franklin d. roo sevelt - t h e great communi cato r t h e ... · pnpar1q tor tbo oatootropbe \boj...

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Franklin D. Roosevelt - "T he Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1 945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself: " FDR and the New Deal

File o.815

1935 November II

Arlington, VA - Armistice Day Address

. . . 'ftle llrtDC _r,. ot tbe tlrlcl 1JU i t olott to

......... ,...~ u.ob ot ....., \04&7 . OIU' t bouehtt :retu.ra to cr••t ~ ot

l,)oyb.oo4' t 14tall .

We A~Ur1cau nr• to pl ectd thet • • ~ f~~o .. :.( ~e,-npeoUnfll.tbtl1'tltWOTl4ooD!Uot rt..... f1:ZT -1-~t-per~ ~tb.l:l ............ ~ teuo-

who ft:tl olO.U t o \ht IOIIUI of b&ttlt . hr ':::.!:ij-UTit Ul:ttt 71Ut ot t~ 'l'az n .. H !lOt pvUoip&D.ta ;

t• . ...,. durltl( the !111&l Jlh*at we O\LUt htt tn;f41:tcl on Ul\1

/~ ,... prh•U'7 parpoae or t<lil .. uoa h w •n14 bel~~~: drom tnt<> ...-.

1\ oMU &1M l!l •nt"J ~U<"able •-.r to ~W ~ .. o.ftl1 t<> 41..,,....,.. ...,., I:<N l t<> U.o .. r .. .Z.O bf.q p.l~* o:r - pb.f141 \.nlfiOI'N'1,1•lliob _!, u..t ot n \.~ w -1.4 _._, u. ""'" booi..&1.nC ... or a.rt- etu ...... ~ lZI lriMI'Vueo>N•!IIMbu.llpol1e111Dt.,...._,_t, all.<,.qU'talao ..,UNlJ ~u-Ue •Hh U. a."f~rt. ot o\Mr lat!'>' 1 to 111111 .....


-/o, fbe.t 11 wh7 ,._ .. .,....._,., nrll'ttio wUh c nat

t o c11tappro•• e t epe hken by otbn·e h 00110.1\ aote of

agrtlliOJI, • • b&<t"~~~d1.t''/.,-;.;{;;;;./.;/i:":.~~\~O lb1t ll Jo. ..,~:,/._1-

uul U noiuOI an,Metltl, WI tut.YI t0118bt by Ut1D.i U aot


~,:'t tbCN13b our 00\U'.. ~~~IW::wr:.., .. r;;:J ~..,cou.htent and. o~,r~t 11 wUb~torro• tb&t

" ooGt"' that the world' • ;a1o11b.u boetll .Ul.

Ull TOll t he d&DG'" t hat. oonfrOAt \be o!

t;rrr:""'/,/ ....1-i~Ju(.~< MAkllld. u a -.boll are gr.,,ter to • tb.aD the daQstrl w!:llob

oonfrODt the peoplt of the ~td 8taUI b:-;~;;,,lne,: /,_, 1 '

~..-our ot 0\IJ' bope• ot 1911 a:Ml 1111 diu

ror'tWI&tdr, thu• 1• •Tid•no• on •T•l'J' band t hat th• r

ot £~Hr1oa, .. a whol.e , 11 no't 'trappell. by Ula't de1uelon.

a 11ew 'II1U' ~~ 1ee4 - f o r 't~ tlbo wurThe U - 'to eco11-1o

aAc1 eoolal. oo1ta;~ee aore0~ .. {hflll 11.111 we hllYe experienced

ltlthieettor&AMrlca-tudwtllprotec t

barulf. Ullcler no c lr-tancee wU l tble policy of ~•l/-->r/,_

... prouoU on 10 ' " lel\jj:tb• be,unct,pr o \eoUon. Aa:il:r .. e1oll.

••• aM., air - u OW' 1.0oept ed. pOUor; .- tht •tU\U't ot

to u ttl(llard \a aga1aat tbt ~tntt ot othert. fbe 110rt

1ret.\lJ t lleJ Ucrtut t he1r ~tntt, t hto 110rt qutoltlJ '-'/\'-'!(/, t~l ~ort~ur•. _ _ _ _ _ __ -

~ _,...... "i"; .unr ';tbe:-ntlZ': br :;;rd. atld. 4tt4,"";. t:n.-...

lhlJC tuaple h t bt world. bJ ':k7"d t ' ~~~l~rt wblch

Wlld.ll'lfl oont\ructhtlJ tor pti.Qt . It 1t t1tt11'1( that on

thlt An111Uot Dar, I &II prh1ltgt4 to ttll you tbat between

ut aNl t v .. t )'!<-.!~~other tot o-nUI'IC our h.htorlo

trlt~hip bt.t 'U~~~c"t~fed.. '••ht"n. Oana4a and. tbt:

" ~ o.u two peopltt, tach 1D4~nden.t tn th-tlYtt, art olctelr bJ t1tt r4 bl00c1 and t o_,n Mrltagt; our t tt.ndtnU

___ "!1'0! ___ .., rill tl1::~1nat• 4luare ... Dt•

aA4 w:utuoDAl!lt rettdot1on• , atl4 ~work to \bt

f<A~ ...... ~t\h ., Canada and. 1/1 tllt !JD1U4 ltatet. --

~ 1--Tne~ ti:Ol<J. .. J:"-•"ell• l•thtttrona••;..tntbe

world, 1t eurpu11 .. praaohiHnu; H u.oel e pod r"ollitione ;

H U better tha n ag:reeanu unfu.lftlltd ,

If we r.e a !liLUon , by OW' pod u .•aple, oan OO'ltrlb­

u t e to t be p .. cerut -ll- bdfll of t he felloq h t p or DU lona , our

CO\U'tt thro• t be yeare wlll not ha'l't been In Yaln. G..J.;x..."1.,

We ebo~e hue prof I ted. by t~ Coo4 ~~~~ of

.....,ot our hlloe -'-riOlUHI toho p.Yt t cetr u .... In -r. 01:t

theee eurf'OW\CI.l~ hUh or Vtr clola '"' nat- tbo11esnde UpOn

'hollllln41 - In tbe last b1Youao or the dead. klow ua, a oroaa

the r t.,.r , we'" a grea t oaplU.l of aa:r eat MHon.

the pan and the preaent untu tn t he pu.yer that

r.!J· . :c.r l y :

'Iho:.o not.u. I h' J t.o ~r ,pt-ro;t Jnde-r \!'IRf LJ~rrobl£ ;re~sure t.n or ... er t.o ;ct. t.hem .lone Ln t.h1e . 1h.t>1r ou u llt.y Ls t.:!orefore not. oulte V.hf't. t v.oull llk:e ... the~.:. to be . lto;·:cvcr , I ht:vc f urn .J tm c:r.cott of "AOrJn (LL<'I.IL 1 , 7b0), l n o r der t t.:lo ~ra~; 1Jcnt 110y ft:1.:i. Lt. uor t.c r to r~lllOVtt tno .:on!'t.JG r ~ ble Jro~s n., w1ll •Jrdo"Jbltdly find, IUIVh • to t:Jd f"urt.:Htr muL.:rL:l. IL nus nol ·..,ecn ro~ ~- LL. J, to fUl>ot. t. t.hc:.c for f.j)i)rovt.l :.o Lnyono e: l :.c .

: l ot:: l ~~.L~.•'lJf .:l' .

