free advice on how to get your ex back - 10 steps

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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This article outlines free advice on how to get your ex back. Following the 10 steps below can dramatically increase your chances in winning your ex back.


Free Advice On How To Get Your Ex Back - 10 Steps Losing someone that you've had a serious relationship with can be painful. If you are missing your ex you can get them back into your life. You just need to know what and how to do it. This article outlines free advice on how to get your ex back. Following the 10 steps below can dramatically increase your chances in winning your ex back. Visit now! 1. You can phone your ex - but use discretion. Calling your ex once or twice every two weeks will keep you on their mind. Calling 10 times a day screams of desperation. Don't do it! You have to restrain yourself. 2. Send an email occasionally. Don't flood their inbox with dozens of emails a week. A simple message stating how are you? or what's up? is sufficient. Then give them a chance to respond. Just like phone calls - excessive emails reek of desperation. 3. Use discretion if dating other guys/girls. If you are trying to win your ex back then now is not the time to play the field recklessly. How can you convince your ex that you seriously want them back if you are dating several times a week? An occasional date is fine, as it will show your ex that you are still desirable to other people. Definitely do not sleep with someone new. This just adds to the baggage and is difficult to overcome. 4. Don't forget their birthday. Just because you aren't together you can still remember them. Call them, send a card, buy them a gift. Birthdays are a great excuse to get together. Treat them like they are your princess - it will pay off. 5. Understand your ex. Listen and analyze what they say and do. You need to know what your ex is looking for in a partner to know if you can deliver. You have to be honest though. If they are telling you they need something that you can't deliver then do both of you a favor and back off. 6. Avoid jealousy. Once you break up you lose claim to your ex. They are free to do what they want. If they start dating other people don't be jealous. 7. How does your ex act with others? If they are defending you then there is hope that your ex still has feelings for you. If they are fueling the fire with insults then perhaps it is too soon to try reconciliation or there is no hope for a lasting relationship. 8. Avoid playing "mind games." What's the point? Playing emotional head games with someone you've broken up with can damage them for life. This kind

of behaviour is not necessary and will not win you any points in getting back together with your ex. 9. Keep the upper hand. Stay in control of the situation. This means don't lay all of your cards out on the table at once. If you give into your feelings too soon or too aggressively then you lose the upper hand and your ex gains control. They may use your feelings to manipulate the situation. 10. Be desirable. Don't let yourself go after breaking up. Now is the time to get into or stay in the best shape of your life. You've already had a relationship with this person. If you can make yourself more attractive and sexy the second time around you will become even more alluring to your ex. Relationships can be difficult. This article has presented free advice on how to get your ex back. Don't give up hope. Practice these 10 simple steps and you can be back together with your ex before you know it. Discover more powerful tips and advice to win your ex back by clicking here now: Get Ex Back Peter Harris is an author and health care professional that writes frequently about relationships.

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