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Infinity thoughts


  • FREE C


  • Birth was not your choice and death will not be your choice, but the way you live

    your life between these two terminals, the one which has already happened (birth)

    and the one which will happen (death), is absolutely your choice.

  • What does this picture tell you?

    Write a Caption not exceeding 11 words befitting the picture.

    The best caption will get a copy of

    Most and more book personally signed by

    Please post entries before the 31st of May to (or)

    Please mention your contact number in the mail.

    The award-winning caption and story will be published

    in the July 2014 issue of infinithoughts.

  • TEAM


    THE MERRY GO ROAND-Kiran Sampath

    Perhaps there is a pattern to our actions



    It's certainly not easy

    to raise a smart kid

    especially if he is a

    child prodigy - Vishal.

    -Usha Sunder

    The views and opinions expressed or implied in this magazine are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect those of

    Certain things can be a boon or a curse.

    THE FACEBOOK GOD-Sanna Gosavi

    Contents - FREE COPY


    Everyone knows the values of

    Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bible,

    Quran, etc., but only a few are

    interested to follow their teachings

    and live by them. But infinithoughts

    inspires and guides more and more

    people to live the right way and grow.

    Hats off to the entire team of


    The April '14 issue of infinithoughts

    is amazing. The Destiny Designing on

    'The Power of Beliefs' was wonderful.

    Everything about the way I look at life

    changed when I read Divinations 'one

    day at a time'. I am beginning to be

    the best I can be for a day, and I am

    able to continue it day after day. Love

    you infinithoughts.

    The paper and print quality of the

    April '14 issue of infinithoughts are

    fantastic - the best ever one. Thank

    you for constantly improving the

    quality like never before. I am also

    glad to notice the categorization of

    articles into Health, Success, Love,

    Bliss and Youth. This helps me as a

    reader who picks a page in a random

    order and read. I wish the very best

    to the team in this new Financial Year.

    Abinandhan, Kanchipuram


    Arun Kumar Natha, Bangalore

    Each issue of infinithoughts is

    wonderful and life-transforming.

    Thanks for your contribution in

    inspiring the readers to change for the

    better and for transforming lives.

    The Destiny Designing on The Power

    of Beliefs' turned out to be a

    masterpiece as it revealed the truth

    that our life is a mere reflection of our

    beliefs. Further, 's finding

    that we get created through our work

    deserves appreciation. Babita

    Chopra's article 'Look beyond looks'

    emphasized the fact that beauty of the

    mind (not physical beauty) is the real

    beauty. Paraman Pachaimuthu rightly

    observed in the that the

    problems in our immune system will

    get corrected if we take a good night's

    sleep. It is true that the role models

    are not from outside, they are living

    with us and what's worrying is that

    today's younger generation find little

    time to lend their ears as they are

    preoccupied with smart electronic

    devices. Meanwhile, our relationship

    touches the nadir, when we keep our

    expectations growing and Saravanan's

    simple solution that 'Let us drop

    expectations' is a tonic to the troubled

    mind. Arigato (Thanks a lot in

    Japanese) to Lakshmi Narasimhan for

    his first hand information on the

    culture, health lifestyle and dedication

    of our Japanese brethren. I would like

    to record that short people are

    standing tall because they love their

    nation more than anything. 'A verbal

    wound is worse than a physical one'

    was not an advice to little Ranbir, but

    to all of us. Honestly speaking,

    infinithoughts is one in thousands of

    its kind and should be read to gain

    self-confidence, to have positive

    outlook, to improve health, to have

    better understanding with others and

    simply to turn ourselves from

    'ordinary' to 'extraordinary'.

    Lina Gracias

    Ravichandran N, Chennai



    I am a person who was never

    into sports from my childhood

    days - sports always eluded me.

    The physical strain, the panting,

    the sweat etc. kept me away

    from sports. But, after I have

    started reading infinithoughts

    my perception about sports has

    changed. Thanks to A S Gopal,

    all his features about sports

    persons made me look at sports

    with wonderment. The

    character traits of all sports

    champions enthral me.