IIO'l'D roa nu: PJIS8IDUT'I AIIDIIItiCI: nAT ........

ron aDd l rrtpla•aabl a lOtaaa. Our olUatnl a D4 'tbola or

aorl4 p•oa , 'tbe bopa llld 4rlla of wb1ob bad inaplrtd

UIOtt wbo foua;M and 'tbo" wbo prartd for th• at bo .. ,

bad ban aU&blUb"- aDd fa• 40Ubt..S that u woulc!. bl of

but 111 •o-• paru o f tbl world bl- • raalUr, till

thouekU of ••D. alld _.. &tttaer41d. t.\ J.r.Utlc• Day -

•-r•UoDII lacrtutnslJ wrnl"tOMord the t'UtUI'• aD.d

rll)le breatdowa of our c l 'll'llhaUoll,

n•• •n puled. Holtlll u .. betw• en two naU011• ar•

•o bopetully bu.Ut up after tM Ar•hUc• bu raUed t o

prn•ct t he outbreak of ~ &84 1ttcrU to 11111 .1"

bdna; pru .. d u • builder of oharacur and. tbl ad.'+'antage•

of COIIq\1 .. \ Ul bllD& npl&llll41al thCOUih th .. e raUaolle

b&4 not b•ttl lOiljjl nplod41d. .

r .. ul.ted wtllcb, lf h!t Wlcontroll..S, _, 1ne•UQ)ly

abeorb _..,. lU"&:er propoTttoJY of tbe ener17 an4 • -ltb

of nauon. and wblcb can e lld only ln a 11" bolocauet .

fhetl'nlt..S8tet .. , fortuna.Uly, baa DCtuyetbeen

enau1:tt4 by tbte nn U4e. OUr people u e tra41tlo~~&lly

oppoaed. w t~ eugcerauou ot: tbe .unarr eptru. ~

• •o14allce of: war baa ~• a f~Dt.a-1 bMle of ow-

fonolp pcUcy. I n t bJ.e wa ue a14e4 by ou.r aeograpbtcal

JI'CUUon and tbe abwldanoe of our r .. ourc .. wblcb aheJ(. \Ill

aa unequall..S opportunity to re•t n aloof fro• tbe centro-

•aralee ct le•• happily &UI.I&Ud ~Pltl. •• ba"' :1'01.\iht

wa.relntbecouraeofou%b1no,.,.,bv.tou%pbeDC~~ell&.l%1 ..

tr• a ••11 an4 taeble atate U•1DC by ita tu• and

tUHrlH to a gr ... t pow&% wltb tMda tnunoau ano170l11'1&'

tbe alobe 1ae been poaelble ollly tbJ'OIICb tbl J'&l ... e or

bOWidl a .. enar p dw'lr:& l oq parlocla of paaoe. Ae • • be"'

paaoa 1n all peru ct t ba wo7l4 bu beo011a o:r li"ICiraeUfli

aot on.l7 1:0 o1:r1· ... •Ub a1Cht u4 t o a•o14 "bl& 4ra-

111to•arouruboa, b\ltalao toplQ'alaa4111fPart1atbo

oonotnaot1•• pro-oUon ot world poaoo. ror a oontllr')' ..

ba"'• 10 t 011 OXOIIIJilO 11'1 oonolu41q tl'laUoo ot oona111d1011

afld arb1trot1oa. OllJ" .tato .. a ,.r-Uotp.tt4 aOU'I'olJ' 1a

tor.ulatiiiC tho •ar1oaa .....,, ConnntlOI'Ia, 4oo1p.o4 -t

oA17 to br.iao.oJ.u t.ho ooa41ttollo or ...,. Wt aloo t o ono14,

•• tar •• pooUblt , 1to outbNo.k. •• ••ro unable to ooe&I>O

1a•ol ..... llt 1n tha •orl4 •u, tNt .. tou1bt U not tor q­

tran41uaont or tor oonquut, but tor tiM P\lr'pO .. ot end.11141:

•ar u .. lt. Ilvr1ng the poot- •u 1.,,.,, our Oo .. rn.ent boa

untlr1aW oCJUCbt to ,,_,, peaeo an.O. 1011111"1\7 thl'oq:l:l

tblo rod~>~~tlon ot .,......,.,, b7 toterDOUoDO.l acne.Hat.. It

au1ot14 t.a 1Muauna tho Paot or Parll, b7 which t bl -­

tlono or the oartb oolMD17 roft0\lnco4 ,.... •• ..,. lnatnaaont

o r aatlonal pol1o7, and 1t baa ropaoto417 4oolare4 tbJ.o

Paot to bo t he oomorotoao or t t l r orucn pol1o7. Ullhap­

pUJ, thlo poaoo ottort bu onl7 bun put1all.7 ouoeouf'lll

and b .. t10t W1tMtoo4 the pro11uro or aro•1ar atUt.arua

!be 1;hrea hll1D& wu ol0114e N.Ye br-0\lgbl 1;o 1;be rore

• H11•••« npreulon or \he YliOI'OU dehr.l~~.aUon or

oenU7 adopte4 b7 COfiCN .. , .ad, 1a 1;be Ylll'ln• elepe I

~ ... rouowed elaoe \be nn,..,u or ,.,. wu belftea

lbt eul,J COIICllldOII or ll JIIU .a4 lq\IUable JI'Mt ••

do11nwt.rd lreD4 t.boul4 eonU1111•, h•4 to a n•• l'll•ral oo-

rllo1;, -·or our oUh•a• aH lnollaed 111 belph•e)­

be&rte4 4"JI4r•t1H 1;o le1; •"•r• lak• \Mlr oour•• and

toward. pnpar1q tor tbo oatootropbe \bOJ tb.lolr. 1nn1tobloJ

o\boro •ould ool.lonlJ' or w1tb oublroro1n 1nto11t:'poratt

plau \ hlllr tol.tb 1n U. pOWer or o-.-lo. But all \boll

•UplO..O. IP"'\IJ)I are o -.taor1t7 . ftlo cr .. t -•• ot our

o1Uuno otlll hal ttw oon.,1ot1on that o •or to

111tllllgont ..a.na1U1JIIIII.rob tor tho""''' ott~

'rhlo, t .. cortain,h \be 'l'l .. ot the .... t-JorUJ

t o wbo. abou all \bU U, lo 1101"04 an4 1.0 trtx:. l ..

of lutUot a nd of Ube:rty fo:r tbt o-n -.:~ ~. abo<t"e

all, of ul\a&ta laaUn,a: p•a.c•. If you ••• t he ntedf

to &1,.• J'OUl" u ..... agalll fo:r -tb1q&: cnat..- \ z~.

kno• tb&t war 11 aot lniYU&blt. 111 tb• blu.ory of tbt

IIGJ"ld 1 lntb111ttofOU.J'OIJI IUit~plt,yOU.b&'t"IIIIID

tbe Utldr J'•H•&tloa of 1111111, tM p7o&nn of •unt l

Pli!.Ma bJ aetb.odll of la• a nd. otPr. You• tbU, 1!

tul prooaaua 111 ISoaMUc Uta, lt ..,,, ba po .. lbla a Dd

""' lt lt our tore-oat tl.••~~,t.o O'l'tro- tbl law of \!Ia Ju~~gla

pa·ud 111. tbe aoula !'lOt OtllJ of tbl t orMr ooe& bu.\

alao of all who • ez• of oo-rwotoua .. , wban tba war bap.D.

!o -oat of tb111, tha P\UPOtttd. (l:luaort ~d llorl .. of

' "" 11&•• IIDIH by Unca uulDd - preaa au..S •ltb tbe

• bo re~ t b.U tarrlbh a.ooounUpC an bl&lDnt ,. to tbto

11nborn 11 ooatna; to t ba ton. Tbl oblld.nn 1D our tobooltl,

toto prodll.c \lwa u .r a, the ••11 abo are antarl~ the u.ed


qu1ok .-ployaent iD. ....,., u• pi'Oduot1o11 t.D:l tr•••D40I.UI'tbtJ ue eJI't to look for Moe,pe f.rCIII tbt l!nb11e•e.

of 'Slle bUUertel4. J'onu~~.~t.telJ, tMre u edl!eDCe 011

.ooD0•1o 4epnn1oll &Ill! tne..oW"Uy fro• wblob 1I'U'•taee

tbe )'Wtb of t0<1&7 l n 1U ua.roh for a whe .,.,., r to

una to lt ou.r re.,.otlranoaot 1\& ••U•, "can foaur

rouUa•• •t~cuet ~ ~·· r~oucb tut~uoe te tll•

huoa ot bttto:rr aM tbi'O\I&h III.M 1\lld.a.oc• • • oae turD

routll'• tt:rt•tnp Into .. oblt.Mt~ aQ(!. •nablt 1t

\o uold tbt ptt!alla ot 111-ooul.dtud aad rub aoUon8,

tbf'~Nib OW' own nMplt l .e lwhooatln& p .. cttul p:rocHte-

111 lnt tmaUonal attat:e, 1 11 p-u ac t:t tradtbtp wttb

otbar ottloaa ..s ~u.,. ... u ac OW' to:etp pollor

t.DOWltod&:t tbat lt Will do 1\t l ... :t to• J'd lu.J..q.U.p&

b\11ld1DI • wo:ld tn wbtcb .btrlca wlll dtnlop u•

p:rlcllHt ooat:tlbuUotl to a c lUlhaUoa i n peacdul;tttloa wHb otbu -uou.

Ltt .-~ly d..S t cau ou:ttl"" to tt11.• Gt.U•a&;t118

talk, wb.Ut thtrl lt yet U•t. Let t a Gb :l"tc\U"UDCt ot

tbt• .t.r tlnd ut _,. w:~ lttd a nd -n t®o .. •tul t n can,_

l DC H out., 'II u .. 1bown in tbt patt 'LbU, wbll• WI CUI

ht.4 te •:r aad eta ••tt the -a&T"to:r to tbt lUt di'OP of

01.1' blood, • • bt.Ye'Oteaof ''""'' unt o• to•a.t.tnd to

tb• pl.lriii.U.t ot pf:aot. Mt.y thll ~~"'' bt • • t r:or or ou:r

fu\uu ,


llove~:~ber 11 , 1 9:55, 11. 20 A.U.

