run high this week, supported by your ~ realistic approach to the way you handle ideas. Novelty is a c: virtue you respect, but only when tempered by a frank as­..: sessment of its value. Friends' enthusiastic response let you ~ know you're right. ci: ;ii TAURUS ~ You discover that your choice has been the one best suited for ~ the long range. This may concern your home, a close relation­

ship, or even your personal philosophy. No matter what, your views are vindicated. A big yes!


"' 0 c: >­z 0 GEMINI ::; Your chance to shine comes in your career, but its a coopera­.,. tive type of shining. There's a collective venture you can sug-

gest that requires participation by all; use your command of the simple essentials to design it. Small is beautiful. CANCER Fatigued? Torn between a vacation and simply staying home? That's typical Cancerian thinking. Either would be good, but getting away opens new areas of fun and thought. Why do the same old thing when a trip will cure what ails you? LEO Don't toss away a plan just because it looks as if its reward is scanty. Nourish the seedling and it grows into a larger tree. The mental exercise is good for you now, and you gain re­spect for your attempts. And did you know that you have a se­cret admirer? VIRGO The windows at your house may steam up in the summer heat; a new level of self-respect gives your love life new oomph as well as an energy born of excitement. Love deep­ens the communication between you and your partner. LIBRA You should feel right at home this week, placed in your favor­ite position: a little removed from the run of things so that you can make a dispassionate judgment. Use your security to pull in help on the big picture you're beginning to see. SCORPIO Have you learned not to over dramatize? At least about those nagging problems that were largely in your mind. As you'll learn by the beginning of the week, your doubts about your love life are just as unfounded.

SAGITTARIUS Love with the proper--or improper--stranger may give you the insight you're looking for, but travel for that sake is a roundabout way of finding it. Light only comes when you open up the shutters, no matter where you are. CAPRICORN Look for a visitor to bring good news to your home--maybe more. Don't go all out and frighten that person away; charm and tact are the order of the day. No matter what your de­signs, treat this situation like an old-fashioned courtship. AQUARIUS Let's get down to business, Aquarians. You look good, think well, and you're persuasive. Why waste all that on anything less than securing your future? Dabbling in romance right now just wastes those resources. PISCES Your main message is moderation. Don't overextend yourself physically, and pay attention to health problems. Stick close to home; great pleasures can be found there. Be sensitive to a friend who is in the process of great change.


C & W Dancing Daily Beer Bust Sunday Thru

Thursday 6-10pm Saturday-75¢

Schnapps All Night Open Daily 6pm-2am

Watch for Coming Attractions



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Red Hankie Network For mformat1on,

SASE:ASP, PO Box 14543. San Francisco. Ca 94114


nat1onw1de, very discrete. 2nd year' Duty experienced requ1redt Info: SASE+ $2.00 (credited) to. MPCB, PO Box 1125, Muskogee, Okla 74402

GWM, professional, hairy, bottom seeking GBM, professional, hairless, top 30-40 for serious relat1onsh1p. No fats or terns. Safe sex only Reply Box 455-B c10 Montrose V01ce

GWM, 34. 510 ... 1801bs Br, Br, mustache, masculine Enioys outdoors & dancing Fr. acupass. Gulfgate area Call after 7p weekdays or leave message Bill 643-1813

Married b1-WM seeks friendship & good times with same. discretion a must Reply to Box 455-C clo Montrose Voice

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trimming, moving. florist, etc. readers LOOKING for your particular service will

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Body Rubs For massages by licensed masseurs and masseuses, see section 2145, ''Massage."

Warm oil body rub, 464-3213

Need a rubdown? Try a topless transsexual

rubdown by Caty 522-8060.

SESSIONS 24 HOURS 529-3970

Full body rubs by honest, neat, attractive transsexual Anytime, 522-8060.

Sensual body rubs by two hairy, well­endowed men. Call for a good time. 526-8711

Massage by discrete Latin male. have had no complaints. sat1sf1ed customers.

Anytime before lam, Munch1to 521-2740.

SW Houston, full body rub. stocky built masseur. 933-6505

Blond hair, blue-eyed, clean-cut masculine, muscular guy gives full body massage. 522-8060

MEN OR WOMEN Choose your man or men for your rubdown. Mr C. 622-3942.

Stop getting rubbed the wrong way Carl 622-3942.

