french translations october 1725 december

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Criminal Suit - the Procurator General vs. Thomas Collet de la Massuere and Louis Baril
Petition of De Verteuil against Bellegarde
Petition of Jean Bourbeau against Mr. De Nolan
Petition of Jean Coupare against Sr. Dreux
Civil Suit - St. Martin vs. Jean Bapt. Massy
Declaration of Superior Council forbidding the sale of Alcohol to sailors and workmen
Succession of Sr. Le Blond de la Tour
Petition of Nicolas Henry against Mr. Duplessis
In the matter of the will of Sr. Bachere
Memo. of Accounts current by Surgeon Alexandre to Mr. Desfontaine
Timber contracts between councillors for Company and Massy, Bourbault, Jaffre, Trudeau, Dalcourt and Coustillos
Bordier Succession. Petition by Capt. De Noyan against Joseph Fuselier(Forselier)
10-5; 10-15 4-15; 1726
Sale of Property by Capt. Charles Dutisne to Capt. De Noyan 10-14
Sale of real estate by Jean Bapt. Marlot to Petit de Livi11iers 10-16
Delauze Succession 10-17 See Index
1714 to 1722
11-3; 11-5
Berard VB. Lassies
Sale of House, Capt. de la Marque to Antoine Brusle
Civil Suit - De Caustilhas vs. Cantillon Concession
Petition of Julien Binard
10-20 10-22
Petition by Sr. Jousset against Chaperon
Report of Duval on "books" of Officers of Company at Mobile, Dauphine Isle, Old Biloxi and New Orleans
Petition by Francois Vidrequain against Dumanoir
Unsigned Memorandum of Amounts remitted to Mr. Morisset
Sr. de La Renaudais vs. Sr. Dalcour
Petition by Surgeon Charles Joly against Madame Drillau
Succession of Sr. Jacques Pailhoux De Barbezant
Summons issued by Sheriff La Morinni~re
for "Company Des Indes"
Sale of real estate by Charles Petit de Livilliers to Charles de Roger
Petition by Claude Heux against Dumanoir
The Procurator Generll1 ft.
Thomas Oollet de 18 Maasuere, Oapt. of Vassel L'Elephant, and Louia Baril, ship's 01erk, in so11do.
October 1, 1725 - 25/374
The Procurator General ft.
Thomas Oollet de la Massuere. Oapt. of Vesse1 L':I1ephant, and Louis Baril, ship's Olerk, in so11do.
All the first part of dooument is missing.
Oopy of Vardiot of Restitution and Sentence in Oonfisoation Proceedings.
Delinquents are sentenced to pay 505 livres to Oompany's treasury for missing lot of 202 bottles of sharry. Packages oonfi seated from Baril s!'I>all be oredited, to Company, save what belonged to the oargo.
Some further provisoa noted and costa jointly on the aooused. SUbjoined statements of Oourt expenses of trial. with return on service of notioe on Mas8Uere and one on Barilo Each return is
(Signed) La Morinniere
Duplicate of above verdiot and part of statemant.
Note I This copy of' verdict DDlst have been made from another copy becauae it winds up with "signed end paraphed by Rossard, Ohief' Recorder".
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, VOlo 2, No.4. October 1919, pages 474 & 475
oarOBER 2
n1e 25/374
The Procurat or General va.
Thomas Ool1et de 1a Ms.ssuere. of' Vessel L']f1ephant, and Louis Baril, ship's a1en, in solido.
YEAR 1725
The Proaurator General 'Is.
Thomas Collet de la MaBSUere, Capt. of Vessel L'lUephan1;, and Louis Baril, ship's Clerk, in solido.
Petition for Modified Sentence.
Clerk Baril remonstrates that it is contrary to maritime customs in all realms to fine clerk and captain alike; the general proportion being two­ thirds tor captain, one-third tor clerk. Baril draws only 40 francs a month to Captain's 150.
He therefore prays that the usual rate be cbserved and also that allowance for nine bottles of wine seized, be deducted or order that they be- returned to him. He also protests at; axorbitant scale of costs, especially 8S stamped paper is not used in the ColoJQ'.
(Signed) Baril
Note: 1. Quarterly shows "nine bottles ot wine at presant overcharged to him". Document says "nina bottles seized be deducted or returned",
2. Quarterly shows "No note by Court". Since this is a petition, the translator can see no reason for such a note.
Listed in Louisiana Historical Q,Uarterly, Vol. 2, Nc. 4, October 1919, page 475
Attorney General, vs , Capt. Collet de La Massuere.