Fr i ends and fellow A::le rlcane:

'l'he llvin> memory or the ll'orld War 1a eloae t o

eaeh nnd everY one or ua today. Our thoughts return to

great objectives of the past, even aa the 11inda of older

aen go back to thelr boyhood 1 11 !deale.

lfe Amerlcana were so olaced in those I.'I.AY B that

we falned a per9'1:1ect1ve or the f'l'Oilt '~"orld oonrllct t~t

was perhaps clearer than that or our rellow-aen who "ere

v closer to the scene r>r battl e . For r.aost or the t1ret

three years or the (\7f\r) conrllot "e 'r.'ere Mt nartlel-

pants: but durl~ the !lnal l'lhnae we ourselvu enf:aged

on nany rron t a ,

For that r eacon ~• understoOd, as 'fl'ell

aa any, the cries that •ant up - - t~at t:1e world conrllot

should be made n 'fl'r,r to end "are . 'Je wer e not lnvttded

nor r.ere we threatened with lnvaal"n then o r later; but

the ver:; cHatanoe or our vlew led us to perceive the cUre

reeulte or "ar throurh days or tollo"lng !)eaoe .

The p rt..nar;,- ))Ut';)OIIB ot (this llatlon) ~

Statee; ot A..,erlCI\ l a to avold beln.g drawn lnto war. {Am>lauae)

•1.•r. h01.! ~ .. J"t•, , .... • b.n 1bc \b.,. O.J!J)NI' t r etld!nccc-;y teu.


Ul • n .. u l ... ~1

I" ,. ··~!ll J



- 2 -

(It) ~ seek(e) also in every p raot1cable way to prooote

peace and t o dleoour aee war . (Applause) Except tor those

few who have placed or 'l:'ho nlace te:~porary , aelthh £U.ln

ahead ot national (or) nnd world oeace, the overwhclt~lng

h .. ot American el tl~ens are ln hearty accord wl th these

baalo pollcles ot our Govern.,ent, aa they are also entirely

S)'lllp&thet1c wl th the ef f orts ot other lin tiona to nvo1d tlnd

,!2 end war. (A!)plauee)

.§..9:, nr friends, that la trhy we too have striven

with great c:meleteno:r to a!)9rove stena to re=ove the cauaea

or war and t o disapprove s t O':ll'l token by others to conml t acta

or aC£Tenl.,n. \1e have el thor led or pertor::~ed our full.

part !n every b:,ortMt r::tt~yt to ll!ll t an~ to reduce~

ar ".ll..,enta. 'ite have sought by te a ct and eo1enn con-

nl t:nent to establleh the Un1 ted States l\8 a &oM. ne1t:hbor

Mon1 nat1onn. '.1'e are act1nP. to s1opl1f7 de~1n1t1ons t~nd

facts by callllt(r nr 1 'ift~r1 .-hen llr"·ed tnvaalon fl.nd a result-

But thou!l;h our course 1• consistent o.nd clear, lt

la with dl&II?Qolntl!lent t1.nd sorrow that (we) moat A..,erlcana

contel8 that th.e Wtlrld ' s rftln thu• tar h.aa been anall .

I 'WO•Jl~ not be frank 1f1th you lf I cUd not tell

( - . -

you t hat the dang11rs tha t oontMnt the ruture or mankind

ae a whol e are rreat er to the world and thereto:oe to ua

than the danP"ers l'l'hl oh oont:ront the ,eople or the Unl ted

Statu by and 1.n ther.~ulvea alone .

Jealouelea between nations continue; araacenta

increase ; nn.tlonal Nllbltlone t hat disturb the 'fi'Orld ' e

peace are thrust tonrard. iloet serious or all , inter~

natll':nal con!ldence 1n the sacredness or lntern.~ttlonal

contracts l e m the . (A.,"'lauee)

The ae::~"Jr:r ot our he;"~~ II t 191? nnd 131~

wlth thfl death ot those or us .-ho took part: !t ie, there­

tore, your IUI.Ored obl1F'atlon aM. mine, by oonaeloua , ~

nl te effort, to paea that meoory on to sucoeedlng genera­

tiona. A ner. generation, even l n 1 ts cradle or still un­

born, le co!1ln~r to the !ore. The children ln our schools ,

the younr, men and ,..ocen 'O&es1ng through 01 :r college• 1nto

productive l1te have, unlike ue, no d1reot l<nowledge of

the 1111&n1ng of war. fhey are not i mmune to the r l uour

or wor , to the Ol)l)ortun l tlee to eectme tl"''O the drabne••

and. \'lOrry of hard t11:1ee at ho::~e ln the £l ory and hero1&a

of the arc.e tactor"J an~ the bat·.let1eld. rortunately,

there 1e ev1donce on every hand that the y uth of America,

( - . -

as a rtlole, 11 not trayped by that <elusi on. They know

that elatlon and proaperlt:r 11'h1oh IIAY come from a new nr

au at lead -- tor those •!'lo survive 1 t -- t o eoono1111c and

social colla!>BI mo r e eweepln~ than any we experienced

ln the nast. lr'hlle, ther efore , we canr.ot and muet not hide

our concern tor £rft.Vfl world ~era , and 'lfh1le, a t the aMe

tlr:e, "' cannot and ~mat not b uild "alls around ourselves

and hide our heads tn the sand, we muo t go torVJard wl th all

our strength to atreu and (to) etrlve for lnternat1ona1


In this effort America must and w111 protect her­

ult . Under no circumstance• w1ll th1a !>Olley of self r>ro­

tectlon go to lenttha beyond self yrotectl-:>n. AgV,reeslon

on t'he part of the United State• 1s an lt"'1')onlblllty ln eo

far as the !)resent adclnlatratl '" or your Gov,..rtu~ent la

concerned. Detenaa aealnat aggr aul on by othere - - ade­

quat e defense on land, on aea and ln alr -- la our accept ed

policy; and the aeaaure of thto t datanae la ttnd will be

solely the anount naceasary to aateguard ua ~alnat tha

ar . .~aaenta or others . The more E·reatly they decraaae their

ar~::enta , the more qu1c:ay nnd aurel ;.r shall we dact"ease

- 5 -

In many other t'iolda, by l'rOrd nnd ~ deed, 110

are glvln~ example to the "'::)rld by removlnfl' or lowering

barrlera which lo:pede frlencUy intercourse. Our aol41er

and sailor dead call to ua &CM88 the yeara to 14\ce our

lives effeotlve ln building conatructlvely for peace. It

le flttlnF" that on thla Armlatlce Day, seventeen Yenrs

lAter, I u privileged to tell you that between ua and

a treat nele-hbor, another act oe~entlng our hlatorlo

!rlendahlp hae been a£:reed upon and la being oona\&IUI&ted.

Betfl'een Canada and the United 8tatea exlate a nelghborll­

neea, a ·enulne fr1endeh1p which for over a century has

dispelled every ")a&slng rlrt .

Our tr.o ?eoplea, each independent ln theoaelvea,

are elonly "r..n1 t by ties or tlood and a coecon herl ta£e;

our standards o~ life are aub8t~~.nt1ally the aame: our com­

oeree a.nd our ec::~no:-tle oondtttona rest U!'Qn the same toun­

datlona. Between t'll'o sueh oaoplaa, 1! we woul~ bu11d eon­

atructtvclr tor peace and pr0(;%'8&r , the flow of tntereoursa

should be 11utually beneficial rmd not unduly hamperel! . Each

has '!IUch to ("aln by material pron t (and), by ap1r1 tuttl

proflt, by increased en-ployment throuth the ae~~:ne of en­

larged trade, one with the other.


- . -I am, t her efore , ha!'!'Y to be able to tell you

(on) Rl.cost 1n celebration or thh Amistlee Day that the

Canadian Prl~t~e Lllnleter and I, after thol,l£httu1 discus­

ol on of our national proble:ns , have reached a definite

aeroeocnt Which .,.111 ellalnate dlsagreecenh and unrea­

sonable restrlotlons, and thus wor:• to the advantafe or

both canada and the Unl ted States. ( Ap?lause)

I hol)e that thle f"Ood exa~-ole rill reach around

t he world some ~Rv , tor the ponr ot eood eXIU!Iple le the

strongest rorce Ln the world. It sul"l'}aSU8 preachl:lents;

lt excels good rosolutlcons; lt ls !.fX better than a[rree­

r:lents un!ult1lled .