To get rubbed the right way, call body rubs by Renee, sexy red-headed transsexual 863-8732.

Soft sensual body rub, Al 528-1438

SWEDISH MASSAGE Sens1t1v1ty plus by appointment. Jeff 520-6706

Loving Hands Will Travel 520-6706

Professional Quality Canng .. Massages 520-6706.

Get It! Got It! Good!

Unlimited Free

Parking Across

the Street

lll ~ '$..

~ ::; A L1st1ng ol the Regular and Special Events at Selected Houston Clubs. Restaurants and Other Places ol Entertainment

~ L---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

0 (I: We do our best to make this list as LL accurate as possible but there may a: be some errors_ Call the bar or :?: restaurant to confirm an event

~MOdtlJ~ ;'.a Arriba Cantma. 99C Margaritas 4-w 7pm ~ J.R:s: Monday thru Friday, hors > d'oeuvres 5:30 until 7:30 ~ Santa Fe Trading Co.: 99C frozen ii? Margaritas. 4-8 pm. Santa Fe Gold 1- Margaritas. largest selection of 5 imported beers and tequila ::; Scandal's Open 11 am. Mon-Sat.

12 Noon, Sunday Scandars: O.J Dennis McGinnis plays your favorite oldies from the SO's, 60's, 70's Bacchus Happy Hour 4-8pm Mommas Money: Happy Hour, Monday-Saturday, 7am-8pm Mamma's Money $1 Well & Domestic Beer. Monday­Saturday. 7am-11am Mamma's Money 75C Well Drinks. Monday-Thursday, 9pm-M1dnight M1ssoun St. Station: Happy Hour prices t1l 9 pm Dusters Open 6pm-2am Missouri St Station: Open 11 am-2am E/Ss 7am-8pm Happy Hour. 7am-6pm $1 Vodka drinks. Beer bust 4-10pm Monday-Saturday E/Ss 7 Days a week, $1 Well drinks 1 am-2am French Quarter Theater· see ad this issue Past Time: Happy hour 12-8pm Pot P1e Restaurant: Free home delivery for pizzas Rf Marks Happy Hour 4-8pm Club Body Center SS for 30 minute tanning session. $30 for 8 v1s1ts Venture-N Happy hour Noon-8pm Venture-N Beer bust 4-lOpm Club Romeo. Happy hour S-9pm J.R's 3-in-1 Happy Houropening­lOpm Charlie's Restaurant Dinner and m1dnite specials Brazos River Bottom: Happy Hour Mon- Sat, 7am- 9pm, Sun Noon-9pm The Barn: Happy hour 11am-9pm The Barn : What A Nellie Deli, 11am-3pm, serving lunch Mon-Fri Briar Patch Happy hour till 8pm Rock 'N' Horse Open Tues· Sat (4pm-2am), Sun (4pm-2am). Closed Mondays Charlie's Restaurant: Open 24 hours Galleon : Happy Hour ·t1I 8pm Daily Santa Fe Trading Co Open 4pm, 3 in 1 happy hour cocktails, $1 7S longnecks or happy hour price single well til 10pm

Chutes Beer bust. 3pm-11pm, 75¢ Vodka drinks, noon-6pm Chutes. $1 frozen margaritas noon-6pm, happy hour 12-lOpm Span1sh Flower Restaurant: Open 24 hrs (ex. Tues.) Chutes~ Frozen Margaritas. $1 25, 6pm-2am, Happy hour, noon-10pm Mary·s· Happy hours M-F: 7am-

noon. 6-8pm, 11:30pm-1am. M-S Super Happy hour 9am-11am, $1 well & beer. always 7SC draft Marys. After Hours Thursday­Sunday

q.""""' Arriba Cantina· 75¢ tequila shots all day Missouri St Station: Patio specials Bacchus The Gay Dating Game 8pm The Barn Cowboys in Action, 8-2 Club Romeo TGIF Party S-9pm Mother's: Happy hour 7am-10pm Lazy J Show Night 10pm Cousins: Drawing, 645, win triple your shoe size, Cousins & Company, 10 30pm Scandal's: Dance to the music of Q_J_ Dennis McGinnis

Heaven: soc well, cover J.R.'s. Pac1f1c Coast Dancers non­stop 6pm untll 2am Chutes Cruise Night. happy hour noon-10pm. Male Strip Night with MC Casandra Landa, cash prizes. Hot dogs by Texas Alders Montrose Mining Co. Special Forces (male dancers) 8pm-2am