Synopsis to be found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, 1917-18-19- Page 475, Doc. 4.
#25-378 /
petit ion of recovery by Jean Bourbeau who seeks to collect some money due him by Mr. De Nolan.
Synopsis in Louisiana Hi storioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 475.
Petition of reoovery by Jean Goupare to oolleot a note from Sr. Dreux.
File 24/1 No. 46
6140 livres.
YEAR 1725
Peti tion to Pay in Copper
Jean Baptiste Massy alleges that when he bought some negroes from st. Martin for 6140 livres (as per act of Aug. 11, 1720) they were to be paid for in rice, but later, in order to satisfy st. Martin, he gave st. Martin a letter of ex­ change as payment' of the negroeso The letter was protested and came back to Massy to be paid in gold andYsiiver; Massy offered to pay in money ~urrent in Paris (copper) but st. Martin refused to accept the copper.
Massy therefore prays that st. Martin be order­ ed to aocept the proffered payment of copper. According to the ruling of the Directors of the Company of the Indies, copper is on same footing as gold and silver.
(Signed) Massy
Listed in LOUisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 476
Declaration or the Superior aounoil forbidding the IIBle or brandy or other alooholic drinke to lIaHore and workmeD.
(Siped) Delaohahe Raguet Brud'
5/ /
ao.A1'l1 allep. the orier of Sr. Tberu.t -J'l/) N' .//1 whi Clh be had 1'ram St. MarUn. who ln turn r had l' 1'ram sr. Durud. 17 to be pald by
st. Marta. ~(/If!: He theretors ;pr~e that St. Marta be eon- '." ; dllllll1fld to pay tbe .ald 25 p1utrs8. due ln hl. lI010e 01' ootober 5. 1725, plu8 1ntereetE ud coata.
(Blsne4) aosaard
(Slsned) DarSIU"e¥
( Y1W!1725
Knight of the Military Order of St. Louf a, Brigadier of his Majesty's Corps of Engineers.
ProOH verbal of sale at pUblio auotion and adjudioation of movable property.
The Bate waa made on the petition of Sr. 3"oaeph SUlpioe Leblond de La Tour. brother of deoedent. aoting for himself and his 00­
jmong the pooPllrty inventoried _re quantities of tobaooo in rolla. kitohen utensil. and wear­ ing apparel.
AlIlount realized: 1004 livres.
(Signed) 3". S. Leblond de La Tour Rossard. Clerk of Court
LiS'ted in Louisiana Historioal Q,uarterly. Vol. 2. 114. Ootober 191.9. Page 476

Synops1 s in Louisian a Hi storioaJ. Q,uarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 476.
YEAR 1'125
25/385 • October 9. 1725
85/388 It 9, 1725
Feti t ion to ascertain circumstances o~ Will.
Jean Baptiste Fauccn Dumanoir petitions the Court to permit him to summon Capuchin Brother lUsebe and Jan Viollette to testify in various particulars concerning the validity and volun­ tary import of a will attributed to Sieur Balin. B II clc&'1L~
He also wants to ascertain whether inventory was taken of deceased's olothing at Natchez be~ore Mr. Dssl1ette, Conmandant.
Sr. Bacbere diad aboard the Balize, a boat belonging to the St. Catherine Concession.
(Signed) Faucon Dumanoir
.., 1 t: ~I:
t ·,i ~-::{-t"'~.-~' .
Note: The Quarterly shOwB"Court allows summons o~ :T. V" and inquiry be~or. R. P. Raphas1 ~r permission to hear Brother Eussbe". I)o(llllllent makes no mention of such a person as "Raphael".
Listed in Louisiana Historicell Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, page 476
and Jan Viollette
de Chaumont testities that the testator was ot sound mind, made the will ot his own Tolition and signature is authantio and that Baohere dictated the will.
Inventory ot his clothing was taken at Natchez betore Desl1ette; that cheats were tastened aId embarked; whether opened in transit tram Natchez to Chaonaohats, witness does not know.
(Signed) Perry Droy
~ )$i:'~,."
Witness Jan Viollette deposed and said that having returned tram handling some chioken business tor Baohere, he tound one Langlois
~, writing the will ot Bachere, at' about 10:00 P. M. /" Testator signed it at 3:00 A. )(. and lost oon­
soiouaness trom tever at 8:00 A. M. In his del1riUDl he repeatedly stabbed himselt with an imaginary lanaet.