Ir ,.., as a nation, by our [-ood exnmple, can eon­

tribute to the J')encetul ~ell-bel!lf; or the tellowshlp ot,ns , our C'lurse thr?u£"h tbe yeftrB w111 not have been

ln vain.

\1e l'lho survive have pron ted by the good exaaple

or our fellow A..,ericana "ho ·ave their livea in war. On

these surrounding hllla or Vlrr;inia they rl'lat -- thouannds

uoon thoueanda - - in the laat bh·ouac ot the de!td. Below

ua, acroae the river, we aee a treat ca?ltal or a great


( - 7 -

The '!)&at and the preaent unl te ln prayer that

Arlerlca wlll ever aeek the nya or peace , and by her ex-

uple at home and abroad ll!)cted the roturn of good Will

among aen. (Applause)

f'be l1T1~ •eaory ot t~ WOrld l'ftlr 1a ol..Oaa to each

ot ua t oday. OUr t bougbta return to great objecU• .. or

the , •••n a a the mind. a or older men go back to thei r

boyhood • a ideals .

We Americana were ao placed tbat we gatned a ~rapoct1•

ot the great world conn1ct that na perbapa clearer than

that ot our tallow- men who were closer t o the acne or

battle. 7or moat ot the f irst tbree years ot the uar we

1rere not pe.rUcipants ; but dur1Dg the t1nal pbaaa we

ouraeh'ea enpged on aany tronta .

Per that reason perhaps we understood, aa wall aa any,

the cr1 .. that went up -- that the world eontl1ot aho\lld be

made a nr to and wara . •• nra DOt inTadad nor waN~ ..

threatened wHh 1nYaa1on then or later; but the Tory diatanca

ot our 'f'iew led ua to peroei "f'O the dire reauJ.h or n r


- 2 -

~brouah day a ot following peace .

The pr1.msry purpoee or thh NaUon 1a to avoid beina

d..rawn in~o war . It eaeka also in avery practicable way to

procou peace and to dhoourage war. boept -kthoee rew who

have placed or who place teDporary. ulrlah gain ahead or

national or world peace, the overwhelming tllll&e ot American

citizens are in he&r~y accord wah these basic policies or

our Governmen~ , as they are also entirely Syt.1p&thetic with

~he ertorts or other lleUona to end war.

That i e why we too have etr1ven with great consistency

~o approve etepa t o recove the ceueea or war and to disapprove

steps taken bJ others to co:::mit acta or aggreuion. we

have e1 thar led or pertoraed our full part in every i t::portant

a~teep~ ~o limit and ~o ntduce arr.amen~a. 'Sie have aoush~

by definite act and solemn commltoent to establish

• -. -

the United statea aa a good neighbor among aat:iona, we

ere acting to almpUty det1n1t1one and tact. by calling

war "~far" when armed 1nTaalon and a reaul ting k i lling or

human bainaa tall:a place.

But though our cou:raa 1a oona1atent and clear, it 1a

with d1 .. ppo1nblent and sorrow that we eontua that the

wor ld' a gain thua tar haa been small,

I woUld not be frank w1 th you 1r I did not tell you

that the 4aD6ara that con1'ront tbe future ot unkbld aa a

whole are sraatar to the world a.nd therefore to ua tbftn the

danaera which oontront the people or the Uni tad Statu by

and in tbemaah·aa alone,

J'.-louaiea between nat1ona continue; arma.aenta 1ncraaae;

-. -ne.tionel ambitions that 41aturb the world• a peace are

thrust forward . l.'Oat serioua or all, international

oont'idenee in the aaoredneaa or international con tTacta 1e

fte aoDOry ot our bopoa or Ul7 and 1•ne 4hs ri tb

the d.ath or tho .. ot ua who took pert: It 18 , tberetore,

your aaor~ obligation and mine, by oonso1oua ettort, to

pe.aa that raeaory on to aucooeding genera. tiona. J. new

gonaretlon, •••n in Ua oradl.e or at111 unborn, 1a collin&

to tho tore. The children in our acboola, the young man and

women paning through our colleges into productive lite have,

unl1l<e ua, no direct knowledge or the meanina or war. The:r

are not iJa\u!.e to the gl.UIOUr or war, to the opporti1Dl ties

to escape from the drabnen and worry ot hard t1mea at hcae

- . -in the glory and heroism or the anu factory end the

battletleld, Portunately, there h eYldenca on eYery hand

that the youth or Alllar ica, u a whole, h not trapped by

that delusion. Tbey cow that elation and proaperlty which

may come trom a new war muat lead - tor thoee lllho aU1""1'1To

1 t - to aeon0111c and aoclal eollapae more aweep1n8 than

llll3' we have erperiencad in the paat . While, therefore, we

cannot and l!D.Iat not bide our concern tor graYa world dangers,

and while, at the same time, •• cannot build walla around

ouraalYu and bide our baada in tba M nd, we auat go forward

with &.11 our atre~~gtb to atreu and to atr1Te tor

international p .. ca,

In thh artort ~rica muat and rill protect beraalt.

Unhr no clrcwutances wUl thia pol1cy or .. lr protection

- . -go to lenstha beyoDd ael:t protection . Asgraulon on the

part or the Ullited States la an 1apou1b1l1tr lnaot'ar aa

the present adtlin1atrat1on or your Gowarnmeat la ooncerned,

Detanae agai nat aggression by others -- adequt.te de!onao on

l&nd, on sea and in air - 1a our accepted policy; ani the

••auro or that Aetenso 1a aod wUl be solely the amount

neoaue.ry to safeguard us against the aruament• ot other a.

The ere greatly they decrease their arlllllll&nta, the IIIOH

quiokl:r and surely shall we decrease ours.

In llllUIY other tlelda, b;r word ud dead, we are gh'ins

enJD:ple to the world b7 remoYing or lower1na berrlers wbi)c

impede tr1endly intercourse. our aoldier and Milor dead

call to us serosa the years to Uke our liTes attaot1Te in

bu1ld1na; conatruot1valy tor pMoe. n 1a tltt1ng that on

- ' -thiS Al"D.1St1ca Day, I am pr ivileged to tell you that \

between ua and a groat ne1sbbor, &DOtber act o•onting

our hbtorio triendship baa been agreed upon and h bei ng

conaw::mated, Between canada and the Ull1 ted States exists

I a neigbborllnesa, a genuine fi1andah1p which tor o•er a

century bas dillpelled nary pea81ng r!rt .

Our two peoples , each independen'\: i n themaelvee, are

cloaoly bit by ties ot blood and a coi!D.on heri tage; our

atandarda ot Ute are subetant1ally the sao; our collllleree

and our aoonolllio coDd1t1ona roet upon the same toundationa.

Between two auoh peoples, it we would build conatruottvoly

tor peace a nd progress , the flow ot 1ntercouree llho\ll.d

be autu&lly benetict al fUl4 not unduly bu~red, !acb baa

- . -aucb to r; b;r aatar1a1 profit and by increased employaanJ

t hrough the ot eDl.a.rged trede , one wlth the other.

I e.a, t b eHt'ore, happy to be able to tell you ou

A.rmlat1oe Day that the Canadi an Prime Minlater and I, aft er

thoughtful di scuadon ot our national problema, ba· ... reached

a definite agreement which will eliminate u .. greeaents

I and unreaeonable reatriotiona , and tbua work to the

\ adYu.tasa ot both Canada and the OD1te4 St.ataa.

The power ot sood a.z-..pla 1a the atrongcat toroa in

the world. It .urpass .. pre.cbmeDta; it uoala goo4

reaolutiona; it 1e better than agrah:ll8nta untult1llad .


It we aa a naUon, b:r our good a~la, can contribute

- . -to the peacatul well~betng ot the tellowahip ot natlona,

our couree through the :reera will not ban been ln ntn.

We who a\U"\'l'r& ba•e prot'1te4 by the good axuple of

our tallow .lmerlc&na Wbo ga"Ya their 11vae ln war. On

these wrroundlng hl lle ot Vlrglnla they r .. t - thouae.nda

upon tbcu .. Dda - ita the last bhouao ot the dud. Below

ua, aoroee the rl"f'er, we aea a great capt tal or a great


The paat and the present unite in the prarer that

AJ;erloe will aver nalc the waya ot peace, and by bar example

at home and abroad apMd the ruurn ot good will aons .. n.

1M¥ b-. or soiMII .. -.~. • · I •H.J. be ... a.Ueble at.

an:; U.. if I can to. ot' l\lrther a:u1atanc•.


