franklin county covid-19 dashboard

Post on 03-Dec-2021






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Franklin County COVID-19 Dashboard

STAY-MASKED , GET-VAXXED , GET-TESTED To Keep Businesses Open and our Kids in School!

Scott S. LaVigne, MSW, MBA

Franklin County Health Director, Franklin County COVID-19 EOC Public Information Officer

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

School-Specific Metrics Updated: 10-7-2021

School Child/Youth Workforce-AgeClusters Positivity % Positivity %

_______________ ____________________ ____________________# of FCSD/Charter School Clusters % of positive cases age 0-17 % of positive cases age 18-49

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

School-Specific Metric Definitions

School Clusters: No more than 1 school/building with 5 or more individuals (staff and/or students) who test positive for COVID-19.

RED = 3 or more schools/buildings in the county with clusters.YELLOW = 2 schools/buildings in the county with clusters.GREEN = 0-1 schools/buildings in the county with clusters.

Child/Youth % Positivity: Children/Youth ages 0-17’s Percent of total Positive Cases remains at or below 14% baseline.

RED = Ages 0-17 represent 20% or higher of total of positives tests.YELLOW = Ages 0-17 represent 15%-19% of total positive tests.GREEN = Ages 0-17 represent 14% or less of total positive tests.

Workforce Age % Positive: Schools’ most common workforce age-group, 18-49, remains at or below baseline of 56% of total positive cases.

RED = Ages 18-49 represent 64% or higher of total of positives tests.YELLOW = Ages 18-49 represent 57-63% of total positive tests.GREEN = Ages 18-49 represent 56% or less of total positive tests.

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:School-Specific Metric Data

Updated: 10-7-2021

School Clusters:

2 Schools have Clusters (As of 10/5/21)

Nearly All Schools report Positive-Cases with students/staff in quarantine.

Franklin County Schools Include:All County School District Schools

All in-county Charter SchoolsAll in-county Private Schools

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:School-Specific Metric Data

Data Updated: 10-4-2021

Child/Youth & Workforce Age as Percent of total Positive Cases:For Child/Youth (Ages 0-17), and Workforce (18-24 plus 25-49).

NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System & NCCOVID

Largest Percentage of Cases: Ages 25-49 (35%) same; Ages 0-17 (32%) same; Ages 50+ (25%) up 4.Ages 0-17= 32%, remains 18 higher than it’s 9/25/2020 benchmark of 14%, over 2x the benchmark.Ages 0-24: are 40% of new cases, down 5 from last week. Ages 18-24 (down 4) driving the decrease.

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics Updated: 10-7-2021

County Trend Community CommunityPast 14 days Positivity % Testing Trend

_____________________ ______________________ ________________________

Community Trend Direction % of Community Tests that are + Avg. 5% of Total Pop. Tested Monthly

Knowing you’re Positive & isolating, Slows Community Spread & Keeps our kids in School!Knowing you’re Negative keeps our numbers accurate and our kids in School!

STAY-MASKED , GET-VAXXED , and GET-TESTED to Keep our Kids in School!

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – Definitions

Community Trend: Trend history line for county shows sharp downward trend or line is flat at no more than 5 new cases per day.

RED = Trend line shows steep increases.YELLOW = Trend line is flat and/or flat at higher levels.GREEN = Trend line shows downward direction or flat at low levels.

Community Positivity Rate: County’s Positive tests as a percent of total county tests is 5% or lower.

RED = 6% or higher.YELLOW = 5.1% - 5.9%GREEN = 5.0% or lower

Testing: 5% of the total Franklin County population is Tested for COVID-19 each Month (averages to 116 tests per day).

RED = Testing below 100 tests per day.YELLOW = Averaging between 100-115 tests per day.GREEN = Averaging 116 tests per day or more

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

STATE Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

State of North Carolina Trend Line: Decreasing over past 14 days.

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Franklin County Trend Line: Decreasing Overall trendline, with Daily Variability.

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Franklin County Testing & Positivity Rate:

NCDHHS Changed Their Reporting Method, no longer showing number of ELR Tests.

• Testing Goal= 116-tests/day over past two weeks. (5% of total Franklin County Population per Month)• Positivity Rate Goal= 5% or Less of total tests are positive over past two weeks.

TESTING: 290% of Goal - MET (Average Tests/day Past Two Weeks: 10/4/21= 336 9/27/21= 420 9/20/21= 441 9/13/21= 408 Goal=116)

Positivity Rate: 8.2% - NOT MET(Flat over the past 4-weeks at around 8%)


Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

CDC COVID Community Transmission for Franklin County:Last Updated 10-5-2021

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Vaccination Information:For the latest information, go to:

Eligible for 1st and 2nd dose Vaccine:

Everyone Age 12 and Over

(Unless advised otherwise by your medical provider)

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Vaccination Information: BOOSTER- Eligible Now:For the latest information, go to:

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Franklin County Partially-Vaccinated Information: Total = 35,409 (All Programs) Up 700 from (and 75 more new than) last week.

For the latest information, go to:

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Franklin County FULLY-Vaccinated Information: Total = 33,166 (All Programs) Up 860 from ( 206 fewer new than) last week.

For the latest information, go to:

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community Metrics – DataUpdated: 10-7-2021

Vaccination Information: For the latest information, go to:

Based on Data from All Providers & Programs (Private, Local, State & Federal)

48%*of Franklin County Residents

are Fully Vaccinated Up 2 points since last week!!

(Federal Fully-Vaccinated Goal = 70%; Total Herd Immunity = 70%-85%)

* Increased 1 point on 10/1/21 due to Counting Differences in some Federal Programs.** Children under 18 are a significant number of new infections, therefore, the Vaccination Rate is now calculated for the total Franklin County Population

estimate of 70,000. While children under 12 cannot currently get vaccinated, they now CAN get infected.

Franklin CountyCommunity COVID-19 Dashboard:

Community MessageUpdated: 10-7-2021

Want Businesses Open and Kids in School?




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