(Signed) Perry Droy
(Signed) Jan Viollette
25/388 cont'd.
NOTE: ~uarterly sho_ Jean Violette; signature on document is Jan ViolleUe.
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly. Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 477
:Memorandum of accounts current by Surgeon Alexandre to Mr. Desfontaine.
Synopsis in Louisiana Hi storica1 Q;u.arterly. Vol. 2. No.4. October 1919. Page 477.
Timber oontraots between Counoillors for Company and parti es J. B. Massy and Jean Bourbault, Bertram Jaffre, Trudeau and Dal­ court and Jaoques Coustillos.
Vol. 2, No.4. Ootober 1919, Page 477.
2.- Canoelled.
6.- .Tean Ooupare, va, Dr-eux , /
7.- Mid-wife affair obscured by sorawl.
8.- Duplessis, vs. Ceard.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 477.
-, '(EAR 1725 ) .
Petition for intact seaurity by Oaptain De Noyan who demanded notice be served on Joseph Fuselier, restraining him of dis­ posing of some property sold by Ohevalier De Bienville to deceased Bordier.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical Q,uarterly, Vol. 2. No.4, October 1919. Page 477.
'. r-
Oot. 6. 1725
(Do not contuse with SUooession o:r Sr. Pouyadon de La Tour. SUrgeon Major)
YEAR 1725
Knight at the Military Order at st. Louis, Brigadier at his Majesty's Corps at Engineers.
Declaration by
Sr. Joseph SUlpice Leblond de La Tour, brother ot decedent.
Sr. de La Tour reports the escape, ten months previous, ot a -aavage- belo~ng to aa14 SUc­ cession, together with that ot a -savagess­ belonging to the Widow V-l!lillon.
(Signed) J. S. Leblond de La Tour.
Listed in Louisiana Historical Qp.arterly. Vol. 2, #4, October 1919, Page 478
• Notel Do not contuse with
Suocession ot Sr. Pouyadon de La Tour,
Sale of real estate by Capt. Charles Claude Dutisne to Capt. De Noyan.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical ~uarterly,
Vol. 2, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 478.
YEAR 1725
2. De Noyan vs. Forse1ier~
3. De La Bouillonnerie vs. Dumanoir.
Synollsi s in Louisiana Historioal Q,uarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 478.
YEAR 1725
Sale of real estate by Jean Baptiste Marlot to offioer Petit de Livilliers.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historioal ~rterly,
Vol. 2~ No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 478.
YlWl 1725
Notar~al Aot ot Deposit ot Final Aooount rendered by Sr. de Gauyerit, testamentary exeou1;or; aooeptanoe ot said aooount by Sr. Joaeph SUlpioe Leblond de La Tour, agen1; and attorney in fact of Demoiselle Delauze, wife o.f Baltazar Vaureit of Limoges; and receiptot said Sr. de La Tour in favor of Gauverit for balance of fUnds.
(Signed) J. S. Leblond de La Tour Ga1lllVeri t Droy IfaSB;y
Rossard, Notary
Listed in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, NO.4, October 1919, Page 478
File 25/316
OCT .19th.
Jean Letellier, Jaoques Dubois, Jaoques Perrier, and Jean Marie Miosseoq, worlanen on the Dubuisson grant, renew their com­ plaint that Mr. De Verteuil, direotor of the said grant, fails to comply with the Council's ruling rendered Sept.l,1725, in the matter of-their outstanding wages.
Signed, J .C.Dubois. Jacque Perie Jean Letellier.
Order. Oot. 19, 1725.
Signed, La Morinniere.
Listed in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4, Oot.1919, page 479.
Petition of reoovery by Pierre Haussy. vs , 1~. Ceard.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historioal Qp.arterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 479.
YDR 1'125
File 25/316
Jean Letellier, Jaoques Dubois, Jaoques Perrier, and Jean N~rie Miosseq vs. Direc­ tor De Verteuil. Defendant in default. Counoil orders De Verteuil to settle as already presoribed, within eight days. Namely he shall pay wage account, less expenses incurred at the Cape.
Signed, By the Council Rossard,olerk.
Return on service of above judgment on De Verteuil.
Signed, La Morinniere.
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4, Oot.1919, page 479.