Wa ••• 1•~ bl" ln tba 1hrlna

uectad in bonor ot t.M pat.riot1c Nrrlca ot

Ulo .. wbt ha•• NT"'ad Ua1r coun\.rJ in U..1 ot

S.•antla 1Mr8 &JO on th1a d.e.7

crea.ta1t. conflict tbl.t tba world bl• .,.tiT mown

••• •Ullld, aad ow- count.r)' wit.b t.he Qtber

Mt1QD8 rljQ1Citd 1n 1tl lnd1Jll. 'Ill ha,..

catblrld. Mr• to e1llbrat.e that occall101l Uld

t,.o do ~ t.o tboM, bot.b tbl lhinC Uld tbl

dead, who then so courace~;>ullr ''"'" our n.t.i~;>n.

Down t.hroua:b o~~r h11t.or7 tro. the

••b.i.Jllt.on b \.he pnNDt Uae, ow- couat.ry bll

honored 1t.1 vateran• lllitb boWltT .rul. lpec1al Our veter~m• OCCUJ17 a lpeo1al place ln t.he

&1Dd1 aftd bl&rt1 ot our c1USIII.I unexcelled by

aliT otblr uoup. The title "vetlnn" 1e u

boaorad UUe 1n our COWit.rJ.


wOIMitl • bo t.•e lerTtd 1J1 nr baa cone beJODII

.. ra worda. The ~uon h .. all&rded -b in •

.aterlal Wl.1 - penalona, CDIIIptnMtion, ln.u.rance ,

t.rai.niJig, .-plo,.ent and boaplt.allut.ioa. !be

nu-bera wbo Heehte benet! ta and a.ounta in coat

co t u be7ond a etm t&Q" to conceh'e . To •hat

MT " attribute t.b.ia fH1..1nc ot reward oa U.

part of our peoplAI to tbo .. wbo ._..._ aerTed~

In .y judpMt it h7 be a ttributed to one

thing &ltd one thins onl.J', and that h

pat.rloUc desire of our people to ch'e recG~Di­

tlon to thoae wbo !w.Ye •t tbe Maheat teet ot

oltbenehlp, that 11, the wil..llneDell to ""'

one' 1 country wU.bout ,..,ard to .aoritlce.

It 11 ealnently tU.tlnc: tnat

orcanlsaUooa ot NrYlce - - ora&D.lsaUoaa

111.1cb • • the laerlollD lA&lon under •boae

auaplcea today theM aervlcee are held - eholilit

we a l.a.tlin.&: ~rt 1a .-pbaaldQC tlM 1"ul..l


a~1!1c.nce ot Ara.i8Uce Oa)-, -.nd 1ll bTU.,:illr

ua t;ocetber 1A 1"41Tennce and reapect !or thoH

whoM pat.rtoUc eerTlce too t»1r count.ry

r .. u.ltltd 111. t he erec tion or t apll'l'ldld :wliOrll.l .

Here at tho t.ollb ot the 11llknown

Warrior, a hero •bodrin& t he bl&:but ldeala

ot p!l.t.r1oUM, •• are realad..t dt.h U. ~·•lnf

of ;ye&rl alnoe tbe l'l'orld liar, ot the

nspons1b111Uee which have deYGb!Jd upon 1.11.

All you or t he Lei:lon M•• rro~~n older, both 1n

yware nd up~rlence , Jour 11\tl~e baa

broadened Mel rou oc:cuw poal.Uona ot publlc

trust ln. your own cO!!LliUnttlu •• ""'1\. ~u1 in the

nation. Yc:r.u- interests cover loll incr ea.inl lT

&r•ter !hld ln chic att&ire . loiU' ~bereb.1p

tloda Ua .... b ee iD poelU&.:Ia or Cl"Mt.el"

1"411poliS.I.b1Uf.7 and t..portance . More and .ore

each da7 we find 't'llt.e.rane in t.!w tleld of

leaderablp, aot t.h1a u.- Oft t..'w thld ot t.t.Ue

but. in t.he field of peace U.. p.arw.It.a . It.

ill Qll t hat. it. aboul.d be thuD, becauee I teel

it. 11 1.n this lead.rablp that I can - for

701.1 v-atar opport\a'

Tbua , by tlw exaaple Nt b7 .. n •bo

blt.Ya Nr-ta<l thalr CO\U1t.r,Y in •hat.eve r JIIUUI,ft"

<luriD&" t.~ •ar, \a exuple Mt for 10W1I

.Uerlca t.o lo"• and Hapect. our and

our nq. Tbe 1deala ror .. rdoa .. n or all OlU'

..ra, and .,r• parUcularl:7 the or tblo creat. conflict, ara clear}J' Mt out ln

the pra-.blu or pract1o!!.lly all the conat1.tll­

t1oaa or tba oraa.n.J.sat.1on11 or wet..rana. They

are t.he apectr1oaUoaa of JOO.I oiUsensMp.

Ab1d1n, bJ thea •oo1l.d lea"' no bash or

&r,wMDt •1 thl.n our o.n Colll'lt.ry tor disloyalty,

tor Mlt'Lahneaa, tor Jre«<, or tor "llY or tboM

t.hlnca tl•t cauM -..n and nat.1ooa t.o d!trar ao

nr1o.1aly .

Tbo .. wbo bave tought tor their

count.r)", cirlai tbe cnateat eT!deoce ot

t.rue oitbenahip, are those ebo de:sire t.o

lhe at puce both at boN and abroad . I

t.el ctmfldeot tbtt it is t t.1r MJ"n .. t

dn1re that torae lonNl.a ~ .orked out that

peace •1 ever be Mlnt&ined.

Our ettort. tor an adequate !Mlt.ioMl

defeneo are baaed upon tM.t ..._ daa tre,

r .. u, aa we do tbl.\. reepect. tor our richta

•• well aa the richta or ot.bera, rupect

ror our oltl:l:ena IUid our llac , •• •• are

dlllnc to rupect \.be c1Usena and tbll llllfll

ot ot.bau, brlni: the a~~rea\. aa.un.nee or

peace an<J t.ranqu.ili\.7.

Our c1t.1sana desire to be builder•

1n peace whlcb will reWt 1.n cr-ter procraaa,

e:ln ~t.ter bolw'te, ll"Mter happlneu and

creater opportua1t7 tor e.l..l our ~pl.a.

ntle 0\il'• 1• • till • 70UZ1C nation, .any

opport.un.ltiee u. at.ill aYailable and ot.bera,

I u oontldent, orlll be de'l'eloped 1n ordor

t.b&t. •ll 011r .,.ople • 111 ht.'l'e opportunit.J

1.D lncr.a• abundance . 11lere h wlt.hin

t.boee Mrrice oraaniu.Uoa• here

t.ock,y t.he power to • lal.J.,J help in ~

A creat.r nat.lon ud • M.ppler people.


••••• lltMred 1.a u. lhrlal

-w 1A bonor or u. pu.rloUc Mrrico or

tl'lo .. •ho hll•• .. ~ oouat:J..,. 111. U..o or

'"-~ ~· lfO - t.hil clq u.. cr-tut OOilt'Uct Uat U.. .... u bu ...- mo.a

• •• otlllld, ud 011r c01mtry •U.b U. otMr

utloao roJoicld 1z1 ltl eadl q , •• hi.•• 11U.Z0od bero to colebrat.e t.hlt oocal1011 ud

to cia boaor \.o LboM, botb tbe UY1Ac 1D4 ~M

died, .m u.n .o cour.&IOII•lT Mrftlll our -uon.

Do- thro\Aib OW' b1otor7 fro. tt. t..ortal

luh1qton '0 pre-~ u..., our oOUAtrJ bl.o

boaorld HI .. toruo dtb boullt.J' aDd IJIICIW

oaro. Dill' ••t.eraal OOc:vpJ a opoolal pl.a.ol 1.a tho

lli.Ddo ID4 Mlr~• of our clU••• unuc:ollod b7

...,. otblr 1r1111p. The tltlo ••• 11 1.11

.laoaored t1 U. la 0\lr oouatry.


Our aolloi t.ud• t or tho•• - a.Dd

-- • bo • •• · ·"" 1Ja •ar .... con• blyoDd

Mrll -ord1. TM naUon hal a-..rd.t -b 111 a

•t.rb.l -.:r - s-ftatonll, ~-uon, 1a1W'ano•,

trai.atq: , ~o~t .net hollpi\.aUNt.ion. The

1\Ya~rll who r ec1111'1 blftef 1 t. .nd NIO\Ul.t.. 1a oo11t.

10 tu- b.70Dd • - .. .,. t.o conoei'l'e . To •t.t.