    Whenever I endure situations

    that is hard for me to handle, the

    facts about how Ben Hogan

    accomplished his goals out of all

    the challenges, how Serena

    Williams encountered her

    obstacles, how Kim Clijsters

    overcame her injuries, how Ken

    McDonell fought back from the

    accident and the list goes on,

    made me realize my issues are

    often inconsequential. The

    comeback stories of these sports

    persons inspire me to set high

    goals in life. All articles by A S

    Gopal have made me ensure that

    I will never quit playing in this

    'playground' called life until I

    win. Thank you Gopal. Thank

    you infinithoughts.

    Ramapriya J K, Trichy

    Unposted Letter

    (Audio Book)WINS

    Boomerang of the Month

  • Life is just a macrocosmic dream. Like the microcosmic dreams that you have in your sleep

    out of your finite intelligence, life is a macrocosmic dream born out the Infinite Intelligence.

    Surrender yourself to the flow of life and experience the experience of this experience.

  • This universe comprises of several

    galaxies of which our galaxy 'Milky Way'

    is just one of them. 'Milky Way' is just

    one speck of dust in this universe. In this galaxy

    there are several solar systems of which our

    solar system is just one of them. Our solar

    system is just one speck of dust in this galaxy.

    Within this solar system, with the sun in the

    centre, and several celestial bodies and planets

    orbiting the sun, our planet earth is just a speck

    of dust. In this planet earth, with three-fourth

    water and billions of life forms, humanity, as a

    whole, is just a spec of dust. And in this human

    population of several billion people, you and I

    are mere specks of dust. Just close your eyes for

    a moment and visualise yourself in the midst of

    this macrocosm. How complex does it appear?

    Ego shattering, isn't it? Yet, this microcosm's

    hunger to comprehend the macrocosm has been

    insatiable. Every day this human intelligence

    makes another discovery; every day a new

    invention is born.

    In everyday living, we find ourselves

    surrounded by so many fields of sciences and so

    many branches of knowledge. The deeper we

    dig, the greater we find the scopes of

    exploration. Life appears too mysterious. Can

    man ever demystify life's mysteries? Can we

    ever attain the state of 'all-knowing' about life?

    Knowing falls under three categories: known,

    unknown and unknowable. While 'known' is

    what you already know, 'unknown' is what you

    can come to know. However, the 'unknowable'

    will always remain a mystery. Let us take apple

    for an example: 'Known' is the knowledge that it

    is an apple. 'Unknown' is that I do not know as

    to how many seeds are there inside that apple.

    However, by cutting the apple and counting the

    number of seeds the unknown will become

    known. Now, how many apples would come out

    of each of those seeds will always remain

    unknowable! That's the mystery of this


    No matter how much we already know, no

    matter how much more we will come to know,

    the unknowable mysteries of life will ever

    remain life's secrets forever. That's why there is

    an element of ignorance and innocence even in

    the most enlightened souls!

    But, how much should I know about electricity

    and the functioning of electric bulb to bring

    light into the room? How much do I need to

    know about the mechanism of computer

    hardware and the logic used in developing the

    software for me to use the technology? How

    much do you need to know about the process of

    compilation, editing, designing, printing and

    despatching that goes into infinithoughts, for

    you to read and benefit from it? So how much

    do you need to know about this complex

    phenomenon called life for you to take charge of

    it? It just calls for a specific understanding to a

    specific design of life and your alignment to it

    will enable you to design your destiny.

    Birth was not your choice and death will not be

    your choice but the way you live your life between

    these two terminals, the one which has already

    happened (birth) and the one which will happen

    (death), is absolutely your choice. Life is nothing

    more than a series of choices, resultant

    consequences, and executing counter-choices to

    those consequences Life is keeping the 'choice -

    consequence - counter-choice' cycle on

    Every moment of life offers innumerable

    choices. With every choice executed, you invite

    a consequence. While you have control over

    your choices, you can only have expectations

    over the consequences.

    All consequences can be classified into four


    1. I will get more than what I expect (>)

    2. I will get what I expect (=)

    3. I will get less than what I expect (

  • unfolds you will be prepared to face it. Playing

    the four possibilities in your mind will also help

    you to come out of your indecisiveness. Most

    people keep postponing the most important

    decisions of their lives due to the uncertainty of

    consequences. Even in the most uncertain

    circumstances, knowing that there are only four

    possibilities creates a lot of certainty.