Brazos River Bottom: Happy Hour. 7am tll 9pm, Brazos River Band. 930pm Rr"Marks Uve entertainment

s~ Montrose Mining Co. 3 in 1 happy hour 4~ 1 Opm, 25C draft beer in a mug 10pm-2am Cousins: Cousins & Company, 1030pm Missouri St. Station Patio specials Arriba Cant1na. 75C: tequila shots. Brunch menu 11 am-4pm, $1.2S Mimosas. Poinsettias, Bloody Marys & Champagne all day E/J s $1 Well drinks 4-7pm Rock N Horse Live band 9pm-1 am J_R.'s: Pac1f1c Coast Dancers 1030pm Scandal's~ Dance to the music of D.J. Dennis McGinnis Lazy J: Show Night 10pm Bacchus: Houston's Original Party Night, $2 Margaritas The Barn. Cowboys in Action, 8pm-2am Club Romeo: $1 7S Coronas, Sl schnapps Mother's 7SC well drinks 4-9pm Chutes: Cruise Night & liquor bust 8-M1dn1ght, $6, SSOO Dash for Cash. 10pm-2am Mary's: Beer bust on the patio wnh Cindy 1-6pm Brazos River Bottom: Happy hour til 9pm, Brazos River Band, 9:30 Ri'Marks. Live entertainment Heaven: SOC wall 9-11 pm, cover, OJ-Scooter Bearden

s"""°" Bacchus: Pool Tournament, 2pm The Barn: Cowboys 1n Action, starting at 7pm Momma·s Money: Happy Hour, Noon-4pm, $1 Well with soc Schnapps 4-7pm E/J's: Noon-10pm Beer bust,

Dinners served on the patio at Spm, $1 Well drinks 6-9pm Amba Cantina: Brunch menu 11am-4pm, $1.2S Mimosas. Poinsettias, Bloody Marys and Champagne all day Galleon: $1.SO Cuervo Gold Margaritas all daym1ght Rubie's Free draft 7-10pm, •· Rubies Presenta" 10:30 Mother's: Male dancers 10pm & M1dnite J.R:s: 7SC Cape Cods. Bloodies. Margaritas & Schnapps Noon-10pm Club Romeo: Hangover Blues. beer $1.2S. Bloody Marys $2, Barbeque and drink specials, open 3pm Mother's 7SC well 4-8pm Venture-N: Booze1Beer Bust 4-lOpm Mary's. Beer bust 1-6pm. Steak night Spm, $3.SO for 10 oz. ribeye and all the f1xin·s Chutes: Beer bust noon-11pm. llquor bust 4-Spm, free food, Lube wrestling Spm Montrose Mining Co. Beer Bust & SOC hot dogs 4pm-m1dn1ght. SOC draft beer 1n a mug midnight-2am Galleon: Steak Night 6pm, Naomi Sims and Dyan Michaels Show 10pm Brazos River Bottom Steak Night. 4.SO, 6pm. Happy hour. noon Ill 6pm, Brazos River Band. 7pm Scandars: Pool tournament. 1 pm, reg1strat1on noon M1ssoun St. Station: Open noon-2am, Summer Sunday Social, $1 well and juice drinks. 75C schnapps. 3-7pm R1'Marks: Open mike night 6pm t1I ? Rock N. Horse Bloody Marys $1 Live band 6pm-10pm, free hot dogs Heaven: Free well 7-9, free draft all night. $1.2S Corona all night. cover

M~ E,J·s $1 Margaritas & Kamikazees, Dart Tournament 7pm Galleon· Best Crowd 1n Town Mother's lSC beer 6pm-1am Montrose Minmg Co.: 3 in 1 happy hour all day·night, SC draft Rub1o·s. CLOSED. Available for pnvate functions. reserve one week in advance Ripcord $1 Margaritas 9pm-2am Club Body Center Lockers $3 2S noon-m1dn1te Galleon: Male strip contest 10pm J.R:s. Pacific Coast Dancers non­stop 6pm until 2am Brazos River Bottom: $1 well and beer, 7am-2am Mary's Bowler's Special Night Chutes Free pool , beer bust, 3pm-11pm, Liquor bust 8pm­m1dn1ght, happy hournoon-10pm