_,. " a\t.r1WtA t.hl• r..u.n, or r~ 01:11 the

pe..r t or our peopb to tho .. • ho M.n ••~?

lA e:1 J~t 1\. _, be •tt.ributed t.o oae

Lh1Jic Uld -· t.btq OD11 . and U..t. h the

patdoUc d 111h'11 or our people t.o ch • r.oopi­

Uon t.o .. • bo '-•• Mt tb• h1fh .. t t..t. of

o1Useeh1p, ~t 11, the tJtll.t.peu to ....,..

01111 111' •tu-_t NCard to .. or1t10IIo

It. 11 Mln.atly tltUq t.lw.t

M.~Gh •• the MnioM Lq;1on Wldw .,....

• ..--,toe• toda7 tMH Mrnc•• are btoldl - Pould

\.ale a leadizla: pe..rt 1A .-ph .. hine: tM tvl.l


11p1t~ouce or u.teUoe 0..,., and lD bTiqt11

ue t.ot•\.bh> in II'W9'e'r -.e. and ... epeot tor t~M

•hoM p&t.rlOUO Mr"t'iCI t.a t!vlr COUIIt.z'7 in t.M erfiOU~ or th1, 1pleodld aeeorial.

!61 ... et t.M t.o.b or U. Ueblo-.n

WalT lor, a Mro •'bod!iDC t.M hit Mat td-ltl

or pat.rloU•, .. a re r..lllded ortt.h the paaat.a.a

of YM.l"l dftOI tlw World •ar, O( t)» JTN\er

raapona1b1llt.ha a hlch hi" deTOlY...t uptm all,

1.1 J"''.I ot U. r..,ton bna vo-n older, botb 1n

r-r• nd axperl«!.CI, 7011r utlu.H~Ca bu

~enild IIAd you OCCUP7 polti tlou ot pu.bllo

Uuat la your o-n c-Jtlal 11.1 •ell • • in the

uUoa. tow- tn\.l:r .. ta an inor-IJ.qlJ' t1ald In o1~1c d't&lra. tour -bwHilp

tlada t.h_h .. 1a poattJona or c:r-t.r

reaponalb1Ut.)' Mod t:.por\.uloa. lion aDd .ora

.. cb da.7 .. find yat..z-•n• ill t.M 1'leld or

but 1a t..he t1eld ot U. punu1t..e. It

11 .. u tt.t. 1t ab!Nld M ttu., bloauaa I !Ml

1t. 11 1.a t.h11 l.Md.orlh1p t.bat I caa - tor

70U araater opportuniU••·

nua , "" u. ouapl.e .. t. '1:17 - ••

ba.e Mrred their CCIIUilt.rT 1a .taat.qr ~~Mnar

duriziC •u1 h tb• OZUf!ll Mt. tor J01111C

ber1u to lo•• -.nd HIJ*1t Olll" 001atr7 &ad.

!'bit 14Mll for • .,.,.1oa - of .U. ou:r

...-a, IUid atOn pu-Ucul.arl7 tM 1dMll of tM

laat cr .. t. con.!Uct., ua clMrl7 Mt. out 1ft PT ... bl•• of ~Uoalb all ttw oonaUW..

t.ion1 of t.hil oraa.n1MUona ct•n•. fhq

aro U. apec1!1cauoaa of 10011 o1U•-.s•h1p.

Ab1cllitc by t.~ Hllld lea,.. ao t.ah ot

v~t. dth1n ou:r own oo~mt.r)' tor d1al.oyalt.y1

tor Mlt1ata•••• tor rreolll, or t or ..,.. of thoN

t.h1.1t&• U.t. CIUM - and to d.lttar 10


ThoM wiJo .1-.11'1 f01o111M. f'or

e-t.J7, airloc U. cr .. wet nldeaoa ot

t.rU.I lliUIWIIhip, &rl t.hoN wt.o delirll to

U•• •t pMCI both 1\. ~ and a~. I

r .. l cOAild .. t. Ulat u. h their' Mrlleat.

da1ira U...t. .- Co~ ~ .orhd. out that

peace_,. '"w- be -.l.Qt..lJI,.J ,

Ou.r ettort.. tor .n ..:lequaW uUoM.l

dllfiiDM ara bued upon tblt ..... d11lr1,, u .. do UroloL ra~\. tor O\U' rl&bt.a

11 ••ll 11 the rlabtl of ot.Mr1 , re1peot.

!or O..u' an4 OIU" fla&1 II I I U'l

J)MOI 1.1\4 lr-.qulUty,

Our olU .. t~.a dnire \o be bu.lldere

in PMU 1h1ch dll ree\llt 11!1 prop'1110

&h• boiM11 &rMt.v t-.ppln••• and

v .. opportullity tor all our p.opla.

~h ow-1 11 1UU • )'OUIII ne.Uoa, ..U7

oppor~ Ue• ,,.. •UU aftJ.labl• and o~Mr1 ,

I • • contld.eot, rill M d••~p.t in ord•r

UJ.t all our p!IOple dll ha•• opport.unlt7

1A 1BCr-•.tna aburidanc•. !ben 1• • 1thb

ltiOM 1..-rto• orcAluUoae a•U.rtod her•

~7 tbe pol"~ to -tu1dly Mlp iD •tine

• I I'M.ter na.t1011 and • happier pMpb.

"TA ...- .... ~,-s f.'!LE

.:> ho.-tha nd By l<;:mnee ~ .. 11,1~

,_, .... , .U.htaa\ IHNUt1 ~ U.el'1'"14c\

' -n.e Unac ,_,..,or u... -,..1., -_.,.. b ... c..oe ~-)lot • \oll&:7. O.r ....,..., .. ,..,,..., <O~tot>,..un. ~ \lleiiiOt,- u QA mllllll orou ... -to-~ \II t~~elr to,....ood'e 14•1••

"'"...,_,, ...... re.., rleeg/~!. o-t•i • ren,..u ... or t.te v-t ..,ru .-.d'llu ~·n,... pel"be.;oe u.......,. u,.., \Wt or OW" tel~a ••n.reel••~ <0 \:oe....,..ot'boott)e, ,.,._tot t!oetirot u.,... ,...,.. ottw ••niOOtp:orUcl;euo;blltlw'lwU...t'l-.lpheooM~•l'No

Ollta(toiiOII 1.!'7-U•

7«'1-MireuoDI'I~•" Widlrltoo4 , 11"ll.., uJ,Ill•c~lu Ullot •nt u~ -· l.'l.u n, .,., ,~ oootH<1~ .. '\011.1.~ ".-41 • .... 1.0 ud • ..., •• a OU'O 110\ l"n104 .ll<'r "'"' •• t..~ruu"" •ltll 1~1'fiiiOII \Ilea or llller ; but

""" "ry dleto""• <Lo,...dn-lo<luo \o per"l"' 1-ho<llre ... w.uor•u tlu"Oa(ilda.~oot'follo..-tncl"'•ce.

'i'!llfrl .. r:r~•ot~ll\ollYOidbola&4u"" luo...-. '"' - d llM Ill 1'1'11")' ;>,_UI~eblo HJ \II pr-tll pMOI 111<1 t o <IUODIII"Ilil:l Ot.r. ~"'Il ftrt.-e r .. - ll&ft phct4 or ell!> pioN I~U)', Hlrloll eoln­of • ., -.or:.d ,..u, "- o'Nn' ...... or A-.,._rt_ eut-• ..,.. h .. .,.t)' eoeOl'<l oltA ti"Aoo Maa ~1<1111 ot...,. c;ooo,._,, u t.t1r .... •ho .,11,..1/ 'li'PI""""• olth U.• efforu ot 0\'-r *'')"• '"2- _,.,

!bot h &J .. -Jan ·~- •1111~ .. , ......,,J...,. \o _..., .. '"''* "" .........-~ 11-.e •·-• ot.,... - \II <lhr, ..., olla;o tekoa bJ ou.-. to -~ ~1!'~ •~ "l:tT•IIor. · ... ....,.,. 11\lllr hoi ,.rt~...,. run :-r' t• .......... ,_ ...... , 1\1 .. \ '<> lUol\ ·- <0 -· ......... ~. ~ ...... H<ll'lll b)' 'kfllllll IU- ..,._~-~to 1e1-ll\JIIII U.. l/llltHIJ;otH u e ~ -IO:.tlor - .. utl?ftl, 1 uo IC'h& u el:lpllt)' <lotlr.ltloa. u4 recto ~1 alllll.,..-_ .. ,..,..,....""'" ''-"h.YP'-Ino•..:lo..-..l \la~<, H111 .. ot'II11L111beiiiQI I.MeJl-.