    You have a choice over your choice, but you are

    absolutely choiceless over the consequences.

    Neither can you choose which of the four you

    want nor there is a fifth possibility. Maturity is to

    gracefully and choicelessly accept the

    consequence and then go ahead executing the

    next counter-choice.

    While choices are born out of your intelligence,

    the consequences are a feedback from Infinite

    Intelligence. Your microcosmic intelligence

    operates out of the data that is available at your

    disposal. The macrocosmic intelligence operates

    out of universal data. When the whole universe

    operates zero-defect because of Infinite

    Intelligence, the consequences you receive are as

    they should be in the larger scheme of things. To

    use your intelligence when it comes to executing

    choices and to surrender the same intelligence to

    the Infinite Intelligence in accepting the

    consequences is intelligent living.

    So what if you and I are mere specks of dust in

    this Universe? There are still only four possible

    consequences to every choice and to that

    extent this design of life is very very simple.

    Do we need to know more than this to take

    charge of our life?

    Destiny Designing

    Row, row, row your boat

    Gently down the stream.

    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

    Life is but a dream.

    Row, row, row your boat

    Row your boat. Do not waste time rowing

    others boat and do not expect others to row

    your boat. To build your life you have to

    execute your choices and you cannot expect

    others to do it for you. Relentlessly choose

    from the infinite options life offers you in every

    moment. Rowing your boat is your


    Gently down the stream

    Do not go against the stream of life (against the

    design of life). It is a worthless struggle.

    Remember, just four possibilities. If you ask

    for the fifth, you suffer. If you resist any of the

    four, you suffer. Have the maturity to

    choicelessly accept the consequences of life

    and then go ahead and execute the next

    counter-choice. To every intelligent choice of

    yours, the consequences are feedback from the

    To watch the recorded version of the satsang through the week

    log on to

    Join the global community of growth and breakthroughs with

    Do you want to be a part of the weekly Sunday growth forum (satsang) through

    which thousands of people have grown over the last 19 years?

    Every Sunday morning at 7.00 a.m. (IST)

    log on to

    for a 2 hour satsang experience.


    I get more than

    what I expected

    I get what

    I expected







    I get less than

    what I expected

    I get the opposite

    of what I



  • Infinite Intelligence. The cycle of 'choice - consequence - counter-choice' will enable you to

    go with the flow of life.

    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

    Enjoy this flowing through life. So what if the water current is shifting the direction of the

    boat? Accept the consequence and execute counter choices. Enjoy this mysterious 'choice -

    consequence - counter-choice' cycle of life and sail through life merrily, merrily

    Life is but a dream.

    Life is just a macrocosmic dream. Like the microcosmic dreams that you have in your sleep

    out of your finite intelligence, life is a macrocosmic dream born out the Infinite Intelligence.

    Surrender yourself to the flow of life and experience the experience of this experience.

    Life is, as simple or as complex, as you make it. Anytime again, you find yourself lost in life,

    just whistle, Row row row your boat

    While choices are born out of

    your intelligence,

    the consequences are a feedback from

    Infinite Intelligence.

    Your microcosmic intelligence

    operates out of the data that is available at your disposal.

    The macrocosmic intelligence

    operates out of universal data.

    When the whole universe operates zero-defect

    because of Infinite Intelligence,

    the consequences you receive are as they should be

    in the larger scheme of things.

    To use your intelligence when it comes to executing choices and

    to surrender the same intelligence to the Infinite Intelligence

    in accepting the consequences is

    intelligent living.

  • Just walking in a straight line

    seems like a simple and

    natural thing to do, right?

    A recent experiment challenged

    a few people to walk straight

    while blindfolded. Some walked

    through forests and others

    trekked through deserts. All

    walkers wore GPS receivers so

    that the researchers could

    analyse their routes. In

    repeated attempts, these

    walkers circled in one direction

    or the other. Results showed

    that no matter how hard people

    tried to walk in a straight line,

    they often ended up going in

    circles, without ever realising

    that they were crossing their

    own paths.

