freshen your home

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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10 Tips for Freshening Your Home for Spring

Love Your Home

#1: Add Color

You don’t have to pain to add color. Try throw pillows, window treatments and flowers to add color to a room.

#2: Wipe Down the Walls

Take a sudsy bucket and a sponge to wipe down the walls and make them fresh for Spring. You can even get the kids involved with this one.

#3: Polish Wooden Furniture

It makes your furniture shine and makes your house smell great.

#4: Add Some Plants

Add some healthy, green houseplants to your windowsills and bring a wonderfully lively look to your rooms.

#5: Get Rid of Clutter

It's amazing how much fresher a room looks after a good dusting. Go over all objects with a duster and vacuum and wash items if necessary.

#6: Dust!

It's amazing how much fresher a room looks after a good dusting. Go over all objects with a duster and vacuum and wash items if necessary.

#7: Change the Lighting

Use blue, "outdoor" type lighting in your home to bring a fresh feeling indoors. If you can, make as much use of natural lighting as possible now that winter's over.

#8: Change the Drapes

Take down heavy drapes and put up light, minimal window coverings that let in plenty of light.

#9: Add Mirrors

Adding a mirror to your space brings light and shiny brightness to a room. Mirrors also make a room look bigger. Add a few and admire the effect.

#10: Switch Out Your Wall Art

Do you have wall art sitting in storage? Maybe it's time to take some down and put up new wall art. You can, of course, buy or make wall art to add a fresh new look.

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