~\ 1.1>011·" O".U cou..~H Ill OOMIIIlem~ NIO! deou·, U 1' wl~~ .U .. Jl!'OIIIt­-~ I.Od oor~ ...,.~ 1.!'fi!OH lbot lho world ' ' £11.11 u .... U r 11.11• l>loo:: .,..u.

I woolll.d aot be fr411;: 11\..'1 1'0\1 Lf I A . ! Wi1 ~0\1 li:ll ~ 4MpU ""•I oo~trcoa\ \.fto t'uLur.. of' -~'rid· ' ·~• 1....,,..., to tl!~ "'orld nM Ulouforl \o ua Ulu t~.o 1M.~ en •·""-' GOIIi"I'0!\.1 t..'lt potO~U ot lll• llllllld Skl" b) u~ L• ,._..11"" lll.ono .

1 .. 1.,...111 111\Hn 11&\1- IUU-~ a.--. IKr-t ... ll; •ll~ -uo~· ll>el nu .. ,. u.e,.,·11' • ,..M .,. tllo-.1 to..-rd, 0111 .. ,,_ <1t :!L;..~ =.·1-1 _n, ... el 1~ ,-.. •~r-4• .. or l e ... n.r<r.oM-1 -t.rocto I•


_,. •• (>

'nla_..,. oL-~ootliU~Oll4.1 .. rttb ~.,._u.ot-or•-t.-pt.n, u, u.. ... r-, ,.,.... MC"<t ot.Uco~loa ...t Oitac, 117 -:ret- ,rrort, t.o put tru.t --r1""' w .~"C: .-... u~. ~ - ,.._"'"""'• "-' 1a lU c....Ue o:o oUll ~m, b -u,. u ~ tore, tt. cblld,.. 1a .,.... Hboola, tiM ~~- ....s- ,.. .. ,lit! tbf'IN&b '"" ~u .... uw p ......... u ... u r" bw., ... a~~:e .... - 41...,t k-t· «.pot\ho-:.w; orMr. ~ONIIOt.lw-tou.o,a...,..,. of,._r,l.oti'IOiopport.I.I.Hloot.o...:a""f""' dt'llbnut..-d ~orry of llari t\.llls a t llc.t 1ll ttlt clol')' t...S h t i"'I,. or tiM araa hcW<7 """tho batt,brtdcl, Port..w.t..l)-1 \JhcN t1 ••l~Hic• on..,,..,. hM<I tMt tbt ,ou1JI of ._.rloa, u 1 "'~bolo, b not ""'~pit<l b;r\.batde!wlon. 'nl-.· U.Or tb1tohUon -. .. d. J>IO•potrl.ty Y!llcll ....,. c... r,._ 1 - ·or ol>.lt l ud - for ti>~:H mo ""'" 1t- +.o -.-tc an<! HCI.t fi>U..,... 1'10"" , .... :dnl: U\u ~ .,.. "'" t::q>erl~ ill tlwo pan. tb Uo, u..r~ro ... , ,. -t u4 .uat not 111\tl oW' CICH'ICtm tor era•• oorld ~an,

....S ""'lh, at th" - t~, .. - bldU ral.h II"'O..IOd 0111'­Ml¥u Uldb.t~ our~ bo u... hlld, .. .,..tool-rd rttllo all o~r otrtiiC'.h t.o n ..... -.1 n..-h• :or !nW..,.tl.,...l -· rctbta.:tort.botric•....,;t......tri!.l ~ro'-K"tloo......,lr.

OrJHriiOdrc.aat.aDeU.,.Ill thUpoll'l:J'1ol Wlrpi'.W.:U""' eo too l~.&~CtM bt:;"~ Mlt prot.KUo.o. A.,r,..octor."" ti'A ~l'1. or U.. !Ont\.N St.o.t.:o u"" W(.onL.!U•1 taaofa· ·~ tht p......,t -.Lid:Jt.raU?J~ or~ eo..:-t u _....,,.. . .... ren:a qUnn oorJrH~to.:~ b,- ot.l\4" - adequat. O..tto~:• _.. ~, .. ,.;, ..., ... and: 1n air- II "W" """"-Pt.d paUCJI.....! :.!'.• ...,., .. ,,,.. uf tha~ <k!'..,SI 1~ u:d rill b~ .alol)r tho-,..,~ ~ e. ..... r:- !<> o.l-lt.--rd ,.. "'alnat Ui<.:J • .___.~ofotho.-.. !t.eDOro,...,.tlJU"'J do.<:I"<UO ~;~ ~.....,..,_t.., the,.,,.. q••klr.l: 111o.l """I.¥ l<li\U •• dee.-..~n

tn ...aey o'..!le• t\ol<l:l, b)',.,.., 1114\~Md , ·o IN .,;l Ylr.o; oxa,-~o t.o t.~o l't>rlJ b;: !'Cn>Yln;: o~ l ')<'IL-1.n.: barrt<trl> •111<:11 ~" :rtv<I.J.¥ 1nt..,..,..ur ... (Nr ..,lJio.r an1 Mil<>r 4u~ ua

_.Y t.o '" ,..,ro .. 0to ,. ..... to :u.i<• o•~r lh<-1 crr....,~t" 111 L11-Udtrc

11 0' ~t~..!~;~t!~~:::'~J\~ ~~~~~!t-~: !~·-~.;:~.,.

~l.Vbo~. """'!boo-:- oct -ttJoc...,..l-htorJc trt~phl• ~ a.c:"'lll...,.., ~ h b"i.Jo.l--~. Iota- c....a.s. u.j U:.. lll:tt.oJ SVIAI c-n.-u I »l.d"t>orUM;u, "r->ll\l.a !r!.~ ~ ..,tr~ tor ......-r c ....,"".,.baa dJ~I•o tW:T !>0:1~111: rUt.

0.... '-' peo;>k•, ~t"' u.-~. ... ~ ..... d.oa.lJ'IlllHt.,. Uuotbl-....:l • eoao~~blr!.IApl "''<' .~n~.o or ur . .... -. -::t-ar.thll;r I..Y ...._., o...- -rcc u .....-....-o.olceondH.Iou,....,tu,-u.. ..,..r......s."t"""'. lit- t"" .,.m MOPlU, I! ... -w ~Ill tel C<ou:.nocthel)r fer puco ...::1 ~I'O!;NU, the flo- or lii~..COU.r" ""->->l.J bo • 1Wf.lh ~ttc\al. and DOt LPII1l,y ~I'M, loldo. bu ll.ld\ to

:!:~~~~/ .. .!i..ri:./~~:'l~·:;~~:-:~l~t ~,..,~tho Ia~~,\lo•r('foN,h4JY.IJI.oH11bh•.ot,.-lly~" ._

Arat•Ueco n.t U!a~ tl,o C~t•.n l'rta. :lht1ttGr ....:1 1, ~ ... ~,l'lll. dhCI>U iom or oor n.otlonal rrobl- , h•,. Ntdo-.i o 4e~1Jiltl -c.....--,t ~c:!l rill olb~ nat.a <'h"(ru••entl: ....S

;:::~\.~'~.:~!~ ~:~~ •~"' 1.o \bO or

:Y no. JI'O'O"&r or DH4 •XIIIIIPll Ia 1.1a uro~n ro...,. 111 :-:-,7o~:;. .. t:~~=;:il~.u"b £-' ruolot.lo•;

It w u & •\101>, tit OIU' ~ &'*'l)h, ..., -ll'H.II"' to Ur.& pw.oatlll "U-lHolll,ll or U.O fllln&lllp or uuou, ow-00\lf'U tlu"o~ tbt :t .. n wU1110tb••w• h <niD .

•;,""" aunha hna protHH bJ "'' IIOOd uaq:~la or Ololrfalloor.....,rie.,..'lll:top."'thoolrHftllnau. Ontt..uour­I'OIIIId.i.OCb.l.ll&cfvtr&lnl&t!I&71'MI•Uo:nl .. a<I&\I!)ODt--l ­I& \M l&n tll~e or tile 4toad. lllllo- M, uro.. \II& rlnr, .. - &-tDirpli.UOf&t)'K IMUOII·

tbo pe.U alii! Ul& prK•t la&lU I& \.11& prQU tllal

~~ ~ ~ -:=..!·--::~p~~--:,rr =-=~~· tl

( I • 1 t_

.. i~ ~ 1 • ii!•, •"~ .t ~i s!~ ., => ;lii ~· ·-· ;;,s. !Cij!;i f· • ; 1H ~ ~~ 1i ' . :l;~ ;i'j5 ·~- ;•j •! ;~i Hi ~ t~ :• ~~~~ ~;!~ s~~~;~ ~!2 !!1-o ~J Ji; i!j d H ~ ' .J !.Hi ' p !"!'! l3~aH• 'E '" ! ·'

i !i .. . ;i i;:, ;:~~ ;·~w hl;!H ~~ ~H ;n A j ~ • •;•e •••• ''f ' "'lhl •· -~!. j" !a; !- i •; :i!~ ··-··~ i!' .~; ~. i.· .-~:! H ' ;! dj. -~·! ;j;i'~ • ; .• =! 1 •• :~ :~; ....