~ The Ranch Beer bust & dance lessons Mother's $1 well. Disco oldies 8pm-12am Ripcord. $1.2S canned beer 8pm-2am Chutes Liquor bust 8pm-

midnight, Drawing for portable TV, 10pm Rock 'N' Horse Pitcher of beer $2. Steak night 7pm Club Body Center. 112 price rooms & lockers, 7pm-3am M1ssoun St. Station: Beer Blow Out 7pm-m1dnite, $1 domestic longnecks Venture-N Free Pool 4-8pm Club Romeo $1 2S beer Bacchus Pot Luck Night Galleon: Happy hour t1I 8pm, Star Search 1 Opm, cash prize and guest appearance Sunday Montrose Mining Co. $1 beer bust 4pm-closing. Men at Work (male dancers) 10pm-2am Brazos River Bottom: Dance lessons with Tony, Brent & Jim, 9:30pm The Barn Steak night, 7pm. $4.00. happy hour 9pm

~ Montrose Mining Co Nickel draft beer 1n a mug 10pm-2am. music of 60's, 70's. 80's Chutes Steak Night. 7pm-10pm, $4.SO Ripcord: $1.SO well all day Rock N' Horse. Schnapps $1 Club Romeo: Vodka specials Mother's ·Daddy s Night" 8pm­m1dnite. 75C longnecks Ri'Marks Corporate Ladies Night Out w/ hors d'oeuvres, 4-8pm Missouri St. Station Professional and Executive Ladies N1te, Spm t1I ?

J.R's: Pacific Coast Dancers non­stop 6pm until 2am Heaven 10C: we119pm-2am. cover. biggest Wed crowd in Houston Brazos River Bottom: Happy hour 7am-9pm. Cheeks of the Week contest. 10:30, $100 first prize, Pool tourney, 8pm. winner takes $SO plus Bacchus_ Corporate Ladies Happy Hour, free hors d'oeuvres t1l 8pm The Barn: Naomi and her "love slaves··. 10:30 pm. $200 cash prize Rubie's: Talent night ($7S first place), drink specials, dancing till 2am

<J~ Ripcord $1.SO Margaritas 9pm-2am Rock 'N' Horse: All can beer Sl The Ranch· Beer bust & dance lessons The Barn: Posse Male Dancers. 9pm-2am Club Romeo: $1.SO well drinks Club Body Center Half price day noon-m1dn1te Mother's Mother's Men lOpm-1 am Bacchus Steak Night, 7pm (you bring the meat, we supply the rest) J.R s 3 in 1 happy hour, Sl 2S frozen dnnks all day all night Heaven: Male Dance Revue with Hunter and the Headliners and Fantasy in Motion at 11 pm Venture-N: Free Pool 4-Bpm Montrose M1ntng Co. Happy Hour 4-7pm ($1 10 well. beer), 3 in 1 Happy Hour 4-lOpm, Long necks (domestic beer. soft drinks $1.10)

10pm-2am. $2 beer bust 4-lOpm Mary's Leather and Club Night Brazos River Bottom: Happy hour 111 9pm, Brazos River Band 9pm, no cover, $1 domestic longnecks all daym1ght Chutes: $1Margantas1n a glass all day1n1ght. $1 M1chelob Dry Galleon: Sl buffet, 8pm