    Previous studies have shown

    that birds and a variety of other

    animals move in tight circles

    when orienting cues like the sun

    are missing. So if you're lost in

    the woods and you feel like

    you're walking in circles, you

    probably are!

    Researchers suspect that the

    reason could be that, little

    mistakes in the brain add up

    until the sense of what's straight

    turns into something round.

    They also said that if you do get

    lost, it's important to know that

    your body might end up doing

    the opposite of what your brain


    Researchers concluded that

    without aid like maps, GPS

    devices, compass, positioning of

    the sun and the moon or other

    environmental signals, people

    are naturally wired to walk

    around and around, rather than

    in straight lines.

    They say that there is a method

    to madness. Similarly, there is a

    recurring pattern in this chaotic

    existential ride. It seems that

    everything in life is a cycle, you

    start and feel like you are

    going places only to

    eventually end up at the point

    in which you started. We

    gather experiences along the

    way but follow a pattern


    If we observe ourselves we

    would notice that we always

    attract certain kind of people

    into our lives, we encounter

    similar situations at work,

    there would always be a

    specific pattern in most of our

    relationships and we usually

    have standard escape routes.

    We are often so consumed by

    our experiences that we

    rarely recognise a pattern

    while it's playing out.

    If it's enjoyable, then continue

    the ride. If you are losing

    your orientation then take off

    those blind folds, find your

    sun and walk towards a new


    The Merry-Go-RoundPerhaps there is a pattern

    to our actions

    Kiran Sampath

  • Wolfgang Amadeus

    Mozart, the most

    famous western

    classical composer, was the

    youngest of seven children. His

    dad was an experienced music

    teacher. When Mozart's sister,

    Nannerl, was seven, she began

    keyboard lessons with her

    father while her three-year-old

    brother, Mozart, simply looked

    on. In a while he started playing

    with it and the sound was

    musical! In the fourth year of

    his age, his father, for a game as

    it were, began to teach him for a

    few minutes. He could play it

    faultlessly and with the greatest

    delicacy, and was keeping

    exactly in time. At the age of

    five, he was already composing

    little pieces, which he played to

    his father, who wrote them


    Shakunthala Devi, the

    mathematical genius, was taught

    card tricks by her dad who was a

    circus trapeze artiste and a

    magician. He discovered his

    daughter's ability to memorize

    numbers while teaching her a

    card trick, when she was about

    three-year-old. Her father took

    her on road shows and

    displayed her ability at

    calculation. She did this without

    any formal education. By the

    age of six she demonstrated her

    calculation and memorization

    abilities at the University of


    Mozart exhibited exceptional

    genius in music by the age of

    five. Shakunthala Devi was able

    to do tedious arithmetic

    calculations in a jiffy by the age

    of six. Pablo Picaso showed

    exceptional talent in sketching

    by the age of seven. All of them

    exhibited advanced level of

    proficiency in a particular

    activity much beyond their age.

    Such children are called


    The word 'Prodigy' has its

    roots in the Latin 'prodigium',

    a creation that violates the

    natural order. Prodigies are

    able to function at an advanced

    adult level in some domain

    usually before the age 12.

    Raising a Genius

    It's certainly not easy

    to raise a smart kid

    especially if he is

    a child prodigy.

    Usha Sunder

  • Beethoven, Sachin Tendulkar, Tiger Woods

    have all been child prodigies...

    Early life of each of these prodigies endorses

    the fact that a prodigy's development hinges on

    parental collaboration. Raising a child prodigy

    has unique challenges and requires

    individually tailored time, attention and

    thought, because these children have amazing

    abilities in a specific field, far beyond their age.

    Without that parental support, the child would

    never gain access to an instrument or training

    or the emotional nurturance that enables a

    talented prodigy to achieve mature expression.

    A child prodigy's capacity for intellectual or

    artistic pursuits may seem to put him or her in

    a position to enjoy early and lasting success

    throughout life. But prodigies actually grow up

    at risk of burning out in their quest for

    achievement. While a six-year-old composing

    symphonies or explaining quantum physics is a

    delight to watch, when the same child gets into

    bitter arguments over who got the biggest

    piece of pizza, the parent may be tempted to

    tell him to act his age, forgetting that he or she

    is still a child. It is the parent's responsibility

    to treat him or her as a normal child beyond

    the specific special talent.