2. Jean Letellier and others, vs. De Verteuil.
3. st. Martin, vs. Osltrd, Raguet andJ.B. :Massy
Synopsis in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Page 479, Ootober 1919.
BOX m. 2
Oct. 24, 1725 - 25/401
May 30, 1725 - 85/221
118.)' 30, 1'125 - 25/822
May 30, 1'125 - 85/223
Oct. 30, 1785 - 25/402
Nllv. 10, 1725 - 25/415
Nov. 10, 1'125 - 25/416
Dec. 15, 1725 - 85/42'1
.'Tan. 85, 1726 - 26/15
Pe'tit1on (with duplicate)
.Jacquea Berard- petitions ths Council alleging he sold a hou.. to 1Ir. Lasau. ror the sum~ .,300 livre. payable as rollow.: 1,000 livre. when the act 01' sale waa pa..ed, 800 livre. be­ tore Berard' a departure tor J'rance and a note 01' 500 livre•• whereupon he has received a total 01' 1848 livre•• leaviDg a balance due 01' 45a livre. and a turther item 01' 100 livrea pdd to 1Ir. Petit de LiY111ier•• makiDg a total 01' 5Ila livrea balanoe due. whioh .UII petitioner aeeklt to collect.
(Signe4) La MorilUl1ere
Lined in LoUisiana Historioal Quarterly. Vol. a. 110. 4, October 1919. Page 480
J.P1le 25/373
Antoine Bruale. Counoillor
Septo at. 1'125
Antoine Brusle, Councillor
Oouncillor Brusle petitions the Council alleging Oaptain de la Marqus bas wr1t;ten him rrom Fort Louis, Biloxi, September 29th, stating he would sell his house in Chartrss St. ror 4.000 l1vres (3.000 or which he orrers to the Treasury in payment or his debt to the Company). Bru81s hopes to borrow the aaid 4,000 livres rrom the Council, it having baen underetood bsrore he len France that residenoe quarters ror Coun­ cillors would be provided. but the new head­ quarters aooOllll1odate only Mr. Delachaise and the otricial rooms. Pstitioner also hopes to be secured against accideJJts like rtre and hurricanes, rurther stating the said house will serve the Compauy as well as himself' as he in­ tends using it orricially as well as privately.
(Original signed) Brusle
The Council consents to the sale and is willing to lend Brusle the 4,000 livres duly secured, with the proviso that de la Marque pays the Compauy the 3.000 livrea as agreed out or the
4,000 livrea sale price he shall receive.
(Original signed) Delachaise Per8Ulti hzende Perry Fleuriau By the Counell De Chsv!ll1lle
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, NO.4, October 1919, Page 479
b'ile 25/403
Civil 3uit
25/417 - Nov. 10, 1725
Lieutenant de Coustilhas alleges that Sr. Dalby, Director of the Cantillon Concession, had promised to meet a note of Mr. de Canti1lon, for 168 1ivres, dated February 24, 1'123, and signed Dalby.
To date he prays that of note.
has not paid. Plaintiff therefore Dalby be ordered to pay the lIJlount
No signature
(Signed) Brusle
Oct. 25, Return on service of not,ioe on Dalby, Director of the Cantillon Concession.
(Signed) La Morinniere
Listed in Louisiana HistoricaX Q,usrterly, Vol. 2, NO.4, October 1919, page 480
•, 25/403 oonttd.
NOTE: Attaohed to 1/25/403 is a oopy of the petition and order, together with a return on servioe of notioe on !JEI.lby. The return ill
(Signed) La Morinniere
The oopy says original petition is signed by de Coustilhas, but it is~.
Quarterly shows name as Dalby, whereas his signature is Derby.
Petition of reoovery by Julien Binard to oolleot some money due him on work.
711. 85/401
Letter oonhins reproaohea beoause Bererd haa started legal aotion to reoover bal­ anoe due on a house he (Berard) BOl\l LaSBUS.
(Signed) Laasus
Listed in Lonla1ana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 8, No.4, Ootober 1919, Page 480
Note: Original letter oontain. no elate but Quarterly liat. elate as Oot. 30, 1'l2~.
Petition of recovery by Renee Durand wife of a sailor La Ramee to collect a residue deposit of 450 piastres SpaniSh money from a Sion coasting pilot at La Balise.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Page 480, Ootober 1919.
