friday, may 13, 2011 two monsey sex offenders live at new...

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Two Monsey sex offenders live at new addressesYoel Oberlander & Shimon Rosen

RAMAPO — Two convicted sex offenders recently have moved to new addresses withinthe town and police have updated their public records in an effort to warn neighbors.

Both men now live at new addresses in Monsey.

Shimon Rosen, 42, moved to 68 Laura Drive. He had previously lived elsewhere inMonsey.

Yoel Oberlander, 30, moved to 30 West Maple Ave., upstairs, according to the stateDivision of Criminal Justice Services, which maintains a website list of sex offenders.


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Posted by joe levin at 5:55 PM

Both men notified Ramapo police of the moves within the past month, according to Lt.Mark Emma.

"They are required to tell us when they move and they complied with the requirement," hesaid.

Rockland school districts are informing parents of the move.

Clarkstown sent an email to parents Wednesday and East Ramapo was planning to dothe same Thursday. Ramapo Central was considering doing the same.

Rosen is considered a levelthree offender, which means he is at the highest risk ofrepeating his crime. He was arrested July 27, 1991, by Ramapo police.

He was convicted Sept. 3, 1991, of seconddegree sodomy of a 12yearold and a 7yearold boy, both strangers to him.

He was sentenced to five years probation.

Oberlander had sexual contact with an 11yearold girl.

He pleaded guilty in 2002 to seconddegree sexual abuse, seconddegree unlawfulimprisonment and endangering the welfare of a child, all misdemeanors.

His sentence was six years probation and he was classified as a Level 2 offender,considered a moderate risk to reoffend.

Oberlander was charged in 2009 with a misdemeanor because he was living near aschool and a park in violation of a 2007 county law.

The law was thrown out by the state Supreme Court and the case was dropped.

Neither man had been charged since their original convictions, police said.

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