    Parenting such a child is ultimately an

    extraordinary journey of discovery, growth and


    Vidya and Anand - Parents of the nine-year-old

    Vishal, an exceptionally talented autistic savant

    child, seem to have got their parenting aspect so

    very right. Vishal, in spite of being mildly

    autistic, has already published two books,

    Meadows of Moods and Jumbo's Bag. He is

    exceptionally talented in expressing his deep

    thoughts by typing on a laptop, in the presence of

    his mom, in an environment of complete trust.

    His writings cover various topics which include

    scientific musings on energy, the five elements,

    physics of circular and vertical motions and

    insightful poetry on nature, people and the world

    as he sees them, sprinkled with gentle humour.

    He has also composed simple songs in Tamil and

    Sanskrit and set it to carnatic music ragas! Many

    scientists from prestigious institutions (such as

    Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) are

    studying this phenomenon called 'Vishal'.

    Vidhya says, I believed that my child will be

    exceptionally talented in some way although he is

    mildly autistic and never thought that he is any

    way less. In reality he has enhanced perception

    beyond normalcy and pours his expression

    through words and doodles. Usage of

    technology has helped him tremendously, adds

    his dad.

    Not in a stifling way but in an empowering way,

    parents of Vishal have unleashed the creative

    potential in him.

    To watch the recorded version of the satsang through the week

    log on to

    Join the global community of growth and breakthroughs with

    Do you want to be a part of the weekly Sunday growth forum (satsang) through

    which thousands of people have grown over the last 19 years?

    Every Sunday morning at 7.00 a.m. (IST)

    log on to

    for a 2 hour satsang experience.

  • Here is a young lad who has not missed

    school even a single day in his entire

    school tenure. From Year 2000 to Year

    2014 Fourteen years of his schooling, he has

    attended school on every working day. Recently

    his school honoured him for his consistency of

    attending school without absenteeism.

    spoke to this young achiever, .

    Here are the excerpts:

    What motivates you to rise everyday and go to

    school all these fourteen years?

    Given my economically poor family background,

    my only saviour to make it big in life was to do well

    in studies. Since I was awarded academic

    proficiency every year, my school management

    waived off 75% of the fees all my schooling years;

    but even that remaining 25% of fees we could not

    pay for two years and help came from my class

    teacher who paid it for me. Having received such

    Usha Sunder Arun

    Want to be successful in Singing? Sing every day!

    Want to be a marathon Runner? Run every day!

    Want to be a successful Writer? Write every day!

    Want to be a Numero Uno in Dance? Dance everyday!

    Want to be a School Topper?

    Attend school every day!

    generosity and having seen hardships that my

    parents have gone through, I cannot fail on any


    The only thing I had control over is to be regular to

    the school. Even when I was very sick, which I was

    a couple of times, I went to school. Thanks to my

    school environment and all my teachers who

    created it, I found school interesting and

    rewarding too!

    Your most memorable moment in school...

    To experience the tears of joy rolling down my

    mom's cheeks when I received a golden watch

    from my School Principal for having stood first in

    school in the tenth standard.

    What practices made you the School Topper?

    I guess I listened to my teachers during class hours

    and that helped me a lot in understanding the

    subjects. At home, even when I was in primary

    classes, my mom used to insist on writing and

    practicing. I still continue it and that really helps

    in remembering.

    Your future ambition...

    Inspired by my family doctor, I want to become a

    doctor in life and serve people. I am awaiting my

    twelfth standard results now and will pursue my

    dream career.

    We wish ARUN all the very best in all his future


    Consistency Pays

    Research indicates that students who

    miss more than 10 percent of school

    are at risk of academic failure.

  • There were times when in

    our growing years, we

    were taught that the

    first thing to do in the morning

    on waking up and the last thing

    before going to bed was to join

    our hands and pray to God. To

    thank him for everything that he

    has bestowed upon us, to ask for

    forgiveness for any wrong that's

    happened through us and to

    pray for strength to live a right


    There were times when trips

    were a very big affair.