Names and phones Here·s the BAR-ZAAR list places you might consider for drinking, dmmg and sensual pleasures Arriba Cantina, 1100 Westhe1mer. S24-4800 Bacchus. 523 Lovett, S23-3396 The Barn. 710 Pac1f1c. S23-0213 Brazos River Bottom, 2400 Brazos. S28-9192 Bnar Patch. 2294 Holcombe, 66S-9678 Club Body Center. 220S Fannin. 6S9-4998 Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant. 813 Richmond. S22-236S Charlie's Restaurant. 1102 Westhe1mer. S20-S221 Chutes. 1732 Westhe1mer. S23-2213 Cousins. 817 Fa1rv1ew, S28-9204 Dusters. 271S-B Waughcrest. S22-948S E,ss. 2s17 Ralph. S27-9071 Club Flamingo. 907 Westhe1mer. S27-8830 French Quarter Theater, 3201 Lou1s1ana. S27-0782 Galleon. 2303 Richmond. S22-7616 Heaven, Pac1f1c at Grant. 521-9123 J.R's. 808 Pac1f1c. S21 ·2S19 Keystroke, a club on the move. 18S-92S8 La Cucaracha y Cant1na. 3921 N Main. 864-S069 Lazy J. 312 Tuam, S28-9343 Mary's. 1022 Westhe1mer. S27 9669 M1dtowne Spa, 3100 Fannin. S22· 2379 Montrose Mining Co., 805 Pacific. S29-7488 Mamma's Money, 534 Westhe1mer. S22-004S M1ssoun St. Station. 1117 Missouri. S24-1333 Mother's. 402 Lovett. S20-793S J6s Outpost, 2818 Richmond. S28-8318 Past Time. 617 Fa1rv1ew. S29-4669 Pot Pie Restaurant, 1525 Westhe1mer. S28-43SO OTs. 608 Westhe1mer. S29-8813 The Ranch. 91SO S. Main. 666-3464 R(Marks, 271S Waughcrest, S22-948S Ripcord, 71S Fairview, S21-2792 Rock N Horse. 1220 Taft, S20-9910 Club Romeo. 903 Richmond. S28-9110 Rubio s, 202 Tuam. S22-1207 Santa Fe Trading Co 804 Pacific. S28-6969 Scandal's, 1419 Richmond. S28-8903 Spanish Flower Restaurant , 4701 N Main. 869-1706 Venture-N , 2923 S Main , S22-0000




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WEST>l£1"1ill •

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J05 Oulpost "RJcl-l l-\ONt:> • Gallecr':

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Money wr:srHf:IME ll..

Pasta & Pizza Place Open 24 Hours a Day

Daily Specials Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner

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Aniba Cantin a ~s 'Wilt> 'WEEKENt>S

So I said to him, I said, "Harry," I always call him Harry because he likes Harold better and it makes him crazy when I call him Harry. I said, "Harry, it's the weekend and I'm bored. Why don ' t you take me somewhere? You never take me anywhere." He looked up from his newspa­per and beer and grunted, just like he always does. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up with him. Then I look at his muscles and remember. I hit him over the head with a coat hanger. "I want to do something," I says. Then, he says we should go out dancing. Great, just what I had in mind, standing around in a crowded bar all night, while the whole crowd stares at Harry's muscles, and I'm feeling like some over-ripe fruit display or like I ought to have a cocktail tray so I can offer all his adoring fans some caviar and peanuts. "Let's go to Arriba Caritina's Wild Weekend," I told him, in my most stem voice. "They have all kinds of great drink specials all weekend, plus a brunch from eleven to four on Saturday and Sunday. They even have seventy-five cent tequila shots on Friday and Saturday. You can have several and sit around belching a lot." That did it. He said, "yes."

Arriba Cantina's Wild Weekends -An Alternative to Spending the Weekend with Harry

$1.25 Mimosas, Poinsettias, Bloody Marys and Champagne All Day Saturday and Sunday $.75 Tequila Shots All Day Friday and Saturday

Special Brunch Menu llam to 4pm Saturday and Sunday $.99 Margaritas 4pm to 7pm Everyday

1100 Westheimer 524-4800 ' ' .

,, ~ 0 )> -< <... c !;:

a: <( <( N

~ 1022 WESTHEIMER 527-9669 ••• naturally! (.)


Full Moon Madness Tuesday, 18th July • $3.00 draft beer bust 8-12 • 75¢ schnapps all day • $1.50 Cuervo shots all day• special prices 8-2 with Will & Cindy

TGRABake& Garage Sale Saturday, 29th July


~i su:~~~E ~,:::..:~:8sunday \" ~; ;; fJ) CATTLE COMPANY ($1.00 coffee, juices, sodas 8r Artesia)

N ' -.._,. HOUSTON, TEXAS Plus - Uve D.J. During After Hours _<'Iron ,;.\,,_..\_, - --- ---------

* HAPPY ~ Morning: Afternoon: Evening: ~ caneeers1 .so *

Draft Beer 75¢ HOURS 7am-Noon + 6pm-Bpm + 11 :30pm- 1 :~0am We!IDrlnks$1.75 Monday-Saturday Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Shots $1.00