1"7-;J,s 1/2/a V /
Prooes Verbalt of Inspeotion Tour
Attorney General Fleuriau reports on his round of publio surveillanoe of taverns-\, public plaoes during High Mase, oelebrated by ReT. Father Hyaointh, on the Feast of All Saints· Day; it being forbidden to furnish drinks and to play games of ohanoe durfng t hat time:
At one Coupart's (a joiner) Fleuriau found the wife of Coupsrt serving pork outlets to seven or eight persons who were having breakfast in the oabaret. AlIlong them were: conjcrn, Henry, Morisset. Delsperrlere. No drinks were being served.
No finesno one. ~
In one billard they found therefore were Imposed.
Then Fleuriau visited a plaoe oonduoted by Barba Jouan, where they found 7 or 8 persons, and a table with several eupa or goblets and an empty bottle. JOUan was at Mass, and the patrons said they had oome to the oity to sell their vegetables.
(Signed) Fleuriau
• , . ~; ,
Listed in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Oot. 1919, page 480
Note: Quarterly shows name as "Fletrrian", whereas signature on dooument is "Fleuriau".
in File 25/316
AUgust 22, 1725
De Verteuil, Director and Administrator or Duverney grant, rile new opposition to the decision of the Council on October 22, 1725, in the suit by Jean Letellier, Jacques Dubois, Jacquss Perrier and Jean Marie Miosseq, his laborers, with permit or seizure by Ml'. Fleuriau, Attorney General, declaring the ruling against him to be irregular and void in the light or usual procedura, and that the Attorney General has no power to transcend a plea in procsss.
(Signed) De Verteuil
Order to notify petitioners to be present at the audience or Nov. 3, 1725.
(Signed) Delachaise
(Signed) Vincent
Entered in the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, page 480, October 1919.
File 25/316 - Aug. 22, 1726
Labor SUit (De Verteull)
NOvember 5, 1'125 - 25/408
The Counoil adheres to prior deoree and orders De Verteuil to settle, within eight days, with the four worlanen for unpaid wages.
NOTEs Court notioe faded out.
Listed in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4, Oot. 1919. page 480.
Attorney General Fleuriau pronounoes De Verteuil's argument in opposition 'Wretohed pettifogging" (une pitoyable ohioane). Form­ ality of pleading was designed simply to oheok promisouous and redundant litigation. The pres­ ent issue of unpaid wages on the land grants, reVt4als an abuse too common for oonrri.vanoe I workmen's a ocounba should be paid a.nd the com­ pany posted.
Signed, Fleuriau.
Petition to recover value of dugollt by Pierre P;F101lin' Who loaned to one Violette, a dllgollt t broke apart am is no long- er tit.
rtu.ou (,,1
Synopsis in LOllisiana Historical Q.llar­ terly, Vol. 2, #4, Oct. 1919, Page 481.
YEAR 1725
File 25/406
• • •• •
, ~
Finee Imposed
Attorney General Fleurieu recommends fine or 50 l1vres each on parties Coupart and Barbe, who were round "playing" on All Saint.s' Day, contrary to ordinancs which rorbids gambling at hour of High Mass on SUndays and rest ivals. Fines to be paid to Hospital.
(Signed) Fleuriau
Listed in Louisians Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, page 481
YEAR 1725
25/412 No.155
NOVl!WlllR 5
l!'11e 25/316
DeVerteuil vs. the aforesaid workmen. Repiltition of more formal ruling in favor of the four workmen.
signed fiith paraphs.
Boisbriant Delaohaise Brusle Perry Rossard.
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol.2, #4, Oot. 1919, page 481 •
/>;'0n1TI3ER 8
(Matter of recovery of 4 guns 8iven in payment of a gambling debt).
November 8, 1725 - 25/413
It 9, 1725 - 25/414
YEAR 1725
Peti tion
Pierre 18 Comte alleges he left four guns, two copper kettles, ammunition and other sundries in charge of Mr. Brasses, who now declines to return them and that he (Brasses) alleges a restraining att achment of the saf d goods, thereupon petitioner prays the Court to have Brasses cited.
(Signed) P. Le Comte
Order. Nov. 8, 1725.
(Si~ned) Vincent
Listed in Louisiana Historical ~uarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 181
Nicolas Brantan alleges he won 120 livres from Pierre Le Comte playinc; "piquet". That La Comte paid up with four promised guns, valued at 100 livrea, "'hich guns wer-e to be taken from }.;r. Brosses, who had them in charge, therefore petitioner asks that Le Comte be cited and the said Guns seized.
