frappe erpnext open day february 2014

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Summary of monthly activities by team members of ERPNext for February 2014


1. open day February2014 anand doshi module home pages nestedset github google lots of xes social logins facebook frappe rAuth 2. frappe & Racing to the release 3. No need to remember one more password. Use your Facebook, Google or GitHub accounts to login. 4. Why not Twitter? Twitter is being the dark knight by not providing a users email address. We found it unreasonable to create a separate ow for twitter login. 5. And LinkedIn? I dont use LinkedIn. So, I wasnt motivated enough to do it. If need arises, it is just a few minutes of coding. 6. Our thanks to rAuth for making oAuth so easy [] 7. Module Home Pages Clean, Mobile Friendly, Extendable by other Apps 8. That illusive NestedSet bug Fixed Test Cases for Nested Set and was immediately rewarded. 9. Some Technical Details or you can skip the next 4 slides 10. Getting keys for social logins Signup for a developer account with Facebook, Google or GitHub. Create an APP in their console. Specify APP name, Originating URL and callback URL. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret into frappe: Setup >> System >> Social Login Keys 11. Facebook Login to [] and Go to Apps (its in the topbar) >> New App Go to Settings >> Advanced and nd the eld Valid OAuth redirect URIs Valid OAuth redirect URIs: frappe.templates.pages.login.login_via_facebook After saving changes, go to Settings >> Basic, click on App Secrets Show button Copy the App ID and App Secret into frappe: Setup >> System >> Social Login Keys 12. Google Login to [] and Create a Project Go to APIs & auth (its in the sidebar) >> Credentials >> Create New Client ID Authorized Redirect URI: frappe.templates.pages.login.login_via_google Copy the Client ID and Client Secret into frappe: Setup >> System >> Social Login Keys 13. GitHub Login to [ applications/new] Homepage URL: Authorization callback URL: frappe.templates.pages.login.login_via_github Copy the Client ID and Client Secret into frappe: Setup >> System >> Social Login Keys 14. Thanks Your feedback will make my day. @anandpdoshi 15. ! Frappe! Open Day February 2013 Rushabh Mehta 16. introducing frappe 17. renamed everywhere (still not fully released) 18. UI Updates 19. New Login Page 20. New Module Layout 21. Website Sitemap 22. Versions Currently in Web Page & Blog 23. Introducing API (thanks to Pratik) 24. REST 1. List /api/resource/[resource_type] > List of resources GET ! /api/resource/Customer /api/resource/Customer?limit_page_length=500 /api/resource/Customer? filters={customer_group:Retail} 2. Get Doc (GET) /api/resource/[resource_type]/[resource_name] GET ! /api/resource/Customer/Asian Fusion 25. REST 3. Insert (POST) /api/resource/[resource_type]/[resource_name] ! POST: PARAMETERS: doclist=[{ }] ! /api/resource/Customer/Asian Fusion 4. Update (PUT) /api/resource/[resource_type]/[resource_name] PUT: PARAMETERS: doclist=[{ }] ! /api/resource/Customer/Asian Fusion? 26. API: Methods Calling a method /api/method/[method_name]?parameters Without Commit GET /api/method/login With Commit (Write) POST /api/method/login Note: Method must be whitelisted 27. Coming Soon 28. New Portal Worked on syncing web pages from static les in markdown and html 29. Coming up Developer Documentation ERPNext breakup (into Apps) Portal Release 30. Thanks! Clip-arts:

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