Cash prizes to winners

Tuesday Movie Night

lOpm Deep Star6 .._ )Urtesy )I \11den5ccpe 2016 Montro.;se

Summer Daily Speci s Manic Monday-All Night Long, 82

Margaritas, 82 Bloody Marys, 82 Cuervo Margaritas

Twisted Tuesday-Fiesta Time, Free Pool and 82 Coronas, Open at 3pm Wild Wednesday Well-5pm-10pm $1.50 Vodka Drinks, 82 withjuice Thirsty Thursday-All Night Long

81.50 Well, 82 withjuice T.G.l.Friday Party-Happy Hour

5pm-8pm Sizzling "Hot" Saturdays-82 Corona

& SI Schnapps Somber Sundays-81.25 Domestic

Beer & 82 Bloody Marys 903 Richmond-528-9110




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~ Don't Miss This "' w ! Week's Line Up 0

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$ I This Saturday, July I Sth

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Hours: Mon-Fri '4pm-2am, Sat-Sun

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People & Places !

Dwayne and Steue-off duty, we hope!

The winnerofthis week's TV draw­ing at Chutes was Dee Newlin, who donated the prize to the PWA Coalition. Congratulations, and thanks!

We understand that Fanny (Mar­y's) became Cinderfella during a re­cent trip to the Venture-N. Ask him about the slippers and how well they fit.

Wayne (BRB): What's this about Cody, you and dill pickles?

This Tuesday, July 18, is Colt 45s Skate Night at the Carousel Skating Rink on Old Katy Road (offI-lOand Campbell). Plan to attend for a fun evening.

Cal Moran (Colt 45s AIDS Troubk Fund) receiued $I 177

Larry Replogle (Names Project) receiued a check for $200

Rumor has it that the Venture-NI Far Side has their dance license, so stay tuned for details.

TGRA will be holding a bake sale/garage sale at Mary's on Satur­day, July 29. If you would like to do­nate any items for this, donations can be dropped off at Mary's any­time.

Happy 29th birthday goes out to Joe Bradley this week. How's your head Joe?

Jim Walker-do you know where the top to your Corn huskers is?

Ask Tom, Dwayne and Steve (BRB) to explain why they are al-

Curtis Miller (Colt 45s!Stone Soup) re­ceiued $750

TGRA Houston returns $2377.20 to local charities from last November's rodeo

ways singing about Lips. Also, ask Buz to show you the hand signals.

Happy 29th and holding all goes out to Ray Blais, Kenny Kiv.g, and Randy Butler, all of E/J's fame.

We understand that Millie (Scan­dal's) brought the house down with his impromptu "little girls" number during last week's show. Hope to see you again soon.

Why is Ray M. smiling again­could it have anything to do with the baby being home again?

Rumors say that Danny, BRB doorman, is teaching Cal how to do Aztec fertility dances. That should

~ Pl~y Safe!

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The fundraiser at Missouri Street. Station ~ for Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby raised ouer $1400

be an interesting show.

Ri'Marks Cabaret is now doing special themes each Wednesday, so stop by and see what special treats they have for your enjoyment. Also, this Saturday will be the return of Hot, Fat and Sassy at 9:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 22, will be the un­official "Stonewall make-up day" at Astroworld. This is just a group go­ing for a good time, so get there around 10:00 a.m. or call Patrick at 529-9004 for more details.

Miss Mona, how many plugs did you have to pull to cause the brown­out at Scandals on your shift?

Vera, we .understand that you re­ceived five pages of notes on blend­er recipes from a fellow employee. Have you memorized them all and if so, when can we start ordering?

Since Hercules (Scandals) realized his collar leaves bruises, he has started? What's nextJimmy (his birthday suit maybe?)

Former Friday Fox Skip Felkner learned from his experience at Mary's last Sunday night that he should have been a strip dancer. What's the name of the group, Skip, Cuervo Gold Unlimited?

When one reaches higher levels of ,,--:V-==-' management, it doesn't necessarily mean

lizzi=ililll!""i one reaches higher levels of consc1ous-\;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ ness.


Tuesday, July 18

I COLT 45's ~ S:KME 1


,: ,

NIGHT~· ... ·· .. :

Skate Your Buns Off



Beer & Soft Drinks (proper ID required)

8-lOpm $4 admission

Carousel Skating Rink

Old Katy Rd., I-10 at Campbell

Then come back to the BRB for Dance Lessons and Special Drink Prices!!

Larry Garrett Candidate for Mr. T.G.R.A. 1990


The Second Annual

~-~ Ms. BRB Contest Sunday, July 16,



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