. ~~ ~l!i h1~ P!J!~ ·~:n!: !i ;g ~·! ,._ .s-: i !~z . ~<~.:i l-; 3s ''···" !s~,: .. 1 i~ ,.·' i'i ~~~ • Lj 1}". ,~:, :i'!;: 5t• 1 :!: •· ••! .l ••! ~ · !~; ;·~! l!;~~ ;nm j;wn ~~ m !i~ :•s. ; '.::a , iH ,i l" 'I'<' ["•i' ! . . ·),! a• h!, !.i ''Q ~ ... a .. . r 1 K.! ... s 111'" .. s ••• s 1-:1:!

·~ •• ,a..; !•111 .ttlp ~•ljh1 " =••• 'si h~ . • , •<"! ···" •••• , •. , ·-· r .... ·-I d; <~·· j 0· · ' < : · l~j ,. ' ·~ ! :p•• i•i !:!e: . :•. 11;a , •H• ~•i•it ·j•i1• -' .:•J ii" ••• ••• ··~ ••••• ~.-j!· l ..... . .. -!'· ··!j . ~ !~

Ji .... ;• .• .: .. ,. 'l I H! !! • -··j .. ., '1·"•1 --;; !~ 1 ·~~ "'• ., "'f .tl- lt'- ... ... .... . -·-:S § H &f, h!s :ii>Ji ~hHH i H: 1'la


'ftle _,.,. ot ow~~ of ltU .OlDli <Uo• t1.UI twdMt!oofU.OMot•otootookput• Hlo, U...rtofO<>< , ,.....,.

MC....t •U&-u""' ...t - · Q -~- '"''""• to,.., l<>··~ -'l' .. to .............uoc c-... u...,. •-r-... u .... ( .. .., u h.o a....Ut or ltiU ld>ol'!> , 11 -utc to tbe ro ... 'ftle et.Lld,_ 111 oor ubooll, tbe 70lmf: - and- pUtiD: til....,.. our oollto1H1nt.opi'Cid""'t.1n1Ueh.w•,,.,l.U<e"', IIO<U""t~l­edf:• or U.o -w. or ..... '!t1o7 ue n.ot. L•~a• to Ule ~ ot ..v, to U.. owort...,t un to ncep,. r...,. tbt dl"'buu and •orryotllard. t~en ll-111tlltllo'7M<ihef'01Motthe anufotetory.,JU.eht tlef iol d , Fort-W>lT, tl>tNil ..,ldotncoon..-t'7 11<tDdU..ttllo'ouU.ot.U..rloo,u e .tlole, lenottn~b7tha.t delua10D , Tllt;'knorfbat. olatiOII t n d ..,._ f.....,,,...,.. ,,.nlt..:l--tor ~e tt.o IU1"11n U - t.o ...ancm1c .. ut Meld coU&ti'Oe N>l"' -;Wlf: Ulaa Wff " bawe upc:'l.«>e" 111 u... pUt. •uo, u.. ... r,,.., ,. -twa~~~otroothldcow-collc...,for ii..,.Yin:orld~ ..... , 11101 ll'hlh, at \II• - u-, .. -t. buJ.ld ~~ ero.d ""'~'­Ml"' -bid. our hllCid. 111. U.e ....,.. , n m.t 10 fo'""rd ::,.~ ,,... etnorcth t.o etr.r.• and to nn ... r~ 1nt. ..... u-l

Iat.b.i&.tfoM.-rtca-tud..taO)f'OI.oletiMrMlf. O.S.r 110 circ':IU-1 Llll Ude poll~ <I( ltlt Pf"'I.eCU.., ao to lcacthe b«'J'<<I'd ..U pi"'~Llllll. ~Nut.."" U.. ~rt ol tbe l,lolwd S\.atw b.., ~•U>lU~ li!Nt"ar u tM ~\ 141lWUnW."" or :r"'Q' Qooo,...._, b -..omM. o.r-~l •'"''""broU...r• - - .s..q•t..<ie!'.,..,.onl-.l, .... ,.....,.,_ Ul alr- 11•p~ pollq1 ao4 :h41•aw,•t w­l a....trUlb.,..,lelrth•Q)Witn-.•• 17""'Af...,.1"4w: oopi.Jinthes....-..u otothen . ltle.,,.lro&!.lrUM)odotc~ue

:;~~ ~ta, t..'w l:IO ... e<\&lekl.r Wid Nl'l'l)" 11\ftU q oleei'MH

Jna~~r.:Jo'!.herfhl<t.,br.-ord llflddMd, " '~'~ c1•1"1 _,ltt.ot.heror ldb;r....,.. .. u.;orl<r.,M.n..~:berrhn•hleb I.Jipoode trtM<IlJ' !.ltt..orcuur ... o..~ .olJ<o;r ~o~~<l. ••Uor doa-!1 u.ll 1.o 111 a<Ol"CCU tho., .. ,.. to ...te otu li""a altKL~"* ill buUdillC COOUit....::U ... l)o tor puce . It h tHUq: :.hat on !.'1.11 .l.r~uuce ~. I .,. !"thll"Ced to ""U J'OII L.'uo\ 1•1.1.- 1Y Uld a lt'Ut Ml&tJbOr, MOtlln '"' =-ntitll ow hhhr:lo tr1fftli-_">1p bU "-' ., ............ ...., u bi\n,i; ~--....s ... _ tfld u.e Ddt.ed. su.tu exi:u a 11&1&flborU-, • rrt...s­*ii>•Mehtor<W<'receaturrb.u4\fpell<'d~7,,rtrt.

Our t- _.,lui.-~-' 1A U..U.bu, ...,. dOMI.r knit bJ \1U ot bl-and a- IMrU•PI .,.. •ltlld&r<l• or llf• • .,. -~t.&:ltl.U, U.. -~our-~ tfld ow -'.c cond.IUOOI:I .... n v.- u.. - f......S.Uons. Ia- t-- -lu, 1t,.. ~ ':11&1\d COIIII.NCU.-.lJ tor peoace""' PI"'iirMI, the tl....- or LIIIAroow'H llhoul4be -~ tt-t1.cW N!d 110\ID!IIl;r I!Mperod. lad! baa to pin ltr Nt.athl p .... ru and b7 111<:.....- "'Pl..,...\ thl"CCuab th• _..otenl..erpc:l t,

J .. , u..~ton,llappyl.ob&lbl&tol.ool\t.)UQn A,.hUeeDt.)'l.lla!. UiaC.,....,lanPrt..a:Un1nor~t , :JI'>·oj/hl.t~ol. 4Ueunlonatour ne\l-l probl..,, h~¥& reedl_.j a dtUnJ.te q~t ~1~ r!.U a l\.ei""\.4 d.l ... "-"" lind llrl,..-*l•re•tricUon.~, and\hiOII.)I'I!t.c>U..IICinol~.a&eot lloU.CIIMd&tfldU..UIIit.NS\.0.\el ,


~ ,.....,. <Jt IP'<"I •-l• u \lle e1roa&eU f<JNI le $M _.14, l\ ~ ,..,._t.; h UHLI IIM4 I"H<<J.IIU<IIMl u u Muu t M.a ecr-tt v..MtUled.

Jt .. U I •U..a, b t Cl\lr IOof ..... h, .... CODUlbuW "'"'' , .. .,.M ... u -Mtq ..r u.. tell<JWelllp or ... ,1~,­..,....,,tAr....., tMreeneUlD<Jt......,t..• u••ln.

'it no 111nh • h.,., prot!~ '01 ""' tD04 ·~h or wr telloorAMr lc...,• wbopM t belr liYHh .. r . on \IIIIU •w--1'<1111141qbl lllotV1rC1nle\!IUI'Mt• tllo\lllude iiPOIItiooll.lude -1atllelU t'01YDUI1C<JftbedU 1 , lloflOII'IM,Ul"ON1hfrlYil', ""''P'ft'"P1Wot•cr•u•u..,..

n. p.o.n ud 1:11<1 ,.., ... , ... u . 111 Ur.• pnyu lllt.l J.DJrl• •I:U o,.,. - k U.O- ot p•e• , Ui4 "' IMr IX..,.h u ~ 111<1 lll>r<*4 4'114 .,, ret,.,.. <Jt 10')01. oiU-... - a.

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