(Signed) Brantan
(Signed) Vincent
{Signed} Vincent
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 481
Note: Decision contained in 25/418 Nov. la, 1725.
fila 15/401 - oot. 14. 1'n15
(Berard ya. LaallUS)
La88US files an objection to the d8lllllDd of Mr. Berard to pay a note of 500 livre. or thereabouts. Clla1m1ng he hd a different UD4er.tand1llg ot the time of payment but is ready to pay (it eo required by the law'a construotion) on the day when Berard embarka.
(Signed) LaallUa
Listed in Louisiana Historioal Quarterly. Vol. a. No.4. Ootober 1919, Page 481
JUd.... (Copy)
Pro1'1s1eaal ~tl_.t by cOBlllrolll1•• wh.JOe1n the Court &00•• Laeeue' et­ ter to PllY' the BOte 1JJ. _otlM ot 610 l1"NS to Bel'Ul1 Oil hlB departul'll.
(Onginal) S1gne4 By the Oouncll Roaaard. Clerk
Sher1ff's JOetUl1l on ..m" ~-ot __ .bon jUdgiIIot on tanua 1SM•. U, 1'125. -
Ust_ 11l Lou1.1•• R1etorleal Q.Uarterl;r,. Yolo a. Bo. 4, Oetober 1919, page 4.
/7,;<\12/! 0 I
File 15/403
Petition in Reoonvention
Direotor Darby o~ Cantillon grant, objeots to the extravagant olaims against Cantl1lon by JIr. Coustl1haa. An original debit o~ 5 quarts ot rioe and 3 quarta o~ sweet potatoes would swell to 500 ~ranos. or ~ar in exOess ot tru& value, were oredit items: disallowed.
Darby took some oarda o~ the Company to pay said Coustilhaa. but the issuanoe ot Slloh oards was stopped on order from Franoe. Cantillon. on the other hand, furnished oommodities lDounting to 118 livres and Darby (sirioe Cantillon's departure ~or Franoe) furnished him commodities in exoess of fifty livres, of whioh Coustilhas makes no mention. Besides this Cantillon loaned him 11 pots of bear grease when the artiole was soaroe and had to re­ place same with grease at 12 livres the pot.
He therefore prays that Coustilhas be ordered to furnish oil at market price prevailing at time Darby tried to oolleot for same, and that Coustilhas be foroed to aocept like commodities in liquidation of Cantillon's debt to him.
(Signed) Darby
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 482
Note: Decision in above case is in­ corporated in document 25/418 of Nov. 10. 1725
Cousti11as vs Darby. Bratan vs LeComte and Brosse. Binard vs Provenae. Berard vs LasB4s.
Synopsis in Lou.isiam Historical­ terly, Vol. 2, No.4, October, 1919, Page 482.
YEAR 1725
Petition in bOlUldary dispute by Sieur Jousset, who asks the Council to cite Chaperon and if necessary, let the boundary line be officially adjusted at the expenses of whom it may cone ern.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical Quar­ terly, Vol. 2, No.4, October, 1919, Page 482.
YEAR 1725
1/25-420 / NOVEMBER 16
Report on offioial bookkeeping by Duval, who described the status of account books kept by the officers of the Company at Mobile, Isle Dauphine, Old Biloxi and New Orle ana•
Synopsis iq Lou.isiana Historical Quar­ terly, Vol~ 2, No.4, Ootober, 1919, Page 482.
YEAR 1725
Petiti on of recovery by Francois Vidreqnain, who moves to co11eot 867 livres line him from Mr. Du­ me.noir on his note of past Au.gtEI t 2nd.
synopsis in Lonis!ana His torical Q.narterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October, 1919, Page 482.
YEAR 1725
De La Loire va Chaperon. Plouin vs La Violette. Rende Durand vs Sion. st. Martin vs Challlande.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical Quar­ terly, Vol. 2, No.4, OctOber, 1919, Page 482.
WR 1725
Petitioner alleges that during eight months of the year 1723 he was employed as a cashier in the Audit Office; that after the departure ot Sr. Fleuriau he was removed trom said position and verbally ordered by the Council to deliver his cash balance to Sr. Morisset. Clerk under Sr. Dalcour. then Treasurer General; that pe­ ti tioner did deliver the cash which he had on hand amounting to 900 livree.