    Preparations would begin weeks

    earlier and the joy and

    enthusiasm of going out with

    friends and family would fill the

    air. The moments of

    togetherness and love, fun,

    laughter, stress-free

    environment, everything was

    welcome with open arms. And

    one of the best ways to capture

    these moments and store them

    as memories was photographs.

    Even years later; you could sit

    with the same people, look at

    the pictures, recall the lovely

    moments, have a hearty laugh

    and relive the joy and


    There was a time when children

    made cards and bought gifts for

    their parents on birthdays and

    threw surprise parties for them

    on their anniversaries, just to

    express their love and gratitude

    for their mom and dad. There

    were times when social work

    was done for really helping and

    uplifting people, when the sheer

    joy of giving preceded all other

    emotions. And there was a time

    when there was something

    called 'a private life'. I wonder if

    these concepts still exist for

    most of us.

    Yes, gifts are still bought; trips

    are still celebrated but

    somewhere the emotion behind

    these has unknowingly been or

    is being contaminated. Now,

    rather than enjoying the natural

    beauty at holidays - maybe in

    the mountains, snow-clad peaks,

    the seas, the ocean - it has

    become more important to show

    the world what we experienced.

    The main reason behind clicking

    a picture now is to post them on

    our status online and update the

    world. Whether we have seen

    the rose carefully or not,

    whether we have marvelled at

    its fragrance and colour or not,

    the world has to see what our

    eyes have noticed!

    The Facebook God

    Certain things

    can be a boon

    or a curse.

    Sanna Gosavi

  • It looks like there is a restless

    need to update the world about

    anything and everything.

    Expressing love, going out of the

    way for our friends, or having

    quality time with family is no

    more a personal thing. The

    experience is no more left by

    itself and allowed to be pure; it

    has to be shown to the world.

    Not only it has to be shown to

    the world, the world is expected

    to respond, the response has to

    be positive and that's

    mandatory. If not, there is a new

    reason to get upset, angry,

    irritated and depressed. Years

    of friendship can just be broken

    because somebody does not

    respond to our status, just that

    much, nothing else is required.

    There is this irresistible need to

    show the world how great we

    are doing in life. So the world

    should know if we have entered

    an international airport, the

    world should know if we are

    dining at a five star hotel, the

    world has to know that we are

    shopping at the most expensive

    mall in the city. I wonder if very

    soon people will be 'checking in'

    on social networks even if they

    enter their houses or maybe


    Arguments between husband and

    wife are no more restricted to

    their room; they have to be brought

    in public. It sometimes makes

    relationships look rather cheap.

    It's no more enough if we are

    involved in social work and are

    helping the world to become a

    better place, the entire feeling

    now is unless the world knows

    about it, it's not enough. The

    world has to know how good,

    kind and holy we are. Without

    our knowledge we are constantly

    getting entangled in the need to

    prove a point.

    With the increasing number of

    mobile apps, and social

    networking avenues and with the

    increasing addiction to these, do

    we still live just for the joy of

    living? Or, has it been preceded

    by the need of showing? It's

    almost a crime today if you are

    not a part of the 'WhatsApp


    Social networking is a big boon

    to today's world across all

    industries. It has suddenly

    opened doors and opportunities

    that never existed before. It has

    made the highly impossible

    things very much possible. But

    the need to show, preceding our

    basic joy of living is something

    we need to check.

    We often come across people

    who are tensed, and thinking

    hard because they can't

    understand what should be

    their status update today. What

    do we call this madness? We

    need to check and understand if

    we have become slaves and

    addicts to these newly emerged

    needs and are losing the purity

    of experiences of life. What is

    life without the joy of living?

    We need to stop and check

    before the next generation starts

    believing that there is a new God

    in this world, the one that we

    approach as soon as we wake up

    and the one whom we update

    just before going to bed... maybe

    it's called 'The Facebook God'.

    To watch the recorded version of the satsang through the week

    log on to

    Join the global community of growth and breakthroughs with

    Do you want to be a part of the weekly Sunday growth forum (satsang) through

    which thousands of people have grown over the last 19 years?

    Every Sunday morning at 7.00 a.m. (IST)

    log on to

    for a 2 hour satsang experience.

  • From the Source


    Depth of your Character

    is revealed in the way you respond

    to situations you dislike.

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