Peti tioner further alleges that at thEt time three or four certain wealt~ citizens were in­ debted to the Treasury; that Sr. Morisset. pre­ vailing upon petitioner to desist trom demand­ ing payment of said citizens. assumed responsi­ bility for their total debt and gave to petition­ er a receipt therefor. amounting to 3536 livres.
Petitioner further alleges that he has repeatedlY petitioned the Court tor citation of five or six certain other citizens. who likewise are indebted to the Treasury; that in ,detault of said par ments petitioner is unable to balance his cash.
Petitioner further alleges that Sr. Dalcour re­ fuses to recognize the validi tY of the aforesaid receipt given by Sr. Korisset. tor lack ot
formalities, that such refusal is made solely from personal motives.
Petitioner pr~s that in order to enable him to render his account, the receipt given him by Sr. Morisset be declared valid, or in the alter­ native, that petitioner may have recourse against the parties owing the debts covered thereby.
(Signed) De La Renaudais
(Signed) Brusle
(Signed) Vincent
'. '. ~
Petition of recovery by Hospital Surgeon Charles Joly to collect a bill from Madame, widow Drillau.
Synopsis in Louisiana Historical QUlll'terly, Vol. 2, #4. Ootober 1919, Page 483.
YEAR 1726
FILE #25/236
June 11, 1725.
Petition of Charles Franoois Piohot,
Agent and Attorney in fact of Paul Pailhoux.
Sr. Pichot alleges that he is hereunto authorized by power of attorney passed before a notary in the Chatelet of Paris. on the 11th day of June. 1726$, that constituent'. brother. the former Major-General of the Provinoe of Louisiana. having died and having left property in said Province. it is the desire of Constituent to ascertain its value and kind.
Wherefore petitioner prays for an order to take inventory of the property and effeots of said Sucoes­ sion, particularly of those to be found on the planta­ tion leased by Decedent to Sr. Jean Hugot. by aot paSSE before Sr. Rossard. Notary. on May 22. 1724.
(Signed) Pichot
Order to take inventory. (Signed) Brusl••
$The power of attorney dated June 11, 1726. in our possession, is exeouted in blank. See Document 26/236.
In Louisiana Historioal Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, Page 483, October, 1919.
File &5/401
Council makaa decision regarding Bame furniture, 88 to whether included or not, wi th the hou8El that was .old to I.a811l18. Council decre.. that Berard did not mean to conve" turniture with houBe, and iB accordingly discharged herein, further decreeing that the remainder ot the said contract shall be executed.
By the Council (SigJled)
Ronard, Clerk
Sheriff's return on aervice at cop" ot abo't'e judgment on Lassus.
(Signed) Vincent
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, Page 483
Sale of real estate by Charles Petit de Livilliers to Charles de Roger, who give mortgage seourity.
Synopsis in L6uisiana Historioal ~uarterly, Vol. 2, /4, October, 1919, Page 484.
'I Y
File 25/406
YEAR 1725
Proces Verbal o~ Visits
Attorne~ General Fleuriau reports on his round of inspection during High Mass on the feast of St. Thomas, - he found a break­ fast. in preparation at Coup art. 's, for some soldiers about to start for the Balise, and ordered them out.
No other ln~ractions of the law were noted on this occasion.
(Signed) Fleuriau
Vol. 2, No.4. October 1919. page 484
File 25/406
Fines Recommended
Attorney General Fleuriau, following his round of inspection on the feast of st. Thomas, recommends that Coupart(after hear­ ing his answer) be tined 50 !ivres and warned not to relapse, under penalty of three months' imprisonment.
(Signed) Fleuriau
Listed in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.4, October 1919, pa~ 484
Petition of reo overy made by Clallle Heux to colleot a resid~e acc~nt of 300 livres from Mr. ~manoir for work done for him two years ago.
synopsis in Lo~isiana Historioal Q.~ar­
terly, Page 484, Vol. 2, No.4, October, 1919.
.0 DATE (In blue pencil:
'- Dec. 4,_25).
represented as follows:
Cash in copper money
Ilt'aft of Sr. Thiery, Officer, signed by members of the Council, Ilt'awn on Sr. Dslcour
Livres 2400
Note of Sr. Bourbea= 53 " " "L&rche 312 " " "de Clairfontaine 706
- From other documents bearing on this subject, it is pre~ed that the name De La Renaudeis should appear here.

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